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Energie in EU: produktie, bronnen etc

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  1. [verwijderd] 30 juli 2019 17:26

    haas schreef op 25 juli 2019 07:49:

    COBRAcable TenneT connection Europe

    Gepubliceerd op 24 aug. 2015
    TenneT and – the operators of the Dutch and Danish high-voltage electricity grids – are installing a high-voltage direct current submarine cable that will interconnect the electricity grids of the two countries.
    Tennet vraagt schatkist om extra miljarden

    Updated 3 min geleden
    14 min geleden in FINANCIEEL

    ARNHEM - TenneT, de beheerder van het hoogspanningsnetwerk in Nederland, heeft de Nederlandse staat om €2 tot 3 miljard extra aan eigen vermogen gevraagd.

    Netwerkbeheerder Tennet heeft miljarden nodig.
    Netwerkbeheerder Tennet heeft miljarden nodig.? AS MEDIA
    Het bedrijf het het eigen vermogen nodig vanwege haar investeringsprogramma voor de komende tien jaar van €35 miljard aan aansluitingen van windmolenparken op de Noordzee en verzwaringen van het elektriciteitsnetwerk in Nederland en Duitsland.

    De afgelopen jaren ontving Tennet al injecties van respectievelijk €150, €350 en €280 miljoen uit de schatkist, in 2020 staat onder voorbehoud nog eens een overschrijving van €410 miljoen gepland.

    Tennet heeft het eigen vermogen nodig om op de kapitaalmarkt met obligatieuitgiftes te kunnen lenen, zonder zijn schuld-eigen vermogenverhouding te ver te laten zakken.


    ’Leunen op zon en wind: kan dat wel?’
    Cfo Otto Jager zei daar dinsdag in een persbericht over: „Als wij onze sterke kredietbeoordelingen willen behouden, hebben we de komende vijf jaar naar verwachting echter nog eens € 2 à 3 miljard aan eigen vermogen nodig. Wij onderhouden een constructieve dialoog met onze aandeelhouder, het Nederlandse ministerie van Financiën, om te kunnen bepalen wat de beste weg voorwaarts is.”
  2. [verwijderd] 30 juli 2019 22:00
    $174 miljard in kolencentrales die niet renderen

    3 uur geleden in FINANCIEEL

    Kolencentrales worden ook komende jaren wereldwijd niet volledig benut, terwijl het gebruik van kolen in 2026 een piek gaat bereiken.

    De kolencentrale in Grosskrotzenburg bij Frankfurt.
    De kolencentrale in Grosskrotzenburg bij Frankfurt.? EPA
    Tegelijkertijd investeren bedrijven en overheden voor $174 miljard aan nieuwe kolencentrales, die mogelijk eveneens niet volledig benut worden.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 31 juli 2019 16:58
    Drydocks World to Build HVAC Offshore Platform Topside in Middle East

    Drydocks World, the service provider to the marine, offshore, oil, gas and renewable energy sectors has signed a contract with Petrofac and end-client TenneT to carry-out the construction of a High Voltage Alternating Current Transformer Station Topside, named Hollandse Kust Zuid Alpha. The HVAC platform will be part of a renewable energy wind farm, located in the Hollandse Kust Zuid grid connection in Netherlands sector of the North Sea. The approximately 3,500T Topside will have a connection capacity of 700MW, and is set to be completed in 2021.

    Drydocks World’s scope of work includes production engineering, construction, mechanical completion, pre-commissioning, commissioning assistance, load-out, sea fastening and HVAC Engineering Procurement Construction Commissioning for the Topside.

    Capt. Rado Antolovic Phd CEO & Managing Director of DP World Maritime Services Division said that “The role of renewables is continuing to gain prominence in the global energy market, and Drydocks World is well-versed in the evolving technologies of the offshore industry to develop this segment.Everyone at Drydocks World is committed to developing innovative solutions and keeping safety as our top priority. We are pleased to be working with Petrofac and TenneT again, after previously completing several projects together for the North Sea. Our joint expertise and excellent team work have delivered important infrastructure for sustainable energy generation, and I look forward to many successful project milestones to come.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 31 juli 2019 17:15
    DNV GL launches New Joint Industry Project to Cut Wind Energy Costs

    DNV GL, the world’s largest resource of independent energy experts and certification body, is calling on wind energy stakeholders to join a new Joint Industry Project to explore the potential of using light detection and ranging to measure wind speed Turbulence Intensity for various applications in the wind industry. Measuring meteorological conditions such as wind speed and TI is essential for assessing and verifying the feasibility of new wind energy projects. For example, the data is used in the assessment of the wind resources at potential sites as well as to validate both turbine loads and power performance that are required for type certification of new wind turbines.

    Currently, industry standards from DNV GL and the IEC specify that these measurements must be made using so-called meteorological masts (met masts) – tall towers equipped with cup and sonic anemometers. However, installing met masts is very costly, particularly on offshore sites.

    Recent advances in LIDAR technology offer a new way to carry out the meteorological measurements needed for turbine certification and site assessment at a much lower cost. The use of floating LIDARs also makes it possible to carry out measurements in previously inaccessible locations such as deep-water sites and enable more accurate energy yield assessment. As a result, LIDAR has the potential to help deliver significantly cheaper wind energy – both onshore and offshore.

    Consequently, LIDAR is becoming the preferred technology for wind resource measurements, and various methods for deriving TI information from LIDAR measurements have been proposed in research settings. However, none of these methods has yet been verified and adopted within international standards, therefore, LIDAR measurements are not widely accepted by certification bodies, insurers or authorities. By creating a Recommended Practice for LIDAR that is supported by players throughout the industry, the DNV GL-driven JIP aims to drive acceptance of LIDAR measurements and help reduce costs for turbine OEMs and wind project developers.

    The JIP is intended for wind turbine and LIDAR manufacturers, wind farm developers, universities and research facilities, consultants and measurement institutes that are looking for guidelines to use LIDAR TI measurements for different applications. The call for partner’s phase is now open. Organizations interested in joining should contact project managers Nikolai Hille and Frank Scheurich at DNV GL, Renewables Certification.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  5. forum rang 10 voda 1 augustus 2019 19:01
    Scotland opens its largest wind farm

    The 844 turbine, 588MW Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm is the fourth largest in the world, and was officially opened by Prince Charles at a ceremony on 29 July. The facility, located 13 kilometres off the Scottish coast, will generate enough electricity to power approximately 450,000 homes per year, and help save about 8 million tonnes of carbon emissions over its 25-year lifetime.

    The project has been a joint-development by three partners, SSE Renewables (40%), Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (35%) and Red Rock Power Limited (25%) in what is considered to be the largest single private investment in Scottish history.

    Mr Jim Smith, managing director of SSE Renewables said that “We’re incredibly privileged and honoured to welcome His Royal Highness to Wick today to perform the official opening of Scotland’s largest wind farm, Beatrice. We’re incredibly proud it’s been delivered on time and under budget, even when dealing with the challenges the North Sea and deep waters bring. Most importantly, Beatrice will save around 8 million tonnes of harmful carbon emissions over its 25-year lifetime operation, making one of the most significant contributions across the UK in combating climate change and meeting our net-zero ambitions.”

    UK Government Business Minister Lord Duncan added that “Wind energy provided a record-breaking 17% of the UK’s electricity last year, an increase supported by sustained government investment which is enabling the sector to grow, now contributing GBP 2.4 billion to the UK economy while driving down costs. Beatrice will support nearly 400 jobs in Scotland and [the] grand opening reinforces our world-leading credentials in seizing the economic opportunities of the global shift to a greener, cleaner future.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 1 augustus 2019 19:05
    Siemens Gamesa Doubled Net Income To EUR 88 Million In First 9 Months

    Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy reported the results of the first nine months (October-June) and the third quarter (April to June) of fiscal year 2019. Revenue increased by 12% YoY in the first nine months of FY 2019, to EUR 7,283 million, and by 23% YoY in the third quarter, to EUR 2,632 million, driven by strong performance in all businesses, with record activity in offshore.

    The company ended the first nine months of FY 2019 with EBIT pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs of EUR 475 million, equivalent to an EBIT margin pre PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 6.5%. In the third quarter, EBIT pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs amounted to EUR 159 million, equivalent to an EBIT margin pre-PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 6.1%. The main impact on profitability was persisting lower pricing in the order backlog during the period, emerging market volatility and execution challenges in some onshore projects, partly offset by synergies, improvements in productivity and higher year-on-year sales volume.

    The company doubled net income to EUR 88 million in the first nine months of FY 2019, while net income in the third quarter was EUR 21 million. Net debt amounted to EUR 191 million at 30 June, driven by the increase in working capital ahead of peak wind turbine activity in the fourth quarter.

    Performance is in line with the guidance range for FY 2019 (revenues of EUR 10,000-EUR 11,000 million and EBIT margin pre PPA and integration and restructuring costs of 7-8.5%), despite the third quarter being affected by emerging market volatility and execution challenges in some onshore projects. Although short-term headwinds temporarily hamper group margins, Siemens Gamesa’s long-term prospects remain solid thanks to a record backlog, geographical and business diversification and one of the most competitive product portfolios, both onshore and offshore.

    The company will update on its competitive business strategy and performance in a Capital Markets Day during the first half of 2020.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. [verwijderd] 2 augustus 2019 13:16
    Energiecentrale Langerlo gaat in het najaar tegen de grond
    02 augustus 201910:33
    Schermvullende weergave

    De energiecentrale van Langerlo. ©Rudi Van Beek / ID
    De leegstaande energiecentrale in Langerlo bij Genk wordt binnenkort afgebroken. Op de site van 22 hectare wordt ruimte vrijgemaakt voor nieuwe bedrijven, meldt de VRT vrijdag.

    Midden mei had het het Luxemburgse bedrijf BTK nog plannen bekendgemaakt om twee nieuwe gascentrales te bouwen in Langerlo. Dat zou met steun uit Qatar gebeuren. Eind mei ontkende Qatargas echter dat het betrokken was bij het miljardenproject. Er was ook sprake van de bouw van twee centrales in Vilvoorde.

    We hebben niets meer gehoord van BTK. Ik ga er dan ook van uit dat het project niet meer doorgaat op de site van Langerlo.
    'BTK had ons beloofd dat er tegen 15 juni duidelijkheid zou zijn, maar we hebben er niets meer van gehoord. Ik ga er dan ook van uit dat het project niet meer doorgaat op de site van Langerlo', zegt Wim Dries (CD&V), de burgemeester van Genk.

    Het is wel duidelijk dat de afbraakwerken van de centrale van Langerlo in het najaar starten. 'De bedoeling is dat die 22 hectare aan industrieterrein beschikbaar wordt voor nieuwe bedrijven', zegt Dries. 'De afbraakwerken gebeuren door een Genkse firma, en daarna zullen we moeten bekijken welke nieuwe bedrijven zich daar willen vestigen.'

    Begin uw dag goed geïnformeerd.

  8. [verwijderd] 3 augustus 2019 11:55
    Turkije stijgt op wereldranglijst waterkracht, nummer één in Europa

    Turkije staat opnieuw aan de leiding in Europa als het gaat om capaciteitsvergroting van waterkrachtcentrales. Turkse hydraulische centrales kregen vorig jaar 1.085 MW aan capaciteit bij, een hoeveelheid meer dan elk ander Europees land. Het land staat mondiaal op een vierde plaats.

    Dat blijkt uit een recent rapport van de International Hydropower Association (IHA).

    Vorig jaar produceerden alle waterkrachtcentrales ter wereld in totaal 4.200 TWh aan elektriciteit. Dat is 15,9 procent van alle opgewekte elektriciteit wereldwijd.

    48 landen zorgden voor een mondiale capaciteitsvergroting van 21.800 MW. China kreeg er 8.540 MW bij, gevolgd door Brazilië (3.376 MW), Pakistan (1.908 MW) en Turkije (1.085 MW).

    Turkije stond in 2017 nog op een zesde plaats op de wereldranglijst.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 5 augustus 2019 17:02
    Nord Stream 2 Calls on Court of Justice of the European Union to Annul Discriminatory Measures

    Nord Stream 2 AG brought an action for annulment before the General Court. Nord Stream 2 requests that Directive 2019/692 amending the EU Gas Directive be annulled because of an infringement of the EU law principles of equal treatment and proportionality. This would lead to the cancellation of Directive (EU) 2019/692 as the amendment was clearly designed and adopted for the purpose of disadvantaging and discouraging the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.

    Matthias Warnig, CEO of Nord Stream 2 AG, said that “We as a prudent investor are committed to protecting our investments. But the amendment to the Gas Directive is not only harmful to Nord Stream 2. Such obvious discrimination against an individual commercial investment also undermines the ability of the EU’s internal market to attract investments for making the energy transition a reality.”

    Furthermore, Nord Stream 2 reserves the option to defend its rights under international law by proceeding separately with arbitration against the EU pursuant to the investment protection guarantees of the Energy Charter Treaty. On April 12, 2019, Nord Stream 2 AG triggered the three-month consultation period during which parties must seek an amicable settlement before a notice of arbitration can be served. On June 25, a meeting took place between the European Commission and Nord Stream 2 aiming at an amicable settlement under the rules of the ECT. Until today, an amicable settlement has not been reached, and this three-month period has now expired.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 5 augustus 2019 19:33
    Northwester 2 Construction Works At Sea Kicked Off

    Construction works for the seventh offshore wind farm off the Belgian coast have started. Developer Parkwind and marine contractor Jan De Nul Group announce that offshore seabed preparation works have commenced for the 219 MW offshore wind farm Northwester 2. The Northwester 2 wind farm will count 23 V164-9.5MW MHI Vestas Offshore Wind turbines and will be the first project to ever install this model. The turbines on monopile foundations will link through an offshore high voltage station to Elia’s Offshore Switch Yard (OSY) to export its electricity. As of 2020, the Northwester 2 wind farm will power approximately 220,000 households in Belgium.

    The Northwester 2 project will introduce a new design for the external access platforms on the foundations: the box platform. The platform has an innovative design developed and patented by Parkwind that consists only of steel plate material.

    Jan De Nul Group has just finished the offshore scour protection works on the different wind turbine locations. At each location, Jan De Nul Group’s subsea rock installation vessel Simon Stevin has installed a 32 m diameter wide and 700 mm thick rock layer to stabilize the seabed around the foundation. Jan De Nul Group is now gearing up to install the first foundation in the coming days. The monopile foundations for the wind turbines will be hammered directly through the rock layer into the seabed.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 5 augustus 2019 19:52
    EIB to Finance Construction Of 21 Wind Farms in Spain

    The European Investment Bank is set to finance one of the biggest wind power infrastructure projects in Spain to date: the construction of 21 wind farms in Andalusia, Asturias, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla León, Galicia and Navarra. These new facilities will have a total capacity of 547 MW and will generate approximately 1.491 GWh of energy a year overall, a volume equivalent to the power use of 360 000 Spanish homes. It is one of the largest wind power projects financed by the EIB in Spain following its contribution to the financing of the Goya project. The wind farms included in this project were winning bids in the renewable energy auction that took place in Spain in July 2017, and have been developed by the Alfanar group. The EU bank will provide the project with several loans totalling up to EUR 385 million for construction and implementation. The two entities have already signed the first of these, under which the EIB is providing EUR 44.2 million to develop the first phase of the project. This EU bank financing, together with the additional loan from various financial institutions, will be provided via a Project Finance arrangement for the construction of the first four wind farms, which will have a capacity of around 99 MW.

    The loan was signed under the Investment Plan for Europe (known as the Juncker Plan) whose support increases the EIB Group’s capacity to finance investment projects that by their structure or nature have a higher risk profile. This project will not receive any public sector support and is one of the first to be implemented under the new regulatory framework for the industry approved in Spain in 2013.

    Promoting renewable energies is one of the EU bank's priorities as the world's biggest financer of climate action projects. Once they become operational, the 21 wind farms will help cut greenhouse gas emissions in Spain and expand the production of clean energy using renewable sources. The construction phase will require the employment of 1 900 people, and 170 people will need to be taken on permanently to operate the wind farms.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 5 augustus 2019 19:54
    Amazon Continues Investments in Renewable Energy

    Amazon announced the company’s 65th and66th renewable energy projects. Amazon’s newest renewable energy project in the EU will be located in Cork, Ireland, and will be the second Amazon Wind Farm in the Republic of Ireland. Once complete, the new Amazon Wind Farm will provide 23.2 MW of renewable capacity, with expected generation of 68,000 megawatt hours of clean energy annually. Amazon’s newest renewable energy project in the US will be located in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and will be the seventh Amazon Solar Farm in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Once complete, the new Amazon Solar Farm will provide 45 MW of renewable capacity and is expected to generate 100,000 MWH of clean energy annually. Both projects are expected to begin producing clean energy in 2020 and will supply clean energy to the company’s Amazon Web Services datacenters, which power Amazon and millions of AWS customers globally.

    Additionally, Amazon’s investments in renewable energy were recently recognized in the Solar Energy Industries Association’s 2018 Solar Means Business Report, which ranked Amazon #1 in the U.S. for amount of corporate on-site solar installed in 2018, and #2 for total amount of solar installed to date. Amazon’s solar projects in the U.S. have offset the CO2 equivalent of more than 200 million miles of truck deliveries. Globally, Amazon has 66 renewable energy projects including 51 solar rooftops that are expected to generate 1,342 MW of renewable capacity and deliver more than 3.9 million MWh of clean energy annually.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 6 augustus 2019 17:08
    Tekmar to Supply the World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm, Hornsea Two

    Tekmar Energy has signed a contract with the world’s largest offshore wind developer Ørsted, to provide Cable Protection Systems for Hornsea Two offshore wind farm. Tekmar will provide their patented Tekmar Cable Protection System TekLink® Mechanical Latch for the wind farm, which when constructed will become the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

    Tekmar Energy, which employ 115 people, will utilise its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the North East of England, for production of the CPS.

    Hornsea Two is the sister project to Hornsea One and comprises of 165 turbines with a combined total capacity of 1.4 GW. Located in the North Sea 89 km (55.3 miles) off the Yorkshire coast, Hornsea Two will provide clean electricity to well over1.3 million homes and is set for completion in 2022.

    For the project Tekmar will be providing 346 cable protection systems and a further 30 bellmouths, for both the array and export cables, protecting each and every subsea cable as they enter and exit the underwater foundations.

    Mr Russell Edmondson, Managing Director of Tekmar Energy said that “We are delighted for Tekmar to be selected as the cable protection system and bellmouth supplier for Hornsea Two. This is one of the most significant projects in the industry to date. This continues Tekmar’s excellent relationship with Ørsted and is part of our 6-year framework for providing Cable Protection Systems on their future projects.”

    Mr Patrick Harnett, EPC Director for Ørsted, said that “Hornsea Two is a game-changing renewable energy project in terms of both size and cost. The North East continues to play an important role in manufacturing components for our portfolio of world-leading offshore wind farms, with hundreds of Cable Protection Systems, Transition Pieces and kilometres of array cables coming from the region.”

    Mr Harnett continued that “We are very proud to be a part of the ongoing offshore wind development in the region and we are committed to further developing a competitive UK supply chain that can support Ørsted’s projects in the UK and around the world.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 6 augustus 2019 17:14
    Hohe See Nears Turbine Installation Finish

    Fred. Olsen Windcarrier's vessel Blue Tern has returned to Port Esbjerg in Denmark, where she is loading her final turbines for the Hohe See offshore wind farm. The 497MW Hohe See project is located 95km from the shore and is to consist of 71 SWT-7.0-154 turbines. Each turbine has a rotor diameter of 154m with 75m long blades and a hub height of 105m.

    Blue Tern's fellow vessel Brave Tern started installing turbines in April 2019 and will shortly arrive at the same port to load-out the very last turbines of the project. Once these have been successfully installed, Blue Tern and Brave Tern will commence installation work at the sister project, the Albatros offshore wind farm. Located a further 10km from the shore, Albatros consists of 16 turbines with an overall capacity of 112 MW.

    Both wind farms are owned by EnBW (50.1%) and Enbridge (49.9%) and are expected to supply around 710,000 households with electricity when commissioned later this year.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  15. [verwijderd] 7 augustus 2019 09:11
    E.ON heeft last van Brits prijzenplafond

    50 min geleden in FINANCIEEL

    ESSEN - E.ON voelt de nieuwe regels voor de energiemarkt in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De Britten hebben begin dit jaar een bovengrens voor de tarieven voor gas en licht op de particuliere markt ingevoerd, waardoor het Duitse energieconcern daar lagere winstmarges behaalde.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 7 augustus 2019 17:02
    Terna Energy Secures Refinancing For Largest Greek wind farm

    Alpha Bank, Eurobank Ergasias and National Bank of Greece have provided EUR 117 million in non-recourse refinancing for the 73.2 MW Aghios Georgios wind farm operated by a subsidiary of Terna Energy, global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright has said in a press release.

    The wind farm owned by Terna Energy is located on the uninhabited islet of Aghios Georgios offshore Attica in the Athens metropolitan area is the largest to date in the country and the only one connected through a subsea cable, approximately 36 km in length, to the mainland grid.

    Dimitris Assimakis, who leads the Greek energy practice and led on the deal, said that the law firm has advised Alpha Bank, Eurobank Ergasias and National Bank of Greece on the refinancing of the largest wind farm in the country. Norton Rose Fulbright also advised these banks back in 2016 on the financing for the construction of this landmark project.

    Source : Balkan Green Energy News
  17. forum rang 10 voda 8 augustus 2019 06:22
    Eneco en Essent voor rechter gesleept: ‘Bedrijven betaalden tonnen te veel voor energie’

    Bedrijven hebben jarenlang mogelijk tonnen te veel betaald voor energie die na 2011 is geleverd. Eneco en Essent worden nu voor de rechter gesleept.

    Carla Van Der Wal 08-08-19, 03:00 Laatste update: 05:38

    Twee ondernemingen zijn de rechtszaken tegen de energiebedrijven begonnen. Hun zaak staat mogelijk als voorbeeld voor honderden andere bedrijven die grootverbruiker van gas zijn.

    Beide bedrijven geloven gedupeerd te zijn na een wijziging van de gaswet per 1 april 2011, die zorgde dat het voor Eneco en Essent veel goedkoper werd om gas in te kopen voor zogenaamde ‘piekmomenten’, waarop bedrijven extra veel gas gebruiken. Zo’n kortdurend, hoger gasverbruik kan bijvoorbeeld ontstaan als machines moeten worden opgestart. Traditioneel werden daarvoor relatief hoge ‘flexibiliteitskosten’ in rekening gebracht.

    De wetswijziging doorbrak het monopolie van gasleverancier Gasterra, dat voor de helft in handen is van de staat, waardoor concurrentie en dus een prijsdaling ontstond. Daarnaast ontstond een nieuwe rekenmethode voor gasinkoop bij piekmomenten, die eveneens voordeel opleverde.

    Maar terwijl Eneco en Essent van die ontwikkelingen profiteerden, merkten tafelzurenfabriek Van der Kroon en isolatieproducent Pull daar jarenlang niets van. Zij roken lont toen ze jaren later hun energierekeningen plotseling fiks zagen kelderen. Zo stapte Pull over naar een andere leverancier. Het bedrijf zette in 2014 al een advocaat op de materie, maar kon er de vinger niet achter krijgen. Tino Wullink van De Energieconsultant, die voor grote bedrijven energie inkoopt, zag bij Van der Kroon en andere bedrijven dezelfde kostendaling. Eind 2012 begon hij al vragen te stellen over de gevolgen van de wetswijziging, maar antwoorden bleven lang uit.

    Wullink kwam na lang onderzoek wel tot de kern van de zaak en vertegenwoordigt inmiddels ook isolatieproducent Pull. Essent had in 2012 en 2013 Pull al moeten laten meeprofiteren, Eneco heeft volgens Wullink van 2013 tot 2016 te veel in rekening gebracht. Van der Kroon claimt zo’n 130.000 euro bij Eneco, Essent zou ongeveer een ton te veel in rekening hebben gebracht bij Pull.

    De berekenin­gen zijn complex en energiele­ve­ran­ciers niet transpa­rant

    Tino Wullink , De Energieconsultant
    Zowel Eneco en Essent willen niet inhoudelijk ingaan op de zaak, omdat die nog onder de rechter is.

    Zowel Eneco als Essent hebben volgens Wullink een schikking aangeboden, maar die was volgens de bedrijven te laag. Daarom is besloten de stap naar de rechter te maken. Wullink: ,,Eneco bood 9000 euro, maar de schade bedraagt volgens onze berekeningen 30.000 euro per jaar.’’ De gang naar de rechter heeft tijd gekost, die Wullink verklaart: ,,De berekeningen zijn zo complex en energieleveranciers zijn totaal niet transparant in de totstandkoming van de kosten. Daardoor heeft het lang geduurd, maar inmiddels hebben we de overtuiging dat de wetswijziging in 2011 jarenlang de leveranciers geld bespaarde, maar de klanten niet.’’

    Zowel Eneco en Essent willen niet inhoudelijk ingaan op de zaak, omdat die nog onder de rechter is. Wel stelt een woordvoerder van Eneco dat het gaat om een zakelijk geschil dat ‘iets complexer dan gemiddeld is vanwege de voorgeschiedenis met het toenmalige besluit van de toenmalige mededingingsautoriteit’. Eneco ontkent dat er sprake is van een schikkingsvoorstel. ,,Het bedrijf heeft een correctienota ontvangen over een bepaalde contractperiode, maar dat houdt geen verband met de rest van de zaak.’’

    Wilt u ook weten of uw bedrijf teveel heeft betaald? Kijk naar onze video op
  18. forum rang 10 voda 8 augustus 2019 09:23
    Windparken stuwen winst Ørsted

    Gepubliceerd op 8 aug 2019 om 09:16 | Views: 0

    KOPENHAGEN (AFN/RTR) - De Deense energiereus Ørsted heeft het afgelopen kwartaal meer winst gemaakt. Het voormalige DONG Energy vaart wel op de duurzame koers die eerder werd ingezet. Met name de opbrengsten van windparken op zee stuwden het resultaat.

    Ørsted sloot het kwartaal af met een winst op voortgezette activiteiten van bijna 1,1 miljard kroon (circa 146 miljoen euro), een kwart meer dan een jaar eerder onder de streep resteerde. Het bedrijfsresultaat steeg met 18 procent tot 3,6 miljard kroon.

    Ørsted staat te boek als één van de grootste ontwikkelaars van windparken op zee wereldwijd. De resultaten van de onderneming waren ook beter dan waar kenners in doorsnee op hadden gerekend.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 8 augustus 2019 19:08
    Hydro Group Enables Successful Floating Wind Turbine Test

    An innovative floating wind turbine utilising Hydro Group connectivity is ready for commercial applications, following site tests which saw it generate 2.2GWh of electricity and face wave heights of up to 6.2m during the first half of 2019. The Floatgen Vestas V80 turbine, located in the SEM-REV marine renewable energy site off the coast of Le Croisic, France, uses subsea cable and connector specialist Hydro Group’s Hydro Renewable Connector and Power Distribution Hub.

    Hydro Group and regional partner Wenex Equipements developed and provided other equipment for the installation, including connectors, hub, dynamic cable and cable hang-off.

    The SEM-REV installation is capable of connecting any device cable to the export cable with a 24kV variant of the Scottish firm’s HRC. In addition, a custom-designed PDH enables reliable in-line connectivity for multiple devices in harsh Atlantic seawater conditions.

    Mr Ian Walters, Head of Engineering at Hydro Group plc, said that “All of us at Hydro Group are proud to see that our equipment has enabled the turbine to export reliable electricity. According to turbine operator Ideol, average availability in the second quarter of 2019 alone has been above 90%. The SEM-REV project has been a great opportunity for us to demonstrate the performance and reliability benefits of our subsea connectivity products in a top-tier marine renewable energy project.”

    He added that “These tests have shown that our HRC and PDH technologies can play their part in the success of floating offshore wind thanks to their long design life of 20 years, anti-corrosion capabilities and sturdy construction.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 9 augustus 2019 16:01
    Enel Green Power España Begins Construction of New Wind Farm in Málaga

    Endesa, through its renewables subsidiary Enel Green Power España, has started construction on its 34.6 MW Los Arcos wind farm located in Malaga, between the municipalities of Almargen, Teba and Campillos. Los Arcos construction works will involve an investment of 35.5 million euros and are expected to be completed in the last quarter of 2019. Once operational, the Los Arcos wind farm is due to generate over 100 GWh per year, avoiding the emission of approximately 69,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. The facility will be equipped with ten wind turbines with a capacity of around 3.5 MW each.

    EGPE currently manages 12 wind farms in Andalusia: five in the province of Cadiz (four in Tarifa and one in Vejer), another five in Malaga (two in Campillos, one between Campillos and Teba, one in Almargen and another in Sierra de Yeguas), one in Enix (Almería) and one in Padul (Granada).

    Mr José Bogas, Endesa's CEO said that "Endesa’s renewable investments are boosting the energy transition in Spain. By year end, over 900 MW of new renewable plants are expected to be fully up and running across the country, following Endesa’s awarding in 2017 auctions, testament to the company's strong commitment to our common objectives on renewables, as shared with the Government.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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