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  1. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2006 21:08

    pcrs7 schreef:

    Wat bedoel je met geloven ? Dat klinkt zo religieus. 'Geloof' jij in fossiele brandstoffen ? Wat denk je van de eindigheid, broeikaseffect en oorlogen die ze veroorzaken ?
    Er zijn meerder mogelijke alternatieven, allemaal met voor en nadelen, er komt geen geloof aan te pas.
    Of ik in fossiele brandstoffen geloof?

    Enfin, laten we het religieuze aspect van geloven maar terzijde leggen, ofschoon het idd een geloof is m.b.t. het broeikaseffect.
    Een duidelijk "nee".
    Energie is er in vele soorten en tot heden heeft aardolie en aardgas de beste en goedkoopste papieren. Ook is het voor bijna iedereen toegankelijk.
    Omdat de fossielen brandstoffen niet oneindig zijn en waterkracht, geisers, biogas en andere alternatieven vaak plaatsgebonden zijn en maar beperkt leverbaar,zal er gezocht moeten worden naar een bron die voor iedereen en overal toegankelijk is.
    Zelfs aan kernenergie zit een tijdslimiet i.v.m de schaarste van uranium.
    Wind en zon zijn eeuwig en overal verkrijgbaar.
    En wat heel belangrijk is, ze zijn gratis.
    Waarom onze tijd verkwanselen aan energiebronnen die beperkt of moeilijk toegankelijk zijn.
    We zijn al heel ver met de opwekking van stroom uit zonneenergie.
    Schoon, makkelijk, efficiënt en steeds goedkoper te verkrijgen d.m.v. photovoltaik systemen.
    Met wind ligt het iets moeilijker door de beweeglijkheid van het product, maar daar zal ongetwijfeld een goedkope oplossing voor komen.

    Waarom moeilijk doen als het makkelijk kan.
    Ik begin steeds meer overtuigd te raken dat directe opvang van zonnestralen onze toekomstige energievoorziening zal zijn.
    Met stroom kan je alle kanten op, zelfs waterstof maken.
    Noem het maar een geloof, zonder religie.


  2. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2006 21:23

    fes schreef:

    Of ik in fossiele brandstoffen geloof?

    Enfin, laten we het religieuze aspect van geloven maar terzijde leggen, ofschoon het idd een geloof is m.b.t. het broeikaseffect.
    Een duidelijk "nee".
    Energie is er in vele soorten en tot heden heeft aardolie en aardgas de beste en goedkoopste papieren. Ook is het voor bijna iedereen toegankelijk.
    Omdat de fossielen brandstoffen niet oneindig zijn en waterkracht, geisers, biogas en andere alternatieven vaak plaatsgebonden zijn en maar beperkt leverbaar,zal er gezocht moeten worden naar een bron die voor iedereen en overal toegankelijk is.
    Zelfs aan kernenergie zit een tijdslimiet i.v.m de schaarste van uranium.
    Wind en zon zijn eeuwig en overal verkrijgbaar.
    En wat heel belangrijk is, ze zijn gratis.
    Waarom onze tijd verkwanselen aan energiebronnen die beperkt of moeilijk toegankelijk zijn.
    We zijn al heel ver met de opwekking van stroom uit zonneenergie.
    Schoon, makkelijk, efficiënt en steeds goedkoper te verkrijgen d.m.v. photovoltaik systemen.
    Met wind ligt het iets moeilijker door de beweeglijkheid van het product, maar daar zal ongetwijfeld een goedkope oplossing voor komen.

    Waarom moeilijk doen als het makkelijk kan.
    Ik begin steeds meer overtuigd te raken dat directe opvang van zonnestralen onze toekomstige energievoorziening zal zijn.
    Met stroom kan je alle kanten op, zelfs waterstof maken.
    Noem het maar een geloof, zonder religie.

    Misschien moeten we het nog intuitie noemen, of een educated guess. Ik heb net als jij het gevoel dat de oplossing voor energie-opwekking in zonne-energie licht (of aardwarmte) en voor transport over grotere afstanden met electriciteit en voor mobiliteit waterstof.
    Ook omdat je kunt uitrekenen dat een gebied als Algerije genoeg zonne-energie invangt om de hele aarde van energie te voorzien. Waterkracht heeft als voordeel dat het geconcentreerde zonne-energie is, maar dat is niet genoeg voorradig en daar lijkt ook moeilijk iets groots voor te bouwen.
    Voor zonne-energie zou je zelf kunnen overwegen om problemen met politieke instabiliteit te vermijden, het geheel in zee te bouwen. Er is vast wel ergens een woestijn op zee, waar je een ponton ter grootte van Algerije in kunt leggen.
    Maar gratis is het geenszins. Er zijn kapitale investeringen nodig en zelfs met de huidige lage rentestanden en hoge energieprijzen lonen die nog niet met een stevige marge.
  3. [verwijderd] 20 februari 2006 21:28

    pcrs7 schreef:

    Maar gratis is het geenszins. Er zijn kapitale investeringen nodig en zelfs met de huidige lage rentestanden en hoge energieprijzen lonen die nog niet met een stevige marge.
    Dat is heel ralatief.
    Noem het arbeid, of om in religeuze thermen te blijven, een menselijk offer.
  4. -PR- 21 februari 2006 12:41
    DJ China Looking To Jointly Develop Foreign Uranium Deposits

    SHANGHAI (Dow Jones)--China is studying the possibility of jointly developing foreign uranium reserves, an official with the China National Nuclear Corp. said Tuesday.

    Shen Wenquan, the vice chairman of the companys committee of science and technology, said China is looking at countries with large uranium reserves that have yet to be fully developed.

    "Its from these countries that we might buy uranium," he said. "If theres the possibility of developing these resources through a joint venture, then we can discuss that also."

    When asked if CNNC is currently in such discussions, Shen replied it is "probing," without naming any countries.

    Shen was speaking on the sidelines of the 6th China-European Union Energy Cooperation Conference being held here.

    State-owned CNNC is responsible for all aspects of Chinas civilian and military nuclear programs.

    The company already has a 30% stake in a unit of KazAtomprom, Kazakhstans national atomic company, with rights to develop a uranium deposit in the south of that country.

    China is looking to sure up uranium supplies to fuel a massive planned expansion of nuclear power over the next 15 years.

    The countrys central planners hope to build as many as 40 more nuclear reactors by 2020 to supplement the nine that it has now.

    When asked about how China plans to dispose of the nuclear waste generated by the expansion, Shen said an experimental waste management facility is planned to come on-line by 2020.

    He added that although the location of the facility is still to be determined, it is likely to be deep underneath one of Chinas deserts. He mentioned the countrys northwestern Gansu province as a possible candidate.

    Meantime, Shen said he is unsure when the results of the bid for four third-generation nuclear reactors are likely to be announced, saying he isnt involved in the bidding process.

    Bidders include Paris-based Areva (CEI.P), Pittsburgh-based Westinghouse Electric Company and Russias AtomStroyExport.

    Citing a director from CNNC, China Daily reported in December that price and technical details such as engineering and plant security have been sticking points delaying an announcement on the bid.

    Also at the conference, Paul Felten, the senior vice president of sales development and marketing at Areva, said he doesnt think safety is a major issue holding up a decision.

    "The customer always wants the lowest possible price, even if its very competitive," he said.

    Felten also dismissed claims that a decision was due at the end of 2005.

    "There was never any deadline," he said. "Of course we were told the objective was to be ready by... the end of last year."

    -By Denis McMahon, Dow Jones Newswires; 8621 6120-1200;
  5. -PR- 21 februari 2006 16:56
    Uranium Energy Corp (URME.BB)
    Intraday Up $ 5,5 +157.14%

    Gaat lekker.
    Vrijdag ook al zo'n stijging.

    Vrijdag geemitteerd en nu al een x keer over de kop.

  6. [verwijderd] 21 februari 2006 17:11

    -PR- schreef:

    Uranium Energy Corp (URME.BB)
    Intraday Up $ 5,5 +157.14%

    Gaat lekker.
    Vrijdag ook al zo'n stijging.

    Vrijdag geemitteerd en nu al een x keer over de kop.

    Via welke broker handel je daar in?
  7. -PR- 21 februari 2006 17:16
    Ik handel nog niet in dit fonds. Maar via SNS Bank is het mogelijk.
    Die koersbewegingen zijn niet normaal en het volume is nog erg laag (6900 stuks pas vandaag).
    Dus van een normale koersvorming is absoluut geen sprake. Ben dan ook razend benieuwd welke malloot zo'n gigantische prijs wil betalen.

  8. [verwijderd] 21 februari 2006 17:18

    -PR- schreef:

    Ik handel nog niet in dit fonds. Maar via SNS Bank is het mogelijk.
    Die koersbewegingen zijn niet normaal en het volume is nog erg laag (6900 stuks pas vandaag).
    Dus van een normale koersvorming is absoluut geen sprake. Ben dan ook razend benieuwd welke malloot zo'n gigantische prijs wil betalen.

    Via SNS kun je standaard in dit soort fondsen handelen of is er een aparte rekening nodig. Het fonds noteert namelijk niet op een "gewone" beurs.
  9. -PR- 21 februari 2006 17:28
    Gewoon aanvragen via hun telefonische orderdienst.
    En dan kun je gewoon op een normale effectenrekening handelen in dergelijke fondsen.
    Het kan zijn dat hij nog niet in hun systeem zit, maar als je hem aanvraagd dan wordt ie aangemaakt en kun je erin handelen.

  10. faites-vos-jeux 21 februari 2006 19:26
    kwam ik toevallig tegen op website Russische broker Aton (van 20 februari); kan het verder niet beoordelen:

    Urasia Energy. Rare exposure to global uranium market

    Urasia Energy is the world’s ninth-largest uranium miner, which holds a diverse portfolio of Kazakhstan assets that strongly position it for revenue and profit growth. It is also one of just four listed uranium producers, placing it in a very exclusive global club. Urasia Energy went public in November 2005 via a $425mn reverse takeover on the Toronto venture exchange and is led by a respected management team with extensive experience in both the uranium and broader mining industries. The company produces yellowcake, or uranium oxide, which in itself is a relatively harmless substance as it requires multiple processing stages before becoming nuclear fuel.

    Urasia Energy has teamed up at the operational level with the Kazakh government, which has direct equity interests in the company’s mines. Such a structure allows for an alignment of the interests of investors and the state and ensures that Urasia Energy has unhindered access to government-owned processing plants used to make nuclear fuel rods.

    Globally, the uranium mining industry is experiencing a supply crunch as past under-investment has meant little expansion of capacity in recent decades. Additionally, since the end of the Cold War the nuclear power industry has relied on uranium stockpiles and decommissioned nuclear warheads from the preceding four decades, which currently satisfy 26% of global demand. Meanwhile, actual mined uranium satisfies only 61% of demand, with the remainder mostly coming from reprocessing, which is limited in scope.

    This supply crunch has triggered a sharp increase in the price of uranium oxide. Uranium posted an all-time high in 1979 at $43/lbs and an all-time low in 2001 at $7/lbs; the metal currently fetches $38/lbs and the price looks set to continue to increase. We do not have an explicit forecast for uranium prices, although we note that most industry observers view $100/lbs as a realistic level in the next few years. Importantly, stockpiled uranium is forecast to run out in 10 years time and uranium production from existing and slated new mines cannot bridge the gap. Meanwhile, uranium consumption is steadily growing as countries try to wean themselves off increasingly expensive hydrocarbon-fueled energy.

    Urasia Energy’s relatively short corporate history means it lacks the substantive historical results required to build a thorough financial model. However, based on the company’s resources and forecast operational cash flow it seems attractively priced, especially if considered against the backdrop of a world that is looking anew at nuclear energy as a reasonably priced, efficient and clean alternative to hydrocarbons.

    In terms of resource valuation, Urasia trades at $9.8/lbs of resource, which is more than 20% below the world’s top producer, Cameco. Based on Urasia’s cash costs of $10/lbs and an average uranium price of $37/lbs, Urasia Energy trades at 27.4X 2006F and 16.2X 2007F operating cash flow, which we see as reasonable multiples considering the company is forecast to increase output 4.5X by 2010. We believe that the company warrants investor attention as rare yet reasonably valued exposure to an alternative fuel source in an increasingly tight global energy market.
  11. [verwijderd] 21 februari 2006 19:49

    faitesvosjeux schreef:

    kwam ik toevallig tegen op website Russische broker Aton (van 20 februari); kan het verder niet beoordelen:

    Ik heb het om het bovenstaande verhaal weken geleden aangeschaft. De laatste maand doet het aandeel relatief weinig:

  12. -PR- 22 februari 2006 10:17

    Vancouver, Canada, February 20, 2006 - Urasia Energy Ltd. (the ‘Company' or ‘Urasia’) is pleased to provide anupdate with respect to its Joint Venture Operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    The Company has a 70% interest in the Betpak Dala Joint Venture which has a 100% interest in the Akdala uranium mine ‘Akdala’ and South Inkai uranium project ‘South Inkai’. In addition, the Company has a 30% interest in the Kyzylkum Joint Venture, which has a 100% interest in the Kharassan uranium project ‘Kharassan’. The remaining interest in both Joint Ventures is held by State Owned Kazakh Companies, including KazAtomProm. The Contracts for each project, Akdala, South Inkai and Kharassan are currently in full force and effect as confirmed by Urasia’s legal counsel in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    With respect to the announced financing disclosed on February 1, 2006, the Company and its financing syndicate, led by Canaccord Adams Ltd., anticipates closing of the bought deal to occur on or about February 24, 2006. The proceeds will be used to accelerate the development of South Inkai, for potential acquisitions and for working capital purposes.

    Commenting on the Company’s Joint Venture relationship with KazAtomProm (the State Owned company which manages and operates the governments stake in uranium mining and nuclear fuel production) Phillip Shirvington,President and Chief Executive Officer, said “it has been a productive start for the new Joint Venture, we are aligned in our primary objectives, which include the conversion of Russian P1 Resources at South Inkai and Kharassan to meet Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum ‘CIM’ standards on Mineral Resource and Reserve definitions. We will achieve this by conducting an extensive program of drilling, the Company has ordered eight drill rigs from a U.S based supplier to supplement the current drill program in Kazakhstan. In addition, the Joint Venture is analyzing the potential for significant modular, plant-expansion at South Inkai and Kharassan assuming a successful drill program. The anticipated plant-expansion at South Inkai and Kharassan would enable the Joint Venture to substantially increase annual production rates”.

    Based on the technical reports prepared by Roscoe Postle Associates Inc., in October 2005 (‘RPA’ and Technical Reports’) in accordance with NI43-01, RPA presented peak, annual, gross production rates of 1000t U at Akdala, 600t U at South Inkai and 750t U at Kharassan (t U = metric tonne of uranium). From RPA’s production profile, Akdala has a mine life of 12 years; the mine will reach full production of 2.6 million pounds U3O8 in 2006. South Inkai has a mine life of 28 years; full production of 1.6 million pounds U3O8 is expected in 2011. Kharassan has a mine life of 25 years; full production of 2.0 million pounds U3O8 is expected in 2012 (conversion factor: 1 metric tonne U = 2600 pounds of U3O8). Previous disclosure of the Company’s production profile in a corporate presentation dated, December 2005 should be disregarded as they were not based on NI43- compliant mineral resource categories. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

    The annual production profile can be reviewed for each project in the RPA Technical Reports. For Akdala, please refer to the Technical Report on the Akdala Uranium Mine Kazakhstan, October 3, 2005, Appendix 1, Table 24.2; For South Inkai, please refer to the Technical Report on the South Inkai Uranium Project, Kazakhstan, October 8, 2005, Appendix 1, Table 24.1; for Kharassan, refer to the Technical Report on the North Kharassan Uranium Project, Kazakhstan, October 13, 2005, Appendix 1, Table 24.1.

    Urasia Energy is a Canadian-based uranium producer that offers investors exposure to low-cost, uranium production and growth. The Company plans to create shareholder value by focusing on development and operation of low-cost, in-situ leach uranium projects in Central Asia.

    For more information you can visit the Company’s website at or contact Investor Relations at 1-866-798-0824 or (604) 608-0824 or visit

    On behalf of Urasia Energy Ltd.

    “Phillip Shirvington”
    President and Chief Executive Officer


    Ik heb ze ook in bezit.
    Ben enige tijd geleden ingestapt op CAD 2,90.
    Beetje aan de hoge kant, maar de uraniummarkt kan heel veel belovend zijn, en een aandeel dat reeds productie heeft heeft imho dan voordelen ten opzichte van aandelen die nu nog mijnen en lappen grond aan het opkopen of boren zijn.
    Je kunt natuurlijk safe spelen door Cameco of Areva aan te kopen, maar juist zo'n exotisch aandeel geeft een beetje spanning.

    Je kunt je trouwens op de website inschrijven op een nieuwsbrief.

  13. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2006 17:52

    Ken jij het aandeel GETC (ob-aandeel)? En zo ja, wat is je mening over het bedrijf?

    GETC wint olie uit (steen?)koollagen en weet met een thermo-chemische technologie (gas generators) het rendement van bestaande, oudere oliebronnen op te krikken. (ze werken op no cure no pay basis, en claimen in zo'n 80 procent van de gevallen een verbetering van de productie te bewerkstelligen.

    Daarbij hebben ze rechten op behoorlijk grote coalvoorraden, waaruit ze tegen relatief lage kosten olie kunnen winnen.

  14. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2006 17:54

    Kees33 schreef:


    Ken jij het aandeel GETC (ob-aandeel)? En zo ja, wat is je mening over het bedrijf?

    GETC wint olie uit (steen?)koollagen en weet met een thermo-chemische technologie (gas generators) het rendement van bestaande, oudere oliebronnen op te krikken. (ze werken op no cure no pay basis, en claimen in zo'n 80 procent van de gevallen een verbetering van de productie te bewerkstelligen.

    Daarbij hebben ze rechten op behoorlijk grote coalvoorraden, waaruit ze tegen relatief lage kosten olie kunnen winnen.

    Ik ken het bedrijf niet. Kan dus geen oordeel vellen. Kan best interessant zijn, maar durf er nu niks over te zeggen. Misschien dat je zelf op onderzoek uit kunt gaan en ons kunt bijpraten.
    gr postzak.
  15. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2006 18:02
    Special Profit Alert

    Thank you for visiting my Energy & Energy Tech Stocks Profit Alert website. In this Special Profit Alert, I want to tell you about a stock that could be my #1 Energy Stock for 2006 and your best investment this year. Like all my stock picks, it offers huge growth potential. Please read on to discover why…
    Rapidly rising oil prices have started a chain reaction, firing up the entire energy sector and setting off a…
    “Runaway Uranium
    Stock Boom!”
    It’s true! It’s the stock market’s best-kept secret but a number of uranium stocks have recently enjoyed quadruple-digit profits!

    Now, my #1 energy stock is set to surpass them all with three projects in the world’s richest uranium mining zones, plus a potential world-class gold and silver mine…
    This little-known 50-cent double-play mining stock could generate profits of 1,000% to 2,000% or more in the next 24 months
    Dear Profit-Minded Investor,

    Imagine your excitement seeing a stock you’ve owned rise 1,000% or more. Because of recent geopolitical and energy events, I’ve issued a buy recommendation on a uranium energy stock that could hand you…1,000% PLUS profits in just a few short months.

    This stock is a true hidden treasure that can stand up to my intense scrutiny. Believe me, I know the value of digging deep into a stock before I recommend it to my subscribers. That’s how I uncovered these profit-making gems for my readers:

    * NovaGold—shot up 5,455% in 38 months! Bought 01/01/02, sold 02/20/05. Recommended a buy 07/23/04 and still holding.
    * Energold Mining—shot up 2,325% in 41 months! Bought 10/13/01, sold 10/01/05.
    * Northern Dynasty—shot up 4,338% in 24 months! Bought 01/02/02 and still holding.

    None of my big winning recommendations are uranium stocks. Why?

    The Uranium Boom has just begun as part of the energy revolution that is going on.

    My subscribers have depended on my eye for finding the beginning trends in gold, silver and now in oil, natural gas, geothermal…and uranium.

    This is your opportunity to join my subscribers on a new profit-making adventure. Don’t be fooled by the so-called “experts.” The energy crisis is here and it will only get worse. According to the U.S. government’s Energy Outlook, total worldwide energy consumption is expected to grow 54% by 2025.

    And because of my energy industry expertise, my readers were recently able to reap triple- and quadruple-digit profits in energy stocks like these:

    * Nevada Geothermal Power—increased 628% in 44 months! Bought 01/01/02 and still holding.
    * International TME Resources (a Texas gas producer)—shot up an incredible 950% in just 20 months! Bought 06/29/02 and still holding.
    * Tidelands Oil & Gas Corp. produced an amazing 588% profit in just 6 months! Bought 05/03/03, SOLD 11/10/03.

    These are just a few examples of my highly profitable energy stock picks that my readers have enjoyed. I will share even more of these rewarding stock picks with you a little later in this Special Profit Alert.

    But now, I spotted the next big moneymaking boom and I want to let you know and help you get in early so you can pull down the triple- and quadruple-digit profits like those shown above and more.

    Don’t be fooled again by the so-called “experts.” The energy crisis is here and it will only get worse. According to the U.S. government’s Energy Outlook, total worldwide energy consumption is expected to grow 54% by 2025.

    China and India are driving much of this demand. Last year, China’s economy grew by about 9.5%, but its energy demand went up 15%.

    China now imports more than 3 million barrels of oil a day while India imports over 2 million barrels a day.

    Despite recent price adjustments, oil prices will continue to increase—to over $100 a barrel in the next few years.

    However, surprisingly, while oil companies will continue to do very well-especially the type of small cap junior oil companies I cited above—the biggest winners won’t be oil companies. They’ll be alternative energy companies, especially those in uranium and nuclear energy.

    Rising oil prices are just one of the factors helping to fuel…
    The Great Uranium Stock Boom of 2006—
    get in now to make profits of 1,000% or more!

    While Wall Street has not been paying attention and most investors aren’t aware of it, the uranium stocks boom is already on the way—I’ve already uncovered a couple of uranium mining companies that have generated profits of 1,000% or more in recent months.

    I’ll show you how to get in on this profit-making bonanza.

    Best of all, I have discovered a little-known uranium mining stock trading under $1.00 that could surpass them all—Northwestern Mineral Ventures Inc. (OTCBB: NWTMF).

    It could be my next moon shot. The reason I am so excited about this stock is that it has not just one, but…
    3 projects in the world’s richest uranium mining zones

    Don’t get me wrong, Northwestern Mineral Ventures is not another speculative mining company with a lot of pipe dreams that may or may not pan out in 5 to 10 years. They are ready to go into production.

    As you read this Special Profit Alert, Northwestern is reactivating its mines in Utah that have over a 20-year-long record of producing high-grade uranium. It is estimated that these deposits alone have over $300 million in uranium ore.

    In fact, Northwester should be producing within weeks. With low production, operating and milling costs, they are looking at an 80% profit margin on the project.

    That is potential profit of $240 million. It is easy to see how this project alone could cause this mini cap stock to rise 10-fold. With this dynamic in play, you could easily see $10,000 turn into $100,000 in 12–24 months.

    Get in now and you could see a 10-fold profit.

    Let me tell you about these five exciting projects in more detail so you can see the explosive profit potential of Northwestern and why it is my #1 Energy Stock Pick for 2006. But first, I’d like to let you in on why…
    Uranium stocks are the hottest part of
    today’s hottest stock sector: Energy
  16. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2006 18:04
    today’s hottest stock sector: Energy

    Powdered Yellow CakeToday, uranium mining is a $3 billion a year industry. Uranium oxide (U3O8)—often called yellowcake—is extracted from uranium ore and serves as the raw fuel for nuclear power plants, providing 16% of the world’s electricity.

    But now there is a critical shortage. The problem is we’ve used more uranium than we’ve mined for the last 20 years, drawing on utility and government stockpiles to fill the gap.

    chart uranium

    In 2005 alone, the world consumed 200 million pounds of uranium, but it only produced 100 million pounds. That is a shocking 50% shortfall, and it is expected to grow creating a greater and greater gap.

    Up until now we have been able to cover that gap by drawing down utility and government stockpiles to supply a little over 30% of our needs. But these stockpiles are not getting replenished because of the uranium production shortfall and they are getting dangerously low.

    In addition, another 15% of the uranium needed is coming from a surprising source—recycled weapons. Since the end of the Cold War, we have—as they say in the Bible—literally beaten “our nuclear swords into plowshares” to supply our energy needs. But these recycled weapons are a non-renewable resource and the uranium they supply has almost depleted.

    Now that the peace dividend of recycled uranium from weapons has almost run out …
    Get ready for the uranium price war as power
    plants compete for less and less uranium

    The price wars have already started. The price of a pound of uranium has gone up almost fivefold in the last 5 years, rising from $7.10 in December 2000 to over $36.25 in December 2005. And that’s just the beginning because…
    There’s simply not enough uranium to go around

    Currently, there are 441 nuclear power plants throughout the world. And the average reactor needs 680,000 pounds of uranium to operate for a year. That’s a whopping 299,880,000 pounds of uranium per year just for existing nuclear power plants.

    But what many people don’t know is that there are another 284 nuclear reactors used in scientific and medical research and 220 reactors used to power ships and submarines.
    All together, that’s 945 existing nuclear reactors, with each one requiring tons of uranium to operate!
    But the shortage is about to get worse…much worse

    Growing uncertainty in oil supplies and concerns about pollution are driving governments around the world to finance new nuclear power plants even if they don’t know where the fuel will come from.

    * Japan intends to add 11 more by the year 2010.
    * China will add 24 to 30 by 2020.
    * India plans to build 31 new nuclear power plants.
    * Russia will add an additional 25 reactors.
    * Even nuclear-wary Britain has faced the reality that it will need 45 additional plants to meet the Kyoto Treaty targets for reducing gases.
    * The Energy Bill of 2005 provides financial support to build 6 new nuclear power plants in the U.S.—the first since the 1973 Three Mile Island incident.

    All in all, there are 30 additional nuclear power plants
    under construction, with 70 more in the planning stages

    No wonder the price of uranium is skyrocketing, having gone from a low of $7 a pound in 2000 to more than $36.25 a pound by the end of 2005. And the uranium bull market is just getting started.

    A conservative estimate is that there will be an 11% shortage in uranium in 2006 and 2007.

    Given the impending uranium shortage, I can easily see uranium prices doubling, tripling and quadrupling as utility companies fight to keep the lights on. Because when the uranium runs out, so does the electricity!

    And don’t think it can’t happen: In 2003, one of Canada’s main nuclear power plants ran out of fuel and had to shut down, leaving millions of customers in the dark.

    So how much do you think utilities will be willing to pay for uranium to keep a billion-dollar nuclear power plant running? After all, there is no available substitute. Either they have the uranium or the plant shuts down.

    And because a relatively small amount of uranium produces a lot of electricity, incremental price hikes in uranium have little effect on the cost of the electricity produced. Therefore, as the shortage increases there will be a large degree of latitude for price increases. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see uranium at $100 a pound by 2007.

    That is fantastic news for people who invest in uranium stocks like Northwestern Mineral Ventures now, because the stock price of junior uranium mining companies usually goes up at 5 to 10 times the rate of uranium price increases. That means you could see a 10- to 20-fold increase in the prices of certain uranium stocks.

    Another important point to consider: When the uranium boom ended in the 1980s, many companies abandoned uranium mining. So today, there are less than five uranium mining companies actually producing uranium. And they control the pipeline.

    Other junior uranium companies are 5 to 10 years away from producing the uranium that the world so desperately needs now.

    So there is a world of difference between the companies that are producing and those that aren’t in terms of how they will profit from this shortfall.

    This is an ideal time to invest in Northwestern because they are ready to commence production as soon as a few months from now. And since the current stock price is at about $0.50 a share, they will be ready to blast off.
    Uranium stocks have been exploding for
    profits of 400%, 500%, even 1,000%!

    A few savvy investors have noticed this trend and have made uranium mining stocks the brightest stars in today’s highly lucrative energy sector.

    They realized that the best way to profit from soaring energy costs is to invest in only pollution-free technology that could quickly replace oil and coal to generate the massive amounts of electricity the world economy needs.

    That is why uranium mining stocks have blasted off in recent months. For example:

    * Denison Mines rose from $5.10 to $20.70, a 306% increase in 9 months.
    * Strathmore Minerals rose from $0.37 to $2.95, a 697% increase in 9 months.
    * UEX Corporation went from $0.60 to $5.00, a rise of 733% in 17 months.
    * Energy Metals Corporation went from $0.30 to $4.15, a rise of 1,283% in 14 months.

    Now these same investors will soon be focusing on Northwestern Mineral Ventures as news gets out in a few weeks that this little-known 50-cents-a-share stock is producing high-grade uranium.

    With three highly promising projects in the world’s richest uranium fields, Northwestern Mineral Ventures could easily become the next Energy Metals Corporation and explode for profits of 1,000% or more.

    At the top of their project list is the…
    Firefly Project: It could fuel record profits
    with deposits valued at up to $300 million!

    In my 20 years of working on resource stocks, I have rarely seen a better set-up for producing huge, quick profits.

    When Northwestern acquired the Firefly Project, they received two proven working mines—both with over a 20-year history of producing high-grade uranium.

    In addition, they also acquired two adjacent areas that have already been tested and designated as favorable for uranium mineralization by the US Geological Survey.

    Located in Utah’s La Sal uranium district about 230 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, the Firefly Project expects to begin production in the second quarte
  17. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2006 18:07
    quarter of 2006.

    Map of area

    A producing mine, Firefly started turning out uranium in 1953. Operations stopped in the late 1970s when uranium energy plants became a political issue. But with today’s strong uranium bull market, coupled with the $300 million potential of this property, this looks like a moneymaking machine waiting to be turned back on.

    The uranium ore produced at the Firefly Mine contains 0.35% U3O8, which is over twice as high as the current world average. That means it may be twice as valuable because it takes half as much ore to produce a pound of usable uranium fuel for a reactor.

    The ore at Firefly is also rich in vanadium—a precious metal that’s used in nuclear applications and to strengthen steel alloys. Given a grade of 2.04%, the vanadium yields around $600 per ton in value.

    Firefly is expected to produce 4 million pounds of vanadium and 700,000 pounds of uranium. I believe it’s a virtual bank vault just waiting to be opened.

    Plus, Firefly has numerous other built-in advantages that will greatly speed up production…
    Existing infrastructure makes production
    amazingly quick, easy and inexpensive

    All the hard work of establishing a mining infrastructure has already been done. Access roads are already in place. Power lines are already in place. And, over 4,000 feet of existing mine workings have already been dug. Firefly is a turnkey operation waiting to happen. When you combine rich proven ore deposits with quick and inexpensive production, it is clear to see…
    The profit picture for Firefly is truly amazing

    Currently, it is estimated that between the two existing mines, there are 400,000 TONS of uranium ore…valued at $600 a ton. Plus, it is very likely there is additional uranium ore in the two adjacent areas.
    The total value of these ore deposits is over $300 million

    The cost of mining these deposits is about $25 a ton. If you include overhead, shipping and milling, the total production costs are under $100 a ton while the value of the ore is $600 a ton. That means…
    The Firefly Project could have an incredible 80% profit margin

    An 80% profit margin is unheard of…it is essentially a license to print money.

    At this rate, the Firefly Project alone could yield over $249 million in pure profits.

    When you consider that Northwestern has a market cap of $46 million, the Firefly Project alone could make the stock shoot up 400% to 500% and make early investors, like you, enormously wealthy.

    Now, let’s look at their second project and what it could be worth.
    The Waterbury Project is a series of nine uranium claims
    in the heart of the world’s richest uranium-producing region

    Northwestern has nine highly desirable uranium claims in the world’s most profitable uranium zone—the eastern Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, Canada.

    The Athabasca Basin currently accounts for about one-third of the world’s uranium output. Since 1968, 18 deposits totaling more than 1.4 billion pounds of uranium have been discovered in this region.

    Northwestern’s properties are all within seven miles of the world’s second-largest high-grade uranium deposit at Cigar Lake.

    The geological fingerprints of the Waterbury claims are extremely favorable, as they mirror many of the highly profitable uranium mines that have already been developed in this region. Underlying the property are two major fault systems that have already produced a wealth of lucrative uranium deposits.

    Due to the extremely high-grade nature of the deposits and the relatively low production costs, the Athabasca Basin is the most attractive uranium exploration and development region on earth. And before all is said and done, even a small find at Waterbury could add up to a $1 billion deposit! Now let’s move on to…
    Making money in Niger

    Northwestern spotted a rare opportunity to profit in this West African country and as a result, filed applications for two prospective uranium exploration concessions, totaling 988,000 acres.

    When I found out that these concessions are right next to two of French-owned COGEMA’s most prolific uranium mines, I knew Northwestern may be on to something big!

    COGEMA’s annual uranium haul now totals an amazing 3,472 tons, which adds up to nearly 10% of the world’s uranium production. And Northwestern’s geologists have every reason to believe that its concessions could produce something in the same range.

    Northwestern’s concession applications are pending final review and approval by the Niger government. If these are approved and this project ultimately goes into production, I believe it could send Northwestern’s stock price into the stratosphere!

    Is there risk? Absolutely. But, it is a very smart risk with the geology of Northwestern’s Niger concessions virtually identical to the nearby uranium-rich COGEMA site. The potential for an extraordinary payout cannot be overlooked.

    But that’s not the only reason I’m excited about this company. Let me tell you about…
    The double play that could triple or quadruple your profits

    This is one more play that could prove to be pure gold for early investors.

    Northwestern has acquired the glittering 19,000-acre silver-gold Picachos Project in Durango, Mexico. Once a feasibility study is completed, they’ll have the right to purchase the claims outright for $17 million.

    Goldcorp is one of the world’s largest gold mining companies. Its nearby Tayoltita Mine has already produced more than 650 million ounces of silver and 9 million ounces of gold valued at $10.575 billion.

    Adjacent to this top gold and silver producer, Northwestern’s Picachos claims are projected to produce at least 25,000 ounces/yr. ($12.5 million of gold) in its first year alone! Plus, the higher gold prices go, the richer this play will become!

    As a result, Northwestern plans to spin off Picachos into a separate company that could deliver attractive, double-play dividends to shareholders.

    This is another reason why this stock could skyrocket from $0.50 to $5.00 a share in just months.
    Northwestern has already raised
    $4.7 million with no long-term debt

    And since the company broadened its market reach with exchange listings on Canada’s Toronto Venture Exchange, in the United States on the NASD Bulletin Board, and in Germany on the Berlin and Frankfurt exchanges, Northwestern’s stock is highly liquid making it even easier to trade.

    Based on the estimates I’ve seen; demand for uranium is going to exceed the supply by at least 11% in 2006–2007—and that means uranium prices could go through the roof.

    Don’t get me wrong Northwestern is by no means a sure thing. But if you are comfortable allocating a small portion of your investment portfolio to aggressive buys that could deliver staggering profits, I strongly recommend that you invest in this company.
  18. [verwijderd] 22 februari 2006 18:10

    honky tonk girl schreef:

    Special Profit Alert

    Thank you for visiting my Energy & Energy Tech Stocks Profit Alert website. In this Special Profit Alert, I want to tell you about a stock that could be my #1 Energy Stock for 2006 and your best investment this year. Like all my stock picks, it offers huge growth potential. Please read on to discover why…
    Rapidly rising oil prices have started a chain reaction, firing up the entire energy sector and setting off a…
    “Runaway Uranium
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