Independent trader schreef op 21 mei 2014 15:52:
Er blijft beweging op onderzoeksfront, benieuwd of inhoud openbaar wordt gemaakt en of er voor SBM al een richting bekend wordt: external committee of the House of Representatives investigating allegations of kickbacks allegedly paid by the Dutch company SBM Offshore servers Petrobras will meet today to discuss and vote on the interim report of the group's coordinator, Mr Maurice Quintella Lessa (PR-AL) .
The text has not been disclosed and may change as the committee will tomorrow, the Paraná and Rio de Janeiro to hear the judge Sergio Moro, responsible for Operation Lava Jato, the Federal Police and Attorney Renato Silva Oliveira, who coordinates investigations into the case in the Federal Public Ministry.
The vote on the interim report is scheduled for noon in the Chamber 16.