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  1. forum rang 10 voda 28 april 2020 12:11
    China zet Trump-adviseur weg als 'leugenaar'

    Gepubliceerd op 28 april 2020 11:48 | Views: 1.378

    PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - China heeft hard uitgehaald naar Peter Navarro, de economisch adviseur van de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump. Reden is Navarro's bewering dat China bewust de leveringen van essentiële persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen had tegengehouden.

    Een woordvoerder van het Chinese ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zette de adviseur weg als een consistente leugenaar zonder enige geloofwaardigheid.

    De spanningen tussen China en de Verenigde Staten lopen op als gevolg van de coronacrisis. De VS beschuldigen China er ook van te weinig te hebben gedaan om de uitbraak van het virus in te dammen. China spreekt de beschuldigingen van Navarro en ook eerdere soortgelijke berichten van de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlands Zaken Mike Pompeo tegen. Peking heeft nog niet op de beschuldigingen die door Trump werden geuit gereageerd.

    Trump zei dat er "serieus wordt onderzocht" op welke manier China verantwoordelijk is voor de verspreiding van het coronavirus. Hij zinspeelde daarnaast op mogelijke compensatie door China.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 29 april 2020 16:35
    Chinese Coking Coal Imports in March Dip By 8%

    China Customs Statistics data shows that China's coking coal imports fell 8.1% year on year to 5.64 million tonnes in March mainly due to a decline in the inflow from major suppliers Mongolia and Russia, Imports from Mongolia plunged by 98.5% year on year to 49,580 tonnes in March while imports from Russia tumbled 11.4% year on year to 369,862 tonnes. But imports from Australia surged 96.36% year on year to 4.37 million tonnes in March. Although March coking coal imports fell year on year, China's total coking coal imports in January-March 2020 saw an increase as China imported 20.80 million tonnes of coking coal, up 26.7%. The increase in import volumes could be due to the cost competitiveness of imported coals compared to domestically produced coals.

    Meanwhile, China imported 64,059 tonnes of metallurgical coke in March, a 201% spike year on year, with Japanese coke leading the way at 27,526 tonnes. On the other hand, China exported 324,361 tonnes of coke in March, down 45.90% on the year. While coke exports saw a significant decline, the Chinese market was flooded with different origins of coke from countries such as Japan, South Korea and Poland, which had been seeking homes in China's spot market. The surge in Chinese coke imports and decline in coke exports could be due to weak global demand for coke in markets outside of China. Global demand for coke has been weak following production cuts on the back of lockdowns across many countries. In addition, many coke cargoes not required by end-users globally were sold into the Chinese market at discounts.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 30 april 2020 07:45
    Kleine groeivertraging Chinese industrie

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese industrie is in april wat minder hard gegroeid dan in maart, toen het land herstelde van de enorme coronaklap in februari, en de dienstensector voerde het groeitempo afgelopen maand nog wat op. Dit bleek donderdag uit overheidscijfers.

    De inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie daalde van 52,0 naar 50,8. In februari noteerde de index echter nog op een dieptepunt van 35,7.

    De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector in China steeg wel verder, van 52,3 naar 53,2. In februari noteerde deze index op 29,6.

    Een indexstand groter dan 50 wijst op groei, terwijl minder dan 50 krimp betekent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 30 april 2020 16:56
    Economic Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak in China – Mr Frank Zhong

    Worldsteel’s Chief Representative Beijing Office & Advisor on Economics, Raw Materials and Markets Mr Frank Zhong wrote that “The situation in China has improved dramatically since mid-February. Most provinces haven’t reported any new domestic infections for more than six weeks. However, it is still not clear when the virus will be fully contained due to the risk of imported cases carried by travellers arriving into China. In this context, little by little, our lives are starting to get back to normal here in China. Although we are still very cautious and methodically apply social distancing and wear masks both at work and outdoors, most Chinese people strongly believe that the worst is behind us. Amidst this growing confidence, the Chinese government has called for a swift resumption of operations in most sectors to manage the slowdown of the economy. By the last week of April, all construction and industrial sectors have resumed normal operation but some service sectors such as catering and tourism are still suffering from significantly reduced demand.”

    He wrote “According to Chinese media, more than 130 employees belonging to Chinese steel companies have been infected, although this is yet to be fully confirmed. Of these infections, approximately 90% occurred in steel plants in Hubei province, where the epidemic originated within China, and another 5% of the infections occurred in Tangshan, the largest steelmaking region in China. This means very few infections were reported in the major steel-producing regions in China.”

    He wrote “Raw materials supply for most steelmakers was very limited in February due to the restrictions on the transportation systems across the country, especially road and waterborne transportation. Some regions even blocked almost all road transportation, meaning that truck drivers and workers were unable to return to work during February. Since the middle of March, the logistics bottleneck has gradually eased, and raw materials supply, as well as delivery of finished steel products, has been back to normal since early April. Thanks to raw materials stocks, China’s crude steel production in the first quarter of 2020 did not decrease as one might have expected, but increased by 1.2% YoY.”

    He said “All steel-using sectors have been heavily impacted by the virus. However, the construction sector suffered the most as almost all projects had been suspended from the last week of January.”

    He added “The disruption of public transport systems across the country further exacerbated the situation. The situation improved quickly from early March as travel restrictions were gradually lifted, but a significant contraction in all steel using sectors can be seen in the government’s latest statistics for Q1. This includes a 6.8% contraction in GDP, a 7.7% contraction in real estate investment, a 19.7% contraction in infrastructure investment, a 17.2% contraction in mechanical engineering, a 44.6% contraction in motor vehicle production, a -28.5% contraction in ship deliveries and a 27.9% contraction in air conditioner production.”

    He said “By 14 April, more than 94% of migrant workers had returned to work, according to the Chinese government. Consequently, by the last week of April, most construction and industrial sectors were operating at normal levels. However, capacity utilisation in some steel using sectors has not returned to the pre-COVID-19 level as domestic steel demand is still picking up and is coupled with reduced demand from outside China.”

    He wrote “The business-as-usual steel output, together with reduced demand has led to a sharp uptake in stock-building. According to the China Iron and Steel Association and Mysteel, the total steel stocks held by steel producers and distributers accounted for more than 55 Mt at the end of March, which is the highest on record and was 160% higher than the level recorded at the end of December 2019. Many steelmakers have had to resort to using external storage space. As a response to this, from late February, most steelmakers began to reduce production levels. About 73 blast furnaces (77 Mt/a) owned by 47 steelmakers have halted production as of 21 February.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  5. [verwijderd] 30 april 2020 22:33
    Gefrustreerde WHO-chef spreekt: ’China weigert ons’

    LONDEN - De vaste vertegenwoordiger van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) in China, dr. Gauden Galea, stelt dat het land herhaaldelijk heeft geweigerd om onafhankelijke onderzoekers mee te laten werken aan het achterhalen van de herkomst van het nieuwe coronavirus.

    Vreselijke lui, die chinezen.
  6. [verwijderd] 30 april 2020 22:39
    Geely at a Glance
    Geely Auto Group is a leading automobile manufacturer based in Hangzhou, China and was founded in 1997 as a subsidiary of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group. Geely Auto Group sells vehicles under the Geely Auto brand and holds a 50% stake in the LYNK & CO brand.

    The company employs more than 50,000 people, operates 12 vehicle manufacturing plants, 9 powertrain plants, 6 knockdown kit plants, and manufactures vehicles under the Geely Auto brand. Geely vehicles are sold through a network of over 850 dealerships in China and some 350 sales and service outlets in overseas markets. The company, listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange, saw its sales volume increase to 765,000 units in 2016 with 2017 sales goal set at 1.1 million units. In 2017, Geely Auto Group sold over 1,247,000 units, an increase of 63% from 2016. The success has prompted Geely Auto Group to set its 2018 sales volume target to 1.58 million units .

    Op hun website de 2018 target. Zo lachwekkend.
  7. [verwijderd] 30 april 2020 22:44
    Geely Worldwide
    16 apr.
    Zhang Daoling, the legendary founder of the 'Way of the Celestial Masters' sect, a branch of Taoism, lived as a hermit for many years in the mountains of Sichuan, China.
    If he can do it, so can you.

  8. [verwijderd] 1 mei 2020 07:47
    Trump: ’Overtuigend bewijs gezien dat virus uit lab in Wuhan komt’

    De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump stelt dat hij ,,overtuigend bewijs" onder ogen heeft gehad waaruit blijkt dat het coronavirus afkomstig is uit een laboratorium in de Chinese stad Wuhan. Dat zei hij donderdag op een persconferentie. Ook dreigde de president nieuwe importheffingen op Chinese waren in te voeren.

    ,,Het is vreselijk wat er gebeurd is", aldus Trump, die eerder kritiek uitte op China over de reactie van de overheid op de uitbraak van het coronavirus. ,,Of ze hebben een fout gemaakt, of het is begonnen met een fout waarna ze er nog één gemaakt hebben, of heeft iemand iets expres gedaan?"

    Trump zei ook dat hij dankzij het bewijs dat hij heeft ingezien er vrijwel zeker van is dat het lab in Wuhan de oorsprong van de virusuitbraak is. De president weigerde details te geven over de informatie die hem dat doet geloven. Dat zou volgens hem nog niet mogelijk zijn, omdat verder onderzoek naar het lab nog loopt.

    De Amerikaanse inlichtingengemeenschap heeft vastgesteld dat het virus niet door mensen is gemaakt of genetisch gemodificeerd. Dat maakte het hoofd van de gemeenschap, die uit zeventien diensten bestaat, donderdag bekend. De inlichtingendiensten doen verder onderzoek naar de oorsprong van het virus. Daaruit moet blijken of de uitbraak ontstond door contact met besmette dieren of dat die een gevolg was van een ongeluk in het laboratorium in Wuhan.

    In Wuhan dook het longvirus eind vorig jaar voor het eerst op. De miljoenenstad ging twee maanden op slot om verspreiding tegen te gaan. Het Wuhan Instituut voor Virologie, het lab waar de uitbraak volgens Trump ontstond, heeft de aantijgingen ontkend.
  9. [verwijderd] 2 mei 2020 10:42
    China begint wild om zich heen te slaan waarom?

    Terwijl wereldwijd de roep om een onafhankelijk onderzoek naar de corona-uitbraak in Wuhan aanzwelt, bijt de Chinese overheid steeds feller van zich af. Diplomatieke banden en de wereldhandel staan erdoor onder druk.
    Door alle kritiek komt China in toenemende mate alleen te staan. De felheid waarmee Peking naar buiten treedt, helpt niet mee. Volgens China sluiten Australische politici zich aan bij een Amerikaanse 'hetze tegen China'. De Chinese ambassadeur dreigde met een boycot op Australische wijn, universiteiten en rundvlees. Ook zei hij dat Chinese toeristen mogelijk zullen wegblijven.
  10. [verwijderd] 2 mei 2020 11:03
    China moet gewoon keihard aangepakt worden, of het gebeurd???

    Commentary from state media, meanwhile, echoed Cheng’s view that Australia should not antagonize a crucial trade partner. Australia “is a bit like chewing gum stuck on the sole of China’s shoes,” influential Global Times editor Hu Xijin wrote on Weibo, a major social media platform in China. “Sometimes you have to find a stone to rub it off.”
  11. forum rang 10 voda 4 mei 2020 09:17
    Beurs Hongkong onderuit door spanningen VS en China

    Gepubliceerd op 4 mei 2020 08:08 | Views: 2.509

    TOKIO (AFN) - In Hongkong, waar beleggers terugkeerden na een lang weekeinde, ging de beurs maandag hard onderuit. De vrees dat het handelsconflict tussen de Verenigde Staten en China weer zal oplaaien zorgde voor een negatieve stemming. De beurshandel verliep verder relatief rustig aangezien de belangrijke financiële markten in Tokio en Shanghai dicht bleven. De Chinese beurs gaat woensdag open en in Japan wordt donderdag pas weer gehandeld. Volgens mediaberichten zal de Japanse premier Shinzo Abe maandag de noodtoestand in het land verlengen tot eind mei.

    De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump verklaarde afgelopen vrijdag bewijs te hebben dat het coronavirus afkomstig is uit een laboratorium in de Chinese stad Wuhan en zinspeelde op nieuwe handelstarieven tegen China. Ook de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Mike Pompeo gaf China zondag de schuld van de pandemie.

    De Hang Seng-index in Hongkong noteerde tussentijds 4 procent in de min. In Seoul, waar de markten afgelopen vrijdag ook gesloten waren, zakte de Kospi 2,4 procent. Vanuit Noord-Korea zijn zondag bij de grensovergang meerdere kogels afgevuurd op een Zuid-Koreaanse bewakingspost. Volgens de Amerikaanse minister Pompeo is dat waarschijnlijk per ongeluk gebeurd. De Australische All Ordinaries in Sydney toonde wat herstel en klom 1,4 procent na het zware koersverlies van 5 procent op vrijdag.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 4 mei 2020 16:37
    China Steel PMI in April Improves to 45.9

    China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing’s China Steel Logistics Committee announced that the purchasing managers index for the Chinese steel sector was at 45.9 percent in April this year,, up 3.7 percentage points as compared to March as China took measures to stimulate resumption of production and construction activities, demand from downstream users improved, exerting a positive impact on steel production and inventory consumption. In April, the production index for the Chinese steel sector increased by 14.1 percentage points compared to the previous month to 53.4 percent. Meanwhile, in April the sub-index for new orders in the steel sector saw a rise of 1.4 percentage points month on month to 39.9 percent. The new export orders index indicated a slight increase of 0.5 percentage points month on month to 27.8 percent, but it has been lower than 30 percent for two consecutive months amid slack demand from overseas markets due to the ongoing negative impact from the coronavirus pandemic worldwide and high competition in the international market. In the given month, due to better demand from downstream users, the finished steel inventory index decreased to 38.8 percent, down 2.8 percentage points month on month. At the same time, the purchase price index of raw materials in the Chinese steel sector stood at 40.6 percent, indicating a drop of 0.1 percentage point month on month. Nevertheless, the steel industry PMI has not returned to the 50 mark, signaling that consumption is still not sufficiently high.

    As for May, CSLC has forecast that demand for steel will continue to improve, though demand in southern China will likely slacken due to the coming rainy weather. Moreover, infrastructure will speed up, which will stimulate demand for rebar and wire rod, while demand for flat steel will not be as good as for long steel.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 4 mei 2020 16:56
    Operating Conditions Deteriorate Slightly in April - Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI

    After broadly stabilising in March, operating conditions across China's manufacturing sector weakened slightly in April. The recent easing of measures to halt the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic underpinned a further rise in output. However, the impact of the virus globally led to a substantial drop in export sales, which drove a further decline in total new work. Weaker demand conditions prompted firms to reduce their staff numbers and input buying. At the same time, companies reported moderate falls in both input costs and selling prices. The headline seasonally adjusted Purchasing Managers Index, a composite indicator designed to provide a single-figure snapshot of operating conditions in the manufacturing economy, slipped from 50.1 in March to 49.4 in April, to indicate a renewed deterioration in operating conditions. That said, the decline was marginal and much softer than the record pace seen in February when many firms closed down to stem the spread of the virus.

    Key findings
    Output continues to recover, albeit at a mild pace...
    ...but total new work declines again as export sales plummet
    Input costs and output charges both fall
    Data were collected 7-22 April 2020

    Chinese manufacturers signalled a back-to-back monthly rise in production after a record decline in February, as more firms reopened and were able to increase capacity. That said, the rate of expansion remained marginal overall.

    Meanwhile, total new orders fell for the third month running at the start of the second quarter. The modest drop in overall new business was largely driven by weaker foreign demand, according to underlying data. New export business fell at the steepest rate since December 2008, as the COVID-19 pandemic led to temporary lockdowns and business closures across the globe.

    Reduced amounts of new work led firms to cut their staff numbers again in April. Furthermore, the rate of job shedding quickened from March. Backlogs of work meanwhile rose further as firms continued to process orders from previous months, though the rate of accumulation eased for the second month in a row.

    The weaker order book trend also prompted firms to reduce their purchasing activity. Greater usage of current stocks meanwhile led to a further decline in inventories of inputs, though the rate of contraction was only fractional.

    Although the time taken for inputs to be delivered to manufacturers continued to lengthen in April, the rate at which vendor performance deteriorated was only modest. Where delays were recorded, they were generally attributed to shortages at suppliers and virus-related travel restrictions.

    A combination of increased production and difficulties in delivering products to clients led to a further rise in stocks of finished goods. That said, the rate of expansion remained marginal.

    Average input costs fell at the quickest rate in over four years in April amid reports of lower raw material prices. Output charges also declined as firms sought to remain competitive and attract sales.

    Concerns over the longevity and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on global demand weighed on business confidence at the start of the second quarter. Optimism regarding the 12-month outlook for output dipped to a four-month low in April.

    Commenting on the China General Manufacturing PMI data, Dr. Zhengsheng Zhong, Chairman and Chief Economist at CEBM Group said “The Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI returned to contractionary territory in April, coming in at 49.4. China’s economic recovery was hindered by shrinking foreign demand,
    1. While manufacturing output expanded at a faster clip, export orders plunged amid sluggish demand. The output subindex rose further into expansionary territory, the bestperforming among the five PMI subindexes and the only one above 50, reflecting further resumption of work. The gauge for new export orders dropped back sharply to a level lower than that in February, pointing to a sharp contraction in foreign demand amid the coronavirus pandemic. The subindex for total new orders worsened slightly from a relatively low level the previous month, amid shrinking overseas demand compounded by limited recovery in domestic consumption.
    2. Amid rapid production recovery and falling demand, inventories of finished goods increased relatively fast, and growth in work backlogs continued to slow. The subindexes for stocks of purchased items and suppliers1 delivery times continued to recover despite staying in negative territory, reflecting the fact that manufacturers were well prepared for production.
    3. Prices of industrial products continued to fall. Amid a plunge in global oil prices, input costs dropped markedly. The gauges for input costs and output prices had the same reading in April. Meanwhile, downward pressure on the prices of raw materials including glass and steel grew amid large inventories and limited demand recovery.
    4. Both the gauges for business confidence and employment dropped. Unlike in February and March, manufacturers1 confidence was not high in April as the coronavirus's hard hit on external demand forced them to reassess the pandemic's impact: the economic shock may be greater than previously thought, and it may take longer for the economy to recover. Amid sluggish demand, employment contracted at a steeper rate.
    To sum up, the sharp fall in export orders seriously hindered China’s economic recovery in April, although businesses were gradually getting back to work. Amid the second shockwave from the pandemic, the problems of low business confidence, shrinking employment and large inventories of industrial raw materials became more serious. A package of macroeconomic policies, as suggested in the April 17 Politburo meeting, must be implemented urgently. It is particularly necessary to aid weak links including small and midsize enterprises and personal incomes. ”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 4 mei 2020 18:57
    'Automaker Nissan mikt in nieuwe strategie op VS, China en Japan'

    Gepubliceerd op 4 mei 2020 18:09 | Views: 364

    TOKIO (AFN) - De Japanse automaker Nissan wil zich in de toekomst meer richten op thuisland Japan en 's werelds grootste automarkten China en de Verenigde Staten. Dat meldde persbureau Reuters op basis van ingewijden. Onderdeel van de nieuwe strategie is ook een gedeeltelijke terugtrekking uit Europa.

    Volgens de bronnen wordt de nieuwe strategie op 28 mei gepresenteerd. Het plan gaat in tegen het eerdere idee van oud-topman Carlos Ghosn die juist wereldwijde expansie van het merk wilde. In het driejarenplan gaat de aandacht verder uit naar het verbeteren van de winstgevendheid en het aanhalen van de banden met dealers.

    De strategie lijkt er ook op gericht om de concurrentie met partners Mitsubishi en Renault te verminderen en de samenwerking uit te breiden. Zo gaat Nissan met Mitsubishi aan de slag met plug-in technologie. Daarbij ligt voor Mitsubishi vooral een rol weggelegd in kleinere markten in Azië, anders dan China en Japan. Het Franse merk Renault zou zich juist op elektrificatie in Europa gaan richten. Nissan zal proberen zijn aanwezigheid in Europa te behouden door in te zetten op zijn cross-over SUV's Qashqai en Juke.

    Het afronden van de strategie wordt bemoeilijkt door de coronacrisis. De maatregelen om de verspreiding van het virus te voorkomen zitten onder meer de verkopen van auto's dwars.
  15. s.lin 6 mei 2020 17:10
    China Considers Dropping Numerical GDP Growth Target for 2020
    Bloomberg News
    6 mei 2020

    China’s leaders are considering the option of not setting a numerical target for economic growth this year given the uncertainty caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, according to people familiar with the matter.

    What may instead be unveiled at the upcoming National People’s Congress later this month is a description of the goal for gross domestic product growth, one of the people said. Last year the target was a range of between 6% and 6.5%.

    A final decision hasn’t been made on how to characterize the target, the people said, who asked not to be identified discussing confidential policy deliberations. The government work report, which usually contains the GDP target, is typically revised repeatedly in the lead up to the conference.

    The world’s second-largest economy is on track for its worst performance in the post-Mao era, as the impact of shutdowns to curb the disease outbreak at home is compounded by a slump in global demand as the pandemic spreads. That has left the leadership with the choice of setting an uncomfortably low growth target, an unrealistically high one, or skipping it altogether.

    Such a move would free up policy makers from the obligation to issue significant stimulus to meet a certain growth level as long as employment remains stable. While China has announced credit easing policies, tax breaks and additional spending plans, the efforts are still targeted and more moderate compared with other major economies. The leadership’s caution is driven by fears of another debt blowout after total borrowing ballooned after the global financial crisis.

    Full-year economic growth will likely slow to 1.8%, according to the median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg. It’d be the first time for Chinese leaders not to issue a numerical growth target in at least two decades.

    The State Council Information Office referred questions on the growth target to the National Development and Reform Commission, which did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The State Council typically leads the drafting of the work report.

    Some economists, including central bank adviser Ma Jun, have publicly advocated scrapping the numerical goal because of the pressure it puts on policy makers. The nation’s top leaders also softened their tone on the importance of meeting specific growth targets at a Politburo meeting last month.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 7 mei 2020 06:58
    Chinese dienstensector krimpt minder hard

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in april gekrompen, maar ook nu in een minder hoog tempo. Dit bleek donderdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

    De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector steeg van 43,0 in maart naar 44,4 in april. In februari noteerde de index nog op 26,5.

    "Het herstel is ook in april nog beperkt", constateerde econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van CEBM.

    Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 8 mei 2020 07:31
    VS en China beloven meer samenwerking - media

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Amerikaanse- en Chinese onderhandelaars werken momenteel hard aan de implementatie van de eerder afgesproken handelsafspraken. Dit meldde het Chinese staatspersbureau Xinhua vrijdag.

    De Chinese vice-premier Liu He sprak deze ochtend met de Amerikaanse handelsvertegenwoordiger Robert Lighthizer en minister van Financiën Steven Mnuchin, aldus het persbureau.

    De twee landen spraken af om meer samen te werken op het vlak van economie en gezondheidszorg.

    Ook willen ze gunstige omstandigheden creëren om de in januari overeengekomen handelsdeal te kunnen implementeren. Daartoe spraken de twee landen ook af beter met elkaar te communiceren.

    China stemde eerder al in om in twee jaar tijd voor 200 miljard dollar aan extra Amerikaanse producten en diensten in te voeren.

    Analisten wijzen er evenwel op dat de corona-uitbraak het Beijing moeilijk maakt om dat ook te realiseren.

    Dit laatste leidde tot dreigementen van de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump om de handelsdeal op te zeggen.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    © Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 11 mei 2020 16:00
    China’s Steel Exports & Import Numbers for April 2020

    According to the latest statistics from General Administration of Customs, China’s steel exports in April 2020 totalled 6.32 million tonnes, almost flat from the 6.33 million tonnes shipped in April 2019. In the January-April 2020, China exported 20.60 million tonnes of finished steel, down 11.7 percent year on year. On the other hand, China imported 1.01 million tonnes of finished steel in April 2020, down 11.5 percent compared to 1.11 million tonnes in March 2020. Overall imports amounted to 4.18 million tonnes in the January-April 2020, increasing by 7.4 percent year on year. The firm demand in the local Chinese market contributed to high China's imports of steel in the January-April period, while imports are expected to increase further in the May-June period

    According to the latest statistics from General Administration of Customs, China’s iron ore imports in April 2020 totalled 97.27 million tonnes as compared to of 85.91 million tonnes in March 2020 and 80.77 million tonnes in April 2019. Chinese demand for ore has been fuelled by mills ramping up production on an early recovery in construction activity and expectations that more government stimulus for infrastructure will revive consumption. In the first four months of the year, China brought in 360 million tonnes of iron ore, up 5.8% from 340.21 million tonnes in the same period in 2019.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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AMG 971 133.345
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.690
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 14.999
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 382
Arcadis 252 8.776
Arcelor Mittal 2.033 320.709
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.302
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.739
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.102
ASML 1.766 107.269
ASR Nederland 21 4.486
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.673
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392