Toekomstbeeld schreef op 28 april 2017 17:20:
Hallo Voda,
Heb je net 1 gegeven voor dit bericht :-)
Coal prijsvorming vraag die je stelde.
Eerder gaf ik je info vanuit een supplier, hierbij het beeld door de bril van een afnemer (4de staalprod. vd wereld). Cyclone Debbie.
POSCO CEO concerned about rising coking coal prices after Cyclone Debbie
Reuters reported that Mr Kwon Oh-joon, chairman of POSCO, the world's fourth-biggest steelmaker, on Thursday raised concerns about rising prices of coking coal in the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie. His comments were made to Reuters on the sidelines of an industry event in Seoul.
Cyclone Debbie disrupted Australia's supply of coking coal, a key steelmaking material, as the powerful storm halted operations of the country's rail network that connects coking coal mines to ports.
Source : Reuters