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Arcelor januari 2024

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  1. forum rang 4 03har 26 januari 2024 12:31
    December 2023 crude steel production
    World crude steel production for the 71 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 135.7 million tonnes (Mt) in December 2023, a 5.3% decrease compared to December 2022.

    Crude steel Crude steel production by region
    Africa produced 1.9 Mt in December 2023, up 17.7% on December 2022.
    Asia and Oceania produced 96.4 Mt, down 9.7%.
    The EU (27) produced 9.1 Mt, up 2.7%.
    Europe, Other produced 3.9 Mt, up 19.4%.
    The Middle East produced 4.9 Mt, up 9.6%.
    North America produced 9.3 Mt, up 5.3%.
    Russia & other CIS + Ukraine produced 7.1 Mt, up 11.8%.
    South America produced 3.2 Mt, down 3.2%.

    The 71 countries included in this table accounted for approximately 98% of total world crude steel production in 2022.
  2. forum rang 4 03har 26 januari 2024 15:50
    ArcelorMittal Spain to ensure energy efficiency with new boilers at Avilés
    Friday, 26 January 2024 16:07:30 (GMT+3) | Istanbul

    Spain-based energy services provider Edison Next has commissioned three steam boilers and a water treatment plant at ArcelorMittal Spain’s Avilés mill in order to help the company to increase energy efficiency and protect the environment.

    The investment will help ArcelorMittal Spain to optimize its production process, increase internal energy generation, cut carbon emissions and waste, and have a stable supply of steam necessary for its operations. Three new boilers, which a have steam production capacity of 25 net tons per hour, will also reduce fuel consumption since they utilize gases created as a by-product during steel production.

    “Initiatives like this represent a clear commitment to efficiency and sustainability. In addition, this will translate into an economic improvement for ArcelorMittal thanks to the optimization of fuel consumption, the reduction of operating costs and regulatory compliance,” Juan Carlos Sanjorge, northwest area regional manager at Edison Next, state.
    ArcelorMittal Spain plans to eliminate 4.8 million mt of carbon emissions within the next five years by building a new green hydrogen DRI unit at its Gijón mill, entailing an investment of €1 billion.
  3. gerard45 28 januari 2024 17:08
    een vraagje, stel trump wordt weer president, hoe goed is dit voor arcelor mittal

    de vorige keer dat die kwam was het drama
  4. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 29 januari 2024 08:43

    gerard45 schreef op 28 januari 2024 17:08:

    een vraagje, stel trump wordt weer president, hoe goed is dit voor arcelor mittal

    de vorige keer dat die kwam was het drama
    Ging de beurs toen juist niet flink omhoog?
  5. lefreaks 29 januari 2024 09:08
    Artikel van 29 oktober 2020:

    Trump en de beurs
    Maar belangrijker voor ons als belegger is, hoe reageerde de beurs op Trump? Zijn (onverwachte) overwinning zorgde voor een gemiddelde langdurige stijging van de aandelenmarkten. Beleggers ontvingen Trumps plannen voor belastingverlagingen, deregulering en infrastructuurontwikkeling voor bedrijven zeer positief.

    In het begin van het presidentschap van Trump stegen de bedrijfswinsten flink nadat Trump besloot om de belastingen voor bedrijven te verlagen. Hierdoor namen de bedrijfswinsten toe en beleggers voelden zich beloond door middel van dividenduitkeringen of aandeleninkoop van de bedrijven.

    Maar de handelsoorlog met China deed een deel van de winsten eind 2018 in rook opgaan. En toen het coronavirus begin dit jaar uitbrak, kwam er officieel een einde aan de bullmarkt.

    De S&P 500 – de meest bekende index van de VS – bereikte nog wel een recordhoogte op 19 februari 2020 en daalde vervolgens 34% in een maand tijd, toen het virus uitbrak, Amerika in lockdown ging en veel bedrijven (verplicht) hun deuren sloten.

    Sinds Trump president is heeft diezelfde S&P 500 in totaal een rendement behaald van 47%. Om dat in perspectief te zetten, onder Barack Obama steeg diezelfde S&P 500 in eenzelfde periode met 79%, onder Clinton 58%, onder Ronald Reagan 27% en onder George W. Bush daalde de index met 16%. Daarbij moet wel gezegd worden dat Bush te maken kreeg met de naweeën van het knappen van de internetbubbel en dat onder zijn bewind de aanslagen op 9/11 plaatsvonden. Beide waren enorme onverwachte gebeurtenissen (Zwarte zwanen) die zorgden voor een negatief koersverloop.

    De beurs in Nederland tijdens het presidentschap van Trump
    Het is nu 1.450 dagen geleden dat we verrast werden door een overwinning van Trump. Ook in Nederland. En ondanks dat Trump en zijn beleid geen directe invloed heeft op ons land, wordt ook onze economie en beurs door zijn handelen indirect beïnvloed. De koers van Nederlands’ bekendste graadmeter, de AEX, wordt namelijk ook bepaald door het beleid van buitenaf.

    Sinds dat Trump is gekozen tot president tot vandaag de dag is de AEX gestegen met ongeveer 27,5%. Als we dat vergelijken met het presidentschap van Obama, doet Trump het minder goed. In de tijd dat Obama aan de macht was steeg de AEX met ruim 56%.

    Hoe nu verder?
    Maanden nadat het coronavirus uitbrak worstelt het land nog steeds met het herstel. In de VS zijn bijna 9 miljoen gevallen van coronavirus vastgesteld en minstens 225.000 Amerikanen zijn overleden. Ondanks dat de meeste economische indicatoren zich ver onder hun niveau van voor corona bevinden, lijken de aandelenmarkten langzaam herstel te vertonen. Deze comeback wordt aangewakkerd door de enorme groei die Big Tech-bedrijven hebben doorgemaakt en mede door de lage rentetarieven. Bij een gebrek aan een goed alternatief wordt het geld veelal gebruikt om te beleggen in aandelen.

    Of Trump of Biden er volgende week met de winst vandoor gaat, het zullen roerige tijden blijven. Trump zal door blijven gaan met zijn ‘America First’ beleid waarbij hij zich tegen de rest van de wereld keert om er alles aan te doen om de eigen economie weer op gang te krijgen. Daarnaast blijft hij hameren op lagere belastingen en minder regels, wat over het algemeen goed is voor de beurs.

    Met Biden als president kunnen bedrijven die zich bezighouden met duurzame energie een boost verwachten, omdat Biden veel geld wil besteden om een duurzame toekomst te bewerkstelligen. Hoe de handelsoorlog met China zich gaat ontwikkelen is nog wel een onduidelijk punt. Net als Trump is Biden namelijk niet van plan om een eventuele escalatie uit de weg te gaan.

    Maar het is wel te verwachten dat Biden weer toenadering zoekt tot de rest van de wereld. Dit zorgt voor stabiliteit en gaat onzekerheid tegen. En als beleggers ergens niet van houden is het onzekerheid.
  6. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 29 januari 2024 10:29

    lefreaks schreef op 29 januari 2024 09:08:

    Artikel van 29 oktober 2020:

    Trump en de beurs
    Maar belangrijker voor ons als belegger is, hoe reageerde de beurs op Trump? Zijn (onverwachte) overwinning zorgde voor een gemiddelde langdurige stijging van de aandelenmarkten. Beleggers ontvingen Trumps plannen voor belastingverlagingen, deregulering en infrastructuurontwikkeling voor bedrijven zeer positief.

    Verkiezingen waren op 08/11/2016. 09/11 bleek dat Trump had gewonnen. Koers MT was op 07/11 € 18,82. Eind november € 21,42 en eind februari 2017 al € 25,46.

    Bewering van Gerard klopt dus niet.
  7. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 29 januari 2024 11:25
    Reporting of transactions in accordance with Market Abuse Regulation

    In accordance with Market Abuse Regulation, transactions relating to the 85 million shares buyback program are reported below:

    Over the period 22 January to 26 January 2024 a total of 1,125,019 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.0249. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 37.39% of its total target.

    NB! Ik denk dat 37,39% 37,56% moet zijn.
  8. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2024 18:09
    bericht van Hans:

    Green Metallurgy: ArcelorMittal Pave the Path to Sustainable Steel

    ArcelorMittal, Germany's last major steel manufacturer, is on the cusp of a transformative journey towards green steel, anticipating subsidies of around €1.2 billion, reports Handelsblatt. The funding, subject to ongoing discussions, signals a shift toward sustainable practices. Amid debates over the exact amount, the company is poised to receive at least €1 billion. This move aligns with the broader initiative, with Salzgitter and Thyssen-Krupp also securing subsidies, marking the beginning of a €7 billion transformation for the steel industry.
    In a monumental leap towards sustainable metallurgy, ArcelorMittal, Germany's final stronghold in major steel manufacturing, is on the brink of a profound transformation. The imminent approval of substantial subsidies, estimated to be between €1.0 to €1.2 billion, underscores a decisive move towards green steel production. This development, set to be sanctioned in the first quarter, reflects a strategic alignment with broader environmental goals, placing Arcelor-Mittal at the forefront of the steel industry's evolution.
    The ongoing negotiations surrounding the exact amount of subsidies exemplify the intricacies involved in such a transformative endeavor. With federal and state governments, alongside the EU Commission, deliberating over the funding details, discussions have been dynamic and multifaceted. Energy price projections and differing viewpoints between ArcelorMittal and Brussels on future market dynamics have added complexity to the deliberations. Nevertheless, amidst these debates, one certainty prevails – ArcelorMittal is poised to receive a substantial injection of at least €1 billion.
    The decision on funding is expected to materialize in the coming weeks, with Jürgen Kerner, the second chairman of the IG Metall union, confirming the intensive discussions with the EU competition authority. While the exact timeline remains undisclosed by the Federal Ministry of Economics, the momentum indicates that the process is proceeding at full speed.
    This transformative initiative is not isolated but part of a broader movement within the German steel industry. Salzgitter and Thyssen-Krupp have already secured subsidies, marking the initiation of a €7 billion investment in the industry's first stage of transformation. The German government's commitment to subsidizing the steel sector aligns not only with environmental objectives but also with the intention to retain added value within the national borders.
    The significance of this move extends beyond financial considerations. It embodies a commitment to reducing the environmental footprint of steel production. ArcelorMittal aims to drastically cut CO2emissions and achieve complete climate neutrality by 2050. As part of this ambitious plan, the company targets a 25% reduction in global emissions by 2030 and a 35% reduction in Europe.
    However, the subsidy approval is just one step in a more comprehensive journey. Challenges remain, particularly in securing a reliable supply of affordable green hydrogen and renewable energy. As the company emphasizes, these critical elements are yet to align fully to facilitate the pace of decarbonization envisaged.
    The transformation involves a shift in production methods, with the Hamburg steelworks already utilizing a direct reduction plant, albeit still running on natural gas. Plans are underway to transition to green hydrogen, reflecting a commitment to cleaner processes. Arcelor-Mittal envisions the construction of additional direct reduction plants, distinguishing itself from traditional blast furnaces by producing solid sponge iron instead of liquid pig iron.
    Beyond the environmental benefits, the subsidies also raise questions about the economic viability of such a comprehensive initiative. Skeptics argue that Germany could import steel more cost-effectively, especially as global competitors expand their production capacities. The USA and China, in particular, are aggressively boosting their steel output, presenting an alternative to substantial domestic investments.
    However, German policymakers have taken a deliberate stance to support the steel industry's transformation. The decision reflects a desire to preserve jobs, retain industrial capabilities, and promote sustainable practices. A study by the Bertelsmann Foundation indicates that keeping the steel industry in the country and facilitating its transformation could result in a significant added value of €220 billion.
    The complexity of the subsidy decision underscores the delicate balance between achieving environmental goals and ensuring economic feasibility. It also marks a paradigm shift in industrial policy, with a focus on supporting green initiatives and retaining the steel industry as a crucial component of Germany's economic landscape.
    As discussions unfold and decisions materialize, the steel sector's journey towards sustainability is poised for a transformative chapter. ArcelorMittal's pioneering steps serve as a beacon for the entire industry, setting new standards for environmentally conscious metallurgy. The outcomes of these deliberations will not only shape the future of Arcelor-Mittal but will also influence the trajectory of the broader steel industry in Germany.
    In conclusion, ArcelorMittal's pursuit of green steel, backed by substantial subsidies, signifies a significant step towards sustainable metallurgy. The company's commitment aligns with an industry-wide transformation, with the German government's substantial financial backing reflecting a strategic move to retain the steel industry's value within the country. As discussions unfold, the steel sector's journey toward sustainability appears poised for a transformative chapter.
  9. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2024 18:11
    Bericht van Hans:

    Symbiotic Steel: ArcelorMittal & Schneider's Green Alliance

    ArcelorMittal and Schneider Electric join forces in a groundbreaking collaboration in November 2023. The global steel leader, ArcelorMittal, will supply Schneider Electric with XCarb®, a renewably produced, recycled steel, for electrical cabinets. Manufactured at ArcelorMittal's Sestao facility in Spain, XCarb® significantly reduces CO2 emissions, contributing to a more sustainable future. Schneider Electric plans to utilize this eco-friendly steel in the construction of PanelSeT SFN storages, emphasizing their commitment to low-carbon practices.
    In a significant stride towards sustainability, ArcelorMittal, a prominent name in the steel and mining industry, and Schneider Electric, a leader in energy management and automation, unveil a pioneering collaboration. The partnership revolves around ArcelorMittal supplying Schneider Electric with XCarb®, a recycled and renewably produced steel, for the creation of eco-friendly electrical cabinets.
    XCarb®, crafted at ArcelorMittal's cutting-edge facility in Sestao, Spain, is a testament to innovation in the steel industry. Produced in an electric arc furnace powered entirely by renewable electricity, this steel boasts a very high proportion of recycled content. The result? CO2 emissions slashed by approximately 70% compared to traditional steel production methods.
    Schneider Electric, a company deeply committed to sustainability, plans to incorporate XCarb® in the manufacturing of PanelSeT SFN storages. These storage units play a crucial role in safeguarding large electrical panels for industrial automation, power distribution, and electronics applications. The enclosures, designed for robust performance in challenging environments, feature XCarb® steel coated with Magnelis®, ensuring high corrosion protection.
    The collaboration emerges as a result of months of joint efforts and technical collaboration between ArcelorMittal's Steel Service Centre in Europe and Schneider Electric. The focus was on identifying the right steel grade and coating for the project, emphasizing the meticulous approach taken to align sustainability goals.
    Schneider Electric, with sustainability at its core, has been proactively moving towards low-carbon practices. This aligns with their recent announcement about a new roll forming workshop in Alsace, France, dedicated to preparing parts for low-carbon steel enclosures. The steel for these enclosures is sourced from ArcelorMittal Steel Services' Central Europe division.
    Olga Garcia, Vice President of Schneider Electric's Industrial Automation division, emphasizes the power of partnerships in achieving zero carbon emissions. Cédric Bouzar, CEO of ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions, expresses pride in the collaboration, lauding Schneider Electric's leadership in sustainability.
    The alliance between ArcelorMittal and Schneider Electric marks a pivotal moment in sustainable industrial practices. The utilization of XCarb®, a recycled and renewably produced steel, in Schneider Electric's PanelSeT SFN storages highlights a joint commitment to reducing CO2 emissions. As both companies forge ahead in their sustainability endeavors, this collaboration stands as a testament to the transformative power of partnerships in shaping a greener, more eco-conscious future.
  10. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2024 18:13
    Bericht van Hans:

    Electrifying Progress: ArcelorMittal's Green Fleet Initiative

    ArcelorMittal Sagunto secures a €22,800 grant from the European Union for the second phase of its vehicle fleet electrification project. The funding, allocated from the NextGenerationEU Fund under the Recovery Plan, supports the acquisition of Opel e-Corsa and e-Combo Life Electric vehicles. This move aligns with the MOVES III Vehicles Valencian Community Programme, showcasing the company's commitment to efficient and sustainable mobility.
    In a significant stride towards sustainability, ArcelorMittal Sagunto proudly announces its receipt of a €22,800 grant from the European Union. This funding, designated for the second phase of the company's ambitious vehicle fleet electrification project, underscores ArcelorMittal's commitment to green mobility and environmental responsibility.
    The grant, sourced from the NextGenerationEU Fund as part of the Recovery Plan, specifically supports the acquisition of Opel e-Corsa and e-Combo Life Electric vehicles. This strategic move falls within the framework of the MOVES III Vehicles Valencian Community Programme, an initiative by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. The program is managed by the Valencian Institute of Business Competitiveness (IVACE) and aims to incentivize efficient and sustainable mobility practices.
    Currently, ArcelorMittal Sagunto's electric vehicle fleet comprises the recently acquired 10 units, complementing the nine AMI models introduced in 2022. These vehicles serve not only the production departments but also personnel requiring transportation within the plant. This comprehensive approach aligns with the company's broader commitment to sustainability, demonstrated through initiatives like the Energy Management System with ISO 50001 certification and adherence to ResponsibleSteelTM and ISO 14001 standards.
    The impact of this electrification initiative is anticipated to be substantial, with projections indicating a reduction of up to 10 metric tons of direct CO2 emissions from corporate vehicle traffic within a year. While this figure may seem modest in the context of overall plant energy consumption, it signifies a tangible commitment to decarbonization and aligns with global efforts towards a greener future.
    In conclusion, ArcelorMittal Sagunto's ongoing efforts in electrifying its vehicle fleet showcase a pioneering approach to sustainable mobility. The integration of electric vehicles, supported by EU funding, not only aligns with environmental goals but also positions the company as a leader in responsible corporate practices. As the fleet expands, the reduction in carbon emissions highlights a tangible step towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.
  11. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2024 18:14
    Bericht van Hans

    EcoSteam Revolution: Boosts ArcelorMittal's Energy Efficiency

    Edison Next, a Spain-based energy services provider, completes a pivotal project commissioning three steam boilers and a water treatment plant at ArcelorMittal Spain's Aviles mill. This strategic investment aims to enhance energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and streamline production processes. The utilization of by-product gases from steel production in the boilers not only optimizes fuel consumption but also aligns with ArcelorMittal's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
    In a groundbreaking move towards sustainability, Edison Next, an energy services provider based in Spain, has successfully commissioned three steam boilers and a water treatment plant at ArcelorMittal Spain's Aviles mill. This strategic initiative marks a significant step in enhancing energy efficiency, reducing carbon emissions, and bolstering the overall environmental sustainability of ArcelorMittal's operations.
    The investment's primary objective is to optimize the production processes at ArcelorMittal Spain, fostering internal energy generation and ensuring a stable supply of steam crucial for mill operations. The three newly installed boilers, boasting a steam production capacity of 25 metric tons per hour, play a dual role by not only meeting operational needs but also contributing to a reduction in fuel consumption. This reduction is achieved through the utilization of gases generated as by-products during the steel production process, showcasing a holistic approach to resource optimization.
    Juan Carlos Sanjorge, the northwest area regional manager at Edison Next, emphasizes the profound impact of such initiatives on efficiency, sustainability, and economic improvement for ArcelorMittal. The optimization of fuel consumption, reduction in operating costs, and adherence to regulatory standards are key benefits that align with the company's commitment to responsible corporate practices.
    In conclusion, Edison Next's successful commissioning of steam boilers at ArcelorMittal Spain signifies a transformative shift towards environmental responsibility and energy efficiency. The utilization of by-product gases not only contributes to a sustainable energy mix but also positions ArcelorMittal as a leader in embracing innovative solutions for reducing carbon footprint. This initiative serves as a testament to the intersection of economic progress and environmental stewardship, setting the stage for a greener and more sustainable tomorrow.
  12. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2024 18:15
    Bericht van Hans:

    ArcelorMittal SA's Dilemma Threatens Steel Industry Survival

    The South African steel industry faces a perilous moment as ArcelorMittal contemplates shutting down its long steel plants. The downstream sector, heavily reliant on ArcelorMittal, urges immediate government and company intervention to overcome market challenges and policy constraints threatening thousands of jobs and millions in revenue. The company cites low market demand, logistical hurdles, and uncompetitive policies as reasons for the potential closure., reports IOL\
    In a critical juncture for the South African steel industry, the looming threat of ArcelorMittal's long steel plant closures has spurred urgent calls for intervention. Facing challenges of low market demand and external constraints beyond its control, ArcelorMittal announced its intent to wind down the long steel business in November. The downstream steel industry, encompassing construction, automotive, mining, and various others, convened in a crisis meeting to strategize and prevent the imminent closure of vital plants.
    The downstream operations, constituting a crucial part of South Africa's steel supply chain, are a linchpin for numerous industries. According to estimates from the Steel and Engineering Industries of Southern Africa (SEIFSA), these operations provide direct employment to approximately 270,000 people, accounting for 90% of the total local steel industry employment.
    At a summit featuring over 20 industry associations, ArcelorMittal CEO Kobus Verster reiterated the company's plea for a level playing field. He emphasized the need for equal tariffs on energy and transport, along with the removal of policy interventions favoring local scrap-based mini mills, which currently enjoy an unfair advantage.
    A key factor contributing to the industry's challenges is the significant over-capacity in local long steel production. With a local demand of only 1.25 million metric tons against a capacity of 4.25 million metric tons, the sector faces imbalance. Mini mills, supported by government funding and exclusively using scrap steel, add to the complexity. The formal downstream industries can only absorb a limited quantity of mini mills' output, impacting the broader market dynamics.
    Currently, ArcelorMittal's Newcastle blast furnace is the sole local mill producing long steel from iron ore, with the Vereeniging electric arc furnace idled temporarily. The closure of ArcelorMittal's plants could lead to severe shortages, affecting downstream plants and potentially causing closures in industries heavily reliant on long steel.
    The imminent closure of ArcelorMittal's long steel plants poses a severe threat to South Africa's steel industry. With downstream operations at risk, the potential fallout includes immediate production stoppages, impacting various dependent sub-industries. The automotive industry, a major consumer of ArcelorMittal's long products, could face setbacks in localization programs, job losses, and disruptions in assembly line production. The ripple effect may result in substantial job losses and economic losses for the country. Urgent action is imperative to navigate this critical crossroads and safeguard the future of the South African steel sector.
  13. forum rang 4 03har 30 januari 2024 12:45
    Hoezo dumpt China staal….!

    Russian slab cargo sinks off coast of China
    Tuesday, 30 January 2024 14:18:45 (GMT+3) | Istanbul

    Last week, a bulk carrier named Omega, which was transporting 50,000 mt of Russian slabs, was damaged and sunk off after a collision with another vessel, Mirabella, which was shipping Iranian pellets. The accident happened on January 23,15 km northeast of Jigu Reef, outside of the Yangtze Estuary.
  14. forum rang 4 03har 31 januari 2024 17:57
    FLASH: Acciaierie d'ltalia shuts down another BF at Taranto plant

    Source: Mysteel Jan 31, 2024 08:30

    Acciaierie d'Italia, the largest steel group in Italy, has closed one more blast furnace (BF No.2) at its Taranto plant recently, according to an interview with Mr. Rocco Palombella, the general secretary of the Italian trade union (UILM) on January 28.
    The only functioning blast furnace at the plant is BF No.4, with BF No.1 having been shut down last August, according to Palombella. As a result, the plant's steel production capacity has been reduced to around 1 million tonnes/year versus around 3 million t/y a few months ago and more than 8 million t/y in 2012, and
  15. gerard45 31 januari 2024 19:04

    Boonty schreef op 31 januari 2024 13:38:

    Is er een verklaring voor de recente stijging van het aandeel?
    ik kan niks anders verzinnen dan dat het te maken heeft met het buyback program

    wat gaat er dan met de koers gebeuren als dat ooit ophoud? zorgwekkende zaak
  16. forum rang 4 03har 1 februari 2024 08:19
    Acciaierie d’Italia in tribunale: “Non siamo insolventi. No al commissariamento”

    Niet insolventi !
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