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  1. [verwijderd] 5 januari 2022 17:14
    Kim Jong Il 'invented BURRITOS in 2011': North Korean mouthpiece makes bizarre boast about 'booming' Tex-Mex dish… as people across the nation struggle to find food

    A North Korean government mouthpiece has claimed Kim Jong-il created burritos in 2011.

    The Rodong Sinmun newspaper said the father of current leader Kim Jong-un invented the 'wheat wrap' and claimed their sales are booming despite a food shortage.

    The street food also made an appearance in a recent propaganda broadcast, saying Kim Jong-Un has a 'meticulous interest' in the Mexican dish.
  2. [verwijderd] 6 januari 2022 10:10
    North Korea fires suspected ballistic missile into the sea

    North Korea has fired a suspected ballistic missile into the sea off its east coast, in its first such launch since October.

    The missile landed in water between the Korean peninsula and Japan, bringing condemnation from Seoul and Tokyo.

    The UN prohibits North Korea from ballistic and nuclear weapons tests.

    Leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to bolster the North's defences. It tested a variety of missiles last year amid stalled talks with the South and US.

    The latest launch - the first since a New Year speech in which Mr Kim set out policy priorities for 2022 - was first reported by the Japanese coast guard early on Wednesday, before being confirmed by defence authorities in Seoul.

    "South Korean and US intelligence are closely analysing for further detail," South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said in a statement.

    Japan's Defence Minister Nobuo Kishi said the suspected ballistic missile had flown about 500 km (310 miles), Reuters reported.

    according to one expert however, there was no way to confirm the full striking range of the missile.

    "There's no way to assess whether this might have been a longer-range missile flown on a shortened trajectory," Ankit Panda of the Nuclear Policy Programme at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace told BBC News.

    In 2017, North Korea tested the Hwasong-15, a missile that peaked at an estimated altitude of 4,500km, putting US military bases on the Pacific island of Guam well within striking distance.

    The launch comes days after Mr Kim said that Pyongyang would continue to strengthen its defence capabilities due to an increasingly unstable military environment on the Korean peninsula - a stance Mr Panda warned could see 2022 "littered with similar North Korean missiles".

    Mr Kim made the remarks during a key end-of-year meeting of North Korea's ruling party.

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida called the latest launch "very regrettable", pointing to North Korea's repeated testing of missiles since 2021.

    In 2021, North Korea continued the advancement of its weapons programme, conducting what state media reported as the testing of a new hypersonic missile, as well as a train-based ballistic missile and a new long-range cruise missile.

    Ballistic missiles are considered more threatening than cruise missiles because they can carry more powerful payloads, have a longer range and can fly faster.

    What's the situation in North Korea?

    The tests come as Pyongyang struggles with food shortages due to a coronavirus blockade that has severely affected its economy.

    At the end-of-year meeting, Mr Kim said the country was facing a "great life-and-death struggle", adding that increasing development and improving people's living standards were among this year's goals.

    United Nations officials had earlier warned that vulnerable children and elderly people in North Korea were at risk of starvation.

    However, Mr Panda said this was unlikely to deter North Korea from pursuing its weapons programme.

    "[Mr] Kim has maintained his emphasis on self-reliance in national defence in recent years even as he has been open about economic difficulties in the country," Mr Panda said.

    "For [Mr] Kim and the Workers' Party, sustaining these weapons programmes is a top national priority for both internal and external reasons."

    The US has been calling for North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, and Pyongyang's relationship with President Joe Biden's administration has so far been fraught with tension.

    North Korea has also repeatedly accused South Korea of double standards over military activities.

    South Korea recently tested its first submarine-launched ballistic missile, which it said was needed as deterrence against North Korea's "provocations".
  3. [verwijderd] 18 januari 2022 09:39
    Even With Omicron, North Korea Still Claims No Coronavirus Cases

    North Korea has not reported any positive tests to World Health Organization but state media has been reporting about the spread of the Omicron variant.

    Throughout the entire coronavirus pandemic, North Korea has continued to insist that has had no cases of the deadly virus. This was the case through the original emergence of the virus, through various earlier variants, and now the arrival of Omicron.

    Sure, no one in the public health or diplomatic worlds believes the regime in these claims, but they have continued to make them despite the country’s close proximity to the pandemic’s initial epicenter of China.
  4. [verwijderd] 19 januari 2022 08:48
    Amid Omicron Worries, North Korea Orders Strengthened Quarantine on China Border

    North Korea is stepping up health surveillance as well as tightening already severe restrictions on cross-border trade.With the world on high alert due to the recent spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, North Korean authorities are focusing all their energy on bolstering quarantine efforts.

    Smuggling activity usually increases in North Korea’s border regions in winter, when the rivers freeze. Even last winter, when North Korea closed the border and strengthened patrols, smuggling continued along the Yalu River.The authorities cannot completely eradicate smuggling despite tougher border controls. The source said that even now, smugglers along the border tend to use Chinese yuan, and that smuggling would continue one way or the other, no matter how the authorities attempt to close and enforce the border.
  5. [verwijderd] 12 mei 2022 08:29
    North Korea orders strict lockdown with first official Covid-19 cases

    North Korea has ordered a strict national lockdown after confirming its first official Covid infections.

    State media have reported an Omicron outbreak in the capital, Pyongyang, but did not state the number of cases.

    KCNA said leader Kim Jong-un had vowed to eradicate the outbreak, which it called a "severe national emergency" that had breached the country's "quarantine front".

    But observers believe the virus has long been present in the country.

    Outsiders say the nation's 25 million population is vulnerable as North Korea has declined to administer a Covid-19 vaccine programme, even rejecting offers from the international community to supply millions of AstraZeneca and Chinese-made Sinovac jabs last year.

    There have also been concerns about North Korea's impoverished healthcare system.

    North Korea's main way of combating Covid has been to seal its foreign borders - it was one of the first countries to do so, in January 2020.

    But this has also stopped essential supplies from entering the country, which has led to food shortages and a cratering economy.

    On Thursday, KCNA said Mr Kim had ordered "maximum emergency" virus controls, which appeared to include orders for localised lockdowns and gathering restrictions in workplaces.

    The North Korean news outlet added that the first case of the Omicron variant had been reportedly detected in the capital four days ago.

    Residents in some areas of Pyongyang had been subjected to lockdown for at least two days before the latest announcement, according to NK News, a Seoul-based monitoring site.
  6. [verwijderd] 13 mei 2022 07:12
    North Korea announces first Covid deaths amid 'explosive' outbreak

    North Korea has announced an "explosive" Covid-19 outbreak that has likely killed six people and infected more than 350,000, according to state media, prompting fears of an impending and deadly crisis in the isolated and impoverished nation.
    The announcement comes a day after the country reported its first ever coronavirus case, calling the situation a "major national emergency."
    On Thursday, North Korea reported 18,000 new "fever cases" and the six deaths, one of which tested positive for the BA.2 sub-variant of Omicron, state media KCNA reported on Friday.

    North Korea has not confirmed that all "fever" cases and deaths are Covid-19, likely due to its limited testing capability.

    "A fever whose cause couldn't be identified explosively spread nationwide since late April," the newspaper said. "As of now up to 187,800 people are being isolated."
    An outbreak of Covid-19 could prove disastrous for North Korea. The country's dilapidated health care infrastructure is unlikely to be up to the task of treating a large number of patients with a highly infectious disease and the nation is not known to have imported any coronavirus vaccines.
    North Korea had not previously acknowledged any coronavirus cases, though few believe that a country of around 25 million people has been spared by a virus that has infected millions worldwide.

    North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited the state emergency epidemic prevention headquarters on Thursday and acknowledged the spreading outbreak meant there was a "vulnerable point" in the country's epidemic prevention system, according to KCNA.
    "It is the most important challenge and supreme tasks facing our party to reverse the immediate public health crisis situation," Kim said, according to KCNA.
    Following a meeting of the country's powerful politburo on Thursday, North Korea placed all cities into lockdown and ordered "people with fever or abnormal symptoms" into quarantine, KCNA said.
    On Thursday, China said its ready to provide support to North Korea in its fight against Covid-19.
    North Korea's borders have been sealed since January 2020 to keep the virus at bay, despite the knock-on effects on trade with Beijing, an economic lifeline the impoverished country needs to keep its people from going hungry.
    "As comrades, neighbors and friends, China stands ready to provide full support to the DPRK in its fight against the epidemic," China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian said in a briefing.
    As China battles its own outbreak, the Chinese National Immigration Administration urged Jilin Province -- which borders North Korea -- to strengthen health inspections at its customs after North Korea reported its first Covid-19 case.

    Zero vaccines could spell disaster

    North Korea is not believed to have received any Covid vaccinations, despite being eligible for the global Covid-19 vaccine sharing program, Covax.
    In February, Covax reportedly scaled back the number of doses allocated to North Korea because the country failed to arrange for any shipments, according to Reuters.
    Assuming most of North Korea's population is unvaccinated, an outbreak in North Korea -- which has limited testing capabilities, inadequate medical infrastructure and which has isolated itself from the outside world -- could quickly become deadly. Calls are mounting on the country's leadership to provide access to vaccines.

    "There is no evidence to show that North Korea has access to enough vaccines to protect its population from Covid-19. Yet, it has rejected millions of doses of AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines offered by the WHO-led COVAX program," said Amnesty International's East Asia researcher Boram Jang, in a statement.
    "With the first official news of a Covid-19 outbreak in the country, continuing on this path could cost many lives and would be an unconscionable dereliction of upholding the right to health."
  7. [verwijderd] 14 mei 2022 15:16
    Waarom Noord-Korea nu wél laat weten dat corona toeslaat: 'Ze zijn in paniek'

    Noord-Korea was de afgelopen dagen ineens open over de coronasituatie in het land. Leider Kim Jong-un sprak zelfs van "een grote ramp". Maar dat het afgesloten land ineens cijfers naar buiten brengt, heeft zo zijn redenen, zeggen experts in gesprek met Tegelijkertijd lijkt het erop dat er wel echt iets aan de hand is in het land, "en dat het zo groot is dat het niet meer te ontkennen is".
  8. [verwijderd] 16 mei 2022 08:42
    300.000 coronabesmettingen in Noord-Korea, leger moet helpen

    De Noord-Koreaanse leider Kim Jong-un zet het leger in om de distributie van medicijnen in de hoofdstad Pyongyang in goede banen te leiden. Het Aziatische land kampt met een explosieve corona-uitbraak: gisteren werden 300.000 coronagevallen vastgesteld.

    De regering heeft eerder besloten tot distributie van medicijnen uit de nationale voorraden. Maar de verspreiding ervan via apotheken zou volgens Kim niet goed verlopen. De Noord-Koreaanse leider zegt dat apotheken niet goed zijn toegerust om hun taken soepel uit te voeren.

    Medisch korps

    Er zijn geen andere opslagruimtes voor medicijnen dan de vitrines, en de verkopers hebben geen goede sanitaire kleding. Reden voor Kim de 'krachtige troepen' van het medische korps van het leger in te zetten om 'de levering van medicijnen in Pyongyang te stabiliseren'.

    Noord-Korea heeft vandaag gemeld dat bij nog eens 392.920 inwoners koortssymptomen zijn vastgesteld. Acht mensen met koorts zijn overleden, aldus staatspersbureau KCNA.

    Hoeveel van de nieuwe gevallen positief hebben getest op Covid-19 is niet bekendgemaakt. Een dag eerder maakte het land melding van bijna 300.000 nieuwe gevallen en vijftien doden.

    'Mysterieuze koorts'

    Noord-Korea erkende donderdag voor het eerst officieel een besmetting met het coronavirus. Een dag later werd de eerste dode als gevolg van het virus gemeld. Volgens KCNA gaat sinds eind april een mysterieuze koorts rond in het land.

    Of mensen ook positief testten op corona is niet bekend. Volgens experts ontbeert Noord-Korea de capaciteit om op grote schaal te testen.
  9. [verwijderd] 2 februari 2023 09:41
    'Noord-Koreaanse hackers stalen 1,7 miljard aan cryptomunten in 2022'

    Hackers uit Noord-Korea wisten afgelopen jaar weer veel cryptomunten buit te maken. Het zou gaan om 1,7 miljard dollar aan gestolen crypto's.

    Hackers die werden gelinkt aan de Noord-Koreaanse regering waren in 2022 goed voor een geschatte 1,7 miljard dollar aan buitgemaakte crypto's, een stijging van 400 miljoen ten opzichte van 2021. Dat meldt onderzoeksbureau Chainalysis.

    In totaal hebben hackers vorig jaar voor een recordbedrag van 3,8 miljard dollar (3,5 miljard euro) aan cryptomunten gestolen. Een jaar eerder was dat nog voor 3,3 miljard.

    'Kernwapens financieren'

    Volgens de Amerikaanse overheid gebruikt Noord-Korea de opbrengst van die diefstal om wapenprogramma's te financieren, waaronder kernwapens. Zo is er een hackersgroep met de naam Lazarus die wordt gelinkt aan Pyongyang. Noord-Korea ontkent iets te maken te hebben met diefstal van cryptomunten.

    Chainalysis zegt dat er vorig jaar meerdere golven waren in het hacken van cryptomunten. Er waren in maart en oktober sterke pieken te zien. Oktober was de ergste maand met 32 cyberaanvallen en bijna 778 miljoen dollar (ruim 712 miljoen euro) aan gestolen cryptovaluta.

    Cross-chain bridges doelwit

    De meeste cryptomunten (82 procent) werden door hackers gestolen via zogeheten DeFi-protocollen en daarvan was 64 procent afkomstig van cross-chain bridge-protocollen. Dat zijn protocollen waarmee gebruikers hun crypto's van de ene blockchain naar de andere kunnen overzetten.

    De 'bruggen' zijn een aantrekkelijk doelwit voor hackers, zeggen de onderzoekers van Chainanalysis. "Als een bridge groot genoeg wordt, zal elke fout in de onderliggende slimme contractcode of een andere potentiële zwakke plek uiteindelijk worden gevonden en worden misbruikt door kwaadwillenden."
  10. [verwijderd] 19 april 2023 10:19
    Noord-Koreaanse leider Kim beveelt lancering verkenningssatelliet

    PYONGYANG (ANP) - De Noord-Koreaanse leider Kim Jong-un heeft opdracht gegeven om de eerste militaire verkenningssatelliet van het land te lanceren, melden Noord-Koreaanse staatsmedia. Kim verordonneerde dat de laatste voorbereidingen dienen te worden versneld, zonder een lanceringsdatum te noemen.

    Kim benadrukte dat zijn order direct verband houdt met de spanningen op het Koreaanse schiereiland. Maandag hielden Zuid-Korea, Japan en de Verenigde Staten nog gezamenlijke militaire oefeningen in de internationale wateren tussen het schiereiland en Japan. Ook zei Kim dat ruimtevaart essentieel is voor Noord-Korea, wil zijn land wereldwijd een rol spelen op het gebied van wetenschap en technologie.

    Noord-Korea test steeds vaker raketten die geschikt zijn voor kernwapens, ondanks een verbod door VN-resoluties. Waarnemers vrezen dat de eerste kernproef van Pyongyang in jaren op handen is
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 31 mei 2023 14:28
    ’Kim Jong-un heeft vermoedelijk last van slaapstoornis’
    30 min geleden

    SEOUL - De Noord-Koreaanse dictator Kim Jong-un heeft volgens Zuid-Koreaanse inlichtingen vermoedelijk last van ernstige slaapproblemen. Ook weegt hij inmiddels zo’n 140 kilo, verklaarden parlementariërs uit buurland Zuid-Korea nadat ze waren bijgepraat door hun inlichtingendienst NIS.

    Kim zou er zeer vermoeid hebben uitgezien op een openbare bijeenkomst in mei. Hij had toen flinke wallen onder zijn ogen, bericht persbureau Yonhap. Het viel de inlichtingendienst op dat Noord-Korea in het buitenland medische informatie vergaart. Er wordt gekeken hoe topfunctionarissen met de slaapstoornis insomnia behandeld kunnen worden.

    De spionnendienst houdt er rekening mee dat de Noord-Koreaanse leider steeds afhankelijker aan het worden is van nicotine en alcohol. Noord-Korea zou grote hoeveelheden buitenlandse sigaretten en luxe snacks importeren. De afgelopen jaren kwamen al eerder berichten naar buiten over de mogelijke slaapproblemen van Kim en zijn overgewicht.


    Berichten over de gezondheid van de relatief jonge dictator worden internationaal op de voet gevolgd. Het is onduidelijk wie na zijn dood de macht moet overnemen in de geïsoleerde dictatuur. De familie Kim heerst al over het land sinds de oprichting in de vorige eeuw. Noord-Korea zorgt al jaren voor internationale onrust door ballistische raketten te testen en aan kernwapens te werken.

    Kim heeft geprobeerd zijn land uit zijn internationale isolement te halen. Hij had persoonlijke ontmoetingen met de vorige Amerikaanse president Donald Trump. Dat topoverleg leidde niet tot een diplomatieke doorbraak en Noord-Korea gaat nog steeds gebukt onder zware sancties. Het land deed woensdag een mislukte poging een spionagesatelliet te lanceren, tot chagrijn van de internationale gemeenschap.

    De Zuid-Koreanen gebruikten kunstmatige intelligentie om foto’s van Kim te analyseren. Ze kwamen zo tot een nieuwe schatting over zijn gewicht. De NIS zou ook hebben vastgesteld dat Kim sinds eind vorig jaar doorlopend schrammen en blauwe plekken op zijn armen heeft. Dat komt mogelijk door een combinatie van allergieën en stressklachten.
  12. [verwijderd] 16 juni 2023 11:46
    Schokkende details: ‘Noord-Koreanen worden dood aangetroffen in huis’

    Inwoners die leven in een volledig isolement, sterven van de honger. Een kans om eraan te ontsnappen lijkt er niet te zijn. Een indringende reportage van de Britse staatsomroep BBC legt het leven bloot van de mensen die wonen in het Noord-Korea van dictator Kim Jong-Un. Marcel Vink, voormalig correspondent van Oost-Azië, schetst het leven in het zwaar geïsoleerde land.
  13. [verwijderd] 16 juni 2023 11:49
    North Korea: Residents tell BBC of neighbours starving to death

    People in North Korea have told the BBC food is so scarce their neighbours have starved to death.

    Exclusive interviews gathered inside the world's most isolated state suggest the situation is the worst it has been since the 1990s, experts say.

    The government sealed its borders in 2020, cutting off vital supplies. It has also tightened control over people's lives, our interviewees say.

    Pyongyang told the BBC it has always prioritised its citizens' interests.

    The BBC has secretly interviewed three ordinary people in North Korea, with the help of the organisation Daily NK which operates a network of sources in the country. They told us that since the border closure, they are afraid they will either starve to death or be executed for flouting the rules. It is extremely rare to hear from people living in North Korea.
  14. [verwijderd] 2 juli 2023 13:03
    The Horrible Things North Korean Soldiers Have to Go Through

    For your information, Kim Jong Un never severed in the the army. In North Korea everyone has to serve in the army. No exceptions are made, unless you are Kim Jong Un. The rocket man says he has a nuclear button on his desk.
  15. [verwijderd] 17 juli 2023 06:06
    FBI seeks arrest of man claiming to be North Korea ‘special delegate’

    Spaniard Alejandro Cao De Benos alleged to have conspired with cryptocurrency expert to help Pyongyang evade US sanctions

    The FBI has issued an arrest warrant for a Spanish man who claims to be a “special delegate” working for the government of North Korea, accusing him of recruiting a cryptocurrency expert in an attempt to help Pyongyang circumvent US sanctions.

    Alejandro Cao de Benós, a 47-year-old Spanish national who describes himself as Pyongyang’s special delegate for the committee for cultural relations with foreign countries, is alleged to have conspired with Virgil Griffith, a US cryptocurrency expert, to “illegally provide cryptocurrency and blockchain services to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)”.
  16. [verwijderd] 30 juli 2023 19:27
    Could North Korea Collapse?

    Could North Korea's Kim regime be on the brink of a sudden fall? This eye-opening analysis delves into the devastating famine, Covid-19 impact, and potential collapse scenarios, including geopolitical consequences. Don't miss it!
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