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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 6 december 2022 15:22

    This pervasive unexploded ordnance and cluster munition usage of Russia indiscriminately against civilians was the driving factor in the formation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM)

    , which just met for their 10th annual session last week. The goal of CCM is to create international agreement to limit use to only munitions with a UXO dud rate of less the 1%, the same goal as U.S. policy. While many countries immediately signed on to the provisions of the CCM, many have not, including the U.S.

    Nearly every free democratic country that faces a totalitarian aggressor did not sign the convention. The countries that are most at risk from a large-scale Russian conventional invasion did not sign it: Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. The country that is most likely to face a large-scale conventional Chinese invasion did not sign it: Taiwan. The country that is most likely to face a large-scale conventional invasion from North Korea did not sign it: South Korea. Why? They all face an existential threat from a conventional much larger aggressor army than themselves.  

    The US did not sign the agreement as we were unwilling to compromise our war fighting effort in order to meet other nations’ dictated timeline of implementing our own policy. The reason the US retained the option to use cluster munitions is that for half a century the U.S. and NATO have prepared to fight the Russians in Europe what we believed was an imminent Russian invasion. The west always knew Russia would have a numerical superiority in artillery tubes and tanks. Mass artillery has been a Russian doctrine since World War II. The U.S. and NATO always knew that there was no way to match Russian artillery one for one. Or even the number of Russian tanks, aircraft or divisions of soldiers.

    The USSR and later Russia was always expected to be a much larger military. The US and NATO, relied on superior technology, soldiers, and training. And more lethal conventional munitions. 

    We have better tanks, attack helicopters and artillery. The M1A1 Abrams main battle tank was designed to take on far greater numbers of Russian tanks, usually T-72s or T-80s. The M1A1 is faster, more survivable and fires all systems accurately at full speed. The Apache AH-64 attack helicopter could take on far greater numbers of aircraft and tanks and was armed with the most advanced anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons systems. 

    Our NATO artillery was expected to be far outnumbered by Russian artillery in a 10:1 ratio. NATO had standardized on the same size artillery shell, 155mm, and all NATO members expected to fire much better ammo than the Russians fire. We always planned to use Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICM). While not matching the Russians on a one for one artillery tube vs artillery tube ratio, the DPICM round was a force multiplier, making one artillery tube much more powerful. Each artillery round contained 88 submunitions. The round would explode in the air prior to hitting the target and scatter the 88 submunitions that each submunition explodes on impact below. It is not indiscriminate; it is highly accurate and fired only at known military targets. Instead of firing one high explosive shell (HE) which hits one target, the DPICM round would release 88 submunitions and hit 88 targets across a 150-meter radius. One DPICM round is much more lethal than one high explosive (HE) round. The use of DPICM has always been the strategy to counter Russian numerical superiority.
  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 december 2022 15:25

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 6 december 2022 09:43:

    'Opnieuw drone-aanval op vliegveld in Rusland'
    Van onze redacteur

    Bij een drone-aanval op een vliegveld in de regio Koersk in Rusland is een olieopslagtank in brand gevlogen. Dat heeft de gouverneur van de oblast Koersk, Roman Starovoyt, dinsdag bevestigd in een bericht op het socialemediakanaal Telegram, aldus persbureau Reuters. Volgens de gouverneur zijn er geen slachtoffers gevallen.

    De aanval volgt op eerdere aanvallen met drones op twee militaire vliegvelden op Russisch grondgebied. Bij de aanvallen op maandag kwamen drie militairen om en raakten vier militairen gewond, zo maakte het Russische ministerie van defensie bekend. Daarbij waren de vliegvelden in Rjazan en Saratov het doelwit. Twee vliegtuigen raakten bij de aanval beschadigd.

    Rjazan en Saratov liggen ten zuidoosten van Moskou, ongeveer 600 kilometer van de grens met Oekraïne. De regio Koersk grenst aan Oekraïne. Het Israëlische satellietbeeldbedrijf ImageSat International heeft beelden verspreid die inslagen vertoonden in de buurt van een Tu-22M-vliegtuig op de vliegbasis Djagilevo in de oblast Rjazan.

    Oekraïne heeft de verantwoordelijkheid van de drone-aanvallen officieel niet opgeëist, maar de New York Times haalde wel topambtenaren aan die zeiden dat de drones vanaf Oekraïens grondgebied waren gelanceerd. Sinds de Russische inval in Oekraïne op 24 februari zijn niet eerder aanvallen uitgevoerd zo diep op Russisch grondgebied.

    Lees het volledige artikel:
    Meanwhile, an oil storage tank continues to burn near the airfield in Kursk.

    video 0:10 minuut

    video 0:29 minuut

    kaart bij rode aanwijzer ca 120 km ten noorden van Kharkov, Oekraïne
  3. forum rang 8 closer 6 december 2022 15:30

    luchtschip schreef op 6 december 2022 15:01:



    Dit is wat Josti 5 aanvoerde op 5 december 18:00 uur :

    'En, nota bene, Rusland heeft sinds 2014 Oekraine aangevallen'

    Dit gaat te ver.

    Hoe kún je het verzinnen!

    Laat ik maar heel voorzichtig zijn alhier, en slechts wiki citeren:

    'Het conflict ontstond in het voorjaar van 2014, nadat de pro-Russische Oekraïense president Viktor Janoekovytsj in februari was afgezet tijdens de Revolutie van de Waardigheid in Kiev, die volgde op de maandenlange pro-westerse Euromaidan-protesten en Rusland de Krim bezette. Dit leidde vervolgens tot protesten in de voornamelijk Russischtalige oostelijke en zuidelijke delen van Oekraïne.'

    einde citaat

    Ik voerde aan dat Rusland met zijn leger Oekraine sinds 2014 heeft aangevallen

    Josti 5 zegt dat deze stelling te ver gaat en voert aan dat het Oekrainse opstandigen zijn in de Donbas regio

    Dit heb ik weerlegd door aan te tonen dat het een strijd was onder leiding van de Russische oorlogsveteraan en KGB ( nu FSB ) agent Igor Girkin en in 2014 begonnen is
    De strijd werd gevoerd door Wagner huursoldaten samen met wat overgelopen Oekraïners

    Dit kan niet anders ge-interpreteerd worden dan dat de Russische soldaten de oorlog in Oekraine zijn gestart in 2014
    En de bewering van Josti 5, dat het gewoon opstandige Oekrainse burgers waren in 2014 en Rusland pas op 24 februari 2022 de oorlog begonnen is, is een verdraaiing van de geschiedenis in het voordeel van Putin
    Tja, zo kun je het ook lezen. Het is er Josti5 veel aan gelegen om de schuld bij Oekraïne te leggen.

    Hij laat in zijn citaat van Wikipedia net de opvolgende zin weg:
    "In de Oost-Oekraïense oblasten Donetsk en Loehansk escaleerden de protesten in een gewapend conflict, nadat separatistische rebellen vanaf 6 april 2014 diverse regeringsgebouwen bezetten en de Oekraïense regering in reactie daarop het leger inzette."

    Ik ben het met je eens dat de "protesten" en de "separatistische rebellen" door Rusland werden aangestuurd. Het past in de bekende trucendoos (Georgië) van Poetin: een land binnenvallen om een Russisch sprekende minderheid te "redden". Moldavië kan het volgende land zijn.

    (Trouwens opmerkelijk dat Poetin het nog steeds nodig vindt om een "aanleiding" te fabriceren. Wie gelooft dat nog?)
  4. forum rang 8 Succes 6 december 2022 15:42
    Mss dat de aanvallen op de luchtmachtbasissen toch eea -ten goede- doet gaan bewegen ...


    Russia: we can agree with U.S. on need for peace in Ukraine but no talks for now

    Dec 6 (Reuters) - Russia said on Tuesday that it can agree with the United States about the need for lasting peace in Ukraine, but played down the prospect of negotiations until it achieves the goals of its "special military operation".

    Both U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin have said they are open to diplomacy on Ukraine, but a meeting between the two leaders has not been organised and neither side agrees on the conditions for talks.

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview on Monday that the conflict in Ukraine, now in its 10th month, would almost certainly end with diplomacy and negotiations, and that "just and durable peace" was needed.

    Responding to Blinken's comments, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he agreed about the need for peace.

    "That the outcome should be a just and durable peace - one can agree with this," he said. "But as for the prospects for some kind of negotiations, we don't see them at the moment, we have repeatedly said so."

    Asked what would have to happen for such prospects to materialise, he said: "The goals of the special military operation must be achieved. Russia must and will achieve the goals it has set."

    Russia's goals in Ukraine have not been fully defined, and appear to have shifted as its forces face setbacks on the battlefield, although it has said it will never give up occupied territory in southern and eastern Ukraine.

    Kyiv has ruled out conceding any land to Russia in return for peace, and demands Russia return all the territory it has seized and occupied, including Crimea and land held by Russia or its proxies since 2014.
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 december 2022 15:49
    auto bom in door de Russen bezet Melitopol

    Mykola Volyk, known as a collaborator from Melitopol and head the office of the Socialist Party was blown up in his car.

    After Russia’s occupation, he became an active accomplice of the Russian occupation administration. He is now in the hospital in critical conditions.
  6. forum rang 8 Succes 6 december 2022 15:50
    Don’t become an unwitting tool in Russia’s cyber war

    Researchers have turned up evidence that enterprise networks are being co-opted by Russian threat actors to launch attacks against targets in Ukraine. How can you avoid becoming an unwitting tool in a state-backed attack?

    Russia-backed or aligned threat actors have compromised networks at multiple organisations in the UK and other countries, including at least one Fortune 500 business and more than 15 healthcare providers, and appear to be using them to launch cyber attacks on Ukrainian targets.

    This is according to new analysis by researchers at Lupovis, a cyber security intelligence and data science specialist spun out of Scotland’s University of Strathclyde, and a graduate of the NCSC for Startups programme, which has developed a deception-as-a-service platform to counter threat actors by turning the tables on them.

    Lupovis’s team deployed five chained decoys on the internet to engage Russian attackers and lure them in by making them appear to be related to Ukrainian government bodies, officials and critical national infrastructure (CNI) targets.

    “The most concerning finding from our study is that Russian cyber criminals have compromised the networks of multiple global organisations,” said Xavier Bellekens, co-founder and CEO of Lupovis. “Russian criminals are re-routing through their networks to launch cyber attacks on Ukrainian targets, which effectively means they are using these organisations to carry out their dirty work.”


    Lees verder:
  7. forum rang 8 Succes 6 december 2022 15:54
    Manhunt in Russia for Armed 'Deserter' Who Shot Police

    A manhunt is underway in Russia's Rostov region for a suspected "deserter" from the Russian army after he fired at police officers at a city near the Ukraine border, according to local media reports.

    The city of Novoshakhtinsk in Russia's western Rostov region has been placed under lockdown after an unidentified man dressed in camouflage opened fire on police officers with a machine gun and fled, Russia's state-run news agency Tass reported

    Local news outlet reported that police are looking for a man 180-190 centimeters tall (between 5 ft. 9 and 6 ft. 2), dressed in camouflage and armed with a machine gun.

    A police officer has been hospitalized after being wounded by the possible deserter, according to Tass.

    Governor of the Rostov region, Vasily Golybev, published a statement on his VKontakte page saying that the attack happened at around 12 p.m. local time in the suburbs of Novoshakhtinsk.

    One of the policemen received a gunshot wound, he said, adding that operational-search activities are being carried out in the city and suburbs.

    "He [the policeman] was taken to the city hospital. A team of vascular surgeons was sent to Novoshakhtinsk from the Rostov Regional Clinical Hospital to assist him. The condition of the police officer is characterized by experts as moderate," the governor said.

    Russian news outlet Mash and Baza, a Russian Telegram channel that regularly posts information about security issues within the country, both reported that the gunman may be a deserter from the Russian army.
  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 december 2022 15:55
    Wilde schietpartij door een Russische gemobiliseerde soldaat in Rusland

    In Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region, a mobilized soldier with a machine gun fired at other soldiers and local policemen. The police are now looking for the suspect.

    vertaalde tekst op Russische sociale media :
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 december 2022 15:59
    Munitie depot in bezet Zaporizhzhia regio van de Russen ontploft

    Third strike in four days.. Locals report that in occupied Mykhailivka, Zaporizhzia region a Russian ammunition depot was struck and destroyed. Detonations are heard and locals describe the situation as 'very loud'.

    kaart iets ten noorden van Melitopol
  10. forum rang 8 Succes 6 december 2022 16:27
    Montenegro to donate 11% of military budget to Ukraine

    From CNN’s Eve Brennan

    Montenegro will donate 11% of its military budget to Ukraine, the prime minister's office said Monday. 

    The donation, along with "receiving thousands of refugees," shows the Montenegrin government’s "clear determination to support the defence of Ukrainians," the statement from the Office of the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic said.

    The terms were agreed by Abazovic and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who signed a joint declaration on Monday, according to Zelensky’s Telegram channel. 

    "Today, we signed the Joint Declaration, which defines the priority areas of cooperation between Ukraine and Montenegro within the strategic course of our country to acquire full membership in NATO," Zelensky said in the Telegram post. 

    "I am grateful to Montenegro for the strong political support and important practical help to Ukraine," he added. 

    Abazovic said on Twitter that Montenegro "wants peace."

    "That is why we express our unequivocal support for Ukraine and its people with a view to safeguarding their integrity, sovereignty and right to a free life," added Abazovic.
  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 december 2022 16:34
    In Bryansk, 80km from the border with Ukraine two drones attacked an enterprise.

    "Despite the fact that the tanks were empty, a considerable fire broke out", they say.

    Lege tanks volgens de Russen
    Maar ze staan aardig te branden


    Location of the attack

    52.962880544442186, 32.41081537906847.

    On 30-11 the same site was reportedly attacked also, destroying storage facilities for 15,000 tons of aviation kerosene.

    luchtfoto van de 44 tanks op de site toen het nog in goede staat was

    kaart bij rode aanwijzer niet ver van de noord grens van Oekraine
  12. Lu. 6 december 2022 16:38

    closer schreef op 6 december 2022 15:30:

    Trouwens opmerkelijk dat Poetin het nog steeds nodig vindt om een "aanleiding" te fabriceren. Wie gelooft dat nog?
    Het is ook niet de bedoeling van Poetin dat je hem gelooft.
    Wat hij - zonder woorden - wil zeggen is: "Natuurlijk lieg ik - dat doen toch alle machthebbers - maar die anderen doen dat veel geraffineerder dan ik, waardoor het minder opvalt. Je kunt je dus maar beter ons bewind hebben; dan weet je waar je aan toe bent.".
    Het is ook niet voor niks dat Rusland allerhande complottheorieën de wereld in helpt.
  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 december 2022 16:42
    Rechter in door Russen bezet Donetsk overleden door artillerie geschut

    In Donetsk, the “Judge of the military court of the DPR” Isaev Viktor Nikolaevich, who betrayed Ukraine in 2014 and went over to the side of Russia, was killed due to artillery.
  14. forum rang 8 Freemoneyforever 6 december 2022 17:03

    Freemoneyforever schreef op 6 december 2022 13:41:

    Servië overgeleverd aan Rusland en China beter?

    Reken maar, dat de duimschroeven voor Orban steeds strakker gaan.
    Nog geen gelopen koers:

    Hungary vetoes Ukraine aid, EU seeks alternative solution

    Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has chosen to play hardball, using the need for his approval for Ukraine aid as leverage to secure his share of EU recovery funds.

    The Hungarian government Tuesday blocked agreement on an €18 billion aid package for Ukraine, forcing the European Commission and the other EU countries to seek an alternative solution to ensure Kyiv gets much-needed funds in January.

    The Commission will look at how to "provide the necessary solution to Ukraine already as of January," EU Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn said during a public session of the bloc's finance ministers. This would entail something akin to so-called enhanced cooperation, a legal pathway to avoid vetoes, EU officials said.

    But this solution would require EU countries to provide national bugetary guarantees which, in some cases, need parliamentary approval, something that could take some time.

    Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has chosen to play hardball, using the need for his approval for Ukraine aid as leverage to secure his share of EU and recovery funds. The EU has sought to hold back some funds destined for Budapest because of rule-of-law breaches.

    Tuesday's Hungarian veto meant that decisions on all other files on the finance ministers' agenda — a minimum corporate tax rate, which Budapest is also blocking, the Hungarian recovery plan and connected €5.8 billion in grants, and the decision to freeze €7.5 billion of EU funds for Hungary over corruption issues — were postponed.

    "We were not able to adopt the package as a whole but we will not be discouraged," Czech finance minister Zbynek Stanjura said in his function of chair of the gathering of finance ministers. "Our ambition remains that we will start disbursements to Ukraine in January,"

    He tasked the Council to work on "a solution supported by 26 member states," which would get around Hungary's veto.

    The Czech Presidency now has to decide on the way forward: a possible new finance ministers' summit later in December — with December 12 being floated as a possible date — or to escalate the issue to the meeting of EU leaders in mid-December.

    EU governments have until December 19 to take a position on freezing EU funds for Hungary. Orbán needs to have his recovery plan adopted by the end of the year or risks losing 70 percent of the €5.8 billion grants.
  15. forum rang 10 luchtschip 6 december 2022 17:04
    Igor Girkin zou naar het front zijn gegaan en zich wat afzijdig gehouden van kritiek op het Russische leger
    ( het front is wat overdreven, want hij is veroordeeld voor de MH 17 aanslag tot levenslang en wil niet graag gearresteerd worden door het Oekrainse leger )

    Maar nu is hij weer actief op internet met kritiek op het Russische leger :

    Girkin is back, and in a long post describing his impressions slanders the Russian approach, saying the Russian forces are apathetic, the soldiers don't know what they're fighting for, and is not expecting any success in the near future.

    Igor Girkin op het Telegram kanaal ;

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