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  1. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2015 17:23
    Japan meets 10pct peak power demand with solar power

    Greentech Lead reported that this summer Japan met 10% of peak electricity demand using solar energy. It was the equivalent of output from 12 nuclear plants.

    Asahi, the Japanese regional newspaper, has reported the development based on a survey of nine of the country’s 10 utilities. In numerical terms, solar projects supplied 15GWh of electricity to the grid during July and August, the warmest months of the year.

    According to the survey, the best performance for solar power was recorded between 11am and 2pm when power generation from such projects peaked in early August.

    Japan has been witnessing a surge in uptake of solar photovoltaic power since 2012. It now has more than 24GW of installed capacity compared with 5GW about three years back.

    The feed-in-tariff subsidy for clean energy, which the Japanese government introduced in 2012, has helped the growth.

    Japan had shut its nuclear energy projects in 2011 after the Fukushima disaster following the earthquake and tsunami. However, recently the country switched on the first nuclear power plant since the meltdown.

    Source : Greentech Lead
  2. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2015 17:23
    Solar power fuels TATA Power’s ambitions

    Economic Times reported that TATA Power plans to give a fillip to rooftop solar power generation and smart grids to manage peak demand in Delhi. TATA Power Delhi Distribution Limited expects to manage peak-hour demand up to 500 MW in the next 5 years through its new initiatives without the need for signing new contracts for power procurement.

    The company has written to the Delhi government and Union power ministry seeking permission to surrender about 400 MW costly power contracts signed by the erstwhile Delhi Vidyut Board with state-run power producers such as NTPC and NHPC and some Delhi government-run power projects resulting in higher costs.

    Mr Praveer Sinha, CEO of TDPPL, said that the company's present peak-hour requirement is 1,700 MW. The present power purchase contracts are at an average cost of INR 6 per unit. The company seeks to replace them with cheaper contracts of INR 4 per unit.

    He said that the company plans to generate 400 MW of rooftop solar energy in Delhi by 2021. TDPPL has launched a scheme to install and maintain rooftop solar panels for commercial and industrial power consumers in north and northwest Delhi who agree to make the investment.

    The consumers can consume the electricity generated from the plants and sell the excess to grid.

    Source : Economic Times
  3. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2015 17:27
    SunEdison installs 1.9 MW of solar power on Faridabad-Badarpur Metro line

    New York Stock Exchange-listed solar power developer, SunEdison said on Sunday that company has installed and begun operations of eight solar power systems for the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

    A statement from SunEdison said that the Delhi Metro’s newly finished Badarpur-Faridabad line is the first line in the network to integrate solar power into the design of its buildings.

    It said that the solar power systems are built on the roofs of the stations and depot and combined it can generate 1.9 MW of power. Over the year, the systems can generate 2.5 GWh or 2.5 million units of electricity. It will help avoid emissions of 1,700 tonne of carbon dioxide a year or the equivalent of taking 363 cars off the road or preventing more than 800 tonne of coal from being burnt.

    Mr Pashupathy Gopalan, SunEdison President of Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa, said that “These systems took only two months to build and will generate electricity for the metro line for 25 to 30 years with little maintenance cost.”

    Operation and maintenance of the solar power plants will be performed by SunEdison Services, which provides global 24/7 asset management, monitoring and reporting services.

    A Delhi Metro representative said that “The solar plants on the rooftops of the Faridabad line represent our commitment to clean energy, and to bringing the best technology and expertise to support our network.”

    SunEdison is building similar solar power plants generating 1.7 MW at Delhi Metro’s Yamuna Bank station and Yamuna Bank yard.

    Source : Business Line
  4. forum rang 10 voda 9 september 2015 17:52
    'Lege bouwgronden gebruiken voor mega zonneparken'

    Tientallen gemeentes willen lege bouwgronden vol zetten met megagrote zonneparken. Ontwikkelaars worden overspoeld met aanvragen. Als alle plannen de eindstreep halen, verdubbelt het aantal zonnepanelen in Nederland in één klap.

    Dat blijkt uit een inventarisatie door deze krant bij de grootste ontwikkelaars in Nederland. Minimaal veertig gemeentebesturen broeden op plannen om een zonnepark te ontwikkelen.

    Oppervlaktes van 30 hectare en 100.000 zonnepanelen per park zijn geen uitzondering. Dat betekent dat een gemiddeld park ongeveer 45 voetbalvelden groot is. Het gaat vooral om braakliggende bedrijventerreinen. ,,Gemeenten zijn bijzonder welwillend," zegt Symen Jellema, directeur van de Friese ontwikkelaar Powerfield.

    Nuttige invulling
    ,,Op veel plaatsen kochten ze in het verleden te veel grond, die ze na de crisis niet kwijt konden. Zonneparken kunnen dan een nuttige invulling zijn." Powerfields is op meer dan dertig plekken in onderhandeling. Voor vier megaparken wordt, als alles goed gaat, dit najaar een subsidieaanvraag ingediend: twee in Veendam, een in Leek en een in Kampen. Vooral in het noorden van Nederland is het enthousiasme voor de enorme zonnevelden groot. ,,Veel gemeenten in onze regio hebben een overschot aan industriegrond," zegt wethouder Henk Jan Schmaal van Veendam. Tel daarbij op dat de grondprijs in Groningen veel lager is dan in de Randstad, en de animo in het noorden is verklaard.

    Marc van Velzen van Solar Energy Works, een andere ontwikkelaar: ,,We kijken zelf naar geschikte plekken, maar worden ook vaak benaderd door gemeenten." Zijn bedrijf is vergevorderd met plannen in onder meer Emmen, Groningen en bij Schiphol.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 9 september 2015 17:55
    Rajasthan’s major airports to have solar power - AAI

    A senior official of Airports Authority of India said that major airports of Rajasthan will go green soon with solar power catering to most of their electricity needs.

    Mr Rakesh Kalra, AAI's Regional Executive Director-North, said that at Jaipur airport in the state's capital, a solar plant with the capacity of 100 kws was intially set up on the rooftop and another plant with the capacity of 1800 kws would come up on the ground, beyond safety area and close to boundary wall.

    Mr Kalra said that AAI has got a plan of INR 13 crore toINR 14 crore to run Jaipur airport's internal power requirement on solar energy by the end of this fiscal year. Jaipur Airport requires nearly 2000 kws of electricity for lighting, air-conditioning, runway lights and navigational aid and this would be met by solar energy.

    Conventional source of power would be there for a balance with solar energy, he said, adding there would be devices to keep the balance of power generation from solar and conventional electricity source.

    He said that there would be pool of electricity and solar energy for consumption at airport. Similarly, a 100 KW solar plant has been set up at Jodhpur airport and efforts are underway to provide solar power facility in Jaisalmer and Bikaner.

    The official said that AAI is also actively working on the airport at Kishagarh.

    He said that “Similar solar photo-voltaic power plants are proposed for Amritsar, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Varanasi and other regional airports.”

    Mr Kalra said that thrust is being given to non-conventional sources of energy to meet the growing needs and reduce the cost of power generation.

    AAI would meet solar plants' expenditure from its own budget and if required, it could go to private developers for setting up the solar plants with a probable contract of 25 years.

    Source : PTI

  6. forum rang 10 voda 9 september 2015 22:56
    Fries bedrijf legt voor 200 miljoen euro zonneparken aan in West-Afrika

    Gepubliceerd: 09 september 2015 15:33

    Het bedrijf Global Solar Investments (GSI) uit Heerenveen heeft een opdracht ontvangen voor 4 grote zonneparken in het West-Afrikaanse land Benin.

    Dat schrijft de Leeuwarder Courant, bericht

    De megaklus voor GSI betreft in totaal 140 megawatt aan zonnepanelen. Een van 100 megawatt, een van 20 en twee van 10 megawatt. Binnen twee jaar moeten de zonneparken duurzame stroom leveren in Benin.

    Omrop Fryslan sprak Fedde Pronk, CEO van Global Solar Investments, woensdag. Pronk ondertekent woensdag in het Amerikaanse Witte Huis de contracten met het Afrikaanse land en de Millennium Challenge Corporation. De Amerikaanse vicepresident Joe Biden is bij de ceremonie aanwezig.

    Wereldwijd actief

    De stichting Millennium Challenge Corporation financiert het project. GSI voert de volledige projectontwikkeling en installatie van de parken uit.

    Het Heerenveense bedrijf zegt op zijn website op vrijwel alle continenten actief te zijn met zonne-energieprojecten. Naast het hoofdkantoor in Heerenveen heeft het kantoren in China, Indonesië en op Bonaire.

    GSI voert projecten uit op de schaal van 200 kilowatt tot 120 megawatt aan geïnstalleerd vermogen. Global Solar Investments zegt de hele keten te beheersen, van inkoop en transport van de zonnepanelen tot onderhoud en facturatie.

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  7. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2015 21:30
    India’s unconventional plan to increase solar power

    Think Progress reported that India’s government is ordering its state-owned utility, NTPC, to sell electricity from solar power along with electricity from coal-fired power in order to boost solar’s position in the country.

    The decision, dating back to the middle of July but first reported by Bloomberg, mandates that the utility sell currently-cheaper coal power bundled into one unit with solar power, which is currently more expensive.

    This could have the effect of expanding the production and usage of solar power, making it less expensive for distribution companies to bring it to customers. India’s power distribution companies are also run by the government, and had been losing money when buying more expensive electricity and selling it at a lower price.

    The other effect, of course, will be the continued use of quarter-century-old coal plants that will get their power output bundled with newer solar plants coming online. This helps guarantee the coal plants’ operation, as well as their carbon emissions.

    Mr Rupesh Agarwal, a partner at BDO India LLP, said that “These plants are already 25 years old. Will they function for that many more years? Do we need to extend the lives of these plants to bundle with solar energy when solar on a stand-alone basis is becoming competitive?”

    NTPC will construct 15 GW of solar over the next four years as a part of this deal.

    Coal India, the largest coal company in the world, has seen the value of solar for years the company has installed solar panels at mine installations across the country.

    Mr Narendra Modi, PM of India, committed to 100 GW of solar capacity in the next seven years, which will be a large increase from the current 4.5 GW. This capacity will be an almost even split between distributed rooftop installations and larger grid-connected solar farms.

    Boosting solar capacity to 100 GW would be hard, as the Indian consulting firm Bridge to India recently estimated the country was on track to install 31 GW over the next four years.

    Should they achieve it, this will help achieve the other major energy goal put forth by the government: bringing electricity to the 400 million households that currently do not have it. This means more power, from everywhere. Renewable prices especially solar are dropping, which helps those trying to limit the growth of India’s carbon emissions. At the same time, India has become more and more dependent upon imported fossil fuels including coal despite significant domestic reserves. Recent reports have predicted that India will outpace China in coal imports in the near future.

    Source : Think Progress
  8. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2015 21:33
    India to hold solar power auction for Gujarat and Maharashtra

    Clean Technica reported that the Solar Energy Corporation of India will soon hold the first auctions under the phase 2 batch 3 of the National Solar Mission.

    According to media reports, the Solar Energy Corporation of India will soon announce details of the auction of 500 MW capacity in Maharashtra and 250 MW capacity in Gujarat. The projects will be auctioned under the viability gap funding program. The projects would be among the first utility-scale solar power projects to be implemented in Gujarat under a central government solar power policy.

    Prospective project developers would be required to bid for the amount of capital cost support required to set up every MW of solar power project. Developers that place the lowest bids will be selected for project development.

    The SECI plans to hold auction for 2 GW of cumulative solar power capacity under phase 2 batch 3 program. Auctions will be held following consultations with states. Governments that are willing to provide land and other required facilities to the projects shall be allocated a certain capacity.

    Of the 2 GW capacity envisaged for implementation, 250 MW would be based on modules manufactured locally in India. The maximum allowed bid for financial support is INR1 crore for the open category and INR1.21 crore for the domestic content category.

    Developers will sell power at INR5.43 per KWH during the first year and the tariff would increase by INR 0.05 per KWH every year for the next 20 years. Thus, the highest tariff of INR 6.43 per KWH would be achieved in the 21st year.

    Once the SECI announces the name of selected project developers, they will have 14 months to commission the projects.

    Source : Clean Technica
  9. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2015 21:36
    Cosmo Oil and Showa Shell completes 8 MW solar plant in Japan

    Bloomberg reported that Cosmo Oil Company, Showa Shell Sekiyu K K and the Development Bank of Japan completed an 8-megawatt solar-power station south of Tokyo.

    According to a statement posted on Showa Shell’s website Wednesday, the plant in Kanagawa prefecture began operations on July 28th.

    According to the statement, the venture between the two oil companies and the development bank now has seven solar projects with total capacity of 18 MW.

    Source : Bloomberg
  10. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2015 21:37
    Luminant to buy 116 MW of solar power from SunEdison

    PV Magazine reported that Dallas-based energy generation provider Luminant has entered into a long-term power purchase agreement with SunEdison for the provision of 116 MW of solar energy.

    Luminant will buy the power generated from SunEdison’s Castle Gap facility, a solar plant currently under construction in Upton County, Texas.

    The addition of solar power to Luminant’s diverse energy generation sources augments the company’s power offering to its customers in Texas. The agreement dictates that Luminant must sell the solar electricity to the ERCOT competitive market.

    Calculations of the Castle Gap plant’s output suggest that the facility will generate enough solar energy to power 58,000 local households annually, and able to meet the peak demand power needs of 23,200 homes.

    Spanning approximately 800,000 acres in west Texas, the large-scale SunEdison plant will comprise 485,000 solar panels and is scheduled to begin providing solar power towards the end of 2016.

    Mr Mac McFarland, CEO of Luminant, said that "As we evaluate our future generation needs, we focus on projects that are profitable and able to compete in the wholesale market. This agreement with SunEdison meets those goals since solar generation costs have become increasingly competitive."

    Source : PV Magazine
  11. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2015 21:39
    Solar power panels broke another record in the US

    Fortune reported that the market to install solar panels on the roofs of homes in the US set another record in the second quarter of this year, indicating a shift in the US solar panel industry towards home owners and consumers.

    According to a new report from research firm GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industry Association trade group, the recent record beat out the amount of solar panels installed on home roofs in the first quarter of this year, which itself was a record at the time.

    For years, the bulk of solar panels in the US have been installed in big solar farms in remote areas, creating electricity to be sold to utilities. Utilities distribute this electricity to consumers through a centralized power grid.

    That so-called utility-scale solar market is still significantly bigger than the one is for homes. In the most recent quarter, there were 729 MW worth of solar panels installed in solar farms for utilities.

    At the same time there were 473 MW of solar panels installed on home roofs. One thousand MW is about the size of a large coal or natural gas plant.

    But the amount of US residential solar panels has been growing more rapidly, and has been expanding across more states than ever before. The amount of home solar roofs grew 70% year-over-year for the most recent quarter, and went from four states with vibrant residential solar markets in 2013, to ten states today.

    The growth in the market for residential solar is particularly interesting because by installing panels on roofs, consumers take more control over their own electricity generation. Energy generation becomes decentralized, in contrast to the traditional centralized model. In that model, utilities still provide the backbone for the grid, but don’t own the generation.

    At the same time, the utility-scale solar market is growing, too. But there’s also potentially a boom and bust cycle happening for the biggest farms.

    There’s an important subsidy, called the federal investment tax credit, that offers solar farm owners a 30% tax credit. That credit could drop down to a 10% tax credit starting in 2017.

    As a result power companies have been racing to build solar farms for utilities this year, leading to an over-inflated market in the short term and possibly an under-inflated one down the road. Another report from research firm IHS earlier this year found that as of this summer there were 32 GW of solar farms, between the sizes of about twenty and a hundred MW in size, planned for the US by the end of 2016.

    The federal tax credit might get extended, particularly if a solar-friendly President like Hillary Clinton is elected. But the uncertainty will still affect the solar industry.

    Overall the growth in both the utility-scale and residential solar markets in the US this year has been impressive. There are now over 20 GW of solar panels operating in the US, which can power 4.6 million US homes. So far this year, 40% of all the new electricity-generating capacity came from solar.

    Source : Fortune

  12. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2015 21:41
    Massive solar investment may see up to 10 power plants in Australia

    ABC News reported that the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation announced a combined AUD 350 million investment.

    Despite Australia's sunny climate, the nation lags behind comparable countries when it comes to the number and operation of large-scale solar power plants.

    Both organizations said that the new investment would drive down the cost of solar development and create more innovation in the sector.

    Mr Ivor Frischknecht, CEO of ARENA, said that "The goal is to reduce the cost of the supply chain in particular. The cables and brackets and frames and posts and construction costs and financing costs all of those costs are local costs. Only a small fraction is the cost of the panels that are imported. All of those local costs are very high still because we have very few solar farms here, we only have 4."

    ARENA's AUD 100 million grant program will seek bids from groups or organisations interested in building large-scale solar projects, greater than 5 MW of generation capacity.

    Mr Frischknecht said that "We're talking anywhere from five MW and upwards. What that means in physical terms is several hectares typically. Solar can be large, even at a relatively small scale, so when put in context of say a wind farm or a coal-fired power station, you can actually have commercially competitive solar that's relatively small."

    ARENA hopes that by 2020, large-scale solar will be cost-competitive with renewable wind power.

    Mr Frischknecht said that "The challenge is that we have existing fossil fuel power plants that are fully depreciated, that means they've been fully paid for, and you can't compete against that and it will be very, it will be awhile before we can."

    He said that "However, if you wanted to build a brand new, coal-fired power station it already is competitive, both wind and solar, similar in price or cheaper."

    He said that the projects stemming from the grants should be completed by 2017 and will double the existing capacity of large-scale solar in Australia, to about 400 MW.

    Large-scale solar energy is still small when compared to solar panels on homes. There is already 4,000 MW installed around the country, which is a figure likely to grow.

    But Mr Frischknecht said that large-scale solar is still essential.

    He said that "It is a different way of producing energy and it's highly complementary with household solar. Large-scale is much more controllable, much more reliable, can be more easily forecast and so it can be more easily integrated into our energy system."

    Source : ABC News
  13. forum rang 10 voda 11 september 2015 20:08
    SMUD plans new solar project on Rancho Seco site

    Biz Journals reported that the Sacramento Municipal Utility District has approved a purchase power agreement with a major solar company to build a 10.9 MW solar array on its Rancho Seco site.

    Tempe, Arizona-based First Solar Inc will pay to build the array and pay SMUD to lease 62 acres of its land. Located near Galt, the site is southeast of the giant concrete cooling towers of the decommissioned Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station, which was closed by popular vote in 1989.

    SMUD has approved a new 11 MW solar array at the former Rancho Seco nuclear power plant.

    SMUD is buying all the electricity generated by the array and using it for its SolarShares program. That program allows commercial customers to buy renewable and sustainable power even if they can’t install their own photovoltaic arrays.

    Mr Amanda Beck, senior project manager of power generation with SMUD, said that the utility-scale photovoltaic array will feature solar tracking to follow the sun through the day for highest generation.

    The location of the array is on a site that previously had a 3.2 MW solar array, so the site is served by existing transmission lines. The previous array was built in 1984 and was one of the first utility-scale arrays in the country. It served beyond its 20 year life span. Most of the array was removed in 2013.

    Construction should begin before the end of the year and the array is expected to begin producing electricity by the Q3 of 2016.

    Source : Biz Journals
  14. forum rang 10 voda 11 september 2015 20:13
    Duke Energy Renewables doubling solar power portfolio in NC

    TWC News reported that Duke Energy Renewables is doubling its solar power portfolio in the state.

    The company announced that it has completed four solar power projects in the eastern part of the state. The energy generated from the completed projects will be sold to Dominion NC Power.

    More projects currently under construction are expected to be completed by the end of this year. Duke Energy Renewables has invested more than USD 500 million in 22 solar energy projects in our state since 2010.

    Source : TWC News
  15. forum rang 10 voda 11 september 2015 20:18
    Colorado's solar power market hits major national milestone

    According to a new report from GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association, the United States solar power market is on a tear, passing the 20 GW of capacity milestone during the Q2 of this year.

    New installations of solar power during the Q2 nationwide totaled nearly 1,400 MW, according to the two organizations, which on Wednesday issued their Q2 2015 US Solar Market Insight Report, showcasing both annual and quarterly growth.

    Overall, the US installed 2.7 GW of solar power panels during the first half of 2015, and with ‘significant growth’ expected during the second half of the year, the nation is on pace for a record-breaking 7.7 MW of new capacity this year, according to the report.

    Source : 9 News
  16. forum rang 10 voda 12 september 2015 16:03
    Kyocera and Century Tokyo to build 29 MW solar power station

    Bloomberg reported that Kyocera Corporation and Century Tokyo Leasing Corp will build a 29 MW solar power station in the western prefecture of Tottori.

    Kyocera said in a statement that the site includes a former golf course and Kyocera will supply panels for the station, expected to start operating running in March 2018.

    The two companies have been developing solar projects together since 2012 and currently operate 27 stations across Japan.

    Source : Bloomberg
  17. forum rang 10 voda 12 september 2015 16:04
    Spain to build a 50 MW solar power plant in Kuwait

    According to the Kuwait News Agency, the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research signed on Thursday an agreement with Spanish group TSK to build a solar power plant with a capacity of 50 MW, at a cost of USD 383 million.

    TSK representatives confirmed to EFE that its board are currently present in Kuwait, but have not revealed further details and merely noted that the group’s legal team will arrive on Sunday to the Arab country in order to finalize the agreement.

    The plant is expected to go operational in 2017, while it can store electricity for up to 10 hours without the need for using fuel.

    The plant’s construction will create nearly 1,200 job opportunities for Kuwaitis.

    Source : LAHT
  18. forum rang 10 voda 12 september 2015 16:24

    Lycaon pictus schreef op 12 september 2015 16:09:

    Voda: Beleg je zelf ook in aandelen van bepaalde bedrijven?
    Ik neem aan dat je bedoeld, solar gerelateerde bedrijven?
    Het antwoord is nee, ik beleg momenteel 100% in Galapagos.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2015 22:26
    TSK Group wins USD 385 mln order for solar power plant in Kuwait

    Clean Technica reported that Kuwait has taken a bold step towards realising its target to have 15% electricity generation from renewable energy projects by 2030.

    Kuwait recently signed a contract with Spain’s TSK Group to set up a 50 MW solar photovoltaic power project. The contract is worth USD 365 million and will see the project start commercial operation in 2017. The project will be set up at Shagaya, 100 kilometres from Kuwait City, and near the country’s border with Saudi Arabia and Iraq. When commissioned, the project will generate enough electricity to fulfil needs of 100,000 homes, and save energy equivalent to 12.5 million barrels of oil every year.

    The government also signed similar contracts for two 10 MW solar PV power projects earlier this year. At least one of these projects will be developed by Kuwait Oil Company which, in turn, has awarded the contract for construction of the project to another Spanish company, Gestamp Solar. All three projects will be funded by the Kuwaiti government, however, in the future, projects shall be allocated to private sector companies under build-operate-transfer mechanism.

    The country’s Electricity and Water Minister Ahmad al-Jassar stated that Kuwait plans to generate 4.5 GW from wind and solar power projects by 2030, when the total power demand is expected to increase from its current level of 12 GW to 30 GW.

    By 2025, the government expects to have an operational renewable energy capacity of at least 2 GW. The renewable energy target was announced in 2012 when Kuwait also set a target to generate 1% of the total electricity from renewable energy sources by the end of this year.

    Source : Clean Technica
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