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  1. forum rang 10 voda 24 augustus 2022 06:59
    RWE Selects UL Solutions to Certify FEW Baltic II Offshore Wind

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    24 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    RWE Renewables subsidiary RWE Offshore Wind Poland has chosen an experienced certifier UL Solutions for its FEW Baltic II offshore wind farm. UL Solutions will certify the design fundamentals of the 350 MW projects, which will be built in the Polish Baltic Sea about 55 kilometres from the shore, covering an area of 41 square kilometres, at a water depth of 30–50 meters.

    UL Solutions will commence the certification in accordance with the provisions of the Maritime Safety Act and international IEC regulations and procedures. The entire process will take place in consultation with the Polish Register of Shipping, which has long experience in working with projects in the Baltic Sea. The cooperation of UL Solutions with PRS demonstrates how important Polish companies are in the process of building and operating the FEW Baltic II offshore wind farm.

    When fully operational, the FEW Baltic II wind farm will be able to produce enough green electricity to meet the needs of around 350,000 Polish households.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2022 07:22
    Nordex Bags 100 MW Wind Turbine Orders in Germany

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    25 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    The Nordex Group has made a successful start to the third quarter of 2022 with ten new orders amounting to a total 102 MW in the German market. The Group will supply 19 turbines for various customers, including projects in Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

    Although some turbines are yet to be commissioned as planned, the Nordex Group installed 95 turbines with a total of 440 MW in Germany, in the first half of 2022.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2022 07:41
    RWE Deploys 'Soft Spot Foundations at Rea Unificado Wind Farm

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    25 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    In the north-east of Spain, in Soria, RWE is constructing its 40.8-megawatt Rea Unificado wind farm. The company is erecting nine turbines with a rated output of 4.53 megawatts each, by far the largest and most powerful in its Spanish fleet. After commissioning, Rea Unificado will be able to supply 30,000 Spanish households with green electricity.

    In its 17th Spanish onshore project, RWE has used 'Soft-Spot foundations' for the first time. Reinforced concrete spread foundations are used and placed on an EPS layer, an insulating material made of expanded polystyrene. Instead of transferring the loads to the subsoil, the EPS redistributes them to a donut-shaped surface. This increases stability and reduces the diameter of the foundation slabs and volume of the concrete used.

    The Rea Unificado wind farm is scheduled to be fully operational by the end of the year. Furthermore, RWE is currently constructing two Spanish solar parks with a total capacity of 88 megawatts.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2022 07:42
    BEIS Advances Equinor’s H2H Saltend Hydrogen Project in UK

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    25 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy announced that Equinor’s Hydrogen to Humber Saltend, H2H Saltend, production facility has been successfully progressed through Phase-2 of the Government’s cluster sequencing process. The selected projects will now proceed to the due diligence stage of the Phase-2 cluster sequencing process to allow them to connect to the East Coast Cluster’s CO2 infrastructure and be operational in the mid-2020s.

    Previously in Phase-1 of the cluster sequencing process, the East Coast Cluster, which connects the Humber and Teesside via CO2 transport and storage infrastructure, was selected to become one of the first two ‘CCUS clusters’ in the UK.

    Equinor’s bids for two new gas-fired power stations with carbon capture at Keadby, developed with SSE Thermal, and in Teesside, developed in partnership with bp, have also been successful.

    H2H Saltend is Equinor’s flagship project with a 600-megawatt low carbon hydrogen production plant, located at the Saltend Chemicals Park to the east of Hull.

    H2H Saltend is the kick-starter project for the wider Zero Carbon Humber scheme, a UKRI-supported partnership of 14 organisations committed to making the Humber the world’s first net zero industrial cluster by 2040.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 26 augustus 2022 07:21
    Windmolenwieken gerecycled tot gummibeertjes
    admin - Gisteren om 11:29

    De wieken van windmolens zijn lastig recyclebaar. De Michigan State University heeft een nieuw type wiek ontwikkeld dat beter hergebruikt kan worden. Een deel van de restproducten is zelfs eetbaar. Onderzoekers hebben de proef op de som genomen en er gummibeertjes van gemaakt.

    De stalen masten en generatoren van windmolens kunnen redelijk goed hergebruikt worden. Maar de wieken zijn een ander verhaal: deze zijn gemaakt van ingewikkelde verbindingen van materialen, zoals glasvezel, koolstofvezel en hars. Dit maakt het moeilijk om de wieken aan het eind van hun levensduur weer uit elkaar te trekken om er nieuwe grondstoffen van te maken.

    Het recent ontwikkelde type wiek is gemaakt van glasvezel, een polymeer op plantbasis en een synthetische polymeer. Het is mogelijk dit materiaal op te lossen in een basische vloeistof. Dit levert onder meer kaliumlactaat op – een multifunctionele stof die wordt gebruikt als conserveermiddel in vleesproducten, als brandblusser en dus ook om gummibeertjes mee te maken.

    Teruggewonnen materialen
    “We hebben voor levensmiddelen geschikt kaliumlactaak teruggewonnen en er gummibeertjes van gemaakt, die ik heb opgegeten”, zegt onderzoeker John Dorgan in een persbericht. Ook hebben de onderzoekers geëxperimenteerd met het hergebruiken van andere materialen afkomstig van hun wiek. Dit heeft geresulteerd in onder meer een wastafel.

    Dorgan stelt dat de toepassingen van de restproducten vrijwel eindeloos zijn: “Het mooie van onze kunststof is dat we het aan het einde van zijn levensduur kunnen oplossen. Het laat los wat er in zit, zodat het opnieuw en opnieuw kan worden gebruikt, in een oneindige loop. Dat is het doel van de circulaire economie.”

    Ook in Nederland wordt er druk gewerkt aan het recyclen van windturbines. In de Groningse Eemshaven wordt gewerkt aan een fabriek die rotorbladen kan vermalen tot korrels. Deze moeten dan als grondstof voor andere producten dienen. Zo maakt de Gelderse start-up Extreme Eco Solutions stoeptegels van vermalen windmolenwieken.
  6. Joni-2 29 augustus 2022 08:54
    Energie productie op Bornholm (DK) wordt nog groter:
    Het energie-eiland op Bornholm wordt uitgebreid van twee naar drie gigawatt.

    Een van de twee energie-eilanden, die in 2030 klaar is en Denemarken van groene stroom en brandstof zal voorzien, moet nog groter zijn.

    Het is het energie-eiland op Bornholm dat meer groene stroom van windturbines in de Deense stroomkabels zal proppen.

    Het plan was dat het eiland ons zou voorzien van twee gigawatt elektriciteit uit offshore wind. Ter vergelijking: in totaal is er vandaag 2,3 gigawatt aan offshore wind verbonden met Denemarken.

    Maar nu is het vermogen verhoogd zodat de capaciteit in plaats daarvan drie gigawatt wordt. Hierdoor kan het eiland elektriciteit leveren aan het elektriciteitsverbruik van 3,3 miljoen Deense huishoudens.

    Dat heeft een brede meerderheid in het Folketing besloten.

    Het eiland wordt ook aangesloten op het Duitse elektriciteitsnet. (50 Hertz / Elia België)
    Dit om te zorgen voor meer groene stroom voor Europa, wat ervoor zal zorgen dat Europeanen minder afhankelijk worden van energie uit Rusland.

    "Met de uitbreiding van Energiø Bornholm en de verbinding met Duitsland voeren we de uitbreiding van hernieuwbare energie op. Dit is cruciaal voor het klimaat, maar ook cruciaal voor de energieonafhankelijkheid van Europa van Rusland", zegt minister van Klimaat en Nutsbedrijven Dan Jørgensen (sociaaldemocraat) in een persbericht.

    De twee eilanden moeten niet alleen de Europeanen van groene stroom voorzien. Ook zetten ze de groene stroom om in waterstof, dat verwerkt gaat worden tot brandstoffen voor onder meer vliegtuigen, schepen en vrachtwagens.

    Duitse minister noemt het een vlaggenschipproject
    Duitsland en Denemarken delen zowel de kosten als de baten van het energie-eiland. Ten zuiden van de grens wordt de samenwerking tussen de twee landen een vlaggenschipproject genoemd.

    Robert Habeck van de Duitse regering juicht het project toe.
    "Met projecten als deze, ondertekend met onze Europese partners, bereiken we tegelijkertijd twee doelen: Europese energiezekerheid en klimaatneutraliteit", zei de Duitse minister van Economie en Klimaat Robert Habeck in een verklaring.

    Expert: Goed idee, maar het potentieel is veel groter
    Brian Vad Mathiesen, hoogleraar energieplanning aan de Universiteit van Aalborg, zegt dat de uitbreiding voor veel meer Europeanen stroom zal betekenen. Hij wijst erop dat dit zou kunnen betekenen dat fossiele brandstoffen en Russisch gas uiteindelijk uit ons elektriciteitssysteem zullen verdwijnen.

    "Dit is het juiste moment om offshore wind in de Oostzee te stimuleren. Er is ruimte in het elektriciteitsnet in Duitsland, maar ook in andere delen van het Oostzeegebied is er ruimte om veel meer wind binnen te krijgen. Uitbreiden van twee naar drie gigawatt is zeker het juiste om te doen, zegt hij.

    Hij legt echter uit dat het langetermijn potentieel van de Oostzee ongeveer 60 gigawatt zou kunnen zijn.

    " Dit is een prille start. Je moet jezelf de vraag stellen of Denemarken wil helpen dit potentieel te benutten en zichzelf op de werkplek te plaatsen die ermee gepaard gaat, zegt Brian Vad Mathiesen.

    Burger: Het zal "hel" zijn om op Bornholm te wonen
    Maar niet iedereen is even enthousiast over het vooruitzicht van een energie-eiland in Bornholm.

    Torben Westh Jensen komt naast een te bouwen hoogspanningscentrale aan de zuidkust van Bornholm. Daarnaast maakt hij deel uit van de Citizens' Association Energiø Bornholm, die al streed tegen het creëren van een energie-eiland op Bornholm.

    Hij gelooft dat het "een hel" zal zijn om op Bornholm te wonen - zowel vanwege de offshore windturbines die dichter bij de kust komen, maar ook de landwerken, die zogenaamd nog groter worden.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 09:15
    Nordex to Dismantle RWE Juchen A 44n Wind Turbines

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    Nordex has drawn up a dismantling concept for the Jüchen A 44n wind farm with support of RWE, the city of Jüchen and the utility company NEW. The concept comprises the complete dismantling of the existing wind turbines and safe demolition of the concrete towers. A new wind farm is then to be built on the same site and connected to the grid in 2023. The dismantling is required due to structural defects identified in the towers. For safety reasons, the entire wind farm has therefore been out of operation for months. As a result, manufacturer Nordex was unable to hand over the project to the three partners RWE, the city of Jüchen and the energy supplier NEW.

    The Jüchen A 44n wind farm consists of six wind turbines. One of the turbines (turbine number 4) was shut down in August last year when damage to the tower was detected. Shortly after, the remaining five turbines were shut down as a precautionary measure and comprehensive safety measures put in place. The safety precautions included an extensive cordoning off of the site and ongoing monitoring of the wind farm. The manufacturer and partners have now agreed to replace the towers. Karsten Brüggemann, Managing Director of Nordex Germany GmbH, explains: “Safety is our top priority. We have already gained initial experience in dismantling identical turbines in other German states.”

    RWE is supporting the work on securing the wind turbines, which is being carried out by the manufacturer, and is providing personnel, machinery and materials as required. The aim of the project partners is to erect new turbines as quickly as possible after dismantling the old ones. Grid connection of the new wind farm with six wind turbines and a total capacity of 27 megawatts is scheduled for 2023. Once fully operational, the wind farm will be capable of generating enough green electricity to meet the average needs of more than 26,000 households.

    Starting this month, the first step will be to stabilise five of the six concrete towers from the outside using two steel collars, and then to safely dismantle the blades, hub, nacelle and steel turbine towers. In a second step, the remaining concrete towers will be brought to the ground in a controlled, targeted demolition - a common method worldwide for the rapid and economical dismantling of concrete structures. A separate dismantling plan is being drawn up for the sixth turbine (turbine number 4), due to the specific damage pattern. The entire dismantling will take place in the coming months. RWE has provided further information including a time schedule at
  8. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 09:16
    Siemens Gamesa & Eurowind Ink Pact for Project in Romania

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    Siemens Gamesa will team up with long-standing partner Eurowind Energy again to break a new path back into the Romanian wind sector after close to 10 years of standstill. The agreement with Eurowind will see the supply of eight SG 6.6-170 turbines to the Pecineaga wind project at a site around 50km from Constanta. The turbines will sit on 135-meter towers with the installation expected to be carried out in the second half of 2024. The companies have also signed a 20-year service agreement covering the maintenance of the turbines over this period.

    Romania witnessed a boom in its wind industry from 2010-2014 thanks to government subsidies for the sector, during which time close to 3GW of energy was installed. Despite scarce activity in the market in the following years the country has remained of interest for developers which now see opportunities for the sector to gain steam again working on a subsidy free basis.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 09:17
    RWE Tests Wind Turbine with Prefabricated Foundation

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    31 Aug, 2022, 5:30 am

    In spring 2023, RWE will replace an existing wind turbine at the Lengerich wind farm with a new, more powerful one. As well as supplying four times more households with green electricity, this brand new turbine will allow us to test the erection of a wind turbine on a prefabricated foundation for the first time. This saves time and also reduces the CO2 footprint of our wind turbine once again.

    RWE has decided on an innovative repowering project for a wind turbine in Emsland that sets an example in the field of sustainability. The 1.8 megawatt turbine, which has been in operation at the Lengerich wind farm since 2003, is being replaced by a modern 5.7 megawatt turbine. This will enable the significantly more powerful wind turbine to supply around 4,000 households with climate-neutral electricity in the future. So far, the existing turbine is producing enough green electricity to meet the needs of 1,000 households.

    But the new plant will have a positive impact on the environment for another reason. For the first time, RWE will use a prefabricated foundation for the construction of the new plant. The foundation developed by Smart & Green Anker Foundations consists of 100 percent precast elements produced in the concrete plant. Only a third of the amount of steel and concrete normally used for poured standard foundations is used. Since all parts can be produced in advance in a concrete plant, the construction time is also reduced considerably, as construction can take place in almost any weather. Assembly is also less complicated, less expensive and more environmentally friendly: instead of using 120 concrete mixers, the parts are delivered by around 30 lorry trips and then bolted together on site. They can be easily dismantled again in case of later deconstruction.

    The certification process for the innovative foundation is currently underway. This will be used to apply for a modification permit for the wind turbine that has already been approved. The dismantling of the old wind turbine is planned for spring of next year. The construction of the new turbine, which is scheduled to start operation in the fourth quarter of 2023, will also begin then. The hub height is 118 metres and the foundation will weigh around 800 tonnes.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 09:20
    Ocean Winds to Build 2 Floating Offshore Wind Projects in Scotland

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    As part of the clearing round process for ScotWind leasing, Crown Estate Scotland awarded Ocean Winds, the 50-50 joint venture of ENGIE and EDPR dedicated to offshore wind, with two additional seabed leases for floating offshore wind projects: a 1.8 GW capacity site with partner Mainstream Renewable Power, and another 500 MW capacity site.

    Ocean Winds was designated preferred bidder for seabed lease options for two adjacent sites reaching a total of 2.3 GW capacity. These projects are located in the East of the Shetland Islands, in depths that will require floating technology. As a pioneer for more than 10 years in floating projects such as WindFloat Atlantic in Portugal, OW is well placed to support the growth of the floating wind sector in Scotland.

    The first project is a 1.8 GW site, that was awarded to a 50-50 JV partnership between Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power, located east of the Shetland Islands. The partners are committed to developing floating offshore wind on an industrial scale in Scotland, generating local jobs and opportunities in Scotland and the Shetland Islands. The site output is expected to power for the equivalent of over 2 million homes and save 3 million tons of carbon emissions each year.

    The second project is a 500 MW site, also east of Shetland and within the NE1 ScotWind Draft Plan Option area. It enables OW to progress its ambition for commercial scale floating offshore wind projects worldwide.

    In Scotland, OW is currently operating, building and developing three other offshore wind projects: Moray East (950 MW, in operations), Moray West (882 MW, late development) and Caledonia (awarded in January 2022, for a plant up to 2 GW). The award of two additional projects in the Shetland Islands today means that OW has now a total portfolio of 6.1 GW in Scotland, and the projects portfolio of Ocean Winds up to 14.5 GW globally.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 09:21
    First power Generated at Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    TotalEnergies and its partner SSE Renewables, has announced first power generation from the Seagreen offshore wind farm, 27km off the coast of Angus in Scotland. The first turbine, of a total of 114, was commissioned in the early hours of Monday morning. The aim is for the 1075 MW farm to be fully operational in the first half of 2023. The $4.3bn Seagreen project will be Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm and the world’s deepest fixed bottom wind farm as it is being developed in 59 meters of water depth.

    TotalEnergies entered into an agreement with SSE Renewables to acquire a 51% stake in the Seagreen project in June 2020. Seagreen has a capacity of 1075 megawatts. When fully operational, the site will produce around 5 terawatt hours of renewable electricity per year, enough to power the equivalent of 1.6 million households.

    The 1075 MW Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm project is located 27km off the coast of Angus in the North Sea firth. A £3bn joint venture between TotalEnergies (51%) and SSE Renewables (49%), Seagreen will be Scotland’s largest and the world’s deepest fixed bottom offshore wind farm when complete. Find out more at
  12. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 09:27
    New Tech Solutions to Aid Future Offshore Wind Maintenance

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    UK’s Eleven-I and Innvotek have carried out the work through GE Renewable Energy and ORE Catapult’s Stay Ashore research and development program, and the Robotics Challenge sub project delivered through the Offshore Wind Innovation Hub’s Innovation Exchange OWiX in partnership with KTN. Innvotek, a Cambridge-based innovation consultancy, has been able to further develop a robotic crawler, which uses magnetic technology to attach itself to a turbine generator and autonomously detect the presence of certain features in order to carry out vital maintenance work.

    Derbyshire-based Eleven-I have used the project to develop their structural health monitoring system, which uses cutting edge software and data analysis to monitor blade health throughout its lifetime.

    Both companies were able to make extensive use of the technical support and testing capabilities offered by working directly with ORE Catapult and GE Renewable Energy, and this led to valuable learnings for both, which they can now add into the future deployment of their technology.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 7 september 2022 09:27
    Equinor’s North Sea Offshore Wind Power Projects Progressing

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Equinor is close to first power from the world’s first floating wind farm to power offshore oil and gas platforms Hywind Tampen and preparing for the start-up of the world’s largest wind farm Dogger Bank. Both wind farms are in the North Sea where Equinor has more than ten years’ experience from operating offshore wind farms. Equinor’s offshore wind portfolio is progressing with several projects currently under construction that will be put into production the coming years. With this high activity level, there is no shortage of supply chain development, particularly as Equinor’s focus is on creating local economic value and jobs for host communities. At Hywind Tampen, Norwegian suppliers have secured about 60 percent of the contract value.

    Once Hywind Tampen is completed, it will both be the first floating wind farm to supply electricity to oil and gas platforms, and also the world's largest floating wind farm. An important milestone was reached when the first subsea cables were laid and connection made to Gullfaks A recently. The seven first Hywind Tampen turbines will come on stream this year according to plan and the final four will be installed next spring.

    The Dogger Bank project is moving forward and reached an important milestone when the first foundations were installed in July 2022. First power is expected in the second half of 2023, with commercial operations beginning in 2024 for Dogger Bank A, 2025 for Dogger Bank B and 2026 for Dogger Bank C respectively.

    Equinor and partners recently launched Trollvind, a 1 GW floating offshore wind farm outside Bergen with a potential start-up of operations in 2027. Power from Trollvind can make a solid contribution towards electrification of oil and gas installations, deliver extra power to the Bergen-region and accelerate offshore wind development in Norway.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 8 september 2022 07:28
    RWE, Equinor & Hydro to Explore Offshore Wind Opportunities

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    8 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    RWE Renewables, Equinor and Hydro REIN jointly aim to develop a large-scale bottom fixed offshore wind farm in the Sørlige Nordsjø II area in the North Sea. Windport AS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Global Ocean Technology, aims to provide port facilities for the development and construction phase of the wind farm. In the agreement signed with Windport AS, the parties have agreed to exchange and discuss information to assess feasibility for a potential industrial development, related to such port facilities.

    The agreement does not cover operations and maintenance base facilities. This is covered in a separate process towards potential Norwegian harbor locations.

    The Norwegian Government has set a target for offshore wind of 30 GW in Norway by 2040. The North Sea has among the world’s best wind resources. A large-scale offshore wind farm at Sørlige Nordsjø II could play a key role in expanding the North Sea as an offshore energy hub, and create new industrial opportunities.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 10 september 2022 10:47
    ’Een naaldbos op zee’ moet stroomnota drukken

    Gisteren, 19:39

    A/B AQUA HELIX - Terwijl Nederlanders angstig naar hun hoge gasprijs kijken, verrijzen op zee parken vol windmolens. Komende maanden worden de eerste via kabels aangesloten op industrie aan de kust. Energieproducenten vergroten bij hoge prijzen bovendien hun productie: de volgende generatie nog hogere windmolens voor zee zit al in de planning. Op de woelige baren laat de Nederlandse Staat concurrentie tussen aanbieders toe die de energienota moet drukken.

    De knalgroene 74 meter lange Aqua Helix bokst vrijdagmiddag op volle zee met golven tot twee meter hoog, varend naar het windmolenpark Hollandse Kust Zuid, 225 vierkante meter groot, 18 tot 35 kilometer uit de kust tussen Zandvoort en Den Haag. Zilte regen slaat bemanning op dek in het gezicht. Al schommelend wordt een groot rotorblad op een paal getakeld. Alle funderingen zijn gereed. In het gebied zijn de eerste 55 windmolens afgemonteerd. De knalgele funderingen van nog eens 85 volgende windmolens staan gereed. De windmolens met een rotorbladdiameter van twee voetbalvelden reiken 250 meter hoog.

    De aanleg vergt behoorlijk wat tijd: ze zijn vier jaar geleden aanbesteed, na jaren vergunningenstrijd. Dit jaar moeten ze in productie komen. Hoe dichter ze op de kust staan, hoe kleiner de funderingspalen. De Aqua Helix vaart hier in de twintig meter diepe Noordzee langs veertig meter diepe funderingen.

    Uit zicht
    Voor producenten is dit park, als een strak aangeplant naaldbos op zee, steeds meer lopendebandwerk geworden: het eerste Nederlandse windpark dateert van 2007, bij Egmond aan Zee. Sindsdien breidde dat uit met 290 turbines, goed voor 1 gigawatt aan vermogen. Dat moet naar 21 gigawatt in 2030, om met groene goedkope stroom de CO2-uitstoot te kunnen beperken. De volgende parken komen verder op zee, goeddeels uit zicht als je op het strand loopt. Nederland telt volgens overheidskaartjes acht vakken op zee waar parken met windmolens komen. Al wordt de uitvoering bestreden door milieuclubs. Alle windparken op de Nederlandse Noordzee samen bevatten rond 2031 zo’n 1700 windturbines, aldus het ministerie van Economische Zaken.

    „Binnen tien jaar komt 100% van de Nederlandse elektriciteit van windenergie op de Noordzee. Dan moet ons energiesysteem CO2-neutraal zijn”, zegt Jan Vos, voorzitter van NWEA, de brancheclub van producenten. „Daarvoor moet iedereen keihard aan de bak.”

    Deze forse uitbreiding komende jaren voedt een al dikke opdrachtenportefeuille voor Nederlandse offshorebedrijven als Damen, SBM Offshore en Fugro. Sif, de maker van de gigantisch brede funderingspalen of ’monopiles’ voor offshoreplatforms, zit al tot 2023 volgeboekt. De windsector vernieuwt technologisch enorm snel, aldus de Sif-topman bij de halfjaarcijfers. De markt vraagt van het concern uit Roermond steeds hogere en grotere windturbines, met steeds bredere funderingen. Die leveren veel meer capaciteit. Er is weer rugwind: de prijs van staal, zelfs tweedehands, is dankzij recessiesignalen wel naar zijn diepste punt dit jaar gedaald.

    De concurrentie op zee voor producenten neemt toe. Aan de overkant van de Noordzee heeft de nieuwe Britse premier Liz Truss een miljardenplan voor extra windenergie bekendgemaakt. „En we zijn al leidend in windenergie”, claimt zij. „De Britten hebben meer kustlijn”, verklaart Aidan Merchand van Vattenfall aan boord.

    Brussel stempelde donderdag een Nederlandse investering van €600 miljoen in offshoretechnologie af. De opbrengsten uit windenergie zijn dermate goed, dat nieuwe vergunde projecten het zonder subsidie moeten doen. Het Zweedse Vattenfall slaagt hier met dit park als eerste in. Afgelopen week verhoogde het zijn energienota voor consumenten nog met 35% vanwege vooral de hoge gasprijs. Deze door grote rotorbladen binnengezwiepte gratis windenergie, die via turbines naar kabels en tussenstations naar land gaat, moet die energierekening komende decennia gaan drukken.

    Vattenfall denkt met Hollandse Kust Zuid - waarmee een investering van €2 miljard is gemoeid - bijna twee miljoen huishoudens van windstroom te kunnen voorzien. De grootste vervuiler van Nederland, Tata Steel, gebruikt een soortgelijk windpark voor zijn kust om staal met waterstof uit windenergie te maken. Concurrent ThyssenKrupp kondigde vrijdag dezelfde aanpak aan.

    „Dit is nog maar het begin”, zegt de Vattenfall-ingenieur op het topdek van de Aqua Helix, uitkijkend op een woud met witte windmolens. De Zweden hebben zich al gemeld voor de rijksveiling van uitgifte van een volgend ’vak’ Noordzee waar windmolens mogen staan. „Hier is nog zo veel mogelijk.”
  16. forum rang 10 voda 12 september 2022 07:07
    Ocean Winds to Develop 2 Offshore Wind Projects in Scotland

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    12 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    As part of the clearing round process for ScotWind leasing, Crown Estate Scotland awarded Ocean Winds, the 50-50 joint venture of ENGIE and EDPR dedicated to offshore wind, with two additional seabed leases for floating offshore wind projects: a 1.8 GW capacity site with partner Mainstream Renewable Power, and another 500 MW capacity site.

    Ocean Winds was designated preferred bidder for seabed lease options for two adjacent sites reaching a total of 2.3 GW capacity. These projects are located in the East of the Shetland Islands, in depths that will require floating technology. As a pioneer for more than 10 years in floating projects such as WindFloat Atlantic in Portugal, OW is well placed to support the growth of the floating wind sector in Scotland.

    The first project is a 1.8 GW site that was awarded to a 50-50 JV partnership between Ocean Winds and Mainstream Renewable Power, located east of the Shetland Islands. The partners are committed to developing floating offshore wind on an industrial scale in Scotland, generating local jobs and opportunities in Scotland and the Shetland Islands. The site output is expected to power for the equivalent of over 2 million homes and save 3 million tons of carbon emissions each year.

    The second project is a 500 MW site, also east of Shetland and within the NE1 ScotWind Draft Plan Option area. It enables OW to progress its ambition for commercial scale floating offshore wind projects worldwide.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 13 september 2022 07:21
    Severfield to Install New Internal Turbine Hall at Hinkley Point

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    13 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Severfield has been selected by GE to deliver the V41 internal turbine hall steelwork package at Hinkley point C in UK. Severfield will be working in collaboration with GE and the other Sub-contract partners to deliver the internal access and materials handling steelwork for both turbine halls at the new nuclear power station in Somerset.

    This is a key project award for Severfield and one that is testament to the strict safety and quality standards demonstrated by the Group. We look forward to working closely with GE to successfully deliver one of the most high profile infrastructure projects in the UK.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2022 07:26
    Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm Celebrates 10 Years

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    14 Sep, 2022, 5:30 am

    Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm has celebrateed its 10-year anniversary of generating clean energy on 7 September. All 140 turbines of the joint venture between RWE Renewables (50%) and SSE Renewables (50%) have been operational since September 2012 and in the last 10 years, they generated enough renewable energy to power the equivalent of over 400,000 UK homes each year.

    Located in the North Sea, around 20km off the coast of Suffolk, the 504MW Greater Gabbard has produced over 17,487GWh so far which has helped significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and contribute to the UK Government’s net zero ambitions.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 14 september 2022 07:54
    Iberdrola stapt uit Duits windmolenpark
    Spanjaarden verkopen minderheidsbelang voor 700 miljoen euro.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Spaanse energiebedrijf Iberdrola heeft een minderheidsbelang in een onderneming dat eigenaar is van een Duits offshore windmolenpark verkocht voor circa 700 miljoen euro. Dit meldde het Spaanse bedrijf woensdag.

    Iberdrola hield via Iberdrola Renovables Deutschland een belang van 49 procent in Iberdrola Renovables Offshore Deutschland, dat dan weer het windpark Wikinger uitbaat.

    Wikinger is goed voor een capaciteit van 350 megawatt.

    Iberdrola Renovables Deutschland blijft wel operationele en onderhoudswerkzaamheden aan het windpark verrichten.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  20. forum rang 10 voda 16 september 2022 09:52
    Octopus Renewables doubles stake in 270-MW Lincs offshore wind farm

    Lincs Offshore Wind Farm. Author: Mat Fascione. License: Creative Commons, Attribution Share-alike license 2.0

    September 16 (Renewables Now) - Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust Plc (LON:ORIT) has doubled its shareholding in the 270-MW Lincs offshore wind farm off the English coast, building a stake of 15.5%, it said in a filing on Friday.

    The closed-ended investment company has bought an additional 7.75% interest in the Lincs complex from a fund managed by Australia’s Macquarie Asset Management. It noted that another fund managed by Octopus Energy Generation, namely Sky ORI SCSp, has co-invested and thus acquired a 7.75% indirect stake in Lincs.

    Funds managed by Macquarie Asset Management now collectively own a 44% stake in the wind power complex.

    Located off Lincolnshire Coast at Skegness, the wind farm consists of 75 turbines that have been generating power since 2013. The plant is operated and managed by Danish renewable energy group Ørsted A/S (CPH:ORSTED) and is supported by the UK's Renewables Obligation Certificate (ROC) regime, receiving 2 ROCs per MWh of electricity generation during the first 20 years of operation.

    Octopus Renewables made its initial investment in Lincs in May 2022 after arranging the purchase in February. Among the offshore wind farm’s other owners are Ørsted, Macquarie’s Green Investment Group and other funds.

    Octopus Renewables estimates that Lincs will represent around 16% of its portfolio on a gross asset value basis.
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