ffff schreef:
Ik vertel al jaren ONDERBOUWD dat beleggen in de biosector verloren geld is.
En mag dat dan soms niet?
Ik weet tenminste waarover ik praat.
Jij loopt alleen maar wat ruzie te zoeken.
Voordat je nu je grote mond opengezet had, ha je even gekeken hoe zo'n "beloftevol" bedrijf als Galapagos het nu eigenlijk gedaan heeft.
Nou suffie: Beroerd:
IPO 4 jaar geleden op 7 Euro, geduikeld naar onder d 4 Euro en nu op 5,60 Euro oftewel je zit op vier jaar om MINUS 20 procent. Ondertuussen geen cent dividend en is de Euro 10 procent minder waard geworden.
Kijk: Zoiets heet onderbouwen. ik kan het je nog van minstens 20 biotech-aandelen geven!
Galapagos raises additional € 2.0 million in IPO
Mechelen, Belgium, June 3, 2005 – Following its successful IPO and listing on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Amsterdam, Galapagos announces it has raised an additional € 2.0 million through the exercise of the over-allotment option by KBC Securities and Kempen & Co, the joint lead managers in the offering. This brings the total number of shares placed in the offering at 3,229,499, raising € 22.4 million for Galapagos.
The development of the trade in shares Galapagos has induced KBC Securities and Kempen & Co, the joint lead managers in Galapagos’ IPO, to exercise their over-allotment right to purchase 289,795 additional shares from Galapagos at € 7 per share. KBC and Kempen have placed these shares with investors together with the 2,939,704 base shares at the time of the IPO.
As a result, in total 3,229,499 shares have been placed in the offering, of which 289,795 through the exercise of the over-allotment option and 82,562 in connection with the exercise of warrants. The total number of shares outstanding now amounts to 9,170,165. Galapagos has raised a total amount of € 22,408,414 in the offering: € 22.0 million from the placement of new shares and € 0.4 million from the placement of new shares in connection with the exercise of warrants.