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  1. forum rang 10 voda 10 april 2019 16:52
    China Feb exports of aluminium alloy wheels dip to lowest in 5 years

    SMM reported that China exported 53,700 tonne of aluminium alloy wheels in February, down 40.5% from January and down 24.4% from February 2018, showed the latest data from China Customs. This marked the lowest monthly exports in the last five years.

    Exports in January increased by 11.63% from December and by 10.95% from January 2018, to stand at 90,200 tonne.

    Source : SMM
  2. forum rang 10 voda 11 april 2019 12:20
    Chinese producentenprijzen harder gestegen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese producentenprijzen zijn in maart harder gestegen. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

    De producentenprijzen namen in maart met 0,4 procent toe, na een stijging van 0,1 procent in februari.

    Op maandbasis was er in maart sprake van een stijging van het prijspeil met 0,1 procent, na vier maanden op rij van dalingen.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 11 april 2019 12:21
    Chinese inflatie loopt op

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese consumentenprijzen zijn in maart in een hoger tempo gestegen dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van het Chinese bureau voor de statistiek.

    De consumentenprijzen stegen afgelopen maand met 2,3 procent op jaarbasis, na een toename van 1,5 procent in februari.

    Op maandbasis daalden de consumentenprijzen in maart met 0,4 procent, na een stijging met 1,0 procent in februari.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 11 april 2019 15:27
    China to have about 2,000 GW of installed power capacity by 2019

    Reuters reported that China expects its installed power generation capacity to be about 2,000 gigawatts in 2019, with coal-fired power capacity at 1,040 GW, the China Electricity Council said at an industry event that consumption by coal-fired plants is expected to increase by 80 million tonnes in 2019 versus 2018. The CEC also sees installed new power capacity at 110 GW in 2019, including 62 GW coming from non-fossil fuel.

    Mr Hou Yong, director of the CEC's department of industrial development and environment resources said that CEC expects first-quarter power consumption to increase about 6 percent from a year earlier.

    Source : Reuters
  5. forum rang 10 voda 11 april 2019 15:38
    US CVD probes have little impact on China’s overall aluminium wire & cable exports

    SMM reported that China’s overall exports of aluminium wire and cable did not fall sharply from a year ago amid the US’ ongoing countervailing duty investigation of such imports from China. On April 2, the US Commerce Department announced its preliminary affirmative determination in its CVD investigations of imports of aluminum wire and cable under HTSUS subheadings 8544.49.9000 and 8544.42.9090 from China. As a result of the Commerce Department’s decision, subsidy rates for Chinese aluminium wire/cable exporters and suppliers ranged from 11.57% to 164.16%. The Commerce Department is scheduled to issue its final CVD determination on August 13 and the International Trade Centre will make its final determination on September 26.

    While China is the top exporter of aluminium wire and cable to China, the ongoing CVD investigation appeared to have little impact on China’s overall exports of such materials as Chinese exporters tapped into other markets, such as Southeast Asia and Africa. SMM expects China’s exports of aluminium wire and cable to post an increase in 2019.

    In December 2017, Chinese materials accounted for 46% and 53% of the total imports under HTSUS subheadings 8544.49.9000 and 8544.42.9090, respectively, according to import and export data provider Datamyne.

    About 43,000 tonne of Chinese aluminium wire and cable entered the US in 2017, accounting for 21% of China’s total exports of 203,000 tonne.

    Data from the US Commerce Department showed that China’s aluminium wire/cable exports to the US grew at a compound annual rate of 23% in 2015-2017.

    Source : SMM
  6. forum rang 10 voda 11 april 2019 15:50
    China's coal output to increase by 100 million tonne in 2019

    Reuters reported that China will produce an additional 100 million tonnes of coal in 2019, creating a glut of the fuel in the world's top consumer of the commodity.

    According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China produced 4 billion tonnes of coal in 2018. The market will see oversupply in the near future, Wang Hongqiao, vice president at the China National Coal Association told an industry conference.

    Source : Reuters
  7. forum rang 10 voda 11 april 2019 16:02
    Geely starts construction of Lotus plant in China

    Auotomotive News reported that Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has started construction on a 9 billion yuan (USD 1.3 billion) assembly plant for high-end vehicles, including the Lotus brand, in Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei province. Lotus cars are built in Norfolk, England. The Wuhan factory will be Lotus' first production site outside the UK. The Wuhan plant will start production in two years. It will have the capacity to build 150,000 conventional and electrified vehicles annually, according to information the Hubei provincial government disclosed on its website. Aside from Lotus, it remains unknown what other vehicles the Wuhan factory will assemble from Geely.

    In 2017, Geely acquired a 49.9 percent stake in troubled Proton Holdings, which makes cars under the Proton brand, from Malaysian conglomerate DRB-Hicom. Under the same deal, the private Chinese automaker also purchased a 51-percent interest in Lotus from Proton.

    Geely produces vehicles for the Geely mass-market brand and Lynk & CO, a premium marque it owns along with the Volvo Car brand, which it acquired from Ford Motor in 2010.

    In the first two months, combined Geely and Lynk & CO brand sales fell 9 percent to 241,945. Geely expects to sell 1.51 million vehicles in 2019 under the two brands, virtually unchanged from 2018.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 12 april 2019 12:53
    Video: Hoe Chinese economie eurozone raakt

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Valuta-analist Bart Hordijk van Monex Europe blikt vooruit op de Chinese economische groeicijfers over het eerste kwartaal en het effect van de Chinese economie op de economie van de eurozone. Hordijk licht toe.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 12 april 2019 12:57
    Chinese import flink afgenomen

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese export is in maart flink gestegen, terwijl de import juist hard terugliep. Dit bleek vrijdag uit cijfers van de Chinese douane.

    Gerekend in dollars nam de Chinese export in maart met 14,2 procent op jaarbasis toe. Economen hadden een stijging van slechts 8,7 procent voorzien.

    De import daalde in dollars met 7,6 procent. Economen rekenden op een importdaling van 1,2 procent.

    Het Chinese handelsoverschot kwam uit op 220 miljard yuan, ofwel 32,6 miljard dollar, terwijl economen voor maart hadden gerekend op een overschot van maar 6 miljard dollar.

    In yuan steeg de export in maart op jaarbasis met 21,3 procent. De import nam gemeten in yuan met 1,8 procent af.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  10. [verwijderd] 15 april 2019 08:49
    Idem Duitsland
    Dat anti Huawei is alleen maar spelltje van USA/westen i.v.m. handelsgesprekken
    Ik heb al tig jaar Huawei internet-modem in huis
    e Belgische regering krijgt geen
    negatief advies over een mogelijke
    samenwerking met techbedrijf Huawei,dat
    beschuldigd wordt van spionage door de
    VS.Dat meldt de krant De Standaard.

    Het Centrum voor Cybersecurity België
    concludeert na maanden onderzoek dat er
    geen concrete aanwijzingen zijn voor
    een dreiging.Een eindrapport komt er
    niet,omdat de zaak voortdurend gevolgd
    wordt,zegt een woordvoerder.

    Huawei ligt ook in Nederland onder vuur
    vanwege spionageverdenkingen.De Kamer
    wil niet dat Huawei betrokken wordt bij
    de introductie van 5G,mede vanwege de
    onlangs aangetoonde spionage bij ASML
  11. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 13:18
    'VS minder streng voor industrie China'

    Gepubliceerd op 15 apr 2019 om 08:06 | Views: 2.508

    WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Verenigde Staten hebben hun eis dat China stopt met het subsidiëren van de eigen industrie, stevig afgezwakt. Dat meldt persbureau Reuters op basis van bronnen rond de handelsgesprekken tussen beide landen. China zou veel tegengas hebben gegeven op dat punt.

    De Amerikaanse onderhandelaars zetten daarom in op andere gebieden waar hun eisen haalbaarder zijn. Daarbij gaat het onder meer om verbetering van de bescherming van intellectueel eigendom en ruimere toegang tot de Chinese markt.

    Ook zou China een verzoek van de VS overwegen om invoerheffingen op bepaalde landbouwproducten te laten vallen en in plaats daarvan een importtarief op andere producten te heffen. Als China daarin toestemt kan de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump een handelsakkoord naar boeren toe verkopen als een overwinning. Dat is voor hem belangrijk in aanloop naar de presidentsverkiezingen van 2020.

    De VS staan ook open voor sancties over en weer als een van de partijen zich niet aan de afspraken houdt, zegt minister van Financiën Steven Mnuchin. ,,Wij doen toezeggingen en China doet toezeggingen. Ik zou verwachten dat handhaving daarvan twee kanten op werkt.''
  12. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 16:13
    China installs steam generator at Tianwan unit 6

    World Nuclear News reported that the second of three steam generators at China's forthcoming Tianwan 6 nuclear power unit has been installed, completing a 12-day process that involved bringing the component through a hatch and rotating to a vertical position. The achievement on 8 April was announced today by China Nuclear Industry 23rd Construction Company. Units 5 and 6 at Tianwan are domestic design ACPR1000 pressurised water reactors that will produce 1080 MWe when commissioned.

    The first four units at the site are Gidropress VVER units supplied by Russia, as will be the seventh and eighth, for which a general contract was signed last month. When they are all in operation Tianwan would become the largest nuclear power plant in the world with eight units and a total generating capacity of about 8100 MWe.

    Source : World Nuclear News
  13. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 16:18
    China Greatpower to start producing nickel sulphate by end-2019: Chairman

    Greatpower Technology Co, a Chinese supplier of chemicals for lithium-ion batteries, will start producing nickel sulphate from a plant in eastern China's Zhejiang province by the end of this year. Nickel sulphate, like the sulphate form of sister metal cobalt, is a sought-after ingredient in cathodes for batteries used in electric vehicles, for which China's is the world's biggest market. Mr Cao Dongqiang chairman told Reuters in an interview in Shanghai that Greatpower's factory in the city of Shaoxing already produces 15,000 tonnes per year of cobalt sulphate but the rate will rise to 30,000 tonnes per year by August. He added that the nickel sulphate facilities, with annual capacity of 30,000 tonnes, are still under construction but will begin production in the second half of 2019.

    Mr Cao said that "Nickel sulphate is extremely popular adding that demand for the battery materials was still strong in China, even as the country scales back electric vehicle sector subsidies.” He said that production will be sold to companies that make precursors for lithium-ion batteries, Cao said. Such firms include Ningbo Shanshan and GEM Co.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 15 april 2019 16:42
    China’s coal imports in March fall 12% YoY on import restrictions

    General Administration of Customs reported that China’s coal imports in March fell 12.1% YoY as the country has enacted policies to slow imports of the fuel at various ports. Coal imports last month were 23.48 million tonnes, up from February’s 17.64 million tonnes. For the first three months of 2018, coal supplies were at 74.63 million tonnes, down 1.8% YoY

    Reuters reported in February that the port of Dalian in northern China banned imports of Australian coal and multiple traders have said coal imports are slowing because of lengthy customs checks. This week, sources told Reuters that Beijing is seeking to cap coal imports this year at 2018 levels to support domestic producers.

    Source : Reuters
  15. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 14:50
    OESO ziet Chinese economie steeds minder hard groeien

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese economie groeit steeds minder hard en ondervindt tegenwind van de handelsperikelen en een verzwakking van de mondiale economie, die de export ondermijnt en voor nieuwe onzekerheden zorgt. Dit schreef de OESO dinsdag.

    Volgens de instelling zou China moeten inzetten op een grotere binnenlandse consumptie en moet de groei duurzamer en groener worden.

    Daarbij adviseert OESO China om importheffingen te verlagen en drempels zo veel mogelijk weg te nemen.

    Sowieso zou Beijing niet meer krediet moeten verstrekken aan staatsbedrijven en lokale overheden.

    Ondanks de groeivertraging mikt OESO voor dit en volgend jaar nog wel altijd op een stijging van het Chinese bruto binnenlands product van meer dan 6 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 17:02
    Chinese bullet trains depend on mega bridges

    Asia Times reported that China’s express railway network linking urban centers to far-flung corners of the country continues to expand at full speed. The nation that only started laying tracks for its first high-speed link in 2007 now boasts the world’s most extensive express rail network, stretching 29,000 kilometers as of the end of 2018. No less than 4,000 km of new lines will be built this year, as China Railway Corp. aims to knit more trunk routes to serve key hubs and their sprawling conurbations in coastal areas in order to tap growing customer bases to fund the construction of feeder lines in central and western provinces.

    The continued bonanza has seen a rising number of bridge and structural engineers joining the state-owned railway operator, needed to address the increasing trend of elevating bullet trains onto lengthy flyovers and bridges.

    A chief engineer with China Railway Design Corp’s bridge department told the Beijing-based Economic Daily that China’s first 350 km/h high-speed rail line between Beijing and Tianjin, inaugurated in 2008, was virtually a rail route on bridges, as bridge sections accounted for almost 90% of its total length.

    Bridges occupy much less land area than is required for ground-based rail routes. A ground-level railway route swallows 28.4 hectares of land per kilometer of track, while the same length of track on a bridge only takes up 10.9 ha of land, according to the expert. Thus, elevated rail routes can free up ground space in densely populated regions.

    Bridge sections are pre-engineered and prefabricated in factories and then transported to construction sites to be bolted together. This speeds up construction and ensures better quality control.

    The 1,318-km Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, which opened in 2011 to link China’s two largest cities, boasts the world’s longest bridge: the 164.8-km viaduct between Danyang and Kunshan near Shanghai spans four cities in eastern Jiangsu province, where the predominant terrain is made up of rice paddies, canals, lakes and swamps.

    The bridge runs roughly parallel to the Yangtze River, passing through the northern edges of urban centers along the way. Employing over 10,000 workers, construction took four years and cost about US$8.5 billion, according to Xinhua.

    The Beijing-Shanghai rail artery also features another mega viaduct near Tianjin in northern China, with a total length of 113.7km. The elevated track design was chosen to avoid thwarting the development of a number of industrial estates and other railways planned in close proximity to the high speed rail link.

    The bridge consists of more than 3,500 steel and concrete girders, each 32 meters long and weighing 860 metric tons. They were brought to the installation sites and placed on piers by special cranes.

    Source : Asia Times
  17. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 17:23
    2019 Global Business Event of China largest passenger car exporter Chery is coming

    Chery registered an export volume of 127,000 units in 2018, up 18 percent year on year, ranking first among Chinese passenger vehicle exporters for the 16th consecutive year. After soaring amid the industrial slump, Chery and its overseas dealers will usher in 2019 Chery global Business Conference. "Embrace Challenge" 2019 Chery Global Business Conference will soon take place in Ningbo from April 16 to 20, 2019. Then representatives from over 200 overseas dealers and over 50 overseas media outlets will gather to discuss how to cope with changeable 2019.

    Embracing challenges is a positive attitude, as well as a reflection of Chery's confidence in working with its overseas dealers to cope with challenges. 2019 Chery Global Business Conference with an all-inclusive schedule will make Chery's overseas dealers feel the source power of Chery's strong confidence. The schedule will begin on April 16 with a visit to Auto Shanghai where Chery's overseas dealers and overseas media will experience Chery's advanced technology, development strategy and brand charm at close range. On April 17, they will reach Ningbo, the host city of the conference via Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge, and visit Ningbo Zhoushan Port to experience the dramatic changes of China. From April 18 to 20, they will attend a series of activities, including business seminar, test riding/driving, product survey and trade promotion, to share Chery's outcomes of overseas development and offer advice on Chery's overseas development.

    In 2019, Chery will continue to deepen its global strategy and overseas market operations, pool strength to achieve breakthrough in key markets, create a new "point-to-area" prospect and reach a new level.

    China has an agreeable climate in April. Let's meet in Ningbo on April 17 to witness the branded event of Chery. It is going to be a inspiring journey of global Chery colleagues.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 19:55
    China’s crude oil imports ease in March

    As per General Administration of Customs, China’s March crude oil imports were 39.34 million tonnes, or 9.26 million barrels per day, the lowest since October 2018, down by 9.4% from 10.23 million bpd in February but up 0.4% YoY with at least six Chinese state-owned refineries plan to close for maintenance in 2019 with the bulk of the closures occurring during the second quarter of the year before fuel demand peaks in the third quarter. The fall in imports also came after China’s stockpiling efforts for its strategic reserves eased in March in response to higher crude prices.

    For the first quarter, crude oil imports rose 8.2% from a year earlier to a record 121.17 million tonnes, or about 9.83 million bpd. That was 740,000 bpd more than the rate of 9.09 million bpd during the first quarter last year.

    Last month, refined fuel exports surged to 7.21 million tonnes, the highest monthly rate in Reuters records going back to 2012, a strong indication of growing domestic fuel surplus as privately owned Hengli Petrochemical’s 400,000-bpd plant reaches full operation.

    China’s total natural gas imports also eased amid warmer weather and the end of heating season. Gas arrivals via pipeline as well as liquefied natural gas cargoes were 6.94 million tonnes in March, down from February’s 7.57 million tonnes.

    Source : Reuters
  19. forum rang 10 voda 16 april 2019 20:10
    China copper concentrate imports in March fall MoM

    Reuters reported that General Administration of Customs data showed that China's copper concentrate imports fell 8% in March from the previous month. March arrivals of copper concentrate, or partially processed copper ore, were at 1.77 million tonnes. That is up 10.6% from the same month last year. The shipments were down compared to February's 1.93 million tonnes, which tied the record hit in September 2018 despite having only 28 days and including the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. China also imported 391,000 tonnes of unwrought copper (Anode, refined and semi-finished copper products) last month, up 25.7% from 311,000 tonnes in February and 26.5 % higher from March 2018.

    China's aluminium exports, meanwhile, rebounded from a two-year low in February and hit its second highest on record. The March aluminium exports were 546,000 tonnes, up 59% from 343,000 tonnes in February and up nearly 21% from 452,000 tonnes in March 2018.

    Source : Reuters
  20. forum rang 10 voda 17 april 2019 13:51
    China groeit harder dan verwacht

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) China is in het eerste kwartaal van 2019 in een iets hoger tempo dan verwacht gegroeid. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

    Het Chinese bruto binnenlands product steeg met 6,4 procent op jaarbasis, terwijl economen hadden gerekend op een groei van 6,3 procent. Vooral de fabrieken in China draaiden weer op volle toeren.

    Op kwartaalbasis bedroeg de groei in het afgelopen kwartaal 1,4 procent.

    Overigens groeide de Chinese economie in 2018 nog met 6,6 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
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