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  1. [verwijderd] 15 januari 2009 16:19
    US Department of Health and Human Services award

    * Holly Springs, North Carolina site will have capacity to provide
    150 million doses of pandemic vaccine within six months of
    declaration of influenza pandemic
    * Novartis novel cell-based manufacturing technology vital
    alternative to traditional egg-based vaccines production
    * Commercial production of pre-pandemic and seasonal flu vaccines
    planned after completion in 2012
    * Plant to provide 300 highly skilled jobs at opening

    Basel, January 15, 2009 -- Novartis announced today that the US
    Department of Health and Human Services, Biomedical Advanced Research
    and Development Authority (HHS, BARDA) has awarded Novartis Vaccines
    a contract for up to USD 486 million over eight years to support the
    design, construction, validation, and licensing of U.S. cell-based
    influenza vaccine manufacturing facilities in Holly Springs, North
    Carolina, to provide a pre-pandemic supply of influenza vaccine and
    to provide the capacity to manufacture 150 million doses of pandemic
    vaccine within six months of declaration of an influenza pandemic.

    Novartis novel cell-based manufacturing technology vital
    alternative to traditional egg-based vaccines production
  2. flosz 15 januari 2009 16:29

    beeldscherm schreef:

    Novartis novel cell-based manufacturing technology vital
    alternative to traditional egg-based vaccines production

    Tumorgenicity PER.C6-> MDCK
    Analyst Briefing
    April 27, 2006
    Pagina 51,

    FDA slides:

    scaleabilityis key!

    A novel high trough-put assay for influenza virus titration on PER.C6TM suspension cells
    Marzio G., Pau M.G., Lonsdale R., Vooys A., Ophorst A., Oerlemans M., Pasma J., UytdeHaag F., (Crucell Holland BV, Leiden, The Netherlands)

    Reliable methods for the quantification of virus replication are of crucial importance in a variety of studies. Applications include efficacy assessment of antiviral drugs, identification of viral phenotypes with altered replication capacity, and selection of viral strains for vaccine production.

    In the case of influenza virus, a commonly adopted definition of infectious titer is based on the appearance of cytopathic effect in cultured Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. MDCK represents the cell line of choice because of its susceptibility to influenza virus infection that results in the formation of distinct plaques, which can be easily counted. Although sensitive and reliable, the plaque assay on MDCK is time and labor consuming. Moreover, since the appearance of plaques requires several rounds of replication, titers may also reflect the ability of the virus to replicate in MDCK cells rather than the initial number of infectious particles per se.

    Here we describe a novel assay for titer determination of influenza viruses based on PER.C6TM suspension cells and fluocytometry. Our system represents a major improvement over other currently used methods due to its rapidity and ease of execution. Accurate titers can be obtained within three hours using PER.C6™ suspension cells at five hours post infection, as opposed to one week for plaque assay on adherent MDCK cells. Our results show that this system can be applied to A as well as B influenza viruses and that titers truly reflect the number of infection-competent particles in the supernatant.
  3. TraderRon 19 januari 2009 18:44
    Novartis gets $487m for US cell culture flu vac plant
    By Gareth Macdonald, 19-Jan-2009
    Related topics: Industry Drivers

    Novartis will receive a further $487m (€366m) from the US HHS for its cell-culture flu vaccine plant in Holly Springs, North Carolina.

    The facility, which will boost US vaccine production 25 per cent when fully operational in 2012, has been under construction since 2007 when Novartis won its original Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) contract.

    The new deal calls for Novartis to develop two new vaccines, for either seasonal or pandemic use, and provides funding for clinical bridging studies designed to compare the firm’s vaccines to existing products in terms of safety and efficacy, potentially expediting their approval by the US Food and Drug Administration.

    As Robin Robinson of the HHS’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) said, the plant and the flexibility it provides are vital to the country’s pandemic plans.

    “In a pandemic we would need vaccine ready within six months,” Robinson explained, adding that this goal could not be accomplished using traditional egg-based manufacturing methods.

    Andrin Oswald, CEO of Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics commented that: "The site will provide jobs for more than 300 highly skilled people with the capability to produce cell-based seasonal flu vaccine, pre-pandemic vaccine and 150m doses of pandemic vaccine within six months of the declaration of an influenza pandemic."

    The ability to freeze cell cultures means that they can be made available for large scale production in a fraction of the time taken to procure the millions of hens eggs needed to make vaccine using the traditional approach, significantly reducing manufacturing lag.

    Such flexability and speed means production can be delayed until the specific virus strain responsible for an epidemic, or pandemic, has been properly identified. This avoids the best -guess, blanket approach of combining several likely strains in a vaccine that is necessitated by the longer manufacturing times needed for egg-based production.

    Novartis is at the forefront of cell-culture vaccines through its partnership with Dutch firm Crucell and access to the latter’s popular PER.C6 cell line. In 2007, Novartis’ Optaflu, production of which is due to be switched from the firm’s plant in Marburg, Germany to Holly Springs, became the first cell culture-derived vaccine to be cleared by European regulators.

    Joerg Reinhardt, Novartis COO said: "We believe that this contract award underscores the US Government's commitment to ensure pandemic vaccine supply, and reflects their confidence in Novartis.”

    The announcement of the new contract coincides with the release of a HHS report highlighting “major gaps” in the country’s strategy for coping with the predicted influenza pandemic.

    The authors said that although progress has been made, the protection of government workers as a way of maintaining vital infrastructure was not being given sufficient thought, commenting that “even the best plans can fail if managers cannot accommodate significant absenteeism.”

  4. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2009 18:54
    Veel licentie inkomsten.

    M.i. heeft Sanofi ook op een dergelijk traject gezeten, toen dit destijds bekent werd vloog de koers van Crucell met een euro omhoog.
  5. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2009 18:54
    Ik kan dit toch niet anders lezen dan dat Novartis op termijn griepvaccins op basis van Per.C6 wil gaan produceren. Maar dat zou niet stroken met jullie stelling dat het contract met Sanofi alle PER.C6 griepvaccin-productie door anderen zouden verbieden.

    Ikku nietu snappuh!
  6. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2009 18:58
    Ach, is al gesettled.
    Sanofi neemt Crucell over, Novartis heeft op voorhand als wisselgeld de goedkeuring gekregen van Sanofi om ook griepvaccins te maken via per.c6.
  7. TraderRon 19 januari 2009 18:59
    snap het inderdaad ook niet meer staat hier toch erg duidelijk zelfs met quote

    “In a pandemic we would need vaccine ready within six months,” Robinson explained, adding that this goal could not be accomplished using traditional egg-based manufacturing methods
  8. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2009 19:01
    Want op zich klinkt dit toch als een über-mega-giga-tera-productielicentie in de maak en de absolute bevestiging van de "gouden standaard" status van PER.C6.


    Op zich al een reden tot een zeeeer forse koersstijging, nog afgezien van het lopende overname-gevecht.

  9. flosz 19 januari 2009 19:07
    Novartis is at the forefront of cell-culture vaccines through its partnership with Dutch firm Crucell and access to the latter’s popular PER.C6 cell line. In 2007, Novartis’ Optaflu, production of which is due to be switched from the firm’s plant in Marburg, Germany to Holly Springs, became the first cell culture-derived vaccine to be cleared by European regulators.

    Doen jullie mee......
    Even uit elkaar trekken.

    Novartis is at the forefront of cell-culture vaccines through its partnership with Dutch firm Crucell and access to the latter’s popular PER.C6 cell line.

    Klopt, niet in relatie tot dit flu-vaccin maar er is wel degelijk toegang tot de zeer populaire PER.C6 cellijn... en wat mij betreft: kom maar op met de PER.C6-vaccins(gaat in werkelijkheid nog wel even duren lijkt me).

    In 2007, Novartis’ Optaflu, production of which is due to be switched from the firm’s plant in Marburg, Germany to Holly Springs, became the first cell culture-derived vaccine to be cleared by European regulators.

    Dit klopt ook hoor.

    Wat dan weer minder is voor Novartis is dat men het helaas mbt flu op MDCK dient te doen.
    Ooh shit...vergeet nog even heel HARD en DIEP te ZUCHTEN!
  10. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2009 19:13
    Oh, dit is dus de competitie die we moeten verslaan..geeft wel een indruk van de omvang van de markt ;-)

    Thnx Flosz, kan zo gauw ook niet alles lezen. Moet ook werken (!)grr.
  11. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2009 19:23

    flosz schreef:

    Novartis is at the forefront of cell-culture vaccines through its partnership with Dutch firm Crucell and access to the latter’s popular PER.C6 cell line. In 2007, Novartis’ Optaflu, production of which is due to be switched from the firm’s plant in Marburg, Germany to Holly Springs, became the first cell culture-derived vaccine to be cleared by European regulators.

    Doen jullie mee......
    Even uit elkaar trekken.

    Novartis is at the forefront of cell-culture vaccines through its partnership with Dutch firm Crucell and access to the latter’s popular PER.C6 cell line.

    Klopt, niet in relatie tot dit flu-vaccin maar er is wel degelijk toegang tot de zeer populaire PER.C6 cellijn... en wat mij betreft: kom maar op met de PER.C6-vaccins(gaat in werkelijkheid nog wel even duren lijkt me).

    In 2007, Novartis’ Optaflu, production of which is due to be switched from the firm’s plant in Marburg, Germany to Holly Springs, became the first cell culture-derived vaccine to be cleared by European regulators.

    Dit klopt ook hoor.

    Wat dan weer minder is voor Novartis is dat men het helaas mbt flu op MDCK dient te doen.
    Ooh shit...vergeet nog even heel HARD en DIEP te ZUCHTEN!
    Flosz: als altijd bedankt voor je gewaardeerde bijdrage, die ik overigens al in dat andere draadje had gelezen. Maar deze zin:

    "Novartis announced today that the US
    Department of Health and Human Services, Biomedical Advanced Research
    and Development Authority (HHS, BARDA) has awarded Novartis Vaccines
    a contract for up to USD 486 million over eight years to support the
    design, construction, validation, and licensing of U.S. cell-based
    influenza vaccine manufacturing facilities in Holly Springs, North
    Carolina, to provide a pre-pandemic supply of influenza vaccine and
    to provide the capacity to manufacture 150 million doses of pandemic
    vaccine within six months of declaration of an influenza pandemic"

    laat zich toch echt niet uit elkaar trekken.

    Er is letterijk sprake van "cell-based influenza vaccine manufacturing facilities". Maar waarschijnlijk ben ik te dom en mag ik dus "cell-based" niet als "PER.C6" lezen.

    Het zal voor jou wel allemaal gesneden koek zijn, maar mijn biotechnologische begrippenlijst is nog vrij beperkt.

    Tja, je zult wel nog HARDER en DIEPER gaan ZUCHTEN van mij. Ik hoop dat het niet ontaardt in hyperventilatie. We kunnen je niet missen.

    Mag ik overigens van jou als biotech-Nono wel in Crucell beleggen?
  12. TraderRon 19 januari 2009 19:28
    wat ik er van begrijp is het op basis van MDCK wat honden cellen zijn..
    (Madin Darby Canine Kidney) Dus inderdaad cellbased maar met een inferieure techniek. het perbericht geeft je inderdaad het idee dat het gebaseerd is op PER.C6
    correct me if im wrong.
  13. flosz 19 januari 2009 19:42

    TSKing schreef:

    Hierbij het persbericht van Novartis zelf:


    Dit is een oud bericht van 15 januari
    Zie vooral ook pagina 1...ook van 15 januari.
    Incl. linkje MDCK:

    Verder de dagdraad van vandaag:

    En de vogelgriepdraad:
    Maar dit is pas echt WOW:
    better at addressing pandemic threats than drugs or vaccines
    Prophylactic and therapeutic antibody against H5N1 first target
    human mAb CR6261 deals with uncertainty of strains
    human mAb CR6261 prevents death and blunts disease from H5N1
    prevents death and blunts disease even after four days
    human mAb CR6261 prevents death by H1N1 before and after infection
    Avian influenza viruses such as H5N1 are currently panzootic and pose a pandemic threat. These viruses are antigenically diverse and protective strategies need to cross protect against diverse viral clades. We isolated a panel of cross-reactive neutralising antibodies against H5N1 and multiple other subtypes of influenza A. The most potent antibody (CR6261) was protective in mice when given before and after lethal H5N1 or H1N1 challenge and could be used as a broad spectrum agent for prophylaxis or treatment of human or avian influenza infections without prior strain characterization.

    human mAb CR6261 deals with variability of other strains
    H5N1 (Clade 2.3)
    H5N1 (Clade 1)
    H5N1 (Clade 2.1)
    H5N1 (Clade 2.2)
    H5N1 (Clade 0)
    Heterosubtypic Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies Cross-Protective against H5N1 and H1N1 Recovered from Human IgM+ Memory B Cells
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