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  1. forum rang 10 voda 27 juni 2014 14:03
    Indian solar power stocks see multi fold jump on hopes from Mr Modi govt

    PTI reported that companies with exposure to the solar power segment have seen a bull run since the beginning of this year, with stock prices jumping 3 and half times. They have gained on expectation that the Mr Modi government would implement the successful Gujarat solar-power model elsewhere, too.

    India had total installed solar-power capacity of 2208 MW as of January and 40% of this was in Gujarat and 28% in Rajasthan. Importantly, 860 MW of the installed capacity in Gujarat is part of the state scheme, under which the developer has to sign a power-purchase agreement with the state electricity board.

    Companies such as Indosolar, Websol, Moser Baer India and Vikram Solar had been facing a tough time after prices of solar parts such as solar cell and module dropped in international market due to overcapacity by Chinese players. To support companies like them, the government has made it compulsory for solar projects to source at least half their equipment from local manufactures.

    It would help the local industry only if banks become ready to support these companies, said Raveesh Budania of Headway Solar, a consultant on solar power. The following companies stand to benefit in case the government expands the solar power production programme.

    The Chennai-based company has the capacity to produce both crystalline and thin-fi lm silicon photovoltaic modules. Its Bangalore plant can produce 40 MW of solar PV modules. Its stock appreciated 132% since the start of this year, though its sales had seen a decline of 18.86% in the past three years.

    Company offers complete turnkey solutions. After handing over plants to developers, it provides maintenance services for 20 years. Ujaas manages maintenance of 105 MW solar plants belonging to other developers & 14 MW of its own.

    The company manufactures photovoltaic solar cell and modules in India and has a production facility at Falta, West Bengal. It has an installed capacity to produce 100 MW of solar modules. It recently set up a 50 MW plant in Rajasthan for IL&FS and Solar Direct France.

    Indosolar has one of largest PV cell facilities in India. It already has a production capacity for 200 MW and another 250 MW is under construction. It recently bagged 60 MW of order.

    It is engaged in low-iron solar glass production for application in solar power sector.

    Source - PTI
  2. forum rang 10 voda 15 juli 2014 15:43
    Welspun Energy to construct 50 MW solar project in Maharastra

    Welspun Energy Private Limited, one of India’s leading developer of renewable energy projects, will soon commence construction of its 50 MW solar project in Maharashtra.

    Honorable Mr Ajit Pawarji, Deputy CM of Maharashtra and one of India’s statesmen, today laid the foundation stone in Baramati in Pune district. The plant’s location is one of the most favorable locations in state for setting up a solar project.

    Esteemed Smt Supriya Sule accompanied by other illustrious Members of Parliament were also present at the momentous occasion.

    Mr Ajit Pawar said that “Addressing climate change while balancing development needs is a critical priority area. It is our obligation to focus on energy security as well as relook the way we have been using energy. We need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint and efficiently use energy sources. The government has been systematically working on its green energy agenda. Maharashtra has laid focus on solar and wind energy to secure energy access for the present as well as the future. The Baramati 50 MW solar project will be a major step in this direction and will certainly help to meet state’s green energy goals.”

    Mr Vineet Mittal MD of Welspun Energy Limited said that “Committed to energy security, we have been setting up solar power projects pan India. Moving forward we are expanding our commitment to support the illustrious state of Maharashtra in meeting its RPO obligations. This is the second project we have built in the state. Like our other projects across the state, we will be bringing our expertise in project development to this one as well. Best in class engineering practices and project management excellence contributes towards our success. We are committed to build this 50 MW project as the highest generating one in the country.”

    Welspun Energy is setting up the 50 MW project on a public-private partnership model with Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited (Mahagenco). The power producer will be fully responsible for part-finance, design, and commissioning of this grid interactive solar power. WEPL will invest 60% of project cost and will be entitled to get 62% share in revenue.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 15 juli 2014 15:50
    Anti-dumping duty on solar gear unlikely to reduce imports - Report

    Business Standard reported that in a setback to the government's bid to encourage domestic solar cell industry, solar power project developers have told the government that they would continue to import solar cells from different countries and would not source domestically, if an anti-dumping duty on solar gears is imposed.

    In May, the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping had recommended imposing high anti-dumping duty on solar imports coming from China, the US, Malaysia and Taiwan.

    To circumvent the anti-dumping duty, manufactures say they will now import from countries that don't attract the duty, such as Japan and South Korea, which manufacture "better quality solar cells" than Indian manufacturers.

    A senior official with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy said that "The power producers have conveyed that they have an option of buying solar cells from Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Canada, Germany, Italy and France, which cumulatively manufacture around 6,000MW to 8,000MW a year. Indian manufacturers don't have the capacity to meet the demand of the growing solar power production industry."

    According to the recent MNRE data, out of the installed manufacturing capacity of solar cells of 1,260MW, only 240 MW is operational, while India's annual demand is 3,000 MW. This is slated to go up with about 4,000 MW of solar power projects tendered recently across the country.

    According to the data shared by the solar power producers, the cost of Chinese solar cells is 58% to 61% per watt, which is set to go up to USD 1.20 per watt, once the anti-dumping duty is imposed. Indigenously-manufactured cells cost 44% to 48% per watt. Power producers say the cost of cells coming from Singapore, the US, Canada, Japan and European Union countries would cost between 75 and 90 cents.

    A senior executive of solar power production company said that "Even though they (imported solar cells) cost more, their quality is better. The whole issue being racked up by domestic manufacturers stands wasted then because the power producers would prefer imports as the domestic industry cannot meet their growing demand."

    However, the domestic manufacturers are of the view that the cost of solar power would remain at INR 7.5 a unit by 2020 if indigenous solar cells are used. The current cost of solar power in the country is the INR 6.5 to INR 8 a unit.

    Source – Business Standard
  4. forum rang 10 voda 21 juli 2014 14:33
    Solar power plant near TATA Steel Scunthorpe

    It is reported that plans have been announced for a sun powered renewable energy plant on the outskirts of Scunthorpe near the TATA Steel works.

    Raventhorpe Solar Park is proposed for the hamlet, near the A18.

    Developer Kinetica Solar intends to generate sufficient electricity to power 11,500 homes a year.

    The firm said that "It will have a low visual impact and make use of lower grade agricultural land with good access."

    Public exhibitions have been arranged.

    Meanwhile, the first will be held at Grange Farm Hobbies Centre, Scunthorpe, on Thursday, July 24th from 2pm to 7pm.

    Source -
  5. forum rang 10 voda 23 juli 2014 16:03
    US now has more solar workers than coal miners - Politifact

    According to Politifact, there are now more people working in the solar industry than there are coal miners.

    They said that the Solar Foundation, a nonprofit, which counted 142,698 employees in November of 2013 who spend "at least 50% of their time supporting solar-related activities."

    The foundation said that they made 74,000 phone calls and sent 11,000 emails to produce their workforce census.

    For coal, they reference a 2013 report from US Mine Safety and Health Administration saying there were 123,227 coal mining jobs in the US.

    Politifact added that for now, the workforce for the coal industry writ-large - those who work in transportation and maintenance, for instance - remains larger than for solar.

    Source – Business Insider
  6. forum rang 10 voda 23 juli 2014 21:40
    India Plans Large-Scale Floating Solar PV Plant

    National Hydro Power Corp. (NHPC) and the Renewable Energy College (REC) of Kolkata have partnered to develop a 50-MW floating solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in the Indian state of Kerala, according to a report in the Economic Times.

    The project would represent the largest floating solar PV plant in the world, dwarfing a 1.2-MW plant that came online in Japan last year.

    NHPC plans to deploy the plant on one of several large bodies of water in Kerala, said Gon Choudhury, chairman of the REC, which will provide technical and construction assistance with the project. The REC has developed floating solar PV technology over the past several years, and a 12-kW pilot project will begin operations later this year in Kolkata. The larger project is expected to cost around $70 million, according to the report.

    The impetus for developing floating solar PV over land-based plants stems from India’s solar power boom, which has seen prices for undeveloped land with good solar potential rise rapidly, in some cases undermining the economic viability of solar projects. In contrast, water-based plants would not face the same pressure because of much lower competition for potential sites.

    The technology is also simpler and offers greater yield than landed-based solar PV, according to the REC. The panels are mounted on floating platforms and are more resistant to overheating that can reduce solar PV output. The REC estimates that its technology can be deployed for about 15% less per megawatt than comparable land-based systems.

    Floating solar PV has drawn interest in recent years because of the potential synergies, with some developers claiming such systems could be as much as 50% more efficient than land-based solar. One interesting element of floating solar PV, according to its proponents, is that unlike other power technologies that can significantly challenge local water resources, floating solar can actually help preserve them by reducing evaporation during hot days in the summer. And, with developers like NHPC focusing on the use of reservoirs and waste treatment ponds, the environmental impact would likely be minimized.

    Though the long-term maintenance requirements and durability of floating solar PV is yet to be seen, initial results are promising: the system in Japan has thus far weathered three typhoons without significant damage.

    –Thomas W. Overton, JD is a POWER associate editor.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 24 juli 2014 15:10
    Hoeveel kost een zonnepaneel?

    Perry van Dijk
    Hoeveel kosten zonnepanelen? Wat levert het op? Hoe gaat dat met een huurhuis? En met appartementen? Twee derde van de mensen die zonnepanelen willen kopen, lopen met deze vragen rond. Zij willen eerst informatie, voordat ze overgaan tot de aanschaf van zonnepanelen.

    Dit blijkt uit een onderzoek in opdracht van Milieu Centraal. Voor deze potentiële kopers is de nieuwe website Portaal Zonnepanelen gemaakt. Ongeveer 10 procent van de huishoudens wil het komend jaar zonnepanelen kopen. Bij huiseigenaren is de animo iets groter (14 procent) dan bij huurders (4 procent).

    Hoog rendement

    Consumenten hebben geen idee hoe veel een zonnepaneel kost, zo blijkt uit onderzoek. Veertig procent overschat de kosten terwijl een even grote groep de kosten juist onderschat. Op dit moment kost een systeem van zes panelen inclusief omvormer en installatie ongeveer 2.900 euro. De jaarlijkse opbrengst is, bij de huidige stroomprijs, ongeveer 300 euro. Uit berekeningen van Milieu Centraal blijkt dat het rendement van een investering in zonnepanelen vergelijkbaar is met een rente van zes procent op een spaarrekening.

    Voor sub-links, zie link hierboven.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 26 juli 2014 15:30
    Zonder subsidie zijn Duitsers ineens een stuk minder enthousiast over zonnepanelen

    uitsland bouwt de subsidie af die eigenaren van zonnepanelen krijgen. Gevolg: het enthousiasme voor zonnepanelen onder Duitse particulieren neemt rap af.

    Dat signaleert

    Duitsers met zonnepanelen en windmolens zagen de afgelopen jaren het geld binnenstromen. Ook omdat de ecosubsidies niet tijdig naar beneden werden bijgesteld door minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD). Nu hij dat met de huidige hervormingen wel doet, neemt het enthousiasme onder Duitsers voor duurzame energie in rap tempo af.

    Het stimuleren van groene stroom in Duitsland door het overheidsprogramma Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz (EEG) heeft exploitanten van zonnepanelen en windmolens bepaald geen windeieren gelegd. In 2012 haalden ze samen een winst van zo’n 3,5 miljard euro op. Dat blijkt uit een recent onderzoek van het Fraunhoferinstituut, schrijft Die Zeit.

    Duitse eco-toeslag: eigenaar zonnepaneel profiteert, consument betaalt

    Vooral de eigenaren van zonnepanelen boerden goed, blijkt uit het onderzoek dat werd uitgevoerd in opdracht van het Duitse ministerie van Economische Zaken. Het geldt helemaal voor mensen die tussen 2009 en 2011 in een dergelijke installatie heeft geïnvesteerd. Toen was de eco-toeslag nog bijzonder hoog, terwijl de aanschafkosten intussen flink gedaald waren.

    Wat er niet bij staat vermeld dat de toenmalige minister van Milieu Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) verzuimde bij de hervormingen in 2009 de eco-toeslag naar beneden bij te stellen, terwijl consumentenorganisaties daar destijds om vroegen.

    Meeste subsidie naar zonnepanelen

    Vooral deze nalatigheid bracht de eigenaren van zonnepanelen veel geld in het laatje. De inkomsten waren in 2012 al driemaal zo hoog als bij windmolenexploitanten, terwijl de opbrengsten ongeveer gelijk zijn. Gabriel maakt nu als minister van Economische Zaken een einde aan deze ongelijkheid bij de jongste EEG-hervormingen van dit jaar.

    Weinig verrassend is dat volgens het onderzoek vooral de Zuid-Duitse deelstaten bij de winst uit zonne-energie veruit op kop liggen. Het noorden profiteert minder, daar moeten ze het vooral van windenergie hebben.

    Enthousiasme burgers neemt daalt

    Opvallend is dat zonnepanelen vooral in handen van gewone burgers zijn. In 2010 was 63 procent van particulieren, boeren, burgerinitiatieven en coöperaties. Op die manier profiteerden burgers direct van de eco-subsidie. Bij windenergie is dat anders, daar zijn burgers veel minder vaak eigenaar. Toch konden ze meedelen in de winst als ze aandelen hadden in de molen.

    In het coalitieakkoord van het huidige kabinet staat dat de duurzame energie alleen kan worden uitgebreid als veel burgers meedoen. De verantwoordelijke minister Gabriel zal flink zijn best moeten doen om de mensen enthousiast te houden.

    Volgens het onderzoek van het Fraunhoferinstituut hebben veel burgers hun geloof in de Energiewende verloren nu de winsten niet meer zo hoog zijn. Van alle zonnepanelen die in 2012 geplaatst werden, was nog maar 30 procent van particulieren. Bij windenergie speelt dezelfde trend.

    Bertus Bouwman is chef redactie van, de site met dagelijkse duiding van Duits nieuws voor Nederland. Blijf op de hoogte van politiek en economisch nieuws uit Duitsland.

    Lees ook op Duitslandnieuws

    10 redenen waarom de Duitse Energiewende zo complex is
  9. forum rang 10 voda 30 juli 2014 16:22
    Akzo Nobel werkt mee aan onderzoek naar goedkopere zonnecel

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Akzo Nobel nv (AKZA.AE) werkt samen met het Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) van de National University of Singapore voor onderzoek naar goedkopere productie van zonnecellen.

    Akzo Nobels onderdeel High Purity Metalorganics is een leverancier van elektronische materialen voor de halfgeleider- en zonne-energie-industrie. De producten van dit onderdeel worden toegepast in onder andere lasers, zonnecellen, LED's en mobiele telefoons.

    Het bedrijf stelt dat de samenwerking is ingegeven door de groeiende verwachting dat de sector zal kiezen voor hoogrenderende zonnecelsystemen op basis van silicium wafers.

    Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

  10. forum rang 10 voda 31 juli 2014 16:44
    BHEL to set up 10 MW Solar Power Plant at Shivanasamudram

    Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited has bagged a prestigious order valued at INR 68 crore for setting up a 10 MWP Grid connected Solar Power Plant for Karnataka Power Corporation Limited. The Solar Power Plant will be set up at Shivanasamudram, Belakavadi Village in Mandya District of Karnataka.

    BHEL’s scope of work in the turnkey contract envisages design, engineering, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the 10 MW Solar Power Plant including Grid Inter Connection, Operation and Maintenance of the Plant for 3 years.

    BHEL has already executed similar projects for KPCL that include a 3 MWp Grid Connected Solar Power Plant near Raichur and a 5 MWP Grid Connected Solar Power Plant at Belakavadi Village near Shivanasamudram in Karnataka. By placing the present order for 10 MWP Solar Power Plant, KPCL has once again reposed its confidence in BHEL’s capability to execute Large Size Solar Power Plants.

    BHEL has become a leading player in the field of Solar Photovoltaics in the country by successfully commissioning a number of Large Size Solar Power Plants in different parts of the country. The Mega Watt-size Solar Power Plants ranging from 2 MW to 10 MW rating, set up by the company in the states of Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh besides Karnataka are operating successfully and generating environment-friendly, clean power and supplying the same to the main grid. BHEL is also installing its single largest 15 MW Grid Connected Solar Power Plant for NTPC at Singrauli in Madhya Pradesh. This apart, the company is also executing a number of orders for solar power plants totaling to 25 MW for various customers including Neyveli Lignite Corporation, Electricity Department of Daman & Diu and Orissa Power Corporation Limited.

    BHEL, backed by a vast experience of over three decades, is one of the few leading players in the field of Solar Photovoltaics and SPV power plants in India. The SPV Cells and Modules are manufactured at its Modern manufacturing facility located at Bangalore.

    The Solar cells and modules manufactured here are also exported to various countries like Germany, Australia and Italy. The Company’s PV modules are certified to international standards by TUV, Rhineland, Germany and UL, India. BHEL is also one of the few companies with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality certification in the field of Solar Photovoltaics.

    BHEL is planning to grow further in this field and to effectively support the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission of Government of India, which aims to achieve 22,000 MW of Solar Power in the country by the year 2022.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 31 juli 2014 16:47
    BHEL bags INR 68 crore solar power project order in Karnataka

    PTI reported that state-owned BHEL has bagged an order worth INR 68 crore for setting up a solar power plant in Karnataka.

    The contract, received from Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, is for setting up a 10 MW grid connected solar power plant at Belakavadi village in Mandya.

    Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited in a statement said that the scope of work in the turnkey contract envisages design, engineering, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the plant, among others.

    The power equipment maker has commissioned many solar projects in various states including Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh.

    According to the statement, BHEL is also executing orders for solar power plants totalling 25 MW for various customers including Neyveli Lignite Corporation.

    It said that “BHEL plans to grow further in this field and to effectively support the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission of Government of India, which aims to achieve 22,000 MW of solar power in the country by the year 2022.”

    Source – PTI
  12. forum rang 10 voda 3 augustus 2014 16:08
    KPMG says solar manufacturers want level-playing field in India

    Indian Solar Manufacturers Association (ISMA) in collaboration KPMG said that given the strategic need for solar power in India, a holistic policy to encourage domestic solar manufacturing is the need of the hour.

    A statement said that the paper notes that Indian manufacturing policy recognizes solar manufacturing to be of strategic importance but the solar manufacturing industry has been facing challenging times because of various factors including lack of a level-playing field and various global factors.

    It said that these have not allowed the industry to develop economies of scale and an end to end supply chain.

    It added that about 100 GW of solar capacity shall be established in the country by 030, the statement said. If a sustainable domestic manufacturing industry is promoted, it can save USD 42 billion in equipment imports.

    It further added that "It will also create 50,000 direct new jobs and more than 125,000 indirect jobs in the next 5 years. The presence of solar manufacturing within the country will also result in better energy security as it would prevent potential supply side disruptions since the country would not be dependent on imports."

    Source – PTI
  13. forum rang 10 voda 4 augustus 2014 18:05
    Trackers Optimize Yield of Utility-Scale Solar Plants

    The utility-scale solar market is rapidly growing in North America, representing a large area of opportunity for project and product developers alike. The market more than doubled in size between 2012 and 2013 alone, propelling the solar racking and tracking sector to revenue of $8 billion. Analysts are projecting this strong growth to continue in the coming years.

    Solar trackers—motorized structures that orient photovoltaic (PV) panels toward the sun throughout the day—in particular are an increasingly important aspect of utility-scale project development (Figure 1). With substantial research and development advancements in recent years, trackers are no longer cost prohibitive due to high manufacturing or operations and maintenance costs. For many utility-scale projects, trackers can significantly increase yield by optimizing the angle of incidence between a module and incoming solar rays.

    1. The Langelé solar plant in France utilizes solar trackers. Solar trackers have been proven to increase plant production compared to fixed-tilt systems. Courtesy: Exosun

    This article takes an in-depth look at the potential benefits of horizontal, single-axis solar trackers, the most commonly implemented tracker design, and examine the considerations installers face throughout the system design and construction processes.

    “Tracking” Return on Investment

    Solar trackers enable large-scale PV installations to better capture solar irradiance as the sun moves across the sky (Figure 2). Output gains will vary, depending on both project site and tracker technology, with higher-performing models achieving as much as a 25% performance increase compared to fixed-tilt systems.

    2. A unique drive mechanism. The balanced design of Exosun horizontal single-axis solar trackers reduces stress on the motor and requires no maintenance. Courtesy: Exosun

    Furthermore, utilities across the U.S. are increasingly implementing time-of-use (TOU) rate structures, where electricity prices rise during periods of peak demand—typically in the late afternoon hours. As seen in Figure 3—a case study from a PV system located in Chowchilla, Calif.—a tracker-equipped project will capture increased sunlight during peak use hours, leading to increased revenue and rates of return. Additionally, as electricity rates increase and TOU rates become a mandatory consideration in project financing contracts, trackers will become a system asset that helps secure financing.

    3. Performance and price relationships. This graph shows energy yields during an average June day in comparison to time-of-use prices. Courtesy: Exosun

    For systems under a power purchase agreement, irradiance is also a key factor, further providing reason for trackers to be integrated in systems to expedite return on investment.

    Designing an Optimal System

    Installers should be prepared to do their homework to find a tracker that offers the ideal combination of affordability, performance, and reliability. World-renowned certification bodies, from Underwriters Laboratories to the Canadian Standards Association, perform tests related to product safety, performance, and durability in extreme environments. The highest quality trackers on the market meet or exceed evaluation criteria in areas ranging from accelerated aging to wind resistance, and are fully compliant with safety-focused manufacturing codes. Strong product warranties also speak volumes to a tracker provider’s commitment to customers. If a PV system is expected to return dividends for a minimum of 25 years, its trackers should be held to those same standards of longevity.

    Of course, smart system configuration is essential to achieving maximum performance. As with any ground-mounted project, site assessment begins with an evaluation of land size, cost, topography, and weather patterns. When evaluating whether trackers are right for a project, developers must weigh additional considerations.

    An essential design aspect of tracker-equipped PV systems is ground cover ratio (GCR), which is the ratio between the PV modules’ area and the total ground area. An increase in GCR negatively affects system output (Figure 4). This is because the higher the GCR, the smaller the distance between the tables, thus increasing panel-on-panel shading. Unlike fixed-tilt systems, trackers with an integrated backtracking program can position tables to avoid shading adjacent panels.

    4. Ground coverage ratio (GCR) affects performance more than panel orientation. Results are based on data from the Chowchilla, Calif., system. Courtesy: Exosun

    Once we’ve selected the technology, site, and layout, it’s time for installation. The latest advanced trackers are far less cumbersome and complex to install than their predecessors. High-quality trackers offer a low-stress system, optimized for a fast and easy installation process. Modular designs also significantly decrease the amount of time, tools, and manpower required at a job site.

    Seasonal Yield Variance

    With a smart tracker system in place, PV plant developers and investors should expect to see immediate financial benefits. Figure 5 shows the annual performance of the PV plant in Chowchilla, comparing results with and without trackers installed. Fixed-tilt systems offer a minor performance advantage in the winter months, when the sun is low in the sky, because a fixed-tilt installation is always tilted toward the south. Single-axis trackers follow the movement of the sun throughout the day; therefore, tracker-equipped plants will achieve significant gains throughout the summer. In this particular case, the average annual production increase was 20.16%.

    5. Summer gains offset winter losses. Increased output during summer months more than offsets lost production during the winter, resulting in a total yield increase with trackers. Courtesy: Exosun

    Solar tracker technologies have come a long way in recent years. Today’s solutions offer the simplicity and reliability PV plant developers require, at a desirable price point. With the right tracker technology and an optimized implementation, installers can offer their customers a safe, long-term solar investment opportunity. ¦

    — Jay Johnson is vice president of business development for Exosun Inc., a leading developer and supplier of solar tracking systems.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 4 augustus 2014 18:13
    Germany Reforms Renewable Energy Laws

    A significant reform of Germany’s aggressive renewable energy laws passed its final hurdle on July 11, setting the country on a more market-based path toward future growth.

    The bill was developed and approved by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition government of Social Democrats and Christian Democrats. Because they are the two largest parties, the legislation was passed by the main house of the German parliament, the Bundestag, with a 78% approval. The other house, the Bundesrat, concurred with the bill on Friday, meaning the law will take effect August 1.

    The need for reform was driven by a combination of factors, including the rising cost of the surcharge used to fund renewables, pressure from the European Union (EU) about international competition, and the increasing growth and maturity of wind and solar power.

    “The revision will mainly aim to significantly slow the ongoing rise in costs, to distribute the costs more fairly, to control the expansion of renewables so that people can plan, and to push ahead with the market integration of renewables,” said Tobias Dünow, spokesperson for Merkel’s Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)

    Surcharge and Costs

    The Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) is the renewable energy law in question. Inspired in part by America’s Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 (PURPA), the EEG was first adopted in 2000. Like PURPA, it requires utilities to accept power from independent producers.

    But where PURPA directed states to set a price based on the “avoided cost” of power from other sources, the EEG has the energy agency set the price for each renewable technology, based on its cost. Renewable producers are paid through a system of “feed-in tariffs” (FITs), which decline as the technologies mature.

    The above-market costs are funded through a surcharge paid on utility bills by most, but not all customers. This was a key focus of the EEG reform, dubbed EEG 2.0 by some.

    The surcharge rose dramatically due to an explosion of solar panel deployment from 2010 to 2012. As solar panel prices fell through the floor, the price-setting bureaucrats in Berlin did their best to keep pace. A homeowner with a small rooftop solar system could sign a contract in 2009 for 43 cents per kWh (¢/kWh), and for only 13.7 cents this past January.

    Despite cuts to the tariff, Germany—with a peak power demand of about 75 GW—installed over 20 GW of solar in only three years. By the end of 2013, 1.4 million distributed solar systems provided 35.7 GW of capacity, more than any other source, according to the Fraunhofer Institute.

    As a result, the EEG surcharge rose to €0.062/kWh, with about half—€10 billion per year—going to cover this solar power. Since that power is locked in to 20-year contracts, little can be done to reduce their costs.

    Residential consumers are especially hit by the rising surcharge, as 2,100 industrial consumers were exempted as “electricity-cost intensive and trade intensive,” according to the BMWi. These industrial customers use 25% of Germany’s power but only pay 2% of the surcharge. Their exemption, worth about €5 billion per year, according to the think tank Agora Energiewende, is picked up by other customers.

    This caught the attention of the European Commission, as Brussels considered the exemption an unfair subsidy to German industry.

    The Commission demanded a number of changes, including tightened exemptions for industrial customers, applying the surcharge to customers who generate their own power, and using it to support imported renewables. While most of these have been in the works for months, there was a last-minute exchange of memos that led to some additional changes.

    Still, EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger, also from Germany, told German radio that the problems “will not be solvable within this week.” With the legislature adjourning on July 11, the Commission will have to react to whatever is passed, which may lead to further revisions.

    Dusseldorf energy lawyer Matthias Lang, author of the German Energy blog, agreed. “We will surely see a 2.1 version of the EEG soon.”

    “A core element of the reform is that energy policy needs constant update,” Lang added. “We learned that from the FIT. If it is successful, it changes the market, and the law needs to change accordingly.”

    Dealing with Costs

    To lower the high surcharge, the reform will spread the cost to more customers by reducing the number of exempt industrial customers and apply it to customers that generate their own power.

    Both measures have caused a predictable outcry. Duktus Pipe Systems, a small manufacturer in Wetzlar, complained that losing their exemption will cost €5,000 per employee, causing “a huge disadvantage for Duktus in tough international competition.”

    For others, there are still too many exemptions. “Ninety percent of the industry can be exempted from the EEG surcharge,” said Oliver Krischer, the cochair of the Green Party in the Bundestag. “This means that households and small companies have to pay for the industry exemptions.”

    Likewise applying the surcharge to customers who generate their own power, was especially controversial for the solar industry. The solar lobby group BSW and the Federation of German Consumer Organizations have announced plans to challenge the surcharge in court, if adopted.

    Other reforms seek to limit future increases by more closely managing future growth.

    The new law sets “corridors” for new renewables development. If the market delivers more, rates will be cut, if less, then rates will be increased. The new annual targets are 2.5 GW for solar, 2.5 GW for onshore wind, and 100 MW for biopower.

    Now that solar prices have come down, some think the corridors are misguided. “Additional measures to throttle the expansion of PV through further amendments to the EEG will not affect a decrease in the total remuneration,” pointed out the Fraunhofer Institute. “Such a measure would, however, cause a slowdown in the construction of very inexpensive systems.”

    The law also reduces the offshore wind goal to 6.5 GW by 2020, down from the current target of 10 GW. Offshore wind has run into development delays, largely due to high costs. Current FIT rates for offshore wind are now twice that of large solar systems. Offshore wind hasn’t been helped by ocean conservation laws that restrict development within 40 kilometers from shore, or the large number of sunken warships and unexploded bombs on the seabed, a legacy of two world wars.

    FIT Phaseout, More Competitive Mechanisms

    Perhaps the most fundamental reform is the plan to phase out the feed-in tariff as the primary mechanism for setting prices and procuring renewables. The law calls for a pilot program to test a “tendering” approach for ground-mounted solar. The federal network agency, Bundesnetzagentur, or BNetzA, will develop a competitive procurement system.

    The process could be similar to California’s Renewable Auction Mechanism (RAM). The RAM is “a simplified market-based procurement mechanism” for renewable distributed generation (DG) projects between 3 and 20 MW, with periodic auctions run by the three investor-owned utilities in California. Utilities have signed contracts for 974 MW of renewables, predominantly solar, in four auctions over the last three years, with a fifth auction currently in the works.

    However it is done, competitive procurement will be phased in by 2017, starting with larger projects. Developers will be encouraged, and then required, to market their power directly to power retailers or sell through the daily power exchange, rather than to their local distribution utility.

  15. forum rang 10 voda 4 augustus 2014 18:14
    part 2

    While it seems like a landmark change, it is in fact an evolution of current practices. Most onshore wind farms have already switched to direct marketing, receiving a fixed “marketing bonus” to ensure their revenues are equal to the FIT.

    The new law will push all but the smallest producers to use the marketing bonus and direct marketing. The FIT will be used as a target price for determining the value of the marketing bonus, with the price set by tendering rather than by a government official.

    Because of this, renewable producers will not be fully exposed to the market. They will be protected by policy supports.

    “It looks much more market than it really is,” comments Lang. “But it is the nucleus for change and how it will work in the future.”

    Impact on Utilities

    What is less clear is how the EEG 2.0 reforms will affect German utilities, which have posted record losses in recent years. The reforms may make the market more predictable for planning, but they maintain the goal of 80% renewable power by 2050. And the fact remains that utilities have been slow to get into solar and onshore wind, and are steadily losing market share.

    RWE, the third-largest electric marketer in Europe, has blamed a “crisis in conventional power generation” for losing €2.8 billion in 2013. The decline in power demand from the economic recession, plus the rapid growth of renewables, has led to a glut in capacity across the continent.

    But Thomas Birr, head of Group Strategy & Corporate Development at RWE, sees a core role for utilities going forward.

    “The decentralized energy world needs an ‘integrated energy manager,’” he told POWER in an interview. “In other words, someone to coordinate the many activities of the individual market players, someone to look after networking the various individual initiatives involved in the transformation of the energy system at a technical and economic level—to bring them all together as a single, integrated unit. We are taking care of this.”

    The fate of RWE and other utilities may rest on the next item on the policy agenda, whether to add a capacity market to Germany’s energy-only wholesale market. Many conventional generators are getting pushed out by wind and solar, yet they are needed to maintain reliability. Merkel’s coalition government has announced this will be taken up after the EEG reform, and it is releasing a set of studies this month that will define the debate over the next year.

    “I’m optimistic that [utilities] can adapt quickly,” said Lang. “People underestimate how much change they’ve gone through. They’ve taken a lot of hits but they are much different now because of the pressure.”

    “They have to deal with the laws of physics, which you cannot change. The laws of politics are different, and they sometimes try to defy the laws of physics.”

    “They’ve had a political problem with credibility, and politicians ignored their concerns. Will politics give them sufficient time to evolve a new business model? Sometimes I’m skeptical.”

    —Bentham Paulos is a freelance writer specializing in energy issues.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 5 augustus 2014 17:35
    Skagen: Dit aandeel heeft een zonnige toekomst

    DINSDAG 5 AUGUSTUS 2014, 16:05 uur | 649 keer gelezen

    Volgens Skagen Global ziet de toekomst voor zonne-energie er steeds gunstiger uit. De markt heeft flink wat scepticisme in moeten prijzen, maar dit creëert tegelijkertijd kansen voor valuebeleggers die geloven in schone energie. Skagen selecteert hierbij één veelbelovend aandeel.

    Dat schrijft Søren Milo Christensen, Portfoliomanager bij Skagen Global, in een rapport. ‘Dankzij dalende productiekosten en het feit dat in steeds meer markten zonne-energie concurrerend is, ziet de toekomst voor zonne-energie er steeds beter uit’, schrijft hij.

    Zelden aantrekkelijk

    ‘Zoals vaak met snelgroeiende bedrijven, keert op een gegeven moment de populariteit tegen hen. Daardoor is het maar zelden echt aantrekkelijk om te beleggen in groeiaandelen. Waarderingen worden overdreven en vaak wordt vergeten wat groei kost. Dit gold ook voor solar-aandelen; enthousiasme verdween snel en pessimisme zette de koers van aandelen onder druk’, stelt de portfoliomanager.

    ‘Vóór 2011 was de winstgevendheid in solarbedrijven onnatuurlijk hoog, gedreven door subsidies. De hoge winstgevendheid leidde tot extra capaciteit, wat resulteerde in een sterke daling van de prijs van polysilicium, een belangrijke bouwsteen in zonnepanelen.’

    Positieve trends

    Christensen signaleert echter nu verschillende positieve trends voor solar-aandelen. ‘Ten eerste voorziet zonne-energie nu nog in een extreem klein deel van de energievoorziening. Er is dus ontzettend veel ruimte voor groei. Daarnaast blijven de productiekosten dalen, terwijl fossiele brandstoffen steeds duurder worden om te produceren.’ Tot slot wijst hij op het feit dat zonne-energie steeds efficiënter wordt en al in verschillende landen concurrerend is, zonder dat sprake is van subsidiëring.

    Skagen waarschuwt wel dat waarderingen van solar-aandelen sterk uiteen lopen en dat veel een hoog risicoprofiel hebben, als gevolg van hoge schulden. ‘Toch zijn er zeker mooie kansen te vinden’, zegt Christensen. ‘Een voorbeeld hiervan is het Koreaanse OCI, een fabrikant van polysilicium. Dit bedrijf bevindt zich op de juiste plek in de waardeketen. Het heeft een gezonde kostenstructuur en een beheersbare schuldpositie. Bovendien is het ook nog eens aantrekkelijk gewaardeerd.’

    Door Lucia Rodenburg
  17. forum rang 10 voda 6 augustus 2014 16:56
    Indian solar firms cheer imports from market economies - Report

    Business Standard reported that solar power project developers' threat to import solar cells from countries such Japan, Korea, Singapore and others is music to the ears of Indian solar cell manufacturers.

    The manufacturers are of the view that it’s better to compete with these countries than 'non-market' economies like China.

    A senior executive of a Delhi based leading solar cell manufacturer said that “We have been saying the same thing over the past two years that anti-dumping duty would not have any adverse effect over the solar programme of the country.”

    He said that “With the developers choosing countries such as the European Union, Korea, Japan and Canada, it would be a competitive market. We at least won’t have to compete with non market economies such as China.”

    Power project developers had earlier said that if a dumping duty is imposed on cheaper imports, the solar power cost would go up and the government’s aim to bring down solar power price would fail.

    Last month, India slapped dumping duty on solar gear imported in the country from the US, China, Malaysia and Taiwan, in order to safeguard the domestic manufacturing of the same. The Directorate General of Anti Dumping, in its final findings, recommended anti dumping duties of up to USD 0.48 per watt on solar cells coming from the US and 0.81 per watt on Chinese.

    The ministry of new and renewable energy and project developers are apprehensive that this would double up the cost of solar power generation. The developers wrote to the government that they would still depend on imports, though from another set of countries.

    The domestic manufacturers are of the view that the cost of solar power would remain at INR 7.5 per unit by 2020 if indigenous solar cells are used. The current cost of solar power in the country is the INR 6.5 to INR 8 per unit.

    The industry is also hopeful of scaling their current capacity by 300 Mw from current 1,260 MW, by the year end.

    Mr Ajay Goel, CEO of TATA Power Solar, said that “Dumping duty leads to 20% increase in the cost of solar cells, this in turn translates into a 10% increase in the cost of power project. This also over the period of the project will fall to 8%. It's better than the country wasting INR 11,000 crore of foreign exchange in importing solar cells."

    Source – Business Standard

  18. forum rang 10 voda 6 augustus 2014 16:56
    Gedcol to set up 20 MW solar plant at Manmunda in Boudh

    Business Standard reported that Green Energy Development Corporation Limited, the nodal body appointed by the state government to generate renewable energy, has identified about 120 acre land at Manmunda in Boudh district for establishment of 20 MW solar power plant.

    The land has been allotted to Gedcol from the industrial park area earmarked by Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation. The green energy firm, a Odisha Hydro Power Corporation subsidiary, has already floated a engineering, procurement and construction tender for the project.

    Mr SK Sahu, commercial director of Gedcol, said that "The EPC tender is for development of the power plant and maintenance for a period of 10 years."

    Apart from the Boudh project, the agency is in the lookout for additional land in Koraput, Kantamal and Bolangir area for installing about 200 MW solar energy capacity.

    Source – Business Standard
  19. forum rang 10 voda 7 augustus 2014 16:37
    First Solar Inc plans to build solar power plant in Telangana

    Solar power projects developer First Solar Inc said that it plans to build 45MW capacity of solar power generation in Telangana.

    FSLR in a statement said that the power generated will supply electricity through the grid to the Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana State Limited, at a levelized tariff of INR 6.49 per KWh for a period of 20 years.

    It said that the project will include construction at two different sites in the Mahabubnagar district and is expected to be in commercial operation by May 2015.

    Mr Sujoy Ghosh, Country head of First Solar India said that "The state of Telangana has an energy deficit that demands immediate creation of incremental generation capacity. The excellent solar resource in the state combined with our CdTe thin film module technology that is ideally suited for hot climates like India, allows us to bid tariffs that brings solar energy pricing to parity with diesel/gas and potentially imported coal, for the consumers across all segments."

    Mr Ghosh said that construction of the project was expected to begin by October 2014.

    On completion, the project is expected to produce approximately 86,880 MW per hour of electricity each year which will be sufficient to meet the needs of over 92,000 average homes in Telangana.

    Source – PTI
  20. forum rang 10 voda 13 augustus 2014 16:59
    No import duty on solar cell imports during last 3 years- Mr Goyal

    Mr Piyush Goyal, Minister of state for Power, Coal & New and Renewable Energy, said in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha, that “No import duty was applicable on import of solar cell for solar energy generation during the last 3 years.”

    Solar Power Developers are free to procure cells of foreign/indigenous origin. The procurement price is settled by the SPDs through negotiation with the cell producers and therefore it keeps varying from time to time.

    The measures being taken by the Government to take effective steps to increase the production and to give incentives are:

    (a) Provision of Renewable Purchase Obligation for solar power in the National Tariff Policy.

    (b) Grant of subsidy on off-grid applications.

    (c) Generation Based Incentive, facility for bundled power & Viability Gap Funding for Grid connected Solar Power Projects through various interventions announced from time to time.

    (d) Setting up Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects & Solar Parks, Solar Plants on the banks of canals and Solar power driven agricultural pump sets for energizing one lakh pumps.

    (e) Concessional Import duty/Excise duty exemption for setting up of solar power plants, accelerated depreciation and tax holiday.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
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