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  1. forum rang 10 voda 25 november 2014 17:25
    Zonnekaarten vertellen hoe gunstig je huis ligt voor zonnepanelen, maar zijn ze onafhankelijk?

    Gepubliceerd: 25 november 2014 14:21 | Laatste update: 25 november 2014 17:04

    Zonnekaarten zijn in opmars. Van bijna elk gebouw in Nederland is inmiddels bekend of het geschikt is voor zonnepanelen. Maar hoe onafhankelijk zijn de tools die je op internet kunt vinden?

    De site inventariseerde hoe het in Nederland gesteld is met zonnekaarten die bepalen hoe geschikt een locatie is voor zonnepanelen.

    Er is onenigheid over het businessmodel achter de kaarten: gemeenten en provincies willen het als onafhankelijk instrument inzetten, maar commerciële partijen zien het als ‘lead generator’ om nieuwe klanten voor installatiebedrijven te winnen.

    Zongegevens huizen en gebouwen

    Wilt u weten of uw woning geschikt is voor zonnepanelen? Voer op sites zoals of uw adres in, en er rolt direct een antwoord uit. Daarnaast geven de sites advies over bijvoorbeeld het aantal te installeren panelen, de verwachte kosten, opbrengsten en terugverdientijd.

    Bij Zonatlas kan de geïnteresseerde vervolgens via een knop zijn gegevens doorgeven aan installatiebedrijven, die een offerte toesturen. Ideaal voor de zonnebranche, maar niet alle gemeenten en provincies zijn er blij mee.

    Gemeenten actief met Zonatlas

    Het Klimaatverbond, waarin 150 gemeenten, provincies en waterschappen zijn verenigd, nam in mei 2012 het initiatief om een zonatlas voor de gemeente Arnhem te maken. “Er was op dat moment nog geen onafhankelijk instrument beschikbaar’, aldus Petra Lettink, projectleider Zonatlas bij het Klimaatverbond. ‘We zagen het als kans om de energietransitie te stimuleren.”

    Het Klimaatverbond werkt daarbij samen met het Duitse IT-bedrijf Tetraeder. Dat bedrijf maakte de kaarten eerder voor Duitse banken, die hiermee hun financieringsaanbod voor zonnepanelen onder de aandacht brengen. Bij die banken nam de aanschaf van zonnepanelen vervolgens met 15 tot 20 procent toe. Het is echter onzeker of de zonnekaarten in Nederland ook zo’n effect hebben.

    In Nederland zijn inmiddels de adressen van ruim 120 gemeenten in kaart gebracht op Zonatlas. Concurrent Zonnekaart, ontwikkeld door het Nederlandse geo-ict-bedrijf MapGear, heeft zo’n honderd gemeenten in kaart gebracht.

    Ook leads via gemeente-initiatief

    Beide methoden maken gebruik van de Hoogtekaart Nederland, en maken vervolgens zelf simulaties, onder andere door gebruik te maken van klimaatdata van het KNMI. De Hoogtekaart is sinds dit jaar als open data beschikbaar. Voorheen betaalden gemeenten rond de 7000 euro voor die informatie. Het verdienmodel van zonnekaarten is daardoor onder druk komen te staan.

    Reden voor IT-partner Tetraeder om de Zonatlas nu te koppelen aan een lead generator: een knop waarmee de potentiële koper aan installateurs wordt gekoppeld.

    Klimaatverbond is daar niet blij mee. “Deze ontwikkeling is ingezet zonder dat wij daarbij betrokken zijn”, aldus projectleider Lettink. “De Zonatlas zou naar lokale installateurs en energie-initiatieven moeten linken. Nu hebben we geen zicht op de bedrijven die er achter zitten.”

    Koppeling met installateurs

    Lettink geeft aan dat gemeenten wel bezwaar kunnen maken tegen het toevoegen van de offerteknop. De atlassen van de Provincie Gelderland (met uitzondering van de gemeente Arnhem) zijn om die reden losgekoppeld van deze knop.

    Directeur Stephan Wilforth van Tetraeder laat weten dat de offerteknop vooral een gemakkelijke manier voor consumenten is om in contact te komen met installateurs. “De Zonatlas blijft accuraat en onafhankelijk”, benadrukt hij. Tetraeder werkt met een partner die inkomende verzoeken eerst toewijst aan lokale, vervolgens regionale en pas daarna landelijke aanbieders.

    Auteur: Amanda Verdonk

  2. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2014 16:46
    UP to join hands with NTPC to set up 375 MW solar power park

    The Financial Express reported that the UP government is set to join hands with NTPC to develop a 375 MW solar power park, at an estimated cost of INR 3,000 crore, in Jalon district, with the objective of tiding over the power crisis. The state government plans to hand over about 750 hectare in Jalon to NTPC for developing the solar park in a phased manner. NTPC will pay the state government a nominal rent on lease.

    A senior official said that “The ministry of new and renewable energy under has launched a scheme for developing 25 ultra mega solar power projects, or solar parks, each with a capacity of 500 MW to 1,000 MW in 5 years, targeting around 20,000 MW of installed capacity. Out of these 25 solar parks, one is in UP and we have identified land in Jalon district. The project will be a joint venture between NEDA, which is the nodal agency for UP, and the Solar Energy Corporation of India. NTPC will be the implementing agency.”

    Recently, NTPC inked a pact with the Andhra Pradesh government for developing 1,000 MW solar projects on build-own-operate basis. However, as UP has just 4.1% wasteland, the least in the country, it was unable to give a contiguous land parcel.

    The officialsaid that “This is why we want NTPC to decentralise the solar park and make it in smaller pockets where a vast area of land is not available. We only have about 750 hectare in Jalon and are trying to identify more patches of 100 hectare that can be offered to NTPC. So far, we have identified 100 hectare in Sonbhadra, Mirzapur and Allahabad.”

    Apart from the 375 MW project in Jalon, projects of 50 MW each are soon expected to come up at Sonbhadra, Mirzapur and Allahabad. UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam is also set to develop a 50 MW solar plant over 100 hectare in Jhansi district, at an investment of INR 400 crore. A JV with the NHPC will set up another 50 MW solar plant in Jalon.

    Source – The Financial Express
  3. forum rang 10 voda 1 december 2014 17:07
    Indian solar power potential estimated at 750 GW - MNRE

    Clean Technica reported that India’s plan to become of the largest solar power markets in the world has received a massive boost as the latest estimated of its solar power potential.

    A recently released document by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy shows that the National Institute of Solar Energy in India has determined the country’s solar power potential at about 750 GW. The solar power potential has been estimated using the wasteland availability data in every state and jurisdiction of India. The estimate is based on the assumption that only 3% of the total wasteland available in a state is used for development of solar power projects.

    According to the estimates, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir have the highest solar power potential. Rajasthan, with its healthy resource of solar radiation and availability of vast tracts of wasteland in the form of the Thar Desert, has a potential of about 142 GW. Jammu & Kashmir receives the highest amount of solar radiation in India and has has significantly large area of wasteland in Ladakh. The state has an estimated potential of 111 GW.

    However, this estimate may also include the land currently under Pakistan’s control.

    Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra both have more than 60 GW of solar power potential. These are among the largest of the Indian states and thus have large wasteland resources. Both these states have ambitious solar power policies and plans to implement large-scale solar power projects.

    Gujarat, the leading Indian state in terms of installed solar power capacity, has an estimated potential of 36 GW. The state has large tracts of land covered with marshes but these lands also support a wide variety of wildlife. Gujarat already has an installed capacity of close to 900 MW of solar power and has already started developing utility-scale solar power projects over water canals.

    Agricultural states like Punjab and Haryana are expectedly rank low in terms of estimated solar power potential. Punjab would find it difficult to make available land for large solar power projects and has thus decided to concentrate efforts to set up solar power projects over rooftops and canals.

    India’s current solar power installed capacity is around 3 GW, or less than 0.5% of the estimated potential. Naturally there exists a massive opportunity to tap this potential.

    As a result, the Indian government has increased its solar power capacity addition target five-fold. Instead of the initial target to installed 22 GW solar power capacity by 2022, the government now plans to add 100 GW capacity. This includes 20 GW of ultra mega solar power projects, with installed capacity of 500 MW or more, across 12 states.

    Source - Clean Technica
  4. forum rang 10 voda 4 december 2014 20:56
    Groene gadget: ‘smartflower’ voor het gemeentehuis geeft duurzaam imago

    Voor 15.500 euro ex btw is ie van jou: een mechanische bloem met zonnecellen in de bladeren die meedraaien met de zon. Gemeenten en bedrijven zijn tuk op een ‘smartflower’ als groene entree, al wordt die vaak wel vanuit het kunst- of marketingbudget betaald.

    Dat meldt de site

    Een van de meest bijzondere producten in de zonnebranche is de smartflower: een gigantische bloem met zonnecellen op de bloemblaadjes. Bedrijven en gemeenten plaatsen hem fier in het zicht op hun terrein. Niet alleen om energie mee op te wekken, dat is slechts een ‘bijkomend voordeel’.

    Sinds begin dit jaar is deze markante zonnebloem in Nederland leverbaar via importeur Dasud. Mede-eigenaar Peter van der Wulp meldt dat hij er al 21 heeft verkocht, en volgend jaar minstens het driedubbele verwacht.

    Onlangs nog leverde hij er een aan de Universiteit Twente en deze week plaatste hij er twee tegelijk in Groningen: op de Rijksuniversiteit en bij een sporthal. Ook de Waddeneilanden Texel en Schiermonnikoog, die veel investeren in duurzaamheid, bestelden er een.

    Smartflower: groene energie is bijkomend voordeel

    Net als een echte bloem draait de smartflower mee met de zon. Bij een hoge windsnelheid gaat hij automatisch in de veiligheidsstand: de bladeren klappen dan in. Het apparaat kost 15.500 euro ex btw en levert 3200 kWh aan energie per jaar. Dat is vergelijkbaar met het verbruik van een gemiddeld huishouden, maar lang niet genoeg voor een heel gemeentehuis of bedrijfspand. ‘Energieopwekking is een bijkomend voordeel’, aldus Van der Wulp. ‘Het bespaart jaarlijks gemiddeld 850 euro aan energiekosten, dus het levert wel een bijdrage aan duurzaamheid.’

    Volgens van der Wulp schaffen organisaties het apparaat dan ook vooral aan vanuit het kunst- of marketingbudget. ‘Gemeenten zien het als attractief product, om te laten zien dat duurzaamheid ook mooi kan zijn. Bedrijven willen ermee laten zien dat ze duurzaam bezig zijn. Ze hebben misschien ook wel zonnepanelen op het dak liggen, maar die zie je niet.’

    Effectieve ‘groene’ besteding?

    Henri Bontenbal adviseert gemeenten over duurzaamheid en is kritisch over investeringen van gemeenten in de smartflower. ‘Het is een leuk speeltje, en het laat zien dat duurzaamheid ook cool kan zijn. Maar je haalt er geen energiedoelstellingen mee. Je kunt negatieve reacties verwachten zoals: de zorg voor ouderen wordt teruggeschroefd maar er is wel geld voor zo’n zonnebloem? Als wethouder zou ik dat niet kunnen verantwoorden aan de raad.’ Volgens Bontenbal kunnen gemeenten hun geld effectiever besteden, bijvoorbeeld door woningen te isoleren.

    Bontenbal berekende dat de terugverdientijd van een dergelijk apparaat voor een gemeentelijk pand met een verbruik van meer dan 10.000 kWh per jaar rond de 35 jaar zou zijn. Van der Wulp, laconiek: ‘Een bedrijf hoeft maar één publicatie in een blad te hebben over hun smartflower, en ze hebben hun investering terug verdiend. Mensen die in een Tesla rijden, denken toch ook niet na over een terugverdientijd? Het is vooral een imagokwestie.’

    Nu ook in je eigen tuin

    Volgens Van der Wulp moet je de smartflower dan ook niet vergelijken met gewone zonnepanelen. In die markt is de focus op de terugverdientijd volgens hem te ver doorgeslagen, ten koste van de kwaliteit. ‘De zonnepanelensector kampt met veel problemen’, weet Van der Wulp uit eigen ervaring. ‘Daar valt geen droog brood meer te verdienen. Er is geen regelgeving en geen geschillencommissie. Pas als die markt volwassen wordt, stap ik daar weer in.’

    Sinds deze maand is ook de smartflower POP beschikbaar. Door de kleinere behuizing is deze geschikt voor in de tuinen van particulieren. ‘Bijvoorbeeld voor mensen met een rieten dak of monumentaal pand waar geen zonnepanelen mogelijk zijn. Of gewoon omdat je zonnepanelen niet mooi vindt, maar ons systeem wel.’

    Auteur: Amanda Verdonk

    met foto:
  5. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 15:30
    Africa's largest solar farm (325,480 PV modules) is now fully operational!

    The Jasper solar farm, located near Kimberley in South Africa, is now the continent's largest solar power project. Construction was completed in October, and it is now fully operational (you can read that in the Star Wars emperor's voice). With a rated capacity of 96 megawatts, Jasper will produce about 180,000 megawatt-hours of clean energy annually for South African residents, enough to power up to 80,000 homes.

    SR/Promo image

    What makes this even better is that Japser won't stay the biggest solar project for long. In the same area, in South-Africa, near the 75-megawatt Lesedi project that came online last May, a 100-megawatt concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) project called Redstone is also under construction.

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    Look at that scale. The Jasper Project generated about 1 million man-hours of paid work during construction, peaking at over 800 on-site construction jobs.

    South Africa has a goal of having 18 gigawatts of renewable energy by 2030, so projects like this are definitely steps in the right direction. If there's one thing that South Africa has lots of, it's sunlight!

    SR/Promo image

    45% of the total project value was spent on "local content" to help increase the positive economic impact on the area.

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    The project was developed by a consortium consisting of SolarReserve, the Kensani Group (an experienced empowerment investment player in South Africa), and Intikon Energy (a South African developer of renewable energy projects).

    Financing came from local and international sources, including Google and the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), Intikon Energy, Kensani Capital Investments,, the PEACE Humansrus Community Trust, and SolarReserve with Rand Merchant Bank.

    SR/Promo image

    Zie link voor afbeeldingen:
  6. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 15:50
    Global investors sees huge opportunity in Indian solar power market

    Business Standard reported that as Indian policy makers announce big-ticket projects and set huge targets for solar power capacity addition, global investors smell a huge opportunity.

    US-based Morgan Stanley is likely to make a big investment in the solar space soon, likely in a +100 MW project. So are other institutional investors like IFC and Standard Chartered. Besides, Goldman Sachs, which invested about USD 375 million in Sumant Sinha-promoted ReNew Power, is looking to make more such investments in noted or upcoming companies in the clean energy space.

    US Exim Bank, during PM Mr Narendra Modi’s recent to the US, extended a funding of USD 1 billion for solar power programmes in India.

    A senior government official in the ministry of new and renewable energy said that “Similarly, ADB and German state-owned KfW are also on board for providing funding to the solar programmes to be announced by the government.”

    Solar power in India is about to see a massive scale-up of 100,000 MW. MNRE has got the mandate from the prime minister to achieve this goal by 2019. According to government calculations, if the plan of adding 100,000 MW of solar power hits the ground, India would need investment to the tune of around USD 110 billion, including transmission capacity.

    Mr Vinay Rustogi, MD of Bridge to India, a leading consultancy firm monitoring foreign investment in India’s renewable energy space, said that “All of this could not come from domestic investors alone. More than half of this amount, or even more, will come from outside India. The big-ticket announcements by the Indian government has made serious investors sit up and take notice. Of the USD 15 billion to USD 20 billion that the country will need annually, around USD 6 billion is likely to come from foreign investors.”

    On the manufacturing and power production side, at least 10 big Chinese solar companies are looking to set up joint ventures in India. Senior officials in the Madhya Pradesh government said talks with a Chinese solar cell manufacturer to set up a facility in the state were in the last stage.

    From the US, First Solar and SunEdison already have a presence in the country; both participated in bidding for state and Central projects. The others in line are mostly European power utility companies, EDF, Fonoroche and Solaire Direct from France and B Electric from Germany. Solairedirect group created history in the first phase of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission by bidding the lowest tariff of INR 7.9 a unit for a 5 MW project.

    First Solar has an installed capacity of more than 8 GW across the globe. In the solar cell markets, First Solar currently controls around 20% of the market; it is planning to increase this to 25%.

    Mr Sujoy Ghosh, country head of First Solar India, said that “The Indian solar market is a big space to play around and we will not only look at solar cells market but utility-scale projects as well.” The company recently won 40 MW solar power plants in Andhra Pradesh at a bid of INR 5.35 a unit, the lowest in current times.

    New York Stock Exchange-listed SunEdison has 95 MW of operational solar plants in the country. With its presence in tenders for almost all state and Central project, SunEdison is likely to emerge as one of the leading players.

    Finland state-controlled Fortum India Private Limited, which forayed in the Indian solar power market last year, is looking at both acquiring and bidding for projects. Fortum acquired a 5 MW solar power plant in Rajasthan last year and also bid for 10 MW in the Phase-II, 2nd batch of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, in January this year. Senior executives of the company, which set up an office recently, said that Fortum was gearing up to participate in the projects that the government was planning to offer.

    Source – Business Standard
  7. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 21:53
    Floating Solar Arrays Take Shape in the UK, Japan, and India

    Solar power has taken many forms in recent years—from giant concentrated solar power installations and solar towers spread out across deserts worldwide, to rooftop photovoltaic (PV) installations in urban settings, to space-based solar power. A less-frequently installed concept that has nonetheless stayed afloat involves arrays of solar panels that are buoyed on water.

    Compared to 2011, when only a handful of developers seemed to be involved in prototype projects, floating solar arrays are skimming waters from Israel to India.

    In September, the UK got its first floating array as French firm Ciel et Terre (Sky and Earth) completed installation of about 800 panels mounted on plastic floats on a reservoir at the Sheeplands Far in Berkshire (Figure 4). Ciel et Terre, which has installed its Hydrelio floating solar platform on drinking water reservoirs, quarry lakes, irrigation canals, and remediation and tailing ponds since its first 14-kW prototype was installed in France in 2011, says that the cooling effect of water on PV panels enables its systems to produce more energy than land-based systems of a similar size.

    4. Floating an idea. The Sheeplands Farm in Berkshire in September installed the first floating solar array in the UK. Courtesy: Floating Solar UK
  8. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 22:06
    Top Plant: Solana Generating Station, Maricopa County, Arizona

    The 280-MW Solana Generating Station combines concentrating solar power (trough) technology with thermal energy storage, which allows the plant to operate after the sun goes down with up to a 38% annual average capacity factor. The $2 billion project began generating electricity in October 2013. Courtesy: Abengoa Solar

    The Solana Generating Station ( solana in Spanish means “sunny spot”) is built on a 1,920-acre site near Gila Bend, about an hour’s drive west of Phoenix. According to Abengoa, which owns the facility through its subsidiary Abengoa Yield, this is the largest parabolic trough technology project with molten salt thermal energy storage in the world. The plant is rated at 280 MW gross and 250 MW net of the auxiliary power required to operate the fluid and steam systems.

    Arizona Public Service (APS) purchases 100% of Solana’s power output under a 30-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for a reported 14 cents/kWh. The PPA is part of the utility’s plan to meet the Arizona Corporation Commission’s mandate that the state’s regulated utilities provide 15% of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025. Power produced by Solana enters the grid at the APS Panda Substation, located about 18 miles from the plant.

    Construction of the $2 billion project began in December 2010, and the plant began electricity production on Oct. 7, 2013. The engineering, procurement, and construction contractors for the project were Teyma USA and Abener Engineering and Construction Services. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Loan Projects Office provided a $1.45 billion loan guarantee for the project.

    “Solana is a monumental step forward in solar energy production,” said Don Brandt, the president of APS, the local utility. “This provides a huge boost toward our goal to make Arizona the solar capital of America.” Ongoing operation and maintenance of the plant also added about 85 new, much-needed jobs to the region.

    Solving Solar Intermittency

    Intermittent operation of solar projects, usually as a result of weather patterns, remains the most common complaint about utility-scale solar projects. Abengoa noted in a recent report, “Dispatchability… eliminates intermittency issues that other renewables, such as wind and photovoltaics, contend with, providing stability to the grid and thus increasing the value of the energy generated.”

    Abengoa is able to dispatch its generation by integrating its proprietary parabolic-trough concentrating solar power (CSP) technology with thermal energy storage. The tradeoff for increased flexibility in plant operations is that less electricity is produced during the daylight hours in order to “charge” the thermal energy storage system.

    However, the primary function of the storage system is to extend plant operation up to six hours each day to “satisfy Arizona’s peak electricity demands during the summer evenings and early night time hours,” according to an Abengoa Solar statement. This is particularly helpful during the hot Arizona summer months, when air conditioners run 24/7.

    The financial and operating flexibility benefits are apparent: Solana is capable of operating with a 38% average annual capacity factor against a typical 25% produced by a utility-scale photovoltaic plant. Abengoa estimates that Solana will produce about 944 GWh of highly desirable dispatchable generation each year. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, for the first seven months of 2014, the plant produced 374,181 MWh, which is equivalent to a net capacity factor of 29.5%, a very respectable achievement. That statistic will climb once the remaining high production summer and fall months are accounted for.

    The advantages in energy production that accrue to a CSP plant with energy storage must be balanced against a significant increase in plant complexity. The plant’s 3,200 mirrored parabolic-trough collectors, each consisting of 28 curved mirrors, efficiently reflect and focus solar energy on a thermal “pipe” located at the focal point of the parabolic trough as the assembly tracks the sun’s position in the sky. Therminol VP-1, the heat-transfer fluid, is heated up to about 735F by the sun and circulated through a web of heat collection pipes.

    A heat exchanger transfers energy from the Therminol to a secondary water loop. The water, much like in a conventional boiler, flashes into vapor at 1,450 psi and is then directed to the plant’s two 140-MW steam turbines. The steam expands through the steam turbine and is condensed in a condenser that is cooled by a wet cooling tower. In sum, the power-generation cycle is comparable to that used in a conventional fossil-fueled thermal power plant, with the exception that the Therminol loop replaces the fuel-burning boiler as the heat source.

    Hybrid CSP-steam plants are often criticized for excessive water usage because their consumption is on par with a like-sized conventional steam plant. Sandy Bahr, a spokesperson for the Sierra Club at the time the project was requesting state permits in late 2008, stated the Sierra Club’s position on water use and Solana: “It is on private land, not public land, and is currently agricultural land. Depending on how you calculate it [the power plant] will use 75 to 85 percent less water than the current agricultural use. It is still a fair amount of water but it is much less than it takes to grow alfalfa.”

  9. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 22:06
    Part 2:

    The financial and operating flexibility benefits are apparent: Solana is capable of operating with a 38% average annual capacity factor against a typical 25% produced by a utility-scale photovoltaic plant. Abengoa estimates that Solana will produce about 944 GWh of highly desirable dispatchable generation each year. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, for the first seven months of 2014, the plant produced 374,181 MWh, which is equivalent to a net capacity factor of 29.5%, a very respectable achievement. That statistic will climb once the remaining high production summer and fall months are accounted for.

    The advantages in energy production that accrue to a CSP plant with energy storage must be balanced against a significant increase in plant complexity. The plant’s 3,200 mirrored parabolic-trough collectors, each consisting of 28 curved mirrors, efficiently reflect and focus solar energy on a thermal “pipe” located at the focal point of the parabolic trough as the assembly tracks the sun’s position in the sky. Therminol VP-1, the heat-transfer fluid, is heated up to about 735F by the sun and circulated through a web of heat collection pipes.

    A heat exchanger transfers energy from the Therminol to a secondary water loop. The water, much like in a conventional boiler, flashes into vapor at 1,450 psi and is then directed to the plant’s two 140-MW steam turbines. The steam expands through the steam turbine and is condensed in a condenser that is cooled by a wet cooling tower. In sum, the power-generation cycle is comparable to that used in a conventional fossil-fueled thermal power plant, with the exception that the Therminol loop replaces the fuel-burning boiler as the heat source.

    Hybrid CSP-steam plants are often criticized for excessive water usage because their consumption is on par with a like-sized conventional steam plant. Sandy Bahr, a spokesperson for the Sierra Club at the time the project was requesting state permits in late 2008, stated the Sierra Club’s position on water use and Solana: “It is on private land, not public land, and is currently agricultural land. Depending on how you calculate it [the power plant] will use 75 to 85 percent less water than the current agricultural use. It is still a fair amount of water but it is much less than it takes to grow alfalfa.”

    Storing Solar Energy

    The energy storage system uses molten salts to store thermal energy that can be recovered later in the day. Molten salt is used because it is liquid at atmospheric pressure, its operating temperatures and pressures are compatible with conventional steam turbines, it is nonflammable and non-toxic, and the price is right. Molten salt is also commonly used in the chemical and metals industries, so there is an extensive operating history with these fluids in non-solar applications. Generally, molten salt is a mixture of 60% sodium nitrate and 40% potassium nitrate, which melts at 430F and is stored as a liquid at a minimum of about 550F.

    Molten salt is stored in 12 insulated tanks measuring 45 feet tall, 140 feet in diameter, and holding 125,000 metric tons of salt (Figure 1). During the day, some of the heated Therminol is used to heat the molten salt up to about 730F in six “hot” tanks. During off-peak hours, molten salt is taken from a “hot” tank, transfers its thermal energy into steam production, and is then stored in a “cold” tank. During the following day, the molten salt is reheated and the heat recovery process repeats. A “hot” insulated storage tank can store heated molten salt for up to a week. The entire energy storage and retrieval process operates at about 70% efficiency.

    1. Energy storage. Molten salt in a dozen large storage tanks is used to store thermal energy produced by the concentrating solar collectors. The hot molten salt can be use to produce electricity during periods when the sun doesn’t shine. Courtesy: Abengoa Solar

    The advantage for APS with this arrangement is that it decouples the solar collection system from the energy storage system. APS can effectively store electricity produced during off-peak hours when wholesale prices are lower and dispatch it during the evening on-peak hours or even during the day to cover adverse weather conditions.

    In early October 2013, the plant “passed commercial operation tests,” according to Abengoa. The tests consisted of running the plant’s generator at full power while also ramping up the thermal storage system. Next, after allowing the solar part of the plant to stop once the sun was down, the plant continued to produce electricity using only thermal energy storage for another six hours. Those tests were very successful, and the plant was placed into commercial service. ¦

    — Dr. Robert Peltier, PE is POWER’s consulting editor.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2014 22:09

    voda schreef op 5 december 2014 21:53:

    Floating Solar Arrays Take Shape in the UK, Japan, and India

    Solar power has taken many forms in recent years—from giant concentrated solar power installations and solar towers spread out across deserts worldwide, to rooftop photovoltaic (PV) installations in urban settings, to space-based solar power. A less-frequently installed concept that has nonetheless stayed afloat involves arrays of solar panels that are buoyed on water.

    Compared to 2011, when only a handful of developers seemed to be involved in prototype projects, floating solar arrays are skimming waters from Israel to India.

    In September, the UK got its first floating array as French firm Ciel et Terre (Sky and Earth) completed installation of about 800 panels mounted on plastic floats on a reservoir at the Sheeplands Far in Berkshire (Figure 4). Ciel et Terre, which has installed its Hydrelio floating solar platform on drinking water reservoirs, quarry lakes, irrigation canals, and remediation and tailing ponds since its first 14-kW prototype was installed in France in 2011, says that the cooling effect of water on PV panels enables its systems to produce more energy than land-based systems of a similar size.

    4. Floating an idea. The Sheeplands Farm in Berkshire in September installed the first floating solar array in the UK. Courtesy: Floating Solar UK

    Missing info:

    Floating arrays are getting bigger, too. This July, for example, to slash energy expenditures and reduce lost revenues from water evaporation at the same time, the Northern Areas Council that oversees two community wastewater management systems in the state of South Australia installed a floating solar system on five of six water basins, an area covering 34,080 m2. The 3.2-MW solar array, designed to generate 13,690 kWh a day for both systems, uses 12,780 PV modules and technology that is patented by Australian firm GEITS ANZ. The Northern Areas Council says it is saving 14 million gallons of water annually, or realizing a 70% reduction in evaporation. The project was financed through a power purchase agreement with GEITS that required no upfront costs and immediately reduced power charges.

    In Japan, floating solar project developers like Kyocera Corp. and Century Tokyo Leasing Corp. plan to build floating arrays to address land constraints. The companies have plans to begin operating 1.7-MW and 1.2-MW arrays in the prefecture of Hyogo in Western Japan in April 2015. This June, Japan completed installation of a 1.18-MW PV system in the city of Okegawa.

    India’s National Hydro Power Corp., meanwhile, in July announced plans to build a 50-MW array that would cost between $64 million and $72 million. The project proposed to cover reservoirs and lakes in the southern state of Kerala could see a pilot operating as early as this fall.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 8 december 2014 20:24
    Record: commercieel zonnepaneel met efficiëntie van meer dan 40%

    Australische etenschappers zijn erin geslaagd commerciële zonnepanelen zo aan te passen dat deze meer dan veertig procent van het zonlicht omzetten in elektriciteit. En dat is een record voor commerciële zonnepanelen.

    De oplettende lezer zal denken: een efficiëntie van meer dan 40 procent een record? Dat klopt niet! En inderdaad: eind 2012 maakten we op melding van zonnepanelen die een efficiëntie van 44 procent bereikten. Maar die zonnepanelen zijn duur en behaalden die efficiëntie alleen als werkelijk alles meezat. Het record dat nu is neergezet, werd neergezet met behulp van reeds bestaande zonnepanelen. “Wij gebruikten commerciële zonnepanelen, maar dan op een nieuwe manier,” vertelt onderzoeker Mark Keevers. “Dus deze verbeteringen zijn direct toegankelijk voor de zonne-energie-industrie.”

    “De nieuwe resultaten zijn gebaseerd op het gebruik van gefocust zonlicht.” Geconcentreerd zonlicht valt niet op één, maar op vier verschillende zonnecellen. Elke zonnecel is gespecialiseerd in het omzetten van een specifieke fractie van het zonlicht in elektriciteit. Speciale filters kunnen worden gebruikt om warmte – die de efficiëntie van zonnepanelen aan kan tasten – af te voeren en af te geven aan de zonnecel waar hitte geen of slechts een beperkt negatief effect op heeft.

    Die verschillende maatregelen kunnen een commercieel zonnepaneel – met een efficiëntie van vijftien tot achttien procent – omtoveren tot een zonnepaneel dat meer dan veertig procent van het zonlicht dat het opvangt om kan zetten in elektriciteit. Uiteindelijk moeten efficiëntere commerciële zonnepanelen ervoor zorgen dat hernieuwbare energie goedkoper wordt en de concurrentie met niet-hernieuwbare energiebronnen aankan.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2014 16:45
    Jammu & Kashmir can generate 111GW of solar power - Studies

    If you thought Jammu and Kashmir was only rich in hydro-energy potential, you were mistaken. 2 recent studies have shown that the state has more than 5 times the power potential in solar sector than it has in hydro.

    The National Institute of Solar Energy in its recently released document has revealed that entire India has the solar power potential of 750 GW and 2 states namely Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir are the hotspots.

    According to its estimates the desert state of Rajasthan can produce 142 GW of solar power whereas Jammu and Kashmir with its huge tracts of barren land in Ladakh has the potential to produce 111 GW of solar power. The report said that some of the power potential lies in areas of the state under the control of Pakistan. Maharashtra comes distant third at 64 GW capacity.

    The report released by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has estimated the solar power potential using the wasteland availability data in every state in accordance with 2011 census. The study is based on the assumption that only three percent of the total wasteland available in a state be used for development of solar power projects.

    Another study by Mr Tirumalachetty Harinarayana, director of the Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute in Gandhinagar and Ms Jaya Kashyap of the Malla Reddy Engineering College in Hyderabad has put Jammu and Kashmir ahead of Rajasthan in terms of power potential generated per acre of land.

    According to the study 'Solar Energy Generation Potential Estimation in India,' the highest annual solar energy generation potential has been identified in the eastern parts of Jammu & Kashmir and eastern part of Uttarakhand. Rajasthan on the other hand has the solar energy generation potential ranging from 680,000 KWh to 730,000 KWh per acre, which is also the potential for major parts of Indian landmass.

    The union government has been working on a long-term plan to harness the huge solar power potential of the state that lies primarily in Ladakh region.

    Notably, the Union Cabinet, chaired by Mr Narendra Modi, PM of India, approved the scheme for setting up 25 solar parks each with a capacity of 500 MW and above and Ultra Mega Solar Power Projects in various parts of the country where large chunks of land can be spared for this purpose.

    These parks will be able to accommodate over 20,000 MW of solar power projects and would be set up during 5 years that is from 2014 to 2015 to 2018 to 2019 with Central Government support of INR 4050 crore.

    According to reports the Jammu & Kashmir will house the largest capacity of 7500 MW, followed by Rajasthan, which will put up 3700 MW of power generation plants.

    Most of the energy generated in these solar parks would be evacuated to Northern grid through the under construction Leh-Srinagar transmission line.

    Source -
  13. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2014 16:46
    Power firms shows interest to set up 2,500 MW solar farms in TN

    Times of India reported that several power companies have evinced interest to set up solar farms with a total capacity to generate 2,500 MW of power in Tamil Nadu. The firms have approached Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Company after Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission fixed the tariff for solar power purchase by the power utility at 7.01 per unit on September 12th.

    A senior TNEB official said that "Many companies have submitted proposals to set up farms in Sivaganga, Ramanthapuram and Virudhunagar districts. Apart from these districts, firms have evinced interest in setting up plants in Trichy, Tirupur, Karur and Madurai districts also.”

    The proposals would become a reality in 12 to 18 months, it is expected.

    The official said that "First, the companies have to identify land. Then, TNEB has to give approval after conducting field verification. After the financial closure, we can expect the work to begin. Late last month, some companies paid registration fees to start preliminary work to set up plants with a capacity of 1,000 MW.”

    TN has very few solar power plants though in wind power the state leads the country with more than 7000 MW capacity. The first 5 MW grid connected solar photovoltaic power plant was commissioned in Sivaganga district in December 2010 under the demonstration programme of Union ministry of new and renewable energy. Since then, only small solar projects have been set up.

    Companies have proposed plants with capacities ranging from 1 MW to 500 MW. Moser Baer, Wellspun and Essel Infra have proposed projects with more than 200 MW capacity each.

    Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation is planning to shore up its infrastructure as well.

    The official said that "Three sub-stations will be set up in Pudukottai, Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram districts to transmit solar power alone. A 400 KV sub-station would be set up at Kamudhi in Ramanathapuram district and two 230 KV sub-stations would be set up at Muthuramalingapuram in Virudhunagar district and at Villavidhuthi in Pudukottai district.”

    An expert said that "Solar power is reliable in the state all through the year." Though both solar and wind are renewable and clean sources of energy, wind energy is highly unpredictable due to vagaries of weather.

    Source - Times of India
  14. forum rang 10 voda 17 december 2014 16:43
    Ministry approves IOCL's 4 MW solar power plant in TN

    Mr Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State for Petroleum & Natural Gas, said that Indian Oil Corporation Limited has in principle approved a 4 MW solar power project at Narimanam in Tamil Nadu.

    The objective is to generate green energy for captive consumption at IOCL locations directly or through grid so as to reduce carbon footprint.

    Source – Strategic Research Institute
  15. forum rang 10 voda 17 december 2014 19:17
    NSE doet geen emissie voor overname parken

    WOENSDAG 17 DECEMBER 2014, 18:26 uur | 168 keer gelezen

    LAREN (AFN) - New Sources Energy (NSE) brengt geen nieuwe aandelen uit om de overname van Duitse solarparken te financieren. Dat meldde de onderneming woensdagavond.

    De financiering voor de beoogde overname is volgens NSE rond door de achtergestelde lening ter waarde van 3,5 miljoen euro die onlangs werd aangetrokken. Daarnaast worden de reeds bestaande bankfinancieringen van de beoogde solarparken overgenomen.

    Volgens NSE hebben de Duitse solarparken “een dusdanig aantoonbaar goed rendement” dat zij een positieve bijdrage zullen leveren aan de aandeelhouderswaarde van het bedrijf.

  16. forum rang 10 voda 23 december 2014 16:38
    Azure Power to build a 1,000 MW solar project in Rajasthan

    PTI reported that Azure Power signed an initial agreement with the Rajasthan Government to develop a 1,000 MW solar power project.

    The company is already building a 100 MW solar power plant to be commissioned by April 2015 in the State.

    With this, the total investment of the company in the State is expected to reach over INR 1,300 crore.

    The 100 MW plant is slated to electrify 1,00,000 households and create an estimated 1,500 jobs in the locality.

    Source - PTI
  17. forum rang 10 voda 26 december 2014 16:21
    OIL commissions 5 MW solar power plant in Rajasthan

    PTI reported that Oil India Limited, India’s 2nd-largest government-owned exploration firm, has commissioned its first 5 MW solar power plant in Rajasthan.

    The company said in a statement that OIL which has so far built only small solar power plants for captive use built and commissioned its first grid connected 5 MW unit at village Raghwa in Ramgarh district of Rajasthan.

    The plant was inaugurated by Mr SK Srivastava CMD of OIL.

    OIL plans to expand this unit by another 9 MW. Mr Srivastava said that the plant was completed within 118 days.

    Mr N K Bharali, Director of HR and Business Development at OIL, said that there exists tremendous potential for solar and wind energy projects in Rajasthan and OIL is looking to tap the renewable energy source.

    He said that the 9 MW solar power plant expansion will be completed by next year.

    The 5 MW solar power plant with Polycrystalline Technology was set up at a total cost of INR 41.49 crore.

    The plant consists of 20,408 solar modules, each having a capacity of 245 watts. An overhead transmission line of 11.49 km has been constructed to feed in the generated power to the grid.

    Source - PTI
  18. forum rang 10 voda 27 december 2014 15:18
    Hindustan Powerprojects to install 2 GW of clean electricity in 2 years

    Economic Times reported that the government's target of achieving 100 GW of solar power capacity by 2022 has made renewable energy the future focus of conventional power generation companies such as Hindustan Powerprojects, which plans to invest INR 12,000 crore over the next 2 years to install 2 GW of clean electricity.

    Mr Ratul Puri, chairman of Hindustan Powerprojects, said that “That's what broadly we would invest in the solar space in addition to what we have already done."

    Mr Puri said that this amount is much more than what the company will invest in thermal generation over the same amount of time. Over the next 2 years, INR 5,000 crore investment is planned on the conventional side. This is because conventional power takes longer to build and so the investment is spread out over a longer period of time.

    In making huge investments in renewable energy, Mr Puri considers Hindustan Powerprojects to be broadly following the current trend line in India.

    According to him, over 2017 to 2022, India can create 100 GW of solar capacity but only 50 GW of coal thermal power. This implies that India will invest over 2 times more in solar energy.

    Adding 10 GW to 15 GW of wind energy to this, the investment may be 2.5 times more in renewables than in conventional power. Mr Puri said that "So we will follow the trend line India is following. That's where the future lies."

    Source – Economic Times
  19. forum rang 10 voda 2 januari 2015 14:55
    Fortum commissions 10 MW solar power project in MP

    Business Line reported that Fortum Finnsurya Energy has completed its 10 MW solar power project in Madhya Pradesh, making it the last solar power plant to be connected to the national electricity grid in the year 2014 and the first plant to be commissioned among the projects awarded under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission’s Phase II Batch I round of bidding.

    Fortum, a Finnish company, had asked for and got a viability gap funding of INR 8.199 crore for the 10 MW plant, so that it could sell electricity to the public sector Solar Energy Corporation of India, at the pre-fixed tariff of INR 5.45 a KWhr. The plant has come up on a 70 acre piece of land at Kapeli, in the Ujjain district. Formal inauguration of the plant will take place in early 2015.

    For this project, Fortum used 125,000 thin-film modules based on cadmium-telluride technology.

    This is Fortum’s 2nd investment in the Indian solar sector. Last year, the company took over a 5 MW solar project in Rajasthan from a Kolkata-based company, Amrit Energy, which was also Fortum’s first entry into solar power globally. Amrit Energy had won the project under the National Solar Mission’s first round of bidding, and the electricity generated by the plant would fetch a tariff of INR 12.75 a KWhr.

    When Fortum tookover the Rajasthan plant, Mr Maati Kaarnakari, MD of Fortum, had said that Fortum was open to investing EUR 200 million to EUR 250 million in the Indian solar sector and wanted a few tens of megawatts of solar capacity in India.

    Source – Business Line
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