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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 25 juni 2021 10:59

    johan20090 schreef op 25 juni 2021 10:39:


    Het is staatspropaganda van Noord Korea en dat is het enige wat deze arme mensen mogen zien. Het is de cultuur van Juche. Juche (gesloten staatshuishouding) is de staatsideologie van Noord-Korea. Het volk moet de Grote Leider gehoorzaam volgen.
    Dat is mij bekend.

    Maar waarom moet je die Staats propagnada hier laten zien zonder enige toelichting, waarin jij je bewondering of afgrijnzen kenbaar maalt.

    Ik bedoel, dit is een film van 10 jaar geleden en je overige informatie is geen actuele informatie van het land, het land is volledig afgesloten voor de buitenwereld.

    Wat is jouw boodschap ?
    Wil je bij de lezers van dit forum waardering opwekken voor deze grote leider,

    wil je wijzen op de erbarmelijke omstandigheden van het volk onder deze meedogenloze dictator, met de wens dat deze dictator zo snel mogelijk verdwijnt ?
  2. [verwijderd] 25 juni 2021 11:18

    luchtschip schreef op 25 juni 2021 10:59:


    Wat is jouw boodschap ?
    Wil je bij de lezers van dit forum waardering opwekken voor deze grote leider,

    Nee, natuurlijk niet. Het zijn allemaal een stelletje randdebielen en idioten deze Kim dynastie.

    Niemand van de 25 miljoen inwoners heeft een computer thuis staan. Opvallend genoeg zijn er wel 4 miljoen smartphones in omloop. De smartphones die in Noord-Korea worden verkocht zijn gemaakt in China en worden vervolgens door de nationale provider Koryolink verkocht. Deze apparaten draaien op een aangepaste versie van Android waarop een reeks standaard-apps staan geïnstalleerd. Kim Jong Un heeft langs de grens met China apparatuur geplaatst waardoor smartphones niet met een Chinees mobiel netwerk kunnen verbinden. Op die manier zouden Noord-Koreanen namelijk via hun smartphone het echte internet op kunnen gaan. De elite checkt overdag Facebook en kijkt 's avonds porno, de rest van de inwoners stuit op een berg censuur en propaganda.

  3. [verwijderd] 25 juni 2021 13:37

    luchtschip schreef op 25 juni 2021 10:59:


    wil je wijzen op de erbarmelijke omstandigheden van het volk onder deze meedogenloze dictator, met de wens dat deze dictator zo snel mogelijk verdwijnt ?
    Het opruimen van Kim Jong-Un is waarschijnlijk niet zo'n goed idee. Zijn kinderen staan dan klaar om hem dan op te volgen volgens plan. Zolang de kinderen minderjarig zijn neemt dan zuster Kim Yo Jong of zijn vrouw Ri Sol-Ju het regentschap over totdat zijn gekozen opvolgers oud genoeg zijn om de communistische monarchie over te nemen.

  4. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2021 04:26
    North Korea pummeled by swings in currency and food prices

    North Korea has been hit by sharp swings in currency and food prices as economic pressures stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic and international sanctions create new risks for Kim Jong-Un.

    The North Korean won has appreciated about 30 per cent against the US dollar and 40 per cent against China’s renminbi since the start of the pandemic, according to Daily NK, a website that tracks North Korean markets.

    There is real price inflation in the market right now, which is pretty scary. At the same time, fuel prices are pretty heavily inflated and forex prices — the dollar and the renminbi against the won — have crashed,” The economic problems are being keenly felt by North Koreans, many of whom already suffer food insecurity. “It feels like the Kim regime is slowly getting paralysed,” In April, Kim Jong Un admitted the country is facing its "worst-ever situation" due to the pandemic, as well as recent flooding.

  5. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2021 14:01
    The Murder of Kim Jong-un's Brother | North Korea: Inside the Mind of a Dictator

    After finding out that his brother, Kim Jong-nam, was working with the CIA Kim-Jong-Un had him assassinated while traveling through an airport in Malaysia.

    National Geographic
  6. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2021 14:10
    What happened to Otto Warmbier in North Korea? | DW Documentary

    US student Otto Warmbier was sentenced to 15 years in a North Korean labor camp in 2016. Warmbier was released the following year, but he died of brain damage shortly after his return to the United States. Was he really the victim of torture?
  7. [verwijderd] 30 juni 2021 12:07
    Kim Jong-Un warns of 'grave consequences' and fires top officials after Covid-19 incident

    Kim Jong-Un fired several senior officials who failed to enforce North Korea's stringent Covid-19 prevention, a dereliction of duty which the young dictator said will have "grave consequences" for the impoverished and isolated nation, state media reported Wednesday.

    North Korea has not publicly acknowledged any coronavirus cases, though experts claim that may be a product of Pyongyang's limited testing capacity. Few believe that a country of around 25 million people has been spared by a virus that has infected more than 180 million people worldwide, especially after KCNA warned last summer that an incident involving a symptomatic defector from South Korea might lead to a "deadly and destructive disaster."

    Border closures, plummeting trade, sanctions and a typhoon last year have been blamed for rising food insecurity that sparked fears of a humanitarian crisis in North Korea.

    Further worsening the plight of the country’s 25m people, North Korea has been hit by wild swings in currency and food prices in recent months.

    Kim’s own health has been the subject of intense speculation in recent weeks. The jowly 37-year-old appears to have lost a significant amount of weight. According to an interview published in state media, ordinary North Koreans are worried that the weight loss is a sign of the leader’s suffering.
  8. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2021 09:06
    Kim Jong-Un signal for help could mark a turning point in North Korea’s Covid fight

    Almost 18 months after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, North Korea has come close to conceding that its attempts to keep the virus from its borders have failed.

    While North Korea’s state-controlled media have not reported any cases, some analysts assume the virus has breached the country’s defences, prompting its leader, Kim Jong-Un, to issue a coded request for outside help this week.

    If their interpretation is correct, it would mark a significant turning point in the North’s coronavirus response, after repeated claims by the regime that it has not recorded a single infection.

    This month, Pyongyang admitted it was tackling a serious food crisis caused by a dramatic slump in trade with neighbouring China, natural disasters and international sanctions targeting its nuclear weapons programme. In April, Kim warned North Koreans to prepare for the “worst-ever situation”.
  9. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2021 12:29

    johan20090 schreef op 1 juli 2021 09:06:

    Kim Jong-Un signal for help could mark a turning point in North Korea’s Covid fight

    Almost 18 months after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, North Korea has come close to conceding that its attempts to keep the virus from its borders have failed.

    While North Korea’s state-controlled media have not reported any cases, some analysts assume the virus has breached the country’s defences, prompting its leader, Kim Jong-Un, to issue a coded request for outside help this week.

    If their interpretation is correct, it would mark a significant turning point in the North’s coronavirus response, after repeated claims by the regime that it has not recorded a single infection.

    The border closures and the departure of much of the foreign diplomatic corps from Pyongyang has left the North even more isolated than it usually is. While food shortages are a chronic condition in the North, due in part to economic mismanagement, the situation has been aggravated by pandemic-related border closures and poor harvests as a result of typhoons last year.
  10. [verwijderd] 1 juli 2021 17:41

    johan20090 schreef op 1 juli 2021 09:06:

    Kim Jong-Un signal for help could mark a turning point in North Korea’s Covid fight

    Almost 18 months after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, North Korea has come close to conceding that its attempts to keep the virus from its borders have failed.

    In April 2021, Russian diplomats in Pyongyang said that North Korea had "total restrictions that are unprecedented in their severity" as well as severe shortages. According to the diplomatic mission, many foreign diplomats had left the country, leaving less than 290 foreigners in North Korea, including only nine ambassadors
  11. [verwijderd] 3 juli 2021 09:41
    Mysteriously skinnier Kim Jong-Un berates underlings for allowing "great crisis" with covid-19

    North Korea was one of the most isolated nations on the planet even before the coronavirus pandemic led dictator Kim Jong-Un to shut its borders more than a year and a half ago. The Kim regime has claimed ever since then that its drastic measures have successfully kept COVID-19 out of North Korea, but while first-hand information from inside the "Hermit Kingdom" is virtually non-existent, even Kim appeared to acknowledge this week that his country is struggling.

    The ruler's own dramatic, unexplained weight loss, meanwhile, has renewed speculation that he could be struggling personally with health issues. Kim appeared on state television in recent weeks after a long absence and looked noticeably thinner. This sparked a frenzy of speculation among North Korea watchers from Seoul to Washington. If the country’s leader suddenly fell ill, it could set off a power struggle for control of an arsenal of nuclear and chemical weapons. Kim’s health is “the biggest wild card” in assessing stability in North Korea. Kim succeeded his father Kim Jong Il as leader in 2011 and is known to have a penchant for alcohol and cigarettes. The Kim family also has a history of diabetes and heart disease and foreign governments have long looked for any clues to their health.

  12. [verwijderd] 4 juli 2021 14:33
    Ruim 183 miljoen coronabesmettingen wereldwijd

    Er zijn inmiddels 183,5 miljoen Covid-19 besmettingen wereldwijd geregistreerd. Dit blijkt zondag uit actuele data verzameld door Johns Hopkins CSSE. Volgens de data van Johns Hopkins zijn er wereldwijd inmiddels 3,97 miljoen mensen aan het virus overleden. Ruim 3,1 miljard mensen zijn gevaccineerd.

    Het coronavirus heeft naar verluidt ook Noord-Korea te pakken. Maar het regime van Kim Jong-un wil dat vooralsnog niet bevestigen. Noord-Korea laat volgens traditie weinig of niets los over mogelijke besmettingen met het coronavirus. De regering stelt ondertussen alles in het werk om het virus buiten de deur te houden, zo melden staatsmedia. Of dat de dictatuur van Kim Jong-un ook echt is gelukt, is hoogst twijfelachtig. De Wereld Gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) heeft nog geen melding gehad vanuit het gesloten land.
  13. [verwijderd] 5 juli 2021 15:01
    North Koreans 'heartbroken' by Kim's purported weight loss, Pyongyang resident tells state media

    The unnamed individual told a reporter from KCTV, North Korea's state-run television network, that "the people, including myself, were most heartbroken when we saw the respected General Secretary (Kim Jong Un's official title) looking gaunt ... everyone says it brought them to tears."
  14. [verwijderd] 6 juli 2021 16:18
    The rumors of Kim Jong Un’s “grave” illness, explained

    Is the North Korean leader sick? Dead? Missing? Here’s what we know.

    North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has become a visible global presence over the last few years. But in the last week, he’s completely disappeared from public view — and rumors have started to swirl that he may be seriously ill, or even dead.

    On April 15, Kim didn’t appear at a celebration commemorating North Korea’s most important holiday, which honors the founder of the country, Kim’s late grandfather Kim Il Sung. State-run media oddly hasn’t published any photos of a recent weapons test, which typically show the leader watching in approval. And official statements from the country have curiously lacked any direct comments from Kim himself.

    All of this has led to rampant media speculation that the 37-year-old Kim is recovering from major surgery, or gravely ill, or dead, and a flurry of activity by United States intelligence to figure out what, if anything, is really going on.

    Meanwhile, North Korean media outlets have kept mum about the swirling rumors and continue to act as if life in the Hermit Kingdom is proceeding as usual. Even as they publish old (or undated) statements from Kim about the economy and other topics, the gist is that there’s nothing to see here and everything is fine.

    That could be true. Kim has disappeared for weeks before, only to show up in public as if nothing had happened. The coronavirus has also impacted the country, and the dictator may be taking precautions to avoid infection. Plus, North Korea’s culture of secrecy means rumors can run rampant regardless of how far-fetched they may be.

    But Kim is known to be in poor health; he’s obese, he’s a cigarette smoker, and he’s believed to have severe gout.

    Kim Jong Un's biggest risk factor was his obvious poor health -- and in particular the risk of cardiac problems. Kim Jong Un is five feet, four inches tall, and weighs about three hundred pounds = BMI of 51,5, or "extremely obese"
  15. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 juli 2021 16:55

    johan20090 schreef op 6 juli 2021 16:18:

    The rumors of Kim Jong Un’s “grave” illness, explained

    Is the North Korean leader sick? Dead? Missing? Here’s what we know.

    North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has become a visible global presence over the last few years. But in the last week, he’s completely disappeared from public view — and rumors have started to swirl that he may be seriously ill, or even dead.

    On April 15, Kim didn’t appear at a celebration commemorating North Korea’s most important holiday, which honors the founder of the country, Kim’s late grandfather Kim Il Sung. State-run media oddly hasn’t published any photos of a recent weapons test, which typically show the leader watching in approval. And official statements from the country have curiously lacked any direct comments from Kim himself.

    All of this has led to rampant media speculation that the 37-year-old Kim is recovering from major surgery, or gravely ill, or dead, and a flurry of activity by United States intelligence to figure out what, if anything, is really going on.

    Meanwhile, North Korean media outlets have kept mum about the swirling rumors and continue to act as if life in the Hermit Kingdom is proceeding as usual. Even as they publish old (or undated) statements from Kim about the economy and other topics, the gist is that there’s nothing to see here and everything is fine.

    That could be true. Kim has disappeared for weeks before, only to show up in public as if nothing had happened. The coronavirus has also impacted the country, and the dictator may be taking precautions to avoid infection. Plus, North Korea’s culture of secrecy means rumors can run rampant regardless of how far-fetched they may be.

    But Kim is known to be in poor health; he’s obese, he’s a cigarette smoker, and he’s believed to have severe gout.

    Kim Jong Un's biggest risk factor was his obvious poor health -- and in particular the risk of cardiac problems. Kim Jong Un is five feet, four inches tall, and weighs about three hundred pounds = BMI of 51,5, or "extremely obese"
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  16. [verwijderd] 7 juli 2021 17:01
    'Harsh lean period': Kim Jong-Un's North Korea to face food shortage of 860,000 tonnes this year

    North Korea could experience a "harsh lean period" as early as next month, the United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organisation has said.

    The acute food shortage in North Korea where the price of a packet of coffee has gone up to $100 is just the beginning of a harsh, lean period in the country, the United Nation's Food and Agricultural Organisation has forwarned, estimating North Korea's food shortage of this year at around 860,000 tonnes this year. The country could experience a "harsh lean period" as early as next month, the UN body has said.
  17. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2021 15:02

    johan20090 schreef op 6 juli 2021 16:18:

    The rumors of Kim Jong Un’s “grave” illness, explained

    Kim Jong Un's biggest risk factor was his obvious poor health -- and in particular the risk of cardiac problems. Kim Jong Un is five feet, four inches tall, and weighs about three hundred pounds = BMI of 51,5, or "extremely obese"
    Kim Jong-Un Lost as Much as 44 Pounds, South Korean Spies Say
  18. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2021 00:51
    Kim Jong-Un has not been vaccinated against coronavirus, South Korea's spy agency says

    There is no sign that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has been inoculated against the coronavirus and his country hasn't received any foreign vaccines, South Korea's spy agency says.

    The spy agency said it does not have any information that North Korea has acquired COVID-19 vaccines

    A vaccine shipment from the UN-backed COVAX program has not been delivered to North Korea

    North Korea is building guard posts and concrete structures along its border with China to prevent illegal border crossings as part of its anti-virus steps.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) said last week that North Korea has reported to it that it has tested 31,794 people for the virus through June 24 and that all were negative.

    Mr Kim in recent speeches has called for the nation to brace for prolonged COVID-19 restrictions, indicating the country isn't ready to reopen its borders despite the massive toll on its economy, which had already been devastated by years of mismanagement and US-led sanctions over its nuclear program.
  19. [verwijderd] 10 juli 2021 12:40
    Russia offers North Korea Covid vaccines again as crisis worsens

    Russia has offered North Korea Covid vaccines once again, amid reports that a harsh lockdown is leading to extreme hunger.

    Pyongyang has refused vaccines and aid from a number of countries.

    It has instead sealed borders to try and keep the virus out but that has affected trade with China. It relies on Beijing for food, fertiliser and fuel.

    Kim Jong-un has acknowledged that the country is facing food shortages, describing the situation as "tense".

    He made the comments last month and also told citizens to prepare for the "worst ever outcome" which has invoked comparisons to a deadly famine in the 1990s.

    International trade sanctions are believed to have further put pressure on food supplies.

    Russia has previously told North Korea that "not everyone can endure unprecedentedly strong, overarching restrictions", and on Wednesday Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow has offered Pyongyang vaccines on a number of occasions.

    He also repeated the offer to provide vaccines should the country require them. There are now a number of reports suggesting food shortages and it's thought Kim Jong-Un has ordered the military to distribute its stores among the people.

    A UN report yesterday said the country is facing food shortages of around 860,000 tonnes this year and it is forecasting a "harsh lean period".

    Let's be clear, this is nowhere near the levels of famine seen in the 1990s, but food stocks are dwindling and the autumn harvests must go well to avoid widespread hunger.

    Last year a number of typhoons flooded fields and destroyed crops. North Korea cannot afford any more natural disasters.

    One way out of this crisis would be to vaccinate people in the country against Covid-19 which would allow the regime to lift border restrictions, restart trade and perhaps even accept aid.
  20. [verwijderd] 12 juli 2021 09:54
    Kim warns of 'grave consequences' and fires top officials after COVID-19 incident

    Kim Jong-Un fired several senior officials who failed to enforce North Korea's stringent COVID-19 prevention, a dereliction of duty which the young dictator said will have "grave consequences" for the impoverished and isolated nation, state media reported

    It is unclear who or exactly how many officials were responsible for the unspecified incident, which Kim called a "great crisis." But it appears some members of the upper echelons of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea were replaced, according to the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

    An outbreak of COVID-19 could prove dire for North Korea. The country's dilapidated health care infrastructure is unlikely to be up to the task of treating a large number of patients with a highly infectious disease.

    North Korea has not publicly acknowledged any coronavirus cases, though experts claim that may be a product of Pyongyang's limited testing capacity.

    Few believe that a country of around 25 million people has been spared by a virus that has infected more than 180 million people worldwide, especially after KCNA warned last summer that an incident involving a symptomatic defector from South Korea might lead to a "deadly and destructive disaster."

    To date, North Korea has been able to prevent a major outbreak of COVID-19 cases thanks to a series of draconian public health measures. Kim reportedly had two people executed last year for COVID-19 related crimes, including a customs official who did not follow the rules while importing goods from China.

    North Korea's borders have been sealed since January 2020 to keep the virus at bay, despite the knock-on effects on trade with Beijing, an economic lifeline the impoverished country needs to keep its people from going hungry.

    Pyongyang has reported a food crisis tied in part to both inclement weather and trade issues. The agriculture sector is still recovering from storm damage last year, and exports from China tanked by 90% in May from the previous month, according to official statistics from Beijing, though it's unclear why.
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