Finanalist schreef op 18 april 2019 18:03:
Persbericht van Euronext over SNS Reaal derivaten van Notice No. CA/2013/020/A 5 February 2013
1. Background: The Dutch Government has announced the nationalisation of SNS Reaal NV (“SNS”) on 1 February 2013.
2. ISIN: NL0000390706.
3. Effective date: Members are advised that the effective date shall be announced in due course. The effective date is the date, or the business day thereafter, that the Enterprise Division of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal determines the compensation amount (the “Compensation Amount”) in accordance with art. 6.10 and art. 6.11 of the intervention law (Interventiewet) (hereinafter the “Effective Date”). NYSE Liffe shall consider the figure of the Compensation Amount final and binding for the purpose of settling the outstanding open interest, regardless of any further appeal to the Supreme Court.
4. Suspension: Trading in the underlying value and the SNS options is suspended.
5. Option Exercise: Exercise instructions are not allowed in the SNS options contract.
6. Expiry: All open positions shall be deemed to expire on the Effective Date. The Effective Date shall therefore replace the current last trading day in relation to the SNS options.
7. Contract Adjustments:
¦ On the Effective Date, the SNS options contract shall be delisted with immediate effect and settled at intrinsic value. The Compensation Amount per share will be used as the reference point for the calculation of the intrinsic value of the options series.