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Renewi - 2022: het meest circulaire bedrijf op de beurs

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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 mei 2022 08:15
    Year End Results FY22

    24 May 2022
    Renewi plc (LSE: RWI), the leading European waste-to-product business, announces its results for the year ended 31 March 2022.
    Financial Highlights

    Revenue up 10% to €1,869m
    Underlying EBIT1 up 83% to €133.6m, with net impact of customer pricing, recyclate pricing and cost inflation delivering a year-on-year benefit of €45m

    Commercial Division increased underlying EBIT1 margins by 380bps to 10.0%, with the return on operating assets increasing to 31.6%

    Underlying EBIT1 up 77% compared with the pre-Covid FY20 reference period
    Underlying EPS1 up 118% to 98 cents, basic EPS increased from 7 cents to 93 cents
    Statutory profit of €75.4m (FY21: €5.5m#)
    Core net debt* reduced to €303m (FY21: €344m) and net debt to EBITDA reduced to 1.4x from 2.2x

    Strategic and Operational Highlights

    Group’s end markets continue to grow, driven by positive legislative changes which promote recycling and increased demand for high quality secondary materials

    Commercial business performed very strongly, managing Covid shutdowns and inflationary pressures with ongoing tight control of costs

    Good progress made on our key strategic initiatives to deliver €60m of additional EBIT in FY26, with €10m delivered in FY22:

    Over €100m of capital investment now committed to increasing the Group’s recycling capacity at attractive rates of return
    Mineralz & Water recovery underway, with further improvements to follow over the next 3 years
    Renewi 2.0 programme on track to conclude next year and deliver full benefits from FY24
    8.4m tonnes of materials put back into reuse up 5% on the prior year, with a recycling rate of over 67%, up 1.4pps
    Although recyclate prices are expected to moderate in FY23, we expect prices to stabiliseabove pre-Covid levels for the medium term, reflecting the structural growth of the circular economy
    Conditional agreement to acquire “Paro”, an Amsterdam based commercial waste and recycling business, for an enterprise value of €67m, announced separately today.
    The Board now anticipates the Group’s performance in FY23 to be ahead of its previous expectations

    1 The definition and rationale for the use of non-IFRS measures are included in note 16.
    # The statutory profit for March 2021 has been restated to reflect a prior year adjustment set out in note 1.
    * Core net debt used for banking leverage calculations excludes the impact of IFRS 16 lease liabilities and UK PPP net debt.
    Otto de Bont, Chief Executive Officer, said:

    “Renewi delivered a record performance in the year, with revenues, profits and returns all significantly ahead of the prior year. This is thanks to the tremendous commitment of our employees, who continued to service our customers in challenging conditions. Our end markets have continued to grow, with climate-driven legislation and corporate strategies supporting increased recycling and demand for high quality secondary materials which, in turn, is driving a sustained increase in recyclate prices. Our Commercial Division, which represents over 70% of Group revenues, has therefore been able to accelerate its journey towards double digit margins, supported by tight control of costs and appropriate price increases reflecting wider inflationary pressures.

    We made good progress on our key strategic initiatives and have committed over €100m of capital into our innovation portfolio. We remain on track to deliver the full €60m of EBIT we targeted for FY26 across our three value drivers: our innovation pipeline, the recovery of earnings at Mineralz and Water and the Renewi 2.0 programme.

    “There is no doubt the transition to circular economies in our end markets will continue to increase demand for recycling and higher quality secondary materials, supporting our business model in the short and long term. The sustainability agenda pursued by the EU and national governments will also present increasing opportunities for Renewi to convert waste into a wider range of high-quality secondary materials.

    “Looking ahead, whilst recyclate prices are expected to remain strong but moderate in FY23, the Board now anticipates the Group’s performance in FY23 to be ahead of its previous expectations.”
  2. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 mei 2022 08:22
    Although recyclate prices are expected to moderate in FY23, we expect prices to stabilise above pre-Covid levels for the medium term, reflecting the structural growth of the circular economy

    Conditional agreement to acquire “Paro”, an Amsterdam based commercial waste and recycling business, for an enterprise value of €67m, announced separately today.

    The Board now anticipates the Group’s performance in FY23 to be ahead of its previous expectations
  3. forum rang 5 Stork 49 24 mei 2022 08:27

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 24 mei 2022 08:15:

    Year End Results FY22


    24 May 2022
    Renewi plc (LSE: RWI), the leading European waste-to-product business, announces its results for the year ended 31 March 2022.
    Financial Highlights

    Revenue up 10% to €1,869m
    Underlying EBIT1 up 83% to €133.6m, with net impact of customer pricing, recyclate pricing and cost inflation delivering a year-on-year benefit of €45m

    Commercial Division increased underlying EBIT1 margins by 380bps to 10.0%, with the return on operating assets increasing to 31.6%

    Underlying EBIT1 up 77% compared with the pre-Covid FY20 reference period
    Underlying EPS1 up 118% to 98 cents, basic EPS increased from 7 cents to 93 cents
    Statutory profit of €75.4m (FY21: €5.5m#)
    Core net debt* reduced to €303m (FY21: €344m) and net debt to EBITDA reduced to 1.4x from 2.2x

    Strategic and Operational Highlights

    Group’s end markets continue to grow, driven by positive legislative changes which promote recycling and increased demand for high quality secondary materials

    Commercial business performed very strongly, managing Covid shutdowns and inflationary pressures with ongoing tight control of costs

    Good progress made on our key strategic initiatives to deliver €60m of additional EBIT in FY26, with €10m delivered in FY22:

    Over €100m of capital investment now committed to increasing the Group’s recycling capacity at attractive rates of return
    Mineralz & Water recovery underway, with further improvements to follow over the next 3 years
    Renewi 2.0 programme on track to conclude next year and deliver full benefits from FY24
    8.4m tonnes of materials put back into reuse up 5% on the prior year, with a recycling rate of over 67%, up 1.4pps
    Although recyclate prices are expected to moderate in FY23, we expect prices to stabiliseabove pre-Covid levels for the medium term, reflecting the structural growth of the circular economy
    Conditional agreement to acquire “Paro”, an Amsterdam based commercial waste and recycling business, for an enterprise value of €67m, announced separately today.
    The Board now anticipates the Group’s performance in FY23 to be ahead of its previous expectations

    1 The definition and rationale for the use of non-IFRS measures are included in note 16.
    # The statutory profit for March 2021 has been restated to reflect a prior year adjustment set out in note 1.
    * Core net debt used for banking leverage calculations excludes the impact of IFRS 16 lease liabilities and UK PPP net debt.
    Otto de Bont, Chief Executive Officer, said:

    “Renewi delivered a record performance in the year, with revenues, profits and returns all significantly ahead of the prior year. This is thanks to the tremendous commitment of our employees, who continued to service our customers in challenging conditions. Our end markets have continued to grow, with climate-driven legislation and corporate strategies supporting increased recycling and demand for high quality secondary materials which, in turn, is driving a sustained increase in recyclate prices. Our Commercial Division, which represents over 70% of Group revenues, has therefore been able to accelerate its journey towards double digit margins, supported by tight control of costs and appropriate price increases reflecting wider inflationary pressures.

    We made good progress on our key strategic initiatives and have committed over €100m of capital into our innovation portfolio. We remain on track to deliver the full €60m of EBIT we targeted for FY26 across our three value drivers: our innovation pipeline, the recovery of earnings at Mineralz and Water and the Renewi 2.0 programme.

    “There is no doubt the transition to circular economies in our end markets will continue to increase demand for recycling and higher quality secondary materials, supporting our business model in the short and long term. The sustainability agenda pursued by the EU and national governments will also present increasing opportunities for Renewi to convert waste into a wider range of high-quality secondary materials.

    “Looking ahead, whilst recyclate prices are expected to remain strong but moderate in FY23, the Board now anticipates the Group’s performance in FY23 to be ahead of its previous expectations.”
  4. adri67 24 mei 2022 08:33
    Van het Engelse forum:

    Smashed estimates: FY Mar-22 Consensus data (mn EUR): Revenue: ~1,837 Actual: 1,869 EBIT: ~129 Actual: 133.6 EBITDA: ~246 Actual: 262.6 Further upgrades its outlook ahead of Board's expectations for FY Mar-23. LIBERUM RAISES TP from 900p to 1012p due to the higher estimates. Expect more TP upgrades the next few hours

    STIFEL INCLUDES RENEWI IN ITS HIGH CONVICTION BUY LIST High conviction Buy: Renewi remains a high conviction Buy recommendation for us. At just over 4x EV/EBITDA, the valuation is very attractive given the legislative backdrop, strong market position, financial strength and growth prospects for the business. Our estimate revision is outlined on page 3. TP 1,100p (under review)
  5. forum rang 7 DeWalt 24 mei 2022 09:20
    Au een veel te dure overname. Hogere (~50%) waardering betaald dan renewi zelf heeft. Dat is niet lekker.
  6. Willy B. 24 mei 2022 09:26
    Renewi neemt Paro over
    Overnameprooi gewaardeerd op 67 miljoen euro.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Renewi heeft een voorlopig akkoord bereikt over de overname van het Amsterdamse Paro. Dit maakte de afval- en recyclingspecialist met noteringen in Amsterdam en Londen dinsdag bekend.

    Paro wordt bij de transactie gewaardeerd op 67 miljoen euro. Afgelopen jaar behaalde Paro, een specialist in het verwerken van bouw- en bedrijfsafval, een omzet van 43 miljoen euro en en EBITDA van net geen 10 miljoen euro.

    Het is de eerste grote overname sinds 2017, toen Renewi ontstond.

    Een vertegenwoordiging van de werknemers van Paro moeten de transactie nog goedkeuren.
  7. Jan Willem 24 mei 2022 09:29

    DeWalt schreef op 24 mei 2022 09:20:

    Au een veel te dure overname. Hogere (~50%) waardering betaald dan renewi zelf heeft. Dat is niet lekker.
    En heb je dan door wat Renewi zelf kan opbrengen ?.
  8. forum rang 9 aextracker 24 mei 2022 09:36

    DeWalt schreef op 24 mei 2022 09:20:

    Au een veel te dure overname. Hogere (~50%) waardering betaald dan renewi zelf heeft. Dat is niet lekker.
    Mwah, dat valt best wel mee.
    Ca. 7 keer de Ebitda is geen vreemde multiple.
    Voor een afvalverwerker lijkt het veel, doch het voegt in elk geval wat omzet & kasstroom van RENEWI toe,
    Als de OR het goed vind, mag het doorgaan.
    Benieuwd of er meer overnames gaan volgen "in den lande"

    Voorts zijn er over 2021 mooie cijfers door RENEWI neergelegd,
    Weliswaar vnl. door consumer pricing ( publiek \ politiek bepaalde vastgestelde recycle tarieven).
    Benieuwd hoeveel de innovatieve new business component bedraagt als onderdeel van de strategische groei.
  9. forum rang 7 DeWalt 24 mei 2022 09:38

    Jan Willem schreef op 24 mei 2022 09:29:

    En heb je dan door wat Renewi zelf kan opbrengen ?.
    Doet ~5x ebitda
  10. forum rang 7 DeWalt 24 mei 2022 09:39
    Renewi mag van mij stijgen hoor. Nog 20% te gaan voordat het aandeel terug bij af is dit jaar.
  11. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 mei 2022 11:04
    Beursblik: goede prestaties bij Renewi

    Door ABM Financial News
    op dinsdag 24 mei 2022
    Views: 656

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Renewi heeft afgelopen boekjaar, dat eind maart eindigde, iets beter dan verwacht gepresteerd. Dit stelden analisten van Degroof Petercam dinsdag.

    De onderliggende EBIT van 134 miljoen euro lag “comfortabel” boven de meer dan 120 miljoen euro waarop Renewi zelf rekende. Degroof mikte op 130 miljoen euro.

    Ondanks dat de winst met circa 70 miljoen euro steeg naar meer dan 75 miljoen euro besloot Renewi geen dividend uit te keren. Vanochtend kondigde de afval- en recyclingspecialist de overname van het Amsterdamse Paro aan, de eerste grote acquisitie sinds de combinatie Renewi in 2017 ontstond.

    "Als gevolg van toenemende regelgeving, verwachten we dat de markt zich klaarmaakt voor een nieuwe consolidatiefase", aldus Degroof. En Renewi is "perfect" gepositioneerd om zo marktaandeel te winnen, aldus de analisten.

    De bank ziet de berichtgeving van vanochtend als een bevestiging van zijn positieve oordeel over Renewi. De vooruitzichten voor het lopende boekjaar zijn volgens Degroof ook positief.

    Degroof herhaalde dinsdag het koopadvies voor Renewi met een koersdoel van 12,10 euro. Het aandeel stijgt dinsdag 5,6 procent naar 8,24 euro.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  12. forum rang 7 DeWalt 24 mei 2022 11:11
    Stoppen dividend is wel een teken aan de wand. Komen er meer van dit soort dure overnames?
  13. adri67 24 mei 2022 11:42

    DeWalt schreef op 24 mei 2022 11:11:

    Stoppen dividend is wel een teken aan de wand. Komen er meer van dit soort dure overnames?
    Ze zijn niet gestopt met dividend. Hervatting van dividend wordt een jaar opgeschoven vanwege de overname. Ik ben er blij mee want ik denk dat er voor Renewi synergievoordelen te behalen zijn.
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 mei 2022 11:49

    adri67 schreef op 24 mei 2022 11:42:

    Ze zijn niet gestopt met dividend. Hervatting van dividend wordt een jaar opgeschoven vanwege de overname. Ik ben er blij mee want ik denk dat er voor Renewi synergievoordelen te behalen zijn.
    Ik weet wel zeker dat er grote synergievoordelen te behalen zijn met Paro.
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 24 mei 2022 11:53

    PARO levert een compleet pakket aan essentiële bouwstoffen. Daarin onderscheiden we primaire- en secundaire bouwstoffen.

    Primaire bouwstoffen

    Levering van zand & grind
    Compleet pakket voor toepassing
    GWW projecten

    Secundaire bouwstoffen

    Afkomstig uit onze eigen recycling van bouw-gerelateerde puinstromen

    Wij kunnen als eerste bedrijf in Nederland garanderen dat deze granulaten duurzaam geproduceerd zijn met bijgeleverd CSC Certificaat


    Al onze bouwstoffen worden geleverd vanuit onze eigen HUB in de Metropool Regio Amsterdam, zowel over de weg als via het water. Kijk hier voor al onze transportoplossingen.

    Wilt u een offerte, neem dan contact met ons op
  16. mmpm 24 mei 2022 15:53

    DeWalt schreef op 24 mei 2022 09:20:

    Au een veel te dure overname. Hogere (~50%) waardering betaald dan renewi zelf heeft. Dat is niet lekker.
    Dit is een broertje van AEX tracker in dit forum
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