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ArcelorMittal - Augustus 2022

244 Posts
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  1. Wollin 10 augustus 2022 17:09
    Prcs volgens plan 25. Helft eruit
    Nu weer terug naar 23 en weer cashen;-)
    Omhoog mag ook, voor die andere helft.
    Thx gotcha voor die prachtige voorspelling van jou
  2. UpandDown 10 augustus 2022 18:06

    Wollin schreef op 10 augustus 2022 17:09:

    Prcs volgens plan 25. Helft eruit
    Nu weer terug naar 23 en weer cashen;-)
    Omhoog mag ook, voor die andere helft.
    Thx gotcha voor die prachtige voorspelling van jou
    Goed bezig Wollin!!
  3. Dduck 11 augustus 2022 01:15

    UpandDown schreef op 10 augustus 2022 13:06:


    "nieuwe korte termijn longzitters"

    Dit klopt niet helemaal.
    Zeker wel.
    Stel je hebt cash.
    Je kunt dan long of short gaan, cq kopen of geleend verkopen
    Doe je zulks een of twee keer op een en dezelfde dag dan doe je transacties op een heel korte termijn.
    Vandaag op 24,24 gekocht en op 24,61 verkocht.
    Omdat ik het niet helemaal vertrouwde ben ik op die laatste prijs toch nog maar niet meteen short gegaan.
    Dat was maar goed ook. Dan had ik alle winst moeten inleveren.
    Nu morgen nieuwe kansen afwachten. Mijn ervaring is als wanneer AM even leuk gestegen is
    en daarna een beetje op zijn "nieuwe top" blijft hangen, dat dan het shorten weer interssant gaat worden.
    De short gaat doorgaans sneller dus je moet goed oppassen, bij de knoppen blijven zitten
    en niet voor de "volle winst" willen gaan.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 11 augustus 2022 06:21
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op woensdag 10 augustus 2022
    Views: 6.108

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn woensdag alle acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten. ING was met een winst van 2,3 procent de sterkste stijger. ArcelorMittal profiteerde woensdag met een winst van 0,1 procent het minst.

    Aegon (+1,2%)
    ArcelorMittal (+0,1%)
    ASML (+1,0%)
    ING Groep (+2,3%)
    Philips (+0,5%)
    RELX (+0,2%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (+0,4%)
    Unilever (+0,5%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0301

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 724,27 punten, zijn geëindigd op 727,93 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  5. forum rang 10 voda 11 augustus 2022 07:03
    *Thyssenkrupp nettowinst KW3 EUR76 mln
    *Thyssenkrupp omzet KW3 EUR10,95 mrd
    *Thyssenkrupp EBIT KW3 EUR305 mln
    *Thyssenkrupp EBITDA KW3 EUR953 mln
  6. forum rang 10 voda 11 augustus 2022 09:43
    Thyssenkrupp verlaagt outlook
    Geraakt door hogere rentes.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Thyssenkrupp heeft de winstverwachtingen voor 2022 verlaagd, vanwege de impact van de hogere rentes. Dit maakte het Duitse industriële conglomeraat donderdagochtend bekend met de vrijgave van cijfers.

    In het afgelopen kwartaal bedroeg de aangepaste EBIT 721 miljoen euro tegen 266 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. De omzet steeg met 26 procent tot krap 11 miljard euro. Analisten mikten op een aangepaste EBIT van 705,4 miljoen euro bij een omzet van 10,5 miljard euro.

    De volumes bij de Europese staalactiviteiten waren wel lager, door tekorten en een zwakkere vraag, terwijl de omzet en order intake juist aantrok door de hogere prijzen.

    Onder de streep bedroeg de winst 76 miljoen euro, beduidend minder dan de 125 miljoen euro een jaar eerder. De forse terugval in de winst had vooral te maken met afschrijvingen als gevolg van de scherpe rentestijging.

    Als gevolg verwacht Thyssenkrupp dit jaar een hoge driecijferige nettowinst te boeken, terwijl eerder nog een winst van minstens 1 miljard euro werd voorzien. De andere doelen voor dit jaar werden gehandhaafd, waaronder een aangepaste EBIT van minstens 2 miljard euro.

    De vrije kasstroom, voorafgaand aan fusies en overnames, zal nog steeds circa 500 miljoen euro negatief zijn. Voorafgaand aan de oorlog in Oekraïne mikte Thyssenkrupp op een positieve kasstroom dit jaar, na jaren van uitstroom.

    Door: ABM Financial News.

    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999
  7. forum rang 4 03har 11 augustus 2022 12:42
    World Export HRC Falls Below $600
    China up 5.6%; World Export, Western Europe and USA down 4.0%, 7.2% and 8.3%.
    SteelBenchmarkerTM Report #392

    ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NJ – The bi-monthly SteelBenchmarkerTM China HRB price for August 8th rallied up to $507 per tonne for the first time after going down for the past seven reports. The World Export HRB price fell further to $595 per tonne for the eighth consecutive time. The Western European HRB price continued its downward slide for the ninth time, by $61 per tonne (on a Euro basis, it was down €58) to $785 per tonne. The United States HRB price dropped down to $977 per tonne for the seventh consecutive time.

    In its three hundred ninety-second report, the SteelBenchmarkerTM released 10 steel products and 3 USA scrap prices. Of these, here are four benchmark prices for hot-rolled band August 08, 2022:

    USA – $977 per metric tonne (886 per net ton), FOB the mill – down $88 from $1,065 ($966 nt) two weeks ago, up $565 from the recent low of $412 ($374 nt) on Dec. 14, 2015 and up $548 from the low of $429 per tonne ($390 nt) on May 25, 2009. It is down $29 per tonne from the recent high of $1,006 ($912 nt) on Jul. 11, 2018. Also, it is down $226 from the previous record peak of $1,203 per tonne ($1,091 nt) on July 28, 2008 and down $1,166 (54.4%) from the record peak of $2,143 per tonne ($1,094 nt) on October 11, 2021.

    China – $507 per metric tonne, ex-works – up $27 from $480 two weeks ago, up $276 per tonne from the recent low of $231 on Dec. 14, 2015 and up $100 per tonne from the low of $407 per tonne on Oct. 12, 2009. It is down $130 per tonne from the recent high of $637 on Aug. 22, 2011. Also, it is down $226 from the previous record peak of $733 per tonne on July 14, 2008 and down $298 (37.0%) from the record peak of $805 per tonne on May 10, 2021.

    Western Europe - $785 (€846) per metric tonne, ex-works – down $61 (down €58) from $846 (€828) two weeks ago, up $439 (up €445) from the recent low of $346 (€325) on Nov. 23, 2015 and up $214 (up €389) from the low of $571 (€381) per tonne on Nov. 23, 2009. It is down $67 (up €165) per tonne from the recent high of $852 (€605) on Mar. 28, 2011. Also, it is down $419 (up €14) from the previous record peak of $1,204 (€756) per tonne on July 14, 2008. and down $765 (49.4%) (down €642) (45.5%) from the record peak of $1,550 (€1,412) per tonne on March 28, 2022.

    World Export Price – $595 per metric tonne, FOB the port of export – down $25 from $620 compared to two weeks ago, up $323 per tonne from the recent low of $272 on Feb. 8, 2016 and up $99 from the low of $496 per tonne on Nov. 9, 2009. It is down $178 per tonne from the recent high of $773 on Feb 14, 2011. Also, it is down $518 from the previous record peak of $1,113 per tonne on July 28, 2008 and down $680 (53.3%) from the record peak of $1,275 per tonne on April 11, 2022.
  8. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 11 augustus 2022 15:55

    Dollars per Metric Tonne -- Pct Change
    (net ton) [gross ton] {Euros}

    Region: USA, East of the Mississippi
    Hot-rolled band: 977 (886) -8%
    Cold-rolled coil: 1284 (1165) 2%
    Standard plate: 1975 (1792) -4%
    Shredded scrap*: 421 [428] -4%
    #1 Heavy melting scrap: 311 [316] -5%
    #1 Busheling scrap: 426 [433] -10%

    Region: Mainland China***
    Hot-rolled band: 507 6%
    Cold-rolled coil: 581 3%
    Rebar: 520 6%
    Standard plate: 536 2%

    Region: Western Europe
    Hot-rolled band: 785 {767} -7%

    Region: World Export Market
    Hot-rolled band: 595 -4%

    To receive SteelBenchmarker graphic and tabular price history, register as a "provider" at
    NOTES: E-mailed August 11, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to Non-Provider Receivers. The first price release was for April 10, 2006.
    If a product is not listed or a price is not indicated, fewer than ten (10) price inputs were received at this time.
    Prices are: USA -- FOB mill; Western Europe and China -- Ex-works; and World Export Market -- FOB port of export. For USA steel scrap -- delivered to the steel plant. *For shredded scrap the region is "for all but the West Coast".
    For product specifications go to
    *** SteelHome's non-steelbenchmarker derived average price for each product is the determinant of the Chinese ex-works benchmark price. It is published for comparative purposes.
  9. forum rang 6 christo1 11 augustus 2022 17:40
    The northwest European hot-rolled futures market continues to move into a steeper contango, as end users look to lock in forward prices which are low compared with their physical contract offers.

    October-December traded at €890/t and €885/t today on the CME Group's north European hot-rolled coil (HRC) contract, at huge premiums of €130.25/t and €125.25/t to the underlying Argus spot index, which was €759.75/t on Wednesday. A first-quarter/second-quarter spread also traded at €895/t and €910/t on Wednesday.

    The contango structure, where futures prices trade at a premium to spot, enables service centres to buy physical HRC at current spot levels and sell higher-priced forward paper to protect their margins.

    It also allows steelmakers to lock in prices that would be hard to achieve in today's physical market. As most service centres are preoccupied with managing their inventories during seasonally slower demand, it is highly unlikely they would pay €890/t or €885/t for HRC today. As a result, European mills are selling spot tonnes for August and September rolling around €750-760/t, and substantially below for large buyers in some instances. These sales have pulled the Argus index down by more than €53/t since 2 August.

    Asked if he would sell physical HRC for the first quarter at €895/t, one European steelmaker said "yes". Another said he would definitely go short on paper.

    Despite the spot market weakening in recent months, producers managed to secure rollovers for their July-December contracts, which are around €1,000/t, +/- €50/t, depending on the mill and buyer. They may well look for similar levels for January-June contracts next year, depending on spot market developments, meaning the forward curve could still look attractive.

    Arcelormittal smeedt het ijzer nu het nog heet is met de share buy back en acquisities, volgend jaar zal het een stuk minder zijn maar ik denk wel dat de volumes van staal naar de automotive vanaf het huidig kwartaal opwaarts is, op mijn werk is het momenteel volle productie.

    Het zou reeds een prestatie zijn mocht arcelormittal zal slagen voor H1 2023 : 1000 $/ton verkrijgen als de huidige spot rond 800 $/ton is.

    They may well look for similar levels for January-June contracts next year, depending on spot market developments,
  10. gerard45 11 augustus 2022 21:06
    eind van de dag was er toch weer iets van een opleving in de koers van am, normaal wordt naarmate de dag vordert het drama arcelor mittal groter. maar vandaag dus niet, misschien toch de aandelen inkoop

    maar even grofweg.... vorige week kochten ze 6 miljoen aandelen in .. laten we zeggen een miljoen per dag, het dagvolume vandaag is 2.8 miljoen, een derde is al voor de inkoop bestemd.... dan toch best triest dat de koers maar niet omhoog wil, toch eigenlijk teleurstellend resultaat

    oke voda.... geef je reachtie,,,,, de rest mag ook reageren
  11. Dduck 11 augustus 2022 23:47

    gerard45 schreef op 11 augustus 2022 21:06:

    eind van de dag was er toch weer iets van een opleving in de koers van am, normaal wordt naarmate de dag vordert het drama arcelor mittal groter. maar vandaag dus niet, misschien toch de aandelen inkoop

    maar even grofweg.... vorige week kochten ze 6 miljoen aandelen in .. laten we zeggen een miljoen per dag, het dagvolume vandaag is 2.8 miljoen, een derde is al voor de inkoop bestemd.... dan toch best triest dat de koers maar niet omhoog wil, toch eigenlijk teleurstellend resultaat

    oke voda.... geef je reachtie,,,,, de rest mag ook reageren
    Eind van de dag een opleving na een mooie start in de US.
    Maar in US dachten ze daar later anders over.
    Mittal tikte daar zelfs even de 24.50 aan.
    Zolang de eigen aandeleninkoop nog stevig doorgaat en het dividend laag blijft
    maak ik mij geen illusies. Dat wordt wel anders als die hindernissen opgeruimd zijn.
    Maar nu is het uitstekennd voor de daghandel.
    Morgen door de 24,50 zakken geeft weer leuke mogelikheden
  12. forum rang 10 voda 12 augustus 2022 06:36
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op donderdag 11 augustus 2022
    Views: 6.562

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn donderdag drie van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten, waaronder ING en Philips.

    Aegon (+0,63%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,89%)
    ASML (-0,65%)
    ING Groep (+2,69%)
    Philips (+0,02%)
    RELX (-0,29%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (-0,07%)
    Unilever (-0,35%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0315

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 725,79 punten, zijn geëindigd op 727,10 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  13. forum rang 10 voda 12 augustus 2022 06:58
    Primetals Orders ArcelorMittal Dunkirk Converters to Duro Felguera

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    11 Aug, 2022, 7:51 am

    Spanish technology provider Duro Felguera has received an order from Primetals Technologies to manufacture two new converters for ArcelorMittal’s Dunkirk plant in France. The converters are planned to be installed in 2023... Duro Felguera will construct and test the equipment at its plants in Gijon, Spain.

    Duro Felguera Calderería Pesada will be in charge of the complete manufacturing, testing, workshop adjustment and FOB delivery of the equipment. The work will be carried out throughout 2022 and 2023.

    Converters are metallurgical vessels used in steel mills to reduce the carbon content of the hot metal and transform it into crude steel. They are made of temperature resistant materials and can weigh more than 500 tonnes. The ones that Duro Felguera is going to build for the Dunkerque steelworks are among the largest in the world.
  14. Dduck 12 augustus 2022 12:50

    Dduck schreef op 11 augustus 2022 23:47:


    Eind van de dag een opleving na een mooie start in de US.
    Maar in US dachten ze daar later anders over.
    Mittal tikte daar zelfs even de 24.50 aan.
    Zolang de eigen aandeleninkoop nog stevig doorgaat en het dividend laag blijft
    maak ik mij geen illusies. Dat wordt wel anders als die hindernissen opgeruimd zijn.
    Maar nu is het uitstekennd voor de daghandel.
    Morgen door de 24,50 zakken geeft weer leuke mogelikheden
    Gaat dus nu aardig die kant op.
    Fijne dag.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 12 augustus 2022 13:19
    ArcelorMittal S.A. 2022 Q2 - Results - Earnings Call Presentation

    Aug. 10, 2022 4:15 AM ET ArcelorMittal S.A. (MT), AMSYF, MTCN 1 Like
    The following slide deck was published by ArcelorMittal S.A. in conjunction with their 2022 Q2 earnings call.

    Voor meer, zie de link:
  16. forum rang 10 voda 12 augustus 2022 13:21
    ArcelorMittal S.A.'s (MT) CEO Aditya Mittal on Q2 2022 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

    Jul. 28, 2022 4:30 PM ETArcelorMittal S.A. (MT), AMSYF, MTCN2 Likes
    Q2: 2022-07-28 Earnings Summary
    EPS of $4.24 beats by $0.34 | Revenue of $22.14B (14.47% Y/Y) beats by $393.35M
    ArcelorMittal S.A. (NYSE:MT) Q2 2022 Earnings Conference Call July 28, 2022 9:30 AM ET

    Company Participants

    Daniel Fairclough – Investor Relations

    Aditya Mittal – Chief Executive Officer

    Genuino Christino – Chief Financial Officer

    Conference Call Participants

    Alain Gabriel – Morgan Stanley

    Tom Zhang – Barclays

    Alan Spence – Jefferies

    Patrick Mann – Bank of America

    Rochus Brauneiser – Kepler

    Nina Dergunova – Goldman Sachs

    Andrew Jones – UBS

    Myles Allsop – UBS

    Phil Gibbs – KeyBanc

    Grant Sporre – Bloomberg Intelligence

    Daniel Fairclough

    Welcome to ArcelorMittal's Second Quarter and First Half 2022 Analyst and Investor Call. This is Daniel Fairclough from the ArcelorMittal Investor Relations team. I'm joined on this call by our CEO, Aditya Mittal; and our CFO, Genuino Christino.

    Before I hand over to Aditya, I would like to mention a few housekeeping items. Firstly, I want to refer everyone to the disclaimers on Slide 2 of the results presentation that we published on our website this morning. I'd also like to remind everybody that this call is being recorded and is scheduled to last up to 45 minutes. [Operator Instructions]

    And with that, I would like to hand over to Aditya for some opening remarks.

    Aditya Mittal

    Thank you, Daniel. Good afternoon and good morning, everyone, and welcome to today's call. As you have read, we have reported very strong results for the first six months of the year, $8 billion net income and earnings per share of approximately $8.5. These numbers reflect the hard work and commitment of everyone at ArcelorMittal. Together, we are taking big steps to strengthen, grow and develop our business to position ArcelorMittal for its future as a leader in the decarbonized world.

    With this in mind, I'd like to update you on the acquisition of the Texas HBI plant we announced in April. The acquisition is now complete. The plant is achieving its rated capacity for the first time. EBITDA is run rating at $200 million, giving us confidence in our normalized projections of $130 million. The plant is very strategic for us for two reasons: First, it will provide a source of low-carbon high-quality metallics from a region that offers highly competitive energy and ultimately, competitive hydrogen. Secondly, this plant will supply the EF capacity we're building at Calvert and is a key component of our 12 million ton low CO2 highest-quality NAFTA sheet franchise.

    Our agreed acquisition of CSP in Brazil is similarly exciting. It's a world-class, well-invested modern facility connected to a deepwater port, plus we have important synergies. CSP is also an asset with fantastic potential. Like Texas for the U.S., the state of Serra in Northeastern Brazil is a focus for the development of renewable power and hydrogen in Brazil. It gets the most sun and has plentiful wind, both on and offshore. Massive investment has been committed to this region. So looking forward, I see real potential for CSP to be a globally competitive, low CO2 steelmaking hub.

    Just like AMNS India, I expect we will look back on the acquisition of Texas HBI and CSP very positively. They represent major milestone in ArcelorMittal's strategic development. Together, these acquisitions add $500 million to normalized EBITDA. This is in addition to our organic pipeline of approved projects that are expected to add $1.2 billion to normalized EBITDA. Lastly, while we're growing the business, we're also returning capital to shareholders. So far this year, we have generated $3.2 billion of free cash, 70% has been returned to shareholders and 30% invested in M&A. We're increasing the M&A commitment today, but this is balanced by our announcement to repurchase a further 60 million shares. This is the maximum amount under our existing authority. Our intention is clear. We will continue to return capital to shareholders whilst growing and developing our business.

    With that, we are ready to take your questions.

    Question-and-Answer Session

    A - Daniel Fairclough

    Thanks, Aditya. So we do have a queue of questions ready [Operator Instructions] And we will move to the first question, please, from Alain at Morgan Stanley. Please go ahead, Alain.

    Alain Gabriel

    Thanks, Daniel. Hi, everyone. I have two questions. The first one is on M&A. So clearly, you've bought this asset at around 7x normalized EBITDA, while your own stock is trading at less than 3x next year's numbers. Why did you choose to invest in an external asset instead of buying more of your own stock? And then especially that this increases your group's carbon footprint, I get it, it's a low carbon footprint, but nonetheless, it's still rated your carbon footprint. That's my first question. Thanks.

    Aditya Mittal

    Sure. So in terms of normalized EBITDA, I would be careful in comparing it to the headline transaction value. I think there are important benefits in the state of Serra. As you know, it's an economic free zone. There are significant NOLs that we have. The level of tax rate is much lower. It's a well-invested asset. So the maintenance CapEx going forward is significantly lower as well. And so I think when we look through this and when we look at what we can achieve as a company, we feel that there is significant value. It creates a lot of options for us. If you look at the steel shop, for example, it's really designed to do 6 million tons. And therefore, as we grow the capacity, the incremental CapEx would be much lower. It has a lot of interesting downstream options for our Brazilian business, whether it is on the long side or on the flat side. It's a growing market, and I spoke extensively about how the state, which it is located, and Serra is very, very exciting from a renewable perspective.

    Overall, our carbon – this fits into our carbon footprint. It fits into our climate action report. So as we decarbonize our global assets by 25%, and Europe, 30%. This asset fits into that strategy, does not have a markedly different CapEx intensity to the – carbon intensity to the average of our ArcelorMittal. In terms of our shares, look, we continue to highlight that our shares remain undervalued. We see tremendous value creation opportunity in them. We actually spent 70% of our free cash buying back our shares. I mean, since the start of the share buyback program, you can see the significant amount of shares that we have bought back. To put it into context, if you look at first half 2021 net income versus first half 2022 net income, net income increased by 28%, but EPS increased by 58%. We will continue to maintain that policy. We announced 60 million share buyback today, that's a maximum authorization level that we have. So we remain committed to buying back shares, returning capital to shareholders, as well as growing and developing the business.

    Voor veel meer, zie de link:
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