Drs P. schreef op 15 december 2017 18:09:
Chance of US stock market correction now at 70 percent: Vanguard Group
Eric Rosenbaum | @erprose
Published 8:32 AM ET Mon, 27 Nov 2017 Updated 12:51 PM ET Tue, 28 Nov 2017
There is a 70 percent chance of a US stock market correction, according to research conducted by fund giant Vanguard Group.
Several forces are contributing to the much higher than typical risk, including narrowing of the bond yield curve and stretched U.S. equity valuations.
The trade-off between stocks and bonds, or even stocks and cash, doesn't look as strong as it did earlier in the bull market, following the financial crash.
Hazir Reka | Reuters
Don't panic, but there is now a 70 percent chance of a U.S. stock market correction, according to research conducted by fund giant Vanguard Group. There is always the risk of a correction in stocks, but the Vanguard research shows that the current probability is 30 percent higher than what has been typical over the past six decades.
Vanguard, which manages roughly $5 trillion in assets and is a proponent of long-term investing, isn't sounding the alarm bells to scare investors out of the market. But according to Vanguard's chief economist Joe Davis, investors do need to be prepared for a significant downturn.