luchtschip schreef op 27 april 2023 00:44:
Deze man loopt al jaren onzin verhalen te verkopen om aan te tonen, dat het klimaat probleem niet bestaat
21 september 2010
'Chemical nonsense': Leading scientists refute ( weerleggen ) Lord Monckton's attack on climate science
This article is more than 12 years old
Nine 'profoundly wrong' claims made by Ukip deputy leader refuted by climate experts in a document filed with US Congress
A coalition of leading climate scientists yesterday filed a 48-page document to the US Congress refuting an attack on climate science made earlier this year by the Ukip deputy leader, Lord Christopher Monckton.
The detailed rebuttal addresses nine key scientific claims made by Monckton, a prominent climate sceptic, to a house select committee hearing in May. It includes the responses of 21 climate scientists who variously conclude that Monckton's assertions are "very misleading", "profoundly wrong", "simply false", "chemical nonsense", and "cannot be supported by climate physics".
Monckton, a former journalist and policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher, who has been the deputy leader of the UK Independence party (Ukip) since June, was invited by the Republican party to give evidence to the house select committee on energy independence and global warming.
"For those without some familiarity with climate science, [Monckton's] testimony may appear to have scientific validity," said yesterday's response to Monckton's claims . "We have therefore undertaken the task of soliciting responses from highly qualified climate scientists in each of the areas touched upon in Monckton's testimony … In all cases, Monckton's assertions are shown to be without merit – they are based on a thorough misunderstanding of the science of climate change."
Bovendien heeft hij nog gelogen door te claimen dat hij lid was van het House of Lords in de UK
During his congressional testimony in May, Monckton was mocked by a Democratic congressman for claiming that he was a member of the House of Lords during a previous committee hearing appearance in 2009.
Last month, the clerk of the parliaments, wrote to Monckton, a hereditary peer, stressing that he should stop referring to himself as a member of the House of Lords. nu kom jij met een man, waarvan 21 erkende klimaat wetenschappers, zeggen dat Monckton's beweringen "zeer misleidend", "diepgaand zeer verkeerd", "simpel gezegd vals", "chemische nonsens" en "niet gesteund kunnen worden door klimaat natuurkunde"
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>>>Het is wetenschappelijk aanvaard en de wetenschappelijke consensus dat CO2, vrijgekomen door fossiele verbranding, directe oorzaak is voor de door de mens beïnvloedde stijging van de temperatuur
Er is een overduidelijk samengaan van gebruik fossiele brandstoffen en temperatuur stijging sinds 1850--de industriële revolutie--tot 1960 en de versnelling na 1960 door het explosieve gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen na 1960 ( enorme productie ontwikkelingen, transport ontwikkelingen gepaard met veel scheep-- en luchtvaart en auto verkeer )