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  1. forum rang 10 luchtschip 15 april 2022 23:26
    Petri Makala :

    Russians are a problem. The whole nation. Not just Kremlin and the army.

    Een paar dagen geleden waren er berichten over afgeluisterde telefoongesprekken van Russische soldaten met hun thuisfront

    Mark Krutov, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty :

    "C’mon there, rape Ukrainian women and don’t tell me anything. Just don’t forget about contraception!".

    People were shocked with this conversation between Russian soldier and his wife, tapped by SBU in Kherson region. Together with @cxemuwe found them.

    Hier de foto van deze Russische soldaat en zijn partner in Rusland

    From our sources we got their phone numbers. Both of them used those numbers to register on VKontakte social network.

    The guy who called his wife and received the "clearance" to rape Ukrainian women is Roman Bykovsky. Born in Orel, served in National Guard troops, famous Dzerzhinsky Division. Then signed a contract with 108th Air Assault Regiment, based in Novorossiysk.

    in de 3rde tweet de audio video. van het gesprek video 0:32 minuut

    This Regiment in known for its role in Crimea annexation, so Roman paid them back for stealing the peninsula from Ukraine in 2014 – shortly before signing the contract he moved his family to Feodosia ( op de Krim ) where they settled in.


    His wife Olga, who "authorized" her husband to rape Ukrainian women, also was born in Orel. They are raising a 4-years old son. If you’re ok with living on the stolen land, then why not to authorize your husband to "steal" and rape people, really.

    I called both of them, they confirmed their names, voices match with those on the tapped conversation. Hope Roman didn’t have much time to realize "permission" granted by his wife. She told me he’s recovering from the wounds in Sevastopol hospital.

    This conversation may have been just a stupid joke, but mass rape by Russian soldiers in Ukraine are real. There are multiple horrible reports about them, including Kherson region, partly occupied by Russia.
  2. forum rang 10 luchtschip 15 april 2022 23:57
    Wanneer Finland zich bij de NAVO gaat aansluiten zal Putin actie ondernemen tegen de Finnen

    De straten van Helsinki staan nu vol met tractoren als antwoord op Putin's retoriek
    Laat de Russische tanks maar komen, Finse boeren weten er wel raad mee : met de tractor wegslepen en aan de ijzer en staal handel verkopen

    foto in de straten van Helsinki

    zie 2de tweet
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 16 april 2022 00:33
    Pure terror bombardment by Russians

    The Kyiv Independent :

    Russian shelling kills 8 people, including 7-month-old baby, in Kharkiv.

    42 people were injured, including 9 children, according to Oleh Synegubov, the head of Kharkiv's Regional Administration.
  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 16 april 2022 00:40
    Ukraine army captured some #Russian artillery rounds.

    Notice that on down right corner of picture wooden box is rotten. That’s because the Russian military doesn’t have money to store ammunition indoors but may store it for decades in rain.


    om en indruk te geven hoe belabberd Rusland zijn munitie los in de buitenlucht laat wegrotten enkele oude foto's :

    Old pictures but help you understand Russian way to storage artillery rounds outdoors.

  5. forum rang 10 luchtschip 16 april 2022 01:06
    CNN :

    First flight of $800 million in new military aid for Ukraine from US expected in next 24 hours.

    The White House announced the new package, which includes 11 helicopters, 18 Howitzer cannons, and 300 Switchblade drones, on April 13.
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 07:09
    The Times: Britse commando's in Oekraïne voor wapeninstructie
    Britse commando's hebben de afgelopen weken in de buurt van Kiev Oekraïense militairen getraind. Volgens The Times instrueerden leden van de speciale troepen SAS de Oekraïners in het gebruik van de anti-tankwapens die het Verenigd Koninkrijk naar Oekraïne heeft gestuurd. De krant baseert zich op verklaringen van Oekraïense officieren.
    Het Verenigd Koninkrijk haalde net als andere westerse landen in februari, voorafgaand aan de Russische inval, zijn militaire instructeurs terug uit Oekraïne. De regering van premier Boris Johnson wilde voorkomen dat Britse militairen in gevecht zouden komen met het Russische leger, wat ook de NAVO in de oorlog zou betrekken. Dat de Britten nu terug zijn was niet bekend.
    De Verenigde Staten kondigden afgelopen week aan opnieuw Oekraïense militairen te zullen trainen. Die trainingen zouden echter niet in Oekraïne plaatsvinden.

    SAS troops ‘are training local forces in Ukraine’
  7. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 08:22
    Oekraïne scant gezichten van dode Russische soldaten en stuurt foto’s naar hun familie

    Oekraïne gebruikt gezichtsherkenning om gesneuvelde Russische soldaten te identificeren en stuurt die foto’s naar de nabestaanden. Op die manier werd al met de families van 582 gesneuvelde Russen contact opgenomen. Dat meldt de Amerikaanse krant The Washington Post.
    Buitenlandredactie 16-04-22, 02:39 Laatste update: 06:58

    De Oekraïense vicepremier Mykhailo Fedorov deelde vorige maand al mee dat Oekraïne de controversiële software Clearview AI gebruikt ,,om sociale netwerken te doorzoeken naar profielen van Russische soldaten op basis van (beelden) van hun lichamen, om hun dood te melden aan vrienden en familieleden.‘’

    Meer dan 340 medewerkers van vijf verschillende Oekraïense overheidsdiensten kunnen ondertussen gratis gebruikmaken van Clearview AI, meldt Hoan Ton-That, topman van het softwarebedrijf. Sinds het begin van de Russische invasie hebben de Oekraïense autoriteiten al de gezichten van meer dan 8.600 gesneuvelde Russen door de database gehaald. Een groep vrijwillige hackers en activisten onder leiding van de Oekraïense regering heeft aan de hand van deze beelden de families van 582 Russen op de hoogte gebracht van het overlijden van hun dierbare, onder meer door hen de foto’s van achtergelaten lijken te sturen.

    Psychologische oorlogsvoering

    Fedorov zei vorige maand dat de actie tot doel had om ‘de mythe te ontkrachten’ van een ‘speciale operatie’ waaraan ‘geen dienstplichtige deelneemt’ en waarbij ‘niemand sterft’. Op die manier hoopt Oekraïne in Rusland het verzet aan te wakkeren tegen de Russische militaire campagne.

    Sommige militaire en IT-analisten spreken echter van ’psychologische oorlogsvoering’ en vrezen dat de aanpak een averechts effect kan hebben. In plaats van hun woede te richten op het Russische bewind dat de oorlog coördineert vanuit het Kremlin, is het immers goed mogelijk dat de moeders die de gruwelijke foto’s ontvangen woedend reageren op wat de Oekraïners hun jongens hebben aangedaan.
    Verdachte informatie

    Oekraïne gebruikt de technologie ook om mensen te identificeren die werden aangehouden in Rusland en om zo via hun sociale media op zoek te gaan naar verdachte informatie, inclusief hun contacten.

    De software is echter niet waterdicht. Experts vrezen dat sommige families verkeerd zullen worden ingelicht over het overlijden van hun familielid.

    Privacy International, een niet-gouvernementele organisatie die wereldwijd het recht op privacy verdedigt, roept Clearview op om hun werk in Oekraïne stop te zetten. Volgens het bedrijf zijn de mogelijke gevolgen, zoals per vergissing burgers aanwijzen als militairen, ‘te gruwelijk om te tolereren’. Ton-That stelt echter dat de Clearview-zoekmachine accuraat is.
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 10:50
    Russia's 'broken arrow': Fears that NUCLEAR MISSILES sank with Putin's flagship Moskva amid claims that 452 of the 510 crew have drowned and top admiral has been arrested after cruiser was 'hit by Ukrainian missile'

    Moskva, the flagship of Russia's Black Sea fleet, has been confirmed to have sunk near port of Sevastopol

    Experts and analysts are now warning that the warship may have been carrying two nuclear warheads

    They are calling for an urgent probe into 'broken arrow' incident - military slang for an accident with nukes

    Meanwhile questions remain over the fate of Moskva's 510-strong crew, most of whom are unaccounted for

    Ilya Ponomarev, a politician exiled from Russia, said as many as 452 members of the crew could have died

    By Will Stewart and Chris Pleasance and Chris Jewers For Mailonline

    Published: 08:31 BST, 15 April 2022 | Updated: 15:08 BST, 15 April 2022

    Russia's Black Sea flagship which sank yesterday after an explosion on board may have been carrying nuclear warheads, analysts and experts have warned today, as a Russian politician said more than 400 sailors could have gone down with the ship.

    The Moskva, a Soviet-era guided missile cruiser, sank near the port of Sevastopol on Thursday after Ukraine said it hit the ship with two cruise missiles. Today, Mykhailo Samus, director of a Lviv-based military think-tank; Andriy Klymenko, editor of Black Sea News; and Ukrainian newspaper Defence Express all warned that the Moskva could have been carrying two nuclear warheads designed to be fitted to its P-1000 'carrier killer' missiles.

    If true, the loss of the warheads into the Black Sea could spark a 'Broken Arrow' incident - American military slang for potentially lethal accidents involving nuclear weapons.

    'On board the Moskva could be nuclear warheads - two units,' Samus said, while Klymenko called on other Black Sea nations - Turkey, Romania, Georgia, and Bulgaria - to insist on an explanation. 'Where are these warheads? Where were they when the ammunition exploded,' he asked.

    Meanwhile Ilya Ponomarev, a politician exiled from Russia for opposing Putin's 2014 annexation of Crimea, said just 58 of the 510-strong crew have since been accounted for - raising the prospect that 452 men went down with the ship in what would be a bitter loss for Vladimir Putin's already beleaguered army.

    The figure, while unconfirmed, is consistent with losses suffered on exploding warships. During the Russian Navy's infamous defeat at the Battle of Tsushima against Japan, an explosion on board the Borodino - slightly smaller than the Moskva - saw all-but one of her 855 crew killed.

    Russia claims all the Moskva's sailors were 'successfully evacuated' but video taken in Sevastopol overnight shows dozens of cars purportedly belonging to the sailors still parked in the port - suggesting their owners had not returned to collect them.

    Elsewhere today, rumours began circulating in Ukrainian media that Admiral Igor Osipov - the commander of Russia's Black Sea fleet which the Moskva led - has been arrested in what would be the latest in a string of detentions linked to the bungled invasion.

    Leonid Nevzlin, a Russian-Israeli businessman who fled the country in 2003 after being targeted by Putin, said yesterday that 20 Russian generals have been arrested over the military's failings along with 150 FSB officers for providing false information about Ukraine's defences.
  9. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 10:55
    Fighting to the last man: GUY ADAMS reveals how, deep in a network of tunnels beneath the smoking ruins of Mariupol, a diminishing band of bruised and bloodied Ukrainian soldiers is still holding out against Russian savagery

    In Mariupol tunnels, a band of bloodied Ukrainian soldiers are fighting on
    The bruised and bloodied soldiers are still holding out against Russian savagery
    The heroics reflect the critical nature of the unbelievable struggle for Mariupol

    By Guy Adams for the Daily Mail

    Published: 23:12 BST, 15 April 2022 | Updated: 00:44 BST, 16 April 2022

    Occupying a sprawling network of Cold War-era bunkers, connected by mile after mile of dimly lit passageways, the remnants of Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade prepare to mount a desperate last stand.

    Pale, unshaven, exhausted after seven weeks of non-stop combat that has reduced the surrounding city of Mariupol to smoking ruins, they find themselves in a perilous position: outgunned, outnumbered and completely surrounded.

    Maybe a third of their brothers-in-arms have already been killed or wounded, with roughly the same number taken captive by the Russians whose advance they so far have managed, against extraordinary odds, to frustrate. Food, water and ammunition are running scarce. The chances seem insurmountable. The situation hopeless. Yet they refuse to surrender.

    ‘We are the protectors of Ukraine in Mariupol, the 36th Marine Brigade, who will protect this city to the end,’ was how one of the 1,500 or so surviving fighters put it, in a video message this week.
    Occupying a sprawling network of Cold War-era bunkers, connected by mile after mile of dimly lit passageways, the remnants of Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade prepare to mount a desperate last stand

    ‘We did not give up our positions. We held every piece of this city for as long as we could, but the reality is that the city ended up blockaded, and so we could not receive any arms back-ups, or any food supplies. We thank every Ukrainian who believed in, and continues to believe in, the marines.

    ‘We’ve survived on this hope for a very long time and continue to survive. Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes!’

    A second fighter, who produced a separate film showing roughly a dozen defiant-looking comrades holed up in a small windowless room deep below the Azovstal iron and steel works, declared: ‘Ukrainians must remember the cost of this struggle and believe that we will do the task until the end. Ukraine, Europe, world — we’re loyal to the end!’

    The footage, shared via the messaging app Telegram on Wednesday, lays bare the remarkable fortitude that has allowed Ukrainian forces to cling on to parts of central Mariupol since the early stages of this war, despite the ferocious efforts of around 15,000 Russian troops whose political masters have for weeks assumed that the city’s fall is imminent.

    The soldiers, one of them female, appear in one of the short films to be in various stages of physical exhaustion. One, with his feet swathed in bandages, reclines on an armchair next to a set of crutches. Another toys with a walkie-talkie. A third fiddles with his telephone. Those not asleep drum their feet, restlessly. A young man waves blearily at the camera.

    As their haunted stares attest, it has been a terrible struggle that will almost certainly end with yet more pain. In a post on its official Facebook page, the brigade this week offered an insight into the scale of the suffering they have endured as the Russian stranglehold on Mariupol choked the ability of Ukraine’s air force to fly in food, ammunition and replacement weapons for their troops.

    ‘The enemy gradually pushed us back. They surrounded us with fire and are now trying to destroy us. For more than a month, the marines have fought without refilling ammunition, without food, without water, aside from the dregs of puddles, and have died in packs,’ it read.

    ‘The mountain of wounded now makes up almost half of the crew. Those whose limbs are not torn off can return to battle. Our infantry have all died and gunfighters are now led by cooks, contacts of our drivers and police officers. Even members of our orchestra. We are dying but fighting. But gradually we are coming to an end.’

    The heroics reflect the critical nature of the unbelievable struggle for Mariupol, an industrial city on the Gulf of Azov which, prior to Putin’s invasion, was home to 450,000 people.

    An essential strategic city, which would allow Russia to establish a ‘land bridge’ to the Crimea, the region Putin annexed in 2014, it came under heavy bombardment from the opening days of the war, which began on February 24, and has remained at the centre of hostilities ever since.

    Drone footage shows that barely a building has survived undamaged and swathes of the blackened metropolis, which stands eight miles across and boasts a deep-sea port through which around a quarter of Ukraine’s exports normally flow, have been reduced to rubble and smoking ruins. Corpses and twisted wrecks of vehicles and tanks litter the streets.

    According to the city’s mayor, Vadym Boichenko, 21,000 civilians have already been killed during the bombardment. Earlier this month, he said Russian forces had brought mobile cremation equipment to the city to dispose of the corpses and were taking bodies to a shopping centre where there are storage facilities and refrigerators.
  10. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 11:56
    Pictured: Wife who was recorded ‘ordering her Russian soldier husband to rape Ukrainian women’ as it emerges he was wounded in fighting

    Shocking 30-second audio clip was posted by Ukraine's secret service agency
    'Wives of Russian aggressors call on their husbands to rape Ukrainian women,' the agency wrote on Telegram on Tuesday, along with the audio recording
    The audio record opens with the blue and yellow title: 'SECURITY SERVICE INTERCEPT: Wives of Russian invaders allow their men to rape Ukrainian women'
    A man and woman are then heard speaking in Russian in the chilling clip
    Radio Liberty has now alleged the couple were Roman Bykovsky - a Russian soldier who has since been injured in Ukraine - and his wife Olga Bykovskaya

    By Chris Jewers For Mailonline

    Published: 18:47 BST, 15 April 2022 | Updated: 10:05 BST, 16 April 2022

    A wife who was recorded giving her Russian soldier husband permission to rape Ukrainian women during Vladimir Putin's invasion has been pictured, as it emerged the man has been wounded in the fighting.

    Earlier this week, Kyiv's security forces released an audio clip of a conversation between a couple, who have now been identified as Roman Bykovsky and his wife Olga Bykovskaya by Radio Liberty.

    In the recording, the woman - allegedly Bykovskaya - is heard telling the man that he has her permission to rape Ukrainian women while he is serving in Russia's invading forces, so long as he does not tell her and uses contraception.

    The shocking 30-second clip was released on April 12 as Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russian troops of carrying out 'hundreds of rapes' including sexual assaults of small children in his country.
    Earlier this week, Kyiv's security forces released an audio clip of a conversation between a couple, who have now been identified as Roman Bykovsky and his wife Olga Bykovskaya (pictured together in a photograph on their social media) by Radio Liberty

    Earlier this week, Kyiv's security forces released an audio clip of a conversation between a couple, who have now been identified as Roman Bykovsky and his wife Olga Bykovskaya (pictured together in a photograph on their social media) by Radio Liberty

    The audio clip shared by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) opened with the blue and yellow title: 'SECURITY SERVICE INTERCEPT: Wives of Russian invaders allow their men to rape Ukrainian women.'

    The voice of a woman, believed to be Olga Bykovskaya, is then heard: 'So yeah, do it over there,' she says. It then becomes clear what she is agreeing to. 'Ukrainian women there. Rape them. Yeah.

    'Don't tell me anything, understand,' she adds with a shy laugh.

    A man's voice - believed to be that of Roman Bykovsky is then heard. 'Uh-huh,' he says. 'So I should rape and not tell you anything,' he asks, clarifying that the woman is giving him permission.

    'Yes, so that I wouldn't know anything,' the women's voice says, before they are both heard laughing this time. 'Why do you ask?' she adds.

    'Can I really?' he asks again.

    'Yeah, I allow you,' she says, with a giggle. 'Just use protection,' she adds.

    The man replies again: 'Ok.'
    In it, the woman - allegedly Bykovskaya - is heard telling the man - allegedly Roman Bykovsky (pictured) that he has her permission to rape Ukrainian women while he is serving in Russia's invading forces, so long as he does not tell her and uses contraception

    In it, the woman - allegedly Bykovskaya - is heard telling the man - allegedly Roman Bykovsky (pictured) that he has her permission to rape Ukrainian women while he is serving in Russia's invading forces, so long as he does not tell her and uses contraception
    The investigators then found that the two phone numbers were linked to two accounts on Russia's VKontakte social network - belonging to 27-year-old Roman Bykovsky and his wife Olga Bykovskaya - both originally from Orel in Russia

    The investigators then found that the two phone numbers were linked to two accounts on Russia's VKontakte social network - belonging to 27-year-old Roman Bykovsky and his wife Olga Bykovskaya - both originally from Orel in Russia

    Investigative journalists at Radio Liberty worked with law enforcement in Ukraine to track the phone involved in the call, with one of the numbers being traced to the Kherson region in April.

    Roman's account was closed to the public, however the journalists found him pictured in photographs uploaded by one of his friends - Alexei Zabrusov - which showed that they served together in 2016 in the same army division.

    From there, the investigators were able to find other friends and family members of Roman, which led them to more pictures of him in military uniform which established that is now part of Russia's 108th Guards Airborne Assault Regiment - a unit known for its involvement in the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

    They also learned that the couple had moved to the Russian occupied Crimean peninsula, approximately around 2018.

    Olga's social media account meanwhile was open (until it was deleted on April 13). On her account, she was shown in pictures with the man identified as Roman Bykovsky. It also showed the pair share a 4-year-old child together.

    Radio Liberty tried calling the couple using the numbers that were discovered.

    Roman reportedly answered, and denied that he was still in the Kherson region, and once he learned that he was being contacted by reporters also denied he was the man in the audio recording. However, Radio Liberty said his voice was a match.

    Olga Bykovska also answered, and confirmed to Radio Liberty that her husband was in Sevastopol being treated for an injury. After revealing that, she quickly cut the phone call off. Her social media account was deleted soon after that.

    The 30-second audio clip of the conversation was posted to the telegram channel of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on Tuesday.

    'Wives of Russian aggressors call on their husbands to rape Ukrainian women,' the agency wrote on Telegram, along with the clip.

    'This shocking interception by the SBU reflects the moral values ??not only of the occupiers but also of their relatives, 80% of whom now support the war in Ukraine,' the agency claimed in its description of the recording.
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 12:01
    Putin's band of thugs have been linked to a string of horrific atrocities across Ukraine, including the brutal rape and murder of women and children, often in front of their own family members. Moscow has denied the claims.

    One Russian soldier has even been arrested after allegedly recording himself abusing a Ukrainian baby.

    Speaking to Lithuanian lawmakers on April 12, Zelensky said: 'In areas freed from the occupiers, the recording and investigation of war crimes committed by Russia continues. New mass graves are found almost daily.

    'Testimonials are being collected. Thousands and thousands of victims. Hundreds of cases of torture. Bodies continue to be found in drains and cellars.

    'Hundreds of cases of rape have been recorded, including those of young girls and very young children. Even of a baby!'

    Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda responded saying, 'It's simply impossible to imagine a greater horror.'

    The scale of the brutality has led a Ukrainian rights group to inform the UN that rape is being used as a weapon of war by the Kremlin.
    Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russian troops of carrying out 'hundreds of rapes' including sexual assaults of small children as he spoke to Lithuanian lawmakers this week (pictured)

    Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russian troops of carrying out 'hundreds of rapes' including sexual assaults of small children as he spoke to Lithuanian lawmakers this week (pictured)
    Alexei Bychkov (pictured), 24, has allegedly been arrested after footage emerged of him abusing a baby

    Kateryna Cherepakha, president of La Strada-Ukraine, said her organisation's emergency hotlines had received calls accusing Russian soldiers of nine cases of rape involving 12 women and girls.

    She told the UN: 'This is just the tip of the iceberg. We know and see - and we want you to hear our voices - that violence and rape is used now as a weapon of war by Russian invaders in Ukraine.'

    An 11-year-old boy is among the alleged victims after he was reportedly raped by Russian troops in front of his mother who was tied to a chair and forced to watch.

    Ukraine's Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova said the boy was attacked in Bucha where scores of dead civilians showing signs of torture were found weeks after it was recaptured.

    Denisova also claimed that five soldiers in Putin's army raped a 14-year-old girl who has become pregnant.

    She said an estimated 120,000 Ukrainian children were rounded up and kidnapped, with some raped and others smuggled over to Russia.

    On April 8, a 16-year-old girl and 78-year-old woman were among those raped, official Oleksandr Vilkul claimed.

    Meanwhile, one of Putin's soldiers has been arrested after footage emerged of him allegedly raping a baby in Ukraine.

    Alexei Bychkov, 24, sent the vile footage to a Russian comrade before he was detained on Saturday, it was reported.

    The soldier is said to have shared other videos of his abuse of children to other friends and colleagues.
  12. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 12:07
    The battle for Mariupol is ongoing. If Moscow captures Mariupol, a city home to 400,000 people before the invasion, it would be the first big city to fall.
    Nine humanitarian corridors have been agreed for Saturday, the Ukrainian deputy prime minister, Iryna Vereshchuk, announced. Five of the nine evacuation corridors were from the east, in Ukraine’s Luhansk region, which local officials have said is under heavy shelling.
    At least two Ukrainians were killed overnight in Russian airstrikes on cities in the east of the country. Officials reported fatalities in Poltava, Severodonetsk, and Lysychansk, local media reported.

    The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, says 2,500 to 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, and about 10,000 injured in the conflict. This compared to an estimate 19,000-20,000 Russian soldiers killed, he told CNN in an interview.
  13. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 16 april 2022 12:13
    Tetiana Zadorozhniak (pictured with godchildren) is thought to have been raped and slaughtered in the town of Makariv, 30 miles from Kyiv, last month

    This is a still image taken from the house in which Tetiana is believed to have been raped and murdered

    The house had been pulled apart, with the contents smashed and thrown about

    Bloodstained sheets were filmed at Tetiana's supposed murder scene, while footage also shows rooms in the house where contents had been smashed and thrown about. The camerawoman could be heard sobbing as she described the scene

    Elsewhere in Bucha, 25 girls and woman aged 14 to 25 were 'systematically' raped while being held captive in a basement, it has been claimed.

    Nine of the women are now pregnant.

    Denisova said: 'Russian soldiers told them they would rape them to the point where they wouldn't want sexual contact with any man, to prevent them from having Ukrainian children.'

    Meanwhile a 50-year-old woman who lives 45 miles of Kyiv said a Chechen soldier barged into the home she shared with her husband on March 7.

    She told the BBC: 'At gunpoint, he took me to a house nearby. He ordered me: 'Take your clothes off or I'll shoot you.' He kept threatening to kill me if I didn't do as he said. Then he started raping me.

    'While he was raping me, four more soldiers entered. I thought that I was done for. But they took him away. I never saw him again.'

    When she returned home, she found her husband had been shot in the abdomen and he died two days later from his injuries.

    Horror tales of sexual abuse in Ukraine

    Elena: Raped for 12 hours on April 3 in Kherson after a Russian sympathiser told the troops her husband was a Ukrainian soldier on the front line.

    Mother and daughter, 17: The pair were attacked together by three men on March 4

    Teenage sisters: Girls aged 15 and 16 were targeted, as they resorted to cutting their hair to appear less attractive to the invaders

    Natalya, 33: Gang raped repeatedly for hours while her four-year-old son hid crying in a boiler room after her husband was shot dead

    Alexei Bychkov, 24: Russian soldier allegedly arrested after sharing footage of him abusing a Ukrainian baby

    Boy, 11: Raped in front of his mother who was tied to a chair and forced to watch

    25 women in Bucha aged 14 to 25: Held captive in a basement and systematically raped, with nine now pregnant

    Woman, 50: Taken at gunpoint to a neighbouring home, raped and returned home to her husband shot dead

    She buried her husband in the back garden and the soldiers who interrupted the rape stayed in her house for days, drinking and pointing their gun at her while asking to hand over her husband's belongings.

    The same attacker allegedly raped and killed another woman in the same village, slitting her throat in an evacuated home.

    In another chilling case, Russian soldiers entered the home of a family of three, where they killed the husband before repeatedly raping the wife.

    They would even leave before returning three times to rape her again, threatening harm to her young boy if she resisted, the police chief said.

    When they finally left for the final time, they burned down the home and shot dead their dogs.

    Footage has also emerged purporting to show the murder scene of a Ukrainian woman allegedly held captive and raped by soldiers under the command of Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov.

    The clip, shared on Telegram and Twitter by Ukrainian Interior Ministry adviser Anton Gerashchenko, showed the inside of a house where Tetiana Zadorozhniak is thought to have been slaughtered in the town of Makariv, 30 miles from Kyiv, last month.

    According to residents of the town, Tetiana was dragged out of her home by Kadyrov's men as she waited to evacuate the town with her friend before being held captive in a nearby house and abused.

    After days of torture, one of the soldiers raped her for a final time before cutting her throat and unceremoniously dumping her lifeless body in a shallow grave, local residents said.

    Witnesses claimed that the Chechen soldier who raped and killed Tetiana was later executed by other officers.
  14. forum rang 8 Succes 16 april 2022 14:26
    Ukraine's Intelligence Claims Russia Unable To Produce New Tanks Due To Financial Problems

    Ukrainian intelligence suggests that the production of new tanks has stopped in Russia due to financial problems due to the ongoing war.

    Russia continues to face difficulty due to the sanctions imposed by the Western countries. Ukrainian intelligence suggests that the production of new tanks has stopped in Russia due to financial problems. It further said that the Russian machine-building company, Uralvagonzavod, which is located in Nizhny Tagil, Russia is attempting to resolve the situation brought in by the Western sanctions. Despite the fact that Russia continues to attack Ukraine, the Russian Federation cannot continue to produce high-tech weapons without the supply of imported components.

    Ukrainian intelligence also stated that Russia has halted the production of new weapons, including the "T-90" and "T-14" Armata tanks. It claimed that the facility has shifted its focus to repairing military equipment that has been damaged during the conflict with Ukraine. Moscow has established an operational centre whose primary mission is to repair military equipment that has been destroyed during the conflict with Ukraine, according to local media. The intelligence also claimed that growing interest rates on loans, a lack of finances to repay foreign-currency debts and rising prices for materials and components, particularly armoured steel are all contributing to the problems in Russia.

    Washington claims the same as Thea Kendler, who is an assistant secretary for export administration at the Ministry of Trade, revealed in a speech at the end of March that Russian machine-building company, Uralvagonzavod was having a problem in its operations. The production of the new Russian T-14 Armata tank was not progressing as per the plan even before the war and the main cause was a lack of funds, according to the Bulgarian Military.
    Uralvagonzavod receives yet another setback

    In the midst of challenges with the construction of heavy armoured military equipment, Uralvagonzavod received yet another setback, this time from the court in Moscow rather than the west. Promtransinvest AD, a Moscow-based firm, purchased 222 Uralvagonzavod railway cars a year ago, but following the inspection, it was discovered that all 222 wagons had defective traction devices. The buyer opted to rectify the problem, which cost him $161,000 and then filed a case in a Moscow court. The Moscow court ruled in Promtransinvest AD's favour, and Uralvagonzavod was ordered to reimburse Promtransinvest AD for the monies spent on repairs.
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