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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 18 april 2022 20:27

    JJMM schreef op 18 april 2022 18:23:

    Wat een onzin! Oekraïne verspreidt alleen maar onzin helaas.
    Het is net andersom: alles wat uit Rusland komt zijn pure leugens en dreigementen.
  2. forum rang 4 Riding the Tiger 18 april 2022 20:54
    Sommige mensen vinen de oorlog blijkbaar niet erg.

    De oorlog is een directe aanleiding tot een stijging vd olieprijs. Een totale ban op Russische olie zal dit nog versterken.

    Dat is het perverse aan de aandelenmarkten. Hoe je slapend rijk kan worden met je Shell's, Oxy's, MRO's en SLB's... The world is a strange place.
  3. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 april 2022 21:25
    This is hard to watch, but this is the devastating reality in Ukraine caused by the Russian aggression!

    An innocent teenage boy in Kharkiv was killed by Russian attacks.

    The heartbreaking cries from his mother & grandmother

    “Open your eyes! My sunshine. My reason to live”

    video 1:27 minuut

    2de tweet

    April 15th Russian forces hit a residential area of Kharkiv with rockets, killing at least 10 people and injuring 35. Among them a 7month old baby & a 15-year-old. In another building's hallway, a young girl broke down in tears as she recounted the horror of the attack;

    video 1:02 minuut

    3rde twet

    The devastation of this invasion, this war, this genocide that Russians are committing, it’s more than just numbers! The pain, grief & trauma inflicted on the people of Ukraine must be acknowledged as well! We must do everything we can to hold Russia accountable for all of it!
  4. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 april 2022 21:29
    Glasnost Gone :

    Ukrainian military tonight report Russia's forces attempted to storm Mariupol's seaport.

    This area is said to be held by Ukrainian Marines.

    So tonight, spare a thought for those holding out in the city. They are low on ammunition & supplies, but not guts.

    Kaart van Marioepol met de positie van de Oerkainse strijders die omsingeld zijn door Russische soldaten en de Zee van Azov in het zuiden
  5. Advocaat van de Duivel 18 april 2022 21:31

    JJMM schreef op 18 april 2022 18:23:

    Wat een onzin! Oekraïne verspreidt alleen maar onzin helaas.
    Rusland heeft de laatste 20 jaar alleen maar gelogen dus iets van pot en ketel....Russische ambassadeur zeker?
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 18 april 2022 21:35
    Rusland is volgens Oekraïne gestart met actieve fase van nieuw offensief in het oosten

    Het langverwachte Russische offensief in het oosten in het land lijkt nu echt begonnen. "Er zijn signalen van de start van het offensief in de oostelijke operationele zone", aldus de generale staf maandagavond in Kiev. De oorlog draait om de regio's Charkov en Donetsk.

    ,,Vanmorgen hebben de bezetters langs bijna de hele frontlinie van de regio's Donetsk, Loehansk en Charkov geprobeerd door onze verdediging heen te breken," zei secretaris Oleksiy Danilov van de Veiligheidsraad in een televisieopname.
    ,,Ze zijn vanochtend begonnen met hun poging om de actieve fase te starten," voegde hij eraan toe.
    Ook de gouverneur van de regio Loehansk, Sergej Gajdaj, is bezorgd over de Russische agressie. ,,De controle over de stad Kreminna is zojuist verloren gegaan. Er zijn straatgevechten." Het evacueren van bewoners zou niet meer mogelijk zijn. ,,De situatie wordt elk uur erger." In de stad zijn nog 4 duizend inwoners over van de originele 18.000. Zware gevechten zijn ook waarneembaar rond de steden Rubizhne en Popasna.
    Oleksi Arestovytsj, de Oekraïense presidentieel adviseur, sprak eerder al over de Russische troepen die richting Hoeljajpole in de regio Zaporizja in het zuidoosten trekken. Het zou gaan om een groep van 10.000 soldaten.
  7. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 april 2022 21:42
    Gaat het Russische offensief in Oost Oekraine beginnen ?

    The Kyiv Independent

    General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reports beginning of Russia's offensive in the east.

    Russian forces stepped up offensive and assault operations in several directions in the east of Ukraine. Russia continues to form additional military units in occupied Crimea and in the bordering Rostov Oblast
  8. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 april 2022 22:30
    Christopher Miller, Correspondent... 12+ years in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. :

    A major Russian offensive has begun in the Donbas. Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of NSDC ( National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.) :

    : "This morning, an active phase of the Russian offensive began almost along the entire frontline [in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv regions]. The occupiers tried to break through our defenses."

    General Staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces also reported "signs of the beginning of an offensive operation in the Eastern Operational Zone." It said Russian forces intensified attacks near Izyum & Sloviansk, as well as around Severodonetsk & Popasna, & in the direction of Kurakhove & Zaporizhzhia areas

    I just spoke to a Ukrainian commander on the frontline near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, who said their positions are being hit by Russian airstrikes and heavy artillery 14 hours a day. They are "desperate" for more help, he said, outgunned, and running low on ammunition.

    More from NSDC's Danilov: "Our military is defending, we are not surrendering our territories."

    "The Russian military was tasked to occupy the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by Easter," he said, referring to Orthodox Easter on April 26, "as a gift to its Fuhrer."

    Danilov continued: "Residents of frontline areas or areas where hostilities are taking place need to be evacuated."

    He said: "It's a mistake to believe that we have already won the war," in an apparent reference to Ukrainian forces pushing back Russian forces around Kyiv.

    "Putin hasn't canceled the task of destroying Ukraine as a state and destroying our political leadership," Danilov added during a national telethon. "The war continues and will be difficult, much remains to be done to ensure our victory."

    Danilov said Ukraine's NSDC has not confirmed the presence of Russian oligarch and Wagner PMC boss Yevgeny Prigozhin in the eastern Luhansk region. Photos of Prigozhin with nationalist MP Vitaly Milonov circulated on social media over the past day.

    Now President Zelensky, in a new public address, says Russia has begun the battle for the Donbas and concentrated a large part of its army there for an all-out offensive in eastern Ukraine.

    video Zelensky in Oekrains ( geen ondertiteling ) 8:52 minuut
  9. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 april 2022 22:38

    luchtschip schreef op 18 april 2022 22:30:

    Christopher Miller, Correspondent... 12+ years in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. :

    A major Russian offensive has begun in the Donbas. Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of NSDC ( National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.) :

    : "This morning, an active phase of the Russian offensive began almost along the entire frontline [in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv regions]. The occupiers tried to break through our defenses."

    General Staff of Ukrainian Armed Forces also reported "signs of the beginning of an offensive operation in the Eastern Operational Zone." It said Russian forces intensified attacks near Izyum & Sloviansk, as well as around Severodonetsk & Popasna, & in the direction of Kurakhove & Zaporizhzhia areas

    I just spoke to a Ukrainian commander on the frontline near Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, who said their positions are being hit by Russian airstrikes and heavy artillery 14 hours a day. They are "desperate" for more help, he said, outgunned, and running low on ammunition.

    More from NSDC's Danilov: "Our military is defending, we are not surrendering our territories."

    "The Russian military was tasked to occupy the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by Easter," he said, referring to Orthodox Easter on April 26, "as a gift to its Fuhrer."

    Danilov continued: "Residents of frontline areas or areas where hostilities are taking place need to be evacuated."

    He said: "It's a mistake to believe that we have already won the war," in an apparent reference to Ukrainian forces pushing back Russian forces around Kyiv.

    "Putin hasn't canceled the task of destroying Ukraine as a state and destroying our political leadership," Danilov added during a national telethon. "The war continues and will be difficult, much remains to be done to ensure our victory."

    Danilov said Ukraine's NSDC has not confirmed the presence of Russian oligarch and Wagner PMC boss Yevgeny Prigozhin in the eastern Luhansk region. Photos of Prigozhin with nationalist MP Vitaly Milonov circulated on social media over the past day.

    Now President Zelensky, in a new public address, says Russia has begun the battle for the Donbas and concentrated a large part of its army there for an all-out offensive in eastern Ukraine.

    video Zelensky in Oekrains ( geen ondertiteling ) 8:52 minuut
    "The Russian military was tasked to occupy the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by Easter," he said, referring to Orthodox Easter on April 26, "as a gift to its Fuhrer ( Putin )."

    zie 4rde tweet
  10. forum rang 6 matad 18 april 2022 23:06

    Freemoneyforever schreef op 17 april 2022 14:50:

    Ilja Leonard Pfeiffer vanmiddag in Buitenhof:
    Hij vroeg, of de interviewer aan de politici, eerder aan het woord, wilde vragen bij sancties, of ze er ook op toe wilden zien, dat ze ook uitgevoerd worden. Er is één land in Europa, dat daar niet op toeziet. Dat land stelt meer dan een maand later Stef Blok aan om dat te regelen. Ik vind het te beschamend om dat land te noemen.

    U vindt het beschamend om Nederland te noemen. Welnu ik vind het vaak beschamend om Nederlander te zijn. Maar we kunnen gewoon een beroep doen op de historie. Bij W.O 1 bleven we lekker buiten schot.. Waren als dat piraten nest in de Alpen dat enkel bestaat uit de verdiensten op vermogens van criminelen, dictators en zwarthandelaars. Zelfs ZKH. bezat er een bankrekening voor o.a. verkregen smeergelden. Tijdens WO 2 was onze regering al vertrokken toen de oorlog nog niet voorbij was. Onze reeds genoemde ZKH schoot intussen niet met losse flodders op vrouwen in o.a. Canada doch presteerde het om voorop in een jeep met onze bevrijders Nederland binnen te trekken,. Intussen luid toegejuicht door enthousiaste met vlaggetjes zwaaiende Nederlanders. De Amerikaanse en Canadese jongens vulden kerkhoven met witte kruizen. Nederland was en is laf. De handvol verzetshelden nagelaten.
    Nu leveren wij Patriots aan Tsjechië terwijl deze in de Oekraïne dienen te staan. Over toetreding van de Oekraïne doen wij moeilijk. Wij hebben het liever over recht dan over volkerenmoord. Wat siddert Poetin over ons beschaafd proces over het neerschieten van de MH17. Miljoenen weggegooid en nu weten we niet hoe we de dader aan kunnen pakken terwijl alle opties open liggen. K…land.
  11. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 april 2022 23:33
    The US apparently is sending "unmanned coastal defense vessels" to Ukraine. These systems could extend Ukraine’s surveillance further out from its coastline, aid in the targeting of Russian vessels, and help sweep Ukrainian waterways of mines if necessary.

    Mysterious American robotic ships headed to Ukraine

    The Department of Defense is sending robotic ships to Ukraine to aid its fight against Russia. While the Pentagon is being tight-lipped about the vessels and what missions they’ll be performing, analysts gave FedScoop some insights into what the systems might be and what role they might play in the war.

    A DOD fact sheet on the latest $800 million security assistance package announced Wednesday included an unspecified number of “unmanned coastal defense vessels” among the items being provided to the Ukrainians.

    “Coast defense is something that Ukraine has repeatedly said they’re interested in,” Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby told reporters after the arms package was announced. “It is particularly an acute need now, as we see the Russians really refocus their efforts on the east and in the south.”

    He added: “When you talk about the east and the south, you’re talking about the Sea of Azov in a maritime environment and you’re talking about the northern Black Sea. So these [unmanned] capabilities will be, we hope, helpful in their coastal defense needs.”

    Even after the loss of their Black Sea Fleet flagship Moskva, the Russians still have “quite a bit of naval capability available to them,” Kirby noted.

    “They have used the maritime environment to strike inland. They have used the maritime environment to assault the mainland in terms of an amphibious assault. And they have used the maritime environment to intimidate and … we think, in some cases, try to pin down Ukrainian ground forces near Odessa,” he said.

    lees verder
  12. forum rang 10 luchtschip 18 april 2022 23:46
    Heavy large-caliber shelling reported at Kharkiv and Mykolaiv, as well as at most Ukrainian positions in Luhansk and Donetsk.

    Clearly Russia tonight has started the new stage of the war - with one front only, focused on Eastern Ukraine.
  13. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 april 2022 02:28

    asti schreef op 3 april 2022 23:46:


    Ga nog even verder met?

    Het is niet mijn favoriete professor, maar volgens mij doelt u op professor Mearsheimer. U hoeft niet jaloers te zijn op het aanzien dat deze professor wereldwijd geniet. U heeft uw kwaliteiten (natuurkunde) en anderen zijn weer op andere gebieden deskundig. Maar hoezo, wat is er met hem?
    Dit in reactie p de vraag van forum lid Gokker :

    Ga nog even verder. Hoe heette uw favoriete professor ook al weer die dit conflict zo goed begrijpt?

    Hier verduidelijking

    Toomas hendrik lives twitteraccount :

    Mearsheimer goes full Kremlin:

    Koch-funded analyst raises doubts about Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilians

    A foreign policy analyst with extensive ties to the non-profit network operated by Charles Koch publicly cast doubt about whether Russian forces are attacking civilians in Ukraine. The analyst, Professor John Mearsheimer, also suggested that, if Russian forces have attacked civilians, such attacks would be justified. While offering excuses for Russia, Mearsheimer appeared to pin the blame for civilian deaths on the actions of the American government.

    Mearsheimer's claims — which mirror those from the Russian Defense Ministry — are contradicted by photographic, videographic, and testimonial evidence of what has occurred in Bucha and other areas of Ukraine.

    Mearsheimer statements about Ukrainian civilians came during an April 7 discussion hosted by Katrina vanden Heuvel, the publisher of The Nation. Toward the end of the hour-long event Mearsheimer said the following as part of his closing remarks (emphasis added):

    You talked about Putin targeting civilians, or the Russians targeting civilians. It’s obviously very hard to tell what’s exactly happened here. But with that caveat in mind, you want to remember that the Americans have been pushing to arm civilians in Ukraine and to tell those civilians to fight against the Russians. So by definition, in lots of the firefights that have taken place and will take place. Russians are going to be fighting against civilians because those civilians are fighting against the Russians. So just remember, this is a very complicated business.

    Mearsheimer was responding to French historian Marlene Laruelle who, much earlier in the event, had described the Russian operation as "a full-scale invasion targeting civilians." At no point did Mearsheimer acknowledge that unarmed Ukrainian civilians were being targeted and killed by Russian forces. (You can watch Mearsheimer's comments, and the full event, here.)

    Mearsheimer's comments on Ukrainian civilians are consistent with his broader views on the war, blaming the United States while excusing or justifying Russian aggression. Writing in The Economist on March 11, Mearsheimer asserted that "The West, and especially America, is principally responsible for the crisis." A similar article, published by Mearsheimer after the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014, was promoted on February 28, by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    In an television appearance on April 14, Mearsheimer said the United States should end assistance to the Ukranians and work to create "some sort of alliance with the Russians." He made a similar argument in a March 1 interview with the New Yorker: "[W]e should be working overtime to create friendly relations with the Russians." In the same interview, Mearsheimer said that it was "not feasible" for the Ukranians "to choose their own political system and to choose their own foreign policy." Instead, Mearsheimer says, Ukraine must "accommodate the Russians."

    Mearsheimer has been an outspoken opponent of economic sanctions against Russia, suggesting in a recent interview that economic sanctions against Russia increase the chances of a nuclear war.

    vervolg in volgende posting
  14. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 april 2022 02:33
    Koch-funded analyst , Professor John Mearsheimer, raises doubts about Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilians

    How Charles Koch supports John Mearsheimer

    Mearsheimer is supported by Stand Together, the non-profit network run by right-wing billionaire Charles Koch, in numerous ways. Mearsheimer received direct funding from the Koch network for his latest book, The Great Delusion, which was published in 2018. "I want to thank the Charles Koch Foundation for helping to fund my research and book workshop," Mearsheimer writes in the acknowledgements section.

    Mearsheimer also currently holds positions at two institutions that receive substantial support from the Koch network. He is a non-resident fellow at the Quincy Institute, which was started with $500,000 donations from both the Charles Koch Institute and the Open Societies Foundation, the non-profit vehicle of liberal billionaire George Soros. Mearsheimer is also on the advisory board of The National Interest, which received a $900,000, two-year grant from the Charles Koch Institute in 2020.

    Mearsheimer is featured regularly at Koch network events. In November 2021, he was billed at a Stand Together foreign policy event as one "of the sharpest thinkers in foreign policy." He was a featured speaker at the 2021 John Quincy Adams Society conference, another Stand Together event. Mearsheimer has been speaking at Koch network events since at least 2016.

    At an "emergency" conference on Ukraine, held on March 31, 2022, Dan Caldwell, the Vice President for Foreign Policy at Stand Together, reportedly "denounced the fierceness of the ongoing attacks on Mearsheimer."

    Caldwell did not respond to a request for comment about what attacks on Mearsheimer he believed were unwarranted. Caldwell and Stand Together also did not respond to inquiries about whether the organizations had any objections to Mearsheimer's recent comments about Ukraine, including Ukrainian civilians.

    Mearsheimer's ongoing affiliation with the Koch network raises further questions about the network's positions on Russia and its relationship to Charles Koch's for-profit business, Koch Industries, one of a handful of American companies that continues full operations in Russia.

    The overwhelming evidence that Russian forces are committing atrocities against Ukrainian civilians

    Mearsheimer's claims belie extensive evidence of Russian atrocities against Ukrainian civilians. On April 4, for example, the New York Times published satellite photographs showing "the bodies of dead civilians lying on the streets of Bucha — some with their hands bound, some with gunshot wounds to the head." The Associated Press "published images of at least six dead men lying together in the rear of an office building, some with hands tied behind their backs." The fact that some of the dead were found with their hands bound is not consistent with the notion that these civilians were killed in battle. A video published April 5 by the New York Times shows a Russian armored vehicle gunning down a civilian in Bucha walking alongside his bicycle.

    Jake Sullivan, the White House National Security advisor, said on April 4, that the images from Bucha constitute evidence of "atrocities" and "war crimes."

    The issues are not limited to Bucha. On April 4, Amnesty International said it "has gathered evidence of civilians in Ukraine killed by indiscriminate attacks in Kharkiv and Sumy Oblast, documented an airstrike that killed civilians queueing for food in Chernihiv, and gathered evidence from civilians living under siege in Kharkiv, Izium and Mariupol." The group published extensive testimonial and photographic evidence on April 1.

    Mearsheimer's views are consistent with those of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which claimed that "not a single local resident has suffered from any violent action" in Bucha. Russia said that the photographs and videos were "another hoax, a staged production and provocation by the Kiev regime for the Western media." Russia claimed that the bodies emerged only after Russian forces left Bucha, a timeline that has been conclusively debunked.

    Mearsheimer and the denial of historical atrocities

    In 2011, Mearsheimer provided an effusive blurb for a book by Gilad Atzmon, who has questioned the reality of the Holocaust. "Gilad Atzmon has written a fascinating and provocative book on Jewish identity in the modern world… The Wandering Who? Should be widely read by Jews and non-Jews alike," Mearsheimer wrote.

    In a 2010 article, Atzmon raised doubts about the Holocaust, saying that people should "ask for some conclusive historical evidence and arguments" rather than "follow a religious narrative that is sustained by political pressure and laws." In the same article, Atzmon asserted that the "Holocaust became the new Western religion… it is the most sinister religion known to man." Neither the content of the book nor Atzmon's prior comments stopped Mearsheimer from endorsing Atzmon's work.

    Popular Information asked Mearsheimer if he was aware of Atzmon's questioning of the Holocaust prior to endorsing his book. Mearsheimer did not respond to that inquiry or questions about his recent comments on Ukraine.
  15. forum rang 10 luchtschip 19 april 2022 02:45

    asti schreef op 3 april 2022 23:46:


    Ga nog even verder met?

    Het is niet mijn favoriete professor, maar volgens mij doelt u op professor Mearsheimer. U hoeft niet jaloers te zijn op het aanzien dat deze professor wereldwijd geniet. U heeft uw kwaliteiten (natuurkunde) en anderen zijn weer op andere gebieden deskundig. Maar hoezo, wat is er met hem?
    Wat er met hem is ?

    Professor Mearsheimer komt uit de Koch Brothers stal en komt met ultra rechtse principes, wat inhoudt dat hij Putin steunt

    Dat doen alle Conservatieven in de US die tot de Trump kliek behoren

    Dat geldt ook voor forumleden die sympathie voor dit gedachtengoed hebben
  16. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 april 2022 07:12

    luchtschip schreef op 19 april 2022 02:45:

    [...]Wat er met hem is ?
    Professor Mearsheimer komt uit de Koch Brothers stal en komt met ultra rechtse principes, wat inhoudt dat hij Putin steunt
    Dat doen alle Conservatieven in de US die tot de Trump kliek behoren

    Dat geldt ook voor forumleden die sympathie voor dit gedachtengoed hebben
    Tijdens de 2e wereldoorlog zouden deze figuren nazi's en fascisten genoemd worden.
  17. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 19 april 2022 07:56
    Russia suffers losses of 75% on Black Sea fleet coastal defence brigade, Ukraine claims

    Russia’s 126th coastal defence brigade of the Black Sea Fleet has suffered losses amounting to 75%, according to Ukrainian military intelligence.

    According to available accurate information, the losses of the 126th Coastal Defence Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet amount to 75%,” the latest operational report released by Ukraine’s general staff of the armed forces reads.

    Officials also claimed Russia’s 810th separate Marine Brigade of the Black Sea navy lost 158 soldiers killed by Ukrainian forces, with about 500 others injured and 70 considered missing.

    Russian forces aim to establish full control over the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as maintaining the land corridor with the temporarily occupied Crimea, Ukraine’s military added.

    The enemy’s main efforts are focused on the breakthrough in the defence of our troops in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions, as well as establishing full control over the city of Mariupol.”
  18. [verwijderd] 19 april 2022 08:34
    Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine War can end in only two ways: Genocide or defeat

    Despite detailed advance warnings of Vladimir Putin’s plans for a major war in Ukraine, many observers remained in denial until the very last minute over the possibility of a full-scale Russian invasion. With the war now entering its second month, this sense of disbelief lingers on and is now preventing the international community from grasping the full gravity of the situation in Ukraine.

    While Western politicians and commentators continue to discuss off-ramps and compromise settlements, few in Moscow are under any such illusions. Those close to Putin understand that he views the current conflict as a holy war and has long since passed the point of no return. The Russian ruler will settle for nothing less than the complete subjugation of Ukraine or the country’s destruction.

    The terrifying scale of Putin’s war aims in Ukraine may seem unthinkable to most rational outside observers, but they make perfect sense when viewed through the prism of his toxic worldview.

    Throughout his reign, Putin has been driven by a deep-seated resentment of Russia’s post-Soviet decline and a burning desire to revive the country’s superpower status. Far from wishing to reestablish the USSR, he embraces traditional Russian nationalism and dreams of recreating the autocratic empire of the Czars.

    Putin sees the collapse of the Soviet Union as “the demise of historical Russia” and has frequently complained that the post-Soviet settlement cut millions of Russians off from their motherland while robbing Russia of its rightful heartlands. This sense of grievance has fueled Putin’s obsession with Ukraine, a country whose entire existence has come to represent the alleged injustice of the post-1991 world order.

    Putin is not the first Russian ruler to deny Ukraine’s right to exist. On the contrary, Ukraine denial is a common thread running through Russian history that stretches back hundreds of years and remains widespread in today’s Russia. However, few have ever embraced this doctrine of denial as fervently as Putin, who has made clear that ending Ukrainian independence is a sacred mission which will define his place in history.

    The current war is merely the latest and most dramatic stage in this long-term campaign. Putin’s first bid to end Ukrainian independence came in 2004 and saw him personally visit Kyiv on the eve of the country’s presidential election to campaign for the pro-Kremlin candidate. This hubristic intervention backfired disastrously, enraging millions of otherwise apolitical Ukrainians and helping to spark mass pro-democracy protests that came to be known as the Orange Revolution.

    Ukraine’s embrace of democracy and historic turn towards the West in the years following the Orange Revolution infuriated Putin and further convinced him of the need to reassert Russian control over the country. Haunted by the people power uprisings that swept through Central Europe in the late 1980s and triggered the disintegration of the Soviet Empire, he saw Ukraine’s democratic awakening as a Western plot and a direct threat to his own authoritarian regime.

    When new pro-democracy protests gripped Ukraine a decade later, Putin acted decisively. In the immediate aftermath of the 2014 Euromaidan Revolution, he seized Crimea and launched a proxy war in eastern Ukraine.

    In the eight years between the invasion of Crimea and the onset of today’s full-scale invasion, the conflict in eastern Ukraine settled into a bloody stalemate while relations between Russia and the West fell into a downward spiral. During this period, Putin’s refusal to seek compromises and his readiness to embark on a new Cold War underlined the overriding importance he attached to Ukraine. Any remaining doubts in this regard were removed on February 24 when Russian troops launched the largest European invasion since World War II.

    Bron: Atlantic Council.
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