beeldscherm schreef op 15 november 2015 11:50:
"Other modification technologies (Accoya® and HartHolzTM) were evaluated as
having potential for application into Australia. However it was deemed to be too early
in their commercial cycles for the building of Australian-based production facilities. It
would be worthwhile to reassess their potential once uncertainties around sustained
market growth and plans around expansion of production facilities have reduced." en dat is 1 van de oorzaken waardoor er (nog geen of weinig) Institutionele beleggers in Accs. zitten,dus het is vh grootste belang dat het Produceren v Accoya /Tricoya verhoogd word on Global scale dan zullen Overheden v hun projecten nog eerder naar Accoya hout "grijpen" daar ze verzekerd zijn van op tijd leveren cq deadlines.