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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 april 2023 16:19

    pakman schreef op 4 april 2023 16:17:

    lijkt wel of die het mes van de russian Mob op de keel heeft staan vwb newsfeeds Ukraine.....zou me niks verwonderen
    wie is die ?
  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 april 2023 16:28
    This mornings report for yesterday, Ukraine's military command report :

    Enemy makes further attempts to seize town of Bakhmut.
    They conducted unsuccessful offensive actions in 2 neighbouring villages & 32 ground attacks were repelled ( afgeslagen ) in the Bakhmut area.
  3. forum rang 6 pakman 4 april 2023 16:30
    [quote alias=luchtschip id=14751252 date=202304041619]

    wie is die ?

    denk aan Elon als eerste
  4. forum rang 7 plusmin 4 april 2023 16:32

    luchtschip schreef op 4 april 2023 15:58:


    Een standaard voetbal training is een standaard voetbal training en niets meer dan dat

    Het enige verschil is niet alleen de hoeveelheid training, maar ook de kwaliteit van de training met tactisch en strategisch juiste opstellingen

    De Russen kunnen net zo veel CQB trainen als zij willen, maar wanneer er geen goede instructies zijn over opstelling, samenwerking en effectieve aanpak om overwicht te krijgen en voor de vijand iedere beweging onmogelijk te maken, dan helpt de hoeveelheid training niet veel

    niets anders dan dat
    Als de instructies niet goed zijn dan klopt de training al niet, een rare vergelijking.
    Daarnaast is het verschil in motivatie en materiaal (o.a.) wellicht van net zo'n doorslaggevend belang.
  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 april 2023 16:32
    De Russische kamikaze Shahed drones ( van Irons makelij ) worden door mobiele teams met lichtbatterijen opgespoord om vervolgens te worden neergeschoten

    One of #Ukraine's tactics to counter Russia's Iran kamikaze drones, is the use of mobile transport teams. With a powerful search light & heavy machine gun, they can quickly drive to an area & as seen here, pour on the fire.

    >>This is how Ukrainian mobile anti-drone brigades repel Russia's night attacks of Iranian-made Shahed kamikaze drones

    video 0:25 minuut
  6. forum rang 8 Succes 4 april 2023 16:54
    Investigators skeptical of yacht’s role in Nord Stream bombing

    Lees gehele artikel:

    Officials believe more than one vessel might have been involved in sabotaging the natural gas pipeline last year and wonder if a 50-foot sailing yacht that investigators scoured for clues could be a decoy

    After saboteurs severely damaged the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines last September, German officials zeroed in on a rented sailboat that appeared to have taken part in planting explosive devices deep below the surface of the Baltic Sea.

    But after months of investigation, law enforcement officials now suspect that the 50-foot yacht, the Andromeda, was probably not the only vessel used in the audacious attack. They also say the boat may have been a decoy, put to sea to distract from the true perpetrators, who remain at large, according to officials with knowledge of an investigation led by Germany’s attorney general. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to share details about the active inquiry, including doubts about the Andromeda’s role that haven’t been previously reported.

    Officials hope that the true purpose of Andromeda in the deep-sea demolition will provide further insight in a high-stakes, international whodunnit that could eventually lead to those responsible and explain their motives, which remain unclear.

    U.S. and European officials said they still don’t know for sure who is behind the underwater attack. But several said they shared German skepticism that a crew of six people on one sailboat laid the hundreds of pounds of explosives that disabled Nord Stream 1 and part of Nord Stream 2, a newer set of pipelines that wasn’t yet delivering gas to customers.

    Experts noted that while it was theoretically possible to place the explosives on the pipeline by hand, even skilled divers would be challenged submerging more than 200 feet to the seabed and slowly rising to the surface to allow time for their bodies to decompress.

    Such an operation would have taken multiple dives, exposing the Andromeda to detection from nearby ships. The mission would have been easier to hide and pull off using remotely piloted underwater vehicles or small submarines, said diving and salvage experts who have worked in the area of the explosion, which features rough seas and heavy shipping traffic.

    The German investigation has determined that traces of “military-grade” explosives found on a table inside the boat’s cabin match the batch of explosives used on the pipeline. Several officials doubted that skilled saboteurs would leave such glaring evidence of their guilt behind. They wonder if the explosive traces — collected months after the rented boat was returned to its owners — were meant to falsely lead investigators to the Andromeda as the vessel used in the attack.

    “The question is whether the story with the sailboat is something to distract or only part of the picture,” said one person with knowledge of the investigation.

    Still others allow that the bombers may simply have been sloppy.

    “It doesn’t all fit,” a senior European security official said of the fragments of evidence. “But people can make mistakes.”


    ‘Don’t talk about Nord Stream’

    For all the intrigue around who bombed the pipeline, some Western officials are not so eager to find out.

    At gatherings of European and NATO policymakers, officials have settled into a rhythm, said one senior European diplomat: “Don’t talk about Nord Stream.” Leaders see little benefit from digging too deeply and finding an uncomfortable answer, the diplomat said, echoing sentiments of several peers in other countries who said they would rather not have to deal with the possibility that Ukraine or allies were involved.

    Even if there were a clear culprit, it would not likely stop the provision of arms to Ukraine, diminish the level of anger with Russia or alter the strategy of the war, these officials argued. The attack happened months ago and allies have continued to commit more and heavier weapons to the fight, which faces a pivotal period in the next few months.

    Since no country is yet ruled out from having carried out the attack, officials said they were loath to share suspicions that could accidentally anger a friendly government that might have had a hand in bombing Nord Stream.

    In the absence of concrete clues, an awkward silence has prevailed.

    “It’s like a corpse at a family gathering,” the European diplomat said, reaching for a grim analogy. Everyone can see there’s a body lying there, but pretends things are normal. “It’s better not to know.”
  7. forum rang 8 Succes 4 april 2023 16:58
    Joint statement:
    by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba

    So, Minister Kuleba, dear Dmytro, welcome to NATO.

    It's great to see you again.

    And we all see that the war in Ukraine continues to grind on but we also see the bravery, the courage, the determination of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Ukrainian people, but also the Ukrainian leadership represented by you, and, also, of course, President Zelenskyy.

    And we are also impressed that we see how you have been able to push back the Russian aggression, and how also Allies then are now stepping up their support.

    I welcome the fact that NATO Allies and partners are delivering also heavy armor, modern battle tanks, and I look forward to the meeting later on today, when we can discuss how to sustain and further step up the urgent support to Ukraine. Both military support, but also economic and financial support.

    But I also look forward to our discussions among Allies on how we can develop more long-term program for assistance, for support, to ensure that Ukraine can move closer to the Euro-Atlantic family, to our reliance, with more interoperability, transition to NATO doctrines, equipment standards.

    And therefore, I also look forward to that Allies will now start the development of a multi-year program assistance package for Ukraine that demonstrates our long-term commitment to your country.

    So welcome again. It's always a pleasure to have you here and look forward to have a bilateral with you and then later on we will meet with all the Allies.
  8. forum rang 8 Succes 4 april 2023 17:01
    Zo ziet de Amerikaanse MRAP "MaxxPro" er uit na een rechte lijn? treffers van een tank en antitanksystemen in Bakhmut

    De pantserwagen volbracht zijn taak volledig: geen van de bemanningsleden raakte gewond
  9. forum rang 8 Succes 4 april 2023 17:04
    A web of trenches shows Russia fears losing Crimea

    With Ukrainian leaders vowing to retake all of their territory occupied by Russia, Moscow has readied elaborate defenses, especially in Crimea, the peninsula it annexed illegally in 2014, which is now one of the most fortified in the war zone.

    After weeks of digging, the area around the small town of Medvedivka, near a crossing to mainland Ukraine, is webbed with an elaborate trench system stretching several miles. The passages are cut into the earth at angles to give soldiers a broader range of fire. Nearby are other fortifications, including deep ditches designed to trap tanks and heavy vehicles.

    Satellite images provided to The Washington Post by Maxar, a commercial space technology company, show that Russia has built dozens of similar defenses.

    “The Russian military, apparently, understands that Crimea will have to be defended in the near future,” said Ian Matveev, a Russian military analyst.

    The defenses have sprung up fast, ahead of an expected spring offensive by Ukraine. In just a few weeks, Russia built miles of fortifications near Vitino, a town on Crimea’s western coast — even though analysts say an amphibious assault is unlikely.

    The BTM-3, a Soviet-era trenching machine, digs as fast as half a mile per hour, even when the ground is frozen. The U.S. Army once marveled at these machines, writing in an internal 1980 report that nothing comparable existed in the United States, Europe or Japan.

    Russia also uses raw manpower. Online Russian job listings have sought construction workers to fit trenches in Crimea with wood and concrete, for pay of more than $90 a day — enviable wages.

    Satellite imagery shows that some obstacles in Crimea were built in a matter of days.
  10. forum rang 8 Freemoneyforever 4 april 2023 17:31

    luchtschip schreef op 4 april 2023 15:52:


    Van het bod van $ 44 miljard heeft Elon Musk $ 27 miljard in cash betaald

    $ 13 miljard komt van leningen van banken en Saudi Arabian investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal en Qatar Holding Investment house founded by Qatar Investment Authority

    Met name deze arabieren hebben er belang bij dat het vrije woord in de US zodanig aan banden wordt gelegd dat zij vrijuit gaan en niet aangevallen worden op het sociale platform Twitter

    Er zijn nog veel meer aanwijzingen van banden met deze Arabische landen, China en Rusland, maar het kost veel tijd en energie om dit hier aan te voeren
    Hartelijk dank voor de uitleg, Elon zit met Tesla ook zwaar in China, en wil natuurlijk de leiders daar (die niet willen dat Oekraïne wint) niet tegen de haren strijken.
  11. [verwijderd] 4 april 2023 17:36
    Rusland confisqueert paspoorten van topbestuurders uit eigen land, uit angst dat ze naar het buitenland vertrekken

    Rusland neemt paspoorten in van zijn overheidsfunctionarissen en bestuurders van staatsbedrijven, meldt The Financial Times.

    Het Kremlin maakt zich zorgen dat topbestuurders vanwege de invasie van Oekraïne naar het buitenland vertrekken. Dat is moeilijker zonder paspoort.

    Bestuurders van een Russisch staatsbedrijf mogen zich naar verluidt niet zonder toestemming op meer dan twee uur rijden van Moskou begeven.

    Russische veiligheidsdiensten zijn paspoorten aan het innemen van hooggeplaatste regeringsfunctionarissen en bestuurders van staatsbedrijven, schrijft de Financial Times. Volgens de zakenkrant is het Kremlin bezorgd dat ze naar het buitenland vertrekken uit onvrede over de invasie van Oekraïne.

    Bronnen zeggen tegen de FT dat Russische veiligheidsdiensten van hoge functionarissen eisen dat ze hun reisdocumenten inleveren. Daarmee zouden ze regels uit het Sovjet-tijdperk toepassen, die sinds de jaren negentig nauwelijks meer zijn gebruikt.

    Een van de bronnen zegt dat bestuurders van een Russisch staatsbedrijf zich zonder toestemming niet op meer dan twee uur rijden van Moskou mogen begeven.
  12. forum rang 8 Succes 4 april 2023 19:02
    Putin officer defects and says ‘paranoid’ president lives in a bunker and is terrified of Covid

    A protection officer for Vladimir Putin has defected and labelled the Russian president a “paranoid war criminal”.

    Gleb Karakulov, 35, had served as an engineer in the Federal Guard Service (FSO) presidential communications unit and said he has fled Russia over the war in Ukraine.

    Mr Karakulov escaped to safety via Istanbul while on a business trip to Kazakhstan in October 2022 after accompanying president Putin on more than 180 trips over the past 13 years. It is unclear where the 35-year-old is now.

    Mr Karakulov’s wife and daughter also escaped separately via Kazakhstan and Istanbul.

    The former FSO officer claims president Putin opts to stay “in his bunker” rather than make trips because he is so paranoid about an assassination attempt. The Russian president also allegedly travels with a 2.5 meter high box to prevent his secret talks from leaking and Western bugging.

    He also claimed that the Russian president is isolating for a fourth year in a row, out of fear of becoming infected with Covid-19, and staff can only work in the same room as Putin once they have been in isolation for two weeks.

    President Putin does not use a mobile phone or the internet, meaning his knowledge of events is filtered via the secret services - and what he watches on state-controlled Russian TV, according to Mr Karakulov.

    Speaking about the war in Ukraine, Mr Karakulov issued an appeal to officers to come forward with evidence about Putin as a “war criminal,” saying the war is “beyond the pale” and “defies reason”.

    “How many nameless victims of this war are there, how many of them are children? How many more such victims are required before you stop putting up with it?” he said.

    “What is happening now in Ukraine, all this destruction, this war of aggression, terrorism, and genocide of the Ukrainian people - there is no other word for it - all this is a criminal offence.

    “Our president has become a war criminal.”

    The former FSO officer said he is unaware of Mr Putin’s alleged relationship with gymnast Alina Kabaeva, 39, and their young children, but confirmed the Russian president has a £1billion cliff-top palace at Gelendzhik on the Black Sea, and a private yacht Scheherazade, that president Putin is alleged to have funnelled millions in illicit funds into, as earlier revealed by Russia’s independent media.

    Responding to rumours of the Russian president being terminally ill, Mr Karakulov said he is unaware of any credible information that Mr Putin has or has had cancer in the past, claiming it is not something discussed amongst his colleagues.
  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 4 april 2023 19:45

    Freemoneyforever schreef op 4 april 2023 15:11:

    Is voor bovenstaande, en dan met name

    Elon Musk heeft niet voor niets Twitter voor zo'n hoog bedrag gekocht met financiele steun van landen en machthebbers, die de Westerse wereld vijandig gezind zijn

    Toevallig net vandaag, schrijft het Russisch Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken dit bericht aan Elon Musk
    Musk heeft het DogeCoin logo ( een hondje ) gebruikt ipv de twittervogel

    Russia Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( MFA ) --Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken :

    Hey @elonmusk, a few avatar ideas, ?ou're welcome.

    From the very heart, bru.

    Niet bepaald alledaags dat het Russische Ministerie van buitenlandse Zaken op kameraadschappelijke wijze met Musk discussieert

    Je kan eruit aflezen dat Musk aan de leiband van, onder 1 hoedje met, Putin en het Kremlin loopt

    Er zijn eerder al op Twitter gedachtewisselingen geweest tussen Musk en hoogwaardigheidsbekleders ( ik dacht Lavrov en/of Medvedev ) van Rusland
  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 5 april 2023

    josti5 schreef op 1 april 2023 20:35:

    Wanneer je daarin geïnteresseerd bent, dan moet je de aanklacht van Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg tegen Trump volgen

    Trump wordt beschuldigd van grote mate van samenzwering ( conspiracy )

    Veel informatie over deze conspiracy van Trump is terug te vinden op het Trump forum van 4 april, aangezien Trump hiervoor wordt aangeklaagd
    Trump heeft verklaard niet schuldig te zijn aan conspiracy

    Volgende zitting in deze rechtszaak is op 4 december 2023

    Neem er rustig de tijd voor en ga goed zitten, want het wordt smullen voor iemand die van conspiracies houdt
  15. forum rang 8 Freemoneyforever 5 april 2023 06:12
    Ik heb respect voor de moed van Oekraïne in de oorlog met Rusland, laat ik dat vooropstellen.

    Denys Davydov is het niet (geheel) eens met het parlement, in zijn recente video-update.

    Overigens vind ik dat niet gek, net zoals in Nederland, waar een aantal dossiers uit de hand zijn gelopen, gaat het hier redelijk goed. Laat ik zeggen dat het van alle tijden is, en alle democratieën.
  16. forum rang 4 tomtom100 5 april 2023 06:32

    luchtschip schreef op 5 april 2023:


    Wanneer je daarin geïnteresseerd bent, dan moet je de aanklacht van Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg tegen Trump volgen

    Trump wordt beschuldigd van grote mate van samenzwering ( conspiracy )

    Veel informatie over deze conspiracy van Trump is terug te vinden op het Trump forum van 4 april, aangezien Trump hiervoor wordt aangeklaagd
    Trump heeft verklaard niet schuldig te zijn aan conspiracy

    Volgende zitting in deze rechtszaak is op 4 december 2023

    Neem er rustig de tijd voor en ga goed zitten, want het wordt smullen voor iemand die van conspiracies houdt
    Ja, is echt iets voor Jostov zoiets!!! Bedankt voor de tip.....
    Daar wordt hij wel eventjes zoet van .....
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