Eurocommercial Properties 2023
Today I exited my ECMP position which I opened in the spring-summer of 2020. My logic was to ride the corona recovery wave and I decided to exit now because I do not see EU stocks going too much up fr...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
+3.5% on the first day of trading and most similar companies are up more or less the same. What is the driver?...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
quote:!@#$!@! schreef op 1 november 2022 11:18:Only IBKR has that option as far as i know out Saxo does it only in Singapore....
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=!@#$!@! id=14471873 date=202210231155]Het valt mij trouwens op dat mijn aandelen ECP en Klep ook soms, vaak zijn uitgeleend aan shorters. Ze betalen helaas maar 0.22% en slechts 1/3 w...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=Branco P id=14469824 date=202210211045]Ergens in de loop van volgend jaar deflatie, is ook mogelijk… zul je zien dat er dan opnieuw paniek is ;-)Ik heb zojuist nog een flinke pluk K...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
European retail sales - higher turnover, stagnant or lower volumes...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
It looks like it was not opened yet, there are some red stripes towards the end of the food court, probably that is why its empty. Anyways, a bit not inspired moment to take the picture (funn...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
What a crazy day...from -5% to +1.3%, lots of volatility...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=!@#$!@! id=14403784 date=202209100859]Ja goed punt over basf. Toekomstig dividend zal erg onzeker zijn. Heb lockdowns omdat de economie er slecht voorstaat? Zelfs in China hebben ze d...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Okay, so the 8% is based on the outlook, not on the past performances. It makes sense like that. If they manage to keep their profits relatively constant, it would be a very very good performance.
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=Branco P id=14399752 date=202209081138][...]Nu moeten we toch vooral weer oppassen dat er geen ontspoorde overheden zijn die nog aan coronamaatregelen (zoals lockdowns en vaccinatie...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=!@#$!@! id=14396246 date=202209061516]Die bied ook al 8% dividend. Toch bijzonder al die hoge div. rend. van sommige aandelen terwijl de rente nog steeds op 0% staat. (t/m donderdag dan...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Someone is very determined to sell today. Already 32k volume...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Unfortunately we need to wait for almost 2 months after q2 ends to see the results. That is something I dont fully understand, especially when I compare with the US companies that report much muc...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
That would be super useful, indeed. thanks! Very strange sudden growth today from +0.5% to +2.5% in minutes. Lets see if it sticks...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Interesting that the share price has increased more after divided vs. in the days right before dividend cut-off date. We are now at 22.4. If you consider divided + free shares, this means already more...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=MOEdig Voorwaarts id=14233025 date=202206061041]Er is wel meer high yield spul dat in de min staat, terwijl technologie vandaag de kar trekt. Ik zou het dus maar houden op de dage...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=Branco P id=14232202 date=202206050925][...]welke broker had jij dan? IB toch? en kun je daar dan geen optieseries zien?Ik ga namelijk wel echt switchen van Broker nu (Degiro of...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=MOEdig Voorwaarts id=14215003 date=202205241336]@StefanCaIn light of the very small size of our stake in comparison to our balance sheet (ca. 25bps) there is noneed to take ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Now ECMP looks a bit better than the other european commercial Real Estate.On another note. you talked about Vonovia recently. Dont forget they own 25% of Adler RE, which is not in a good sit...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
I expected a bit better course this morning, given the very good update from yesterday. market not good either, almost everything in red...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
quote:Branco P schreef op 29 maart 2022 21:53:[...]what does your portfolio look like right now Stefan? Any recommendations?I dont think I can give recommendations, ther...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
What a ride in the last few days...Now I dont regret that I was patient and didnt sell in Q3 2021 (at ~20 EUR). Background: I bought most of my ECMP in April and May 2020 - almost 35% o...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Such a weird close...went from +2% to almost 0% in the last minute of the session...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Hmm, largest than march 2020? Would be strange....
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
[quote alias=Branco P id=13997692 date=202202022110][...]Interim Report 2021:[i]As per 30 June 2021, 74% of our interest expenses are fixed for an average period of over six years and the av...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2022
Why do you think they are reducing, at this trading volume we will finish the day with a volume very close to the average daily volume. Cant find it quickly in the latest financials, the aver...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Most likely big decrease today. Look at German and uk indexes -2% or even -3%...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Strange evolution, not only because we were at 21.2 shortly after opening, but also because other RE are going down max 0.5%, vs almost 2% for ECP.Btw, it again takes them a long time to publish f...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
At saxo I have min cost of 12EUR for 500 pieces. So it’s 0.12%. I opened account directly with Saxo, not migrated from Degiro. Btw, if you carefully check saxo website they have different pricing ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
quote:Branco P schreef op 5 november 2021 10:21:[...]If I recollect correctly, ECP never gives outlooks. I checked some pre-covid quarterly updates and I did not find outlooks.
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Overall good figures I think, not stellar. Strange with vacancy increase and sad that no outlook is provided (again) :( Will need to take a closer look at cash flow statement. ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
As a Romanian, a few things about vaccination and IGD, maybe interesting. 42% current vaccination rate for 12+ years old population. Problem is willingness to get vaccinated, not availability of v...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
quote:Branco P schreef op 3 november 2021 17:16:[...]In Mai 2021 ECP already reached 2019-Summer levels. True, but there is a difference in price evolution: Summer 2019 price...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
In the meantime, SPG is at highest level since summer 2019...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Interesting that it is not gaining momentum, still -3% for ECP, while everyone in Real Estate is +1% or at worst 0%.I sold some puts at strike 20 for Nov, in the logic that results will be good and ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
quote:Branco P schreef op 28 oktober 2021 09:14:Heb mijn aandeeltjes eruit gegooid op 66,80. Pik ze weer op als we de 60 nog weer een keer gaan zien. En anders ook goed :)He sold s...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
And they offer an outlook. Wondering if ECP will do it this time. ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
So everyone that reported so far had a positive price evolution after reporting. That makes me think ECMP should be 20+ after Nov 5th....
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
In the meantime some interesting actions in the residential RE market in Germany.Adler real estate accused of some accounting wrongdoings
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Real estate market definitely doesnt like the current environment with prolonged low interest rates....
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
[quote alias=!@#$!@! id=13645907 date=202108271640]Als de huren immers gewoon blijven groeien , ondersteun door inflatie zal dat de waardedaling door hogere yields misschien wel teniet doen ?[/q...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
The market didnt seem to like Mercialys update: -4.5% while other RE are decreasing 1-2% only...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Good point! Time horizon : 2-3 years, significant risk appetite (you can see that from the fact that I first bought ECP at 7.9 in aprill 2020).Yes, currency risk is important, thats why I a...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Advice needed.ECP was a very very good acquisition for me. I bought it last year after corona started, bought it between 8 and 10 eur a piece, average buy price ~9 (after divided stock received). ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Adjusted for stock split and divided, the max stock price was 23.6 Eur or something else?...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
quote:hjs64 schreef op 6 juli 2021 12:58:[...]You are not supposed to sell them ;).I didnt :), although ECM is now a significant part of my portfolio due to high growth ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Everything settled yesterday at Saxo, got the cash and can now sell the stock dividend. I could also see the stock dividend in my account since early June, but couldnt sell them until yesterday....
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Saxo account here, no cash dividend yet received. ...
StefanCa |
Eurocommercial Properties 2021 jaardraadje
Tomorrow ECP will distribute the dividend. What is the withholding tax for this transaction?...
StefanCa |