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Pharming Group NL0010391025

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Pharming september 2019

4.907 Posts
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  1. forum rang 10 voda 26 september 2019 19:12

    De Rijdende Rechter schreef op 26 september 2019 17:33:

    Heerlijk dagje weer ....... super veel gekocht op €1,273 en alles verkocht op €1,304
    Voor wie niet bekend is met afkortingen. :-)

    AFAIK as far as I know
    AFK away from keyboard
    AKA also known as
    ARE acronym-rich environment
    ASAP as soon as possible
    A/S/L? age, sex, location
    B4 before
    B4N bye for now
    BAK back at the keyboard
    BBIAB be back in a bit
    BBL be back later
    BBML be back much later
    BBN bye bye now
    BBS be back soon
    BEG big evil grin
    BF boyfriend
    BFN bye for now
    BG big grin
    BL belly laughing
    BRB be right back
    BTA but then again
    BTW by the way
    BWL bursting with laughter
    BWTHDIK but what the heck do I know
    C&G chuckle & grin
    CID crying in disgrace
    CNP continued (in my) next post
    CP chat post
    CRBT crying real big tears
    CSG chuckle, snicker, grin
    CU see you
    CUL or CUL8ER see you later
    CUZ because
    CYO see you online
    DIKU do I know you?
    DL dead link
    DLTBBB don’t let the bed bugs bite
    DQMOT don’t quote me on this
    EG evil grin
    EMFBI excuse me for butting in
    EOM end of message
    EOT end of thread
    F2F face to face
    FAQ frequently asked question(s)
    FC fingers crossed
    FISH first in, still here
    FMTYEWTK far more than you ever wanted to know
    FOMCL falling off my chair laughing
    FTBOMH from the bottom of my heart
    FUD fear, uncertainty, and doubt
    FWIW for what it’s worth
    FYI for your information
    GA go ahead
    GAL get a life
    GD&R grinning, ducking, & running
    GF girlfriend
    GFN gone for now
    GIWIST gee, I wish I’d said that
    GMBO giggling my butt off
    GMTA great minds think alike
    GOL giggling out loud
    GTRM going to read mail
    GTSY glad to see you
    H&K hug and kiss
    HAGN have a good night
    HHIS hanging head in shame
    HTH hope this helps
    IAC in any case
    IAE in any event
    IANAL I am not a lawyer (but)
    IC I see
    IDK I don’t know
    IHA I hate acronyms
    IIRC if I remember correctly
    ILU I love you
    IM instant message
    IMHO in my humble opinion
    IMing chatting with someone online
    IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
    IMO in my opinion
    IOW in other words
    IPN I’m posting naked
    IRL in real life
    IWALU I will always love you
    IYSWIM if you see what I mean
    JBOD just a bunch of disks
    JIC just in case
    JK just kidding
    JMO just my opinion
    JTLYK just to let you know
    JW just wondering
    K okay
    KIT keep in touch
    KOC kiss on cheek
    KOL kiss on lips
    KWIM know what I mean?
    L2M listening to music
    L8R later
    LD later, dude
    LDR long distance relationship
    LHM lord help me
    LHU lord help us
    LLTA lots and lots of thunderous applause
    LMIRL let’s meet in real life
    LMSO laughing my socks off
    LOL laughing out loud
    LRF little rubber feet
    LSHMBB laughing so hard my belly is bouncing
    LSHMBH laughing so hard my belly hurts
    LSHTTARDML laughing so hard the tears are running down my leg
    LTM laugh to myself
    LTNS long time, no see
    LTR long term relationship
    LTS laughing to self
    LULAB love you like a brother
    LULAS love you like a sister
    LUWAMH love you with all my heart
    LY love you
    M/F male or female
    MOSS member of same sex
    MOTOS member of the opposite sex
    MSG message
    MTF more to follow
    MUSM miss you so much
    NADT not a darn thing
    NIFOC naked in front of computer
    NP nosy parents
    N/P no problem
    NRN no reply necessary
    OIC oh I see
    OL old lady
    OLL online love
    OM old man
    OMG oh my god
    OTF off the floor
    OTOH on the other hand
    OTTOMH off the top of my head
    P2P peer to peer
    P911 my parents are coming!
    PA parent alert
    PAL parents are listening
    PANB parents are nearby
    PANS pretty awesome new stuff
    PDA public display of affection
    PDS please don’t shoot
    PLZ please
    PM private message
    PMFJIB pardon me for jumping in but….
    PMP peed my pants
    POAHF put on a happy face
    POS parent over shoulder
    POTS plain old telephone service
    PU that stinks
    QSL reply
    QSO conversation
    QT cutie
    RL real life
    ROL raffing out loud
    ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
    RPG role playing games
    RSN real soon now
    RYO roll your own
    S4L spam for life
    SETE smiling ear to ear
    SF surfer friendly
    SHCOON shoot hot coffee out of nose
    SHID slaps head in disgust
    SNERT snot nosed egotistical rude teenager
    SO significant other
    SOMY sick of me yet?
    SOT short of time
    SOTMG short of time, must go
    STW search the web
    SUP or WU what’s up
    SWAK sealed with a kiss
    SWL screaming with laughter
    SYS see you soon
    TA thanks again
    TAFN that’s all for now
    TAW teachers are watching
    TCOB taking care of business
    TCOY take care of yourself
    TFH thread from hell
    TGIF thank God it’s Friday
    THX thanks
    TIA thanks in advance
    TILII tell it like it is
    TLK2UL8R talk to you later
    TMI too much information
    TNT ‘till next time
    TOPCA ‘til our paths cross again
    TOY thinking of you
    TPTB the powers that be
    TTFN ta ta for now
    TTT thought that too
    TTYL talk to you later
    TU thank you
    UW you’re welcome
    VBG very big grin
    WB welcome back
    WDALYIC who died and left you in charge?
    W/E whatever
    WFM works for me
    WIBNI wouldn’t it be nice if
    WTG way to go
    WTGP want to go private?
    WTH what/who the heck
    WUF where are you from?
    WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
    YBS you’ll be sorry
    YG young gentleman
    YL young lady
    YM young man
  2. forum rang 10 voda 26 september 2019 19:24

    aex2009 schreef op 26 september 2019 19:21:

    Ik mis er een paar
    Zal best. Een schone taak om ze aan te vullen!
  3. NickieToTheT 26 september 2019 19:27

    Japaho schreef op 26 september 2019 19:24:

    Ik mis dus ROFLOL... gen idee wat dat betekent
    Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
  4. [verwijderd] 26 september 2019 19:30

    NickieToTheT schreef op 26 september 2019 19:27:

    Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
    Dank je,... heb er niks mee, maar zal wel aan mij liggen WTF...... What The Fuck.... :))))
  5. NickieToTheT 26 september 2019 19:31

    aex2009 schreef op 26 september 2019 19:29:

    Q3 2019 verwacht ik 52.4 Mj
    Ik ga zelf uit van een omzet van 52,7. H1 yoy +30 waarvan q2 procentueel hoger. Dit zou inderdaad kunnen komen door grote inkopende apotheken, maar ik verwacht dat het komt door de groei en diversing vd omzet(de twee groepen uit filmpje met SDV). Het ligt wellicht wat hoog in de bandbreedte, maar heb het bedrag al weken in mn hoofd....!

    We zien het oktober wel
  6. [verwijderd] 26 september 2019 19:32

    NickieToTheT schreef op 26 september 2019 19:27:

    Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
    ILMDBUDB..... Ik Lach Me De Ballen Uit De Broek..... En nu hou ik er mee op.....
  7. Alex69 26 september 2019 19:38
    De trend is en blijft (?) positief. Zolang de koers boven de 1,25 blijft is er niets aan de hand en kunnen we de stijgende lijn op korte termijn gaan hervatten. Waarom niet weer een keer een ouderwetse Pharming Friday?
  8. CW1884 26 september 2019 19:56
    Pharming heeft de website aangepast mbt de vacatures. Er zijn weer veranderingen van vacatures op de website beschikbaar, echter verplaatst.

    1. Biotechnicus, Fulltime Brabant
    2. Interne Communicatie Specialist, Fulltime Leiden
    3. Animal Care Taker, Fulltime Brabant
    4. Human Resources Assistant, Fulltime/Parttime Leiden
    5. Regional Medical Scientific Liaison Manager (Cluster Northern Europe), Fulltime Leiden
    6. Director Global Business Development and Alliance Management, Fulltime Leiden
    7. Business Analyst, Fulltime/Parttime Leiden
    8. Beheerder Dierenlocatie, Fulltime Gouda
    9. Quality Systems Specialist, Fulltime Leiden
    10. Research Associate Process Development, Fulltime Leiden
    11. Lab Manager QC, Fulltime Leiden
  9. [verwijderd] 26 september 2019 19:56
    Het is mij al meerdere keren opgevallen dat jij, De Monitor, de bijdragen die ik hier regelmatig plaats over Pharming, de farmacie of over beleggen in het algemeen kennelijk vrij goed leest. Dat is fijn om te merken en waardeer ik ook.
    Aan de andere kant kan ik het minder waarderen dat jij de feiten,gedachten en meningen die ik hier plaats, zonder een kleine en sympathieke verwijzing naar de oorspronkelijke auteur, in eigen bewoordingen geleidelijk aan laat voorkomen als voortspruitende uit jouw fantastische,beleggingswijze gedachtenkoker.
    Ik haat dat selfpump-gedrag. Bah. En ben ikzelf nou ook kinderachtig en aanmatigend bezig? Het zij maar zo.
  10. CW1884 26 september 2019 20:01

    RingtheBell schreef op 26 september 2019 17:03:


    Mee eens Joris.

    Als ik een gokje mag doen voor Q3 2019 :

    48,6 miljoen
    Waar de cijfers van Q2 2019 boven verwachting was van vele forumleden van zo’n € 40 miljoen, is dit gokje van € 48,6 miljoen wel een hele hoge verwachting.
  11. CW1884 26 september 2019 20:02

    Winst gevend schreef op 26 september 2019 17:09:

    Houd het nu maar op rond de €40 miljoen die omzet,
    dan zit je echt niet te hoog voor Q3.

    (en is ook de verwachting)

    Mee eens en kan het alleen maar meevallen
  12. CW1884 26 september 2019 20:05

    bikes schreef op 26 september 2019 17:41:


    wordt boven de € 50 miljoen
    Waar de cijfers van Q2 2019 boven verwachting was van vele forumleden van zo’n € 40 miljoen, is deze verwachting van € 50 miljoen wel een hele hoge verwachting.
  13. forum rang 4 bikes 26 september 2019 20:08

    voda schreef op 26 september 2019 19:12:

    Voor wie niet bekend is met afkortingen. :-)

    AFAIK as far as I know
    AFK away from keyboard
    AKA also known as
    ARE acronym-rich environment
    ASAP as soon as possible
    A/S/L? age, sex, location
    B4 before
    B4N bye for now
    BAK back at the keyboard
    BBIAB be back in a bit
    BBL be back later
    BBML be back much later
    BBN bye bye now
    BBS be back soon
    BEG big evil grin
    BF boyfriend
    BFN bye for now
    BG big grin
    BL belly laughing
    BRB be right back
    BTA but then again
    BTW by the way
    BWL bursting with laughter
    BWTHDIK but what the heck do I know
    C&G chuckle & grin
    CID crying in disgrace
    CNP continued (in my) next post
    CP chat post
    CRBT crying real big tears
    CSG chuckle, snicker, grin
    CU see you
    CUL or CUL8ER see you later
    CUZ because
    CYO see you online
    DIKU do I know you?
    DL dead link
    DLTBBB don’t let the bed bugs bite
    DQMOT don’t quote me on this
    EG evil grin
    EMFBI excuse me for butting in
    EOM end of message
    EOT end of thread
    F2F face to face
    FAQ frequently asked question(s)
    FC fingers crossed
    FISH first in, still here
    FMTYEWTK far more than you ever wanted to know
    FOMCL falling off my chair laughing
    FTBOMH from the bottom of my heart
    FUD fear, uncertainty, and doubt
    FWIW for what it’s worth
    FYI for your information
    GA go ahead
    GAL get a life
    GD&R grinning, ducking, & running
    GF girlfriend
    GFN gone for now
    GIWIST gee, I wish I’d said that
    GMBO giggling my butt off
    GMTA great minds think alike
    GOL giggling out loud
    GTRM going to read mail
    GTSY glad to see you
    H&K hug and kiss
    HAGN have a good night
    HHIS hanging head in shame
    HTH hope this helps
    IAC in any case
    IAE in any event
    IANAL I am not a lawyer (but)
    IC I see
    IDK I don’t know
    IHA I hate acronyms
    IIRC if I remember correctly
    ILU I love you
    IM instant message
    IMHO in my humble opinion
    IMing chatting with someone online
    IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
    IMO in my opinion
    IOW in other words
    IPN I’m posting naked
    IRL in real life
    IWALU I will always love you
    IYSWIM if you see what I mean
    JBOD just a bunch of disks
    JIC just in case
    JK just kidding
    JMO just my opinion
    JTLYK just to let you know
    JW just wondering
    K okay
    KIT keep in touch
    KOC kiss on cheek
    KOL kiss on lips
    KWIM know what I mean?
    L2M listening to music
    L8R later
    LD later, dude
    LDR long distance relationship
    LHM lord help me
    LHU lord help us
    LLTA lots and lots of thunderous applause
    LMIRL let’s meet in real life
    LMSO laughing my socks off
    LOL laughing out loud
    LRF little rubber feet
    LSHMBB laughing so hard my belly is bouncing
    LSHMBH laughing so hard my belly hurts
    LSHTTARDML laughing so hard the tears are running down my leg
    LTM laugh to myself
    LTNS long time, no see
    LTR long term relationship
    LTS laughing to self
    LULAB love you like a brother
    LULAS love you like a sister
    LUWAMH love you with all my heart
    LY love you
    M/F male or female
    MOSS member of same sex
    MOTOS member of the opposite sex
    MSG message
    MTF more to follow
    MUSM miss you so much
    NADT not a darn thing
    NIFOC naked in front of computer
    NP nosy parents
    N/P no problem
    NRN no reply necessary
    OIC oh I see
    OL old lady
    OLL online love
    OM old man
    OMG oh my god
    OTF off the floor
    OTOH on the other hand
    OTTOMH off the top of my head
    P2P peer to peer
    P911 my parents are coming!
    PA parent alert
    PAL parents are listening
    PANB parents are nearby
    PANS pretty awesome new stuff
    PDA public display of affection
    PDS please don’t shoot
    PLZ please
    PM private message
    PMFJIB pardon me for jumping in but….
    PMP peed my pants
    POAHF put on a happy face
    POS parent over shoulder
    POTS plain old telephone service
    PU that stinks
    QSL reply
    QSO conversation
    QT cutie
    RL real life
    ROL raffing out loud
    ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
    RPG role playing games
    RSN real soon now
    RYO roll your own
    S4L spam for life
    SETE smiling ear to ear
    SF surfer friendly
    SHCOON shoot hot coffee out of nose
    SHID slaps head in disgust
    SNERT snot nosed egotistical rude teenager
    SO significant other
    SOMY sick of me yet?
    SOT short of time
    SOTMG short of time, must go
    STW search the web
    SUP or WU what’s up
    SWAK sealed with a kiss
    SWL screaming with laughter
    SYS see you soon
    TA thanks again
    TAFN that’s all for now
    TAW teachers are watching
    TCOB taking care of business
    TCOY take care of yourself
    TFH thread from hell
    TGIF thank God it’s Friday
    THX thanks
    TIA thanks in advance
    TILII tell it like it is
    TLK2UL8R talk to you later
    TMI too much information
    TNT ‘till next time
    TOPCA ‘til our paths cross again
    TOY thinking of you
    TPTB the powers that be
    TTFN ta ta for now
    TTT thought that too
    TTYL talk to you later
    TU thank you
    UW you’re welcome
    VBG very big grin
    WB welcome back
    WDALYIC who died and left you in charge?
    W/E whatever
    WFM works for me
    WIBNI wouldn’t it be nice if
    WTG way to go
    WTGP want to go private?
    WTH what/who the heck
    WUF where are you from?
    WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
    YBS you’ll be sorry
    YG young gentleman
    YL young lady
    YM young man

    ik mis roflol !!!
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