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  1. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 7 april 2022 18:41

    Donald Trump geeft toe dat hij Jared & Ivanka probeerde te weerhouden te getuigen voor 6 januari commissie
    7 april 2022
    Steph Bazzle.

    Link Engels.

    Jared Kushner en Ivanka Trump hebben nu allebei getuigd voor het 6 januari comité, en hoewel de inhoud van hun interviews niet openbaar is, heeft Donald Trump in een recent interview toegegeven dat hij heeft geprobeerd zijn dochter en schoonzoon te helpen om vragen te ontwijken.

    Verschillende leden van Trump's inner circle werken niet mee aan het onderzoek. Steve Bannon is aangeklaagd wegens minachting van het Congres voor het negeren van zijn dagvaarding, en anderen zijn doorverwezen naar het ministerie van Justitie voor dezelfde behandeling. Sommigen beroepen zich op executive privilege of attorney-client privilege, hoewel deze beweringen geen stand lijken te houden bij juridische toetsing.

    In een nieuw interview met de Washington Post lijkt Donald Trump toe te geven dat hij "privilege" aanbiedt als een soort bescherming die hij eenzijdig denkt te kunnen geven aan degenen die zichzelf (of hem) zouden kunnen beschuldigen door te getuigen. In feite zegt hij dat zijn dochter en haar man weigerden op het aanbod in te gaan en er voor kozen om in plaats daarvan te getuigen.

    Hij zei dat hij niet weet wat Ivanka of Jared de commissie hebben verteld, maar vond dat het ondervragen van Ivanka "intimidatie" was, en liet zich ontvallen dat hij had aangeboden om "privilege" te verlenen, maar dat zij weigerden.

    Volgens NPR werd Ivanka Trump niet gedagvaard, maar ontving ze in januari een brief met het verzoek om een vrijwillig interview, en na gesprekken met de commissie stemde ze daarmee in. Natuurlijk is instemmen met een ontmoeting niet noodzakelijkerwijs een garantie dat een individu informatie geeft, in plaats van het pleiten van de Vijfde of het ontkennen van kennis, maar Comité voorzitter Bennie Thompson vertelde verslaggevers die middag dat mevrouw Trump inderdaad vragen beantwoordde - hoewel "niet in brede babbel termen."

    Kushner gaf naar verluidt ook nuttige informatie in zijn interview, "waarbij hij enkele belangrijke details onthulde" ondanks het feit dat hij die dag zelf niet in het Capitool aanwezig was.
  2. forum rang 8 closer 7 april 2022 19:30
    Bij wijze van uitzondering hier het complete WP-interview:

    DEEL 1

    Trump deflects blame for Jan. 6 silence, says he wanted to march to Capitol
    The former president struck a defiant posture and repeated false claims in an interview with The Washington Post.

    By Josh Dawsey - Today at 6:00 a.m. EDT|Updated today at 7:19 a.m. EDT

    PALM BEACH, Fla. — Former president Donald Trump voiced regret Wednesday over not marching to the U.S. Capitol the day his supporters stormed the building, and he defended his long silence during the attack by claiming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others were responsible for ending the deadly violence.

    "I thought it was a shame, and I kept asking why isn't she doing something about it? Why isn't Nancy Pelosi doing something about it? And the mayor of D.C. also. The mayor of D.C. and Nancy Pelosi are in charge," Trump said of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot in a 45-minute interview with The Washington Post. "I hated seeing it. I hated seeing it. And I said,'It's got to be taken care of,' and I assumed they were taking care of it."

    The 45th president has repeatedly deflected blame for stoking the attack with false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, and in the interview, he struck a defiant posture, refusing to say whether he would testify before a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 assault. Trump said he didn't remember "getting very many" phone calls that day, and he denied removing call logs or using burner phones.

    Trump also said he had spoken during his presidency with Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. A seven-hour gap in Trump's phone records on Jan. 6, and Thomas's texts to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows urging the White House to fight the election results, have both come under scrutiny by the Jan. 6 committee.

    During the attack, Trump watched television, criticized then-Vice President Mike Pence and made calls pushing lawmakers to overturn the election as the violent mob of his supporters ransacked the Capitol. He was eventually persuaded by lawmakers, family members and others to release a video asking his supporters to go home — 187 minutes after he urged them to march to the Capitol during a rally near the White House. He was described by advisers as excited about the event.

    Trump, speaking Wednesday afternoon at his palatial beachfront club, said he did not regret urging the crowd to come to Washington with a tweet stating that it would "be wild!" He also stood by his incendiary and false rhetoric about the election at the Ellipse rally before the rioters stormed the Capitol. "I said peaceful and patriotic," he said, omitting other comments that he made in a speech that day.

    In fact, Trump said he deserved more credit for drawing such a large crowd to the Ellipse — and that he pressed to march on the Capitol with his supporters but was stopped by his security detail. "Secret Service said I couldn't go. I would have gone there in a minute," he said.

    The former president praised organizers of the rally, some of whom have now received subpoenas from federal authorities, and repeatedly bragged about the size of the crowd on the Ellipse, when questioned about the events of Jan. 6.

    "The crowd was far bigger than I even thought. I believe it was the largest crowd I've ever spoken to. I don't know what that means, but you see very few pictures. They don't want to show pictures, the fake news doesn't want to show pictures," he said. "But this was a tremendous crowd."

    On at least a dozen occasions in the interview, Trump blamed Pelosi for the events of Jan. 6. On that day, Pelosi was taken to a secure location and worked with some of Trump's top military officials and others to help secure the building. Trump supporters stormed her office and vowed to hurt her, with some shouting for her by name.

    Pelosi does not have total control over the Capitol Police, as Trump alleged, but shares control of the Capitol with the Senate majority leader. Most decisions on securing the Capitol are made by a police board. He also blamed the D.C. mayor, whose advisers furiously tried to reach Trump's team that day.

    "The former president's desperate lies aside, the speaker was no more in charge of the security of the U.S. Capitol that day than Mitch McConnell," said Drew Hammill, a spokesman for Pelosi.

    Trump said he had not been contacted by the Jan. 6 committee and added that he didn't know what he would do if he were. "It depends what the request is," he said. He has repeatedly invoked executive privilege in a bid to block the committee from seeing documents.

    He said the committee's interview with his daughter Ivanka Trump for eight hours this week was a "shame and harassment," though he insisted he did not know what she had told the members. He said he also did not know what her husband, Jared Kushner, had told the committee, and that he had offered the couple "privilege" if they wanted it. They declined, Trump said.

    Trump said he had not destroyed any call logs from the afternoon of Jan. 6 and took part in no phone calls on "burner phones," even though there is a large gap in his White House phone logs. Trump said that he remembered talking to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and other people during that period. He said he had a "very good" memory but could not say exactly who he talked to that afternoon, or when.

    "From the standpoint of telephone calls, I don't remember getting very many," he said, later adding, "Why would I care about who called me? If congressmen were calling me, what difference did it make? There was nothing secretive about it. There was no secret."

    Trump said he had talked at times during his presidency with Ginni Thomas, whose texts with Meadows urging him to overturn the election were obtained by The Washington Post and CBS News. But Trump said he wasn't aware of her electoral efforts. He declined to say whether he thought Meadows should have handed over the text messages to the Jan. 6 committee.

    "First of all, her husband is a great justice. And she's a fine woman. And she loves our country," he said.

    Trump emerged Wednesday in his ornate and gilded Mar-a-Lago living room with the sun beaming into the couches alongside two advisers — Susie Wiles, who occasionally suggested it was time for the interview to end, and David Bossie, whose family stood nearby. After he asked four times, loud music piping into the ballroom was turned down. He wore a blazer with no tie and carried a Diet Coke as he sat near a toy Air Force One.

    He meandered during the interview and stonewalled questions with long answers. He appeared to be in a good mood, aside from when he faced a series of questions about Jan. 6.

    At one point, Trump was greeted by Scott Atlas, his White House coronavirus adviser who clashed with the medical community. Atlas strolled in from the patio to see him on the couch.

    "Doc!" Trump said, before complimenting Atlas on losing weight. "Look who we have here!"

    "This is the center of the universe," he said, shortly after Atlas walked away. "Come back later," he hollered after him.
  3. forum rang 8 closer 7 april 2022 19:43
    DEEL 2

    Trump also delved into foreign policy, lashing into NATO for not doing more to help Ukraine — Trump has repeatedly lampooned the organization — and said he'd threatened NATO leaders during a 2018 meeting in Brussels, a notion his advisers denied vigorously at the time.

    "A lot of people are a little bit surprised, I think they're very impressed with Ukraine, but they're not impressed with what NATO is doing, because a lot of people think NATO could be doing more," Trump said, speaking in general terms.

    When asked whether he had changed his mind on Ukraine, a country he regularly criticized as president, he began speaking about his impeachment trial that was launched after he asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Biden's son Hunter Biden and find an email server.

    "I liked Zelensky from the beginning for one reason. When we had the impeachment hoax, based on a perfect phone call, he totally backed me up, and I didn't ask him to do that. They asked him, and he said, he absolutely did nothing wrong," Trump said. "He said there was no quid pro quo. He didn't even know what his people were talking about. He thought they were crazy. ... So I gained great respect for him there."

    Trump offered few ideas for what he would do to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. He said he thought Russian President Vladimir Putin was a savvy negotiator for sending troops to the Ukrainian border but thought he "overplayed his hand" by invading the country.

    Some top Republicans have distanced themselves from Trump's continued praise of Putin. Trump said he had not spoken to Putin since leaving office.

    "Now, it's a hard situation. What they should do is lower the price of oil. Because you need money to fight wars. At $150 a barrel and going up to more, you look at it, it's going up to numbers that nobody has ever seen, it's already the highest it's ever been in history. The first thing they should do is lower the price of oil by using the liquid gold we have underneath our feet," he said, asked about the Biden administration's response.

    The former president also had a lot to say about domestic matters. Trump declined to relinquish the fantastical idea he could be reinstated as president after he lost the election, a notion that has been roundly mocked by Republicans and even some of his advisers. Trump bristled that he asked Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) to help in his bid to be reinstated, as Brooks said last month after Trump rescinded his endorsement of him in Alabama's U.S. Senate race. Brooks was trailing in the polls and encouraged the former president and the party to move past the 2020 election.

    "I didn't ask him to do it. He's in no position to do it. I certainly didn't ask him to do it. But I believe when you see massive election fraud, I can't imagine that somebody who won the election based on fraud, that something doesn't happen? How has it not happened? If you are a bank robber, or you're a jewelry store robber, and you go into Tiffany's and you steal their diamonds and get caught, you have to give the diamonds back," he said.

    Trump repeated unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud, saying new findings from Georgia would emerge next week. He said they would be released by a group called True the Vote and would show millions of illegal votes, but he offered no proof.

    The former president also refused to say whether he would ever endorse a Republican candidate who did not accede to his election fraud demands. "Some of them are more into it than others," he said. "But the ones who are into it, they are really into it. They have no doubt."

    He sought during much of the interview to tout his political supremacy inside the Republican Party, which remains strong but has faded in recent months. Trump appeared preoccupied with the notion that his grip on the GOP is not as strong as it once was, beginning the interview with a long riff about how popular he was within the GOP. Unprompted, he decried news coverage that indicated otherwise and crowed about how many people wanted his endorsement, while vowing to stop the Republicans who favored impeaching him.

    "Our numbers are higher than ever," he said, without presenting evidence.
  4. forum rang 8 closer 7 april 2022 19:46
    DEEL 3

    Other Republicans, such as Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, would not want to run against him in a 2024 Republican presidential primary season, he said. None of them have ruled out challenging him.

    "If I ran, I can't imagine they'd want to run. Some out of loyalty would have had a hard time running. I think that most of those people, and almost every name you mentioned, is there because of me. In some cases, because I backed them and endorsed them. You know Ron was at 3 percent, and the day I endorsed him, he won the race," he said. Asked if he thought he "made" DeSantis, Trump said he knew he did. "As soon as I endorsed him, the race was over," Trump claimed.

    Trump later allowed that DeSantis had been a good governor, particularly on handling the coronavirus — because Trump allowed him to make decisions on whether to keep the state open. "Federalist," he said. "I gave them the right to do what they wanted to do."

    The former president also said he agreed with DeSantis signing a recent bill that bans teachers from teaching students in early grades about gender identity and sexual orientation. "I do think it was a good move," he said, but declined to elaborate.

    "I have a good relationship with Ron, I have a good relationship with all the names you mentioned. Would they run against me? I doubt they would run against me. I doubt it," Trump reiterated.

    A DeSantis spokesman declined to comment.

    Asked about candidates he endorsed that were struggling, such as gubernatorial hopeful David Perdue in Georgia, he repeatedly downplayed their lagging polls and moved the conversation to other states, where GOP members of Congress who voted to impeach him were retiring and under fire. "What are you hearing?" he said of Perdue, the former senator, after saying it would be difficult to topple Republican Brian Kemp, whom he loathes.

    Out on the patio, he said, was David McCormick, the Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate and hedge fund honcho who wanted his endorsement. McCormick met with Trump later Wednesday. Trump asked a reporter if he should endorse McCormick or Mehmet Oz and said he would be making a decision in "about a week," noting that he was torn. "They all come here," he said.

    Trump also discussed his post-presidential interactions with foreign leaders. Earlier this week, Trump claimed, Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, called him to thank him for endorsing him and to credit Trump with the win. "After I endorsed him, he went up like a rocket ship," Trump claimed of his unusual endorsement.

    Other world leaders regularly call him because they like him so much, Trump claimed. He declined to say if he'd spoken to President Xi Jinping of China or Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

    "These other leaders, they want endorsements," he said. "I'm the king of endorsements. It's more than just this country. It's other countries."

    He declined to specify which other world leaders had pressed him for an endorsement — or whether he would be giving more. "You'll see," he said.

    Trump said it was true he had told advisers that his health would factor into whether he would run again in 2024 but that he was currently in good health.

    "You always have to talk about health. You look like you're in good health, but tomorrow, you get a letter from a doctor saying come see me again. That's not good when they use the word again," he said.

    "I don't want to comment on running, but I think a lot of people are going to be very happy by my decision," he said, adding: "Because it's a little boring now."
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 7 april 2022 19:59
    CBS News :

    US House Oversight Cmte letter says US Justice Dept has blocked National Archives from turning over to Congress the White House records kept by Trump at Mar-a-lago. Committee says it wants explanation why (Letter doesn’t reveal if Justice Dept is investigating Trump)

    Andrew laufer, lawyer :

    Sounds like a potential ongoing criminal investigation ( by the Justice Department ) of Trump, et al.
  6. forum rang 10 luchtschip 7 april 2022 20:13
    Verzoek aan de rechter om Trump $ 10.000 te laten betalen voor iedere dag dat hij de documenten niet inlevert

    New York’s attorney general asked a judge to hold Donald Trump in contempt for failing to turn over documents.

    New York attorney general wants Trump held in contempt, fined $10,000 per day

    New York's attorney general asked a state judge Thursday to issue an order of contempt against former President Donald Trump, claiming he has failed to comply with a previous ruling requiring him to turn over documents by March 31 as part of an investigation into his company's financial practices.

    The office of New York Attorney General Letitia James also requested that Trump be fined $10,000 a day until he complies with the ruling.

    Trump and two of his children, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump, were ordered on Feb. 17 to appear for depositions in James' long-running civil fraud probe. They appealed the order to appear, but did not at that time challenge a separate part of that ruling in which Donald Trump was ordered to comply with a subpoena "seeking documents and information."

    The judge ordered Trump to comply with the demand for documents and information by March 3, and later extended that deadline to March 31 — a date that was agreed to by both sides at the time, according to a court document. In Thursday's filing, James' office said Trump has not only failed to comply with that order, but in recent days raised objections to it.

    James' office said in Thursday's filing that Trump's attorneys later indicated that he would not produce any of the subpoenaed documents "because his counsel (based on search efforts that have not been divulged) could not find any."

    "The judge's order was crystal clear: Donald J. Trump must comply with our subpoena and turn over relevant documents to my office," James said in a statement. "Instead of obeying a court order, Mr. Trump is trying to evade it. We are seeking the court's immediate intervention because no one is above the law."

    lees verder
  7. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 7 april 2022 21:03
    Ik denk dat de boetes voor hem geen probleem zijn. De GOP betaal ze wel.

    New York AG vraagt rechtbank om Donald Trump in minachting te houden
    Anker Gedempte achtergrond
    CNN Expansion NYC 2017 PH: JOHN NOWAK Sonia Moghe

    Door Tierney Sneed en Sonia Moghe, CNN

    Bijgewerkt 1747 GMT (0147 HKT) 7 april 2022.

    Link Engels.

    (CNN)De New Yorkse procureur-generaal Letitia James heeft donderdag een New Yorkse rechtbank gevraagd om voormalig president Donald Trump in burgerlijke minachting te houden omdat hij niet zou hebben voldaan aan een gerechtelijk bevel dat hij bepaalde documenten voor haar onderzoek moest overhandigen.
    Staatsrechter Arthur Engoron had Trump in februari bevolen om "volledig te voldoen" aan de dagvaarding van de procureur-generaal voor documenten en informatie. Engoron oordeelde ook dat Trump, Donald Trump Jr. en Ivanka Trump moesten voldoen aan de dagvaardingen van de procureur-generaal voor het afleggen van getuigenis, maar de Trumps gaan tegen die beslissing in beroep.
    Justitie onderzoekt behandeling van Witte Huis-documenten meegenomen naar Mar-a-Lago na vertrek Trump
    Justitie onderzoekt afhandeling Witte Huis-documenten meegenomen naar Mar-a-Lago na het vertrek van Trump
    In een motie die donderdag werd ingediend, zei het kantoor van de procureur-generaal dat Trump "helemaal niet heeft voldaan" aan de dagvaarding voor documenten en dat zijn advocaten zeiden dat hij "geen" documenten zou produceren in antwoord op de dagvaarding, omdat zijn advocaten geloven dat als de documenten bestaan, de Trump Organization ze zou hebben en het kantoor van de procureur-generaal "gewoon zal moeten wachten totdat de Trump Organization haar productie voltooit om ze te krijgen."

    Volgens nieuwe documenten had haar kantoor ermee ingestemd om de deadline van begin maart voor de documenten te verlengen tot 31 maart. Maar in plaats van de documenten die dag te produceren, diende Trump 16 bezwaren in tegen de eisen van de dagvaarding.

    James stelde donderdag dat de reactie van Trumps advocaten neerkwam op "meer vertraging en vertroebeling", en zei dat zijn bezwaren te laat kwamen.
    "De heer Trump moet nu in minachting worden gehouden en een boete krijgen die hoog genoeg is om hem te dwingen zich aan het bevel van het Hof te houden en de OAG te compenseren voor zijn honoraria en kosten in verband met deze motie", aldus de indiening.
    James vraagt de rechtbank om een boete op te leggen van 10.000 dollar per dag, of een ander bedrag dat de rechtbank "voldoende acht om zijn naleving van het bevel van de rechtbank van 2022 af te dwingen", evenals een vergoeding voor de kosten en honoraria van de kantoren van de procureur-generaal voor het indienen van de motie.

    CNN heeft de advocaten van Trump om commentaar gevraagd.

    James zei eerder dat haar kantoor meerdere misleidende of frauduleuze verklaringen en omissies heeft gevonden in de financiële verklaringen van de Trump Organization, die onder andere aan kredietverstrekkers en verzekeraars zijn verstrekt, als onderdeel van haar onderzoek.
    Dit verhaal is actueel en zal worden bijgewerkt.
  8. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 7 april 2022 23:02

    gnocchi. schreef op 7 april 2022 22:30:

    Manhattan DA laat een bom vallen: strafrechtelijk onderzoek naar Trump is nog steeds aan de gang.
    Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg legt een verklaring af waarin hij erop staat dat het onderzoek naar de Trump-organisatie wordt voortgezet en belooft de conclusie publiekelijk te zullen bekendmaken wanneer die komt.

    Hier is hoe de verklaring begint.
  9. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 8 april 2022 17:22
    6 jan. panel heeft deze week "belangrijke doorbraak" bereikt in het koppelen van Trump aan opruiende samenzwering: rapport
    Travis Gettys
    08 april 2022.

    Link Engels.

    Het selecte comité van het Huis is dichter bij het binden van voormalig president Donald Trump aan de criminele samenzwering om de verkiezingen van 2020 ongedaan te maken gekomen, volgens een nieuw rapport.

    Onderzoekers van het Congres hebben een werktheorie ontwikkeld die deze week samenkwam na het verkrijgen van nieuw bewijsmateriaal en niet-openbare video's die de coördinatie tussen de militiegroepen Oath Keepers en Proud Boys laten zien, vertelden twee bronnen aan The Guardian.

    "Van de raadslieden van het 'gouden team' van het select committee dat Donald Trump onderzoekt, het 'rode team' dat de organisatoren van de 6 januari rally onderzoekt, en het 'paarse team' dat de militiegroepen onderzoekt, wordt nu verwacht dat ze de bevindingen gebruiken om de richting aan te geven voor de rest van het onderzoek," vertelden de bronnen aan de krant.

    Het panel heeft woensdag getuigenissen gehoord van documentairemaker Nick Quested over contacten tussen leiders van militiegroepen, rechtse politieke agenten en organisatoren van de "Save America"-bijeenkomst. Bronnen vertelden The Guardian dat de onderzoekers het bewijs zagen als een "belangrijke doorbraak" die uiteindelijk gebruikt zou kunnen worden om vast te stellen of Trump toezicht hield op de opruiende samenzwering.

    Onderzoekers hadden zich gericht op videobeelden die Quested had gemaakt van een bijeenkomst van militieleiders in een parkeergarage bij het Capitool de dag voor de rellen, maar de bronnen vonden de beelden niet overtuigend en ze vermoeden dat de bijeenkomst mogelijk is opgezet door voormalig Proud Boys-leider Henry "Enrique" Tarrio om een alibi te verschaffen.

    In plaats daarvan hebben zij hun aandacht gericht op de communicatie tussen leiders van milities en organisatoren van bijeenkomsten, waaronder Alex Jones en Ali Alexander, wier bewegingen rond het Capitoolgebouw nauwkeurig zijn onderzocht in videobeelden die door Quested zijn verstrekt.

  10. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 8 april 2022 18:58
    Dat kan ik zeker, maar ik kies voor mijn eigen gemak de artikels die bijzondere stukjes uit het artikel er uit lichten en een eigen verklaring geven. En de bronnen (links) zitten er dan ook automatisch vaak bij
  11. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 8 april 2022 19:05

    Proud Boys-leider stemt in met schuldbekentenis -- een stap dichter bij vermeende samenzweerders
    Travis Gettys
    08 April, 2022.

    Link Engels.

    Een leider van de rechtse Proud Boys militie pleitte schuldig aan twee aanklachten in verband met de opstand van 6 januari.

    Charles Donohoe werd de eerste leider van de Proud Boys die schuldig pleitte toen hij toegaf aan samenzwering om een officiële procedure te belemmeren en het aanvallen van een kantoor, en hij stemde ermee in om samen te werken met onderzoekers in ruil voor een lichtere straf, meldde CBS News.

    De 34-jarige Donohoe, Proud Boys voorzitter Enrique Tarrio en andere leden van de militiegroep richtten het zogenaamde Ministerie van Zelfverdediging op dat nog meer macht gaf aan Tarrio, die aangeklaagd is wegens samenzwering in verband met de rellen.

    "Deze groep moest de kern vormen van het leiderschap in een nieuw hoofdstuk van de Proud Boys organisatie, die Tarrio beschreef als een 'nationaal rally planning' hoofdstuk," schreven de aanklagers in een gerechtelijk dossier. "Het eerste evenement waar de groep zich op richtte was de bijeenkomst in D.C. op 6 januari."

    Donohoe postte naar verluidt op de MOSD groepschat dat ambtenaren in Washington, D.C., probeerden het aantal demonstranten op 6 januari 2021 te "beperken", om "te ontkennen dat Trump de steun van het volk heeft."

    "We kunnen hen niet laten slagen," schreef hij.

    Hij werd ook beschuldigd van het melden aan de groep dat ongeveer 200-300 Proud Boys op Capitol-grond waren, en aanklagers zeiden dat hij en andere militanten het gebouw aanvielen en de barricades doorbraken voordat ze waterflessen naar de politie gooiden en hun verdedigingsposities overrompelden.

    "Die actie stelde Proud Boys-lid [Dominic] Pezzola uiteindelijk in staat om op te rukken naar de Senaatskant van het Capitool, waar Pezzola om ongeveer 14.13 uur het oproerschild gebruikte om een grote ruit in te slaan," schreven de aanklagers in een ander proces-verbaal.

    De maximumstraffen voor de aanklachten waaraan hij schuldig pleitte zijn 20 jaar voor samenzwering en acht jaar voor de aanklacht van het aanvallen en hinderen van de politie.
  12. forum rang 9 gnocchi. 8 april 2022 22:40
    : Donald Trump Jr sms'te Mark Meadows op 5 november 2020 -- voordat de verkiezingen werden uitgeroepen -- om ideeën aan te drijven om de tweede termijn voor zijn vader te verzekeren, volgens de gegevens die aan de 1/6-commissie werden gegeven.

    "We hebben meerdere paden We controleren ze allemaal"
  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2022 03:33
    Judge Ketanji Brown wint de stemming voor lidmaatschap tot de Supreme Court

    Some Republicans walk out during the applause. Mitt Romney ( Republican ) stays and continues to clap

    video 0:17 minuut

    reactie onder de tweet

    Republicans showed students & voters they do not respect rules, decorum or have decency.

    They reinforced again who they are & what the party is.
  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 9 april 2022 03:42
    Trump heeft dingend geld nodig

    Je hebt nog geen steun betuigt aan de felicitatie voor Melania's verjaardag

    Op haar verjaardagskaart staat jouw naam nog niet en we weten niet waarom

    Antwoord ja bij de vraag om $ 25 te doneren en dan komt jouw naam ook op de verjaardagskaart
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Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.876
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 267
Accsys Technologies 23 10.777
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 192
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.767
Aedifica 3 924
Aegon 3.258 322.974
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.298
ageas 5.844 109.897
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.052
Ahold 3.538 74.343
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.224
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.046
Alfen 16 25.031
Allfunds Group 4 1.511
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.530
AMG 971 134.025
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.740
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.027
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.787
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.856
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.335
Aroundtown SA 1 220
Arrowhead Research 5 9.749
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.534
ASML 1.766 109.078
ASR Nederland 21 4.502
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 521
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.711
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.412