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Nokia Januari 2014

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  1. Nielix 16 januari 2014 10:14
    Press Release
    Beijing, China – January 16, 2014

    Chinese Vice Premier hosts NSN CEO Suri for telecoms innovation talks
    Focus on need to promote Europe-China cooperation on innovation
    Discuss further collaboration between NSN and China’s telecoms sector
    Nokia Solutions and Networks’ CEO Rajeev Suri, meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang in Beijing, emphasized NSN’s expertise in TD technology and pledged to help position China as a world innovation hub. In talks on January 9, the two parties discussed the need for greater Europe-China cooperation on innovation as well as the mutual benefits of further collaboration between NSN and China’s telecommunications industry.

    Suri said: “We have established a trusted and vitally important relationship with our Chinese customers and partners through our longstanding presence on the ground. We provide telecommunications equipment and services to China’s three operators, serving over 350 million subscribers. NSN built the full value chain in China including R&D, manufacturing, global purchasing, customer operations, and services with over 8000 employees. Our TD-LTE global R&D Headquarters in China is a clear example of our continuing investment in R&D to help position China as a global hub for innovation.”

    The world leader in commercializing TD-LTE ecosystems, NSN is poised to become the number one foreign player in China’s telecoms network industry. In 2013, NSN was the foreign vendor with the largest market share in China Mobile’s TD-LTE tender and was selected for the first time as an LTE partner by China Telecom. NSN is currently working with China Unicom on the operator’s LTE tender.
  2. Nielix 16 januari 2014 14:07
    Press Release
    Moscow, Russia – January 16, 2014

    VimpelCom selects NSN as vendor to roll out 4G LTE in some regions in Russia

    VimpelCom has chosen Nokia Solutions and Networks as vendor for its Long Term Evolution (LTE*) radio access networks in the central region of Russia, Siberia, South and most of the Volga and Ural regions. Under the five-year agreement, NSN will deliver, install and integrate LTE radio access equipment. The company will also provide rollout services for the implementation and commissioning of 4G mobile broadband services.

    Under the contract, NSN will implement its Single RAN advanced platform built around the high-capacity Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station. The company will also provide its NetAct network management system to enable consolidated configuration, monitoring and optimization of VimpelCom’s network resources and services.

    In addition, NSN will deliver its comprehensive professional services, including network planning, optimization and implementation, in order to ensure rapid and reliable deployment of the LTE network, as well as its ongoing care services.

    “We are delighted by this latest milestone in our successful cooperation with VimpelCom, which includes outsourcing projects,” said Kristina Tikhonova, head of Region East at NSN. “With this project, NSN will build an overlay LTE network that will significantly increase mobile data speeds in the respective regions and offer end users an overall improved communications experience.”

    This is NSN's second significant mobile broadband deal in Russia recently.
  3. [verwijderd] 16 januari 2014 15:21

    deelaan schreef op 15 januari 2014 11:51:

    Wat doen jullie met de cijfers?

    Zitten blijven of eruit en later terug kopen?
    6,10 was een mooie moment om uit te stappen, maar ik had gedacht dat het richting de 6,15 zou gaan en ben niet volledig uitgestapt.

    De geschommel tussen 5.80 en 5.95 bevalt mij niet om vast te houden. Wel heel interessant om te traden.

    Ik denk dat de dividend uitkering tegen gaat vallen, maar dat zit al deels in de huidige prijs.

    Qua D&S verwacht ik niet veel! 8,5 a 9 miljoen Lumia’s, wat ten opzichte van Q3 gewoon slecht is. Ze moeten minimaal 9,5 a 10 miljoen verkopen om dezelfde groei te hebben als de markt. In de VS verkopen ze de 520 met een flinke verlies en van dit soort actie word ik niet blij. $29 (22 euro) voor een 521!

    9 miljoen Lumia toestellen met een ASP van 135 euro en 55 miljoen mobiele telefoons met een ASP van 27 en je hebt een totale omzet van 2,7 miljard met een operationele marge van -1%.

    HERE zit niet echt groei in. 0,23 miljard met een met operationele marge van 6%.

    NSN (van uitgaande dat de Siemens deel er nog niet in zit) moet echt groei laten zien, wil dit aandeel omhoog gaan. Ik schat zelf op 3 miljard met een operationele marge van 6%.

    Totaal verwacht ik 5,93 miljard omzet en 166 miljoen operationele winst. Een stuk minder dan de 8,04 miljard omzet en 439 miljoen operationele winst van Q4 2012. De markt verwacht 6,4 a 6,5 miljard omzet en 150 a 180 miljoen winst.

    Puur kijken naar de bovenste kunnen we onder de 5,50 terecht komen en misschien zelfs onder de 5,20!

    MAAR het belangrijkste is wat de toekomst brengt. Als HERE en NSN met goede cijfers komen en een goede vooruitzicht, dan kunnen we richting de 6,20. Als de dividend meer is dan verwacht, kunnen we richting de 6,50.

    Als we tussen nu een 22 januari naar de 6,15 gaan, stap ik uit. Zo niet dan blijf ik zitten, met een stop-loss van 5,70.
  4. [verwijderd] 16 januari 2014 21:28
    Bedankt voor je heldere verhaal lisad.
    Na meer dan een jaar mijn positie niet vergroot of verkleind te hebben, begint het me nu wel heet onder de voeten te worden.

    Vanaf zondag ga ik met vakantie, veelal naar gebieden zonder internet en of slecht telefonisch bereik.

    Ik ga ook een limiet order instellen, ook ergens rond 5.70.
    Ik beleg via ING, kan alleen kiezen tussen een limiet en een bestens order. Als LT belegger gebruik ik al jaren de bestens order, zeker aangezien ik mijn beleggingen op de voet volg.
    Als ik een limietorder plaats op -stel- 5.70, wordt die order dan 100% gegarandeerd uitgevoerd? Want een limiet stop order is anders dan een stop-loss order nietwaar?
  5. [verwijderd] 17 januari 2014 20:58
    Ik ga nog eens een poging doen.

    Market cap voor de bijna gratis weggave van devices: 10 a 15 B USD
    Market Cap nadien met HERE dat niks voorstelt financieel en devices dat tot over de oren concurrentie heeft en afhankelijk is van grote afnemers waar ook vaak corruptie ed mee gemoeid is : 30 B USD.

    Niet te vergeten dat bijvoorbeeld de kantoren niet meer eigendom zijn maar geleased worden en talloze andere operaties zoals deze die gedaan zijn onder Elop.

    Maar soit, markten en logica gaan niet altijd samen.
  6. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2014 18:57
    JPM heeft zijn verwachtingen doorgegeven m.b.t Nokia.

    Leuk om te zien dat ik als amateur qua omzet erg in de buurt zit. Zonder D&S verwachten ze 3.288 miljard omzet en ik zit op 3.23 miljard :) Ze zijn alleen iets optimistischer over de EBIT marge.
  7. Nielix 20 januari 2014 13:27
    Press Release
    Bogota, Colombia – January 20, 2014

    Avantel chooses NSN for high-speed mobile broadband services in Colombia
    NSN to be sole supplier for radio and core infrastructure for the new LTE network

    Avantel, a new entrant in Colombia’s LTE landscape, has selected Nokia Solutions and Networks to supply the complete infrastructure for its LTE (Long Term Evolution)* network. NSN will provide the complete suite of radio and core network equipment along with, as well as build and operate services so that subscribers in Bogota can enjoy a host of advanced mobile broadband services.

    “We aim to transform Colombia’s communications landscape with this next-generation LTE network – one that will open up a world of new high-speed services for our customers in Bogota,” said Raul Amaya, chief strategy officer at Avantel. “Our longstanding relationship with NSN, coupled with the company’s experience and expertise in deploying world-class networks across the globe, made it a natural choice as our partner for this important initiative.”

    Under the build-operate-transfer agreement, NSN will deliver an LTE network using its market-leading high-performance Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Stations and Evolved Packet Core (EPC) to help Avantel deal with the unprecedented increase in data traffic over its network. Additionally, from the Liquid Core portfolio, NSN will deploy its Subscriber Data Management (SDM) solution including New Technology Home Location Register (NT-HLR) and One-NDS for a centralized database repository that is independent of the application used.

    NSN will also supply its ATCA-based Mobile Voice Core solution**, which, in the first phase of the roll out, will be implemented with CSFB voice call features to ensure voice services for LTE customers. In the second phase, NSN will deploy its IMS solution to enable the implementation of VoLTE for providing high-definition voice services to Avantel’s subscribers.

    In addition, NSN will provide its NetAct management system to ensure consolidated configuration, monitoring and network optimization for Avantel’s radio and core network. The Performance Manager will enable 360 degree insight to network performance.

    The scope of the deal also includes a complete range of services such as network implementation, planning and optimization, systems integration and network operations where the OSS will be managed by NSN. Care services, including hardware, software and competence development services will also be provided to Avantel for seamless operations and optimally trained personnel.

    "Managed OSS speeds up the network build phase by ensuring configurations are accurate from the start, thereby improving overall network quality. Faster LTE base station integration saves both time and money," said Wally Swain, senior vice president at Yankee Group's Network Research group.
    “This contract is a strong testimony to Avantel’s faith in our capability to deliver on our promise of enabling networks that will define the future,” said Ricardo Palacios, head of Andean Local Operators customer team at NSN. “Leveraging our vast experience and knowhow in setting up LTE networks across the globe, we will set an industry benchmark in Colombia with Avantel’s new network.”

    As of today, NSN has 117 commercial references for the delivery of LTE with leading customers in advanced mobile broadband markets such as Northern Europe, Japan, South Korea and the United States.

    About Avantel
    Avantel S.A.S. (“Avantel”) - Founded in 1997, Avantel is one of four mobile phone operators in Colombia providing services for corporate, as well as governmental sector communication needs. Avantel offers added-value integrative solutions that deliver voice, messaging and mobile apps. Avantel services approximately 20,000 corporate and governmental clients with its differential ‘push-to-talk’ branding coupled with its deep commitment to customer service. Avantel recently took part in the 4G-spectrum public tender successfully acquiring 30MHz of the AWS (Advanced Wireless Services) spectrum at 1710-1755/2110-2155 frequencies. The company is gearing up to launch its wide-ranging 4G LTE service portfolio of smartphones, tablets and data devices. Avantel’s 4G LTE mobile communication will include new content, mobile video and corporate apps to boost profits and enhance productivity, facilitate mobile payments and provide better security. Avantel headquarters are located in Bogota on Carrera 11 #93-92 in Colombia, and has branch offices around the nation’s major cities.
  8. Nielix 20 januari 2014 14:14
    Ik ben benieuwd of de Normandy met Android ooit het daglicht zal zien. Qua verkoop zal die de 520 reeks overtreffen, geslaagd design (lumia reeks is mooier) en deftige specs voor een lage prijs ($100). Dit is het terrein waar Nokia voorheen nummer 1 was. Een doorslaggevend element om Nokia vast te houden. Hey Samsung, HERE we come!
  9. [verwijderd] 20 januari 2014 18:25

    Nielix schreef op 20 januari 2014 14:14:

    Ik ben benieuwd of de Normandy met Android ooit het daglicht zal zien. Qua verkoop zal die de 520 reeks overtreffen, geslaagd design (lumia reeks is mooier) en deftige specs voor een lage prijs ($100). Dit is het terrein waar Nokia voorheen nummer 1 was. Een doorslaggevend element om Nokia vast te houden. Hey Samsung, HERE we come!
    Denk dat Normandy een gestript Android is (dus zonder Google play enz) en zich zal richten op de Asha markt.

    - 3.5 320x480 pixels of 4 inch 800x480 pixels
    - 1.2Ghz single-core of 1Ghz dual-core
    - 512mb ram
    - 5MP camera met flits
    - 720p video
    - 4GB geheugen + micro-SD slot

    Vooral gericht op India, China en Afrika waar Samsung en Chinese merken het heel goed doen met hun $80 to $120 toestellen.

    Denk dat het de daglicht gaat zien! Wellicht dat het binnen 1 a 2 jaar de huidige Asha software gaat vervangen.
  10. Nielix 21 januari 2014 11:35
    Press Release
    Nuuk, Greenland – January 21, 2014

    TELE Greenland chooses NSN for launch of first commercial 4G network
    Customers now enjoy extrafast broadband services, superior user experience

    TELE Greenland, the country’s sole telecom operator, selected Nokia Solutions and Networks as the single supplier to implement its 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE*) network and modernize its existing GSM and 3G networks. The complete solution provided by NSN includes radio access equipment, core network elements and related services. TELE Greenland customers in the capital city of Nuuk now enjoy access to ultra-fast 4G mobile broadband connections.

    “We are excited about the unparalleled services and experience that LTE introduces to the market and how it significantly improves customers’ lives,” said Jonas Hasselriis, head of engeniering at TELE Greenland. “We teamed up with NSN to offer fast, on-the-go internet connectivity and high-quality mobile broadband to our customers because NSN has proven experience in LTE and a strong commitment to the technology. All this made it the ideal choice as a partner for this comprehensive project.”

    “TELE Greenland has been our trusted customer for over a decade,” said Peter Edbom, account manager at NSN. “When we introduce our latest technologies to improve the existing network, we are helping TELE Greenland deliver superior mobile broadband with the highest data rates and shortest latency times possible.”

    To enable new 4G capabilities and improve the quality of GSM and 3G services, NSN replaced TELE Greenland’s network with its Single RAN Advanced (radio access network) platform, featuring the award-winning, energy-efficient Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station. The scope of the five-year deal also involves delivering NSN’s Evolved Packet Core (EPC) platform, including Flexi NG (network gateway) and Flexi NS (network server).

    Voice services for GSM, 3G and 4G are provided by NSN’s Mobile Voice Core and Circuit Switched Fallback (CSFB) solutions. The NetAct network management system offers consolidated monitoring, management and operation of TELE Greenland’s network while implementation, network optimization, planning and care services ensure high-quality and cost-efficient operations.

    About TELE Greenland
    TELE Greenland A/S covers a population of 56,000 scattered over thousands of kilometres, providing telecommunications, IT and postal services.

    Even the smallest village has radio, TV and a telephone link to the outside world, and all settlements with a population of more than 70 have broadband Internet and GSM mobile phone service.

    TELE Greenland A/S employs approximately 460 staff. The head office is in Nuuk, and we have divisions in every town in Greenland.
  11. Balimoney 22 januari 2014 17:08
    Why the Earnings Streak Will Continue for Nokia Corporation (NOK) - Tale of the Tape
    By, January 22, 2014, 08:38:01 AM EDT
    Vote up

    Looking for a stock that might be in a good position to beat earnings at its next report? Consider Nokia Corporation ( NOK ), a mobile communications firm, which could be a great candidate for another beat.
    This company has seen a nice streak of beating earnings estimates, especially when looking at the previous two reports. In fact, in these reports, NOK has beaten estimates by at least 10% in both cases, suggesting it has a nice short-term history of crushing expectations.
    Earnings in Focus
    Two quarters ago, NOK expected to incur a loss of 3 cents per share, while it actually reported break-even results, a beat 100.0%. Meanwhile, for the most recent quarter, the company looked to report break-even figure, when it actually saw earnings of a penny per share instead.
    Thanks in part to this history, recent estimates have been moving higher for Nokia Corporation. In fact, the Earnings ESP for NOK is positive, which is a great sign of a coming beat.
    After all, the Zacks Earnings ESP compares the most accurate estimate to the broad consensus, looking to find stocks that have seen big revisions as of late, suggesting that analysts have recently become more bullish on the company's earnings prospects. This is the case for NOK, as the firm currently has a Zacks Earnings ESP of 33.33%, so another beat could be around the corner.
    This is particularly true when you consider that NOK has a great Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) which can be a harbinger of outperformance and a signal for a strong earnings profile. And when you add this solid Zacks Rank to a positive Earnings ESP, a positive earnings surprise happens nearly 70% of the time, so it seems pretty likely that NOK could see another beat at its next report, especially if recent trends are any guide.
    Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days . Click to get this free report >>

    Read more:
  12. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2014 12:04

    Nielix schreef op 23 januari 2014 11:43:

    pdf om 12.00 u onze tijd beschikbaar

    De Normandy met gestripte Android KitKat 4.4.1. is opgedoken in Indonesie, mogelijk als de Nokia A110 (RM-980)
    Ik kan ze niet downloaden, maar ze zullen wel slecht zijn! We zitten op 5,50!


    Moet leren naar mijn eigen advies te luisteren!

    Mijn verwachting was 5930 omzet en 166 winst en het is geworden 6113 omzet en 128 winst.

    16-01 zei ik nog "Puur kijken naar de bovenste kunnen we onder de 5,50 terecht komen en misschien zelfs onder de 5,20!"

    @#$@!^% had moeten uitstappen op 6,10!
  13. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2014 12:13
    Lisad, ondertussen na al die kwartalen Nokia weet je toch dat je veel veiliger zit om net voor de kwartaalcijfers uit te stappen?
    Is eigenlijk altijd hetzelfde met de cijfers, grote dumps
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