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Breaking News !!!
Phase II
Study of MM-093 to Treat Patients With Patients With Uveitis
This study is currently recruiting patients.;jsession...Last Updated: March 7, 2007
3 studies were found.
1. Completed Safety and Efficacy Study of MM-093 in Patients With Chronic Plaque Psoriasis
Condition: Psoriasis
Last Updated: February 21, 2007
2. Completed Efficacy Study of MM-093 in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients on Methotrexate (MTX)
Condition: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Last Updated: January 17, 2007
In de veronderstelling dat MM-093 RA & Psoriasis doorschuiven naar Fase III, zit het wel echt snor !!
3. Recruiting Phase 2 Study of MM-093 to Treat Patients With Patients With Uveitis
Condition: Uveitis
MM-093: About Uveitis
Uveitis is an inflammatory disease of the eye. Uveitis can be caused by infections with bacteria, viruses, or fungi, injury to the eye, or as part of an autoimmune disease. It develops when white blood cells invade the eye and release enzymes and inflammatory mediators that cause chronic inflammation. This inflammation causes pain and redness of the eye and can result in loss of vision and blindness.
About 2.3 million people in the United States suffer from uveitis; however, the autoimmune form of the disease is rare, affecting approximately 400,000 people in the U.S. The main treatment for autoimmune uveitis is topical and oral corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs. No cure for autoimmune uveitis has been found.
Merrimack is currently in the planning stages of a pilot study to assess the potential of MM-093 for the treatment of autoimmune uveitis.
en MS
('voorlopig' nog géén resultaten)
In Fase III aanbeland,mislukt minder dan 10% van alle onderzoeken.