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  1. forum rang 10 voda 18 april 2023 07:05
    Chinese economie groeit met 4,5 procent

    In eerste kwartaal.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese economie is in het eerste kwartaal van dit jaar gegroeid en ook sterker dan verwacht. Dit bleek dinsdag uit officiële cijfers van het land.

    In het eerste kwartaal groeide de Chinese economie op jaarbasis met 4,5 procent. De cijfers vielen beter uit dan de 4,0 procent groei die economen hadden voorzien.

    Op kwartaalbasis steeg het Chinese bruto binnenlands product met 2,2 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  2. aexo 18 april 2023 11:31
    Nederland moet ’koudeoorlogmentaliteit’ opgeven
    China wil dat Nederland ophoudt over ’Chinese dreiging’
    Updated 34 min geleden
    1 uur geleden

    China is volgens de inlichtingendienst „de grootse bedreiging van de veiligheid van Nederland”. Dat zei directeur-generaal van de Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst (AIVD) Erik Akerboom maandag bij de presentatie van het jaarverslag over 2022. Het land jaagt op „unieke kennis” zoals die van chipmachinemaker ASML. China hoort bij de landen die, net als bijvoorbeeld Rusland, „steeds meer macht en meer invloed zoeken”.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 19 april 2023 07:52
    China's Crude Steel Output Soars in Q1

    China's steel industry has witnessed a remarkable surge in crude steel production during the first quarter of 2023. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's crude steel output reached 271 million tonnes in the first quarter of this year, a 6.6% increase compared to the same period last year. This news has made headlines around the world, as China remains the largest producer and consumer of steel globally.
    The surge in crude steel output in China can be attributed to the country's robust economic growth and the rapid pace of infrastructure development. The demand for steel from the construction and manufacturing sectors has risen sharply, leading to an increase in production to meet the demand. However, this increase in output has also led to a rise in concerns over the country's carbon emissions.
    Despite the environmental concerns, steel production companies in China have continued to ramp up production. One such company is Baosteel, China's largest steelmaker, which reported a 12% increase in its crude steel output in the first quarter of 2023. "We are committed to meeting the rising demand for steel in China and contributing to the country's economic growth," said a spokesperson for Baosteel.
    Another major player in the Chinese steel industry is Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation (WISCO), which also reported a significant increase in its crude steel output during the first quarter of this year. "We are optimistic about the outlook for the steel industry in China, and we will continue to invest in technology and innovation to meet the demands of our customers," said a spokesperson for WISCO.
    Despite the impressive growth in China's steel industry, experts warn that the surge in crude steel output could lead to a further rise in global steel prices. This could have an adverse effect on the global economy, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
    In conclusion, China's steel industry has witnessed a remarkable surge in crude steel production in the first quarter of this year, driven by the country's robust economic growth and the rapid pace of infrastructure development. The rise in production has led to concerns over carbon emissions and a potential rise in global steel prices. Nevertheless, major players in the Chinese steel industry remain optimistic about the outlook for the industry and are committed to meeting the rising demand for steel in China.
  4. forum rang 8 Succes 19 april 2023 18:00
    Hé, dat klinkt bekend in de oren ... politiestations!
    Oh nee sorry, ze geven alleen maar documenten uit ... tuurlijk.


    UK warns China against intimidating foreign nationals in Britain

    -Warning issued after media reports about a Chinese businessman linked to a ‘secret police station’ in London.-

    Britain says any intimidation of foreign nationals by China or other states on its soil is unacceptable as it responded to a media report about a secret Chinese police station.

    Britain has previously said that reports of undeclared police stations in the country were “extremely concerning” and the police were looking into the issue.

    This week, United States federal agents arrested two New York residents for allegedly operating a Chinese “secret police station” in the Chinatown district of Manhattan. China has said it firmly opposes what it called “the US’s slanders and smears”.

    On Wednesday, Britain’s policing minister, Chris Philp, said the government was aware of about 100 such stations around the world.

    “This government takes interference with foreign nationals here, transnational intimidation, extremely seriously,” he said. “It is completely unacceptable, and we will do whatever is necessary to stop it from happening.”
    Local volunteers

    China’s embassy in Britain did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Reuters news agency.

    The Chinese government has previously said there are centres outside China run by local volunteers, not Chinese police officers, that aim to help Chinese citizens renew documents and offer other services.

    The Times reported on Tuesday that a Chinese businessman linked to what it called a secret police station in London had organised fundraising dinners for the governing Conservative Party.

    The local Conservative Party association said it had reported the matter to security services last year and the man was no longer a member of their association.

    Philp declined to comment on the case, which he said was under police investigation.

    On the issue of possible political influence, he said: “All political parties need to be alert to the danger that representatives of hostile states seek to infiltrate or influence our activities”
  5. forum rang 10 voda 20 april 2023 07:17
    Centrale bank van China laat rentes ongemoeid

    People's Bank of China laat één- en vijfjaarsrente intact.

    (ABM FN) De People's Bank of China heeft de korte en middellange rente intact gelaten. Dit bleek donderdag uit mededelingen van de centrale bank van China.

    De eenjaarsrente bleef zo op 3,65 procent staan en de vijfjaarsrente op 4,3 procent.

    Bij de laatste gaat het om een zogeheten LPR die op maanbasis wordt berekend uit de rentetarieven die 18 geselecteerde commerciële banken in rekening brengen voor hun beste cliënten.

    Het besluit van de PBoC was in overeenstemming met de verwachtingen en lijkt er op te duiden dat de bank voor nu geen moeite heeft met het groeitempo van de economie.

    Maandag hield de centrale bank de leenfaciliteit voor de termijn van één jaar ook al intact.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481
  6. [verwijderd] 20 april 2023 08:12
    "Hear what Pentagon leak revealed about China’s supersonic spy drone"

    Classified Pentagon documents leaked on social media revealed details about China’s supersonic spy drone program, according to a Washington Post report.
  7. [verwijderd] 20 april 2023 08:14
    Leaked US assessment says China readying supersonic spy drone unit - Washington Post

    WASHINGTON, April 18 (Reuters) - A leaked U.S. military assessment says the Chinese military may soon deploy a high-altitude spy drone that travels at least three times the speed of sound, the Washington Post reported late on Tuesday.

    The newspaper cited a secret document from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

    The document, which Reuters could not confirm or verify independently, features satellite imagery dated Aug 9 that shows two WZ-8 rocket-propelled reconnaissance drones at an air base in eastern China, about 350 miles (560km) inland from Shanghai, according to the newspaper.

    The U.S. assessment said China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) had "almost certainly" established its first unmanned aerial vehicle unit at the base, which falls under the Eastern Theater Command, the branch of the Chinese military responsible for enforcing Chinese sovereignty claims over Taiwan, the newspaper reported.

    The U.S. Defense Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Chinese government could not immediately be reached for comment.

    The Washington Post said it obtained the assessment of the program from a trove of images of classified files posted on the Discord messaging app, allegedly by a member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard, who was arrested last week.
  8. [verwijderd] 22 april 2023 06:03
    China importeerde in maart recordhoeveelheid Russische kolen

    BEIJING (ANP/BLOOMBERG) - Onder de in totaal 41,2 miljoen ton kolen die China in maart importeerde, waren volgens de meest recente Chinese douanegegevens ook recordaankopen van kolen uit Rusland en Mongolië. De Chinese regering heeft van energiezekerheid een prioriteit gemaakt nu de Chinese economie weer opengaat en de vraag naar brandstof toeneemt.

    China kocht van Rusland 8,8 miljoen ton kolen, bijna drie keer zoveel als de hoeveelheid die het vorig jaar rond deze tijd afnam. Tegelijkertijd steeg de import van Russische ruwe olie eveneens naar een recordhoogte. De kolenimport uit Mongolië bedroeg 5,8 miljoen ton.

    Sinds de oorlog in Oekraïne is Rusland uitgegroeid tot een belangrijke leverancier. Ruslands grootste thermische kolenmijn beloofde deze week om de export naar China dit jaar te verdrievoudigen om sancties elders te helpen compenseren. Het einde van de pandemie maakte bovendien vrijer verkeer van goederen over de grens met Mongolië mogelijk.

    Indonesië blijft de grootste kolenleverancier van China, met meer dan de helft van het totaal
  9. [verwijderd] 23 april 2023 16:26
    4 progressives, 2 conservatives vote against bill to hold China accountable for spy balloon

    Four progressives and two conservatives voted against a bill on Monday that seeks to hold the People’s Republic of China (PRC) accountable for flying a spy balloon over the continental U.S., including through sanctions, export controls and international coordination and pressure.

    The legislation — titled the Upholding Sovereignty of Airspace Act, or USA Act — passed in a 405-6 vote.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2023 07:49
    China's Steel Industry Booms in Q1

    China's steel sector saw a surge in output during the first quarter of 2023, according to industrial data from the China Iron and Steel Association. The data showed that crude steel output increased by 6.1% year-on-year to 262 million metric tons, while the output of pig iron rose by 7.6% from the previous year to 220 million metric tons. Rolled steel also saw a year-on-year increase of 5.8% to 333 million metric tons.

    The CISA's data further revealed that crude steel output rose by 6.9% in March alone, reaching 95.73 million metric tons with a daily output of over 3.08 million metric tons.

    These figures suggest that China's steel industry has continued its upward trajectory, despite global concerns over rising steel prices and supply chain disruptions.
  11. [verwijderd] 24 april 2023 10:10

    Succes schreef op 19 april 2023 18:00:

    Hé, dat klinkt bekend in de oren ... politiestations!
    Oh nee sorry, ze geven alleen maar documenten uit ... tuurlijk.


    UK warns China against intimidating foreign nationals in Britain

    -Warning issued after media reports about a Chinese businessman linked to a ‘secret police station’ in London.-

    Britain says any intimidation of foreign nationals by China or other states on its soil is unacceptable as it responded to a media report about a secret Chinese police station.

    Britain has previously said that reports of undeclared police stations in the country were “extremely concerning” and the police were looking into the issue.

    This week, United States federal agents arrested two New York residents for allegedly operating a Chinese “secret police station” in the Chinatown district of Manhattan. China has said it firmly opposes what it called “the US’s slanders and smears”.

    On Wednesday, Britain’s policing minister, Chris Philp, said the government was aware of about 100 such stations around the world.

    “This government takes interference with foreign nationals here, transnational intimidation, extremely seriously,” he said. “It is completely unacceptable, and we will do whatever is necessary to stop it from happening.”
    Local volunteers

    China’s embassy in Britain did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Reuters news agency.

    The Chinese government has previously said there are centres outside China run by local volunteers, not Chinese police officers, that aim to help Chinese citizens renew documents and offer other services.

    The Times reported on Tuesday that a Chinese businessman linked to what it called a secret police station in London had organised fundraising dinners for the governing Conservative Party.

    The local Conservative Party association said it had reported the matter to security services last year and the man was no longer a member of their association.

    Philp declined to comment on the case, which he said was under police investigation.

    On the issue of possible political influence, he said: “All political parties need to be alert to the danger that representatives of hostile states seek to infiltrate or influence our activities”
    Ministerie: Chinese politiebureaus in Nederland gesloten

    China heeft zijn illegale politiebureaus in Nederland gesloten. Dat heeft de Chinese ambassade bevestigd tegenover het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Het ministerie heeft 'vooralsnog' geen aanwijzingen gevonden dat de bureaus betrokken zijn bij intimidatie van Chinezen in Nederland, maar doet nog verder onderzoek.
  12. [verwijderd] 24 april 2023 10:14
    UK alarm over Chinese businessman and ‘secret police station,’ as Beijing warns of ‘hearsay’

    “Any attempt to coerce, intimidate or illegally repatriate any individual will not be tolerated,” said UK junior Home Office minister Chris Philip.

    The UK on Wednesday promised to get tough on authoritarian regimes operating overseas, after newspaper claims about a London-based businessman’s links to a secret Chinese police station.
  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 april 2023 11:14
    Valuta: yuan nog lang geen serieuze concurrent voor dollar
    23-04-2023 10:21 - Volgens Joost Derks van iBanFirst.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De gesprekken over de Chinese yuan die de Amerikaanse dollar uitdaagt als belangrijkste valutastandaard zijn de afgelopen weken geïntensiveerd, maar het zal zeker decennia of zelfs langer duren voor de yuan een serieuze concurrent wordt voor de greenback, stelt valutaspecialist Joost Derks van iBanFirst.

    "Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat de yuan nog tijdens ons leven de dollar zal vervangen als de belangrijkste valuta", voorspelt de valutakenner, die wel verwacht dat de handel in de Chinese munt de komende jaren toeneemt.

    "De groei van het gebruik van de yuan in Europa gaat als een speer", aldus Derks. Frankrijk en China rondden recent hun eerste LNG-transactie af met betaling in Chinese yuan en Saudi-Arabië gaat een raffinaderij bouwen voor 83,7 miljard yuan.

    Is een zogeheten 'de-dollarisatie' dan mogelijk? Derks ziet het niet snel gebeuren.

    "De meeste wereldwijde schulden zijn uitgedrukt in Amerikaanse dollars, en om die terug te betalen moet je toegang hebben tot dollars. Dit geldt voor alle grote economische machten, zelfs voor China, waarvan de eerste leningen in het kader van de Nieuwe Zijderoute in dollars werden uitgegeven", legt de valutaspecialist van iBanFirst uit.

    Daarnaast zijn "militaire hegemonie en monetaire macht sterk met elkaar verbonden", aldus Derks. "Hoe sterker de militaire banden van een land met de VS zijn, hoe meer dat land afhankelijk is van de Amerikaanse dollar."

    Verder wijst Derks op het feit dat de dollar "extreem liquide is en de yuan niet", dat de Chinese munt gekoppeld is aan de dollar en dat de VS nog altijd het machtigste land ter wereld zijn op militair en economisch gebied.

    Derks verwacht wel dat het internationale monetaire systeem over 10 jaar meer gedecentraliseerd is. Daarin zal de Amerikaanse dollar de belangrijkste reservemunt blijven, naast vele andere concurrenten zoals de yuan.

    "Dit is een gezonde en normale ontwikkeling voor de wereldeconomie, maar vooral voor de Amerikaanse economie", volgens Derks.

    Volgens de valutakenner is het "niet goed dat zoveel landen afhankelijk zijn van de valuta van slechts één ander land."

    Een belangrijk laatste punt is dat de sterke dollartrend zou kunnen keren omdat een sterke dollar weliswaar de importmacht van de VS vergroot, maar dit ook nadelig is voor de
    concurrentiepositie van Amerikaanse bedrijven.

    "Dat drukt op hun exportvolume, wat ten koste gaat van de totale binnenlandse industriële capaciteit", meent Derks.

    "Kortom, de wereldwijde diversificatie van centrale bankreserves en geldstromen is slecht voor "USA the Empire", maar niet slecht voor "USA the Country", aldus de marktkenner.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  14. [verwijderd] 25 april 2023 08:49
    NEWS: China is urging banks to cut deposit rates, as they perceive recent inflows into savings accounts as a risk to economic activity. While the benchmark 1-yr LPR has been slashed by 60 bps since 2019 to 3.65%, the 1-yr deposit certificates have lagged, staying unchanged at around 2.26% over the same period. Reuters sources say the Chinese govt. is calling for a 10 bps cut to the average term deposit rates.
  15. [verwijderd] 25 april 2023 09:03
    Unacceptable remarks of the Chinese Ambassador to France questioning the sovereignty of the countries which became independent with the end of the Soviet Union in 1991.

    The EU can only suppose these declarations do not represent China’s official policy.
  16. [verwijderd] 25 april 2023 09:04
    China corrigeert woorden ambassadeur: voormalige Sovjetstaten zijn soeverein

    China verzekert voormalige Sovjetstaten zoals Oekraïne dat het hun soevereiniteit respecteert. De Chinese ambassadeur in Frankrijk uitte daar eerder twijfels over en dat riep de woede op van een aantal EU-landen.
  17. forum rang 8 Freemoneyforever 28 april 2023 11:06
    Mij kwam het volgende ter ore, de levering van 50 helicopters door Frankrijk, die multi-purpose zijn, dus ook voor militaire doeleinden ingezet kunnen worden.
    Tevens zouden die helicopters waarneming door radar kunnen vermijden, hetgeen natuurlijk handig is, om een kudde militairen in vijandelijk gebied te plaatsen.

    Via Airbus deals, Macron provides China new means of war against US

    French President Emmanuel Macron used his recent state visit to China to throw gasoline on fiery tensions between the West and the Middle Kingdom.

    Visiting Beijing in a flaccid attempt to limit China’s support for the Russian army, Macron warned that Europe risks being "caught up in crises that are not ours, which prevents it from building strategic autonomy." One does not need to be a career diplomat to know the crisis Macron spoke of: a Chinese invasion of Taiwan and subsequent unified military response from the West.


    China is the only nation on Earth seeking a military confrontation with Taiwan. But Europe will be a linchpin in any successful effort to deter China from taking that action. Chinese planners are watching Western capitals closely to determine if an attack on Taiwan would be answered with heavy sanctions and an uncoupling from the Chinese economy. Perhaps Macron was keen to avoid antagonizing the Chinese on their own soil. Instead of aggravating the famously sensitive communist regime, however, he all but waved a green starter flag to the rapidly expanding People’s Liberation Army.

    More insidious was the diplomatic prizes Macron offered to Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

    Chinese state media reported that France would participate in China’s third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. U.S. national security officials have long warned developing countries of the pronounced dangers of the debt diplomacy trap inherent in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Awarding legitimacy to this CCP program undermines careful diplomacy by French allies to counter these destructive loan policies.

    Even more troubling was the announcement that Airbus, a French-headquartered manufacturer of civilian airliners, would sell China nearly 200 new passenger jets and build an assembly plant outside Tianjin. Airbus Helicopters also signed a lucrative deal to supply dozens of new multirole helicopters that can make a round-trip visit to Taiwan without refueling.

    U.S. companies do sell goods to China, but the sale of wares with potential military applications is restrained by the law and patriotic pragmatism. Not Airbus. The French company is not simply flying new jets and helicopters from Toulouse to Shanghai. It is teaching Chinese technicians the intricate choreography of modern aircraft construction, an art that took Americans and Europeans decades to master. Caving to Beijing’s requirement of state ownership in key companies, Airbus forged close links with Beijing’s military-industrial complex. The plane-maker’s local CEO is a member of the Chinese Communist Party whose prior job was leading Tianjin’s Communist Youth League. Paris defends itself by claiming its passenger liners and helicopters are for innocent purposes, such as search and rescue, civilian air travel, medical evacuation, and servicing offshore energy platforms.

    If that is intended as a joke, it is a bad one. It takes little to convert an airliner carrying civilians from Tianjin into a strategic airlift asset carrying PLA paratroopers to Taipei. And all it takes are some upgraded avionics and a couple of new gun mounts to convert a purported civilian multirole helicopter into a combat vehicle. Thus, with French engineers teaching their communist counterparts the finer points of modern aviation architecture, China will soon have little difficulty converting Airbus assets into platforms that can sink American submarines and kill U.S. sailors.

    Paris may have been so upset about Australia canceling its order for French-made Barracuda attack submarines that it has now sold China the means to hunt and torpedo Australia’s pending order of American-made Virginia-class submarines.

    It is worth pressing the Biden administration on Macron’s comments and his side hustle with the CCP. American and French companies will continue to do business in China — the Trump administration even negotiated a trade deal with China — but this French deal is outrageous. It directly endangers the national security of France's oldest ally. And while the Elysee Palace claims there has been no change in France’s position on China, many of its allies disagree. Biden recently summoned the Israeli ambassador over his government's judicial reform legislation — there is no reason he shouldn’t summon the French ambassador over his government's support for our adversary.

    America came to the aid of Europe and Ukraine when an existential threat engulfed the continent. The foundation of the American-French relationship is etched in our nation’s founding and the strength of the NATO-ally relationship. Yet, by arming China's budding invasion force, Macron undermines the fabric of one of the most important military alliances in history.

    What a disgrace and betrayal if American service members end up on the receiving end of French military technology.
  18. forum rang 8 Freemoneyforever 29 april 2023 08:52
    Chinese hackers outnumber FBI cyber staff 50 to 1, bureau director says

    • U.S. cyber intelligence staff is vastly outnumbered by Chinese hackers, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray told Congress as he pleaded for more money for the agency.
    • Wray said the country has “a bigger hacking program than every other major nation combined and have stolen more of our personal and corporate data than all other nations—big or small—combined.”
    • The agency is requesting about $63 million to help it beef up its cyber staff with 192 new positions.

    U.S. cyber intelligence staff is vastly outnumbered by Chinese hackers, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray told Congress as he pleaded for more money for the agency.

    “To give you a sense of what we’re up against, if each one of the FBI’s cyber agents and intel analysts focused exclusively on the China threat, Chinese hackers would still outnumber FBI Cyber personnel by at least 50 to 1,” Wray said in prepared remarks for a budget hearing before a House Appropriations subcommittee on Thursday.

    The disclosure highlights the massive scale of cyber threats the U.S. is facing, particularly from China. Wray said the country has “a bigger hacking program than every other major nation combined and have stolen more of our personal and corporate data than all other nations—big or small—combined.”

    Even so, Wray said countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea also pose significant cybersecurity concerns, on top of non-state criminal actors. The FBI is currently investigating more than 100 “ransomware variants” with “scores of victims” for each.

    The agency is requesting about $63 million to help it beef up its cyber staff with 192 new positions. Wray said this would also help the FBI put more cyber staff in field offices to be closer to where victims of cyber crimes actually are.
  19. forum rang 8 Freemoneyforever 29 april 2023 13:46

    Freemoneyforever schreef op 28 april 2023 11:06:

    Mij kwam het volgende ter ore, de levering van 50 helicopters door Frankrijk, die multi-purpose zijn, dus ook voor militaire doeleinden ingezet kunnen worden.
    Tevens zouden die helicopters waarneming door radar kunnen vermijden, hetgeen natuurlijk handig is, om een kudde militairen in vijandelijk gebied te plaatsen.

    Via Airbus deals, Macron provides China new means of war against US
    Zou dit reden zijn Franse producten te boycotten?
    (Ik heb Frankrijk als vakantieland ook gemeden na de atoomproeven op Moeroeroa, in de jaren negentig, er is meer onder de zon.)
  20. [verwijderd] 30 april 2023 09:42
    VS: China moet stoppen met provocaties in Zuid-Chinese Zee

    WASHINGTON (ANP/AFP/RTR) - De Verenigde Staten hebben China zaterdag opgeroepen te stoppen met "provocatief en onveilig gedrag" in de betwiste Zuid-Chinese Zee. Aanleiding is een recent incident tussen een schip van de Chinese kustwacht en een Filipijns patrouilleschip. Het kwam bijna tot een botsing tussen de twee vaartuigen.

    Een woordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zei dat de bijna-aanvaring paste in de "intimidatie" van China in de Zuid-Chinese Zee, waarop het land voor een groot deel aanspraak maakt. Dat levert al jaren een conflict op tussen de landen die aan deze wateren liggen. China stelde dat het Filipijnse schip zonder toestemming in Chinese wateren kwam, wat de Filipijnen ontkenden.

    Volgende week ontvangt de Amerikaanse president Joe Biden zijn Filipijnse collega Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in het Witte Huis. Zijn voorganger Rodrigo Duterte was voorstander van nauwere banden met China, maar Marcos hecht meer belang aan goede betrekkingen met de VS. De Filipijnen en de Amerikanen begonnen eerder deze maand aan hun grootste gezamenlijke legeroefening tot dusver.
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