Jesse Livermore schreef:
Apple’s App Store Tops 3 Billion Downloads
We hope Apple will stop counting soon, because this is getting repetitive. After announcing in September that more than two billion applications had been downloaded from its App Store for the iPhone and iPod Touch, Apple said on Tuesday that it had surpassed three billion downloads.
The written announcement included the customary quote from Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s chief executive. “Three billion applications downloaded in less than 18 months — this is like nothing we’ve ever seen before,” he said. “The revolutionary App Store offers iPhone and iPod touch users an experience unlike anything else available on other mobile devices, and we see no signs of the competition catching up anytime soon.”
Some observers also noted that the news seems strategically timed to steal some of the publicity thunder from Google’s unveiling of the Nexus One phone on Tuesday.
Nevertheless, the astounding, accelerating growth of the App Store serves more notice that a new era of computing is afoot — and that the store has become a powerful platform that the company can extend to other mobile devices (say, its impending tablet).
“Two years ago no one would have anticipated the importance of apps,” said Gene Munster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray. “Now apps are driving the demand for the iPhone and giving people the ability to turn their phone into anything they want it to be.”
Bron: miljard down-loads in minder dan 18 maanden, ongehoord...!!!
Dit is natuurlijk waanzinnig goed nieuws voor aandeelhouders van TomTom, die met z’n navigatie software apps een leidende positie in neemt in de Apps Store.
De markt begint het langzamerhand ook door te hebben. Nu de analisten nog. Over analisten gesproken, het jochie van UBS liep vandaag een aardige scheur in z'n broekie op met z'n koersdoel verlaging. En dat op een dag dat TomTom met 4,86% de grootste stijger in de AEX is.
Jesse Livermore