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  1. [verwijderd] 9 augustus 2021 02:02
    Fascinerende documentaire over misdadig Noord-Koreaans regime

    De documentaire The Mole is fascinerend, bijna ongeloofwaardig, maar zeer de moeite waard om te zien. De film benadrukt nog eens dat er geen enkele reden is om lichtzinnig te doen over het anachronistische regime in Noord-Korea.

    Het is natuurlijk een geweldig cliché om te zeggen dat de werkelijkheid soms vreemder is dan fictie (‘stranger than fiction’). Maar wie de documentaire The Mole ziet, kan moeilijk anders concluderen. Tenminste, als het allemaal klopt wat we zien. Want de documentaire van de Deense regisseur Mads Brügger is een opeenstapeling van merkwaardigheden.

    De Zweedse en Deense regeringen hebben al gezegd dat ze de Noord-Koreaanse ontduiking van sancties, waarvan de film het bewijs is, zullen aankaarten bij de Verenigde Naties en de Europese Unie. Ook kan de documentaire wel eens het einde inluiden van alle Korean Friendship Associations wereldwijd.
  2. [verwijderd] 9 augustus 2021 02:32

    A Mao schreef op 8 augustus 2021 20:23:

    Heb het idee dat het niet echt leeft in Nederland.. :-)

    Ik heb vragen gesteld aan de VVD of Nederland de activiteiten van de KFA Nederland kan verbieden en deze criminele organisatie kan aanpakken.

    Ontvangstbevestiging VVD Voorlichting

    Geachte heer, mevrouw,

    Dank voor uw bericht aan de Tweede Kamerfractie van de VVD.

    We proberen uw bericht zo snel en adequaat mogelijk te beantwoorden. Omdat het werk in de Kamer echter onvoorspelbaar is kan de beantwoording soms enige tijd op zich laten wachten, wij vragen hiervoor uw begrip.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    VVD Voorlichting
    Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
  3. [verwijderd] 9 augustus 2021 13:56

    johan20090 schreef op 7 augustus 2021 13:20:

    BBC The Mole: Infiltrating North Korea

    A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea. A film by Mads Brügger.
    De video is helaas verwijderd op Youtube door de uploader
  4. forum rang 8 josti5 9 augustus 2021 14:07

    A Mao schreef op 8 augustus 2021 20:23:

    Heb het idee dat het niet echt leeft in Nederland.. :-)

    Einde quote.

    Al die plotselinge aandacht hier voor Kim en Noord-Korea verbaast mij in hoge mate.
    Moeten de geesten ergens 'rijp' voor worden gemaakt?
  5. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2021 04:31
    North Korea’s Curious COVID-19 Strategy

    Pyongyang faces a looming catastrophe but is in no hurry to vaccinate its people.

    For a country loathe to admit troubles at home, it’s surprising to see the frequency with which North Korea is doing exactly that of late. Last month, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un compared the hardships caused by the coronavirus pandemic to the 1950-53 Korean War. Before that, he told North Koreans to brace for the “worst-ever” outcome, invoking comparisons to the country’s deadly 1990s famine, known in the North as the Arduous March. In October 2020, he even shed tears while speaking about the country’s struggles.

    Kim is grappling with the toughest challenge of his reign so far, and his stark language indicates the severity of the problem.

    If the regime is admitting that the country is in dire straits, then it is safe to assume things are really bad.

    Lacking vaccine protection, North Korea remains vulnerable to a mass breach of the coronavirus, which would have profound implications for regime stability, regional security, and lead to a humanitarian disaster. Panacea or not, vaccines can greatly help a resource-strapped North Korea beat the virus and allow a safe reopening. But, even as ordinary North Koreans continue to suffer, the country—at least for now—is betting on its preferred approach in dealing with COVID-19 and one in which it has years of experience—isolation.
  6. forum rang 6 A Mao 10 augustus 2021 09:12

    johan20090 schreef op 9 augustus 2021 13:56:


    De video is helaas verwijderd op Youtube door de uploader
    Heel merkwaardig,
    Zonder meteen in allerlei complottheorieën te belanden, de tijd dat je zonder problemen iets op YouTube kan zetten is allang achter ons.
  7. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2021 09:22

    A Mao schreef op 10 augustus 2021 09:12:

    [...]De video is helaas verwijderd op Youtube door de uploader

    Heel merkwaardig,
    Zonder meteen in allerlei complottheorieën te belanden, de tijd dat je zonder problemen iets op YouTube kan zetten is allang achter ons.

    De video is zeer belastend voor Noord Korea en het zal mij niets verbazen als Noord Korea hier achter zit.
  8. forum rang 6 A Mao 10 augustus 2021 09:39
    Belastend belastend voor Noord Korea….mmm t’s allang bekend dat Noord Korea alle mogelijke manieren/constructies verzint om onder de sancties uit te komen.
    En aangezien ze voor export alleen wapens hebben is het niet zo verwonderlijk dat ze dat aan de man willen brengen.
    Dus wat noord Korea probeert te doen verbaast mij niet zo, het gaat meer om dat andere landen en westerse personen er blijkbaar geen moeite mee hebben om mee te heulen.
  9. [verwijderd] 10 augustus 2021 10:16

    A Mao schreef op 10 augustus 2021 09:39:

    Belastend belastend voor Noord Korea….mmm t’s allang bekend dat Noord Korea alle mogelijke manieren/constructies verzint om onder de sancties uit te komen.
    En aangezien ze voor export alleen wapens hebben is het niet zo verwonderlijk dat ze dat aan de man willen brengen.
    Dus wat noord Korea probeert te doen verbaast mij niet zo, het gaat meer om dat andere landen en westerse personen er blijkbaar geen moeite mee hebben om mee te heulen.

    China is een bondgenoot van Noord Korea en China neemt het niet zo nauw met de sancties tegen Noord Korea. China heeft er geen enkel belang bij dat het regime van Noord Korea omvalt.
  10. forum rang 6 A Mao 10 augustus 2021 11:14
    Dat is zeker,
    Rusland schijnt ook werknemers van noord Korea aan het werk te hebben.
  11. [verwijderd] 11 augustus 2021 12:19
    BBC The Mole: Infiltrating North Korea

    A real-life undercover thriller about two ordinary men who embark on an outrageously dangerous ten-year mission to penetrate the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorship: North Korea. A film by Mads Brügger.

    Part I

    Part II
  12. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 12 augustus 2021 18:55

    Maria-argenta schreef op 12 augustus 2021 18:27:

    Er is mogelijk iets aan de hand bij Pharming. Zag vandaag enkele taxi’s met flink wat stropdassen
    Misschien krijgen alle werknemers van Pharming een stropdas van de zaak....!!!???
  13. [verwijderd] 14 augustus 2021 12:44
    The most ridiculous North Korean propaganda claims

    Perhaps the cruelest North Korean propaganda poster ever. The country often suffering from famine claims it has lots of food.

    North Korea is the second happiest country behind China, according to North Korean researchers. The United States is dead last.
  14. [verwijderd] 16 augustus 2021 06:12
    S.Korea, U.S. to begin joint military drills despite N.Korea rebuke

    SEOUL, Aug 15 (Reuters) - South Korea and the United States will begin their annual joint military drills on Monday, the South's military said on Sunday, amid North Korea's warnings of a diplomatic and security crisis.

    South Korea and the United States regularly stage military exercises, mainly in the spring and summer, but North Korea has for decades reacted angrily, calling them a rehearsal for war.
  15. [verwijderd] 18 augustus 2021 09:21
    ‘Lips and Teeth’: The Enduring China-North Korea Relationship

    The economic troubles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and sanctions against North Korea as well as worsening food shortages are likely to further push Pyongyang into Beijing’s orbit. Fearing a humanitarian disaster on its border, China has already said it is “ready to positively consider” providing assistance to Pyongyang if needed (PRC MFA, June 30).

    At the same time, suspicion and mistrust will continue to cloud the relationship. North Korea has shown no signs of abandoning its nuclear missile program, which irks China. For China, even a troublesome partnership with North Korea has strategic value, although recent warm ties would be at risk again if Pyongyang were to resume nuclear or long-range missile testing. Kim fears China gaining too much leverage through deepening economic and trade links, but he has skillfully managed the asymmetric relationship so far, constraining Beijing’s ability to influence Pyongyang.

    Under the changing geopolitical landscape, China has shown itself willing to take the hit on its international reputation that comes with supporting North Korea as a fair price to pay to put pressure on Washington, and perhaps even begrudgingly accept a nuclear North Korea.
  16. [verwijderd] 18 augustus 2021 14:39
    High-ranking North Korean military official executed for calling Kim Jong-Un’s special order “unrealistic”

    by punishing cadres, Kim seemingly intends to turn attention away from his own loss of face in ordering “three months of food provisions” without first ascertaining the state of military food stocks. This means Kim plans to minimize risk by turning the situation into a political and ideological issue regarding the military’s logistics commanders.

    There is talk of a “bloodbath” of purges and sackings in the name of “drawing out the ideological poison of military sectarianism.”

    However, hostility is reportedly rising within the military regarding such merciless punishment.

    Soldiers are reportedly asking how “shooting logistics commanders and sending officers to political prison camps” will resolve rice shortages, and whether leaders intend to label everyone “sectarians” every time there is a problem because they issued an order ignorant of the situation on the ground.

    Regarding the joint investigation by the military’s Political Guidance Department and Military Security Command, the source noted emerging criticism that stores of military supplies “have been empty since the time of Kim Jong Il” and “it’s a bigger problem that the government is starting to get a grip on conditions on the ground only now, 10 years after Kim Jong-Un took power.”
  17. [verwijderd] 19 augustus 2021 14:22
    How the Climate Crisis Could Further Destabilize North Korea

    A recent study by the Woodwell Climate Research Center and the Council on Strategic Risks shows that climate extremes like heat, drought, and flooding will constrain the nation's already precarious ability to provide public goods for its population, compounding persistent security concerns and threatening to ignite intersecting crises on the Korean peninsula.

    One primary issue of concern will be the effect of climate change on food security, which has been an issue for the country for years because of long-standing poor policy choices. At present, North Korea is facing a food crisis so severe that the government has been forced to release army rations. A perfect storm of back-to-back typhoons last fall, persistent drought this spring, an ongoing summer heatwave, and recent heavy rains have led to the current state of severe food insecurity, even prompting the Kim regime to issue a rare famine warning this spring.
  18. [verwijderd] 25 augustus 2021 08:56
    COVID-19 reveals North Korea is no longer a hermit kingdom

    Any spread of COVID-19 in North Korea will prove disastrous. Its healthcare system is unable to cope. Medicine and medical equipment are difficult to import due to sanctions, the border closure, the departure of humanitarian agencies and the lack of foreign currency. Even if (as North Korea claims) there is no COVID-19 in the country, North Korea’s economy is undoubtedly doing it tough.
  19. forum rang 10 luchtschip 30 augustus 2021 03:18

    North Korea Appears to Have Restarted Yongbyon Nuclear Reactor

    Inspectors cite evidence of resumed operations at the plutonium-producing plant, which had been shut down since 2018

    North Korea appears to have resumed operation of its plutonium-producing reactor at Yongbyon in a move that could enable the reclusive country to expand its nuclear-weapons arsenal, the U.N. atomic agency said.

    The development, disclosed in the agency’s annual report on North Korea’s nuclear activities, adds a new challenge to President Biden’s foreign policy agenda, alongside the dangerous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and stalemated talks on restoring the 2015 deal on Iran’s nuclear program.

    “Since early July, there have been indications, including the discharge of cooling water, consistent with the operation of the reactor,” said the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

    The Yongbyon reactor appeared to have been inactive from December 2018 until the beginning of July 2021, the report noted. It added that signs that the reactor is now being operated coincide with indications that North Korea is also using a nearby laboratory to separate plutonium from spent fuel previously removed from the reactor.

    The agency, whose inspectors were kicked out of North Korea in 2009, described the twin developments as “deeply troubling” and a clear violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.

    A senior Biden administration official said the U.S. agrees that the disclosure is troubling. “This report underscores the urgent need for dialogue and diplomacy so we can achieve the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” the official said.

    The North Korean Mission to the United Nations didn’t respond to a request for comment.

    “It appears to indicate North Korea has resumed producing plutonium for its nuclear weapons program,” said Gary Samore, director of the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University.

    “While North Korea already has a significant stockpile of nuclear weapons, this suggests it is moving to expand its current arsenal,” added Mr. Samore, a former National Security Council expert on weapons of mass destruction.

    The Biden administration has said that it is prepared to engage in talks with Pyongyang over its nuclear weapons program, but North Korea hasn’t taken Washington up on its offer.

    lees verder

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