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PERSBERICHT: OctoPlus roept buitengewone vergadering bijeen op 15 januari 2013

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2012 17:51
    PERSBERICHT: OctoPlus roept buitengewone vergadering bijeen op 15 januari 2013

    Refererend aan de gezamenlijke persberichten van OctoPlus N.V. ("OctoPlus" of de
    "Onderneming") (Euronext: OCTO) en Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. ("Dr. Reddy's")
    van 22 october 2012 en 16 november 2012, kondigt OctoPlus vandaag aan dat het
    een buitengewone aandeelhoudersvergadering bijeenroept volgens Artikel 2:108a
    van het Burgerlijk wetboek en in verband met het voorgenomen openbare bod door
    een indirecte dochteronderneming van Dr. Reddy's op alle geplaatste en
    uitstaande aandelen in het kapitaal van OctoPlus overeenkomstig Artikel 18, lid
    1 van het Besluit openbare biedingen Wft (het "Besluit").

    Buitengewone aandeelhoudersvergadering vindt plaats op 15 januari 2013 in Leiden
    Een buitengewone aandeelhoudersvergadering van OctoPlus zal worden gehouden op
    15 januari 2013 om 14:00 uur op het hoofdkantoor van OctoPlus in Leiden. De
    vergaderstukken zijn nu beschikbaar in de Corporate Information sectie van de

    Dit persbericht vormt geen of maakt geen deel uit van een bod op de gewone
    aandelen van OctoPlus. Het is een aankondiging dat een buitengewone
    aandeelhoudersvergadering van OctoPlus bijeen is geroepen. De informatie in dit
    persbericht is niet bedoeld om compleet te zijn en voor verdere informatie wordt
    expliciet gerefereerd naar het biedingsbericht, welke verwacht wordt
    gepubliceerd te worden half december, na goedkeuring door de stichting
    Autoriteit Financiële Markten. Bovendien zal de positie van de Raad van Bestuur
    en de Raad van Commissarissen beschikbaar gemaakt worden overeenkomstig Artikel
    18, lid 2 en annex G van het Besluit.

    Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:
    Voor meer informatie over OctoPlus, Investor Relations: telefoonnummer +31 (71)
    524 1064, of stuur een email naar

    Over OctoPlus
    OctoPlus is een biofarmaceutisch bedrijf met een focus op de ontwikkeling en
    productie van verbeterde injectiemedicijnen gebaseerd op onze gepatenteerde
    technologieën voor medicijnafgifte die minder bijwerkingen veroorzaken, meer
    gemak voor de patiënt opleveren en een verbeterde balans tussen effectiviteit en
    veiligheid bieden in vergelijking met bestaande producten.

    OctoPlus richt zich ook op de ontwikkeling van langer werkende, gecontroleerd
    afgegeven versies van bekende eiwittherapeutica, peptides en kleine moleculen,
    waaronder complexe generieke medicijnen (specialty generics). OctoPlus is een
    vooraanstaand Europees leverancier van specialistische farmaceutische
    formulerings- en productiediensten aan de farmaceutische en biotechnologische
    industrie, met de nadruk op moeilijk te formuleren actieve farmaceutische

    OctoPlus is genoteerd aan Euronext Amsterdam van NYSE Euronext onder het symbool
    OCTO. Meer informatie over OctoPlus vindt u op de website

    Dit is een persbericht van OctoPlus overeenkomstig de bepalingen van Artikel
    5:25i van de Wet op het financieel toezicht en Artikel 4, lid 3 van het Besluit,
    in verband met het voorgenomen openbare bod door een indirecte
    dochteronderneming van Dr. Reddy's op alle geplaatste en uitstaande aandelen in
    het kapitaal van OctoPlus.

    Dit document kan toekomstgerichte verklaringen bevatten die verband houden met
    de onderneming, de financiële prestaties en resultaten van OctoPlus N.V. alsmede
    de bedrijfstak waarin het bedrijf opereert. Deze verklaringen zijn gebaseerd op
    de huidige plannen, inschattingen en voorspellingen van OctoPlus N.V., evenals
    zijn verwachtingen met betrekking tot externe omstandigheden en gebeurtenissen.
    Met de woorden "verwachten", "voorzien", "voorspellen", "schatten", "van plan
    zijn", "kunnen zijn", "had kunnen zijn", "behoren", "zullen", "voornemens zijn",
    "geloven" en soortgelijke uitdrukkingen worden toekomstgerichte verklaringen
    bedoeld. Wij waarschuwen investeerders dat bepaalde belangrijke factoren, en de
    risico's en onzekerheden die inherent zijn aan dergelijke verklaringen, ervoor
    kunnen zorgen dat feitelijke resultaten of uitkomsten wezenlijk kunnen
    verschillen van de resultaten of uitkomsten die in toekomstgerichte verklaringen
    zijn vervat. In het geval van enige tegenspraak tussen een Engelstalige en een
    Nederlandstalige versie van dit document, gaat de Engelstalige versie voor boven
    de Nederlandstalige versie.

    Klik hier voor het persbericht in PDF:

    This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of
    Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that:
    (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and
    other applicable laws; and
    (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and
    originality of the information contained therein.

    Source: OctoPlus N.V. via Thomson Reuters ONE
  2. forum rang 9 rationeel 3 december 2012 19:00
    Komt allemaal naar de BAVA as 15 januari. En draag allemaal je steentje bij om een hoger bod af te dwingen!
  3. Buts 3 december 2012 19:51
    ik verw8 dat het bod toch hoger wordt dat die miezerige 52 cnt want dat is toch schandalig laag voor de aandeelhouders? of zie ik het verkeerd?
  4. forum rang 9 rationeel 3 december 2012 20:23

    Buts schreef:

    ik verw8 dat het bod toch hoger wordt dat die miezerige 52 cnt want dat is toch schandalig laag voor de aandeelhouders? of zie ik het verkeerd?
    Dat zie je heel goed! Misschien hebben we nog wat te verwachten van de Amerikaanse aandeelhouders. Dat zijn niet zulke makke schapen zoals wij;)
  5. had ik maar 3 december 2012 23:03
    Agenda van de BAVA is te vinden op:

    Belangrijkste punt lijkt: uitleg over het openbare bod van Reddy Netherlands B.V., verder benoeming van 2 nieuwe leden v.d. RVB en ontslag van Mr.Kuijten, Mr.Gale,Mr.Chahal en Mevr. Moukheibir.

    Sinds de nieuwe website lijkt IR of contact met IR op de Octoplus website onvindbaar terwijl dit voorheen duidelijk kenbaar werd gemaakt.

    Zouden de nieuwe website makers soms een voorgevoel hebben gehad aangaande de nieuwe koers die Octoplus wil varen, m.a.w. aandeelhouders hoeven niets meer te vragen?

  6. forum rang 9 rationeel 3 december 2012 23:15
    De VEB vindt het een mooi bod...dus daar hebben we als aandeelhouders/leden niet veel van te verwachten.
  7. peebee 11 december 2012 10:01
    wachten blijft op nieuws van het Biolex-faillissement-front..
    blijft angstvallig stil wat dat betreft...

    geen goed teken? of wel een goed teken?
  8. forum rang 9 rationeel 13 december 2012 11:59

    yokyok schreef:

    Nou kom op met dat bod tis al bijna half december kan ik mun stukken eindelijk kwijt duurt me al veel te lang!!!
    Haastige spoed is zelden goed!
  9. [verwijderd] 13 december 2012 12:03

    yokyok schreef op 13 december 2012 11:52:

    Nou kom op met dat bod tis al bijna half december kan ik mun stukken eindelijk kwijt duurt me al veel te lang!!!
    u wacht nog op een nieuwjaars kadootje, ha ha
  10. [verwijderd] 13 december 2012 12:38

    opa schreef op 13 december 2012 12:03:


    u wacht nog op een nieuwjaars kadootje, ha ha
    Ze zouden ongeveer half december met het bod van 0,52 komen zo had ik het begrepen, niet echt een nieuwjaars kadootje hoor!
  11. [verwijderd] 13 december 2012 12:57

    yokyok schreef op 13 december 2012 12:38:


    Ze zouden ongeveer half december met het bod van 0,52 komen zo had ik het begrepen, niet echt een nieuwjaars kadootje hoor!
    ik weet het, het is gewoon een klote bedrijf.
  12. forum rang 9 rationeel 13 december 2012 18:33

    opa schreef:


    ik weet het, het is gewoon een klote bedrijf.
    Een gegeven paard niet in de bek kijken, en een

    verrassing altijd mogelijk:)
  13. forum rang 9 rationeel 14 december 2012 01:30
    Dr. Reddy's launches the recommended Public Cash Offer for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of OctoPlus N.V.

    This is a joint press release by Reddy Netherlands B.V. (the "Offeror"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. ("Dr. Reddy's"), Dr. Reddy's and OctoPlus N.V. ("OctoPlus" or the "Company") pursuant to Section 10, paragraph 3 and Section 18, paragraph 3 of the Dutch Public Takeover Decree (Besluit openbare biedingen Wft, the "Decree") in connection with the recommended public offer (the "Offer") by the Offeror for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares (the "Shares") in the capital of OctoPlus. This press release does not constitute, or form part of, an offer or any solicitation of an offer, to acquire or subscribe or sell any securities in OctoPlus. The Offer is only made by means of the Offer Memorandum (as defined below). This announcement is not for release, publication, dissemination, or distribution, in whole or in part, in or into Canada and Japan. Capitalised terms not defined in this press release shall have the meaning given thereto in the Offer Memorandum.

    Dr. Reddy's launches the recommended Public Cash Offer for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of OctoPlus N.V.


    The Offer is a public, all cash offer for all Shares at an offer price of EUR 0.52 (cum dividend)

    The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of OctoPlus fully support and unanimously recommend the Offer

    Shareholders holding in aggregate 62.4% of Shares have entered into irrevocable undertakings to tender their Shares under the Offer

    The individual members of the Boards holding together 1.1% of the Shares have also agreed to an irrevocable undertaking to tender their Shares under the Offer

    The Offer Period commences at 14 December 2012 at 09:00 CET and ends on 8 February 2013 at 18:00 CET, unless extended

    OctoPlus convened an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to discuss the Offer and the measures taken in respect of OctoPlus' equity decrease in accordance with Section 2:108a of the Dutch Civil Code to be held at 14.00 hours CET on 15 January 2013 at OctoPlus' headquarter in Leiden

    The Offer shall be subject to the fulfilment or waiver of the Offer Conditions as set out in the Offer Memorandum which is made available on the websites of Dr. Reddy's and the Company as of today

    Hyderabad/Leiden, 13 December 2012 - With the publication of the Offer Memorandum today, Dr. Reddy's, the Offeror and OctoPlus hereby jointly announce that the Offeror is making an all cash public offer for all Shares at an offer price of EUR 0.52 (cum dividend) per Share.


    On 22 October 2012, Dr. Reddy's and OctoPlus jointly announced that they reached conditional agreement on the intended cash offer for all the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of OctoPlus by Dr. Reddy's (the "Joint Announcement").

    Dr. Reddy's evaluated the capabilities of OctoPlus in drug formulation and fee-for-service contract manufacturing and believes that the existing drug formulation expertise of OctoPlus, using Microspheres and Liposomes, could address the capabilities required to meet its needs in complex injectable drug development. In addition, OctoPlus' ability to improve the formulations of both existing and new drugs is believed to be complementary to Dr. Reddy's existing capabilities.

    Dr. Reddy's believes all stakeholders will benefit from the Offer as it enables Dr. Reddy's to extend its expertise in drug formulation and injectables and OctoPlus to further develop as a research centre for complex injectables. In addition, it is the intention to further grow the fee-for-service business and to harness operational synergies arising from extensive collaboration between both organisations. Both parties aim to position OctoPlus as a stand-alone centre for drug formulation and injectables within the organisation of Dr. Reddy's.

    The Offer and Offer Price

    The Offer values 100% of the Shares at EUR 27.4 million and represents a premium of 30% over OctoPlus' closing price on the last trading day before the Joint Announcement and a premium of respectively 36%, 28% and 14% over OctoPlus' average closing price for the past three, six and twelve months prior to the Joint Announcement.

    The Offeror is making the Offer on the terms and subject to the conditions and restrictions set out in the offer memorandum dated 13 December 2012 (the "Offer Memorandum"). Shareholders should refer to the Offer Memorandum for all terms, conditions and restrictions to the Offer.

    For each Share validly tendered under the Offer (or defectively tendered under the Offer provided that such defect has been waived by the Offeror) and transferred (geleverd), and not validly withdrawn, subject to the Offeror declaring the Offer unconditional (gestanddoening), the Offeror offers a consideration of EUR 0.52 in cash (the "Offer Price").

    The Offer Price is cum dividend. This means that the Offer Price includes any (interim) dividends and other distributions that may be declared or paid in respect of any Share in the period between the date of the Merger Protocol and the Settlement Date and the Offer Price will be decreased by the full amount (before any applicable withholding tax) paid or declared. At the date hereof, no dividends or distributions have been declared or paid since the date of the Merger Protocol and OctoPlus does not intend to pay or declare any such dividends or distributions.

    With reference to Section 7, paragraph 4 of the Decree, Dr. Reddy's announced in the Joint Announcement that it has sufficient funds available to complete the Offer and the financing of the Offer will not be subject to the consent of any third party and shall have no financing condition.

    Recommendation and Support

    OctoPlus' Executive Board and the Supervisory Board (together the "Boards") fully support and unanimously recommend Shareholders to tender their Shares under the Offer and to vote in favour of the governance related resolutions at the EGM (as defined below). After careful consideration, the Boards believe this transaction is in the best interests of the Company and its stakeholders including its Shareholders and employees. ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has, as independent advisor, issued a fairness opinion to the Boards, stating that the Offer Price is fair to the Shareholders from a financial point of view.

    OctoPlus has prepared a Position Statement as required by Section 18, paragraph 2 of the Decree which is made available as of today.

    Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

    At 14.00 hours CET, on 15 January 2013 an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of OctoPlus (the "EGM") will be held at OctoPlus' headquarters in Leiden, the Netherlands. At the EGM, the Offer will be discussed in accordance with Section 18, paragraph 1 of the Decree and certain governance related resolutions in connection with the Offer will be proposed to be adopted. In addition, the measures that were taken by OctoPlus in respect of the decrease of its equity will be discussed during the EGM in accordance with Section 2:108a of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek, the "DCC").

    Works Council

    The Works Council has been informed regarding the Offer. On the basis thereof, the Works Counci
  14. forum rang 9 rationeel 14 december 2012 01:34

    Works Council

    The Works Council has been informed regarding the Offer. On the basis thereof, the Works Council has given its unconditional positive advice in respect of the Offer.

    To the extent that intended decisions regarding any future integration or restructuring will be subject to the Works Council's advice the proper procedures shall be followed pursuant to the Dutch Works Council Act (Wet op de ondernemingsraden) and in accordance with standard practice within OctoPlus.

    Irrevocable undertakings for in total 63.5% of the Shares

    In addition to the irrevocable undertakings announced in the joint press releases of Dr. Reddy's and OctoPlus of 22 October 2012 and 16 November 2012, funds managed by IPSA (formerly Innoven Partenaires S.A.) have signed an irrevocable undertaking to support and accept the Offer, subject to customary conditions. The combined shareholding of these funds represents approximately 4.9% of the Shares.

    As announced in the joint press releases of Dr. Reddy's and OctoPlus of 22 October 2012 and 16 November 2012, Onroerend Goed Beheer- en Beleggingsmaatschappij A. Van Herk B.V., LSP III Omni Investment Coöperatief U.A., Signet Healthcare Partners, L.L.C. SR One, Limited, J.J.M. Holthuis (the founder of OctoPlus) and his holding company Sodoro B.V. and N.V. Fagus (together with funds managed by IPSA jointly referred to as the "Committed Shareholders") have signed irrevocable undertakings to support and accept the Offer, subject to customary conditions. The combined shareholding of the Committed Shareholders represents 62.4% of the Shares.

    The Committed Shareholders shall tender their Shares against the Offer Price and against the terms and conditions of the Offer as set out in the Offer Memorandum. The Committed Shareholders did not receive any information in connection with the Offer other than contained in the Offer Memorandum.

    The individual members of the Boards holding together 1.1% of the Shares have also agreed to an irrevocable undertaking to tender their Shares under the Offer against the Offer Price and against the terms and conditions of the Offer as set out in the Offer Memorandum. To the best knowledge of the Offeror and OctoPlus, these members have not received any information that is relevant for the assessment of the Offer by Shareholders other than contained in the Offer Memorandum.

    Offer Period

    The Offer Period will commence at 09:00 hours CET, on 14 December 2012 and will expire on 8 February 2013 at 18:00 hours CET (the "Closing Date"), unless the Offer Period is extended in accordance with the terms of the Offer Memorandum and Section 15 of the Decree.

    If one or more of the Offer Conditions is not satisfied or waived at the Closing Date, the Offeror may extend the Offer Period.

    If all conditions to the Offer are satisfied or, where appropriate, waived, the Offeror will accept all Shares that have been validly tendered (or defectively tendered provided that such defect has been waived by the Offeror) and not previously properly withdrawn, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Offer Memorandum.

    Acceptance by Shareholders

    Shares held through Admitted Institutions

    The Shareholders who hold their Shares through an Admitted Institution are requested to make their acceptance known through their custodian, bank or stockbroker no later than 18:00 hours CET on the Closing Date, unless the Offer Period is extended in accordance with Section 5.5 (Extension) of the Offer Memorandum. The custodian, bank or stockbroker may set an earlier deadline for communication by Shareholders in order to permit the custodian, bank or stockbroker to communicate its acceptances to Kempen & Co. N.V. (the "Exchange Agent") in a timely manner.

    Admitted Institutions may tender the Shares for acceptance only to the Exchange Agent and only in writing. In submitting the acceptance, Admitted Institutions are required to declare that (i) they have the Tendered Shares in their administration, (ii) each Shareholder who accepts the Offer irrevocably represents and warrants that the Tendered Shares are being tendered in compliance with the restrictions set out in Sections 2 (Restrictions) and 3 (Important information) of the Offer Memorandum and (iii) they undertake to transfer these Tendered Shares to the Offeror prior to or ultimately on the Settlement Date, provided that the Offer has been declared unconditional (gestand wordt gedaan).

    Acceptance by holders of Shares individually recorded in OctoPlus' shareholders register

    Holders of Shares individually recorded in OctoPlus' shareholders register wishing to accept the Offer in respect of such Shares must deliver a completed and signed acceptance form to the Exchange Agent in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Offer, no later than 18:00 hours CET, on the Closing Date. The acceptance forms are available upon request from the Exchange Agent. The acceptance form will also serve as a deed of transfer (akte van levering) with respect to the Shares referenced therein.

    Extension of the Offer Period

    The Offeror may once extend the Offer Period if one or more of the Offer Conditions is not timely satisfied or waived. Extension for more than one period is subject to clearance of the AFM, which will only be given in exceptional circumstances. In addition, the Offer Period may be extended if the events referred to in Section 15, paragraphs 5 of 9 of the Decree, occur.

    If the Offer Period is extended, a public announcement to that effect shall be made no later than the third Business Day following the initial Closing Date, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Decree. Such a public announcement shall contain the date to which the Offer Period is extended. In the event of an extension of the Offer Period, all references in the Offer Memorandum to 18:00 CET on the Closing Date shall, unless the context requires otherwise, be changed to the latest date and time to which the Offer Period is so extended.

    During an extension of the Offer Period, any Shares previously tendered and not withdrawn in accordance with Section 15 paragraph 3 of the Decree will remain subject to the Offer.

    Declaring the Offer unconditional (gestanddoening)

    The Offer will be subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the Offer Conditions as set out in Section 6.7 of the Offer Memorandum. If the Offeror wishes to (partly) waive one or more Offer Conditions, the Offeror will inform the Shareholders.

    No later than on the third Business Day following the Closing Date (the "Unconditional Date"), the Offeror will determine whether the Offer Conditions have been satisfied or waived, to the extent permitted by the Applicable Rules. In addition, the Offeror will announce on the Unconditional Date whether (i) the Offer is declared unconditional, (ii) the Offer Period will be extended in accordance with Section 15 of the Decree, or (iii) the Offer is terminated as a result of the Offer Conditions not having been satisfied or waived, all in accordance with Section 16 of the Decree. In the event that the Offer is not declared unconditional, the Offeror will explain such decision.

    Post Closing Acceptance Period (na-aanmeldingstermijn)

    In the event that the Offeror announces that the Offer is declared unconditional (gestand wordt gedaan), the Offeror shall, in accordance wi
  15. forum rang 9 rationeel 14 december 2012 01:37
    Post Closing Acceptance Period (na-aanmeldingstermijn)

    In the event that the Offeror announces that the Offer is declared unconditional (gestand wordt gedaan), the Offeror shall, in accordance with Section 17 of the Decree, within three Business Days after declaring the Offer unconditional, publicly announce a Post Closing Acceptance Period (na-aanmeldingstermijn) of a maximum of two weeks to enable Shareholders who did not tender their Shares during the Offer Period to tender their Shares under the same terms and conditions as applicable to the Offer. The Post Closing Acceptance Period will start the Business Day following the day of announcement thereof.

    The Offeror will publicly announce the results of the Post Closing Acceptance Period and the total amount and total percentage of Shares held by it in accordance with Section 17, paragraph 4 of the Decree ultimately on the third Business Day following the last day of the Post Closing Acceptance Period. The Offeror shall continue to accept for payment all Shares validly tendered (or defectively tendered provided that such defect has been waived by the Offeror) during such Post Closing Acceptance Period and shall pay for such Shares within five Business Days following the last day of the Post Closing Acceptance Period.

    During the Post Closing Acceptance Period, Shareholders have no right to withdraw Shares from the Offer, whether validly tendered during the Offer Period (or defectively tendered provided that such defect has been waived by the Offeror) or during the Post Closing Acceptance Period.

    Settlement of the Offer

    In the event that the Offeror announces that the Offer is declared unconditional (gestand wordt gedaan), Shareholders who have tendered and transferred (geleverd) their Shares for acceptance to the Offeror pursuant to the Offer on or prior to the Closing Date will receive the Offer Price in respect of each Tendered Share within five Business Days following the Unconditional Date, as of which moment dissolution or annulment of a Shareholder's tender or transfer (levering) shall not be permitted.

    Governance after the Offer

    After completion of the Offer and provided the requisite resolutions are adopted at the EGM, the Supervisory Board will be reduced from five to three members, of whom one will be independent and two of whom will be appointed upon designation by Dr. Reddy's. The three current members of the Executive Board have agreed to stay on for an interim period of 180 days following the Settlement Date.

    Liquidity, delisting and Post-Closing Measures

    The acquisition of the Shares by the Offeror pursuant to the Offer, among other things, will reduce the number of Shareholders and the number of Shares that might otherwise trade publicly. This could adversely affect the liquidity and market value of the Shares not tendered under the Offer.

    Subject to the Offer being declared unconditional (gestand wordt gedaan) and the Offeror acquiring 95% or more of the issued share capital of OctoPlus or on the basis of a Statutory Merger or an asset restructuring followed by dissolution of OctoPlus, the listing of the Shares on Euronext Amsterdam will be terminated as soon as possible. This will further adversely affect the liquidity of any Shares not tendered under the Offer.

    The Offeror reserves the right to use any permitted method to acquire 100% of the Shares. In the event that the Offeror (together with its group companies (groepsmaatschappijen)) holds 95% or more of the issued and outstanding share capital of OctoPlus following the Settlement Date, the Offeror will, as soon as possible, initiate squeeze-out proceedings (uitkoopprocedure) in accordance with Section 2:92a or 2:201a of the DCC or takeover squeeze-out proceedings in accordance with Section 2:359c of the DCC in order to acquire the remaining Shares not tendered and not held by the Offeror or OctoPlus.

    In addition, and regardless whether or not the Offeror after completion of the Offer would hold 95% of the Shares, the Offeror may wish to effect or cause to effect any other restructuring of the OctoPlus Group for the purpose of achieving an optimal operational, legal, financial and/or fiscal structure in accordance with the Applicable Rules and Dutch law in general, some of which may have the (side) effect of diluting the interest of any remaining minority Shareholders.


    Any announcement contemplated by the Offer Memorandum and in relation to the Offer will be issued by press release. Subject to any applicable requirements and without limiting the manner in which the Offeror may choose to make any public announcement, the Offeror will have no obligation to communicate any public announcement other than as described above.

    Offer Memorandum, Position Statement and further information

    The information in this press release is not intended to be complete and for further information explicit reference is made to the Offer Memorandum and the Position Statement. The Offer Memorandum contains the full details of the Offer.

    Shareholders are advised to review the Offer Memorandum and the Position Statement in detail and to seek independent advice where appropriate in order to reach a reasoned judgement in respect of the content of the Offer Memorandum, the Position Statement and the Offer itself.

    Digital copies of the Offer Memorandum are available on the website of OctoPlus ( and Dr. Reddy's ( Copies of the Offer Memorandum are also available free of charge at the offices of OctoPlus and the Exchange Agent at the addresses mentioned below. The Dr. Reddy's and OctoPlus websites do not constitute a part of, and are not incorporated by reference into, the Offer Memorandum.

    Digital copies of the Position Statement and the other documents with respect to the EGM, including the agenda and explanatory notes thereto, are available on the website of OctoPlus ( Copies of the Position Statement are also available free of charge at the offices of OctoPlus at the address mentioned below.

    OctoPlus N.V.

    Zernikedreef 12
    2333 CL Leiden
    The Netherlands

    Exchange Agent

    Kempen & Co N.V.
    Attn. Kempen Agency Services L3
    Beethovenstraat 300
    1077 WZ Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    Telefax: +31 (0)20 348 9549


    Kempen & Co and IDFC Capital are acting as financial advisors and Linklaters LLP is acting as legal advisor to Dr. Reddy's in connection with the Offer.

    Loyens & Loeff N.V. is acting as legal counsel to OctoPlus and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has provided the fairness opinion to OctoPlus.

    Company profile Dr. Reddy's

    Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. (NYSE: RDY) is an integrated global pharmaceutical company, committed to providing affordable and innovative medicines for healthier lives. Over the last fiscal year the company generated revenues of over USD 2.0 billion. Through its three businesses - Pharmaceutical Services and Active Ingredients, Global Generics and Proprietary Products - Dr. Reddy's offers a portfolio of products and services including APIs, custom pharmaceutical services, generics, biosimilars, differentiated formulations and NCEs. Therapeutic focus is on gastro-intestinal, cardiovascular, diabetology, oncology, pain management, anti-infective and pediatrics. Major markets include India, USA, Russia and CIS, Germany, UK, Venezuela, S. Africa, Romania, and New Zealand.
  16. forum rang 9 rationeel 14 december 2012 01:40

    Kempen & Co and IDFC Capital are acting as financial advisors and Linklaters LLP is acting as legal advisor to Dr. Reddy's in connection with the Offer.

    Loyens & Loeff N.V. is acting as legal counsel to OctoPlus and ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has provided the fairness opinion to OctoPlus.

    Company profile Dr. Reddy's

    Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. (NYSE: RDY) is an integrated global pharmaceutical company, committed to providing affordable and innovative medicines for healthier lives. Over the last fiscal year the company generated revenues of over USD 2.0 billion. Through its three businesses - Pharmaceutical Services and Active Ingredients, Global Generics and Proprietary Products - Dr. Reddy's offers a portfolio of products and services including APIs, custom pharmaceutical services, generics, biosimilars, differentiated formulations and NCEs. Therapeutic focus is on gastro-intestinal, cardiovascular, diabetology, oncology, pain management, anti-infective and pediatrics. Major markets include India, USA, Russia and CIS, Germany, UK, Venezuela, S. Africa, Romania, and New Zealand. More information on Dr. Reddy's can be found on:

    Company profile OctoPlus

    OctoPlus is a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the development and manufacture of improved injectable pharmaceuticals based on proprietary drug delivery technologies that exhibit fewer side effects, improved patient convenience and a better efficacy/safety balance than existing therapies.

    OctoPlus also focuses on the development of long-acting, controlled release versions of known protein therapeutics, peptides and small molecules, including specialty generics. OctoPlus is a leading European provider of advanced drug formulation and clinical scale manufacturing services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, with a focus on difficult-to formulate active pharmaceutical ingredients.

    OctoPlus is listed on Euronext Amsterdam by NYSE Euronext under the symbol OCTO. More information about OctoPlus can be found on:

    Further information

    Dr. Reddy's

    For further information about Dr. Reddy's, please contact:

    For Investors and Financial Analysts:

    Kedar Upadhye: telephone number +91-40-66834297 or send an e-mail to

    Saunak Savla: telephone number +91-40-49002135 or send an e-mail to

    Milan Kalawadia (USA): telephone number +1 908-203-4931 or send an e-mail to

    For Media:

    S Rajan: telephone number +91-40-49002445 or send an e-mail to


    For further information about OctoPlus, please contact Investor Relations: telephone number +31 (71) 524 1061 or send an e-mail to Investor Relations at

    Important information


    This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or an invitation to acquire or dispose of any securities or investment advice or an inducement to enter into investment activity. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire the securities of Dr. Reddy's or OctoPlus in any jurisdiction. The distribution of this press release may, in some countries, be restricted by law or regulation. Accordingly, persons who come into possession of this document should inform themselves of and observe these restrictions. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Dr. Reddy's and OctoPlus disclaim any responsibility or liability for the violation of any such restrictions by any person. Any failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of that jurisdiction. Neither Dr. Reddy's, nor OctoPlus, nor any of their advisors assumes any responsibility for any violation by any person of any of these restrictions. Any OctoPlus shareholder who is in any doubt as to his position should consult an appropriate professional advisor without delay. This announcement is not to be published or distributed in or to Canada and Japan.

    Notice to US holders of Shares

    The Offer will be made for the securities of a Dutch company and is subject to Dutch disclosure requirements, which are different from those of the United States. Some of the financial information included in this announcement has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and thus may not be comparable to financial information of US companies or companies whose financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. The Offer will be made in the United States pursuant to the applicable US tender offer rules and otherwise in accordance with the requirements of the Decree. Accordingly, the Offer will be subject to disclosure and other procedural requirements, including with respect to withdrawal rights, offer timetable, settlement procedures and timing of payments, that are different from those applicable under US domestic tender offer procedures and law.

    The receipt of cash pursuant to the Offer by a US holder of Shares may be a taxable transaction for US federal income tax purposes and under applicable state and local, as well as foreign and other tax laws. Each holder of Shares is urged to consult his independent professional advisor immediately regarding the tax consequences of acceptance of the offer.

    It may be difficult for US holders of Shares to enforce their rights and claims arising out of the US federal securities laws, since OctoPlus is located in a country other than the United States, and some or all of its officers and directors may be residents of a country other than the United States. US holders of Shares may not be able to sue a non-US company or its officers or directors in a non-US court for violations of the US securities laws. Further, it may be difficult to compel a non-US company and its affiliates to subject themselves to a US court's judgment.

    In accordance with normal Dutch practice and pursuant to Rule 14e-5(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Dr. Reddy's or its nominees, or its brokers (acting as agents), may from time to time make certain purchases of, or arrangements to purchase, Shares outside of the United States, other than pursuant to the Offer, before or during the period in which the Offer remains open for acceptance. These purchases may occur either in the open market at prevailing prices or in private transactions at negotiated prices. Any information about such purchases will be disclosed as required in the Netherlands, will be reported to the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten) and disclosed in the offer memorandum or by press release.

    Forward Looking Statements

    This press release may include "forward-looking statements" and language indicating trends, such as "anticipated" and "expected." Although Dr. Reddy's and OctoPlus believe that the assumptions upon which the irrespective financial information and their respective forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, they can give no assurance that these assumptions will prove to be correct. Neither Dr. Reddy's nor OctoPlus, nor any of their advisors accepts any responsibility for any financial information contained in this press release relating to the business or operations or results or financi
  17. peebee 14 december 2012 14:57
    vandaag al bijna 3,7 miljoen aandelen van eigenaar veranderd....ben benieuwd hoever Dr. Reddy komt gezien de benodigde 95%

    misschien dat ik me wel meld in Leiden bij de Bava...
  18. patient 14 december 2012 18:47
    Er is nog een kaper op de kust!!

    As a result, OctoPlus investigated several strategic alternatives to secure the achievement of OctoPlus’ strategic objectives, resulting in indicative offers from two strategic partners of which the (intended) Offer by Dr. Reddy’s on 22 October 2012 was selected as the best choice to serve the needs of all stakeholders of the Company, including the Shareholders, employees, clients and creditors.

    Waarom weten wij dit niet meneer Egberts?
    Bood hij minder dan E500.000 oprot premie?
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