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Esperite (voorheen Cryo Save) Terug naar discussie overzicht

Resultaat H1-2015

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  1. Vitavita 14 augustus 2015 18:47
    De spanning eerste berichten over de aanstaande cijfers zijn al elders geplaatst...zelfs DZR laat zijn belangstelling zien.
  2. Vitavita 14 augustus 2015 18:53
    Uiteraard verwacht ik informatie over de eerder aangegeven 30% omzetstijging.

    En hoe worden de nieuwe tests door de markt opgenomen, harde verkoopcijfers?

    Wellicht zou de "oude" business Cryo-Save verrassend goed verlopen (AEX-tracker).

    Nieuwe testen of behandelingen of samenwerkingen op komst?
  3. moparman 14 augustus 2015 21:26

    Vitavita schreef op 14 augustus 2015 18:47:

    De spanning eerste berichten over de aanstaande cijfers zijn al elders geplaatst...zelfs DZR laat zijn belangstelling zien.
    Waar vind je die cijfers? ik ben wel benieuwd !
  4. Vitavita 14 augustus 2015 21:40
    Deze cijfers zijn er niet, deze worden op 25 augustus bekendgemaakt, en waarschijnlijk geen dag eerder....dus alle uitspraken voorafgaande aan 25 augustus zijn roddels, meer niet.
  5. Vitavita 25 augustus 2015 07:35
    ESPERITE : N.V. (ESP) publishes 2015 half-year results, total revenue increases over same period last year

    25/08/2015 | 07:19

    CryoSave maintains new client intake but revenues are under pressure

    Genoma reports strong intake of sales and confirms global plan will be met despite of a 2 to 3 month delay compared to the forecast

    Zutphen, The Netherlands - 25 August 2015

    Esperite NV (Euronext: ESP, "Esperite" or "the Group") has published its financial results (unaudited) for the period of six months ended June 30, 2015 showing an increase in total revenue compared to the same period last year. Esperite has built a successful constellation of companies In less than a year and created its own identity. Esperite's vision and strategy have been validated, the Group's focus has shifted now to implementation and growth.

    Consolidated revenue increased by 3%. Genoma sales increases every month significantly. During the first 6 months of 2014 no sales were recorded for the Genoma segment. The sales during the first half year mainly consisted of the product Tranquility. The introduction of the product Serenity in May 2015 is well received by the market. The revenue of the stem cell business segment was almost at the same level.

    Consolidated result worsened as a result of the investments made regarding the Genoma activities. Besides the increased marketing expenses also the G&A cost increased because the Genoma back office activities were implemented.

    GENOMA shows strong sales intake and consistently registered strong growth on every month of the reporting period. All parameters are in line and confirm the trend and the forecast established for the year. Genoma is fully confident in the future, and anticipates an even higher demand of its products in 2016. Longer than expected implementation of distribution agreements has resulted in a two to three months lag between the forecast and the results. Genoma has attained its strong market position thanks to the combination of its cutting-edge technology, advance pipeline of exclusive genetic tests and active network of clients, partners and sales force at the local level with a proven track record.

    The first two phases of the Group's geographical expansion strategy are well underway. Noteworthy progress in phase one include increased capillarity in Italy, Spain and Serbia where products were successfully launched. The Group is creating Genoma brand awareness and direct contact with doctors and healthcare institutions in the most important medical Congresses in Europe in which Genoma participates prominently. Specific events to present Tranquility to the medical community are very successful and, as a result, new clients and partners are acquired and additional sales realised.

    Phase two of the geographical expansion includes France and Germany. The strategy to enter and conquer these two high-potential markets is already under implementation; experienced Business Development Managers hired to cover these areas are operational. Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Turkey are also part of this expansion. The prospects are bright.

    Agreements with large private hospitals and public sector health institutions have been signed recently. These partnerships established with some of the most prestigious and influential health institutions in Europe is starting to generate sales. Genoma has signed an agreement with Vatican's Catholic University of the Sacred Heart to distribute Genoma's genetic tests and establish a Genoma Cloud satellite laboratory in Italy. In addition to this, Genoma products distribution through its local commercial structures in the different countries continues to show traction and growth.

    Enhanced offer of upgraded products. Tranquility was upgraded to become the most complete CE-IVD marked DNA NIPT test in the market. Strong sales and consistent growth per month are confirming Tranquility's market position. Tranquility already complies with requirements for metal fraction calculation.

    T52s, the genetic test for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 which also provides fetal sex determination, has proven to be a well-targeted product very appealing for the public sector. Public hospitals have already signed exclusivity agreements with Genoma to provide T52s to its patients. In some countries T52s is to become the product of choice, a mass market product.

    Serenity is showcased at national-level congresses where oncologists and gynecologists representing both public and private sector and hospitals had the opportunity to try the test. Genoma has signed an agreement with an insurance companies offering Serenity in exclusivity to its clients.

    Eventy is a mass product targeting population with and without history of colorectal cancer, the second most common cancer and cancer-related death. Eventy. the colorectal cancer risk screening test, will be available through Esperite's entire network by September's end.

    Laboratory expansion. Genoma's state-of-the-art clinical genetic center in Geneva with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies keeps increasing its throughput capacity to absorb the ensuing surge in demand.
  6. Vitavita 25 augustus 2015 07:36

    Acquisition of INKARYO. Esperite owns now the most advanced bioinformatics analytical processing of NGS data for the detection and quantification of chromosomal numerical and structural abnormalities, which is improving and expanding the performance and resolution of the entire present and future Genoma's genetic tests portfolio, including prenatal genetic analyses, identification of causes of genetic disorders and high resolution tumor characterization.

    Ekaryotype, InKaryo's proprietary electronic whole-genome karyotype test for liquid biopsy offers higher resolution and accuracy and at a lower cost than CGH, CMA or Microarrays to detect cytogenetic aberrations, giving Genoma the edge over competitors.

    CRYOSAVE maintains roughly the number of new clients. Revenues are under pressure due to the price war and aggressive suicidal pricing strategies of various competitors, which will be short-lived. The synergies between CryoSave and Genoma will help to stabilise the results of CryoSave in the near future.

    CryoSave's market position as number one in Europe with the most advanced technology is to benefit the most as sales gain momentum. CryoSave's laboratory in Geneva is fully operational and good progress in the consolidation of activities was attained in 2015, further improving organisational excellence.

    THE CELL FACTORY is pioneering new technologies to extend the product portfolio for broader applications in regenerative medicine. Patents acquired and R&D underway are geared towards producing tangible results in the short term. The goal is to translate these new technologies into effective affordable treatments opening doors to allogenic treatment: cost-effective production of MSC and microvesicles to subsequently sell it to pharmaceutical companies and hospitals for safer, more effective and more affordable treatments of all autoimmune, chronic and acute inflammatory diseases, including related pharmaceutical compositions to target anti-inflammatory drugs to specific tissues.

    Frederic Amar, CEO of Esperite group: "Esperite is pioneering the best health technology, validating and upgrading its extended portfolio of exclusive genetic tests, executing its commercial strategy and establishing alliances with the most prestigious health institutions in Europe. These achievements give us even greater confidence in the future of Esperite both in the short and long term".

    About ESPERITE

    ESPERITE Group, listed at Euronext Amsterdam and Paris, is a leading international company in regenerative and predictive medicine established in 2000.

    To learn more about the ESPERITE Group, or to book an interview with CEO Frederic Amar: +31 575 548 998 - or visit the websites at and

    Financial Review

    (all amounts in thousands of Euro)


    Consolidated revenue increased by 3% from EUR 13,479 to EUR 13,909.

    Genoma sales amounts to EUR 1,454 and increases every month significantly. During the first 6 months of 2014 no sales were recorded for the Genoma segment. The sales during the first half year mainly consisted of the product Tranquility. The introduction of the product Serenity in May 2015 is well received by the market.

    For the stem cell activities the third party sales decreased by 8%. Taking into account the inter segment sales the revenue of the stem cell segment were almost at the same level.


    Consolidated result worsened as a result of the investments made regarding the Genoma activities. Besides the increased marketing expenses also the G&A cost increased because the Genoma back office activities were implemented.

    The result was positively impacted because of the capitalisation of the deferred tax assets regarding uncompensated losses. Until 2014 these losses were not capitalised in relation to the Genoma activities because of insufficient evidence and track record that the activities will be profitable. Now the activities have been launched and confidences of getting profitable the deferred tax assets are recognised.

    Financial Position

    Total assets increased by 3% up to EUR 48,209. The increase mainly relates to recognition of a deferred tax asset regarding the Genoma activities and an increase in cash.

    Solvency decreased from 45.5% as per 30 June 2014 to 40.9% as per 30 June 2015.

    Cash Flow

    The operational cash flow increased mainly due to improved working capital management.

    The cash flow of investing activities amounts to EUR 1,663 and relates to investing in machinery and capitalisation of development cost related to the Inkaryo technology.

    The cash flow from financing activities relates mainly to the investment made by Educe Capital in June 2015.


    Esperite with Genoma has reached a level of achievement that gives confidence in its robust and powerful organization. Esperite is well positioned for long-term growth. Genoma business will have strong growth and CryoSave business will remain stable.

    Principal risks and uncertainties

    Pages 56-63 of Cryo-Save's Annual report 2014 include an extensive overview of the Group's principal risks and uncertainties, which are also applicable for the remaining six months of 2015.

    Declaration of the Chief Executive Officer

    The Chief Executive Officer declares that, as far as he is are aware and to the best of his knowledge, the financial statements in this half year report, made up according to the applicable standards for financial statements, give a true and fair view of the equity, financial position and the results of the Group and its consolidated companies. The Chief Executive Officer further declares that this report to the shareholders gives a true and fair view on the information that has to be contained therein.

    Zutphen, the Netherlands, 25 August 2015

    Frédéric Amar, Chief Executive Officer
  7. Vitavita 25 augustus 2015 07:49 omzetstijging van 30% vertraagt met 2 tot 3 maanden... dus toch nog steeds in het vizier, en dat is belangrijk....

    De zeer positieve vooruitzichten zijn in stand gebleven.
  8. QLVT 25 augustus 2015 07:51
    Bedankt Vitavita ,lijkt mij redelijk positief we zullen zien wat de beurs doet vandaag.....
  9. Vitavita 25 augustus 2015 07:53
    Omzetgroei voor Esperite

    ZUTPHEN (AFN) - Esperite heeft in de eerste helft van dit jaar de omzet met 3 procent weten te verhogen, tot 13,9 miljoen euro. Dat maakte het stamcel- en geneticabedrijf dinsdag bekend.

    Volgens Esperite, het voormalige Cryo-Save, bleef de omzet uit de stamcelactiviteiten op een vrijwel gelijk niveau, maar was bij de divisie Genoma sprake van een flinke maandelijkse stijging van de omzet, die uitkwam op 1,45 miljoen euro. In de eerste helft van 2014 werd geen omzet behaald bij Genoma.

    Het nettoresultaat bedroeg min 3 miljoen euro, tegen een verlies van 1 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. Dat had volgens Esperite te maken met de investeringen in Genoma.
  10. [verwijderd] 25 augustus 2015 08:03
    heb toch het idee dat we flink gaan inleveren vandaag.
    eerst moet het algehele beurssentiment weer positief worden.
    maar toch zit er zeer zeker muziek in voor de toekomst, dus vasthouden zou ik zeggen.
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 25 augustus 2015 12:36
    Geschat totaal verlies in 2015 is ca 6 miljoen, dit is ca 60 cent p/a.
    Hat kasgeld is helemaal op, er komt dus met zekerheid een grote emissie.
    Amar geeft geld uit als water.

    Genoma levert wel omzet op, maar geen of nauwelijks winst, zoals ik ook verwacht had.

    Als ik aandeelhouder was, dan zou ik dit flutaandeel per direct verkopen en omwisselen in Tigenix.
  12. [verwijderd] 25 augustus 2015 12:52

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 25 augustus 2015 12:36:

    Geschat totaal verlies in 2015 is ca 6 miljoen, dit is ca 60 cent p/a.
    Hat kasgeld is helemaal op, er komt dus met zekerheid een grote emissie.
    Amar geeft geld uit als water.

    Genoma levert wel omzet op, maar geen of nauwelijks winst, zoals ik ook verwacht had.

    Als ik aandeelhouder was, dan zou ik dit flutaandeel per direct verkopen en omwisselen in Tigenix.
    en zodra je weer kardan hebt is kardan HET aandeel zeker
  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 25 augustus 2015 13:15

    profitonly schreef op 25 augustus 2015 12:52:

    en zodra je weer kardan hebt is kardan HET aandeel zeker
    Waarom denk je dat ik geen Kardan meer heb...??

    Kardan is en blijft de enige NL-pennystock met 75% korting.
  14. forum rang 4 Marinus-86 25 augustus 2015 13:29

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 25 augustus 2015 12:36:

    Geschat totaal verlies in 2015 is ca 6 miljoen, dit is ca 60 cent p/a.
    Hat kasgeld is helemaal op, er komt dus met zekerheid een grote emissie.
    Amar geeft geld uit als water.

    Genoma levert wel omzet op, maar geen of nauwelijks winst, zoals ik ook verwacht had.

    Als ik aandeelhouder was, dan zou ik dit flutaandeel per direct verkopen en omwisselen in Tigenix.
    Ik vraag mij af wat je op deze side zoekt, ga lekker riddertje spelen inplaats van hier de boel te verzieken
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