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  1. Barren Wuffett 22 juli 2021 09:40

    nine_inch_nerd schreef op 22 juli 2021 08:06:

    Gasunie maakt miljarden vrij voor transitie naar waterstofeconomie
    21 juli
    Gasunie steekt tot 2030 €7 mrd in de energietransitie. Het gaat daarbij vooral om de ombouw van bestaande gasleidingen naar waterstofleidingen. Daarmee is Nederland het eerste Europese land dat met de aanleg van een landelijke waterstofinfrastructuur start.

    Dat heeft het Groningse staatsbedrijf dat verantwoordelijk is voor grootschalig gastransport woensdag bekendgemaakt. Volgens Gasunie is de transitie naar schone energie dit jaar 'in een stroomversnelling' gekomen. Met de investering hoopt het bedrijf vragers en aanbieders van waterstof zekerheid te geven.

    15.500 kilometer

    De miljarden moeten ervoor zorgen dat deze infrastructuur grote delen van het huidige aardgasnetwerk vervangt. De waterstofinfrastructuur zal naar verwachting voor 85% uit hergebruikte aardgasleidingen bestaan. Volgens het bedrijf is dat vier keer goedkoper dan de aanleg van nieuwe leidingen.

    Gasunie is eigenaar van 15.500 kilometer aan gasleidingen in Nederland en Duitsland. Investeringen in infrastructuur voor aardgas — naast leidingen ook compressoren — worden terugverdiend door langetermijngascontracten. De komende tien jaar verwacht het bedrijf al voor zo'n €1,5 mrd aan het gasnet te moeten 'vertimmeren', zodat het klaar is voor waterstof.
    Dat zijn mooie berichten. Toch bijzonder hoe die toetsenbordwetenschappers hier en op andere sites alles veel beter menen te weten dan de bedrijven die miljardeninvesteringen doen. Allemaal voor niets natuurlijk ;)
  2. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 22 juli 2021 10:50
    Diepgaande onderzoeken, visies, denkbeelden en theorieën mogen.
    Ik ben overtuigd: de mens is de veroorzaker als antwoord op de vraag betreffende topic "Klimaatdiscussie: opwarming aarde door mens of natuur".
    Ik probeer met berichten dit te bevestigen en ook met berichten de acties, knelpunten naar voren te brengen, waardoor duidelijk wordt dat wereldwijd een besef is en acties moeten gebeuren aan de voorkant...
  3. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 22 juli 2021 21:40

    Aboard the aircraft

    Aboard the aircraft, hydrogen can be used to power all the flight and communication systems in the cockpit, while ensuring passenger comfort by powering lighting, heating and all on-board services, including catering and refrigeration. In the future, it could be used for propulsion – either by direct combustion or by powering a fuel cell. When used in fuel cells, hydrogen combines with oxygen from the air to produce electricity with only water as a byproduct. The first hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft has been announced by Airbus for 2035. To best prepare for its arrival and contribute to the emergence of an innovative and strategic French sector, Air Liquide has partnered with Airbus and the ADP Group in June 2021.

    With an already well-established presence in many business areas, Air Liquide is ideally positioned to develop synergies between mobility applications. This is in large part thanks to infrastructure that serves the entire airport infrastructure: taxi stands, bus terminals and train stations for local or long-distance transportation. This complementarity of infrastructure uses is a major lever for making low-carbon hydrogen accessible.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 23 juli 2021 07:51
    EU Funding Agency Visits GrInHy2.0 Electrolyser at Salzgitter

    The GrInHy2.0 high-temperature electrolyser is the largest of its kind in the world. At the end of 2020, it was successfully tested in an industrial environment for the first time. Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the EU funding agency “Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking”, visited Salzgitter on July 14, 2021 to find out more about the GrInHy2.0 electrolyser and the current project status. GrInHy2.0 started in 2019 as a follow-up project to the successfully completed GrInHy project, Green Industrial Hydrogen. With green hydrogen, produced by steam from waste heat sources and renewable electricity using high-temperature electrolysis, steel can be produced without CO 2 in the long term Emissions are produced. The project is part of the future decarbonisation of the steel industry. Members of the consortium are the project partners Salzgitter Flachstahl, Salzgitter Mannesmann Research, Sunfire, Paul Wurth, Tenova and the French research institute CEA.

    The Dresden electrolysis company Sunfire developed and produced the high-temperature electrolyser. Based on the innovative solid oxide cell technology, the system uses waste heat that is already available from industry and runs at a temperature of 850 degree C. This makes the electrolyser considerably more efficient than other technologies available on the market - it requires significantly less electricity to produce one kilogram of green hydrogen.

    The GrInHy2.0 electrolyser is part of the SALCOS transformation project to CO 2- poor steel manufacturing. A large part of the infrastructure required for the installation of the electrolysis system was already in place, from the waste heat to the hydrogen pipeline and the green electricity supply. In December 2020, the electrolyser successfully produced hydrogen for the first time, a major milestone in the project. Since then, the green hydrogen has been fed directly into the hydrogen gas network of the steelworks. As of now, 15 tons of green hydrogen have already been used in the annealing processes and galvanizing plants of SZFG for steel refinement.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 23 juli 2021 08:35
    Siemens to Trail Hydrogen-Powered Train in Bavaria

    The Bavarian State Ministers for Economic Affairs and for Transport support the testing in Bavaria of a hydrogen-powered train developed by Siemens Mobility GmbH. The two-car train is to be tested on the Augsburg - Füssen route, among others, beginning in mid-2023. The pilot operation in the rail network of Bayerische Regiobahn BRB is initially planned for 30 months. The hydrogen-powered train will be stationed in Augsburg during this time.

    The hydrogen-powered train is being developed on the basis of the Mireo Plus H platform from Siemens Mobility. It is designed to operate on non-electrified rail lines and has a range of up to 800 kilometers. The main components of the hydrogen traction drive are two fuel cells mounted on the roof. The system uses the latest generation of batteries from the Saft company that are installed beneath the floor. The train will be presented to the public in the spring of 2022. The first test runs in Bavaria are planned for 2023, before the train officially enters passenger service in January 2024.

    The development of alternative drives in rail transport is part of Siemens Mobility’s sustainability strategy. The company is a pioneer when it comes to sustainable mobility and will offer the successful Mireo regional train as both a hydrogen and a battery-powered unit. The well-known Mireo Plus H platform is being used but is being equipped with a new generation of batteries to further improve both performance and passenger comfort.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 26 juli 2021 08:21
    Doosan Heavy & POSCO to Develop Ammonia Gas Turbines

    Aju Daily reported that South Korea's power giant Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction has joined hands with POSCO to develop power generation technologies that break ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen gas through a cracker and burn them to operate a gas turbine. POSCO and the Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology would develop an ammonia cracker. Doosan Heavy will develop a gas turbine and a combustor that burns decomposed hydrogen and nitrogen together. RIST's ammonia combustion experimental facilities will be utilized for technology development.

    Gas turbines have become one of the most widely used power generating technologies because they reduce the emission of fine dust and other air pollutants. South Korea has presented a goal to commercialize a 300MW homemade hydrogen gas turbine by 2040. As a bridge power in energy conversion, a standard model of LNG turbines will be developed.

    Ammonia is a combination of hydrogen and nitrogen and is considered the best material for the efficient and economical transportation of hydrogen. Ammonia fuel generation is considered an ideal eco-friendly model because it does not emit any carbon dioxide. However, the combustion speed of ammonia as a fuel for power generation is far lower than liquefied natural gas, which is a conventional gas turbine fuel. POSCO said that ammonia gas turbine technology can be applied to LNG power generation.

    In early March, POSCO signed a business agreement with Australia's energy company, ORIGIN ENERGY, to import ammonia. Origin would produce green hydrogen using hydroelectric power in Tasmania, an island state of Australia. After a feasibility study, the two companies will consider synthesizing hydrogen into ammonia for delivery into South Korea.

    In June, Doosan Heavy joined a project to demonstrate mixed hydrogen combustion technologies that burn natural gas together with hydrogen. The project in the south eastern industrial city of Ulsan is part of a government campaign to secure original gas turbine technologies.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 26 juli 2021 08:41
    Project for Decarbonisation of Italian Glass Industry Launched

    A working group composed of Snam, RINA, Bormioli Luigi, Bormioli Rocco, STARA GLASS, University of Genoa, Experimental Glass Station, IFRF Italy, SGRPRO and RJC SOFT has started a collaboration aimed at reducing emissions in the glass industry through hydrogen. The manufacture of glass objects, of which Italy is the second largest producer in Europe with over 5 million tons per year, is energy-intensive and difficult to electrify. This is why the "Divina" project, Decarbonization of the Glass Industry: Hydrogen and New Assets, coordinated by Snam, RINA and Bormioli, aims to reduce emissions in the glass melting phase, which represents more than 50% of the overall energy consumption of the entire production process. In this perspective, the availability of an energy vector such as hydrogen can represent a valid solution by optimizing its use in terms of energy and emissions and managing the challenges of production and transport.

    The initiative will allow, in the short and medium term, to evaluate the result of the introduction of an increasing percentage of hydrogen mixed with natural gas in existing melting furnaces and in regular production conditions. The opportunity to test significant quantities of hydrogen on operational furnaces will allow to verify the compatibility of hydrogen-based combustion with the glass material in real industrial production contexts and after appropriate experiments in laboratories.

    Today the main energy vector used by glass factories is natural gas and CO2 emissions are around 1,500,000 tons per year: overall, about 3.5% of the emissions of the entire manufacturing sector. The use of a 30% hydrogen blend in the glass melting processes nationwide would reduce emissions by 200,000 tons, equal to the equivalent emissions of approximately 100,000 vehicles.

    As part of the project, the design rules for future furnaces will also be defined and subsequently optimized - the so-called "4.0 Furnaces" - capable of guaranteeing the best performance even with higher percentages of hydrogen, up to 100%.

    The all-Italian working group is representative of the entire supply chain as it involves specialists in the energy sector, first-level glass groups, players in the field of fuel production and transport, leading companies in certification and in the integration of complex systems. , design companies for glass melting furnaces and university and research centers.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 26 juli 2021 08:54
    Repsol & Talgo to Develop Hydrogen Powered Train in Spain

    Repsol and Talgo will jointly develop projects to promote the creation of renewable hydrogen-powered trains and promote emission-free rail transport in the Iberian Peninsula. The agreement was signed at the train manufacturer’s plant in Las Rozas in Madrid. The alliance between the two companies provides a comprehensive solution to making renewable hydrogen-powered trains a reality. Talgo will handle the design, manufacture, and commissioning of the new self-propelled trains for short and medium distances, while Repsol will offer up its renewable hydrogen generation infrastructure and the Company’s logistical means to supply the railway network. This collaboration will promote the achievement of one of the objectives set in the Hydrogen Roadmap approved by the Government last October to have two lines of hydrogen-powered commercial trains by 2030.

    Repsol is the leading producer and consumer of hydrogen in the Iberian Peninsula and operates the largest hydrogen plant of Europe. The company uses this gas as a raw material at its industrial centers which are already evolving to become multi-energy hubs where renewable hydrogen is a strategic pillar in achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

    For its part, Talgo is developing hydrogen-powered trains that will make it possible to de-carbonize railway lines, especially those of the secondary network that are not electrified. To this end, it has developed its Vittal One train, a modular solution for medium-distance and commuter trains powered by hydrogen fuel cells, which will be the first dual hydrogen-electric train. The company is also planning to put on track next November a first train that will allow demonstrating and validating the concept in conditions similar to those of commercial operation.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 26 juli 2021 09:04
    Hyzon Unveils New Hydrogen Storage System

    Leading global supplier of zero emission hydrogen fuel cell-powered commercial vehicles Hyzon Motors Inc has developed new onboard hydrogen storage system technology capable of reducing the weight and manufacturing cost of commercial vehicles powered by Hyzon’s hydrogen fuel cells. The new patent-pending onboard hydrogen storage system technology integrates lightweight composite materials with the system’s metal frame. It has the potential to reduce the overall weight of the system by 43%, storage system costs by 52% and the required manufacturing component count by 75%, based on a single-rack system with capacity to store five hydrogen cylinders.

    In addition to reducing the weight and costs, the storage system can be configured to hold varying numbers of hydrogen tanks. The smallest version can hold five tanks, and can be extended to seven tanks because of its modular design. A separate version can hold ten tanks, appropriate for trucks driving longer distances. While these two options are mounted behind the cab, a third storage system allows for an additional two tanks to be mounted to each side of the truck, extending the vehicle’s range without diminishing the size of the trailer.

    The development of this technology was a cross-Atlantic collaboration between Hyzon Europe and Hyzon US, with the company planning to produce this new system in its Rochester, NY, and Groningen, the Netherlands, facilities. The technology will be implemented in Hyzon’s vehicles world-wide.

    Hyzon also expects to license this new system to other commercial vehicle companies. As part of the Hyzon Zero Carbon Alliance, a global consortium of companies active along the hydrogen value chain, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are expected to have access to the technology.

    The new technology has already been installed in pilot trucks in Europe and is expected to be deployed across all vehicles beginning in Q4 2021.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  10. Willy B. 27 juli 2021 09:25
    Het Japanse energiebedrijf Eneos en fabrieksontwerper Chiyoda bouwen een installatie die CO2-vrije waterstof produceert tegen een derde van de huidige kostprijs.

    De partners zullen gebruik maken van een eigen elektrolysetechnologie die de noodzakelijke investeringen aanzienlijk verlaagt. Doel is om de kostprijs van waterstof terug te brengen tot ongeveer €2,5/kg. Eneos en Chiyoda kijken naar Australië en andere locaties om in 2030 de fabriek te bouwen.

    Waterstof wordt door velen gezien als een essentieel onderdeel van de klimaatinspanningen, maar de productiekosten zijn nog te hoog. Nu kost waterstof nog ruwweg € 8,5 per kilo op de Japanse markt, en de regering streeft ernaar dit cijfer tegen 2030 terug te brengen tot € 2,5 en uiteindelijk tot €1,7. Volgens Bloomberg NEF ligt de huidige productiekost van groene waterstof in Duitsland op €2,5 tot €5 per kg.

    De door Eneos en Chiyoda ontwikkelde methode elektrolyseert water en tolueen tegelijk, in plaats van via afzonderlijke processen, om methylcyclohexaan, of MCH, te maken. Door deze vereenvoudiging daalt de investering met de helft. MCH is vloeibaar bij omgevingstemperatuur en kan zo eenvoudig vervoerd worden naar de plaatsen van gebruik waar de waterstof weer wordt afgescheiden voor energiegebruik. Dit is veel kosteneffectiever dan waterstof vervoeren bij -253° C.

    De partners kunnen nu al beperkte hoeveelheden MCH produceren en zullen, door het gebruik van grotere elektroden, tegen 2025 de capaciteit opvoeren tot 500 kW. De elektrolyse moet gevoed worden met stroom op basis van hernieuwbare bronnen. In Australië kan dat tegen lage kosten. De elektrolyse-installaties en een opslagtank vergen ongeveer 1 km² oppervlakte, het bijhorende zonnepark vergt 64 km². De totale investering bedraagt €3 miljard.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 27 juli 2021 10:34
    Tenova Hydrogen Ready SmartBurner for Heat Treatment Furnaces

    Tenova announced the accomplishment of a key milestone towards a more sustainable combustion process: the development of the first burners for heat treatment furnaces using up to 100% hydrogen while keeping NOx emissions largely below the strictest limits. After the recent launch of the multi-megawatt TSX SmartBurner family for reheating furnaces fueled with a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen, up to 100%, the company is now ready to bring onto the market a self-recuperative burner for heat treatment furnaces. The new 200-kilowatt TRKSX, Tenova Self-ReKuperative Flameless, SmartBurner was successfully tested with a variable fuel mixture of natural gas and hydrogen to potentially eliminate CO2 emissions during the combustion process. The system works in flame and flameless mode with the aim to keep nitrogen dioxide emissions well below the strictest future limits.

    The TRKSX SmartBurner i designed in consideration of the decarbonization goals of the steel industry, and will be first installed in a heat treatment furnace for pipes at the productive site of Tenaris in Dalmine in Italy.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 27 juli 2021 11:29
    EBRD & Ukraine Boost Low Carbon Hydrogen Development

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine are joining forces to promote the development and use of hydrogen in Ukraine. The partners have signed an agreement to formalise their cooperation on low-carbon hydrogen and to develop hydrogen supply chains, a first of its kind accord. The EBRD and GTSOU previously signed a Memorandum of Understanding in April 2020 that would provide a general framework to improve the environment for sustainable energy investments in Ukraine and reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions, in particular methane fugitive emissions, and air pollution.

    The EBRD regions are characterised by a growing renewable energy industry, which is expected to continue adding value to the domestic economies and contribute to green transition. In certain countries, recent renewable energy electricity prices have fallen below US$ 30/MWh, a level at which production of green hydrogen starts to become competitive with conventional fossil fuels. The Bank recently launched a study on the potential for developing different segments of the hydrogen supply chain across many of the economies where it invests, including Ukraine.

    Green hydrogen, made through the electrolysis of water powered by renewable energy, is widely seen as a promising clean fuel as it has no carbon footprint. In early July, the European Union put scaling up green hydrogen at the centre of Europe’s climate ambition, announcing plans to produce up to a million tonnes of the gas through facilities to be built in the next four years.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 27 juli 2021 11:30
    SSE & Equinor Plan Hydrogen Storage Facility in Yorkshire

    SSE Thermal and Equinor are developing plans for one of the world’s largest hydrogen storage facilities at their existing Aldbrough site on the East Yorkshire coast. The facility could be storing low-carbon hydrogen as early as 2028. The existing Aldbrough Gas Storage facility, which was commissioned in 2011, is co-owned by SSE Thermal and Equinor, and consists of nine underground salt caverns, each roughly the size of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Upgrading the site to store hydrogen would involve converting the existing caverns or creating new purpose-built caverns to store the low-carbon fuel.

    With an initial expected capacity of at least 320GWh, Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage would be significantly larger than any hydrogen storage facility in operation in the world today. The Aldbrough site is ideally located to store the low-carbon hydrogen set to be produced and used in the Humber region.

    SSE Thermal and Equinor’s partnership in the Humber marks the UK’s first end-to-end hydrogen proposal, connecting production, storage and demand projects in the region. While the Aldbrough facility would initially store the hydrogen produced for the Keadby Hydrogen Power Station, the benefit of this large-scale hydrogen storage extends well beyond power generation. The facility would enable growing hydrogen ambitions across the region, unlocking the potential for green hydrogen, and supplying an expanding offtaker market including heat, industry and transport from the late 2020s onwards.

    The Aldbrough Hydrogen Storage project is the latest being developed in a long-standing partnership between SSE Thermal and Equinor in the UK, which includes the joint venture to build the Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farm, the largest offshore wind farm in the world.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 27 juli 2021 12:16
    FEV Joins H2Global Foundation or Hydrogen

    Leading international independent service provider in vehicle and powertrain development FEV has joined the H2Global Foundation to achieve the goals adopted in Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy, to aid the production and import of green hydrogen and power-to-x products. The foundation serves to implement the funding concept of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, while FEV brings over 20 years of experience in the field of hydrogen technologies.

    In order to achieve climate neutrality for the European economy, Germany and Europe will be dependent on energy imports in the future. ‘Green’ hydrogen, meaning hydrogen produced from renewable energies, can be used as a storage medium of these energies, as well as a basis for synthetic fuels, or directly in fuel cells and combustion engines. Therefore, it is important to accelerate the corresponding market ramp-up and establish a German, or even European, hydrogen economy. Hence, FEV has joined the H2Global Foundation, which is entrusted with implementing the funding concept of the same name. The goal is not only to promote the market rollout of green hydrogen and hydrogen-based power-to-x products in Germany, but also to develop a local hydrogen economy in exporting countries.

    The market-oriented support program was initially designed by the German Society for International Cooperation and is now being further developed by a commission of experts, under the project sponsorship of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association. The foundation is drafting the necessary regulations and specifications, monitoring compliance, and validating conditions for funding set forth by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, in addition to other ministries.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 27 juli 2021 12:18
    MAHLE Joins German Government’s Hydrogen Funding Project

    MAHLE has been awarded funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as part of the New Vehicle and System Technologies program. Other partners in the program include six well-known companies in the automotive supplier and logistics industries as well as three renowned research institutes and universities. The three-year project, which commenced on July 1, 2021, aims to convert light commercial vehicles with conventional internal combustion engines from the car manufacturer Ford to hydrogen operation. MAHLE is thus pushing ahead with its efforts to advance climate-neutral powertrain technologies.

    As part of the project, the partners will build a demonstration vehicle for the first time. MAHLE will be responsible for developing and producing the prototype engine and valve train components for the hydrogen-powered engine with direct injection.

    To achieve climate protection targets, the potential of all available powertrain technologies must be exploited. MAHLE therefore maintains an open attitude to all technologies: in addition to e-mobility, including fuel cells, MAHLE considers the climate-neutral combustion engine, which is powered by nonfossil fuels such as hydrogen, to be one of the key future technologies for a sustainable powertrain mix. In March 2021, a new test center for hydrogen applications covering an area of 1,400 square meters was commissioned by the technology group at its Stuttgart location. The company has invested EUR 2 million in the center to expand its expertise in this field.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 28 juli 2021 08:06
    Green Hydrogen Potential in Cromarty Firth in UK

    The Cromarty Firth would be the ideal home to the UK’s largest green hydrogen electrolyser, according to a study examining the feasibility of the project. The North of Scotland Hydrogen Programme ‘Distilleries Project’ study, which ScottishPower is part of, identified a number of sites around the Firth deemed fit to host a 35MW electrolyser facility by 2024, producing up to 14 tonnes of green hydrogen per day. The facility could be further expanded to meet growing demand from across Scotland, the UK and internationally for green hydrogen. This zero carbon fuel forms a key part of the Scottish Government’s decarbonisation strategy and would provide a massive contribution to the ambitions of becoming a leading hydrogen economy by 2030 and Net Zero by 2045.

    The study examined the viability of a green hydrogen hub in the Cromarty Firth supplying distilleries in the region with hydrogen at a competitive price to help decarbonise their heating and processes in making whisky.

    The project was backed by ScottishPower, Pale Blue Dot (A Storegga Group Company), Port of Cromarty Firth, and drinks giants Glenmorangie, Whyte & Mackay and Diageo.

    The report said the Cromarty Firth’s suitability was boosted by a large regional concentration of renewable energy potential, including future offshore wind development sites which would be able to supply the volume of clean electricity needed for the electrolyser.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 28 juli 2021 08:23
    Solaris Joins Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley Project in Poland

    Officials from the Wielkopolska Region, mayors of its largest towns and cities, as well as representatives from the local academic world and business community are joining efforts to usher in a hydrogen-based future. A Letter of Intent expressing the desire to establish a Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley was signed at the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznan in Poland. Solaris is one the signatories to the document.

    The Letter of Intent to establish the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley, in addition to authorities of the Wielkopolska Region, was signed by mayors of Poznan, Konin, Kalisz, Pila, Leszno and Ostrów Wielkopolski in the region as well as representatives of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan & Poznan University of Technology and Poznan University of Life Sciences. The signatories also included dignitaries from the business community

    Solaris Bus & Coach sp Zoo

    Zespól Elektrowni Patnów-Adamów-Konin SA

    Wielkopolska Rada Trzydziestu

    Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego in Konin

    The Letter of Intent confirms a desire to collaborate on the establishment of the Wielkopolska Hydrogen Valley. The synergy of activities undertaken by the stakeholders will allow them to set up a coordinated and integrated ecosystem of relations to bolster the development of technology, expertise, business and education. The aim of the signatories is to contribute to decarbonising the economy to achieve climate neutrality.

    Additionally, the signing of the Letter of Intent is meant to be a clear signal of the willingness to participate in the National Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with the Outlook until 2040. It sets out goals and measures to build a low-carbon hydrogen economy. These goals and measures relate to three sectors in which hydrogen is deployed (energy, transport and industry), as well as to its production, distribution and any necessary regulatory and funding changes.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 28 juli 2021 17:55
    Kort bij huis... ;)

    Gasunie en Shell willen met RWE en Equinor een waterstoffabriek op zee bouwen
    Gasunie en Shell willen samen met het Duitse RWE en het Noorse Equinor een waterstoffabriek bouwen. De bedrijven hebben daarvoor een intentieverklaring ondertekend. Het project, genaamd AquaSector, moet voor de kust van Duitsland komen en zou de eerste grootschalige waterstoffabriek worden in de Duitse Noordzee.

    De bedrijven onderzoeken op dit moment de technische en economische haalbaarheid van het project. Vanaf 2028 zou er pas productie plaats kunnen vinden.

    AquaSector maakt deel uit van het grotere AquaVentus-project in Duitsland. Dit project richt zich op de grootschalige productie en transport van groene waterstof. Groene waterstof kan door elektrolyse uit water worden gewonnen.

    Financieel aantrekkelijk

    Bij het AquaSector-project gaan windmolens de energie leveren voor die elektrolyse. De elektrolyser moet een capaciteit krijgen van 300 megawatt om 20.000 ton groene waterstof per jaar mee te fabriceren.

    Door het project op zee te situeren zijn er minder hoogspanningskabels nodig. Eén waterstofpijpleiding kan volgens RWE, vijf hoogspanningskabels vervangen. Dat is financieel aantrekkelijk.
  19. Joni-2 29 juli 2021 11:44
    De New Energy Outlook (NEO) is Bloomberg NEF's jaarlijkse lange termijn scenario-analyse over de toekomst van de energie-economie.

    Deze editie presenteert drie klimaatscenario's die voldoen aan het Akkoord van Parijs en in 2050 een nul-uitstoot bereiken.

    • Ons Groene Scenario is een nul-route waarbij zogenaamde 'groene waterstof' een aanvulling vormt op meer elektriciteitsverbruik, recycling en bio-energie.
    • Ons grijze scenario gaat ervan uit dat een groter gebruik van elektriciteit en hernieuwbare energie wordt aangevuld met technologie voor het opvangen en opslaan van koolstof, en dat het gebruik van sommige fossiele brandstoffen mogelijk blijft.
    • Ons rode scenario gaat ervan uit dat kleinere, modulaire kernenergie wordt ingezet als aanvulling op wind-, zonne- en batterijtechnologie in de energiesector, met speciale kerncentrales die zogenaamde "rode waterstof" produceren.

    De analyse van dit jaar is bedoeld om strategieontwikkeling en langetermijnplanning te ondersteunen, vooral in de aanloop naar COP26 in november 2021.

    NEO 2021 Kernboodschappen:

    1. Emissies moet dalen
    2. Primaire energievoorziening, enorme omschakeling naar: ofwel wind & zon, ofwel kernenergie (rood scenario)
    3. Op het goede spoor komen: alle energie moet efficiënter
    4. Schone stroom: elektriciteit, maar welke weg…
    5. Waterstof: essentieel, maar groen of rood?
    6. Koolstof afvang- en -opslagtechnologieën, of CCS: essentieel
    7. Nucleair: in het rode scenario zijn kleine modulaire centrales /voor rode waterstof essentieel
    8. Fossiele brandstoffen: 0% of ½ van nu tegen 2050
    9. Investeringen: 2x tot 3x hoger moeten worden
  20. forum rang 10 voda 30 juli 2021 09:47
    Saipem Launches SUISO for Offshore Production of Hydrogen

    Saipem has launched SUISO, a technological solution for the production of green hydrogen thus confirming its commitment to support its clients in the energy transition. The trademark has been registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office. SUISO combines various renewable energy sources such as floating wind, floating solar and marine energy in a single system. The aim is to power, together or individually, electrolyzes installed on existing offshore platforms for the production of green hydrogen. The technology responds to the growing demand for green hydrogen production and, at the same time, it allows the conversion of oil & gas offshore facilities which have now reached the end of their life cycle. The oxygen resulting from this process can be used in various areas such as aquaculture or seaweed production.

    Thanks to these features, SUISO will find its first application in the AGNES project, the offshore energy hub that Saipem, in partnership with QINT'X, intends to build off the Adriatic coast of Ravenna.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.087
AB InBev 2 5.525
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.804
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 267
Accsys Technologies 23 10.756
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 192
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.756
Aedifica 3 923
Aegon 3.258 322.942
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.297
ageas 5.844 109.895
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.051
Ahold 3.538 74.343
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.163
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.043
Alfen 16 24.995
Allfunds Group 4 1.509
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.825
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.458
AMG 971 133.882
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.698
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.027
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.787
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.825
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.328
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.745
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.389
ASML 1.766 108.516
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 521
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.688
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.404