Ruud, Frankrijk schreef op 20 augustus 2016 23:04:
Even wat zoekwerk naar Maersk gedaan (de website lijkt me niet erg up to date). hebben operator status in on/off shore velden de wereld over.
1 Shallow waters in: UK, Denmark, Qatar (started 1992 and lost after 25 year lease to Total -2017-)
2 Possibly deeper waters: Norway, USA
3 Deep water: Angola, but the presalt Chisonga project was shelved in 2015 due to low oil prices.
All work to decide for FID has been done.
4 Onshore: Kazakhstan (60% ownership of small production)
5 They operate two FPSO’s (Maersk Curlew, Maersk Peregrino) and one FSO (Nkossa II), all former
Maersk tankers.
First half year figures are dramatically lower than first half 2015 (from 1.1 billion naar 118 million, door lagere container prijzen en lagere olieprijs).
As a producer from FPSO’s, they are small. It could be that if a contractor would invest in an FPSO for Chisonga it could be a possibility for SBMO (possibly with an obsolete tanker from Maersk).
It would generate much needed cash for them in a few years time, without any further major investment.
Return on already invested money on Chisonga would be much appreciated, I’m sure.
However they state: Our financial position remains strong with a liquidity reserve of USD 11.5bn.
I do not think that the split into separate companies, shipping and oil, will be an opening to e.g. SBMO for a partnership. They have done it and are doing it all by themselves without help.
Maybe they could do with a little temporary help just now.
Sorry voor het gebruik van talen door elkaar, ik zie dat nu pas bij het nalezen.
Dit was even leuk zoeken, Of mijn conclusie kant of wal raakt, daar heb ik geen idee van.
In ieder geval bedankt voor de tip KC.
Have fun