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Arcelor Februari 2024

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  1. gerard45 18 februari 2024 21:48
    ik zit even de kosten van mijn broker te bekijken............die is behoorlijk duur. wie zit waar en hoe bevalt dat.
    de giro? lynx? saxo? etc
  2. forum rang 4 03har 18 februari 2024 23:09
    Giro 3 euro per handeling /transactie (Amsterdam)
    Geen bewaar of andere kosten.

  3. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2024 07:01
    Unheeded Cry: Crisis in Transport at Acciaierie d’Italia

    An urgent plea highlights the crisis facing transport companies in Italy, exacerbated by unpaid credits from Acciaierie d’Itali. The situation, affecting regions nationwide, demands immediate intervention to prevent further closures and disputes. Transparency, fairness, and economic support are urged to address the pressing issue and ensure the stability of the transport sector, reports Breaking Latest News.


    The transport industry in Italy is facing a dire situation as unpaid credits from Acciaierie d’Italia SpA continue to mount, sparking concerns of widespread closures and disputes. Despite alarms raised last October, the issue remains unresolved, casting a shadow over companies nationwide.

    The crisis, with ramifications from Marghera to Paderno, underscores the urgent need for intervention at both national and regional levels. Companies across North and South Italy have diligently supported Acciaierie d’Italia SpA, only to find themselves burdened with millions of euros in outstanding payments.

    Of particular concern are reports from the Taranto plant, where payments seem to favor a select few companies, disregarding principles of fairness and equity. Such practices breed resentment and threaten the livelihoods of countless transport service providers.

    A collective plea is issued to all stakeholders, urging a sense of responsibility and collaboration to avert a repeat of past crises, such as those witnessed with the former Ilva. Immediate economic intervention is sought to alleviate the financial strain on transport companies grappling with an unprecedented crisis.

    The call for action extends beyond short-term remedies, emphasizing the need for ongoing dialogue and transparency in industrial relations. Establishing a permanent discussion forum with representative organizations is advocated to uphold fairness and accountability in future dealings.

    Transparency and fairness are paramount in addressing the longstanding challenges faced by transport service suppliers. As the situation escalates, decisive measures are needed to restore stability and ensure the industry's resilience in the face of adversity.

    The transport crisis in Italy demands swift and decisive action to safeguard the interests of affected companies and workers. Urgent intervention, including economic support and transparent dialogue, is essential to prevent further closures and disputes. By prioritizing fairness and collaboration, stakeholders can navigate through the crisis and pave the way for a more stable and sustainable transport sector.

    Bron Steelguru, (via email)
  4. forum rang 10 voda 19 februari 2024 07:02

    03har schreef op 18 februari 2024 23:09:

    Giro 3 euro per handeling /transactie (Amsterdam)
    Geen bewaar of andere kosten.

    Wellicht heb je deze kleine post van DeGiro (€2,50) over het hoofd gezien Har?
  5. forum rang 4 03har 19 februari 2024 11:28
    Over the period 12 February to 16 February 2024 a total of 909,203 shares were bought at a weighted average price of EUR 25.7382. The detailed statement of this purchase is available at the following link: PDF. Thereby, the Company achieved 40.81% of its total target.
  6. forum rang 4 03har 19 februari 2024 21:34
    Ondertussen in Italia.

    Invitalia heeft de regering vrijdag gevraagd om een beroep te doen op de buitengewone administratie van Acciaierie d'Italia.
    De komst van deze commissie is nu na een gerechtelijke uitspraak vrijwel zeker.
    Direct na de verklaring van Invitalia liet Arcelor weten dat ze al een bijzondere bescherming had aangevraagd (ze was hierop al voorbereid) voor de moeder en de dochterondernemingen.
    Dit zijn onder anderen de bedrijven Acciaierie d'Italia Spa, AdI Energia Srl, AdI Servizi Marittimi Srl en AdI Tubiforma Srl.
    Met deze procedure die nog eens 60-120 dagen duurt heeft AdI enige onderhandel tijd om de buitengewone administratie/faillissement te voorkomen.

    Zo zou ArcelorMittal kunnen besluiten zijn aandeel over te dragen aan andere kopers omde joint venture te ontbinden.
    Er zou interesse zou zijn geweest van externe kopers, zoals die van de Oekraïense tycoon Rinat Akhmetov (Metinvest). Metinvest bezat o.a. de kapot gevochten fabrieken Ilyich Steel and Azovstal in Mariupol.
    Metinvest is reeds actief in Italia. Ook JSW toont belangstelling.

    Arcelor kiest dus duidelijk niet voor de gemakkelijkste weg, uitkopen door de overheid.
    Dit werd op de beurs teleurstellend ontvangen, morgen doet ook Amerika weer mee, mogelijk is die positiever gestemd.

  7. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2024 10:31
    Enduring Pipes Collaboration: Merkt & ArcelorMittal

    For decades, Merkt and ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Altensteig have partnered closely, with ArcelorMittal supplying 1,200 to 1,500 metric tons of pipes annually. These pipes, crucial for high-quality office furniture, undergo meticulous processing in Spaichingen, reflecting a commitment to quality and sustainability.


    The enduring partnership between Merkt and ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Altensteig spans generations, characterized by mutual trust and collaboration. ArcelorMittal's provision of 1,200 to 1,500 metric tons of pipes annually underscores the reliability and consistency of this relationship.

    These pipes serve as essential components for manufacturing high-quality office furniture, embodying precision and durability. In Spaichingen, Baden-Württemberg, these raw materials undergo meticulous processing, transforming into platform parts destined for various applications, including height-adjustable desks.

    Central to this collaboration is the stringent quality requirements upheld by both parties. Impeccable surface finishes devoid of scratches or defects ensure the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the final products. This meticulous attention to detail extends to every stage, ensuring seamless integration into the manufacturing process.

    The commitment to sustainability echoes throughout Merkt's operations, with proximity playing a pivotal role. The mere 90 kilometres between Spaichingen and Altensteig not only reduce transportation costs but also minimize carbon emissions, aligning with environmental stewardship principles.

    Beyond the logistical advantages, this close proximity facilitates effective communication and collaboration, fostering agility and responsiveness to evolving market demands. Such synergy enables both companies to adapt swiftly to changing customer needs while maintaining the highest standards of quality and service.

    Moreover, the emphasis on sustainability extends beyond transportation, encompassing every aspect of the production process. By prioritizing local sourcing and efficient manufacturing practices, Merkt and ArcelorMittal demonstrate a shared commitment to environmental responsibility.

    The enduring partnership between Merkt and ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Altensteig exemplifies the synergy between tradition and innovation. Through decades of collaboration, these companies have not only upheld the highest standards of quality and reliability but also embraced sustainability as a guiding principle. As they continue to navigate the dynamic landscape of the furniture industry, their shared commitment to excellence ensures a bright and prosperous future.

    Bron Steelguru (via email)
  8. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2024 10:31
    Innovative Rail Solutions Enhance Steel Quality

    ArcelorMittal Poland invests over 200 million zl in research and development projects aimed at enhancing rail innovation, resulting in robust, high-performance rails with superior qualities. The project, subsidized by the National Center for Research and Development, yields rails that exceed European standards, meeting evolving railway demands for durability and safety.


    In a strategic initiative to revolutionize rail production, ArcelorMittal Poland allocates substantial funds towards research and development endeavors, surpassing 200 million zl. These initiatives focus on enhancing rail innovation, particularly in the realm of heat-treated rail processing, to deliver superior rail products meeting stringent industry standards.

    The cornerstone of this endeavor is the development of thermally processed rails, a project valued at over 105 million zl, funded in part by the National Center for Research and Development. This initiative, commenced in 2018, culminates in the creation of rails that not only meet but exceed European benchmarks for quality and performance.

    Sanjay Samaddar, President of ArcelorMittal Poland, highlights the burgeoning demand for heat-treated rails, necessitated by evolving industry requirements. The company's commitment to innovation drives the development of advanced rail solutions tailored to meet customer expectations and industry demands.

    Notably, the modernization of rail processing technology marks a significant milestone in the project's trajectory. Leveraging cutting-edge methodologies, ArcelorMittal Poland revitalizes rail production capabilities, ensuring alignment with the latest European and American standards for rail quality and durability.

    Wojciech Koszuta, CEO of ArcelorMittal Poland, underscores the transformative impact of these innovations on rail performance. Enhanced microstructural modifications achieved through heat treatment processes bolster rail hardness, augmenting resistance to wear and tear, and elevating safety standards in rail transport.

    Laboratory testing validates the efficacy of these innovations, with rails exhibiting exceptional resistance to fatigue and fracture, bolstering safety in railway operations. Dr. Sylwester Zak, leading the research and development team, emphasizes the pivotal role of these advancements in enhancing rail safety and performance.

    Currently, ArcelorMittal Poland's Dabrowa Górnicza facility spearheads commercial production of the first variant of heat-treated rails (R350HT), signaling a new era of rail excellence in response to evolving industry demands.

    ArcelorMittal Poland's steadfast commitment to research and development heralds a new era of innovation in rail production. By investing in cutting-edge technologies and processes, the company not only meets but exceeds industry standards, delivering rails of unparalleled quality and durability. As rail transport evolves, ArcelorMittal Poland remains at the forefront, driving advancements that redefine the benchmarks for safety and performance in the railway sector.

    Bron Steelguru (via email)
  9. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 20 februari 2024 11:18

    voda schreef op 16 februari 2024 11:16:

    Har en anderen, het lijkt erop dat de aandelen de versnipperaar ingaan:

    Jaarvergadering ArcelorMittal akkoord met voorstellen
    2 mei 2023 om 16:23

    De aandeelhouders van ArcelorMittal zijn akkoord gegaan met alle voorstellen, waaronder het dividend en de herbenoeming van bestuurders. Dat maakte het staalconcern dinsdag bekend na de jaarvergadering.

    Lakshmi Mittal, Aditya Mittal, Etienne Schneider en Patricia Barbizet werden herbenoemd als bestuurders voor drie jaar.

    Aandeelhouders gingen akkoord met het dividend van 0,44 dollar per aandeel en met het intrekken van ingekochte aandelen.
    Zo, terug van een paar dagen lekker weg.
    Als de aandelen worden ingetrokken worden ze 'vernietigd' en zijn ze niet meer beschikbaar om weer op de markt te komen met 'verwatering' als gevolg.
    Overigens is inkopen aandelen m.i. niet echt een middel dat wordt ingezet om bij slecht nieuws de koers te stutten. Het helpt maar meestal is inkoop een instrument om de bestaande aandeelhouders te belonen om zo de winst per aandeel te verhogen en daarmee het dividend per aandeel. Voorwaarde is dan wel dat er voldoende liquide middelen moeten zijn om dat te kunnen doen en dat is er dus blijkbaar. Overigens zit ik daar altijd dubbel in omdat naar mijn mening liquide middelen nog beter kunnen worden ingezet om winstgevend te investeren en juist via die weg de winsten en daarmee het dividend te verhogen. Blijkbaar is dat alternatief er dus helaas niet.
  10. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 20 februari 2024 11:34
    Uit het staaljournaal van afgelopen vrijdag:

    Acciaierie d'ltaIia
    De Italiaanse autoriteiten maken zich zorgen over de toekomst van de staalfabriek Acciaierie d'ltalia (ADI) in Taranto en benadrukken dat alle noodzakelijke maatregelen moeten worden genomen om de continuïteit van de productie te waarborgen. ADI heeft per 30 november 2023 een totale schuld van ruim € 3 miljard opgebouwd. De Italiaanse fabriek heeft omhuld dat het op dit moment en in de nabije toekomst niet in staat zal zijn om de productienniveaus die nodig zijn voor een normale winstgevendheid te verhogen of te handhaven. Het lijkt nu waarschijnlijk dat de fabriek failliet zal worden verklaard en onder buitengewoon bewind zal komen te staan. De ltaliaanse regering moet nog een plan presenteren over hoe ze om zal gaan met de aanzienlijke schuldenlast van het bedrijf.
    (Copyright: artikelen uit het StaalJournaal mogen enkel met duidelijke bronvermelding worden overgenomen.)
  11. forum rang 4 03har 20 februari 2024 11:38
    @mvliex, welkom terug.

    Vanochtend in het nieuws.
    Het wordt steeds verwarrender met ons aller Acciaierie d’Italia.
    Invitalia (minderheids aandeel in AdI) heeft namens AdI het verzoek tot bijzondere administratie ingediend. Arcelor/Lucia Morselli furieus en heeft een veto uitgesproken over info verstrekking vanuit het bedrijf. Zonder bedrijfs gegevens is het de overheid nagenoeg onmogelijk om een goede inzage te krijgen van de schuld/liquiditeit status. Arcelor is teleurgesteld in Invitalia om het verzoek tot bijzondere administratie zonder de raad van bestuur van AdI te informeren. Dit lijkt een beetje op een oorlog verklaring.
    Ondertussen lijkt Amerika, zoals ik al had verwacht, niet onder de indruk van de perikelen en de positie van Arcelor.
    Moody verhoogd zijn vooruitzichten van stabiel naar positief, lange termijn rating op Baa3

  12. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 20 februari 2024 11:39
    Van afgelopen week:


    Dollars per Metric Tonne -- Pct Change
    (net ton) [gross ton] {Euros}

    Region: USA, East of the Mississippi
    Hot-rolled band: 1093 (992) -4%
    Cold-rolled coil: 1242 (1127) 2%
    Standard plate: 1574 (1428) 1%
    Shredded scrap*: 445 [452] -1%
    #1 Heavy melting scrap: 366 [372] -2%
    #1 Busheling scrap: 475 [483] -1%

    Region: Mainland China***
    Hot-rolled band: 477 0%
    Cold-rolled coil: 563 0%
    Rebar: 463 0%
    Standard plate: 483 1%

    Region: Western Europe
    Hot-rolled band: 795 {736} -3%

    Region: World Export Market
    Hot-rolled band: 600 2%

    To receive SteelBenchmarker graphic and tabular price history, register as a "provider" at
    NOTES: E-mailed February 15, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. to Non-Provider Receivers. The first price release was for April 10, 2006.
    If a product is not listed or a price is not indicated, fewer than ten (10) price inputs were received at this time.
    Prices are: USA -- FOB mill; Western Europe and China -- Ex-works; and World Export Market -- FOB port of export. For USA steel scrap -- delivered to the steel plant. *For shredded scrap the region is "for all but the West Coast".
    For product specifications go to
    *** SteelHome's non-steelbenchmarker derived average price for each product is the determinant of the Chinese ex-works benchmark price. It is published for comparative purposes.
  13. lefreaks 20 februari 2024 16:21

    Brando schreef op 20 februari 2024 16:10:

    Nou. Ik merk weinig van het vertrouwen van de Yanks.
    Het ging dan ook om de vooruitzichten en niet over de dagkoers. ;-)
    De daling van gisteren en vandaag komt volgens mij door de fors dalende ertsprijzen:
  14. Brando 20 februari 2024 16:27
    Ah je hebt ook gelijk ;) Was even een stukje frustratie vanwege het te vroeg instappen na de daling van gisteren! Geduld!
  15. forum rang 7 mvliex 1 20 februari 2024 18:40

    Statement re Acciaierie d’Italia being placed into extraordinary administration
    20 February 2024, 17:30 CET
    Earlier today the Italian Government announced that it has placed Acciaierie d’Italia SpA (‘ADI’) into extraordinary administration subsequent to the request of Invitalia, thereby passing control of the company from its current shareholders, ArcelorMittal and Invitalia, to government appointed commissioners.
    This ends ArcelorMittal’s involvement in ADI, which started in 2018. Since that time, ArcelorMittal has been fully committed to the people and assets of ADI - then known as Ilva - investing over €2 billion. This very significant investment enabled ADI to complete an extensive €800 million environmental programme on time that ensured compliance with the Integrated Environmental Authorisation set out by the Italian government, as well as invest €1.2 billion in upgrading equipment at all sites. ADI also benefited from hundreds of millions of euros of credit through the provision of raw materials by ArcelorMittal.
    ArcelorMittal had been keen to address the significant discrepancy in capital investment into ADI by the two shareholders. In recent discussions ArcelorMittal put forward pragmatic proposals to address this while continuing the public-private partnership with Invitalia that was established in April 2021. When we were not able to agree on acceptable terms, we also offered to sell our shareholding in ADI to Invitalia. The discussions, despite ArcelorMittal’s best efforts, were not successful.
    Had ADI been able after April 2021 to access traditional debt financing and been able to raise the working capital required to fund its ongoing needs, rather than relying on equity injections from its shareholders as its sole source of capital, this situation could have been avoided. Unfortunately, the conditions precedent to allow ADI to convert its lease of the assets into a formal purchase – conditions that ADI has no control over, were originally set to be completed before May 2022, and subsequently extended to May 2024 - remain unmet today. ADI’s financial situation has been further impacted by the Italian Government delivering less than one-third of the €2 billion of support measures it offered to at the time the public-private partnership with Invitalia was established.
    An already complicated turnaround was made even more challenging by the instability caused by the temporary removal of criminal immunity applicable during the implementation period of the environmental investment programme, the demand environment during the Covid crisis and the energy crisis in Europe last year.
    For the people and communities of ADI, ArcelorMittal hopes that a future can be secured that will bring much needed stability.
    press release
  16. gerard45 20 februari 2024 21:13
    @mvliex, bedankt voor je post, al is het na beurs bekend

    dat de koers hier zo op reageert, het is toch ook al meegenomen in de cijfers

    als je het zo leest is het wel triest voor mittal, eigen publicatie natuurlijk
  17. forum rang 10 voda 21 februari 2024 06:29
    Beursupdate: AEX op Wall Street

    Door ABM Financial News op dinsdag 20 februari 2024
    Views: 5.863

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Op Wall Street zijn dinsdag drie van de acht AEX-genoteerde fondsen ten opzichte van het slot in Amsterdam hoger gesloten. ASML was met een winst van 0,5 procent de sterkste stijger. Aegon was met een verlies van 1,2 procent de sterkste daler.

    Aegon (-1,2%)
    ArcelorMittal (-0,3%)
    ASML (+0,5%)
    ING Groep (-0,2%)
    Philips (-0,2%)
    RELX (+0,3%)
    Royal Dutch Shell (+0,1%)
    Unilever (-0,3%)

    Euro/dollar: 1,0808

    Op basis van de bovenstaande koersuitslagen zou de AEX index, die sloot op 848,28 punten, zijn geëindigd op 847,45 punten.

    Bron: ABM Financial News
  18. forum rang 10 voda 21 februari 2024 07:00
    Sustainability Maestro Takes Helm at AM/NS India

    Dr. Arvind Bodhankar assumes the role of Chief Sustainability Officer at ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India. With vast experience in sustainability and risk management, he aims to steer AM/NS India towards decarbonization and environmental stewardship. The company targets a 20% reduction in emissions intensity by 2030 through various strategic initiatives.


    In a significant move, Dr. Arvind Bodhankar has been appointed as the Chief Sustainability Officer at ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India), a prominent joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Nippon Steel, global leaders in the steel industry. His appointment underscores the company's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

    With a distinguished background in sustainability and risk management, Dr. Bodhankar is poised to lead AM/NS India's sustainability agenda. He brings over three decades of experience in diverse manufacturing sectors, including petrochemicals, fertilizers, steel, cement, and automotive industries.

    Previously serving as the Executive Director - ESG & Chief Risk Officer at Dalmia Bharat Group, Dr. Bodhankar spearheaded various sustainability initiatives, ranging from renewable energy projects to circular economy practices and carbon capture endeavors. His expertise and leadership in sustainability will be instrumental in shaping AM/NS India's environmental strategy.

    Wim van Gerven, the Chief Operating Officer of AM/NS India, lauds Dr. Bodhankar's extensive experience and expertise, emphasizing his pivotal role in driving the company's sustainability agenda forward. Dr. Bodhankar's strategic vision aligns with AM/NS India's ambitious goals, including a 20% reduction in emissions intensity by 2030.

    AM/NS India's sustainability roadmap entails comprehensive actions across the entire value chain of steel production. This includes ramping up renewable energy sources to fulfill 100% of grid electricity needs, enhancing scrap steel recycling processes, and implementing cutting-edge technology to drive operational efficiencies.

    Through Dr. Bodhankar's leadership, AM/NS India is poised to make significant strides towards sustainability and environmental stewardship. His appointment heralds a new chapter in the company's journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.

    Dr. Arvind Bodhankar's appointment as Chief Sustainability Officer heralds a new era of environmental stewardship at AM/NS India. With his wealth of experience and strategic vision, the company is poised to accelerate its sustainability initiatives and achieve its ambitious targets. AM/NS India's commitment to reducing emissions intensity and embracing sustainable practices underscores its dedication to creating a greener future for generations to come.

    Bron Steelguru (via email)
  19. forum rang 10 voda 21 februari 2024 07:01
    ArcelorMittal's ADI Odyssey: A Turn for the Extraordinary

    The Italian Government's decision to place Acciaierie d’Italia into extraordinary administration marks the end of ArcelorMittal's involvement in ADI, despite significant investments totaling over €2 billion. ArcelorMittal's efforts to address capital investment discrepancies and propose pragmatic solutions were unsuccessful, highlighting the complex challenges faced by ADI.


    In a significant development, the Italian Government has announced the placement of Acciaierie d’Italia into extraordinary administration, effectively transferring control from ArcelorMittal and Invitalia to government-appointed commissioners.

    ArcelorMittal's journey with ADI began in 2018, marked by substantial investments exceeding €2 billion. These investments were directed towards critical environmental programs and equipment upgrades, reflecting ArcelorMittal's commitment to ADI's assets and workforce.

    Despite ArcelorMittal's substantial contributions, discussions to address capital investment disparities with Invitalia were unsuccessful. ArcelorMittal proposed pragmatic solutions and even offered to sell its shareholding in ADI, yet no agreement was reached.

    ADI's financial challenges were exacerbated by delays in meeting conditions precedent for formal asset purchase and inadequate support measures from the Italian Government, significantly impacting ADI's stability.

    The complexity of ADI's turnaround was further compounded by factors like the temporary removal of criminal immunity, the Covid crisis, and energy challenges in Europe, presenting formidable obstacles to ArcelorMittal's efforts.

    As ADI transitions into extraordinary administration, ArcelorMittal remains hopeful for the future of ADI's people and communities, emphasizing the need for stability and continuity amidst these challenging circumstances.

    ArcelorMittal's journey with ADI underscores the complexities inherent in industrial transformations and public-private partnerships. Despite substantial investments and earnest efforts to address challenges, the inability to reach consensus highlights the intricate dynamics at play. As ADI embarks on a new chapter under extraordinary administration, the hope for stability and prosperity remains paramount for all stakeholders involved.

    Bron Steelguru (via email)
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