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Dezelfde koerssprong als vorig jaar ?

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  1. [verwijderd] 23 augustus 2011 20:52
    Vorig jaar augustus gingen we, naar aanleiding van de cijfers, van 2.30 naar 3,70.
    Ook aankomende vrijdag en de dagen daarna gaat het weer spannend worden.
    De analisten (KBC en SNS) verwachten winsten van 0,40 - 0,53 cent per aandeel dit jaar en hebben hun adviezen op BUY staan met koersdoelen van 3,55 en 4,30 euro.
    Waarschijnlijk heeft punch graphics de laatste tijd gebruik gemaakt van de koersval en goedkoop (de aangekondigde) aankoop van aandelen uitgevoerd.
    Daarmee zou het best wel eens kunnen zijn dat het totale bezit van aandelen door Punch graphics en Punch int. te samen ruim boven de 80% is gekomen.
    Hierdoor is de free float van aandelen klein geworden en kan bij goed nieuws aankomende vrijdag de koers wel een eenzelfde koerssprong gaan maken als vorig jaar.

    Het aandeel staat in de startblokken....

    succes, poil
  2. [verwijderd] 24 augustus 2011 19:19
    Industry News Current Articles | Archives | Search
    Electronic CPG-brand enhancement to reach $1.7B in 2022
    August 17, 2011
    According to IDTechEx research in the new report "Brand Enhancement by Electronics in Packaging 2012-2022" (, the global demand for electronic smart packaging devices is currently at a tipping point and will grow rapidly from $30 million in 2012 to $1.7 billion in 2022. The electronic packaging (e-packaging) market will remain primarily in consumer packaged goods (CPG), reaching 35 billion units that have electronic functionality in 2022.

    E-packaging addresses the need for brands to reconnect with the customer or face oblivion from copying. That even applies to retailer own brands. It addresses the aging population's consequent need for disposable medical testers and drug delivery devices. Electronic packaging addresses the fact that one third of us have difficulty reading ever smaller instructions.

    Glimpse of the Tipping Point
    Fulton Innovation's concept of Nestlé's Cheerios cereal box uses inorganic electroluminescent (EL) displays on the packaging, powered by inductive coupling. Bank card provider Inteligensa uses flexible displays for one-time password display cards to over-come online fraud, identity theft and unauthorized access costs. Solar cells power displays in interactive posters, from Toppan Forms and Dai Nippon Printing. AirCode touch technology from Printechnologics GmbH uses existing multi-touch smart phone displays to "read" digital information printed in paper, cardboard or foils. Hence, it can be used for a broad variety of e-packaging, e.g. for marketing and consumer information applications like loyalty programs, brand protection, lotteries, and access to online content. MWV have commercialized cartons which light up and play sounds when touched. These e-packaging examples are only a glimpse of what is coming in the next decade.

    Ultimate Smart Packaging

    So far, most e-packaging beyond RFID and EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) has taken the form of primary packaging that makes the product more useful and attractive in the eyes of the consumer, shown in the following figure The new report "Brand Enhancement by Electronics in Packaging 2012-2022" ( ) deals mainly with e-packaging involving more of the human senses, which will be more important to all in the value chain. The EAS/RFID route is almost always invisible to the consumer and the other (right side) route is usually immediately recognized and appreciated by the consumer. The main focus is on electronic and electrical aspects, sometimes simply referred to as electronic smart packaging.


    The printed electronics components are available today to do these things, but providers tend to only want to sell a component (a battery, display, transistor, etc.), and not design a complete product. That leaves adopters having to manage the creation of working products on their own. The printed electronics industry needs creative designers to come up with completely new concepts that will amaze consumers. The technology is there, the creativity is not.

    Electronic Functionality Integration

    Most consumer packaged goods (CPG) leaders and their best brand facing support companies now have multi-disciplinary teams working in the area of electronic functionality integration. They see printed electronics modernizing everything: product, packaging, shelf edge, point of sale, posters and rewards using electronics on both paper and plastic film. Much of this is not entirely printed as yet but that is the route to cost reduction and greater functionality. For example, at the IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA event in Santa Clara, CA, Nov. 30-Dec. 1, Procter & Gamble, Mars, Reckitt Benckiser, MWV and many others will discuss their needs and experiences with printed electronics ( ).

    Main Drivers of the Rapid Growth

    The rapid growth will be driven by trials now being carried out by leading CPG companies and the rapid technical developments emanating for over 3000 organizations, half of them academic, that are currently working on printed and potentially printed electronics.

    The six main factors driving the rapid growth of electronic smart packaging are:

    •Aging population,
    •Consumers are more demanding,
    •Consumers are more wealthy,
    •Changing lifestyles,
    •Tougher legislation,
    •And concern about crime and the new terrorism.
    There will also be growth from existing applications such as talking pizza boxes, winking logos on multipacks of biscuits and bottles of rum, compliance monitoring blisterpacks in drug trials, prompting plastic bottles of drugs that prompt the user, testers on batteries and reprogrammable decoration on mobile phones. However, IDTechEx's projected adoption only represents a few percent of CPG packages being fitted with these devices in 2022.

  3. [verwijderd] 24 augustus 2011 19:56
    Digital printing powers on
    Monday, 08 August 2011

    Digital printing is offering an increasing number of opportunities to commercial printers, Wayne Robinson looks at how to make the most of your investment
    Digital printing is, or ought to be, on the agenda of every printer in the country.

    vervolg op
  4. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2011 16:04
    PREVIEW: Punch Graphix nettowinst EUR5,5 mln - SNS

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Punch Graphix (PGX.AE) zal vrijdag een nettowinst bekendmaken van EUR5,5 miljoen over de eerste helft van 2011 tegen EUR1,6 miljoen een jaar eerder, aldus de verwachting van SNS Securities. De omzet stijgt naar verwachting naar EUR66,6 miljoen van EUR65,8 miljoen een jaar eerder. De nettowinst wordt gestuwd door de verkoop van producten met betere marges, een hogere terugkerende omzet en lagere eenmalige posten. Analist Lemer Salah kijkt uit naar een outlook voor de tweede helft van het jaar. Omstreeks 16.00 uur noteert het aandeel 1,4% hoger op EUR2,89, terwijl de ASX met 0,2% stijgt. (RVD)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;
  5. [verwijderd] 25 augustus 2011 20:22
    we gaan het zien morgen. SNS gaat al uit van een wpa voor het 1e half jaar van 0,20 cent.
    zelf verwacht ik door de lijn van vorig jaar door te zetten op een netto winst van rond de 6,5-7,0 miljoen.
    Hoe dan ook wordt het tijd dat punch omhoog gaat en richting de koersen gaat waar we in 2008 op stonden (tussen de 4 en 5 euro).

    hopelijk wordt het een mooie dag morgen en het begin van de weg omhoog.

    groet, poil

  6. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2011 08:39
    Punch Graphix boekt hogere nettowinst bij onveranderde omzet

    Door Robin van Daalen


    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Punch Graphix nv (PGX.AE) heeft de nettowinst in de eerste jaarhelft ruim verdrievoudigd op een onveranderde omzet, door de verkoop van producten met een betere marge en kostenbesparingen.

    De toeleverancier voor de grafische industrie zegt dat het geen concrete vooruitzichten bekend wenst te maken.

    De nettowinst over de eerste zes maanden van 2011 kwam uit op EUR5,9 miljoen tegen EUR1,7 miljoen een jaar eerder. De omzet bleef nagenoeg gelijk en kwam uit op EUR66 miljoen.

    Naast een betere omzetmix en kostenbesparingen, werd het nettoresultaat tevens geholpen door lagere afschrijvingen en voorzieningen.

    De omzet van Digital Printing Solutions steeg met 5%, terwijl de Prepress Solutions omzet een daling van 10% liet zien. Prepress Solutions heeft last van concurrentie en margedruk door Chinese aanbieders op de markt.

    Door Robin van Daalen, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;


    lijkt mij een prima resultaat.
    nu eerst maar weer eens met die koers boven de 3 euro!
    succes, poil

  7. forum rang 6 boldie 26 augustus 2011 08:42

    poil-1 schreef:

    Punch Graphix boekt hogere nettowinst bij onveranderde omzet

    Door Robin van Daalen


    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Punch Graphix nv (PGX.AE) heeft de nettowinst in de eerste jaarhelft ruim verdrievoudigd op een onveranderde omzet, door de verkoop van producten met een betere marge en kostenbesparingen.

    De toeleverancier voor de grafische industrie zegt dat het geen concrete vooruitzichten bekend wenst te maken.

    De nettowinst over de eerste zes maanden van 2011 kwam uit op EUR5,9 miljoen tegen EUR1,7 miljoen een jaar eerder. De omzet bleef nagenoeg gelijk en kwam uit op EUR66 miljoen.

    Naast een betere omzetmix en kostenbesparingen, werd het nettoresultaat tevens geholpen door lagere afschrijvingen en voorzieningen.

    De omzet van Digital Printing Solutions steeg met 5%, terwijl de Prepress Solutions omzet een daling van 10% liet zien. Prepress Solutions heeft last van concurrentie en margedruk door Chinese aanbieders op de markt.

    Door Robin van Daalen, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;


    lijkt mij een prima resultaat.
    nu eerst maar weer eens met die koers boven de 3 euro!
    succes, poil

    met zulke cijfers moet toch kunnen, omzet niet meer maar wel meer winst, kan je nagaan als de orders meer worden
  8. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2011 09:23
    nog geen beweging.
    maar met punch weet je het nooit.
    hij kan in 1 keer vertrekken...

    (misschien gaat punch vanaf vandaag weer aandelen kopen)

    groet, poil
  9. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2011 09:29
    MARKET TALK: Punch Graphix presteert sterk - SNS

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De prestaties van Punch Graphix (PGX.AE) over de eerste helft van 2011 zijn sterk en de nettowinst iets beter dan verwacht, zegt analist Lemer Salah van SNS Securities. Hij verwacht echter wel dat de omzet en marge in de tweede jaarhelft wat gematigd zullen zijn gezien de marktomstandigheden. SNS hanteert een buy-advies met een koersdoel van EUR4,30. Omstreeks 9.20 uur noteert het aandeel 0,1% hoger op EUR2,85, terwijl de ASX met 0,2% daalt. (RVD)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

    August 26, 2011 03:26 ET (07:26 GMT)

    Copyright (c) 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

  10. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2011 10:52

    poil-1 schreef op 26 augustus 2011 10:18:

    punch international inmiddels op 3 euro

    Laatste 3,00 1.000 10:16:05
    Verschil 0,05 1,69%
    Bied 2,91 1.506 10:16:33
    Laat 3,05 1.400 10:16:06

    punch International 3,09 3,08 3,16 0,14 4,75%
  11. [verwijderd] 26 augustus 2011 15:35
    Punch Graphix nv 10,17 %
    Punch International N.V. 68,29 %

    Punch Graphix nv hoeft pas een volgende melding te maken bij 15% en Punch Int NV pas bij 75%, dan hebben ze dus 90% in handen en hoeven nog maar 10% in te kopen, voor een "mogelijke" overname.
  12. [verwijderd] 6 september 2011 14:10
    Waarom staat dit aandeel zo laag? Het noteert ruim onder de intrinsieke waarde, terwijl de winst ok is. Ook de balans ziet er goed uit. Ik vraag me af waarom de huidige grootaandeelhouders het bedrijf niet van de beurs halen. De free float is zeer beperkt en de koers zeer laag.
  13. [verwijderd] 7 september 2011 20:14
    Strong mid-year results for Xeikon International BV

    07 Sep 2011

    Revenues show strong growth, especially in the US, as more customers put increasingly more work on Xeikon presses

    Eede, the Netherlands – September 07, 2011 – Xeikon International BV tripled its net profit from Euro 1.7 million (~USD 2.4 million) in the first half of 2010 to Euro 5.9 million (~USD 8.2 million) during the same period in 2011. The groups operational cash flow (EBITDA) rose 16%, from Euro 12.2 million (~USD 17 million) in the first half of 2010 to Euro 14.2 million (~USD 19.9 million) during the same period in 2011. These strong results can be mainly attributed to the revenue growth of Xeikon digital printing product line, especially in the USA.

    Xeikon’s success reflects its customers' success!

    Wim Maes, CEO of Xeikon International BV, said, “Our success depends on the success of our customers. We follow the mantra of customer intimacy and are committed to understanding our customers’ requirements and delivering solutions that meet or exceed those requirements. This impressive growth in our revenues simply means that more customers are printing more labels and document/commercial applications on our technology, thereby leveraging the higher productivity, image quality, flexibility and sustainability of our presses.”

    Another reason for this success is Xeikon’s focused approach towards the industrial and document printing markets. The company has dedicated its product portfolio as well as its sales/marketing efforts towards these two markets Xeikon’s toner development efforts — focusing on FDA compliancy and light fastness for industrial applications, and higher speed, improved color gamut and deinkability for document printing applications, are a testament to this approach.

    Successful customer events

    In the US, Xeikon organizes Executive Communication Exchange events, which bring label printers directly into contact with industry experts, opinion leaders and fellow-printers in an intimate and casual setting. As a result, label printers can gain information on the latest trends and technologies as well as learn about brand owner requirements. This initiative will be further extended in the US and elsewhere.

    In addition, Xeikon has set up Xeikon Cafés at numerous locations in Europe and Turkey for the retail and personal banking sectors. Xeikon Cafés are seminars at which printers and communication specialists working for end-users examine new marketing ideas together. The focus is on new trends in cross-sector product communication, and hence on supporting innovative marketing.

    Special focus on industrial printing

    Xeikon focuses on the industrial printing market, and more specifically on self-adhesive/pressure-sensitive labels. This is demonstrated by four Xeikon 3000 Series presses, including the Xeikon 3500 flagship press and the specially developed QA-I toner, which is in compliance with the FDA and Isega standards and offers extremely high lightfastness.

    Xeikon will demonstrate three different machine configurations at the annual Label Expo show in Brussels at the end of September. In addition to having its own booth (Hall 9, Booth H45), Xeikon will also be present in both the Technology Area and the Package Printing Zone.

    Further extension of distribution channels

    With new distribution partners in Poland, Columbia, Spain, Brazil and Chile, Xeikon has confirmed its plan of further developing the label market in different continents. All these distribution partners have vast experience in the label and packaging industry of their respective countries.

    Generation change in basysPrint product lines for four- and eight-page UV platesetters

    In early June, Punch Graphix NV, the parent company of Xeikon, launched the new generation of UV-Setters within its basysPrint computer-to-plate products portfolio – the 450x and 850x – during a launch meeting for its distribution partners worldwide. With unbeatable cost control, quality and sustainability advantages for its printer customers, basysPrint has further strengthened its lead position in the success of conventional printing plate production.

    With this new platesetter generation, a series of prepress functions can now be carried out on a single setter type. Under the name ‘Cross Applications’, basysPrint customers can achieve special print effects such as selective varnish, hotfoil stamping and embossing, but also die-cutting plates and even screen-printing. This new generation of solutions provides printers with printing plate production that is cost-effective, faster, simpler and environmentally friendly. It also opens up new income sources for work that printers have previously had to outsource, and this in turn ensures them shorter delivery times and greater operational autonomy.

    Excellent results open new possibilities

    According to Wim Maes, “Our strong EBITDA financially strengthen our company for the future. At the same time, they also enable us to further invest in both R&D and customer intimacy, two of our strongest success factors”.

    About Xeikon

    A pioneer in digital printing, Xeikon designs, develops and delivers high-end digital colour printing systems for the industrial, document and commercial printing market segments. These systems are composed of advanced web-fed printing engines using LED-array-based, dry toner electrophotography, open workflow software, exclusive toner and other consumables. Xeikon’s production and R&D operations are based in Belgium and its solutions are distributed and supported through a worldwide sales and service network. Xeikon is a division of Punch Graphix. For more information, visit

    For more information regarding this press release, please contact:

    Michel Peeters
    Marketing Communications Manager
    Xeikon International BV
    Brieverstraat 70 – 4529 GZ Eede, The Netherlands
    T. +31 (0)117 37 50 20 - M. +32 (0)494 543 625 -

    PR Agency Xeikon International BV
    Duomedia Public Relations
    Stan Lemmens
    Drève Des Catulas 5 – 7850 Petit-Enghien - Belgium
    T. +32 (0)2 454 85 50 - M. +32 (0)472 346 517 -
  14. [verwijderd] 9 september 2011 13:48
    Friday, September 09, 2011

    Press release from the issuing company

    Versatility of Xeikon 3500 flagship digital label press will be on display at booth #4027

    Itasca, IL, – Xeikon, an innovator in digital color printing technology, announced today that the company will demonstrate unique label and packaging applications at booth #4027 during Graph Expo 2011, from Sept. 11-14 in Chicago, IL. The Xeikon booth is located within the "Pack Print" pavilion of the show hall. All the applications will be produced on the Xeikon 3500, highlighting the flexibility of its flagship digital label press.
    "The Xeikon 3500 has raised the bar for digital label printing with its unmatched width and the ability to print on a wide variety of substrates. The press is aimed at providing expanded capabilities to label and packaging printers, enabling them to meet the growing demands of this market," said Michael V. Ring, president of Xeikon America Inc. "We're excited to put the outstanding productivity of this versatile machine on display at Graph Expo."

    The applications printed at the Xeikon booth will utilize a broad range of substrates, from regular paper to synthetic metallized stocks, as well as paperboard. In addition, Xeikon will also demonstrate inline finishing capabilities involving UV-varnishing, super-glossing, slitting and rewinding. The company will also have a workflow area at the booth which will house its industry leading software partners such as EskoArtwork and Prisme Technologies.

    "The Xeikon 3500 is a leading color digital printing solution for label and packaging converters," said Bob Leahey, Associate Director at InfoTrends, a consulting firm that focuses on digital printing markets. "The 3500's very wide digital web and full rotary printing technology make it a top digital option in terms of productivity and flexibility."

    The Xeikon 3500 is the only toner based digital label press that can handle web widths from 9.8 inches all the way up to 20.3 inches. Due to its full rotary printing technology and variable repeat length with no frame size restrictions, the press speed and throughput are unaffected by the number of colors used as well as the size of the labels. In addition, the Xeikon 3500 has a monthly duty cycle of 3.8 million square feet, which is the highest among any digital label press in its class.

    Due to all its abovementioned attributes, the Xeikon 3500 has a significant impact on the breakeven point between digital label printing and conventional printing technologies. It enables cost-effective production of label volumes beyond the usual 14,000 linear feet limit using digital technology, and speeds up the transition from analog to digital label production. Plus, the press opens up new application opportunities in diverse market segments in addition to pressure-sensitive labels, such as short-run packaging, folding cartons, point-of-purchase applications, as well as heat transfers.

    Equipped with high-precision LED-based imaging heads, the Xeikon 3500 features true 1200 dpi resolution and 1200 x 3600 dpi imaging addressability with variable dot density, generating excellent image quality. Consequently, it is challenging the current quality-productivity paradigm by offering these two mutually exclusive capabilities to label converters. They don't have to sacrifice one for the sake of the other, as is usually the case with other offerings.

    The Xeikon 3500 comes equipped with five (5) color stations: four (4) for the standard process colors and the fifth for the use of spot colors for gamut expansion and brand color matching. The fifth station can also be used for applying a special security toner for anti-counterfeiting applications, and a 'one-pass' opaque white toner to create the much desired 'no-label or label-less look' on transparent films.

    The Xeikon 3500 takes advantage of Xeikon's X-800 Digital Front End. Based on open standards, the X-800 can be integrated into any production environment. Its modular set-up allows label printers to manage different production elements in the most efficient manner. Prepress functions, such as impositions and color management, can be performed in the prepress environment, allowing the press operator to focus on production. The X-800 also allows easy inclusion of metadata functionalities, such as sequential numbers and/or barcodes.
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