Succes schreef op 10 juli 2024 14:32:
Er staat ten eerste "she supposedly said" ...
Ten tweede, iemand die iets beweert o.b.v. een artikel die hijzelf niet (kan lezen en) heeft gelezen is wel heel erg vreemd / dom!
Nou, ik (heb) kan het artikel WEL (ge)lezen en datgene wat jij beweert staat er niet in. ben ik zelf maar even op zoek gegaan, en ...
In een interview met oa Der Spiegel zegt ze over de Minsk akkoorden o.a. het volgende (zie onder voor het gehele citaat):
> "while not entirely palatable to the Ukrainians, bought important time for Ukraine" ... en
> "At the time, it brought calm and gave Ukraine, for example, a lot of time, seven years, to develop into what it is today." heeft dus helemaal NIKS toegegeven!
Ze noemt alleen -retroperspectief- dat het kostbare tijd heeft opgeleverd voor Oekraïne.
Ze heeft in het geheel niet gezegd dat de Minsk-akkoorden
alleen gesloten werden om tijd te rekken zodat Oekraine bewapend kon worden
Jouw opmerking is dus onjuist (en je zet hiermee doelbewust mensen op het verkeerde been)!
Merkel on the Minsk agreement
Merkel said the Minsk agreement — a 2014 deal she helped broker to ease the conflict between government forces and Russian-backed separatists — while not entirely palatable to the Ukrainians, bought important time for Ukraine.
"This agreement was commended, approved, welcomed by the EU. This agreement has been incorporated into a UN Security Council resolution, so it has the character of international law," she said.
"At the time, it brought calm and gave Ukraine, for example, a lot of time, seven years, to develop into what it is today."
Merkel conceded that there could have been a harsher response to Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea, but that serious steps had been taken. She cited Russia's exclusion from the Group of Eight (Leading Industrial Nations) and NATO's stipulation that members spend 2% of GDP on defense.
By the end of her chancellorship, it was clear that Russia was moving in the direction of conflict, she said. And that Russia was finished with the Normandy format talks [between Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia].
"I don't blame myself for not having tried hard enough," Merkel responded to a question about how much she could have done to prevent an escalation with Russia. "I tried sufficiently. It is a great sadness that I did not succeed."