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OCI - 2021

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  1. forum rang 6 Just lucky 26 maart 2021 15:48
    Koers ligt er zeer slecht bij, totaal geen vraag. Bij een slechte dag direct de kelder in en op een mooie dag als vandaag nauwelijks herstel. Het is wachten op 1 of 2 grote kopers.
  2. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 26 maart 2021 21:22

    staalfreak2 schreef op 24 maart 2021 11:26:

    24-3-2021 11:17:59

    Beursblik: beperkt opwaarts potentieel voor methanolprijzen
    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) OCI profiteert momenteel van de hogere methanolprijzen, maar de ruimte voor een verdere prijsstijging is beperkt. Dit menen analisten van Morgan Stanley woensdagochtend.

    Volgens Morgan Stanley zal de belangrijkste aanjager voor de methanolprijzen vooral de ontwikkeling van de olieprijzen zijn, die momenteel juist onder druk staan door een ongunstige balans tussen vraag en aanbod en een sterkere dollar.

    Benieuwd of dit ook gaat gelden voor de methanolprijzen.
    Positieve correlatie met olieprijs.
    Olieprijs stijgt nu aardig en dat loopt denk ik alleen maar verder op als dat schip nog langer het suez blokkeert.
    Zou wel goed kunnen uitpakken voor methanolprijzen Rotterdam (EU) en wellicht Azie?
  3. forum rang 6 de schaatser 27 maart 2021 14:01

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 26 maart 2021 21:22:


    Benieuwd of dit ook gaat gelden voor de methanolprijzen.
    Positieve correlatie met olieprijs.
    Olieprijs stijgt nu aardig en dat loopt denk ik alleen maar verder op als dat schip nog langer het Suez blokkeert.
    Zou wel goed kunnen uitpakken voor methanolprijzen Rotterdam (EU) en wellicht Azië?

    Dat schip is maar een rimpeling in de prijsvorming van Methanol. Over een geheel jaar gezien leidt deze kleine crisis nauwelijks tot hogere prijsvorming.
    Op het moment dat men in de gaten heeft dat de nieuwe generatie dieselmotoren veel schoner zijn dan gedacht en dat de zogenaamde deskundigen Ed Nijpels en andere papegaaien over de hele wereld het volledig mis hebben . Pas dan zal de methanol industrie enorm kunnen profiteren.
    Lees de telegraaf van vandaag pagina T8. De voetprint van het maken van een elektrische wagen staat gelijk met 260.000 km verreden in een schone diesel motor auto.
    Met de z.g. blauwe diesel kan de CO2 uitstoot bijna naar nul.
  4. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 27 maart 2021 14:40

    de schaatser schreef op 27 maart 2021 14:01:


    Dat schip is maar een rimpeling in de prijsvorming van Methanol. Over een geheel jaar gezien leidt deze kleine crisis nauwelijks tot hogere prijsvorming.
    Op het moment dat men in de gaten heeft dat de nieuwe generatie dieselmotoren veel schoner zijn dan gedacht en dat de zogenaamde deskundigen Ed Nijpels en andere papegaaien over de hele wereld het volledig mis hebben . Pas dan zal de methanol industrie enorm kunnen profiteren.
    Lees de telegraaf van vandaag pagina T8. De voetprint van het maken van een elektrische wagen staat gelijk met 260.000 km verreden in een schone diesel motor auto.
    Met de z.g. blauwe diesel kan de CO2 uitstoot bijna naar nul.

    Misschien dat het invloed kan hebben op de spot prijzen. Maar ik zie wel dat urea fob egypt wel hard is gedaald afgelopen dagen. Maar of dit met suez te maken weet ik niet. Egypt bleef lange tijd geleidelijk omhoog aan het kabbelen en weinig rimpelingen tov andere markten zoals VS of ME
  5. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 28 maart 2021 13:58
    Goed nieuws, wordt de methanol tak alleen maar weer waard ;)

    PETROCHEMICALS 25 Mar 2021 | 15:30 UTC New York
    SCC, Methanex raise North American methanol contract prices for April

    Author Mary Hogan
    Editor Derek Sands
    Commodity Petrochemicals
    SCC April nomination represents highest CP in more than six years

    Methanex April nomination represents highest CP in more than two years

    New York — Both Southern Chemical Corp. and Canada's Methanex nominated higher North American methanol contract prices for April, the companies said late March 24.

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    Register Now Southern Chemical Corp. (SCC) nominated its North American methanol contract price for April at 158 cents/gal, up 5 cents/gal from March's posted price, the company said. The move higher puts SCC's posted contract price at its strongest level in more than six years, when it reached 170 cents/gal in May 2014.
    Methanex nominated its North American methanol contract for April at 156 cents/gal, up 8 cents/gal from March's posted price, the company said. The move higher pushed Methanex's posted contract price to its strongest level in more than two years, when it reached 156 cents/gal in November 2018.

    SCC had increased its March contract price by 5 cents/gal to 153 cents/gal, after having kept its February contract price flat on the month at 148 cents/gal.

    Methanex had kept its March contract price unchanged at 148 cents/gal, after having raised its February contract price 3 cents/gal to 148 cents/gal.

    The moves higher in the April contract prices coincide with a higher monthly average for prompt-month domestic methanol so far in March of 118.39 cents/gal, compared with 111.66 cents/gal for February, according to Platts data.

    In late February, a severe winter weather system that swept through the US Gulf Coast region led to a slew of regional production outages that served to significantly limit available prompt supply and deplete regional storage levels. Moving into March, talk was heard of additional production issues at a facility in Texas that served to further tighten supply in the region. Domestic methanol began March assessed at 115 cents/gal FOB USG and had strengthened to an assessed value of 121 cents/gal FOB USG on March 24.

    The posted contract prices of SCC and Methanex do not include any discounts. In March, discounts averaged around 25%, according to Platts data.
  6. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2021 09:16
    Hoe frustrerend ook, blijf zitten!
    Onze tijd komt nog wel. De boefjes drukken en manipuleren de boel om ze van je af te pakken en zometeen de grote winsten te pakken.

    Succes (of sterkte!)
  7. Appel72 29 maart 2021 09:49

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 29 maart 2021 09:32:

    Staat nog een gap open van vrijdag. Beter nu dichten dan als we weer richting de 19 gaan ,)
    Tot hoever moeten we dan eerst zakken vandaag?
  8. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 29 maart 2021 09:56
    Nou in principe is ie donderdag gesloten op 18.12 en vrijdag geopend ergens op 18.3x. Dus als ie vanaf dit niveau 18.15 weer opveert zou je dan kunnen beschouwen als in "gedicht "
  9. Appel72 29 maart 2021 12:32

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 29 maart 2021 09:32:

    Staat nog een gap open van vrijdag. Beter nu dichten dan als we weer richting de 19 gaan ,)
    Is de gap dan nu gesloten immers we staan weer op gelijk vrijdag bij sluiten van de beurs
  10. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 29 maart 2021 13:40
    Yara dikke plus vandaag en gaat steady omhoog de laatste weken. Yara is grote ammonia speler, dus wellicht positief signaal vanuit de markt wbt ammonia prijzen
  11. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 29 maart 2021 21:15
    OCI Announces Partial Redemption of its Senior Secured Notes due 2024 and 2025

    OCI N.V. (Euronext: OCI) today announced that it has exercised the option to redeem 10% of its 5.25% Senior Secured Notes due 2024 and 10% of its 4.625% Senior Secured Notes due 2025, or a total redemption of $60 million and $40 million of the aggregate principal amounts of the respective Notes outstanding, respectively, each at a redemption price of 103% of the principal amount thereof. The redemption date is April 8, 2021.

    This transaction is expected to result in additional recurring cash interest savings and marks the continuation of the company’s financial policy to optimize its capital structure. OCI will continue to evaluate opportunities to achieve similar objectives.
  12. Appel72 29 maart 2021 21:19

    BultiesBrothers schreef op 29 maart 2021 21:15:

    OCI Announces Partial Redemption of its Senior Secured Notes due 2024 and 2025

    OCI N.V. (Euronext: OCI) today announced that it has exercised the option to redeem 10% of its 5.25% Senior Secured Notes due 2024 and 10% of its 4.625% Senior Secured Notes due 2025, or a total redemption of $60 million and $40 million of the aggregate principal amounts of the respective Notes outstanding, respectively, each at a redemption price of 103% of the principal amount thereof. The redemption date is April 8, 2021.

    This transaction is expected to result in additional recurring cash interest savings and marks the continuation of the company’s financial policy to optimize its capital structure. OCI will continue to evaluate opportunities to achieve similar objectives.
    Mooi dus ze lossen even 100 miljoen vervroegd af.
    Mooi positief signaal wat betreft cashflow.
    Morgen dan maar een weer wat hoger, op naar de 19 Euro
  13. forum rang 6 Ruval 29 maart 2021 21:56

    Appel72 schreef op 29 maart 2021 21:19:

    Mooi dus ze lossen even 100 miljoen vervroegd af.
    Mooi positief signaal wat betreft cashflow.
    Morgen dan maar een weer wat hoger, op naar de 19 Euro
    Prima signaal en per saldo weer een besparing van ca € 5/mln aan rentelasten op jaarbasis. Ik verwacht overigens bij publicatie Q1 cijfers verdere aflossing
  14. [verwijderd] 30 maart 2021 10:03

    Just lucky schreef op 30 maart 2021 09:15:

    Ook al lossen ze 1 mld af, het doet de koers niets....
    In de categorie: kansloos

    Maar...we blijven stug zitten tot de Q1 cijfers
  15. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 30 maart 2021 11:38

    Anton8080 schreef op 30 maart 2021 10:03:


    In de categorie: kansloos

    Maar...we blijven stug zitten tot de Q1 cijfers

    Afzetprijzen stagneren wat de laatste weken helaas.
    Ook brazilie is weer onder de 400 gedoken en Egypte heeft ook flink gas teruggenomen.
    We moeten wachten op nieuwe impulsen.
    En over het algemeen is de zomerperiode ook rustig met lichte vraag terugval, nietwaar?
  16. forum rang 6 BultiesBrothers 30 maart 2021 11:40
    March 29, 2021

    Fertilizer Prices Soar Higher in Early 2021
    By David Widmar


    The following is a condensed version of AEI Premium content. The longer version of this post can be found here. Not a subscriber yet? Get started with a free trial.
    You don’t have to look very hard to find headlines, articles, and social media exchanges about higher fertilizer prices. After contracting sharply last fall, prices have sharply rebounded. This week’s post breaks down the latest data and key considerations.

    Higher Fertilizer Prices in 2021
    The USDA’s AMS regularly reports farm-level fertilizer prices in Illinois. Figure 1 shows how much average reported prices have changed since last spring (April – May 2020) and last fall (September – October 2020). Across the board, all fertilizer prices are higher in 2021, but the range is quite broad.

    While nitrogen often gets the most attention, phosphorus prices are up the most. For example, DAP prices are 57% higher than last spring. (Spoiler alert: phosphorous prices are key).

    For nitrogen, the degree of sticker-shock depends on the product and time frame considered. For example, anhydrous ammonia and urea are up 37% from the fall, but considerably smaller increases (+17% for anhydrous ammonia and +25% for urea) over Spring 2020. Furthermore, prices for liquid nitrogen are only up 9% over last year.

    Change in Select Illinois Fertilizer Price from Last Spring and Last Fall. Data Source: USDA AMS.
    Figure 1. Change in Select Illinois Fertilizer Price from Last Spring and Last Fall. Data Source: USDA AMS.

    Figure 2 shows prices of anhydrous ammonia, DAP, and potash since 2010. This chart is helpful as it provides historical context. First, fertilizer prices were at, or near, 10-year lows last summer and fall. This is to say the jump in prices has occurred from an overall low-price environment.

    Second, prices are, for the most part, well below the highs observed during the 2011 – 2014 time period. For example: anhydrous ammonia prices are approaching $600 per ton, which is up from $400 just months ago, but well below the $800+ highs.

    The exception is DAP prices, which are currently more than $630 per ton and among the highest observed in the last ten years. Furthermore, DAP prices are closing in on the 10-year high of $710 per ton (hit back in December 2011).

    Select Illinois Fertilizer Prices, January 2010 to March 2021. Data Source: USDA AMS.
    Figure 2. Select Illinois Fertilizer Prices, January 2010 to March 2021. Data Source: USDA AMS.

    Watch Relative Prices of Alternative Fertilizers
    While prices are higher, the relative price of alternatives is still important to consider. Figure 3 shows the price ratio for a unit of nitrogen from urea relative to anhydrous ammonia.

    On average, that unit of nitrogen from urea is 1.24 the price of anhydrous ammonia. Over the last two years, the relative price for urea has been above the long-run average and is currently near 1.50. In other words, urea prices, relative to anhydrous ammonia, are historically high.

    Relative Unit Nitrogen Prices, Urea/NH3, Jan. 2010 – March 2021. Series Average (in black): 1.24. Data Source: USDA AMS & Calculations.
    Figure 3. Relative Unit Nitrogen Prices, Urea/NH3, Jan. 2010 – March 2021. Series Average (in black): 1.24. Data Source: USDA AMS & Calculations.

    Figure 4 shows the same relationship between liquid 28% and anhydrous ammonia. In recent months, the price ratio has fallen below the long-run average (1.36). The price of a unit of nitrogen from 28% is historically low relative to a unit of nitrogen from anhydrous ammonia.

    This all points to a situation where producers should carefully consider the price of alternative sources if local supply and management practices allow. In some cases, producers might find advantages for using less urea and more liquid 28% in 2021.

    Relative Unit Nitrogen Prices, 28%/NH3. Jan. 2010 – March 2021. Series Average (in black): 1.36. Data Source: USDA AMS & Calculations.
    Figure 4. Relative Unit Nitrogen Prices, 28%/NH3. Jan. 2010 – March 2021. Series Average (in black): 1.36. Data Source: USDA AMS & Calculations.

    Benchmarking Corn Fertilizer Expense
    Producers generally think about fertilizer expense on a per-acre basis. Figure 5 shows the estimated corn fertilizer expense for a 180-70-70 blend using spring prices for 2010-2020. The expense using fall 2020 and March 2021 prices is noted in orange.

    In 2020, the expense was $99 per acre, the lowest in more than eleven years. As prices fell even lower into the fall, the expense was $92 per acre. Currently, however, the estimated expense is $128 per acre, the highest since 2015.

    The 2021 situation is unique as the degree of sticker-shock will also depend on when producers locked in fertilizer prices. Those that priced fertilizer six months ago would have a fertilizer expense of $36 per acre lower. Furthermore, the attractiveness of corn in crop budgets will also depend on when those fertilizer pricing decisions were made.

    What is Driving Fertilizer Prices Higher?
    One final point to note: overall, fertilizer expense is up $29 per acre than last spring, or 30% higher. While nitrogen seems to get more of the attention, phosphorus fertilizers account for a majority of the higher expense. Based on this example, higher DAP prices accounted for nearly $18 of the $29 increase (or, 61%). Anhydrous ammonia accounted for only $8 (or, 28%).

    Estimated Corn Fertilizer Expense of a 180-70-70 Application of Fertilizer at Spring Prices (2010-2020) and Recent Price (Fall 2020 and March 2021). Data Source: calculations.
    Figure 5. Estimated Corn Fertilizer Expense of a 180-70-70 Application of Fertilizer at Spring Prices (2010-2020) and Recent Price (Fall 2020 and March 2021). Data Source: calculations.

    Wrapping it Up – Prices Are Up, But Here’s Some Context
    The upturn in fertilizer prices has been dramatic. Further complicating the situation has been the whiplash of prices dramatically falling a year ago. The combination makes it hard to summarize or size-up the situation. It’s equally true to say anhydrous ammonia prices are up “17% from last spring” and “37% from the fall.” However, these statements are difficult to reconcile and have different degrees of impact on our thinking.

    While fertilizer prices are higher, it’s important to remember the context. Prices are up from historic lows and, for the most part, remain well below the levels of 2011-2014. The exception, however, is phosphorus fertilizer. In many ways, phosphorus is the biggest chapter of the 2021 fertilizer story.

    Finally, the story of 2021 also depends on the products and timing used. For example, producers that priced their fertilizer last fall will likely have some of the lowest expenses of the last ten years. However, a producer pricing their fertilizer today and reliant on urea will have significantly higher expenses.
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