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Rare earth metals

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  1. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 12:35
    CIN TSX-V $0.365 +0.11 +43.14%

    Spectrum ( niet beursgenoteerd en minimaal tweede generatie P & H ) is niet alleen voor REE insiders al WC en met de mogelijke CIN hits hebben we hier zo goed als zeker een mijn! Baystreet begint zich nu ook al te roeren en binnenkort natuurlijk de bekende newsletters. Dit is natuurlijk in het kader van de PP met warrant qua resultaat gezien, natuurlijk nu al een meer dan voortreffelijke 5 bagger en heb vandaag op basis van de warrants maar een deeltje verkocht en alles zo vrijgespeeld. En dan nog te bedenken zitten we hier IMHO nog slechts pas in fase 3 van het junior mining upward potential, maar goed the proof zit in de REE pudding.

    We zullen zien Succes

    Subject: Canadian International Minerals: The Next World Class REE Deposit

    Canadian International Minerals: The Next World Class REE Deposit November 5, 2010

    Beat The Market Investment newsletter Bringing you undervalued, high growth opportunities...

    Searching for the Next Big Rare Earth Deposit

    Canadian International Minerals

    November 4, 2010 SP… $0.255
    Shares Outstanding… 39,355,426
    Fully Diluted… 66 million
    Capex… $10M

    CIN may be on top of one of the hottest REE projects in North America...

    I have been searching for Rare Earth picks for the last month and after looking through at least 5 or 6 projects that looked interesting in Canada, I believe that I have found a beauty here with Canadian International Minerals. CIN is currently drilling right next door to what is considered to be the 3rd biggest REE project in North America. This is a world class discovery by a private company called Spectrum Mining. They are 750 meters away from and on strike to this major world class REE deposit in BC. If CIN can prove that the economical zone of REE’s runs onto their property in a material manner then CIN is well positioned for success.

    There are some deposits in North America that I would consider strategic and this is one of them.

    Krijg het een en ander hier op een of andere manier niet geplaatst dan maar via deze link

    If you don't trust GOLD,the only asset with a 6000 year track record, do you trust the logic of taking a $1,000 pine tree, cutting it up, turning it to pulp, putting some ink on it, and then calling it one billion $ dollars?


    Gung Ho schreef:


    0.245 +0.04 +19.51% 5,500,572 0.255/0.22 0.24/0.055

    Blue is CIN .. both sides.
    EMI is above. and ALX is above/right of that.
    red all around is BRU.

    CIN ~$7.5M
    EMI ~ $5M
    BRU ~ $10M
    ALX ~ $2.5M

    If you don't trust GOLD,the only asset with a 6000 year track record, do you trust the logic of taking a $1,000 pine tree, cutting it up, turning it to pulp, putting some ink on it, and then calling it one billion $ dollars?

  2. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 15:42

    Als al die 'fantastische' potentiële REE-mijnen inderdaad open gaan over 5 tot 10 jaar, dan storten de REE-prijzen weer in elkaar en worden deze mijnen in recordtempo weer gesloten, net zoals Molycorp in het verleden.

    Het wordt in ieder geval steeds riskanter om nog mee te doen met de REE-hype.
    Verder wijs ik erop dat Japan enorme voorraden REE's heeft ingekocht, die op de markt zullen komen indien de prijzen blijven stijgen.
  3. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 22:40

    Nuinsco Resources Starts Drilling at Prairie Lake Rare Metals Project

    Nuinsco Resources Limited (TSX:NWI) announced today that diamond drilling has begun at its Prairie Lake rare metals project.

    The goal of the program is to expand the previously identified 330-360 million tonne mineralized domain outlined in an Exploration Target Mineralization Inventory (ETMI) containing the rare metals niobium and tantalum, as well as rare earth elements (REE) and other minerals.

    "With interest in rare metals expanding and world supply tightening, Nuinsco's Prairie Lake project is an increasingly important and valuable asset," said Paul Jones, President. "We have already delineated a significant tonnage hosting not only REEs but rare metals, phosphates and uranium and we have shown that a high-value concentrate can be produced using low-cost flotation. This drill program is designed to increase the known tonnage incorporated in the ETMI as well as to help us better understand the project's mineralization."

    The minimum 3,500 metres of drilling (400-600m holes) is aimed at testing the northward extension of the significant mineralized domain outlined in the ETMI (see news release dated January 13, 2010) to depths not evaluated in earlier drilling. The ETMI outlined the enormous mineral endowment of rare metals and phosphorous at Prairie Lake in a domain of mineralized rock which is open in all directions and encompasses just 12% of the Prairie Lake intrusion's surface area.

    Other ongoing work includes a study, conducted by COREM, a research laboratory in Quebec City, to further evaluate the mineralogy at the Prairie Lake project. To date these studies have included a round of tests, using flotation, dense media and magnetic separation methods, that demonstrate that it is possible to produce a concentrate containing a suite of rare earth elements and grading up to 23.4% phosphorous oxide (P2O5), which is used in high-value fertilizers. The concentrate also contains 0.17% (1.7kg/tonne) niobium oxide (Nb2O5), a high-value mineral used in steel alloys, superconducting magnets and the aerospace industry (see news release dated February 4, 2010). Additional metallurgical tests will evaluate the potential to produce a rare metal concentrate.

    Paul Jones, P.Geol., President of Nuinsco, acts as QP under NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release. Readers are cautioned that the potential quantity and grade of the ETMI is conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in the discovery of a mineral resource.

    Source: Nuinsco Resources Limited

    Published Date: 8/11/2010
  4. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 22:47
    Bubbel of niet, ondertussen knalt RUU/Stans van het ene naar andere hoogtepunt... Heeft niks met gokken te maken. Zelf nadenken, je huiswerk doen, nederig blijven en je niet gek laten maken door pumpers en bubbelvoorspellers.

    Wel leuk om te zien hoe zich een zogenaamde hype ontwikkelt en dat dan opeens legio mensen er een mening over hebben. Doet me denken aan Apple... Waarom aan Apple? Omdat een hype een kortstondig fenomeen is en zowel de vraag naar Apple-producten als de vraag naar zekere Heavy REE's niet kortstondig is. Nadenkertje...

    Succes met de bubbel!

    P.S. Het idee dat Japan voorraden REE's op de markt zullen brengen slaat helemaal nergens op. Japan gaat bepaalde LREEs en HREEs verwerken tot high tech producten met toegevoegde waarde. Dat gaat China ook doen. Net als de rest van de wereld. HREEs zelf zijn nu al schaars en zullen zeker niet in overvloed op de markt komen. Nu niet, over drie jaar niet en over tien jaar ook niet. Daar is iedere serieuze REE-professional het over eens. HREE dus. Dat is wat anders dan (L)REE.
  5. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 23:00
    Dot-com deja vu muddies the rush for rare earths

    Rare Element Resources Ltd

    9:00pm GMT+0100
    Mon Nov 8, 2010 4:50pm EST
    * Dozens of non-Chinese companies seek to fill supply void

    * Most won't survive expected industry shakeup - analysts

    * Industry valuations remind observers of dot-com era

    * Survival may depend on having right mix of rare earths

    * Rare earth value in downstream processing, not mining (In U.S. dollars unless noted)

    By Julie Gordon

    TORONTO, Nov 8 (Reuters) - Rows of moss-covered concrete bricks block the opening of the Monmouth rare earth mine in Canada, keeping curious hikers from entering the long-abandoned shaft.

    From the early 1940s to the late 1970s, a now-defunct company called Amalgamated Rare Earth Mines explored the site for uranium and a then-obscure cluster of 17 elements known as rare earths.

    The mine, 340 km (215 miles) north of Toronto, never went into commercial production and by the early 1980s the company abandoned the project, scared off by an aggressive Chinese campaign to corner the rare earth market.

    Two decades after the Monmouth mine shut, China accounts for 97 percent of the world's rare earth ore production, empowering Beijing in a way that was unimaginable in the 1980s.

    Rare earths have become crucial components for some of the world's consumer and industrial icons: the Toyota Prius, General Electric wind turbines, the Apple iPhone and hundreds of other devices.

    Until recently, the global dependency on China for rare earths was a well-kept secret. But word started to spread fast after Beijing cut export quotas by 70 percent for the second half of 2010, sending prices of some oxides -- the purified form of rare earth elements -- up as much as 850 percent. The need for alternative supplies from outside China suddenly became obvious.

    Dozens of companies all around the world are now aiming to fill the coming void in supplies, and investors have poured billions of dollars into their projects.

    Rare Element Resources (RES.V), which owns a promising rare earth deposit in the U.S. state of Wyoming, is a good example. Its shares have risen almost 400 percent in less than 90 days, and over 2,000 percent since April 2009. In that time, the 495,000 shares belonging to one director have jumped in value to more than C$5.4 million ($5.4 million) from C$247,500.

    But the bricks that seal the entrance to Amalgamated's long-abandoned Canadian mine should serve as a cautionary tale to rare earth investors.

    Current Chinese policies, which are driving up prices of oxides as well as company share prices, could shift, leading to a big industry shakeout. Holdings worth millions of dollars could turn worthless overnight, leaving burned investors with a painful sense of deja vu.
  6. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 23:07

    Japan heeft naar verluidt zeer goedkoop genoeg REE's ingeslagen om ca 20 jaar vooruit te kunnen.
    In werkelijkheid zullen er nooit echte tekorten zijn, wel tijdelijke grote prijsstijgingen waarschijnlijk.
  7. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 23:08
    Dot-com deja vu muddies the rush for rare earths

    Mon Nov 8, 2010 4:50pm EST
    "There's a dot-com aspect to a few of these mines," said Christopher Ecclestone, a strategist with Hallgarten and Co in New York. "These stocks are going up because the products are going up in price, but none of these companies have any products to sell."

    The common refrain in interviews with industry executives, analysts and mineral experts is that only about a half dozen non-Chinese producers will emerge from the rubble.

    "Some of these stocks will be found to be nothing more than a pile of dirt," Ecclestone said. "And it's not because the product isn't there; it's just going to be that they're never going to be developed."

    While the odds of emerging as a successful producer are long, the winners are likely to be those with the right mix of specific rare earths in their deposits, the downstream processing know-how and the contacts to make it in a demanding industry.

    With literally hundreds of exploration companies and junior miners to chose from, the challenge for investors is separating the real players from the pretenders playing the rare earth buzz to make a quick profit on the stock market.

    The speculative nature of rare earth stocks, coupled with the intense investor demand to own them, has prompted fund manager Van Eck Global to launch an exchange-traded fund focused on rare earths and minor metals.

    But even the buffer of trading a group of rare earth miners instead of just one doesn't guarantee a safe ride for investors.

    "Everybody's standing up, waving the flag, and shrieking it's rare earths, because that pushes the valuation up," said Byron Capital Market analyst Jon Hykawy. "When the Chinese change their quota system, we will see the bubble rupture."

  8. [verwijderd] 8 november 2010 23:15

    NEO MATERIAL TECHNOLOGIES en Great Western zijn de enige met (beperkte) verwerkingscapaciteit voor REE's, ik verwacht dat deze bedrijven overgenomen worden, bv door Molycorp.
    Molycorp kan bij de huidige beurswaarde van ca 3 miljard deze bedrijven makkelijk overnemen.
    De echte winst zal gemaakt worden bij de verwerking en niet bij de mijnbouw.
    Zelfs de Chinezen hebben nauwelijks iets verdiend met REE-mijnbouw.
  9. [verwijderd] 9 november 2010 00:59
    Exact, dat is niet bepaaldelijk de mening van JK en vriend en vijand zijn het in ieder geval over 1 ding eens dat JK de echte keizer mbt het juist inschatten van deze materie tot nu toe is gebleken. Baystreet volgt hem en nog een paar zoals PB dan ook op de voet. De leidraad hier is eigenlijk iedereen die uitgenodigd was op de bekende Pentagon meeting een aantal jaren geleden en afblijven van iedereen die niet uitgenodigd was.

    Vandaag na de hold met schitterend nieuws CIN TSX-V $0.45 +0.085 +23.29 door het dak en dus weer een
    uiterst fraaie actie en nog eventje en CIN nu al een 8 bagger wordt een 10 bagger, groot volume en Baystreet begint nu in te slaan..... dan volgen uiteraard de blaadjesschrijvers en daarna uiteraard volgt de rest..

    We zitten hier wel met tussen 600 en 1700 $ per m/t rock ,iedereen die kan rekenen niet alleen in de mining world weet wat dit kan betekenen + aanwezige infrastructuur etc, + vanavond uiteraard veel interesse van (mining) Broker C en ook nog een uitgebreid interview van DP met PB over CIN met bijzonder veel nuttige info over metallurgy en o.a historische vergelijkingen en waarom in tegenstelling wat de mainstream media beweren lights in tegenstelling tot heavy interessanter zijn en near all time highs aanschurken en voor volumeafname zorgen. Deze uitgebreide info + PR is hier te vinden.

    Succes en we zullen zien


    If you don't trust GOLD,the only asset with a 6000 year track record, do you trust the logic of taking a $1,000 pine tree, cutting it up, turning it to pulp, putting some ink on it, and then calling it one billion $ dollars?


    exact schreef:

    NEO MATERIAL TECHNOLOGIES en Great Western zijn de enige met (beperkte) verwerkingscapaciteit voor REE's, ik verwacht dat deze bedrijven overgenomen worden, bv door Molycorp.
    Molycorp kan bij de huidige beurswaarde van ca 3 miljard deze bedrijven makkelijk overnemen.
    De echte winst zal gemaakt worden bij de verwerking en niet bij de mijnbouw.
    Zelfs de Chinezen hebben nauwelijks iets verdiend met REE-mijnbouw.
  10. [verwijderd] 9 november 2010 09:18

    macbookpro schreef:

    Voor degenen die serieuze interesse hebben in de REE sector raad ik het volgende artikel aan wat zojuist is verschenen:
    Maakt goed onderscheid tussen de zin en onzin die nu overal op het internet verschijnt...
    Je bent een beetje laat, Mac, want dit artikel en de link zijn hierboven al geplaatst.
  11. [verwijderd] 9 november 2010 09:25

    Gung Ho schreef:

    Exact, dat is niet bepaaldelijk de mening van JK en vriend en vijand zijn het in ieder geval over 1 ding eens dat JK de echte keizer mbt het juist inschatten van deze materie tot nu toe is gebleken. Baystreet volgt hem en nog een paar zoals PB dan ook op de voet. De leidraad hier is eigenlijk iedereen die uitgenodigd was op de bekende Pentagon meeting een aantal jaren geleden en afblijven van iedereen die niet uitgenodigd was.
    Vandaag na de hold met schitterend nieuws CIN TSX-V $0.45 +0.085 +23.29 door het dak en dus weer een
    uiterst fraaie actie en nog eventje en CIN nu al een 8 bagger wordt een 10 bagger, groot volume en Baystreet begint nu in te slaan..... dan volgen uiteraard de blaadjesschrijvers en daarna uiteraard volgt de rest..
    Ik heb geen idee wie JK is en (ongeacht de koersontwikkeling)CIN en bv Greenland en talloze andere bedrijfjes zullen NOOIT een mijn worden, simpelweg omdat ze veel te laat zijn.

    Buiten China is slechts ruimte voor een paar REE-mijnen. Molycorp en Lynas kunnen samen al meer dan genoeg produceren.
  12. [verwijderd] 9 november 2010 11:01

    exact schreef:


    Ik heb geen idee wie JK is en (ongeacht de koersontwikkeling)CIN en bv Greenland en talloze andere bedrijfjes zullen NOOIT een mijn worden, simpelweg omdat ze veel te laat zijn.

    Buiten China is slechts ruimte voor een paar REE-mijnen. Molycorp en Lynas kunnen samen al meer dan genoeg produceren.
    En GWG niet vergeten.
  13. [verwijderd] 9 november 2010 16:49
    Great Western, Arafura en Stans hebben ook goede kansen op een werkende mijn en dan hebben we meer REE's dan we ooit nodig zullen hebben.

    De rest is veel te laat en krijgt geen financiering.
  14. [verwijderd] 10 november 2010 11:32
    Capital Intensive

    Rare earth projects are capital intensive, requiring investment of more than $40,000 per metric ton capacity, Judith Chegwidden, the managing director of researcher Roskill Information Services Ltd., said at the conference. Many deposits also contain radioactive material that has to be contained or stored, she said.

    Summit Atom aims to produce 1,100 tons of rare-earth concentrates a year from the pilot plant to supply Japan, Ishanov said. The company may increase its production capacity to between 10,000 tons and 15,000 tons by 2014-2015, he said.

    Global demand for rare earths will rise to about 225,000 tons by 2015, compared with 125,000 tons this year, Molycorp Inc. said last month, citing research from Roskill. Molycorp, owner of the world’s largest non-Chinese deposit of rare-earth metals, and Lynas both plan to open mines in the next two years.

    Greenland Project

    Greenland Minerals plans to start production at a mine in the southwest of Greenland in 2016, Damien Krebs, metallurgy manager of the Perth, Australia-based company, said in an interview.

    The company aims to trade its shares on the London Stock Exchange next year to raise about $100 million to finish the initial study of the project, Krebs said. An initial estimate of the capital cost for the project was $2.2 billion, including a processing plant, he said.

    Government agencies of Japan and South Korea and companies including General Electric Co. have approached Greenland to see how they “can secure the rare-earths in the future,” Krebs said.

    China has come to dominate the market because it has been able to produce the elements more cheaply and with fewer environmental restrictions than its competitors. While the elements aren’t as rare in nature as the name implies, they are difficult to find in profitable concentrations, expensive for Western producers to extract and often laced with radioactive elements.

    --Helen Yuan. Editors: Keith Gosman, Andrew Hobbs
  15. [verwijderd] 10 november 2010 11:51
    1e deel:

    Surging Rare-Earth Prices Spur Mining in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Greenland
    By Bloomberg News - Nov 10, 2010 4:14 AM GMT+0100

    Surging rare-earth prices are spurring developments of deposits in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Greenland as China cuts exports of the metals used in BlackBerrys, televisions and Toyota Motor Corp.’s hybrid cars.

    Sumitomo Corp., Japan’s third-largest trading house, and its local partner in Kazakhstan plan to start a pilot plant about the end of next year to produce rare earths from uranium tailings, said Yerzhan Ishanov, deputy director of general affairs at Summit Atom Rare Earth Co., Sumitomo’s venture with Kazatomprom, Kazakhstan’s state-owned nuclear company.

    China, the source of more than 90 percent of the world’s rare earths, in July reduced its second-half export quota by 72 percent to ensure domestic supply. Prices have jumped as much as sevenfold in the past six months, prompting companies including Glencore International AG, Stans Energy Corp. and Greenland Minerals & Energy Ltd. to seek to restart and open mines.

    “For main applications like rare-earth magnets and glass catalysts, the (demand) increase is from 10 to 15 percent a year,” Summit Atom’s Ishanov said. Japan’s consumption of the metal products is about 40,000 metric tons a year at present, he said.

    China’s move to constrain supply has soured diplomatic relations with Japan, which is moving to secure supplies from Vietnam, the U.S., India and Germany. Rare earths are also used in Boeing Co. helicopter blades and Raytheon Co. missiles.

    iPod, Laptops

    Rare earths are 17 chemically similar elements, including neodymium and dysprosium. Prices of neodymium oxide, which is used in mini hard drives in laptops and headphones in Apple’s iPod, have surged four-fold to $80 kilogram from $19.12 in 2009, according to Lynas Corp., whose Chief Executive Officer Nicholas Curtis is scheduled to attend the 6th International Rare Earths Conference starting today in Hong Kong.

    Stans Energy may restart operations at an open-pit mine in Kyrgyzstan within 18 months to 24 months, Robert Mackay, president and chief executive officer of the Toronto-based company, said in an e-mail in response to Bloomberg questions.

    Ramping up of global production “may be somewhat protracted given the time it takes to obtain the necessary permits and establish a supply chain for such complex materials,” Mackay said.

    Capital Intensive
  16. [verwijderd] 11 november 2010 00:11
    Het enige winstgevende bedrijf in de REE-sector:

    << - Revenues of US$91.3 million - EBITDA of US$22.0 million - Net Income of US$14.3 million or US$0.12 per share - Net cash position of US$56.4 million >>

    TORONTO, Nov. 10 /CNW/ - Neo Material Technologies Inc. (TSX: NEM - News; the "Company") today reported its financial results for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2010. Unless otherwise specified, all currency amounts are expressed in U.S. dollars.
    Revenues continued to increase for the sixth consecutive quarter amounting to $91.3 million compared to $79.2 million in the previous quarter, and $54.1 million in the corresponding period in 2009. The Company also reported net income of $14.3 million, operating income plus depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA") of $22.0 million and earnings per share ("EPS") of $0.12 (on a basic and fully diluted basis). This compares to third quarter 2009 net income of $9.3 million, EBITDA of $14.0 million and EPS of $0.08 (on a basic and fully diluted basis). Operating income increased by 68 percent to $19.2 million compared to $11.4 million in the corresponding period in 2009. Cash provided by operating activities during the third quarter of 2010 was $7.1 million.

    During the three-month period ended September 30, 2010 the Company incurred a $3.7 million charge associated with stock based compensation. Excluding the impact of stock-based compensation expense), on a non-GAAP basis, net income, EBITDA and EPS, would be $17.6 million, $25.7 million and $0.15 (on a basic and fully diluted basis), respectively.

    For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2010, net income, EBITDA and EPS were $43.1 million, $63.5 million, and $0.36 (on a basic and fully diluted basis). This compares to net income, EBITDA and EPS for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2009 of $11.0 million, $20.6 million, and $0.10 and $0.09 on a basic and fully diluted basis, respectively. Revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2010 were $235.6 million compared to revenues of $124.7 million in the corresponding period in 2009. Excluding the impact of stock-based compensation expense, on a non-GAAP basis, net income, EBITDA and EPS would be $46.3 million, $67.1 million and $0.39 (on a basic and fully diluted basis), respectively.

    At September 30, 2010, the Company had a net cash balance of $56.4 million.

    "The remarkable performance during the quarter was achieved against the strong headwinds of increasing raw material costs and unprecedented uncertainty in the markets caused by the unexpected, deep reductions in rare earth export quotas from China," noted Constantine Karayannopoulos, President and CEO. "The third quarter was another record quarter for our company and we remain optimistic in the face of continuing uncertainty in the Chinese regulatory environment."
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