pfaas schreef op 13 juni 2019 22:36:
Thai Union Group has announced the successful completion of a trial in which shrimp has been raised on AlgaPrime DHA feed.
AlgaPrime, owned by Corbion, is an algae-based source of long-chain omega-3s, "recognized for improving omega-3 traceability and reducing the fish-in fish-out ratio of farmed seafood", it said.
"Our new opportunity with Thai Union demonstrates our continued commitment to sustainability," said Chris Haacke, global aquaculture lead at Corbion.
"Shrimp farming is one of the fastest growing sectors in the aquaculture industry, and AlgaPrime DHA has the potential to offer shrimp farmers assurance in traceability and sustainability of their feed, while also allowing them to add beneficial omega-3s to their product."
Shrimp farming currently consumes approximately 100,000 metric tons of fish oil annually, predominantly because fish oil contains DHA, a key ingredient in shrimp growth and development. Global demand for omega-3s, such as DHA, is growing rapidly, but the availability of omega-3s from their current source – wild-caught fish – is limited, said Corbion.
"At Thai Union, our SeaChange sustainability strategy drives meaningful improvements across the entire global seafood industry, especially when it comes to traceable and responsible sourcing," said Darian McBain, global director of corporate affairs and sustainability at Thai Union. "By working with Corbion, we are progressing our goal to bring even more responsibly sourced and sustainably harvested shrimp to market."