Hulskof schreef op 3 maart 2022 13:25:
Pfizer ends $3B drug dream despite phase 2b success, leaving Regeneron with a clear run at cardiovascular market chunk of Pfizer’s plan to add $15 billion to sales just went up in smoke. Having gone over phase 2b data on cardiovascular drug vupanorsen, Pfizer has decided to return the rights to Ionis Pharmaceuticals, leaving it without a candidate it tipped to deliver peak sales of more than $3 billion.
Pfizer paid Ionis $250 million upfront for vupanorsen in 2019 and put the drug at the heart of the growth plan it unveiled the following year. The belief vupanorsen could rack up big blockbuster sales was built on studies linking loss-of-function variants in the ANGPTL3 gene to low levels of plasma triglycerides and LDL and HDL cholesterol. A hit on the primary endpoint last year validated Ionis’ antisense approach.
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