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  1. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2020 07:59
    Recordaantal overstappers energie: dit zijn de populaire aanbieders

    Ruim 1,7 miljoen van de 8 miljoen huishoudens is tussen april 2019 en april 2020 overgestapt van energiemaatschappij. Dat is een nieuw record, concludeert de Autoriteit Consument en Markt (ACM). Switchen is populairder geworden dankzij online prijsvergelijkers.

    Stefan ten Teije 17-06-20, 07:30 Laatste update: 07:48

    In de afgelopen drie jaar is meer dan de helft (53 procent) van de consumenten ten minste één keer overgestapt van energieleverancier of -contract. De prijs van energie is de belangrijkste drijfveer, blijkt uit ACM-onderzoek. De prijsverschillen tussen de energieproducten kunnen oplopen tot ruim 600 euro per jaar, afhankelijk van verbruik. Dat komt voornamelijk doordat contracten met een variabel tarief niet zo scherp mee zijn gedaald met de uitzonderlijk lage productiekosten van energie de laatste maanden.

    Lees ook
    Prijs voor duurzame energie uit Nederland omhoog

    Vereniging Eigen Huis vindt nieuwe energielabel te duur: ‘Vraag snel de oude aan’

    Top drie
    Steeds meer consumenten (57 procent) regelen hun overstap via de website van een energieleverancier of via een online-vergelijker. Deze site vroeg prijsvergelijker naar de meest populaire aanbieders in zijn online hulpprogramma, waar jaarlijks tussen de 120.000 en 150.000 klanten gebruik van maken. Daar komt de volgende top drie uit:

    1. Greenchoice (16 procent)
    2. Energiedirect (14 procent)
    3. United Consumers (10 procent)

    Deze percentages gaan over nieuw afgesloten contracten van maart tot nu, toen de scherpste dalingen in energieprijzen zijn waargenomen en Nederlanders massaal overstapten. Kijk je een heel jaar terug, dan zou Vattenfall de derde plek innemen.

    Frederik van der Veen van verklaart: ,,Wat we daar in ieder geval niet uit concluderen, is dat deze maatschappijen ook de goedkoopste zijn. Dat verandert eigenlijk per dag, omdat ook de inkoopprijzen van energie dagelijks veranderen. Aanbieders zijn constant bezig met de vraag hoeveel klanten ze nodig hebben om de energie die ze zelf met langlopende contracten hebben ingekocht, kwijt te kunnen. Als ze klanten verliezen, moeten ze er ook weer meer aantrekken.”

    Als ze klanten verliezen, moeten ze er ook weer meer aantrekken

    Frederik van der Veen, Easy Switch
    Grotere energiemaatschappijen kunnen volgens Van der Veen bovendien snellere groei aan. ,,Uiteraard qua administratie, maar zij hebben ook het geld om energie in te kopen als ze een toestroom aan klanten tegemoetzien. Energiedirect kan snel groeien omdat het onderdeel is van Essent.” Daarnaast wijst hij erop dat er meerdere manieren van marketing of reclame maken zijn. ,,Niet iedere klant stapt over via een prijsvergelijker natuurlijk.”

    © ACM
    Vast en groen contract
    Volgens een andere vergelijkingssite,, neemt de interesse voor contracten met een variabel tarief af sinds maart en leggen consumenten de prijs die ze voor een eenheid aan stroom en gas betalen langer vast, namelijk drie, vier of vijf jaar. Independer denkt dat dat komt door de berichten in de pers over historisch lage prijzen. Mensen zouden die dan voor langere termijn willen vastleggen.

    Ook is er een grotere interesse voor groene stroom van Nederlandse bodem, laat Independer weten. De ACM ziet dat de overstap naar hernieuwbare energie een belangrijkere reden wordt om over te stappen, van 17 procent naar 21 procent. Deze site schreef daar eerder al over: de toegenomen vraag heeft er in sommige gevallen toe geleid dat ‘polderstroom’ duurder wordt. Er ontstaat simpelweg schaarste vanwege de toegenomen vraag. Groene stroom uit Nederland (niet met certificaten uit het buitenland) is volgens voorlichtingsorganisatie Milieu Centraal de meest duurzame optie. De ACM houdt toezicht op de verklaringen van energieleveranciers over het groen zijn van hun stroom.

    Als je wilt overstappen terwijl je een contract voor bepaalde tijd hebt, moet je een boete betalen., onderdeel van hetzelfde moederbedrijf als deze site (DPG Media) maakte onderstaande tool om te zien hoe hoog die boete ongeveer is:

    Voor meer, zie link:
  2. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2020 11:04
    MHI Vestas Offshore Wind Bags Major Wind Turbine Order for Seagreen Offshore Project

    MHI Vestas Offshore Wind AS has received a 1,140 MW order for delivery of wind turbines for the Seagreen offshore project in Scotland. The order has been placed by Seagreen Wind Energy Limited and comprises 114 nnumber of V164-10.0 MW turbines delivered in different load optimised modes to adapt to grid requirements. The wind turbines will be delivered by MHI Vestas Offshore Wind AS.

    The contract will see MHI Vestas manufacture and install turbines at the 1,140MW Seagreen site, its fourth project in Scotland. MHI Vestas has also signed a service and maintenance agreement at the project for a period of 15 years.

    The Seagreen project has been under development since 2010, when it was part of the award to exclusive development rights for the Firth of Forth Zone of the UK’s Round 3 offshore wind farm development programme. Seagreen will provide around 5,000GWh annually of clean renewable energy, supplying the energy needs of around one million homes and saving around 1.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

    MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is a 50:50 joint venture between Vestas Wind Systems 50 percent) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. The company’s sole focus is to design, manufacture, install and service wind turbines for the offshore wind industry.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2020 11:30
    Vestas secures 35 MW auction win in Poland
    News release from Vestas Northern and Central Europe
    Hamburg, 16 June 2020

    Vestas has worked closely with KGAL Investment Management to develop a customised wind energy solution that has enabled our customer to succeed in a competitive auction. Awarded at the Polish wind-solar-energy auction in December 2019, this order marks another win for Vestas in the auction round. So far, Vestas has supported our customers to win more than 900 MW in auctions in Poland, attesting to the increasing competitiveness of onshore wind energy in the market.

    Further demonstrating the continued strong demand for Vestas’ 2 MW platform, the Elblag (Krasin) wind project in northern Poland will comprise 16 V110-2.0 MW turbines deployed in 2.2 MW Power Optimised Mode with 120m towers in combination with a 25-years Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. This site-specific solution will lower the levelised cost of energy while at the same time maximise the power production of the project.

    “This order emphasises our long-standing relationship with Vestas and will expand the Vestas turbine fleet in our managed portfolio to over 480 MW”, outlines Michael Ebner, Managing Director of KGAL Investment Management, who is responsible for the infrastructure asset class. “The long-term service agreement adds additional security and stability to the project’s expected revenue streams which are hedged by the auction award. With this project we are expanding in Poland and complement KGAL’s renewables portfolio in nine other European countries”.

    “Helping our customers to win more than 900 MW during the first two auction rounds in Poland, this order from our valued customer KGAL Asset Management underlines our ability to support our customers’ success in auctions while creating maximum return for their investment in wind”, states Nils de Baar, President of Vestas Northern and Central Europe.

    The project will feature a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution, lowering turbine downtime and thus optimising the energy output. The contract further includes supply, installation and commissioning of the wind turbines, as well as a 25-years Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreements.

    Deliveries are expected to begin in the third quarter of 2020, while commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of 2021.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2020 11:34
    Ørsted reaches new offshore wind milestone with turbine number 1,500

    Ørsted has reached another milestone in its expanding offshore wind business with the installation of offshore wind turbine 1,500. Ørsted is set to more than double its offshore wind capacity in the coming five years using ever larger turbines. When Ørsted recently installed the 25th of Borssele 1 & 2's 8MW wind turbines, it was also the 1,500th offshore wind turbine installed by Ørsted.

    Ørsted is the first offshore wind developer to reach this significant milestone. Before construction start at Borssele 1 & 2, Ørsted had already installed 6.8GW offshore wind capacity globally, which annually supplies green electricity for the equivalent of 6.6 million households. Ørsted is currently constructing 3GW of offshore wind and aims to have installed a total of 15GW by 2025 in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Taiwan, UK and the US.

    Ørsted installed the world's first offshore wind turbine at Vindeby, Denmark, in 1991. The entire offshore wind farm, consisting of 11 turbines, had a capacity of 5MW - a lot less than the capacity of a single modern offshore wind turbine. In 2012, 21 years after Vindeby, Ørsted installed its 500th turbine, which was achieved at Walney Offshore Wind Farm in the UK. The 1,000th followed only four years later at the German Gode Wind 1 & 2 project.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2020 11:40
    Enel Green Power Bags 83 MW in Italy in GSE’s Second Auction

    Enel Green Power was awarded 68 MW of new renewable capacity for two wind projects and 38.3 MW of nominal capacity deriving from the repowering of already-operational hydro plants in the second renewable auction launched by the Italian state owned energy service company Gestore Servizi Energetici. Specifically, the company participated in the 500 MW tender for new wind and solar projects and the 98.5 MW tender for renovations of renewable plants with a capacity exceeding 1 MW.

    Regarding the new capacity, the two wind farms are located in Campania and Basilicata. The upgrading and useful life extension concerns the three hydro plants already operating in the municipalities of Castiglione dei Pepoli (Bologna), Civitella in Val di Chiana (Arezzo) and Montecreto (Modena).

    The construction of new capacity and the upgrading of existing plants in Italy are part of the wider commitment of the Enel Group to the growth of renewables and to decarbonization which in our country foresees, in the 2020-2022 period, the development of new renewable capacity for around 700 MW and for which EGP has developed a pipeline of approximately 1.3 ** GW of opportunities that can start operating in the same period.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2020 11:41
    MHI Vestas Final Turbine Sails to WindFloat Atlantic Project Site

    MHI Vestas confirmd that the final V164-8.4 MW turbine atop Principle Power’s semi-submersible WindFloat Foundation has left the quay in Northern Spain and is sailing toward the project site. When the final turbine arrives at its destination after a 250 km journey, WindFloat Atlantic will consist of three V164-8.4 MW turbines, the largest and most powerful wind turbines operating on floating foundations worldwide. The project site is located 20 km off the coast of Viana do Castelo in Portugal at a sea depth of 100 meters. The WindFloat Atlantic project is being developed by a consortium made up of EDP Renewables, Engie, Repsol and Principle Power.

    Once fully commissioned, the 25 MW project will deliver clean energy to 60,000 homes and provide insights related to progressing the future floating projects in the offshore wind industry.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 17 juni 2020 11:45
    1,400 GW of Offshore Wind Possible by 2050 – OREAC

    On World Ocean Day, the Ocean Renewable Energy Action Coalition has announced its vision for 1,400 GW of offshore wind globally by 2050 to drive decarbonisation and a green economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. This ambition goes beyond current offshore wind forecasts, but is entirely achievable considering the resource potential, technology innovation, and government appetite to position offshore wind at the centre of the global energy transition.

    OREAC was formed in response to the 2019 call for ocean-based climate action by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy Ocean Panel and represents ocean energy in the global dialogue on a sustainable ocean economy. The Ocean Panel is a unique initiative of 14 serving world leaders working with diverse stakeholders to accelerate bold, pragmatic solutions for realising a sustainable ocean economy.

    OREAC is spearheaded by Ørsted and Equinor, and includes other major players in the global offshore wind industry: CWind, Global Marine Group, JERA, MHI Vestas, MingYang Smart Energy, Mainstream Renewable Power, Shell, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, TenneT, and GE Renewable Energy. Additional partner organisations include Global Wind Energy Council, World Resources Institute, UN Global Compact, the Chinese Wind Energy Association and Ocean Energy Systems.

    A report commissioned by the Ocean Panel shows that ocean-based renewable energy, such as offshore wind, floating solar, tidal and wave power, could meet nearly 10 per cent of the global annual greenhouse gas emissions reductions needed to remain on a Paris-compliant 1.5 degree centigrade pathway in 2050. It estimates that up to 85 per cent of this decarbonisation potential will come from offshore wind. 1,400 GW of offshore wind would power one-tenth of global electricity demand while saving over 3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year, equal to taking 800 million cars off the road.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 25 juni 2020 15:25
    Vestas Bags 18MW Order from Inergia in Italy

    Vestas has secured an order from Inergia SpA, a leading producer of renewable energy in Italy, for the Stornara project located in the Apulia region. Awarded in the Italian auction round in October 2019, the 18 MW order adds to the more than 1.1 GW of contracts signed by Vestas in Italy’s auction system, thus demonstrating its ability to support customers in submitting winning auction bids. The order reinforces Vestas’ leadership in the country’s wind energy sector, where it has installed more than 4.3 GW since 1991, accounting for a 40 percent market share.

    The order includes the supply and installation of five V136-3.45 MW wind turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode, as well as a 10-year Active Output Management 4000 service agreement.

    Turbine delivery will begin in the first quarter of 2021 with commissioning scheduled for the same quarter.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 25 juni 2020 15:27
    Siemens Gamesa to supply 13 Turbines to Coesfeld Letter Bruch Wind Farm

    Siemens Gamesa will supply 13 turbines to Coesfeld Letter Bruch wind farm with outputs ranging from 3.6 MW to 4.1 MW, various rotor diameters and hub heights of up to 165 meters. The order includes delivery, installation, connection and a service contract for 20 years. With a total output of 52.8 MW, the Coesfeld Letter Bruch wind farm is one of the largest wind energy projects currently being installed in North Rhine-Westphalia. Each year, the 13 wind turbines will save more than 53,000 tons of climate-damaging CO2 and produce enough green electricity to supply around 36,000 three-person households with climate-neutral electricity.

    The wind farm Coesfeld Letter Bruch is operated by SL NaturEnergie together with Emergy as a joint venture of the public services of Coesfeld and Borken and the citizen run energy company Letter Wind.

    For the wind farm, the Gladbeck-based wind energy company is using turbines from Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy for the first time. To operate the turbines as effectively as possible and to quickly replace coal and nuclear power, the companies involved developed a customized solution. Nine of the 13 turbines use the latest generation of hybrid towers. The concrete components of the towers as well as the foundations come from Max Bögl Wind AG, market leader in the manufacture of hybrid towers. Siemens Gamesa is supplying the turbines and the steel components. SL NaturEnergie is responsible for the project management for the construction of the hybrid towers.

    The wind farm is scheduled to be commissioned by Spring 2021.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 25 juni 2020 15:30
    Iberdrola to Acquire Majority Stake in 8 Projects from Svea Vind Offshore

    Iberdrola has agreed a deal to take majority acquisitions in the projects with the renewables company Svea Vind Offshore AB for the future development of up to 9GW of offshore wind energy capacity in Sweden. Eight projects in total are in various stages of development, and are expected to begin operations from 2029 onwards. They are grouped around two geographical clusters Gavle with six wind farms with a total of 5.1 GW and Oxelosund with two offshore wind farms with a combined capacity of 3.9 GW. The framework agreement will allow Iberdrola in the future to take a majority stake in each of the offshore projects being developed.

    Svea Vind Offshore 's first offshore wind farm, the 250MW Utposten I, is in the advanced stages of obtaining environmental permits.

    The Swedish government aims to have 100 % of its electricity coming from renewable energy sources by 2040.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 25 juni 2020 15:37
    Eni Acquires Three Wind Projects in Italy

    Eni subsidiary Eni New Energy in Italy has acquired from Asja Ambiente Italia 100% of the shares in CDGB Enrico, CDGB Laerte e Wind Park Laterza. The three wind farms, that will be built in Comune di Laterza, in the Puglia region, have a peak capacity of 35.2 MW and are expected to produce approximately 81 GWh annually, avoiding around 33,400 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The three plants will consist of sixteen aerogenerators producing 2.2 MW each, and will be connected to the National Transmission Grid. The construction work for the plants is scheduled for the third trimester of 2021. It is the first wind project of Eni to take place in Italy.

    With this new acquisition, Eni further progresses in its decarbonisation process that aims to reduce 80% on greenhouse gases net emissions by 2050 over the entire cycle of its energy products.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 25 juni 2020 15:42
    14 MW Turbines of Siemens Gamesa to Power Sofia Offshore Wind Power Project in UK

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has conditionally received an order for 100 units of its new SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbines for innogy’s 1.4 GW Sofia Offshore Wind Farm in the UK. A comprehensive service and maintenance contract is also included in the conditional order. The project will have the capacity to generate enough electricity to power to more than 1.2 million British households when completed. The final investment decision is expected to be made in the first quarter of 2021. A total of 100 SG 14-222 DD offshore wind turbines, launched on May 19, 2020, are planned to be installed commencing 2024 at this project, located 195 km off the north east coast of the UK, on the shallow area of the central North Sea known as Dogger Bank. Each turbine will have a capacity of 14 megawatts and feature a rotor diameter of 222 meters using 108-meter long Siemens Gamesa IntegralBlades.

    At 1.4 GW, Sofia is the largest project in innogy’s current development portfolio. The 593 km2 offshore wind park will be roughly the same size as the Isle of Man. Its sheer scale and size offer significant economic opportunities for the UK with potential supply chain benefits, infrastructure and associated jobs and contracts.

    The Sofia project continues an offshore wind partnership with innogy SE that began with Greater Gabbard, fully commissioned in 2013. Recently, Siemens Gamesa announced the firm order from innogy SE to supply the turbines for the 342 MW Kaskasi offshore wind power plant, located 35 kilometers north of the island of Helgoland in the German North Sea.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 25 juni 2020 15:45
    DNV GL issues provisional type certificate for GE’s Haliade-X 12 MW

    GE Renewable Energy’s Haliade-X 12 MW prototype, the world’s most powerful wind turbine operating to date, has received a provisional type IECRE Provisional RNA Component Certificate from DNV GL. This certification demonstrates GE’s Haliade-X prototype has the highest safety and quality standards, and provides evidence that its design is on-track to meet the full type certification requirements. Testing activities of the 107-meter long blade currently taking place at UK’s Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult in Blyth, and at Boston’s Wind Technology Testing Center in the US, will continue as planned to complete the documentation required to get the full type certificate in the months to come.

    The Haliade-X technology has been selected as preferred wind turbine for the 120 MW Skip Jack and 1,100 MW Ocean Wind projects in the US, and the 3,600 MW Dogger Bank offshore windfarm in the UK. All combined, GE’s Haliade-X technology will power more than 5 million households in both countries. Haliade-X serial production will start at GE’s Saint-Nazaire factory in France during the second half of 2021.

    The prototype located in Rotterdam set a new world record in January 2020 by generating 288 MWh of continuous power in one day. The Haliade-X has also been recognized as the Best Sustainable Invention of the Year by TIME magazine and Best Wind Turbine of the Year by Wind Power Monthly magazine.

    One GE Haliade-X 12 MW offshore wind turbine can generate up to 67 GWh of gross annual energy production, providing enough clean energy to power 16,000 European households and save up to 42,000 metric tons of CO2, which is the equivalent of the emissions generated by 9,000 vehicles** in one year.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. [verwijderd] 27 juni 2020 09:07
    mssm nog wat meer elders inkopen ?:)
    Nederland koopt 8 tot 16 terawattuur hernieuwbare stroom die in Denemarken is opgewekt om zo aan een boete te ontkomen. We doen zelf te weinig en kopen zo ons falen af.

    PS: prettig weekend
  15. forum rang 4 Kees1 27 juni 2020 10:57

    haas schreef op 27 juni 2020 09:07:

    mssm nog wat meer elders inkopen ?:)
    Nederland koopt 8 tot 16 terawattuur hernieuwbare stroom die in Denemarken is opgewekt om zo aan een boete te ontkomen. We doen zelf te weinig en kopen zo ons falen af.

    PS: prettig weekend
    Ja, dat is dus een papieren werkelijkheid en keihard geld van de belastingbetaler verbranden.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 30 juni 2020 16:01
    Vestas, Rabobank and Windpark Zeewolde partner up to build Netherland’s largest onshore wind project

    Windpark Zeewolde BV, Vestas and Rabobank have closed contracts for wind turbines and financing for the Windpark Zeewolde project in the Netherlands. Windpark Zeewolde BV, a unique collaboration of more than 200 local farmers, residents and entrepreneurs of the Netherlands, has placed an order for 83 Vestas wind turbines totaling 322 MW for the wind project Zeewolde. The project is in the outskirts of Zeewolde, close to the IJsselmeer, on an area that covers over 300 square kilometers.

    The wind park currently consists of more than 200 turbines which will be replaced by new Vestas turbines that will generate almost three times more energy with less than half the number of turbines, demonstrating the large potential in replacing older turbines with new and more efficient variants.

    The financing of the windfarm will be arranged by Rabobank that will provide both the junior debt and a senior debt loan of approximately EUR 500 million for the construction of the project. Rabobank was keen to support the financing of this project, due to its cooperative structure comprising of a large client base of the bank in addition to supporting the energy transition.

    Vestas has developed a customised solution that comprises a mix of turbine variants from the 2 MW and 4 MW platforms and a 20-year Active Output Management service contract, capable of maximising the annual energy production while meeting local restrictions.

    The delivery of the wind turbines is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2021. The entire park will be completed in 2022, and it will be the largest onshore wind farm in the Netherlands and the largest community-owned windfarm in Europe.Once repowered, the Zeewolde wind project will generate electricity for more than 250.000 local households.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 3 juli 2020 15:45
    Iberdrola Acquires French Renewables Company Aalto Power

    Iberdrola has finalised the acquisition of the French renewable energy company Aalto Power, owned by Aiolos y Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations for EUR 100 million. Founded in 2005 and based in Marseilles, Aalto Power currently has 118 megawatts of onshore wind generation operational in France and a portfolio of onshore wind projects in the country totalling a further 636 MW, at various stages of development. The transaction is subject to compliance with the usual conditions precedent for this type of transaction, mainly approval from the French Finance Ministry, is part of Iberdrola's commitment to boosting its presence and growth in renewable energy in France.

    In fact the purchase of Aalto Power will not only provide Iberdrola with its first operational megawatts on French soil, but will also boost its plans in the area of renewable generation, thanks to the company's projects and its team of professionals with experience in the development of this type of infrastructure.

    In France, Iberdrola is already progressing the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm, of which it took over 100% of the capital in March, and which will involve an investment of approximately EUR 2.5 billion. The 496 MW of power from this complex, which will begin construction in 2021 and come onstream in 2023, will supply enough clean energy to meet the electricity needs of some 835,000 people. Located about 16 kilometres off the coast of Brittany, the Saint-Brieuc farm will use 62 Siemens Gamesa turbines, of 8 MW each, spread over an area of around 75 square kilometres. The turbines will be 207 meter high in total.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 3 juli 2020 15:46
    Port of Amsterdam to Install 250,000 Square Meter of Rooftop Solar Panels by 2024

    As of June 2020, the Port of Amsterdam boasts 120,000 square meters of solar panels on area rooftops. Equivalent in size to 18 football pitches, the solar panels supply electricity for approximately 6,000 households. Consequently, the Port of Amsterdam has surpassed its own strategic target of installing 100,000 square meters of solar panels in the port by 2021. Given that the Port of Amsterdam wants to have far more solar panels, it has formulated a new target, namely, to install 250,000 m2 of rooftop solar panels at port companies by 2024

    Back in 2016, when the port had virtually no rooftop panels, the Port of Amsterdam launched the Zon in de haven campaign. The campaign goal was to encourage port companies to make the switch to green energy and to install solar panels on their roofs. The SDE+ grant provided by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs made this financially feasible. The Port of Amsterdam made the application process easier by helping interested parties complete it. Companies were given two options: to finance their own roof-mounted solar panel system or to make their roof available to a third party for a fee. This campaign, in tandem with the SDE+ grant, has proven to be highly successful.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 7 juli 2020 14:20
    RWE Renewables Gwynt y Môr Extension Announces Project Partners

    RWE Renewables UK has announced the new partners and name of the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm extension project and confirmed Agreement for Lease has successfully been secured with The Crown Estate. The Gwynt y Môr extension project, which is currently in the early stages of development, will be known as Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm, meaning Sea Breeze. The project partners are now confirmed and include RWE 60%, Stadtwerke München 30% and Siemens’ financing arm, Siemens Financial Services 10%. RWE, is once again leading the development of the project on behalf of the project partners.

    Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm has also secured an Agreement for Lease with The Crown Estate for an area of seabed around 106km2 to the west of the existing Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm.

    The existing Gwynt y Môr Wind Farm was officially inaugurated in 2015 with the 576MW project able to generate enough energy for approximately 400,000 homes per annum and supporting over 100 permanent, skilled jobs in North Wales.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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