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Kerncentrale Japan explodeert.

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  1. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 10:16
    Nieuwe ontwikkeling bij reactor 3(plutonium) volgens CNBC komt er zwarte rook uit, brandweeris teruggetrokken.
    Zwarte rook ze weten niet waten hoe het komt, ikzelf zit te denken smelten en verbranden stalen omhulling, dan zijn de rapen gaar.

  2. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 11:00

    zzzaai schreef op 21 maart 2011 02:13:

    Geen recessie in Japan, aldus Kees Maas

    Net in Buitenhof gesprek met die man, geen woord over radioactieve besmetting
    Nee, want hij zit tot zn nek ik Japan met ING

    Die vogel is echt niet fris, net als de bonussen van ING
    Warren Buffet ziet Japan nu ook als koopkans. Maar ja, zzzaai ziet zichzelf ook vast als een betere belegger dan Warren Buffet. Zzzaai, onze nieuwe nationale angstzzzaaier.

  3. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 11:08
    Waha, de waarheid is hard he

    Ik beleg helemaal niet, afgezien van mijn boterham, ik zit hier alleen voor de mondiale economie, en propageer duurzame energie


    ps, dat zei WB bij zijn bezoek aan zuid korea< wat een held op sokken
  4. forum rang 8 Beperktedijkbewaking 21 maart 2011 12:31

    Februarihausse2011 schreef op 21 maart 2011 10:16:

    Nieuwe ontwikkeling bij reactor 3(plutonium) volgens CNBC komt er zwarte rook uit, brandweeris teruggetrokken.
    Zwarte rook ze weten niet waten hoe het komt, ikzelf zit te denken smelten en verbranden stalen omhulling, dan zijn de rapen gaar.
    Plutonimum... Dat is het schrikwoord hier. Een halveringstijd van vele duizenden jaren. Dat moet dus schrik aanboezemen?

    Snap nu eens dat elementen met een veel kortere halveringstijd veel gevaarlijker zijn, omdat ze op KT een hogere stralingsintensiteit geven.

    Maar ja: maken jullie je maar druk. De echte ramp is al gebeurd. Niet interessant meer, net als de ramp bij New Orleans. Dat is maar 'de natuur'.

    Het is echt niet te geloven. Daar in New Orleans werd de sociale opbouw van woonhuizen en woonwijken overgelaten aan kerken en hun parochies. Aan 'social centres'.

    Een groter verschil met West-Europa kan je je niet voorstellen. Ik ben echt niet anti-Amerikaans, het zijn onze oudste bondgenoten (sinds 1790 ofzo), maar als het om een enigszins sociale opbouw van het land gaat zijn het analfabeten.
    En dan zwijg ik nog maar van die zg. tea-parties. Ik geloof soms dat ik me bij orthodoxe Mohammedanen meer thuis voel...
    God, wat een a-sociale hufters zijn Amerikanen soms.

    Maar goed. Het gaat om een 'melt-down', in het ergste geval, wat dat ook moge betekenen. Daar maakt men zich dus druk om.
    Mag ik er om lachen??

    Het is ter plaatse niet veilig. OK, maar bij andere 'vulkanen' van 2010 ook niet. O ja, die contaminatie. Vreselijk, over 2 maanden komen containers hier aan met veel meer dan de gewone gifstoffen.

    Gelooft u het zelf? Dan hebben we onze controleurs toch nog?

    Wie dat niet gelooft moet niet meer handelen...
  5. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 14:12
    Work to restore power halted as smoke seen at reactors
    TOKYO, March 21, Kyodo

    Work to connect power cables to the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors was temporarily halted Monday at the crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, after smoke rose from the buildings housing the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors, the plant operator said.

    Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it had briefly evacuated its workers after grayish and blackish smoke was spotted at the southeast of the No. 3 reactor building around 3:55 p.m. above a pool storing spent nuclear fuel, though a blast was not heard.

    The smoke stopped after 6 p.m., but TEPCO subsequently found that white smoke was rising through a crack in the roof of the building that houses the No. 2 reactor at around 6:20 p.m. The utility said later the smoke is believed to be steam, not from the reactor's fuel pool.

    The Tokyo Fire Department stopped spraying water for the day after the smoke rose from the No. 3 reactor building. It will suspend the operation until safety at the site is confirmed, it said, adding whether it will resume on Tuesday remains undecided at present.

    The government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said no injuries were confirmed in the incidents and that there have been no major changes in the radiation levels at the site.

    Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for the nuclear safety agency, said the causes of the smoke billowing from the No. 2 and No. 3 reactor buildings remain unknown and that work to resuscitate power and cooling systems at the troubled reactors will be delayed by one day.

    As the No. 3 reactor remains without power, smoke was not apparently triggered by an electricity leak or short-circuiting, Nishiyama said.

    Following a magnitude 9.0 quake and ensuing tsunami on March 11, the cooling functions failed at the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 reactors and their cores are believed to have partially melted.

    At present, coolant water is being pumped into the three reactors and the pools for spent nuclear fuel rods at the No. 3 and No. 4 units. The roofs and upper walls of the buildings that house the No. 1, No. 3 and No. 4 reactors have been blown off by hydrogen explosions.

    On Sunday, pressure in the No. 3 reactor's containment vessel temporarily rose but later stabilized.

    Before the smoke was detected, external power had reached the power-receiving facilities of the No. 2 and No. 5 reactors on Sunday, clearing the way for the plant operator to restore systems to monitor radiation levels and other data, light the control rooms and cool down the reactors and their spent-fuel storage pools.

    On Monday, TEPCO finished laying cables to transmit electricity to the No. 4 reactor, as a step toward resuscitating the power systems at the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors, according to the utility and the nuclear agency.

    The plant operator was also trying to restore a ventilation system to filter radioactive substances from the air and some measuring equipment at the control room of the No. 2 reactor, but this mission remained uncompleted due to the temporary evacuation.

    The revival of some functions of the control room would help improve working conditions, according to the nuclear agency.

    It may take more time before the vital cooling system is restored at the No. 2 reactor, the containment vessel of which suffered damage to its pressure-suppression chamber, as some replacement parts are needed for the electrical system, the agency added.

    In Vienna on Monday, International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano told a special meeting of its board of governors that the situation at the Fukushima plant ''remains serious, but we are starting to see some positive developments.''

    Amano, who made an emergency trip to Japan last week, said the IAEA will ''continue to do everything in its power to help Japan to overcome'' the crisis at the power station on the Pacific coast of Fukushima Prefecture, around 220 kilometers northeast of Tokyo.

    Earlier Monday, members of the Self-Defense Forces and firefighters sprayed massive coolant water at the spent-fuel pools of the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors to lower the temperature in the fuel tanks from outside their damaged buildings.

    The government is also preparing SDF tanks, to remove rubble emitting high-level radiation from around the reactors that has hampered water-spraying operations, as well as two German-made trucks with a concrete squeeze pump and a 50-meter arm to pour water from a higher point.

    The trucks were provided by a construction company in Mie Prefecture. The firm says the heavy equipment is the same type of machinery as that used in efforts to resolve the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear crisis.

    The nuclear agency, meanwhile, said one of seven workers who were injured following a March 14 hydrogen explosion at the No. 3 reactor was found to have been exposed to radiation amounting to over 150 millisievert per hour.

    The level is lower than the maximum limit of 250 millisievert per hour set by the health ministry for workers tackling the emergency at the Fukushima plant.

    TEPCO and the nuclear agency said the height of a tsunami that submerged key functions at the Fukushima plant is believed to have reached 14 meters, much higher than the 5.7 meters that the utility had factored in before the disaster struck the power station.

  6. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 14:41
    Weerbericht voor Japan gaat roet in het eten gooien, morgen gaat de wind richting zuid en komt Tokio in de radioactieve wolk te liggen.

    Arme mensen, wat een paniek zal komen.
  7. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 15:25
    The level is lower than the maximum limit of 250 millisievert per hour set by the health ministry for workers tackling the emergency at the Fukushima plant.

    Er zijn normen opgesteld voor de straling die mensen extra mogen ontvangen boven de achtergrondstraling.

    Voor gezonde volwassen mensen is dat 1 mSv per jaar over het hele lichaam gedurende vijf achtereenvolgende jaren.
    Voor kinderen is de norm veel lager.
    Voor zwangere vrouwen gelden aparte normen. In de eerste week geldt een alles-of-niets effect: het embryo sterft of overleeft de bestraling zonder schade. In de tweede tot de vijftiende week worden de organen gevormd en dan is de kans op misvormingen zeer groot.
    De drempel voor schade wordt dan geschat op 50 mSv.

    Voor werkers op een radiologisch laboratorium geldt een hogere norm van 100 mSv per 5 jaar.

    Om een indruk te krijgen van enkele ordes van grootte, volgen hier eerst wat getallen. In Nederland ontvangen we uit verschillende bronnen gemiddeld zo'n 2,5 mSv per jaar:

    uit de kosmos 0,3 mSv
    uitwendig uit de aarde 0,4 mSv
    inwendig via voedsel 0,4 mSv
    door inademen van radon 0,9 mSv
    ten gevolge van Tsjernobyl 0,02 mSv
    door tv kijken 0,02 mSv
    Bij het maken van een röntgenfoto van een gebroken been ontvang je 1 mSv, bij een thoraxfoto 0,1 mSv. Verder ontvang je tijdens twee weken skiën 0,02 mSv en tijdens een vliegreis 0,005 mSv per uur.

  8. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 20:20
    Tokio - In de kerncentrale van Fukushima werken al jaren daklozen, minderjarigen en ongeschoolde gastarbeiders.
    Dat beweert correspondent Robert Hetkämper, die al jaren voor de Duitse omroep ARD verslag doet vanuit Japan. De centrale is zwaarbeschadigd geraakt na de vernietigende tsunami van 11 maart.

    In Fukushima zouden zogenaamde 'wegwerpwerknemers' werken. "Zodra ze zoveel straling hadden opgelopen dat er een gezondheidsrisico was, werden ze ontslagen en vervangen door anderen," zegt Hetkämper.

    Artsen uit de regio zouden het verhaal van
    Hetkämper bevestigen. Eigenaar Tepco van de rampcentrale ontkent de beschuldigingen met klem. Het bedrijf kwam al eerder in opspraak wegens nalatigheid en het verzwijgen van veiligheidsrisico's.

    Lijkt de twilight zone wel.

  9. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 21:22

    + schreef op 19 maart 2011 19:43:

    Eib schreef 12 mrt 2011 om 13:24

    "Nou hoop ik dat onze regering op haar schreden terugkeert om door te zetten met haar onzalig idee van kerncentrales.
    Waar halen rechtse mensen toch het idee van dat kerncentrales een reeele optie zijn? Ik vind het de grootste waanzin van na WO-II. Welke idioten hebben ooit het idee gehad om kerncentrales op de aarde neer te zetten?
    Al 30 jaar begrijp ik er helemaal niets van.
    Waarschijnlijk moet ik bij de volgende verkiezingen links stemmen (vreselijk).
    Ik kan me hier echt heel kwaad overmaken, over zoveel domheid."

    Kernenergie is veilig, schoon en goedkoop maar verdwijnt door Fukushima helaas weer uit beeld.

    "+" bedankt voor je uitgebreid commentaar.

    Ik vind dus kernenergie niet veilig, absoluut niet schoon en goedkoop is maar de vraag.

    Mijn vingers jeuken om hier heel uitgebreid op te antwoorden maar het is allemaal zo zinloos.

    Ik heb gewaarschuwd voor de negatieve effecten van de HRA in de jaren 90 maar niemand wilde toen luisteren. Nu eindelijk zijn toch veel economen het met mij eens.
    Ik heb al heel lang gewaarschuwd dat het totaal fout gaat met de pensioenen maar natuurlijk luistert niemand. Er is al 700 miljard "verdwenen".
    Ik ben al heel lang tegen kernenergie en heb sindsdien al 3 rampen meegemaakt. Deze eeuw volgen er zeker nog 2.
    Iedereen lacht mij uit als ik zeg dat de huizen 60% in waarde gaan dalen. Ze doen maar. Maar de laatste voorstellen (110% lenen en 50% aflossen) moet natuurlijk naar 80% lenen en 100% aflossen. Tel daar de vergrijzing bij op en je zit zo op een daling van 60%.
    Kredietcrisis. Iedereen weet dat er maar 1 oplossing is en dat is afstempelen. De westerse wereld zit veel te diep in de schulden om ooit terug te betalen.
  10. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2011 21:51
    Ook verhoogde radioactiviteit in zeewater bij kerncentrale
    door Dirk-Jan Zom

    In zeewater vlakbij de kerncentrale in Fukushima zijn verhoogde radioactieve waarden gemeten, volgens de beheerder van de centrale Tepco. Het gaat om jodium en cesium, meldt AFP.
    De hoeveelheid Jodium zou 126.7 keer boven de wettelijk toegestane limiet liggen en de hoeveelheid cesium 24.8 keer. Volgens een woordvoerder van Tepco gaat het nog steeds om lage waarden die niet gevaarlijk zijn voor de volksgezondheid.

    Eerder al werden in spinazie en melk van boerderijen nabij de door de aardbeving en tsunami getroffen kerncentrale een verhoogde concentratie van radioactiviteit gevonden. Ook zijn sporen van radioactief jodium aangetroffen in het drinkwater in Tokio en in vijf andere gebieden. Die hoeveelheid jodium was niet hoger dan wettelijk toegestaan, afwijkend was dat er normaliter geen jodium in het drinkwater zit.

    De situatie in de kerncentrale verbetert langzaam, zo verklaarde premier Naoto Kan van Japan vanmorgen. Werknemers van de centrales slaagden er vandaag in om alle centrales weer aan te sluiten op het elektriciteitsnetwerk. Vanochtend was er nog wel even grijze rook te zien boven reactor 3. Het Internationale Atoom Energie Agentschap noemt de situatie nog steeds zeer ernstig.

  11. [verwijderd] 22 maart 2011 01:42
    Blindsided by Ferocity Unleashed by a Fault

    Published: March 21, 2011

    On a map of Japan that shows seismic hazards, the area around the prefecture of Fukushima is colored in green, signifying a fairly low risk, and yellow, denoting a fairly high one.

    But since Japan sits on the collision of several tectonic plates, almost all of the country lies in an earthquake-risk zone. Most scientists expected the next whopper to strike the higher-risk areas southwest of Fukushima, which are marked in orange and red.

    “Compared to the rest of Japan, it looks pretty safe,” said Christopher H. Scholz, a seismologist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, referring to the area hit worst by the quake on March 11. “If you were going to site a nuclear reactor, you would base it on a map like this.”

    Records kept for the past 300 years indicated that every few decades, part of the Japan trench, an offshore fault to the east of Fukushima, would break, generating an earthquake around magnitude 7.5, perhaps up to magnitude 8.0. While earthquakes that large would be devastating in many parts of the world, the Japanese have diligently prepared for them with stringent building codes and sea walls that are meant to hold back quake-generated tsunamis.

    Shinji Toda, a professor of geology at Kyoto University in Japan, said a government committee recently concluded that there was a 99 percent chance of a magnitude-7.5 earthquake in the next 30 years, and warned there was a possibility for an even larger magnitude-8.0 quake.

    So much for planning. Although Japan’s foresight probably saved tens of thousands of lives, it could not prevent the vast destruction of a magnitude-9.0 temblor, which releases about 30 times as much energy as a magnitude-8.0 quake. It was the largest ever recorded in Japan, and tied for fourth largest in the world since 1900. Thirty-foot tsunamis washed over the sea walls and swept inland for miles. The death toll is expected to be more than 20,000, and nearly 500,000 are now in shelters.

    “I was surprised,” Dr. Toda said. “Nobody expected magnitude 9.”

    This was not the first time scientists have underestimated the ferocity of an earthquake fault. Many were also caught by surprise by the magnitude-9.1 quake in 2004 off Sumatra, which set off tsunamis radiating across the Indian Ocean, killing more than 200,000 people.

    Sometimes, scientists are blindsided by earthquakes because they occur along undiscovered faults. The deadly earthquakes in New Zealand this year; in Haiti last year; in Northridge, Calif., in 1994; and in Santa Cruz, Calif., in 1989 all happened along faults that scientists were unaware of until the ground shook.

    “It’s shameful, but we’ve barely scratched the surface,” said Ross Stein, a geophysicist with the United States Geological Survey. In California, for instance, scientists have cataloged 1,400 faults, yet for smaller earthquakes — magnitude 6.7 or less — about one in three still occur on previously unknown faults.

    “Humbling,” Dr. Stein said.

    That raises a worrisome question: How many major quakes are lurking in underestimated or unknown faults?

    The basic dynamics of earthquakes have been understood for decades. Earth’s crust is broken into pieces — tectonic plates — which slide and collide. But the sliding is not always smooth. When the plates stick together, they begin to buckle. Stress builds until the ground breaks and jumps, releasing energy in the form of vibrations: an earthquake. Not surprisingly, places close to plate boundaries are beset by earthquakes, while those far from the boundaries are not earthquake-prone.

    The largest earthquakes occur in subduction zones, places where an ocean plate collides with and slides under a continental plate, particularly around the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

    But some subduction zones seemed to produce more large earthquakes than others. One explanation was offered in 1980, when Hiroo Kanamori of the California Institute of Technology and Larry J. Ruff, now at the University of Michigan, published a paper that said giant earthquakes occurred more often along ocean faults where the subducting ocean plates were geologically young. The younger plates, like those off Alaska and Chile, were warmer, less dense and harder to push down into the Earth’s mantle, their thinking went. Meanwhile, the older, colder and denser ocean plates like those off Java and the Marianas trench in the Pacific would sink more easily and not produce the giant catastrophic quakes.

    And yet the Pacific plate off Japan is 130 million years old, one of the oldest, and it generated a magnitude-9.0 counterexample. “It is not nearly as straightforward as I thought in the beginning,” Dr. Kanamori said.

    Dr. Scholz of Columbia said the recent quake in Japan fit with a theory that he and Jaime Campos of the University of Chile developed in 1995. By their theory, the colliding tectonic plates off Fukushima were stuck, and should have been producing earthquakes. But the absence of spectacular earthquakes in the near historic record disagreed with their theory, and led Dr. Scholz to believe that something unknown was relieving the stress.

    “Now we know we were wrong about that” and right in the first place, he said. “It does agree with the theory.”

  12. [verwijderd] 22 maart 2011 01:44
    Dr. Scholz said that patches of the Pacific plate off Fukushima become stuck as the plate moves under Japan. In the more modest earthquakes of the past 300 years, just one patch would break free. This time, he said, the patches ruptured together, producing a more cataclysmic quake. “The past 300 years, that hasn’t happened,” Dr. Scholz said. “So if you’re going to use the past history to extrapolate the future, the last 300 years wouldn’t have predicted the recent earthquake.”

    Even the notion of an earthquake fault — a long crack in the earth — is not quite as certain as it once was. Near Landers, Calif., seismologists had identified three faults, each capable of a magnitude-6.5 quake. Then, in 1992, an earthquake shook along all three faults at once, at a magnitude of 7.3.

    “This is a controversy through the field right now,” said Peter Bird, a professor of geology and geophysics at the University of California, Los Angeles,, “whether we can say we know the names and lengths of the faults.”

    In Japan’s history, there does seem to have been a precedent for the recent quake, but it took place more than a thousand years ago. A text known as “Nihon Sandai Jitsuoku,” or “The True History of Three Reigns of Japan,” described an earthquake in July 869 and a tsunami that flooded the plains of northeast Japan: “The sea soon rushed into the villages and towns, overwhelming a few hundred miles of land along the coast. There was scarcely any time for escape, though there were boats and the high ground just before them. In this way about 1,000 people were killed.”

    These were the same plains that were submerged this month. Analysis of sediments left by the 869 tsunami led to an estimate that the earthquake had a magnitude of 8.3.

    Brian F. Atwater, a geologist at the United States Geological Survey, said that a similar situation exists in the Pacific Northwest. Only in the past couple of decades have scientists realized that the seismic conditions of the Cascadia trench off Oregon had the potential to produce a huge earthquake. Warning systems have been built. Evacuation plans have been drawn up.

    Another worrisome subduction zone is the 2,000-mile Java trench in the Indian Ocean. Few earthquakes occur there. The ocean plate there is young, so Dr. Kanamori’s 1980 observations would suggest little likelihood of a great quake.

    But Robert McCaffrey, a research professor of geology at Portland State University, said he no longer believes that geophysicists can distinguish dangerous subduction zones from the not-so-dangerous ones. “We just don’t have a long enough earthquake history to make models of subduction,” he said.

    The only relevant characteristic, he said, is the length of the fault, and he sees the potential for a magnitude-9.6 earthquake in the Java trench. Indonesia, which has not built extensive sea walls and warning systems, would likely be very hard hit.

    “That’s my biggest fear,” Dr. McCaffrey said.

    Over the weekend, Dr. Scholz reread his 1995 paper and found that Java’s recent quiet did not fit with what his theory predicted. “It must be missing a very big one,” he said.

  13. [verwijderd] 22 maart 2011 13:39
    Radiation leaked into the sea from Japan’s crippled nuclear plant, raising concern that seafood may become tainted, while the site’s operator moved closer to restoring power to critical cooling pumps.

    Five kinds of radioactive materials released by damaged fuel rods were detected in the sea, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said on its website. Levels of Iodine-131, which increases the risk of thyroid cancer, were 127 times higher than normal in a sample of seawater taken yesterday, the company said.

    “You could swim in the water with these levels of Iodine-131, and there shouldn’t be a problem,” said Don Higson, a Sydney-based fellow at the Australian Radiation Protection Society. “The only risk might be if people eat seafood with these materials inside it and this will be something the authorities will be paying careful attention to.”

    Screening food for radiation is being stepped up as Japan seeks to calm a population that eats more fish than any other country other than China. Tokyo Electric said it expects to restore power to the buildings housing the plant’s first four reactors later today, a step toward getting cooling systems working again. Reactors No. 5 and 6 have electricity supply.

  14. [verwijderd] 22 maart 2011 14:07
    Na berichten van verhoogde aanwezigheid van radioactief jodium en cesium in het zeewater, heeft Japan aangekondigd de komende twee dagen uitgebreid onderzoek te zullen verrichten naar de effecten in zee. Donderdag zal het resultaat bekend worden gemaakt.

  15. [verwijderd] 22 maart 2011 14:08
    WENEN - Minuscule hoeveelheden van radioactieve deeltjes uit Japan hebben IJsland bereikt, als eerste land in Europa. Ze zijn ontdekt door een monitoringsysteem van de Verenigde Naties. Het VN-systeem Ctbto heeft 63 meetstations over de hele wereld om verboden atoomproeven op te sporen.

    'Het gaat om extreem kleine hoeveelheden', zei een medewerker vanuit het hoofdkantoor in Wenen. 'Het heeft niets te maken met gezondheidsrisico's'.

    Frankrijk verwacht woensdag de eerste Japanse deeltjes te meten. Het gaat daarbij om een hoeveelheid die duizend- tot tienduizendmaal onder de niveaus na het ongeval in Tsjernobyl bijna 25 jaar geleden.

    Vorige week hadden Amerikaanse diensten al gemeld dat ze radioactieve deeltjes uit Japan hadden aangetroffen. Ook de hoeveelheden die in Alaska en Canada zijn gemeten, zijn geen bedreiging voor de gezondheid, meldde de Verenigde Naties
  16. [verwijderd] 22 maart 2011 14:16
    All 6 Fukushima reactors reconnected to external power
    TOKYO, March 22, Kyodo

    All six reactors at the quake-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant were reconnected to external power, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Tuesday, although smoke detected at the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors the day before had temporarily hampered efforts to restore power and cool down spent nuclear fuel pools.

    Tokyo Electric said that it is also close to restoring lighting in the control room for the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors, a move that is expected to allow for more intensive work to bring the nuclear crisis under control and to restore the reactors' key cooling functions.

    Earlier in the day, industry minister Banri Kaieda acknowledged that the progress in electricity restoration is good news but added that the situation involving the reactors remains ''extremely tough.''

    The spokesman of the government's nuclear safety agency, Hidehiko Nishiyama, told a separate press conference in the afternoon that if electricity starts to work, the actual condition of the plant would become ''visible'' and authorities would be able to check whether the current measures are sufficient to contain the crisis.

    He also gave reassurance that it is unlikely that the situation would worsen and develop into a critical ''meltdown,'' with spent nuclear fuel rods reaching criticality again.

    de stroom doet het. 1 mirakel is geschiedt.
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Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.674
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392