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  1. [verwijderd] 21 november 2012 13:53
    Als wij als aandeelhouders meer vertrouwen in Tie geven dan stijgt de beurswaarde naar mate de koers omhoog gaat en dat brengt weer het nodige terug in de maatschappij.

    de kat.
  2. viermeiden 10 december 2012 09:56

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Softwarebedrijf TIE Holding is uitverkozen als technologieleverancier van twee Europese projecten. Dat meldde het bedrijf maandag.

    Het gaat om een project op het gebied van informatievoorziening aan weggebruikers, Simpli-city, en een project op het gebied van e-learning, Intuitel. Voor het eerste project ontvangt het bedrijf een onderzoekssubsidie van 542.000 euro. Het tweede levert een bijdrage van 324.000 euro op.

  3. viermeiden 10 december 2012 09:57

    The Netherlands, Amsterdam, December 10, 2012

    TIE Holding N.V. (“TIE”) reports that as of October 1, 2012, it joined the projects SIMPLI-CITY and INTUITEL. TIE will receive research funding amounting to EUR 542k for SIMPLI-CITY and EUR 324k for INTUITEL.

    SIMPLI-CITY will create a standardized open framework to enable a whole range of new services for road users through a next-generation European wide service platform allowing the creation of mobility-related services and Apps.

    Professor Schahram Dustdar, Head of Distributed Systems Group at Vienna University of Technology and Coordinator of SIMPLI-CITY, states: “The integration of heterogeneous data sources and services is fundamental to the concept of SIMPLI-CITY. Participation of an organization like TIE who can provide this content interconnectivity is essential to enable us to achieve this and I am delighted TIE agreed to be part of the project”.

    INTUITEL targets to enhance state-of-the-art e-learning content and Learning Management Systems with features that so far have been provided only by human tutors.

    Professor Peter Henning, Coordinator of INTUITEL, adds that “e-learning is now of age and has entered the main stream. We are therefore looking for new horizons by integrating e-learning systems with semantic web technology and artificial intelligence. It is in this area how TIE’s information integration experience can truly facilitate the pedagogically advanced personalized learning environments of tomorrow.”

    Stuart Campbell, CTO of TIE states “Although these two projects at first glance diverge from our classical Market-Sell-Deliver-Analyze activities, the problems are the same: Information and Content aggregation and sharing and Application interconnectivity.”

    Jan Sundelin, CEO of TIE, states: “Once again these investments in TIE’s concepts and technology prove our cutting-edge and solution orientated credentials. I look forward to working in these new sectors to see how our technology can contribute and can hopefully open new markets for us.”


    The project SIMPLI-CITY started in October 2012 and will last for 36 months involving Technology Providers (TIE, IBM, Ascora, Austrian Mobility Research, Talkamatic, Tempos 21 (subsidiary of ATOS), Research Organizations (Technische Universität Wien, Technische Universität Darmstadt) and Users from the Bologna Municipality. All are led by managing partner the Technical University of Vienna. See for more information,

    About INTUITEL

    The INTUITEL project started in October 2012 with funding from the European Commission ICT FP7 Programme of EUR 2.9mln over the next three years and with further financial support from project Partners. The INTUITEL Consortium includes Partners from 7 countries (Austria, Germany, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and UK): Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Coordinator), TIE Nederlands, EXACT Learning Solutions, Information Multimedia Communication, Steinbeis Innovation, Holon Institute of Technology, Fraunhofer IOSB, FZI and the Universities of Reading, Vienna and La Rioja, Karlsruhe, Valladolid. See for more information,

  4. marcello106 10 december 2012 18:24
    Opvallend dat TIE vandaag met dit bericht komt.

    De projecten stonden in september al op de site (en op dit draadje).

    TIE heeft in Q4 nog een persbericht waardige opdracht (ruim 200k) gescoord. De opdrachtgever (NL overheid?) is blijkbaar niet gediend van publiciteit.
  5. viermeiden 10 december 2012 22:25

    marcello106 schreef:

    Opvallend dat TIE vandaag met dit bericht komt.

    De projecten stonden in september al op de site (en op dit draadje).

    TIE heeft in Q4 nog een persbericht waardige opdracht (ruim 200k) gescoord. De opdrachtgever (NL overheid?) is blijkbaar niet gediend van publiciteit.
    Hallo Marcello,

    op de site van Tie staan de volgende persberichten:

    Zo te zien gaat het om verschillende projecten. (oktober en maart 2012)
    Ook bij 'googelen' kom ik niet tot een eerdere melding.


  6. forum rang 9 aextracker 10 december 2012 22:37

    marcello106 schreef op 10 december 2012 18:24:

    Opvallend dat TIE vandaag met dit bericht komt.

    De projecten stonden in september al op de site (en op dit draadje).

    TIE heeft in Q4 nog een persbericht waardige opdracht (ruim 200k) gescoord. De opdrachtgever (NL overheid?) is blijkbaar niet gediend van publiciteit.

    Idd., misschien was het contract niet formeel getekend en retour ontvangen.
    We zien dat TIE steeds meer "op zeker koerst" en daardoor "de positieve trend blijft leggen onder het bouwen aan vertrouwen".

    Een opdracht van ca. Euro 300K omzetwaarde \ jaar als vandaag vertaald zich dan ineens in een omzet van 412 K stuks aandelen. De laat lag al klaar op de verwachte bieders.

    De niet vermelde opdrachtgevers waar je naar verwijst staan hangt wellicht samen met een opdrachtegevers wens of een tactisch besluit niet alle nieuwe opdrachtgevers direct in de pers naar buiten te brengen.


  7. marcello106 11 december 2012 19:58

    viermeiden schreef op 10 december 2012 22:25:


    Hallo Marcello,

    op de site van Tie staan de volgende persberichten:

    Zo te zien gaat het om verschillende projecten. (oktober en maart 2012)
    Ook bij 'googelen' kom ik niet tot een eerdere melding.



    Via Google (en via dit draadje) is te achterhalen dat de projecten Arum, Intuitel en Simpli-City op 17 en 18 september op de site geplaatst zijn...

    (zoeken op en dan periode invullen. Ook altijd handig om te zien of er nog iets nieuws op de site staat.)
  8. marcello106 13 december 2012 17:09
    TIE Kinetix Predicts Rapid SaaS Adoption Will Level the Marketing Playing Field for SMBs

    In 2013 CMOs Get Tech Savvy as Content Marketing Goes Mobile

    TIE Kinetix®, a software solutions company that facilitates every step of the e-commerce lifecycle, predicts that enterprise technology such as content syndication will level the playing field for SMBs in 2013. The shift to cloud and SaaS-based solutions will make it possible for SMBs to market content more effectively, affordably and compete with bigger players. TIE Kinetix's 2013 outlook forecasts that while selling through partners will continue to be a major growth strategy for organizations, without the right tools, they will still struggle to maximize the full potential of the channel.

    TIE Kinetix's Predictions for 2013:

    1. Uptick in SaaS/cloud adoption will give SMBs a bigger piece of the pie - Larger, formidable enterprises will need to watch SMBs as they make the shift to cloud/SaaS and harness the power of enterprise technology that was not previously affordable. With the same tools as large enterprises, SMBs will be able to market smarter and broader, reaching new customers across the channel.

    2. The end of brand fragmentation - A critical focus for marketers will be to stop the brand fragmentation that comes through the indirect channel and with multi channel and multi device touch points for customers. To provide a seamless user and brand experience, organizations will look to enterprise software that can streamline marketing content and provide a 360-degree view of the purchase lifecycle.

    3. Content marketing expands footprint with mobile and social - In an effort to create a single, unified customer experience across the indirect channel, organizations will seek to better control their marketing content through global syndication. Content marketing will get its fair share of the marketing budget as organizations leverage mobile platforms to deliver location-based content to handheld devices.

    4. Social media marketing refined - Marketers often embrace new tools enthusiastically at first without fully understanding customer preferences. Growing evidence suggests consumers don't enjoy direct marketing efforts via Facebook but instead prefer more conversational interactions. In 2013 marketers will take a more cautious and educated approach to make sure they are more aligned with customer expectations when it comes to interacting on social media. Social media will continue to play an important role in the marketing mix as long as the right channels are used for the right communications.

    5. CMOs tackle tech decisions - Historically, IT has driven integration and e-commerce decisions and has done so from a cost efficiency perspective. In 2013, a paradigm shift will occur whereby more power to source and choose will move to CMOs as they are charged to leverage technology and SaaS-based solutions to reach more people faster. CMOs will look to increase speed to market through technology that can push out timely pricing and product info across all channels and the ones who can do this effectively will own the market. IT's role will be to support these efforts and play a true part in driving revenue.

    6. Online retailers seek security and protection support - Regulatory changes for security standards in online and mobile technology will plague retailers in the coming year. TIE Kinetix expects that with the increased data breaches and more poorly encrypted data out there, online retailers will struggle to find the optimal way to protect customers and their brands. By choosing SaaS-based solutions from vendors with a proven track record in security, businesses will be able to bring the focus back to selling, with confidence that compliance and advanced security certification management are in safe hands.

    "In 2013 we fully expect more channel challenges and confusion as organizations struggle to understand how to market through partnerships, while minimizing brand fragmentation. Successful organizations will deploy enterprise technology to gain a single view across channels and present a unified brand and shopping experience to customers. Coordinated marketing efforts and content can increase conversion rates that go beyond the 'buy button.'" - Brian Tervo, COO, TIE Kinetix.

    About TIE Kinetix
    TIE Kinetix (NYSE Euronext: TIE Holding) transforms the digital supply chain by providing Total Integrated E-commerce solutions. These solutions maximize revenue opportunities by minimizing the energy required to market, sell, deliver, and analyze online. Customers and partners of TIE Kinetix constantly benefit from innovative, field-tested, state-of-the-art technologies, which are backed by over 25 years of experience and prestigious awards. TIE Kinetix makes technology to perform, such that customers and partners can focus on their core business. For more information visit

    Follow TIE Kinetix on Twitter: @tiekinetix
  9. marcello106 10 januari 2013 20:33
    Voor de liefhebbers.

    SaaS for Online Providers: Moving at the Speed of Business

    Brian Tervo, President & CEO, TIE Kinetix, North America, 1/9/2013

    The challenges that confront today’s online retail providers are numerous. They include rapidly increasing competition, supply chain and logistics management, and IT issues, to name a few. One challenge that rears its ugly head time and time again is a basic yet critical roadblock that affects online providers across the board: the need for speed.

    A challenging landscape
    Generally speaking, consumers visit online retail sites either to browse, or because they’re on the hunt for a specific item. In either case, they need to be stimulated and prompted to take the next step in the online shopping “conversation.” Retailers must make the “palm to purchase” process easy and straightforward via simple buying steps with proactive prompts, at a speed that neither rushes nor slows them down.

    The speed-related challenges don’t stop there. Retailers must also combat the distraction factor. Visitors get easily sidetracked and distracted, so the faster and easier the buying process, the better the chance that they will complete the purchase. Additionally, if customers do wander away from the site, when they return, the retailer needs to be able to pick up the intermittent buying sessions exactly where they left off, making it easy for the customer, rather than forcing them to start their search from scratch.

    Finally, retailers need to ensure that key messages are consistent and available via numerous channels -- mobile, in-store, web, and social -- in order to capture the broadest audience and maximize conversations. They must also be notified in real-time when a system isn’t working properly, so that the issue can be corrected immediately.

    To address speed issues, online retailers need the right tools to efficiently deliver rich content as it becomes available. Unfortunately, current systems and processes often make it difficult to disseminate this information to various web and shelf spaces, as they often necessitate numerous systems, people, and steps.

    Additionally, since it’s difficult to predict what will catch on as “trendy” or “hot,” retailers must be able to react in real time when trends hit in order to make the largest impact and stay competitive.

    The case for SaaS
    Winning retailers see SaaS-based solutions as a clear next step in terms of business-improving innovation. The model allows for rapid development of new features before they’re asked for, and delivers continual, reliable functionality. Because of its economies of scale, SaaS providers will always outpace innovation in the market because they are seeing trends way before organizations that are using traditional, licensed-based solutions.

    These dated software delivery mechanisms are simply unable to put the newest trending features into play in a timely manner, and organizations relying on them will find themselves left in the dust of the companies who are switching to SaaS models.

    Another hurdle associated with licensed-based solutions is that, generally, one hundred percent of the management of these platforms is taken on in-house. This detracts from marketers’ focus on driving new business and asks them to define what needs to be there to execute their mission. In other words, marketers want to concentrate on the traffic, not on building the roads.

    SaaS platforms reduce the steps, processes, and barriers, giving marketers the freedom, agility, and availability needed to move at the pace of business.

    As the e-commerce arena grows more complex, providers will be pressed to keep up or lose out. Licensed-based solutions for e-commerce are no longer a viable business platform as we move toward an ever-increasing demand for speed in the online world. For online retail providers hoping to excel in this new environment, the time to adopt a SaaS platform is now.

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  10. marcello106 18 januari 2013 23:48
    The Challenge of the Seamless Customer Experience

    Brian Tervo, President & CEO, TIE Kinetix, North America, 1/17/2013

    Today’s retailers face numerous hurdles to success. In addition to staying on top of new trends and technologies, they also have to fill digital and physical shelf space with rich, informative content that encourages conversations and leads to sales.

    Doing this well means taking the time to consider a number of questions: What drives the consumer to act and buy? What digital channels (or combinations of sources) are the most important during the buying process? What are the roles of web, social, mobile, and in-store content? How can the process be improved?

    To find the answers to these questions and understand what the ideal seamless shopping experience looks like, retailers need a complete view of the customers, their buying patterns, and how they interact with the brand. To create that complete picture, they must assemble pieces of information retrieved from disparate systems, campaigns, and personnel. In our experience working with large brands and retailers, we have come up with a couple of pointers to help understand and create a truly seamless experience for your customer.

    1. Make sure your content touch points are synchronized
    When working to synchronize content touch points, it’s critical that you understand where your content lives throughout the typical orientation and buying cycle. When evaluating this, here are a few questions to ask:

    Are content marketing assets, such as new product details, rich media, and the latest campaigns, making it out to product detail pages where consumers are ready to buy?
    Are you able to distribute the same brand experiences on affiliate, partner, and social media touch points?
    When content changes over time, are all consumer touch points updated? How long does this take?
    When something needs to be “turned off,” are you able to manage?
    When customers interact with content within your “digital-interactive” shelf space, can you measure it and coalesce with other internal data sources?
    Are you able to repurpose content quickly and effectively?
    Successful retailers are enormous consumers and distributors of content and therefore need to have equally effective ways of managing information and quickly disseminating it to maximize impact.

    2. Make sure your technology platforms “play nicely” together
    Selling and marketing through multiple digital and/or mobile channels typically requires the use of many different technology platforms and content distribution mechanisms. All usually require some level of integration with third-party interfaces to make sure experiences are balanced and effective. Content experiences need to flow effortlessly from initial conversations with potential customers all the way through to the e-commerce or in-store purchase completion. That requires strong compatibility with systems, people, and processes with multi-disciplinary expertise.

    When working to achieve this, here are two items you should address:

    Focus on the core! Don’t spend too much time and effort on ad hoc processes to roll out measures and launch new initiatives. The focus needs to be on creating the end-to-end consumer experience, so if it takes too long and too much labor to push out new initiatives, you can use some marketing automation.

    Use good content distribution methods to synchronize your various campaigns and demand generation efforts. Measure your ability to repurpose current digital assets throughout all of your selling channels. The more you can effectively repurpose and redistribute key messages in various channels, the more you will be able to squeeze out of every campaign while creating superior continuity throughout your target market.
    There are many things to consider when creating a dynamic, vibrant, digital strategy that maximizes your online revenue potential. Thankfully, in today’s business world there are tools available that help retailers address all of those issues and create a truly seamless end-user experience.

    It's vital to remain aware that potential customers are always perusing various digital spaces, and online sellers must look to use all these touch points to orient and drive a superior consumer buying experience. If the process is confusing, cumbersome, and fragmented, customers are less likely to complete a purchase, which hurts revenues. Putting forth the effort to ensure that the user experience is seamless is a critical step to nurturing lasting customer relationships and loyalty, and ultimately ensuring the success of your business.
  11. marcello106 21 januari 2013 17:45
    TIE Kinetix and Singer, De Boer & Partners combine forces to offer E-Commerce solutions to the office supplies market
    Submitted by Timo de Geest on Mon, 01/21/2013

    Press Release

    Amsterdam, January 21st, 2013

    TIE Kinetix and Singer, De Boer & Partners combine forces to offer E-Commerce solutions to the office supplies market

    TIE Kinetix announces that it will partner with Singer, De Boer & Partners to offer the Jive webshop solution developed in cooperation with Quantore Europe B.V. to the office supplies market in the Benelux.

    TIE Kinetix and Singer, De Boer & Partners will take over the marketing, sales and implementation of the Jive webshops from Quantore Europe B.V. The Jive webshops are developed by Quantore Europe B.V. and TIE Kinetix to offer a market specific solution for office supplies retailers. The Jive webshop offering will continue as “Jive2” indicating a fresh start with the new partnership. The companies believe that the new partnership is the ideal combination to market, sell and deliver this product to the office supplies retailers.

    Quantore Europe B.V. will focus on Content distribution and business communication with the TIE Kinetix solutions for Content Syndication and Business Integration. The company decided not to focus on delivering e-commerce solutions to their members anymore.

    TIE Kinetix has over 25 years of experience in E-Commerce and office supplies in a global market. Singer, De Boer & Partners has 25 years of experience in office supplies with more than 350 customers.

    The new partnership will enable TIE Kinetix to increase its footprint in the office supplies market by leveraging the expertise and experience from Singer, De Boer & Partners. Furthermore, it will enable Singer, De Boer & Partners to extend their offering in their core market. Through this partnership, the Jive webshops powered by TIE Kinetix E-Commerce technology will be available to all retailers in the office supplies market. Furthermore, it can connect to not only to Quantore Europe B.V. but to any distributor and will integrate with any ERP system available in the market.

    “After one year of developing a specific e-commerce solution for the office supplies market, we are proud to present the Jive solution and work together with one of the most experienced IT companies that delivered solutions for independent office supplies resellers for over 25 years.” Said CEO of TIE Mr. Jan Sundelin.

    “The entire office supplies market will benefit from this new partnership between TIE and Singer, De Boer & Partners.” said John Singer of Singer, De Boer & Partners.

    “Quantore recommends the combination of TIE and Singer, De Boer & Partners as a key solutions provider to all our members. Together they represent 25 years of experience in IT, e-commerce and office supplies.” said Arnold Theuws, General Manager of Quantore Europe B.V.

    Profile Singer, De Boer & Partners
    Singer, De Boer & Partners is an automation company with over 20 years’ experience in development of (custom) software. The majority of these solutions have developed into sector specialized solutions. The product catalogue varies from easy-to-use purchase software to complex logistical processing software.
    Aside from software development, Singer, De Boer & Partner consult to help optimize business automation processes potential for its customers and partners. The rule in business at Singer, De Boer & Partners is that the software should be easy to use without automation becoming a goal itself.

    Profile TIE Kinetix
    TIE Kinetix transforms the digital supply chain by providing Total Integrated E-commerce solutions. These solutions maximize revenue opportunities by minimizing the energy required to market, sell and deliver online. Customers and partners of TIE Kinetix constantly benefit from innovative, field tested, state-of-the-art technologies, which are backed by over 25 years of experience and prestigious awards. TIE Kinetix makes technology to perform, such that customers and partners can focus on their core business.

    TIE Kinetix is a public company (NYSE Euronext: TIE Holding), and has offices in the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Australia.

    Further information:

    TIE Kinetix

    TIE Holding N.V.
    Antareslaan 22-24
    2132 JE Hoofddorp

    T: +31-20-658 90 00
    F: +31-20-658 90 01


    Follow TIE Kinetix on Twitter:

    Follow us on Facebook:

    End of press release
  12. forum rang 9 aextracker 26 januari 2013 07:55
    Het is geen persbericht, maar noem het een nieuwsfeit .
    Onderstaand bericht maakt melding van een nieuw hoofdkantoor van TIE.
    Het lijkt een mooie zichtlokatie aan de A-2.
    Een keuze om de diverse onderdelen en kantoren fysiek bij elkaar onder 1 dak te brengen , brengt los van de aanloopkosten in elk geval ook kostenvoordelen en positieve huisvestings (minder kosten) en andere organisatorische synergie-effecten met zich mee.

  13. gkp2 30 januari 2013 08:30
    The Netherlands, Amsterdam, 30 January 2013

    Publication of Annual Report 2012 and Convocation Annual General Meeting of Shareholders – Proposals for Share Consolidation, Redenomination and Name Change

    TIE Holding N.V. (“TIE”) today publishes the Company’s annual report on the company website Furthermore TIE today convenes its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held Wednesday 13 March 2013.

    TIE today published its annual report over the financial year 2012. Over 2012, Total Income amounts to € 12,494k (2011: € 10,671k) up 17%, Operating Result amounts to € 622k (2011: €597) up 4% and Net Income amounts to € 562k (2011: € 383k) up 70%.

    TIE also convenes its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held Wednesday 13 March 2013. The proposals put to the shareholders include a share consolidation combined with a capital reduction by redenomination without repayment, which consolidates 100 shares with a nominal value of EUR 0.10 each to one new share with a nominal value of EUR 7.00. It is furthermore proposed that the company changes its name to TIE Kinetix N.V.

    If approved by the shareholders meeting, the share consolidation and redenomination shall become effective by means of an amendment of the company's articles of association on Friday 15 March 2013 after trading on NYSE Euronext Amsterdam has closed.

    The last trading day of TIE shares with the current nominal value of EUR 0.10 will be Friday 15 March 2013. Trading of the consolidated shares with a nominal value of EUR 7.00 each will start on Monday 18 March 2013. As of Monday 18 March 2013, the ISIN Code for TIE shares shall be NL0010389508. The Euronext symbol TIE remains unchanged.

    Shareholders are not required to take any action in relation to the share consolidation. The share consolidation will be processed in the usual manner by the bank or broker where a shareholder has registered its shares. This means inter alia that were fractions of shares remain after the share consolidation, 50 fractions or more will be rounded upwards to one consolidated share against a proportionate supplemental payment, and 49 fractions or less will be rounded downwards against proportionate repayment.

    Immediately after the implementation of the share consolidation and redenomination, TIE will have 932,954 shares with a nominal value of EUR 7.00 per share outstanding. [In principal, the holders of existing ordinary TIE shares shall not be required to pay a commission for the execution of the reverse stock split.

    The convocation for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the agenda with explanatory notes (Dutch only), the financial statements 2012 and the further meeting documents are available via the Company's corporate website ( They can also be obtained free of charge at the Company's office.

  14. viermeiden 30 januari 2013 08:56

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Softwarebedrijf Tie Holding stelt aandeelhouders voor om aandelen te consolideren en om de bedrijfsnaam te veranderen. Dat meldde het bedrijf woensdag.

    Tie belegt op 13 maart een buitengewone aandeelhoudersvergadering. Daarop wordt voorgesteld om elke 100 aandelen met een nominale waarde van 0,10 euro te vervangen door een nieuw aandeel met een nominale waarde van 7 euro. Daarnaast wordt voorgesteld de naam van het bedrijf te wijzigen in Tie Kinetix. Als de aandeelhouders instemmen wordt de consolidatie op 15 maart nabeurs uitgevoerd.

    Na de consolidatie bestaat het aandelenkapitaal van Tie uit 932.954 aandelen met een nominale waarde van 7 euro.

    Tie meldde verder in 2012 een omzetgroei van 17 procent te hebben geboekt, tot 12,5 miljoen euro. Het operationele resultaat klom met 4 procent tot 622.000 euro. De nettowinst kwam met 562.000 euro 70 procent hoger uit dan in 2011.

  15. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2013 09:07

    adje5 schreef op 30 januari 2013 09:04:

    Is dat geen verwatering voor de aandeelhouder van 30 procent?

    De nominale waarde is de waarde die vermeld staat op een verhandelbaar waardepapier zoals een aandeel of obligatie. Dit is hetzelfde als de waarde van de aandelen die in de statuten van een NV staat vermeld. Deze waarde wijkt gewoonlijk af van de handelswaarde of koers.

  16. Dinald 30 januari 2013 09:24
    Door dit te doen wordt een agio reserve gecreëerd van een miljoen of 3. Dat geeft mooie mogelijkheid tot stockdividend.
    Verder zijn de cijfers over 2012 netjes, maar dat wisten we al.
    Wat zeker is: TIE is meteen pennystock af.
  17. [verwijderd] 30 januari 2013 09:30
    Cijfers zien er zeker mooi uit maar om daar nou 30 procent op toe te leggen,ik zeg verkoop nu en terug kopen als je fan ben bij opening nieuw fonds
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