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  1. Prof. Dollar 28 maart 2012 09:38
    Slimme zet AMT door nu druk op te voeren.

    AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, March 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
    ?Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics (Euronext: AMT), a leader in the field of human gene therapy, announced today data demonstrating that one-time administration of the gene therapy Glybera® (alipogene tiparvovec) is able to markedly improve chylomicron (fat particles in the blood) metabolism following consumption of a low fat meal. This results in a much reduced level of newly-formed chylomicrons in the bloodstream, which are considered to be the cause of the acute and recurring bouts of pancreatitis seen in lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD) subjects. LPLD is a very rare inherited condition that is associated with increased levels of chylomicrons. These particles carry certain types of fat in the blood, which because they are not removed from the body can cause recurrent pancreatitis. Data were published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM, Mar 2012).

    "These data show that Glybera has a profound impact on chylomicron metabolism 14 weeks after a single administration. Although the patient cohort is small, due to the rare nature of LPLD, these results are very encouraging," explained Dr. André Carpentier, Division of Endocrinology at the Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Candada. "LPLD patients often suffer from extremely painful bouts of pancreatitis, which is believed to be caused by the accumulation of chylomicron particles in the blood."
    "This publication provides additional, independent support on the ability of Glybera to restore chylomicron metabolism in LPLD patients. We believe by restoring the body's ability to metabolize these particles in LPLD patients, Glybera treatment results in fewer pancreatitis attacks," stated Carlos Camozzi, Chief Medical Officer at AMT. "LPLD patients are under constant risk of these attacks and the associated excruciating pain."

    Study Details

    In an open label clinical trial (CT-AMT-011-02), 5 LPLD subjects in Quebec, Canada, were administered alipogene tiparvovec at a dose of 1 x 1012 genome copies per kg. Two weeks before and 14 weeks after administration, chylomicron metabolism, and plasma palmitate (fatty acid) and glycerol appearance rates were determined following ingestion of a low fat meal. Following administration of alipogene tiparvovec, the triglyceride (TG) content of the chylomicron fraction and the chylomicron-triglyceride (TG)/total plasma TG ratio were reduced throughout the postprandial period. The postprandial peak chylomicron level and chylomicron AUC were greatly reduced (by 79% and 93%, 6- and 24 hours after the test meal, respectively). There were no significant changes in plasma fatty acid and glycerol appearance rates. Plasma glucose, insulin and C-peptide also did not change. The data was obtained from AMT's study in patients treated with Glybera in 2009.
  2. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2012 09:38
    Valt niet op te anticiperen, voor korte ritjes heeft dit geen zin, voor t zelfde geld sluit AMT op 0,40 cent.. Partijen kopen in voor 30 maart, zou toch te gek voor woorden zijn als er voor 30 maart nog nieuws komt.
    Ook niet in het belang van Forbion lijkt mij
  3. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2012 09:39
    je vergist je er is nieuws, ik zie de headlines op bloomberg,

    amt maakt positievfe resultaten glybera bekend

    maar ikkan het echte nieuws niet vinden
  4. KevDem 28 maart 2012 09:41
    gvd, net alles buitengesmeten aan 0,42 met verlies, aangezien ik geen nieuws meer verwachtte en niet voor de DR's wou kiezen, en nu dit... Krijg kop noch staart aan dit aandeel...
    Persoonlijk zie ik dit weer als een pump zo vlak voor de deadline, tenzij er nog nieuws komt natuurlijk, maar dat verwacht ik niet al te snel
  5. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2012 09:44

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics nv (AMT.AE) meldt woensdag dat een studie over het medicijn Glybera positieve onderzoeksresultaten heeft opgeleverd.
    Glybera is een gentherapie voor de behandeling van alvleesklierontsteking.
    AMT maakte halverwege februari bekend overgenomen te worden door UniQure, waarna de beursnotering van AMT beeindigd wordt.
    Omstreeks 09.45 uur noteert het aandeel 23,8% hoger op EUR0,50.
    - Door Levien de Feijter Dow Jones Newswires; +31 20 571 52 00;
    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
    March 28, 2012 03:40 ET (07:40 GMT)
    © 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

  6. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2012 09:44
    AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands, March 28, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- ï"Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics , a leader in the field of human gene therapy, announced today data demonstrating that one-time administration of the gene therapy Glybera® (alipogene tiparvovec) is able to markedly improve chylomicron (fat particles in the blood) metabolism following consumption of a low fat meal. This results in a much reduced level of newly-formed chylomicrons in the bloodstream, which are considered to be the cause of the acute and recurring bouts of pancreatitis seen in lipoprotein lipase deficiency (LPLD) subjects. LPLD is a very rare inherited condition that is associated with increased levels of chylomicrons. These particles carry certain types of fat in the blood, which because they are not removed from the body can cause recurrent pancreatitis. Data were published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM, Mar 2012).

    "These data show that Glybera has a profound impact on chylomicron metabolism 14 weeks after a single administration. Although the patient cohort is small, due to the rare nature of LPLD, these results are very encouraging," explained Dr. André Carpentier, Division of Endocrinology at the Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec, Candada. "LPLD patients often suffer from extremely painful bouts of pancreatitis, which is believed to be caused by the accumulation of chylomicron particles in the blood."

    "This publication provides additional, independent support on the ability of Glybera to restore chylomicron metabolism in LPLD patients. We believe by restoring the body's ability to metabolize these particles in LPLD patients, Glybera treatment results in fewer pancreatitis attacks," stated Carlos Camozzi, Chief Medical Officer at AMT. "LPLD patients are under constant risk of these attacks and the associated excruciating pain."

    Study Details

    In an open label clinical trial (CT-AMT-011-02), 5 LPLD subjects in Quebec, Canada, were administered alipogene tiparvovec at a dose of 1 x 1012 genome copies per kg. Two weeks before and 14 weeks after administration, chylomicron metabolism, and plasma palmitate (fatty acid) and glycerol appearance rates were determined following ingestion of a low fat meal. Following administration of alipogene tiparvovec, the triglyceride (TG) content of the chylomicron fraction and the chylomicron-triglyceride (TG)/total plasma TG ratio were reduced throughout the postprandial period. The postprandial peak chylomicron level and chylomicron AUC were greatly reduced (by 79% and 93%, 6- and 24 hours after the test meal, respectively). There were no significant changes in plasma fatty acid and glycerol appearance rates. Plasma glucose, insulin and C-peptide also did not change. The data was obtained from AMT's study in patients treated with Glybera in 2009.

    About Glybera®

    AMT has developed Glybera as a treatment for patients with the genetic disorder lipoprotein lipase deficiency.

    LPLD is an orphan disease for which no treatment exists today. The disease is caused by mutations in the LPL gene, resulting in highly decreased or absent activity of LPL protein in patients. This protein is needed in order to break down large fat-carrying particles that circulate in the blood after each meal. When such particles, called chylomicrons, accumulate in the blood, they may obstruct small blood vessels. Excess chylomicrons result in recurrent and severe acute inflammation of the pancreas, called pancreatitis, the most debilitating and life threatening clinical complication of LPLD. Glybera has orphan drug status in the EU and US.

    About Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics
  7. Prof. Dollar 28 maart 2012 09:45
    Die goedkeuring zal er wel komen. Nu als kleine jongen blijven zitten en over een 1 a 1,5 jaar uitstappen tegen een gezonde prijs per aandeel.
  8. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2012 09:48
    tja ze moesten wel met een klein beetje positief nieuws komen
    aangezien ze nog steeds dat miljoen niet hebben opgehaald.
    mooi moment om afscheid te nemen van amt,en zo
    te zien doen dat er meer.
  9. [verwijderd] 28 maart 2012 09:50
    Die goedkeuring zal er wel komen met deze info maar ik vraag mij werkelijk af waarom deze informatie nu naar buiten komt twee dagen voor de vergadering, wil men iedereen positief stemmen, zodat ze blindelings de aandeeltjes overdragen aan forbion?
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