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  1. forum rang 10 voda 28 januari 2025 08:12
    Media: Microsoft heeft interesse om TikTok over te nemen
    28-jan-2025 07:56

    Volgens president Donald Trump.

    (ABM FN) President Donald Trump zei maandagavond dat Microsoft een van de Amerikaanse bedrijven is die TikTok wil overnemen. Daarmee zou een verbod op de populaire app in april voorkomen worden. Dit maakte persbureau Reuters bekend.

    Trump voegde er nog aan toe dat ook andere bedrijven geïnteresseerd waren in het kopen van TikTok, maar wilde geen lijst met namen verstrekken.

    Microsoft en vertegenwoordigers van TikTok reageerden niet onmiddellijk op een verzoek om commentaar.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2025 14:27
    Beursblik: meer omzet en winst voor Microsoft verwacht
    29-jan-2025 14:26

    Veel aandacht voor cloud en AI.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Microsoft heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal meer omzet en winst behaald. Dat is de verwachting van analisten die door Visible Alpha werden geraadpleegd.

    Voor Microsoft wordt voor het tweede kwartaal een winst per aandeel verwacht van 3,13 dollar op een omzet van net geen 69 miljard dollar. In dezelfde periode vorig jaar verdiende Microsoft 2,93 dollar per aandeel op een omzet van 62 miljard dollar.

    Volgens Visible Alpha bleef het cloudsegment het goed doen. Deze activiteiten zijn inmiddels goed voor 38 procent van de omzet van Microsoft. De consensus rekent voor het afgelopen kwartaal op een omzet van 25,8 miljard dollar, "aangejaagd door Azure".

    Verder liet Microsoft recent al weten dit boekjaar 80 miljard dollar te willen investeren in de bouw van nieuwe datacentra voor AI.

    Eerder deze maand plaatste analist Robbert Manders van Antaurus Capital Management een kritische kanttekening bij Copilot van Microsoft.

    Veel bedrijven zouden hun abonnementen voor Copilot niet verlengen, waardoor Microsoft is begonnen om de technologie toe te voegen aan het Microsoft Office pakket. Dit is volgens Manders een slimme zet van Microsoft, maar andere spelers in de markt kunnen dit niet en krijgen het daarom volgens de analist moeilijk om geld te verdienen aan hun AI-toepassingen.

    En dat zou volgens Manders als gevolg kunnen hebben dat bedrijven voorzichtiger worden met hun investeringen.

    Klik hier voor: klappen AI-bubbel grootste risico voor beursjaar 2025

    Microsoft opent woensdagavond de boeken.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2025 22:32
    Microsoft boekt meer winst dan verwacht
    29-jan-2025 22:19

    Omzet met 12 procent omhoog.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Microsoft heeft in het afgelopen kwartaal meer omzet en winst behaald, zoals analisten ook hadden verwacht. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van het Amerikaanse softwarebedrijf.

    In een toelichting zei CEO Satya Nadella dat de omzet uit AI op jaarbasis nu al de 13 miljard dollar heeft overstegen, een plus van 175 procent ten opzichte van vorig jaar.

    In het tweede kwartaal boekte Microsoft een omzet van 69,6 miljard dollar, een stijging op jaarbasis van 12 procent, en een nettowinst van 24,1 miljard dollar. Per aandeel verdiende Microsoft 3,23 dollar, een plus van 10 procent.

    Voor Microsoft werd voor het tweede kwartaal een winst per aandeel verwacht van 3,13 dollar op een omzet van net geen 69 miljard dollar, zo bleek uit een consensus samengesteld door Visible Alpha.

    In dezelfde periode vorig jaar verdiende Microsoft 2,93 dollar per aandeel op een omzet van 62 miljard dollar.

    In de omzet was het cloudsegment goed voor een omzet van 40,9 miljard dollar, een jaarstijging van 21 procent, aldus CFO Amy Hood. Intelligent Cloud was goed voor 25,5 miljard dollar, een stijging van 19 popcent. De consensus rekende op op een omzet bij Intelligent Cloud van 25,8 miljard dollar, "aangejaagd door Azure".

    Eerder al deze maand liet Microsoft weten dit boekjaar 80 miljard dollar te willen investeren in de bouw van nieuwe datacentra voor AI.

    Het aandeel Microsoft daalde in de reguliere handel met 1,1 procent en nabeurs bedroeg het verlies 3,1 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  4. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 08:29
    RBC Capital Markets
    Microsoft Outperform
    08:06 Uhr

    NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die kanadische Bank RBC hat die Einstufung für Microsoft nach Quartalszahlen mit einem Kursziel von 500 US-Dollar auf "Outperform" belassen. Der Softwarekonzern habe ein insgesamt solides Quartal verzeichnet, schrieb Analyst Rishi Jaluria am Mittwochabend in seiner ersten Reaktion. Positiv herausgeragt habe das Wachstum der Geschäfte mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI)./edh/ag

    Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 29.01.2025 / 16:47 / EST

    Erstmalige Weitergabe der Original-Studie: 29.01.2025 / 16:47 / EST
  5. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 08:30
    Jefferies & Company Inc.
    Microsoft Buy
    08:16 Uhr

    NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Das Analysehaus Jefferies hat die Einstufung für Microsoft nach Quartalszahlen mit einem Kursziel von 550 US-Dollar auf "Buy" belassen. Umsatz und Profitabilität (operative Marge) des Softwarekonzerns hätten die Konsensschätzungen solide übertroffen, schrieb Analyst Brent Thill am Mittwochabend in seiner ersten Reaktion. Positiv hob er das starke Wachstum der Geschäfte mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) hervor./edh/ag

    Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 29.01.2025 / 16:50 / ET

    Erstmalige Weitergabe der Original-Studie: 29.01.2025 / 16:50 / ET
  6. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 08:30
    Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
    Microsoft Buy
    08:16 Uhr

    NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyser) - Die US-Investmentbank Goldman Sachs hat die Einstufung für Microsoft mit einem Kursziel von 500 US-Dollar auf "Buy" belassen. Der Quartalsbericht sei durchwachsen gewesen, schrieb Analyst Kash Rangan in seiner am Donnerstag vorliegenden Reaktion auf die Zahlen. Die Unsicherheit hinsichtlich des Wachstums der Cloud-Plattform Azure bleibe ein immenser Sorgenfaktor. Andererseits gebe es bei zwei anderen Kernaspekten Besserung: den Ausgaben und den Ergebnisprognosen./ag/ajx

    Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 29.01.2025 / 22:04 / PST
  7. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 08:46
    Opinion: Microsoft investors are ignoring this number that suggests better growth ahead
    Bookings data show pent-up customer demand
    Therese Poletti

    Published: Jan. 29, 2025 at 9:37?p.m. ET

    Microsoft Corp. investors focused on the company’s disappointing revenue of its Azure cloud business on Wednesday, but they should also be looking at another number indicative of future growth: bookings.

    The software giant told Wall Street in its fiscal third-quarter earnings that revenue at Azure grew 31%, just below estimates, but also said that future bookings — which cannot yet be considered revenue — grew 67% (or 75% in constant currency).

    Much of that projected growth could come from OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, which Microsoft still hosts exclusively on Azure. Microsoft also is currently capacity-constrained on its cloud-services platform, as it looks to add data centers and capacity.

    “We remain very happy with the partnership with OpenAI,” Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella told analysts. “And as you saw, they have committed in a big way to Azure, and even in the bookings, what we recognize is just the first tranche of it.”

    Microsoft stock sank 4.6% after hours. But analysts appeared to be heartened by the big bookings numbers and what they portend for the second half of Microsoft’s fiscal year.

    “It would seem to bode well for Azure growth once more capacity comes online,” Evercore ISI analyst Kirk Materne said in a note to clients.

    Nadella also told investors that the company’s AI business now had a revenue run rate of over $13 billion, up 175% from a year ago.

    There are still some risks of putting too much emphasis on bookings numbers, which are indicative of signed contracts. And there could be terms that let customers walk away after a certain amount of time, or if certain obligations are not met.

    Clearly one big customer — OpenAI — is still looking for additional data-center capacity. Last week, it formed a joint venture with SoftBank Group and Oracle Corp. to build more data centers in Texas to train and then execute its AI models.
  8. Brouwer 30 januari 2025 10:37

    Rafke7 schreef op 30 januari 2025 10:20:

    En toch lijkt het straks naar beneden te knallen :-(
    En dat alleen maar vanwege de cloud doelstelling/verwachting die niet gehaald is (het maakt wel een groot deel uit van hun onderneming), en dan vanmorgen ook een storing met audio in Windows 11.

    Men onthoudt vaak het negatieve en niet hoe de rest van de cijfers eigenlijk heeft uitgepakt.
  9. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 11:57
    Uit de Conf Call (laatste vraag op het einde):

    'BRENT BRACELIN, Piper Sandler: Thank you for taking the question here. Good afternoon. I wanted to go back to commercial bookings. Commercial RPO, I think, increased $39 billion sequentially. That’s the most we’ve ever seen on a sequential basis. Commercial bookings growth, 75% constant currency, that’s 2X higher than we’ve seen in the last decade. I appreciate there’s some volatility with this metric, but it does feel like this quarter, there was a bit of a sea change relative to momentum on backlog and bookings.

    Can you just talk about maybe the breadth of where that strength came from? Was it broad based? Was there a couple of large deals? Any color there would be helpful, thanks.

    AMY HOOD: Thanks, Brent. It’s a great question. We talked a little bit about one of the main drivers, which was one of the Azure commitments that OpenAI has made. And I do want to say, while that is obviously a big component, you’ll continue to see OpenAI make commitment. I want to separate the concept that it’s one time versus an ongoing relationship that will grow as they grow, which it absolutely will.

    And to your question on what else is participating in that number, up first, we did have very good core motions. Our core motions are things like, to your point, renewals of our existing contracts, add-ons to those contracts, upsells, for example, Copilot or GitHub Copilot or other processes. And I think that’s important.

    We also had a good E5 quarter, which when we talk a lot about M365 Copilot, I sometimes forget to also talk about suite momentum. And we saw that as well this quarter, which we felt very good about.

    And then the final component is large Azure commitments, and those really did look as we expected, which is good, to your point. And you’re seeing a really broad based growth. Those Azure commitments take two forms. One, it’s existing customers who’ve worked through their commitments and are making larger commitments, which is a good commitment sign for the platform. And then you have new customers making commitments, and we also saw that this quarter.

    And so, to your point, sometimes I think a big number that looks like this can make you think it’s just one thing. I think you’re right. Some of it was one thing, but a lot of it was good execution consistently across the workloads.'
  10. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 12:00
    Ik heb soms de indruk dat in Amerika er altijd een winnaar en een verliezer moet zijn (cowboys !!). En gisterenavond was op het eerste zicht de winnaar META.

    Ik zag het al als Alphabet en Microsoft in dezelfde avond zaten en Microsoft de 'winnaar' was.
  11. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 14:19
    Microsoft: A Strong Buy Recommendation Driven by AI Success and Robust Financial Performance
    Howard Kim

    Jan 30, 2025, 02:05 PM

    Analyst Mark Moerdler of Bernstein maintained a Buy rating on Microsoft (MSFT – Research Report), reducing the price target to $511.00.

    Mark Moerdler’s rating is based on Microsoft’s impressive performance in the AI sector and the potential for future growth. The company exceeded expectations with its AI revenue, particularly in the Azure AI and Copilot segments, showcasing its capability to effectively manage a substantial AI business. Despite a temporary setback in the non-AI Azure business, Moerdler believes that Microsoft’s experienced management team is well-equipped to address this issue in the near term.
    Additionally, Microsoft has demonstrated robust cost management and continues to show promising financial metrics such as strong revenue growth and increasing profit margins. The company’s ability to steadily return cash to shareholders, along with a slight reduction in valuation multiple and price target, positions Microsoft as a compelling investment opportunity. Moerdler’s confidence in Microsoft’s management and its strategic focus makes it a strong candidate for a Buy rating.
  12. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 18:29

    Pietje Bell schreef op 30 januari 2025 15:41:

    Too big to fail denk ik maar. Houd mijn positie lekker aan.
    Too big to fail dan denk aan Veolia, maar niet aan een 'profit machine' als Microsoft.
  13. forum rang 8 Hopper58 30 januari 2025 18:30
    Snowflake’s (SNOW) CEO Believes that DeepSeek’s Achievement Is a Game-Changer
    Vince Condarcuri

    Jan 30, 2025, 06:12 PM

    DeepSeek’s recent breakthrough in AI technology has sent shockwaves throughout the industry and left investors wondering about the future of AI and its potential impact on companies like Nvidia NVDA -3.54% ? . Interestingly, Snowflake SNOW -3.01% ? CEO Sridhar Ramaswamy said in a Yahoo Finance interview that he believes DeepSeek’s achievement is a game-changer because it demonstrates that training world-class AI models doesn’t require massive investments.

    Ramaswamy noted that DeepSeek’s ability to train a model for just $6 million challenges the conventional wisdom, which is that only a handful of companies can afford to develop cutting-edge AI. This disruption also raises important questions about the need for massive investments in AI research and development. Ramaswamy thinks that the market sell-off, particularly for Nvidia, was actually a rational response to the change in the AI narrative.

    In fact, DeepSeek’s breakthrough has far-reaching consequences, as it could potentially benefit companies like Microsoft MSFT -6.24% ? , which uses AI to enhance its products, and negatively impact companies like Nvidia that supply the tools to build out AI data centers. As a result, analysts at Bank of America believe the possibility of lower costs for running AI models could be a catalyst for the software industry.
  14. forum rang 8 Hopper58 31 januari 2025 03:38
    Microsoft Stock Is Having Its Worst Day Since 2022. The Case for Buying Now.

    Angela Palumbo

    Published: Jan. 30, 2025 at 3:30?p.m. ET

    'Melius Research analyst Ben Reitzes wrote in a note on Thursday that the part of Azure that handles traditional computing tasks, rather than artificial intelligence, “is being impacted by what seems to be less focus – and more attention given to AI by sales teams.”

    The software company told investors to expect third-quarter revenue of between $67.7 billion and $68.7 billion, while the consensus call among analysts tracked by FactSet was for $69.9 billion.

    Microsoft shares were down 6.1% to $415.20, on pace for their largest percentage decrease since Oct. 26, 2022, according to Dow Jones Market Data. That decline also stemmed from concern about slowing growth in cloud spending following an earnings report.

    Most analysts still remain bullish. Of the 60 surveyed by FactSet, 57 say the stock is a Buy, and three rate it at Hold.

    The AI business is one reason for their optimism. One reason is that Microsoft said commercial bookings increased 75%, driven by commitments for Azure usage from OpenAI.

    “We remain very happy with the partnership with OpenAI,” Chief Executive Satya Nadella said on the earnings call. “And as you saw, they have committed in a big way to Azure, and even in the bookings, what we recognize is just the first tranche of it.”

    Reitzes wrote that the numbers show that faster growth is possible, though he said it isn’t likely in the near term.

    “Net-net we are buyers on weakness as MSFT should still grow faster than folks like Salesforce and Adobe at a much larger scale,” Reitzes wrote. “Also, we still believe that Microsoft’s position as a gateway for AI Agent creation and deployment is underappreciated.”

    He rates Microsoft at Buy with a $520 price target.

    Microsoft stands to benefit from AI through Azure; its investment in OpenAI, the parent of ChatGPT; and commercial use of AI through its suite of apps.

    “We continue to believe that Microsoft remains uniquely positioned to monetize the vast new AI opportunity across applications and infrastructure at scale,” BofA Securities analyst Brad Sills wrote on Thursday. He rates the stock as a Buy with a $510 price target.

    Still, the stock isn’t cheap. Shares are trading at 31.1 times earnings expected over the next 12 months. The five-year average is 29.5 times.'
  15. forum rang 8 Hopper58 10 februari 2025 11:54
    Barclays Reaffirms Their Buy Rating on Microsoft (MSFT)
    TipRanks Auto-Generated Intelligence Newsdesk

    Feb 10, 2025, 08:37 AM

    Barclays analyst Raimo Lenschow maintained a Buy rating on Microsoft (MSFT – Research Report) today and set a price target of $475.00. The company’s shares closed last Friday at $409.75.

    Lenschow covers the Technology sector, focusing on stocks such as Salesforce, Snowflake, and Microsoft. According to TipRanks, Lenschow has an average return of 6.0% and a 53.89% success rate on recommended stocks.

    The word on The Street in general, suggests a Strong Buy analyst consensus rating for Microsoft with a $510.90 average price target, representing a 24.69% upside. In a report released on February 3, Mizuho Securities also maintained a Buy rating on the stock with a $500.00 price target.
  16. forum rang 8 Hopper58 13 februari 2025 10:18
    Microsoft (MSFT): New Buy Recommendation for This Technology Giant

    Feb 13, 2025, 09:35 AM

    In a report released today, Brent Thill from Jefferies maintained a Buy rating on Microsoft (MSFT – Research Report), with a price target of $550.00. The company’s shares closed yesterday at $409.04.

    Thill covers the Technology sector, focusing on stocks such as Microsoft, Atlassian, and Oracle. According to TipRanks, Thill has an average return of 9.6% and a 59.35% success rate on recommended stocks.

    Currently, the analyst consensus on Microsoft is a Strong Buy with an average price target of $510.90, a 24.90% upside from current levels. In a report released on February 10, Barclays also maintained a Buy rating on the stock with a $475.00 price target.
  17. forum rang 6 Candelll 15 februari 2025 07:39
    we bengelen nu al enkele dagen aan deze koers zie het maar als een instapmoment als je ze nog niet hebt.
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