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GLPG1205 en GLPG1690

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  1. Lama Daila 1 maart 2019 14:09
    Paar vraagjes gesteld over ISABELA aan Sofie:

    Er worden dus 1500 patiënten gerekruteerd in meer dan 200 centers.
    Volgens zijn er nu 16 open:
    US: 8, Spanje: 3, Polen: 3
    In de clinicaltrials US zijn dat er momenteel 9 (7 ISABELA1 +2 ISABELA2):
    ISABELA1 ( ):
    US: 5, Spanje 2
    ISABELA1 ( ):
    US: 2
    In de clinicaltrials EU ( ) is er ook al melding van Spanje, Hongarije, Frankrijk en Denemarken.
    Zijn Hongarije, Frankrijk en Denemarken ook al “open”? Komen die binnenkort ook op ?

    Dat zou idd het geval moeten zijn.

    Mijn vraag gaat vooral over de opdeling van centra over ISABELA1 en ISABELA2.
    “The ISABELA clinical study program entails two identical designed studies: ISABELA 1 and ISABELA 2. The studies are intended to confirm each other’s results”
    Hoe gaat die opdeling juist gebeuren?
    ISABELA1: US + ROW ?
    ISABELA2: US-only ?

    Wat is juist de reden waarom deze opdeling is gemaakt? Waarom is het nodig om die resultaten te kunnen vergelijken? Wat als er toch significante verschillen zijn tussen beide studies?

    - Er is een geografische verdeling, inderdaad, maar er zijn 2 overlappende landen (US & Duitsland). Beide studies zijn wereldwijd.
    - We hebben 2 Ph3 studies nodig om dat de FDA 2 registratietrials vraagt na de Ph2 die we gedaan hebben. De Ph3s moeten dus de resultaten van de Ph2 bevestigen, en van elkaar. Side note: stel dat je maar 1 pivotale studie doet, dan moet de statistische significantie overigens veel hoger liggen om te zorgen dat je de kans op ‘chance finding’ eruit haalt – dus dan beland je toch terug bij een grote patiënt pool.
    - De resultaten van de studies worden gepoold. Als er een heel groot verschil is tussen de studies – wat we niet verwachten – dan neem ik aan dat het een discussie wordt met de regulatory agencies en er onderzocht wordt waarom dit zo is.

    De opdeling van de 1500 patiënten is ongeveer 1/3 pirfenidone, 1/3 nintedanib en 1/3 geen van beide. Met dan in elke groep nog eens 1/3 met 200 mg 1690, 1/3 met 600 mg 1690 en 1/3 met placebo.
    Zal deze opdeling zowel in ISABELA1 als ISABELA2 gerespecteerd worden? Dus telkens 3 groepen van 250 patiënten, die dan nog verder opgedeeld worden in 3 (200/600/placebo) ?

    Correct. Dit is ingebouwd in de trial design en recruitment efforts.

    De groep die geen pirfenidone of nintedanib krijgen (omdat ze het niet “lekker” vinden of niet verdragen of omdat in dat center moeilijk te verkrijgen), krijgen die dan ook nog een “standard of care” met 1690/placebo daar bovenop? Zo ja, wat is die “standard of care” dan als het niet pirfenidone of nintedanib is?

    Standard of care is hier enkel P of N; er zijn geen andere goedgekeurde anti-fibrotische drugs voor IPF. Patiënten kunnen natuurlijk wel nog andere symptomatische therapie krijgen, maar niet ‘DMD’ (disease-modifying drug’. Dus het is ‘standard of care’ P, N of niet.
  2. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2019 00:25
    Mooie overzichten Lama Daila.

    Posting HansGarrincha 30-3-2019:

    Quote: Onno van de Stolpe (CEO Galapagos) te Belgie Vfb: Rekrutering fase 3 IPF met GLPG1690 (ISABELA studies) gaat sneller dan dat ze hadden gedacht.

    Study Center Locator voor deelnemende klinieken even updaten Lama Daila :).

    Fast Track status maar gauw verkrijgen voor GLPG1690 in USA.
    Is goed voor de exposure.
  3. Lama Daila 31 maart 2019 11:01
    Goed nieuws dat de recrutering sneller gaat dan gepland.
    De Study Center Locator wordt blijkbaar niet zo frekwent aangepast.
    Er staat al lange tijd hetzelfde: 8 US, 3 Polen en 3 Spanje, maar volgens de clinicaltrials zijn dat er dus al veel meer.
  4. E Green 31 maart 2019 12:42
    misschien een domme vraag maar wanneer zouden de resultaten ..ongeveer bekend worden ..bij voorbaat dank
  5. Lama Daila 31 maart 2019 13:47

    E Green schreef op 31 maart 2019 12:42:

    misschien een domme vraag maar wanneer zouden de resultaten ..ongeveer bekend worden ..bij voorbaat dank
    Estimated Primary Completion Date : December 2021
    Dat zijn 52-weken-resultaten.
    Geen idee of hier ook tussentijdse resultaten gaan bekend gemaakt worden.
  6. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2019 14:23
    Galapagos Launches Global ISABELA Program Testing GLPG1690 in IPF Patients

    January 7th, 2019

    Galapagos has started the worldwide ISABELA Phase 3 program to evaluate the potential of GLPG1690 as a treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), reporting that the first participant has already been treated.

    GLPG1690 inhibits GPR84, a pro-inflammatory protein that promotes chronic inflammation in IPF. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Commission granted orphan drug designation to GLPG1690 as a treatment for IPF.

    The global program consists of two identically designed trials, called ISABELA 1 (NCT03711162) and ISABELA 2 (NCT03733444). Together, they are expected to enroll a total of 1,500 patients, of 40 years of age or older, who have received an IPF diagnosis within 5 years of starting the trials.

    More than 200 clinical sites worldwide will be involved in the program, including several centers located in the United States and Europe. During the studies, patients will be randomized to receive one of two doses of GLPG1690 or a placebo, in addition to their IPF standard of care treatment.

    etc., etc.,..

    Allemaal oud nieuws natuurlijk, maar van belang zijn de "comments", waar mensen zich melden om aan de studie deel te nemen.

  7. [verwijderd] 2 april 2019 08:49
    Quote FatCool 2 april:

    PBI-4050 – Prometic is planning a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2b clinical study of PBI-4050 in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ("IPF") before the end of 2019 following successful financing.

    Quote winx09:

    klinkt wellicht lullig, maar ze zullen niet zoals wellicht eerder geanticipeerd IPF patiënten "opsouperen" in hun fase3 trail. Oftewel grotere patiënten pool beschikbaar voor 1690.
    Positief voor Gala.


    Zoals Winx08 zegt: doordat Prometic niet kan starten met hun fase 3 studie, wat ze feitelijk 9 maanden eerder al wilden, is dit zeer gunstig voor Galapagos en de fase 3 studie met GLPG1690.

    Prometic wil pas eind 2019 starten met een fase 2b, maar is afhankelijk van financiering.

    Galapagos heeft een geweldige prestatie gedaan met FLORA en overleg FDA/EMA.
    Het fase 3 programma is de grootste ooit in IPF.

    Patiënten kunnen op standaardmedicatie blijven. Ofev/Pirfenidone of andere background regionale medicatie. Het laatste staat in bepaalde gevallen bijna gelijk aan monotherapie GLPG1690.

    Fat Cool liet al zien met de link: hoeveel IPF-patienten melden dat ze behoefte hebben aan betere therapie.

    GLPG1690 is a gamechanger m.i. en ik schat slagingskans op +50%. FVC/FRI/plasma LPA, weinig bijwerkingen, en preklinische data met Ofev (nintedanib) die gunstig stemde. De ATX-inhibitors is een enorm beloftevol werkingsmechanisme voor IPF. Meer en meer biotech ontwikkeld ATX-inhibitors.

    @E Green: er is een futility analyse ingebouwd. Indien 25% van de patiënten (375) 52 weken lang is behandeld, gaan ze 600 mg/200 mg en placebo groepen met elkaar vergelijken.

    Dit is een enorm belangrijk moment. Rekrutering gaat al snel, dus dat belooft veel goeds voor jaar 2020.

  8. [verwijderd] 3 april 2019 19:50

    pe26 schreef op 2 april 2019 08:49:

    Prometic wil pas eind 2019 starten met een fase 2b, maar is afhankelijk van financiering.
    Ook uit de CC transcript van Prometic:

    Looking more broadly on the small molecule pipeline. We're continuing to plan how best to progress PBI-4050 for IPF. But here, we've had to take notice of recent feedback from several potential, and in principle, interested big pharma partners, that in their view, our data from the initial small-scale open label Phase IIa IPF trial was indicatively promising, but not sufficiently robust to secure a partnering deal, given the significant costs, risks and timescales of Phase III trials. As such, we will need to conduct a placebo-controlled randomized Phase II study of a sufficient duration and size to conclusively confirm efficacy, competitive advantage and market value before securing a partnership in this challenging disease.

    En daarmee moet Prometic het dus helemaal op eigen kracht doen. Galapagos is klaar met hun studie fase 3 voordat Prometic klaar is met hun fase 2b.

    En Fibrogen is ook nog steeds niet begonnen en gaat 500 patiënten proberen te werven die nog geen andere middelen gebruiken. Dat is ook een stukje ingewikkelder dan het extra pilletje van Galapagos...

  9. [verwijderd] 4 april 2019 23:49
    Promedior Received Breakthrough Therapy Designation from FDA for PRM-151 in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Lexington, Mass., March 26, 2019, 08:00 ET - Promedior, Inc., a clinical stage biotechnology company developing novel therapeutics for the treatment of fibrosis, today announced that PRM-151, a novel investigational anti-fibrotic immunomodulator, has been granted Breakthrough Therapy designation (BTD) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Promedior recently announced that it had reached an agreement with the FDA on the design of a Phase 3 registrational study for PRM-151 in IPF using forced vital capacity (FVC) as a primary endpoint and six-minute walk distance (6MWD) as a key secondary endpoint.

    BTD is designed to expedite the development and regulatory review of drugs intended to address a significant unmet need in serious or life-threatening conditions. To qualify for the designation, preliminary clinical evidence must demonstrate that the candidate offers the potential for substantial improvement over existing therapies. BTD offers a sponsor more intensive guidance from the FDA, access to a scientific liaison to help accelerate review time, and eligibility for Accelerated Approval and Priority Review designations. BTD for PRM-151 is the first such designation granted in IPF since 2014 and highlights the potential to offer substantial improvement for IPF patients over the currently approved therapies.

    "BTD underscores the disease-modifying potential of PRM-151 in IPF, a serious, life-limiting lung disease for which despite existing therapies, patient prognosis remains poor with a median survival of 3-5 years," said Jason Lettmann, Chief Executive Officer of Promedior. "Our pivotal program in IPF is designed to show outcomes that could provide meaningful benefit to patients and differentiation in the market over the standard of care. Outside of IPF, PRM-151 can address additional fibrotic diseases, and the team remains committed to evaluating strategic opportunities for advancing this promising candidate in other respiratory, oncology, hepatology, and nephrology indications."

    The FDA's decision was informed in part by a Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, trial designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of PRM-151, a recombinant form of human pentraxin-2 protein, versus placebo in 117 patients with IPF. 79% of the patients received standard of care treatment of either pirfenidone or nintedanib. Efficacy was evaluated at 28 weeks, among other measures, through pulmonary function tests including FVC, and six-minute walk distance (6MWD) as was published in JAMA in May 20, 2018.1 The patients who were treated with PRM-151 every four weeks exhibited a change in FVC percentage of predicted value of -2.5% compared with -4.8% with placebo – a statistically significant difference (p=.001) that indicates a reduction in decline of lung function. Change in six-minute walk distance was -0.5 meters among patients treated with PRM-151 compared with -31.8 meters for those with placebo (p < .001) – a clinically meaningful difference as a loss of >25 meters in 6MWD over 24 weeks is independently associated with 1-year all-cause mortality in IPF2. The nearly stable 6MWD result in the PRM-151 group is both unprecedented and suggests a potential benefit in overall functional capacity in patients with IPF. The short monthly infusion of PRM-151 was also well tolerated by the patients and study medication compliance was 97%.

    About Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
    IPF is a serious, life-limiting lung disease characterized by fibrosis and scarring of lung tissue with a median survival of 3-5 years after diagnosis. Replacement of normal lung tissue by fibrosis results in restriction in the ability to fill the lungs with air and decreased transfer of oxygen from inhaled air into the bloodstream resulting in lower oxygen delivery to the brain and other organs. Patients with IPF most often suffer from progressive shortness of breath, particularly with exertion; chronic cough; fatigue and weakness, and chest discomfort. Currently available approved drugs slow down but do not halt disease progression and the only curative therapy is lung transplant, an option merely available for a small group of patients. While estimates vary, it is believed that IPF could affect approximately 130,000 patients in the US and approximately 76,000 patients in Europe.

    About PRM-151
    PRM-151, Promedior's lead product candidate, is a recombinant form of the endogenous human innate immunity protein pentraxin-2 (PTX-2), which is specifically active at the site of tissue damage. PRM-151 is an agonist that acts as a macrophage polarization factor to prevent and potentially reverse fibrosis. PRM-151 has shown broad anti-fibrotic activity in multiple preclinical models of fibrotic disease, including pulmonary fibrosis, myelofibrosis3, acute and chronic nephropathy, liver fibrosis, and age-related macular degeneration. In addition to the randomized Phase 2 study in IPF, Phase 1a and 1b clinical studies in healthy subjects and IPF patients have demonstrated that PRM-151 was well-tolerated. Additionally, the Phase 1b study in patients with IPF showed encouraging results in exploratory efficacy endpoints4.

    About Promedior
    Promedior is a clinical stage biotechnology company pioneering the development of targeted therapeutics to treat diseases involving fibrosis. Fibrosis is a harmful process that occurs in many diseases, when normal healthy tissue is replaced with excessive scar tissue, compromising function and ultimately leading to organ failure. Promedior's proprietary platform is based upon pentraxin-2, an endogenous human protein that is specifically active at the site of tissue damage, preventing and potentially reversing fibrosis.

    Promedior has successfully advanced its lead therapeutic candidate in human clinical trials and is initially focused on rare fibrotic diseases, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and myelofibrosis. Promedior is backed by leading global healthcare venture investors and has a significant intellectual property estate relating to the discoveries and applications of pentraxin-2 therapeutics.
  10. [verwijderd] 10 april 2019 19:15
    In het door Avanti vorig jaar geposte bericht over de Flora studie staan twee andere middelen vermeld die getest zijn tegen fibrosis: BMS-986020 en SAR100842

    BMS-986020 werd getest tegen IPF en werd onder andere genoemd in de november presentatie van Galapagos als tonende de goede werkzaamheid, maar een onvoldoende veiligheid (galblaasinfecties).

    SAR100842 heeft een fase 2 ondergaan tegen Systemic Sclerosis. De studie werd uitgevoerd door Sanofi in de periode 2012-2016.

    Daarna bleef het lang stil, totdat in februari 2018 het middel uit de onderzoekslijst van Sanofi viel:

    There are several exits for mid-stage drugs, including:
    - SAR100842, an LPA1 receptor antagonist studied for systemic sclerosis, didn’t make the cut.
    - The IL-4/IL-13 antibody SAR156597 was dropped for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis after the Phase II wrapped. There’s still no word on what went wrong there.

    En dan eindelijk in mei 2018 de resultaten, die eigenlijk helemaal niet zo slecht waren:

    May 30, 2018

    LPA1 Receptor Antagonist SAR100842 Safe, Well Tolerated in Systemic Sclerosis

    Gary Rothbard, MD, MS

    An investigational drug known as SAR100842, which inhibits lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), was safe, moderately effective, and well tolerated in patients with early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (SSc), according to an international team reporting their findings in Arthritis & Rheumatology.

    While the pathogenesis of SSc remains uncertain, LPA is suspected of playing a role and may contribute to tissue fibrosis. Considering the unmet therapeutic needs of the population, investigators were interested in examining this LPA1 selective antagonist, to determine whether SAR100842 might fill this treatment gap. The trial was the first to evaluate oral administration in patients with early diffuse cutaneous SSc.

    A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled phase 2a study ( identifier: NCT01651143) lasted 8 weeks and was followed by a 16-week open label extension. Participants with disease duration <36 months and a modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) of =15 at baseline were randomly assigned to receive SAR100842 300 mg (n=15; mean age, 48.8 years, 60% women; mean disease duration, 20.4 months) or placebo (n=17; mean age, 50.6 years, 71% women; mean disease duration, 19.6 months) twice daily for 8 weeks. From 8 to 24 weeks, all 30 remaining patients received SAR100842 300 mg twice daily. The primary outcome was safety during the first 8 weeks, while secondary outcomes included LPA target engagement, biomarker assessment, and clinical efficacy.

    During the initial 8 weeks, SAR100842 demonstrated an acceptable safety profile, and the most common adverse events included headache, nausea, diarrhea, and falls. In the treatment group, 80% of patients reported =1 treatment-emergent adverse event vs 71% in the placebo group. Most adverse events were mild or moderate. The safety profile remained acceptable through the rest of the trial, and there were no safety signals detected regarding vital signs, electrocardiogram, orthostatic hypotension, or laboratory parameters across 24 weeks.

    After 8 weeks, upon gene signature analysis the forearm skin of patients receiving SAR100842 showed a larger decrease in LPA-linked genes vs the skin of patients receiving placebo, which indicated LPA1 target engagement. There was no significant difference in biomarker expression between the two patient groups.

    GLPG1690, als autotaxine remmer, die één stap hoger in de fibrosis keten werkzaam is, lijkt parallel aan SAR100842 een goede kans te maken om ook in Systemic Sclerosis effectief te zijn.

  11. [verwijderd] 10 april 2019 19:28

    FatCool schreef op 2 september 2018 22:37:

    Nog een ATX-remmer:

    BBT-877 Shows Strong Ability to Ease Lung Fibrosis, Early Study Shows

    August 27, 2018

    The idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) treatment candidate BBT-877 eased lung fibrosis (scarring) in a mouse model, according to South Korea-based Bridge Biotherapeutics. The company believes that BBT-877 may become the “best-in-class” medication for IPF.

    Bridge’s results in the bleomycin-induced mouse model of IPF demonstrated that, compared to other compounds, BBT-877 was superior in reducing lung fibrosis, as assessed by the Ashcroft score (a common measure to determine the severity of PF) and the deposition of collagen - a key event in the development of fibrosis.

    “It is a great opportunity for Bridge Biotherapeutics to present the outstanding preclinical study results on BBT-877 at the IPF Summit 2018,” James Lee, Bridge’s CEO, said in a press release. Lee said the company “aims to develop BBT-877 as the best-in-class drug for IPF as fast as possible to bring this investigational compound to patients as new treatment option.”

    BBT-877 inhibits the enzyme autotaxin (ATX), regarded as a promising target for diseases including fibrosis and cancer.

    ATX plays an important role in the generation of the lipid (fat) cellular signaling molecule lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Prior studies showed that LPA accelerates lung, kidney, and liver fibrosis by regulating cell proliferation and migration, as well as the release of inflammatory molecules and reduction of apoptosis, which refers to “programmed” cell death, as opposed to cell death caused by injury.

    The company plans to start a clinical trial in the United States this year. It also expects to submit an investigational new drug application of BBT-877 to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by the end of the year.


    GLPG1690, an ATX inhibitor being developed by Belgium-based Galapagos, has been approved to proceed to phase 3 stage. Results showed it prevented lung function decline in the Phase 2 FLORA trial (NCT02738801) in 23 patients with IPF. The Phase 3 program, called ISABELA, intends to support both new drug application (NDA) and Market Authorization Application (MAA) filings in the United States and European Union, respectively.

    Bridge Biotherapeutics maakt ondertussen ook voortgang in de USA. In hun persbericht noemen ze "onbescheiden als ze zijn" zelfs GLPG1690 als inferieur middel.


    Bridge Biotherapeutics Announces FDA Clearance of IND for its BBT-877, an Autotaxin Inhibitor for IPF

    - US FDA cleared the IND application of BBT-877 submitted in November 2018
    - The first-in-human study on the drug candidate will be initiated in January 2019

    Bridge Biotherapeutics Inc., a clinical stage biotech company headquartered in Seongnam, South Korea and a tenant company of JLABS@TMC in Houston, Texas, announced that the Investigational New Drug (IND) application for BBT-877, a potent best-in-class drug candidate for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    Bridge Biotherapeutics now plans to initiate a Phase I study of BBT-877 in the U.S. in January 2019 to assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug candidate in healthy volunteers. The planned study will be performed in two phases, a Single Ascending Dose (SAD) phase with 5 cohorts and a Multi Ascending Dose (MAD) phase with 3 cohorts. The estimated primary completion date is currently expected in late 2019.

    "We are proud of the IND clearance for BBT-877, which has shown a strong potential to be developed as the best-in-class Autotaxin inhibitor for IPF treatment,” and “Our team will continue to focus on developing a breakthrough drug to address huge unmet medical needs in IPF,” stated Dr. Gwang-hee Lee, the Head of Translational Research at Bridge Biotherapeutics.

    BBT-877 has been originally discovered by LegoChem Biosciences, a publicly traded Korean biotech, and was licensed to Bridge Biotherapeutics in 2017 for the worldwide exclusive right for further development. In August 2018, Bridge Biotherapeutics presented the results of the preclinical study on BBT-877 at the IPF Summit, attracting pulmonologists’ interest on the efficacy and safety of the drug candidate.

    The data has demonstrated the best-in-class opportunity in comparison to a current development pipeline compound. BBT-877 is the second molecule from Bridge Biotherapeutics with the US FDA clearances of IND for proceeding clinical studies. The company is also developing BBT-401, the first anti-Pellino-1 compound for the ulcerative colitis and aims to initiate the Phase II study in the U.S. within this year.
  12. [verwijderd] 10 april 2019 19:35
    Maar ze zijn nu inderdaad op weg.

    In een fase 1 op gezonde vrijwilligers. Daarmee pakken ze dezelfde target aan als GLPG1690 en kunnen we BBT-877 direct vergelijken met GLPG1690, hoewel de Koreanen minstens drie/vier jaar achterliggen. En als ze door alle werkzaamheid- en veiligheidtesten komen natuurlijk.


    Bridge Biotherapeutics Announces FDA Orphan Drug Designation for BBT-877 in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)

    January 17, 2019

    - The U.S. FDA grants an orphan drug designation to BBT-877 in IPF
    - The first-in-human clinical study is set to begin next month Bridge

    Biotherapeutics Inc., a clinical stage biotech company headquartered in Seongnam, South Korea and a tenant company of JLABS@TMC in Houston, Texas, announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted an orphan drug designation (ODD) to BBT-877, a drug candidate under development for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) treatment.

    BBT-877, a potent best-in-class Autotaxin (ATX) inhibitor deregulates ATX, the enzyme found to be engaging in inflammation and fibrosis by generating the lipid signaling molecule.

    The early-stage compound of BBT-877 had been originally discovered by LegoChem Biosciences and has been under the development process by the lead of Bridge Biotherapeutics since the company acquired the worldwide exclusive right for further developments in 2017.

    In August 2018, Bridge Biotherapeutics presented the results of the preclinical study on BBT-877 at the IPF Summit, attracting pulmonologists' interest on the efficacy and safety of the drug candidate. The data has demonstrated the best-in-class opportunity in comparison to a current development pipeline compound.

    Bridge Biotherapeutics will commence a Phase 1 study of BBT-877 in the U.S. next month to assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug candidate in healthy volunteers.

    The planned study will be performed in two phases, a Single Ascending Dose (SAD) phase with 5 cohorts and a Multi Ascending Dose (MAD) phase with 3 cohorts.

    The estimated primary completion date is currently expected in late 2019. "Our team has been highly encouraged by the FDA orphan drug designation, which reflects huge unmet medical needs in IPF treatment worldwide,” and “We will keep focused on the accelerated development process of BBT-877 to achieve significant milestones in the near term," commented Dr. Gwang-hee Lee, the Head of Translational Research at Bridge Biotherapeutics.

    The orphan drug designation (ODD) by the U.S. FDA is granted to promote the development of drugs intended to treat rare diseases or disorders affecting fewer than 200,000 patients in the U.S., or more than 200,000 persons but are not expected to recover the costs of developing and marketing a treatment drug. The orphan drug designation qualifies the drugs for benefits across the development process supporting advancements.

    BBT-877 is the second molecule from Bridge Biotherapeutics with the U.S. FDA clearances of IND for proceeding clinical studies. The company is also developing BBT-401, the first anti-Pellino-1 compound for ulcerative colitis and expects the first dosing in the selective patient group in February, under the Phase 2 study.
  13. [verwijderd] 12 april 2019 22:15
    In maart (clinical trials update 8 april) is het aantal sites voor Novesa in de US verdubbeld naar vier en daarnaast is er een site in Liverpool (UK) geopend.

  14. Lama Daila 13 april 2019 15:40
    Er is een update van de Study Locations:
    Ik heb ze proberen te tellen en mee in Excel gezet samen met de telling obv clinicaltrials.
    46 centers located. 35 centers recruiting volgens clinicaltrials (die mogelijk nog een update vereisen)
  15. Lama Daila 23 april 2019 22:24
    Nieuwe update van de clinicaltrials voor de 2 Isabela-studies.
    Ondertussen 54 centers recruiting !
    Bij de Europese clinicaltrials is ook Tsjechië toegevoegd met streefdoel van 80 patiënten
  16. [verwijderd] 25 april 2019 23:33
    Galapagos fase 3 onderzoek in IPF met GLPG1690.

    Onno (CEO Galapagos) aan het woord in Q1 verslag 25/4/2019:

    "Het is belangrijk om aan te stippen dat de werving van patiënten per centrum momenteel boven het streefcijfer ligt. Dit weerspiegelt het enthousiasme dat we van onderzoekers horen over deze innovatieve studie, aangezien GLPG1690 het potentieel heeft om een antwoord te bieden op de grote onvervulde medische nood van IPF- patiënten wereldwijd".

    IPF is een verschrikkelijke en dodelijke ziekte.

    Wordt tijd dat NL en Belgische Zorgautoriteit het studieprotocol van ISABELA goedkeuren, in navolging van al die Europese landen alsook USA, Canada, Australië en Israël.

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Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.740
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.031
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.789
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.895
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.342
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.564
ASML 1.766 109.555
ASR Nederland 21 4.505
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.735
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.439